Repair Design Furniture

Stonecrop rocky. Compact plant - sedum bent: features of growing and caring for a flower. Planting and care in the open field

Many-sided, and often unrecognizable for this reason, stonecrop is an ornamental and medicinal plant that can decorate the garden in any of its forms. A succulent plant from the Crassulaceae family may look like a lush flowering shrub or a creeping carpet of stems with dense, fleshy leaves of various colors.

Stonecrop will successfully mask flaws in the design of a garden plot or emptiness in flower beds, grow beautifully on an alpine hill or serve as a decorative border near the house or along the paths.

The main habitats of stonecrop in nature are zones with a temperate climate, so breeding it in our latitudes is not difficult.

Features of growing stonecrop

A plant that grows in nature on almost any soil, including stony and even rocky, does not require careful care. Its amazing ability to take root very quickly allows it to independently grow and expand its habitat, forming living carpets in the garden.

Stonecrop tolerates drought, prefers well-lit places and requires periodic loosening of the soil and weeding. These plants cannot resist weeds, with the exception of sedum, which releases substances into the soil that drive out any weeds around their habitat.

Stonecrop is a perennial plant, although there are also one- and two-year varieties. Stonecrops usually grow in three to four years, they need to be transplanted to another place for rejuvenation.

The most adapted to a temperate climate and wintering are varieties of stonecrop sedum (acrid, recurved, white, prominent). Varieties such as Spanish, Siebold's stonecrop, Evers' stonecrop require additional shelter, especially in cold winters or when there is little snow. These varieties will need "cosmetic" procedures in the spring in the form of pruning old shoots and fertilizing with a fresh substrate.

Thanks to the phenomenal ability to take root with any fragment of a stem or even a leaf, planting a stonecrop does not present any difficulty.

Landing methods

Landing can be done:

  • seeds;
  • h erenki
  • separated bushes.

Planting by seeds is carried out mainly for the purpose of selection.

In the garden, stonecrop is planted with cuttings on the garden bed. To do this, a piece of land is carefully cleared of weeds, the soil is well leveled and lightly compacted. Cuttings are laid out on its surface and sprinkled with earth and sand. From above, the earth is again a little compacted and watered (not plentifully).

Important! Sedum stonecrop cuttings can be planted no earlier than two weeks after they are harvested, otherwise the plant will have long stems.

Optimal landing time

Planting can be done both in spring and autumn.

soil for the plant

Stonecrop is unpretentious and grows on any soil. The best option is garden soil with good drainage. Some varieties prefer sandy, poor soils - these are creeping types of stonecrop. For those who form fairly tall, profusely flowering thickets, more nutritious loamy soil is needed.

Since stonecrop prefers arid land, you should not plant it in low-lying places in the garden, where moisture can accumulate and stagnate.

Of the features of caring for stonecrop, one can note the constant obligatory weeding from weeds, periodic pruning even during the flowering period and maintaining a living “rug” within the area allotted to it.

Location and lighting for the plant

Most types of stonecrop are photophilous plants. Under the sun's rays, their leaves gain brightness of color. Some can tolerate light shade well. Light-loving varieties in the shade lose their decorative effect, their stems stretch and bend, they may not even bloom.

Air humidity

Stonecrop does not like high humidity, so it is better to choose a place for it away from a source of high humidity. In a humid atmosphere, the plant can be affected by diseases and eaten by snails or slugs.

How to water correctly

It is almost not necessary to water the stonecrop, only if the summer is very dry. Watering is needed only for planted cuttings, and then only very carefully. In autumn, watering is reduced.

Flower nutrition and fertilizer

You can feed stonecrop with compost or humus, the main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizer. For 1 square meter of planting, it is enough to add no more than 10 kg of compost soil.

Stonecrop should be fertilized in spring and autumn, especially if it grows in composition with other plants. This neighborhood can take away nutrients from the stonecrop, so autumn top dressing will help it to winter safely.

When planting, the soil for stonecrop can be fertilized with ash and sprinkled with sand.

For flowering species, mineral and organic fertilizers containing nitrogen can be used, but in small quantities. It should be remembered that a high content of organic matter in the soil for stonecrop can impair its frost resistance.

Important! A large amount of top dressing can adversely affect the flowering of sedum.

Pruning stonecrop. Trimming methods

Stonecrop pruning is usually done in autumn after flowering or in spring, when the plant “wakes up” after winter and does not have a very presentable appearance. It must be produced regularly, while sprinkling fresh substrate. During the autumn pruning, all old shoots are removed under the root.

In creeping species, shoots that grow above the "carpet" should be cut off to maintain a neat decorative appearance of the plant. Also, during flowering, it is necessary to cut off faded flower stalks. Maintenance pruning should be done throughout the season.

Varieties with stems of different colors may develop green shoots. They also need to be cut off, otherwise the whole plant will turn green.


A plant needs a transplant once every three to six years, depending on the degree of its growth. Transplantation is mandatory to a new place.

Transplant methods

Stonecrop can be transplanted with cuttings or divided parts of the bush. On each separated fragment, there must be a part of the root and growing buds.

Transplant in autumn

Transplantation is most often carried out in the spring, although stonecrop can be transplanted in the fall after flowering.

Important! A new place for a stonecrop transplant is prepared in the same way as for a normal planting with the addition of fertilizer sand and wood ash.

Reproduction stonecrop

Reproduction of stonecrop is not difficult.

Reproduction methods

  • Growing stonecrop from seeds.

Seeds are planted in spring or autumn in boxes or pallets, which are then placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The stonecrop sprouts are tiny, when 2-3 true leaves appear, they must be transplanted into the ground. Plants grown from seeds begin to bloom only after 2-3 years.

This method of reproduction is practically not used by gardeners. Due to cross-pollination, in the neighborhood of different varieties of stonecrop, spontaneous hybrids are obtained, which may have absolutely no signs of the original plants. Therefore, it is very difficult to obtain the desired variety with the help of seeds.

  • Propagation by cuttings.

This method is most often used to propagate creeping or undersized varieties of stonecrop due to its ability to release aerial roots and take root at the slightest contact with the soil. These parts of the plant can be used as cuttings. But they must be planted on a specially prepared site, as described in the section "Planting stonecrop"

  • Reproduction by dividing the bush.

For propagation by dividing the bush in early spring, it is dug up and divided with a sharp knife into parts that have a root and a growing bud. After dividing, the sections should be treated with a fungicide and allowed to dry in the open air, but not in the sun. Then they can be planted on a prepared piece of land.

flowering plant

Not all types of stonecrop flowers have decorative value. Undersized stonecrop is good precisely for its decorative foliage. But the varieties that grow up to 50-80 cm and have the shape of a grassy bush bloom very beautifully. Stonecrop flowers have a rather strong, thick fragrance that attracts bees. This plant is a wonderful honey plant.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

The flowering period for different types of stonecrop is different. Mostly, this time is from July to August, although some may bloom at the very beginning of summer, such as false stonecrop. Its flowers have a wide variety of colors from cream to purple.

Also, at the beginning of summer, the stonecrop is bent. Its yellow flowers bloom on tall peduncles.

Stonecrop blooms in autumn from September to November.

The general range of colors of stonecrop of various varieties is white, yellow and pink of various shades and color saturation.

Small flowers are collected in corymbose, umbrella and paniculate inflorescences.

If the stonecrop is planted in a place that is too wet or watered too much, it can be affected by fungal diseases. A sign of damage will be spots on the leaves and stems of the plant. A diseased plant must be destroyed, it is best to burn it to avoid the spread of infection.

Pests dangerous for stonecrop:

  • Aphid, she eats the leaves;
  • In July, you should be wary of sawfly caterpillars (they are lured onto a cabbage or lettuce leaf and destroyed);
  • Weevils, like aphids, damage leaves.

Insects are controlled with insecticides.

Important! It is best to use those insecticides that currant bushes are treated with, they will not burn the leaves.

Popular species (varieties)

Of the huge number of stonecrop species in nature (more than 600), not so many are used in garden compositions.

stonecrop prominent

It is a shrub up to 50 cm tall with leaves arranged on the stem in the form of a rosette. It blooms with bright pink or white flowers. It has many varieties, including those with variegated leaves.

stonecrop matron

It grows in a large bush, brown leaves, light pink flowers in large umbellate inflorescences. Grows up to 50 cm tall. Flowering period from August to October.


In nature, it grows everywhere in Europe and in Russia. Very unpretentious and light-loving. It blooms with yellow small flowers that have the shape of an asterisk. It will not grow more than 10 cm. In the garden version, it may have yellowish foliage.

Stonecrop purple

It grows only up to 30 cm, has bright pink flowers and serrated leaves. From excessive evaporation, the leaves of the purple stonecrop are protected by a bluish wax coating. Flowering period - August - September.

Evers stonecrop

A short, creeping species with well-rooted stems, rounded leaves and small pink or purple flowers. Wakes up late in the spring - in early May. The flowering period is July and August.

Stonecrop thick-leaved

He was nicknamed "Drinker's Nose" for the color of thick, fleshy leaves. The leaves grow very densely and their tips are colored reddish.

Stonecrop hybrid

Creeping plant, forming a loose turf up to 20 cm tall. Flowering period - early - mid-summer.

The only difficulty that these plants bring to flower growers is the constant weeding of stonecrop thickets. A few tips will help you grow a beautiful ornamental plant.

  • seedlings from seeds planted in the ground need to be thinned out, because the stonecrop grows very quickly;
  • if the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, it is necessary to transplant it;
  • for the winter, it is better to cover the plant with fallen leaves, and be sure to remove it in the spring, because the plant may not hatch through its layer;
  • when planting, pour water into the hole, this will help the plant take root faster.

Answers to questions from readers

  • plant life span

Stonecrop needs to be rejuvenated every 4-5 years with a transplant.

  • Why doesn't the flower bloom?

Stonecrop will not bloom if it does not have enough light. All his strength goes into stretching long stems towards the light.

  • Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

Perhaps the plant lacks mineral fertilizers or it grows in an insufficiently bright place.

  • Flower care in winter

At this time, stonecrop care is not required, it hibernates in the ground.

The variety of species and varieties of sedum leaves few people indifferent. The amazing vitality, brightness and beauty of this flower makes it so popular with gardeners around the world. And unpretentiousness in soil and watering allows even a novice grower to grow this plant on his site.

Stonecrop ordinary ( Sedum telephium) or creaker-grass

Perennial, grows up to 50-60 cm. It tolerates winter well and is distributed almost throughout Eurasia - from Europe to the Far East, China, Japan.


Stonecrop purple ( Sedum purpureum)

This type of sedum is a variation of the common sedum. The leaves of this flower are considered medicinal, along with aloe. This is a tall (up to one meter) upright plant, with oblong leaves that have a color from green to red-brown.

Stonecrop purple

Stonecrop prominent ( Sedum spectabile)

Its other name is wonderful sedum. The plant is used for planting in open ground, perennial, withstands frost well. The leaves are oval, flat, the stem itself can reach up to half a meter in height. The plant blooms in late summer until late autumn. There are many varieties of this species, with flowers ranging from reds and hot pinks to whites and creams.

Popular varieties of sedum prominent:

  • Stonecrop matron - in this variety, the stems and leaves have a reddish-brown hue, the flowers are pink.
  • Diamond Edge - a distinctive feature of this variety are decorative leaves that have a pink-green color with a light border around the edge of the sheet.
  • Variegated decorative leaves are found in varieties Frosty Morning and Diamond Border
  • Neon is a tall plant that has bright pink flowers of a rich color.

stonecrop prominent

Stonecrop (Sedum acre)

This is a creeping plant, low, with a thin root and thin small leaves covering the stem. Flowers yellow, fragrant. This type of sedum is considered a good honey flower, but it has poisonous leaves. It can grow on rocky soil and is great for decorating a variety of alpine slides or rockeries.


Evers stonecrop ( Sedum ewersii)

Low ornamental plant. It grows in a small bush, the stems spread along the ground. The leaves are small, thin, round or heart-shaped. The stems can reach 30 cm, by the end of summer they become coarser. In winter and early spring, they look like dried, lifeless rods, but you do not need to cut them - they will come to life, and new leaves will appear on them. This plant blooms in August-September with pink flowers.

evers stonecrop

Stonecrop Kamchatka ( Sedum kamtschaticum)

This is a low herbaceous plant - up to 25-30 cm, the stems are thin, the leaves are small, oblong in shape with teeth. Some varieties have a light edging along the edge of the sheet. Blooms in early summer with small yellow flowers.

Stonecrop Kamchatka

Stonecrop white ( Sedum album)

The plant is named so because of the fragrant white flowers that bloom in early summer and bloom almost until August. The plant itself is low - about 15 cm. The leaves are small, beautiful egg-shaped. The leaves can change their color from green to red. This usually occurs in the summer in bright sunshine and in the fall, with frost.

Stonecrop white

Sedum bent ( Sedum reflexum) or rock stonecrop

This type is good to use for decorating garden paths and creating mixborders. This undersized sedum grows well, forming a real green carpet. It has an unusual appearance, reminiscent of divergent waves. The leaves are small, thin, similar to spruce needles or unusual moss. This type of sedum can also be used in indoor floriculture, planting a flower in wide pots. This plant blooms in summer for almost a month.

Another advantage of this species is its edible leaves. They have a sour, slightly astringent taste, they can be used as a seasoning for salads and soups.

Popular varieties of sedum bent:

  • Sedum Cristatum is an unusual plant with green leaves that looks like a cockscomb or a sea sponge.
  • Stonecrop Angelina - a variety with yellow leaves that darken and turn orange by autumn.
  • Sedum Glaucum - the color of the leaves of this variety is yellow-green, long shoots lying on the ground can reach 15 cm.

Sedum recurved

Stonecrop false ( Sedum spurium)

In the west, this stonecrop is called Caucasian, since the Caucasus is its homeland. The plant is creeping, about 10 cm high, can form a real carpet. It has thin, spade-shaped leaves, arranged opposite each other. Used in Scandinavian countries for green roofs.

stonecrop false

Sedum Spanish ( Sedum hispanicum L.)

A dwarf species of creeping stonecrop, its height rarely reaches 15 cm. The leaves are very small, resembling needles in shape. In the sun they can become pink-red. Tolerates shade well. It grows on stony, poor soil, in rock crevices, sometimes even in asphalt. It can propagate by self-sowing, in some cases it acts as a weed, suppressing other ground cover crops. Therefore, it is better to plant it among taller plants.

Sedum spanish

Stonecrop hybrid ( Sedum hybridum L..)

Creeping undersized plant with branching stems. The leaves are flat, spatulate, with teeth.

Stonecrop hybrid

Lydian sedum ( Sedum lydium)

Also a small species of sedum, it grows in small (up to 5-8 cm in height) caps. The stem is dotted with small, slightly elongated leaves, rounded at the end. Large plants can "crush" this tiny stonecrop. Use it to frame other small ornamental plants. For example, planting together with a stone rose.

Lydian sedum

Planting and care in the open field

Sedums are very easy to care for, however, knowing what they love and how to care for them will reduce the risk of your plant getting sick or dying. A little patience and care, and your stonecrop will certainly delight you not only with lush, juicy greenery, but also with beautiful flowers.

Place for landing sedum

  • For planting sedum, choose a dry place. Avoid lowlands and places on the site where water can stagnate during the rainy season.
  • The soil for garden sedum can be any. Sedums thrive in poor soil, slightly enriched with peat or compost.
  • Stonecrop is a sun-loving plant, you should not plant it in the shade of a house or a fence.
  • Keep an eye out for ground cover sedum, as some species are considered weeds and may interfere with the growth of other flowers in your flower bed.

How to propagate garden stonecrop

Sedum also reproduces quite simply, without causing gardeners any particular difficulties. The main methods of propagation of garden stonecrop:

  • seeds
  • separation of roots
  • using cuttings

Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. Sedum seeds need to be sown before winter. Small plants will sprout in spring.

Stonecrop from seeds can be grown by sowing seedlings:

  • The best time for sowing stonecrops is March, April.
  • Sow the seeds in a pot of soil, moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Cover the pot with foil and put it in a cool place for 2 weeks. The temperature should be around 5-7˚. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator is great for seed stratification.
  • Seeds need to be aired regularly, remove excess moisture formed on the film and, if necessary, moisten the soil.
  • After two weeks, place the seed pot in a warm, sunny place.
  • After one and a half to two weeks, shoots should appear.
  • Plants can be planted when they have two leaves.
  • It is possible to transplant grown stonecrops into open ground at the end of May.

Cuttings are carried out in spring or autumn, after the plant has faded.. In undersized sedums, you need to cut off the upper shoot, about 5-7 cm long, remove the lower leaves and dig into the ground. It is necessary that at least one node (the place where the leaf is attached to the stem) is in the ground.

High growing sedums are best propagate by division of an adult bush. The bush is divided either in autumn, before winter, or in early spring:

  • Dig up the plant with the root, clean the root from the ground.
  • Divide the root into the amount you need, each fragment should contain both buds and roots at the same time.
  • Soak the cut roots for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Dry them in the sun for several hours.
  • Dig holes and plant flowers.


  • Sedum does not tolerate excessively moist soil. It needs to be watered only the first time after transplantation or in extreme heat in summer.
  • Stonecrop does not need to be fed. It is believed that an excess of nutrients will prevent the sedum from overwintering well.
  • Cut off dried buds from sedums to preserve the beauty of the plants.
  • Once every three years, plant stonecrops: separate the bushes, remove old shoots. This will stimulate the growth of young branches and stems.


  • Sedum will endure the hot summer calmly. If the summer is dry, you can water the flower in the evening.
  • Stonecrop winters well, but if severe frosts are expected with a small amount of snow, then the plant must be covered.
  • More than frost, stonecrop is afraid of damp and wet winters, as well as spring flooding.

Pests and diseases of garden stonecrop

Most often, garden sedum suffers from aphids, weevils and sawfly caterpillars. You can help the plant with the help of special means for pest control.

Another common disease is a fungus that affects the stems and leaves of the plant. It occurs due to excessive moisture. The best way to fight the fungus is to cut off the affected branches and leaves.

Photo examples of compiling flower beds and sedum gardens in landscape design

Stonecrops are actively used in landscape design to create beautiful compositions in flower beds, rockeries, slides. When forming mixborders, multi-level sedums are suitable. Creeping types of stonecrops will help decorate the ridges along the paths on your site.

Stonecrop rock is a succulent from the genus Stonecrop of the Tolstyankov family. A very popular plant for decorating dry rocky areas in house adjoining and suburban areas.

Almost all species cultivated in flowerbeds as ornamental, sometimes food and medicinal plants grow only in Europe. Moreover, they are common in Central, Northern and South-Eastern Europe. In Russia, they can be found only in the European part of the country and in the Caucasus.

All plants of the genus Stonecrop are succulents. This means that they are able to store water in their stems and leaves, which allows them to survive in dry conditions.

On the territory of Europe, there are usually few such regions, especially if the Mediterranean is excluded from the range. For this reason, stonecrops usually do not form a continuous range, they grow on arid rocky slopes, in the area of ​​rocky landforms, in lands disturbed by human activity, including on the slopes of abandoned quarries.

Usually all stonecrops are perennials, successfully occupying space with the help of a creeping rhizome. Despite their drought tolerance, they cannot compete with most European plant species.

All types of stonecrop are unpretentious, they are easy to grow. They can grow well in different types of soil. Representatives of this genus bloom from mid-summer until the first frost.

The very name of the plants comes from the concepts associated with purity. The leaves are used to cleanse the skin. In addition, these plants are used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, which also rids the body of pathogens.

Sedum rocky and its description

Sedum rocky is one of the most unpretentious representatives of the genus. Its botanical characteristics can be expressed as follows:

  • is a perennial, like all representatives of this genus;
  • has a creeping rhizome;
  • stem height - about 25 cm;
  • shoots are straight, ascending, creeping at the base;
  • the leaves are very light, narrow, reminiscent of needles of coniferous plants;
  • flowers are bright yellow, lanceolate, pointed, collected in corymbose inflorescences;
  • the fruits are also yellow, straight, with a long subulate nose;
  • seeds are small and numerous.

This species got its name for the love of open rocky ledges. Non-flowering shoots of this plant, also called hare cabbage, are used in cooking, mainly for soups.

You need to plant rocky sedum in a sunny place. This plant does not tolerate any shade. Watering it is required only in the most extreme case - during extreme heat and drought. However, even in such weather it is better to refrain from interfering in the affairs of nature, since the stonecrop is perfectly adapted to extreme conditions.

Stonecrop with an unusual shape

The most unusual, perhaps, can be called bent sedum. The name of this stonecrop speaks for itself.

This is the name of a perennial evergreen plant. It spreads along the ground in beautiful curved green waves, forming a lush carpet. It seems that this coating was bent and deformed, trying to create something like ruffles.

Bent stonecrop has the following botanical characteristics:

  • the height of the shoots ranges from 10 to 20 cm;
  • shoots are distinguished by a peculiar bluish-green color;
  • the leaves are pointed, narrow, reminiscent of spruce needles;
  • some branches may be silvery or pinkish;
  • this species blooms for about 3-4 weeks in the middle of summer;
  • flowers yellow, small.

The shoots of this stonecrop are also considered edible. They are added fresh to salads, sauces are made from them. The taste of the branches of sedum bent slightly astringent and sour.

When planting a stonecrop in open ground or in a flower pot on a windowsill, a young plant usually blooms in the second, occasionally in the third year.

Bent stonecrop is especially good for decorating balconies, borders, flower beds.

Sedum from Kamchatka

This plant is called stonecrop Kamchatka. He is an exception to the rule. While most sedums are European species, this sedum is typically Asian. In addition to Kamchatka, this species lives in other countries of Asia.

Sedum Kamchatka does not lag behind the main trend of the peninsula, which is famous for its tall grass. This species is 2 times larger than its European counterparts. The maximum height of Kamchatka stonecrop can reach 40 cm. The roots of this giant are lignified, branching. The stems are very dense. The leaves are hard, up to 3 cm long, have a flat toothed shape. The flowers are orange, collected in inflorescences shield.

This guest from Kamchatka is distinguished by frost resistance and a high level of patience.

Like many plants that live in harsh conditions, Kamchatka stonecrop has its own tricks. During cold weather, it simply dies off. The entire aerial part of the plant dries up, and huge rhizomes remain to winter.

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, new shoots leave the root system, which grow very quickly to the desired size and bloom in due time.

So the Kamchatka species is most suitable for keeping in the open ground. In room conditions, it is difficult to grow it, and it is pointless.

Care and planting in open ground

Caring for stonecrops is not difficult. The main thing is to plant the plant in the right place, where there will definitely not be waterlogging. Most of the worries fall on weeding and very rare top dressing.

These plants are mainly propagated by cuttings. It is not recommended to propagate by seeds, since plants can lose their species and varietal characteristics during cross-pollination.

In order to make a cutting, you need to cut off a finger-length piece from the shoot. Then it needs to be freed from the lower leaves and planted in a loose substrate. At the same time, it is necessary to immerse the cutting in the ground so that at least one knot remains there. After the shoot has given roots and shoots, it is planted in a permanent place.

At the end of September, you can cut a few branches of sedum, place them in a vase like a bouquet. Then it remains only from time to time to change the water in the tank. Stonecrop twigs will release roots, leaves and shoots. You will get a fun memory of the summer.

In the spring, a lot of cuttings ready for planting will form in the vase. They can be immediately placed in open ground.

However, there is one problem here. Sometimes the cuttings are in too much of a hurry to become a new plant. By the middle of winter, their roots are already ready, and shoots begin to grow from the buds. In this case, you need to plant seedlings in flower pots and calmly wait for spring.

If you live in a region with a warm climate, then breeding sedums is even easier. For rooting cuttings in the spring, they can be immediately transferred to open ground. To do this, you need to free some land from other plants. At a depth of about 20 cm, it is required to immerse fertilizers (manure, mineral fertilizers, wood ash), level and compact the ground. Then you need to lay out the freshly cut cuttings on the surface. From above, they must be sprinkled with a mixture of garden soil and sand, then slightly pressed into the ground so that it does not erode or blow out.

After some time, fresh shoots of stonecrop will appear at this place. This is the easiest and fastest way to plant a sedum.

Those stonecrops that are already at the age of 5 years or more can be propagated by dividing the bush. Early in the spring it needs to be dug up, cutting out completely the entire rhizome. The plant must be cleaned from the ground, and then divided into parts. In this case, each fragment should have roots and buds. On both sides, sections should be treated with fungicides. Fragments of rhizomes need to be put in the sun for several hours. This is necessary so that the damaged areas are healed, and the microorganisms die or lose their activity. Before drying, you can dip the sections in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

After such processing, it is desirable to seat the root fragments in the desired order. In a month, sedum shoots will begin to form, and the next year, beautiful multi-colored carpets of the most delicate succulents in the world will grow.

Stonecrops pair well with flowers that tolerate drought well but cannot stand shade. They can elegantly frame juniper thickets, reviving the monotonous greenery with their colors and unusual leaves.

Stonecrop - a plant of various shapes and colors is widely used in garden design. If you properly plant and care, the stonecrop will look like in the photo. Most types of stonecrop are ground cover, undersized. The maximum height of the bush is 70 cm. The unpretentious flower is loved by the people, it is called feverish, hernia grass, sedum. A grass or subshrub grows on soil where other plants do not live. Therefore, it is used in decorative gardening, hiding unsightly places.

Agricultural technology sedum

Unpretentious stonecrop plants are found everywhere. They bloom at different times, have a different structure from grass to a shrub. In Russia, stonecrop is most often found and used in design:

  • linear;
  • vine-shaped;
  • white.

Soil requirement

They say that stonecrop will grow in the sand if a shovel of humus is thrown there. But on fertile soil without excess dampness, the plant feels great. Stony and sandy soil is the natural habitat of hare cabbage. The undemanding stonecrop for planting and caring for it allows you to create small forms, as in the photo.

In one place, stonecrops can grow up to 5 years, then the curtain needs to be planted and sprinkled with fresh earth, sand, gravel, depending on the created composition. When planting, the soil is enriched with sand and ash. In order for the plants to receive enough nutrition, they are fertilized in small portions, but often, with humus and liquid formulations with an organomineral complex. If plant varieties are overwintering, then nitrogen can only be applied from spring, so as not to violate resistance to low temperatures. Loosening and weeding the flower bed will add health and beauty to the plants. Stonecrop is the only variety that is itself poisonous and squeezes weeds out of the garden.

Sedum caustic is called a purifier, as it can be used to remove warts. This plant was used by women as a blush, rubbing the juice on their cheeks. The people called him living water for the extension of female beauty.

Stonecrop pink stood out in an independent form. Known for its medicinal properties, Rhodiola rosea is also a sedum.

How to care for stonecrop

The place for stonecrop is chosen bright sunny, you can use it on a rocky and rocky area. The thick, fleshy leaves of stonecrop "tan" become reddish at the edges. In the shade, the beauty of the stonecrop fades, the stems stretch, the leaves become sparse. There are shade-tolerant varieties, but they are few.

When creating a bewitching landscape from stonecrop, as in the photo, planting and care is not particularly difficult. However, he does not like the plant of stagnant water; for the winter, dry stems are cut and even sheltered in cold regions. In the spring, dried branches are removed or replaced with new plants.

Reproduction of sedums

Before planting stonecrops, it is necessary to clear the site of perennial grasses. The plant propagates by shoots, division of the bush and seeds.

The easiest way is to dig shoots into clean ground in the spring. They root easily with the cut aerial part. The division of the roots occurs when long-growing plants need to be planted. They are completely dug up, cut, the sections are dried for several hours in the shade, and only then they are seated in a new place. The seed method gives an adult flowering plant after two years. Small seedlings with two leaves are immediately planted outside.

Ground cover stonecrops spread along the ground and the stem is gradually exposed. The type of landing becomes sloppy. The stems can be sprinkled with earth or small gravel, add humus.

From insects, stonecrop aphids, sawfly larvae and weevil harm. When waterlogged, the plants turn black and fall, affected by rot.

Get acquainted with the photo of numerous varieties and types of stonecrop

As soon as they called this unpretentious plant! In Germany, he was given the name fat mother hen, in Russia hare cabbage. All varieties have fleshy leaves that allow the plant to do without watering for a long time. The genus of succulents includes 500 species. About a hundred varieties are cultivated in the middle lane:

A selection of photos of stonecrop in garden design

Creating a garden composition, the designer takes into account many factors. It is important for him that the plants harmonize. Stonecrop of various types is indispensable in the decoration of gardens. The evergreen plant is winter-hardy and undemanding in care, it is used as a bright spot or creates a background.

The design of garden compositions is not complete without stonecrops. Unpretentious ground cover varieties are used to decorate small roofs, to create architectural compositions. Bright greenery of different shades creates a unique look according to the artist's plan. Stonecrops are used both in hanging structures and in the rock garden. In spring, when there is little greenery, sedums enliven the garden, in autumn they bloom and play with colors.

Video about the reproduction of a favorite type of stonecrop