Repair Design Furniture

Safety rules when using a gas stove. The current rules for the use of gas in everyday life (RF). New rules for the use of gas in residential premises

Household gas is not only good for humans, but also a source of increased danger. In everyday life, two types of natural gas are used: main, which enters houses through pipes, and liquefied, sold in cylinders. Escaping household gas may cause poisoning or an explosion. Therefore, in order to ensure your safety and not to expose yourself and the lives of people around you to a mortal threat, remember and follow the rules for using gas and household gas appliances.

General rules for the use of gas, gas appliances and equipment:

Allow only qualified specialists to install, repair and check gas equipment;

Do not tie ropes to gas pipes, equipment and taps or dry things;

When taking readings from a household gas meter, the dials must not be illuminated with fire;

Do not leave working gas appliances unattended at night;

Do not turn the handle of the gas tap with keys or pliers, knock on burners, taps and meters with heavy objects;

Do not use gasified stoves and gas water heaters with low draft in the chimney;

Keep children away from gas equipment;

Do not use rooms with gas appliances for rest and sleep;

Adhere to the following sequence for turning on gas appliances: first light a match, and then supply gas;

For greater safety, make sure that household natural gas burns calmly, without gaps in the flame, which lead not only to the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the room, but also to damage to the burners. The flame should be violet-blue in color, without any yellowish or orange tint.

An impressive part of household gas explosions and fires in residential buildings is a consequence of neglect of safety, ignorance of basic rules for using gas and negligence in handling liquefied gas cylinders. To avoid household gas explosions and fires from the use of LPG, remember the following rules:

Store the LPG bottle only in an upright position in a ventilated area;

Spare filled and empty gas cylinders cannot be stored even temporarily in a residential area, as well as on evacuation passages in the event of a fire;

A gas cylinder can be installed in the house where the corresponding devices are supplied, as well as on the street. At the same time, only one cylinder up to 55 liters or two no more than 27 liters each can be kept in a gasified room. Inside the house, a gas cylinder is placed one meter from the stove, at least one meter from the heating batteries and at least two meters from the stove door;

If the gas cylinder is faulty, do not repair it yourself, but hand it over to a workshop;

Before changing the gas cylinder, make sure that the valves of the full and used cylinders are tightly closed. After replacement, for greater safety, apply soapy water to all connections and make sure they are tight;

Do not replace the gas cylinder if there is a flame in the room and electrical appliances are on;

When you have finished working with gas, do not forget to close the cylinder valve.

When using household gas stoves, adhere to the safety rules outlined above and the following tips:

Before using a new gas stove, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions;

To connect the cylinder to the plate, use a special rubber hose with markings. The hose must be secured with safety clamps. Its length should be no more than one meter. Do not allow the gas hose to be pinched or stretched;

Every time before using the oven, ventilate it by leaving the door open for a few minutes;

Use the special rings for high ribbed burners when heating large, wide-bottomed pans on the hob. They increase the flow of necessary combustion air and facilitate the outflow of combustion products;

Do not remove the burners of the gas stove and do not place cookware directly on the burner;

Do not leave the gas stove unattended.

Do not use the electric ignition of the stove if the burners are removed.

Do not flood the working surface of the stove with liquids.

Reduce the flame after the contents of the cookware have boiled. This will prevent food from flooding the burners, besides, you will reduce the useless gas consumption, which will save money;

Keep your gas stove clean. When it is contaminated with food, the gas does not burn completely and with the release of carbon monoxide. Before taking care of the gas stove, disconnect it from the mains. It is advisable to wash the burners, their nozzles and other parts of the stove at least once a month with a soapy or weak soda solution;

Do not use the stove to heat the room;

Do not dry your clothes in the oven or over the burners of a gas stove.

If you smell gas in the room:

In the event of a domestic gas leak, turn off the burners on the stove and the tap on the gas supply pipe;

If there is a gas leak, in no case turn on the lights and electrical appliances, unplug the phone from the socket, do not light candles and matches, do not go into other rooms where there is an open fire;

The gas-polluted room must be ventilated and the emergency gas service must be called by phone.

If you still smell gas after ventilating the room, it is possible that the gas leakage continues. Therefore, you need to take people out of the house, warn the neighbors and wait for the arrival of the emergency gas service on the street.

First aid for household gas poisoning:

Immediately remove the person with household gas poisoning to fresh air;

If the person is breathing irregularly or not breathing at all, give artificial respiration;

Do not allow gas poisoning to eat;

Call the ambulance or take him to the infirmary.

In the end, I would like to remind you that violation of the rules for the use of gas can lead to an explosion of household gas, which entails the collapse of part or the entire building, fires, serious injuries and death of people. Therefore, the people who violated them are liable under Article 94 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 95 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations. The safety of you, your loved ones and neighbors depends on the correct and timely implementation of the rules for the use of household gas and gas appliances.


04.07.2014 0:02

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  • Changes in the atmosphere
  • Changes in the state of the hydrosphere
  • 2.3. Technogenic hazards in the Russian economy
  • Industrial safety level of enterprises
  • The main causes of man-made hazards
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 3.1. The concept of dangerous and emergency situations in the technosphere
  • Basic terms and definitions
  • The system "man - environment"
  • The main factors in the occurrence of dangerous and technogenic emergencies
  • 3.2. Types of dangerous and technogenic emergencies
  • Classification of emergencies by the scale of spread
  • Classification of emergencies according to the rate of development
  • Classification of emergencies by types of emergency events
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 4.1. Chemically hazardous substances
  • The concept of chemically hazardous substances
  • Classification of chemically hazardous substances
  • The impact of chemically hazardous substances on the human body
  • 4.2. Chemically hazardous facilities and accidents at them
  • Accidents at chemically hazardous facilities and their classification
  • Zones of chemical attack
  • 4.3. Rescue operations at chemically hazardous facilities
  • Methods of protection against chemically hazardous substances
  • Organization and execution of rescue operations
  • Individual protection means
  • 4.4. Measures to reduce the consequences of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities
  • 4.5. State of chemically hazardous facilities in Russia
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 5.1. Ionizing radiation
  • The phenomenon of radioactivity and its application
  • Types of ionizing radiation
  • Radioactive substances and their activity
  • Effects of ionizing radiation on living organisms
  • 5.2. Radiation hazardous facilities and accidents at them
  • Radiation hazardous facilities
  • Radiation accidents and their classifications
  • Zones of radiation hazardous facilities
  • 5.3. Radiation level and maximum permissible radiation doses
  • 5.4. Measures to prevent radiation accidents, reduce losses and damage
  • 5.5. Protection of the population from ionizing radiation
  • 5.6. Radiation accidents in Russia
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 6.1. Explosions and their damaging effects
  • Explosion concept
  • Damaging factors of the explosion
  • 6.2. Explosive substances
  • 6.3. Explosive objects and accidents at them
  • Explosive objects
  • Degree of destruction of an object in an explosion
  • 6.4. Explosion protection of high pressure systems
  • High pressure systems
  • Safety measures for pressurized systems
  • 6.5. State supervision of explosive objects
  • State supervision bodies
  • Rostechnadzor requirements
  • 6.6. The state of explosive objects in Russia
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 7.1. Fire and burning
  • The concept of fire and combustion
  • Damaging fire factors
  • 7.2. Combustible substances
  • 7.3. Fire and explosive objects
  • Classification of fire and explosive objects according to the degree of danger
  • Fire resistance of buildings and structures
  • 7.4. Fire safety measures
  • Fire prevention
  • Fire mode
  • Fire safety measures
  • 7.5. Localization and extinguishing of fires
  • Extinguishing fires
  • Fire extinguishing agents
  • Fire extinguishing agents
  • Fire alarm and communication
  • 7.6. Evacuation from the fire zone
  • Organization of evacuation from the fire zone
  • Rules of conduct in case of fire
  • 7.7. Fire situation in Russia
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 8.1. Railway transport
  • Railway accidents and their causes
  • Railroad fires
  • Rules of conduct on railway transport
  • 8.2. Automobile transport
  • Road traffic accidents and their causes
  • Child road traffic injuries
  • Rules of conduct in an accident
  • Rules of conduct for public transport
  • 8.3. Air Transport
  • Aircraft accidents and their causes
  • Aircraft Code of Conduct
  • 8.4. Water transport
  • Water transport accidents and their causes
  • Rules of conduct on water transport
  • 8.5. Metro
  • Subway accidents and their causes
  • Rules of Conduct on the Metro
  • 8.6. Accident on Russian transport
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 9.1. Hydraulic structures
  • Hydraulic structures and their classifications
  • Classes of hydraulic structures
  • 9.2. Hydrodynamic accidents
  • Hydrodynamic accidents and their causes
  • Consequences of hydrodynamic accidents
  • 9.3. Protection of the population from the consequences of hydrodynamic accidents
  • Basic measures to protect the population
  • Rules of conduct in conditions of hydrodynamic accidents
  • 9.4. The state of hydraulic structures in Russia
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 10.1. Life support systems
  • Causes of accidents in housing and communal services
  • Measures to improve the sustainability of life support facilities
  • 10.2. Gas safety
  • Natural gas and products of its combustion
  • Gas supply systems and rules for their operation
  • Gas safety rules
  • 10.3. Electrical safety
  • Electricity
  • The effect of electric current on the human body
  • Causes of fires from electricity
  • Electrical safety rules
  • First aid for electric shock
  • 10.4. Electromagnetic safety
  • Electromagnetic fields
  • 10.5. Computer and health
  • Dangerous and harmful factors affecting the computer user
  • Sanitary and hygienic requirements
  • Workplace equipment requirements
  • Organization of working hours
  • Safety requirements in the informatics office
  • 10.6. Hazardous substances and household chemicals
  • Household chemicals and their classification
  • Safety during storage and use of household chemicals
  • First aid for poisoning
  • 10.7. Noise and its impact on humans
  • Noise effect
  • Effects of noise on the human body
  • Noise control techniques
  • 10.8. The state of life support systems in Russia
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 11.1. Operation of production facilities in an emergency
  • Production facilities and conditions of their functioning
  • Factors determining the stability of the functioning of production facilities
  • 11.2. Measures to ensure the sustainability of the functioning of production facilities
  • Improving the sustainability of production facilities
  • Emergency prevention
  • Rational allocation of productive forces
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 12.1. Protection of the public in emergencies
  • Authorities for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations
  • Preparing the population in the field of protection from emergencies
  • 12.2. Organization of measures to localize the consequences of emergencies and protect the population
  • Principles of public protection in emergency situations
  • Ways to protect the population
  • 12.3. Collective protection means of the population
  • Protective structures and their types
  • Requirements for protective structures
  • 12.4. Individual protection means
  • Personal protective equipment classifications
  • Respiratory protection
  • Skin protection products
  • Personal protective equipment
  • 12.5. Organization of evacuation measures
  • Types of evacuation measures
  • Evacuation authorities
  • The procedure for carrying out evacuation measures
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 13.1. Measures to protect students and staff of educational institutions
  • Organization of rescue operations
  • The procedure for carrying out evacuation measures
  • 13.2. Personal protective equipment for children
  • Gas masks
  • Security cameras
  • Respirators
  • Improvised means
  • Normative base
  • Requirements for the maintenance of the territory, buildings and premises
  • Ensuring safety during cultural events
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Recommended reading list
  • 10.2. Gas safety

    Natural gas and products of its combustion

    Natural gas and some products of its combustion are toxic. The basis of domestic natural gases is methane (CH4). In the most common

    in gases, its share is usually 75–98.5%, the amount of higher hydrocarbons is insignificant - up to 2–3%. These gases may contain small amounts of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium, and hydrogen sulfide. Natural gases that do not contain hydrogen sulfide are of low toxicity.

    The cylinders use liquefied petroleum gas, which, unlike natural gas, along with saturated hydrocarbons (36-50%), mainly methane, contains 28-48% unsaturated hydrocarbons (ethylene, propylene), 6-14% hydrogen, 1.5 % carbon dioxide and up to 8% nitrogen.

    The signs of asphyxiation (asphyxia) begin to be detected when the concentration of methane in the air is 25–30%. Inhalation of air with a 0.25-1% content of carbon dioxide leads to changes in the functions of external respiration and blood circulation, a concentration of 2.5-5% causes headaches, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, etc. High CO2 content causes death from arrest respiration (at a concentration of 20% death

    comes in a few seconds).

    From a toxicological point of view, when operating gas equipment, the most dangerous exposure to the human body is carbon monoxide (CO). This gas is classified as a fourth hazard class. The following norms of the maximum permissible concentration have been established for it.

    tractions: in the air of the working area during the working day - 20.0 mg / m3; in atmospheric air, the maximum single dose is 5.0 mg / m3; the average daily dose is 3.0 mg / m3.

    Gas supply systems and rules for their operation

    In our country, most residential buildings are gasified, they are supplied with mains natural gas, and in rural areas, where about 40% of the population live, with liquefied (balloon) gas.

    The use of hydrocarbon compounds in everyday life has its own specific features due to their fire and explosive properties and toxicity. For the timely detection of leaks, gases are odorized, they are given a specific odor, by which they are easy to detect even at insignificant concentrations in the indoor air. Natural gas, which has a lower concentration limit of ignition in a mixture with air of 1.6–3% by volume, and an upper one - 8.8–32%, is felt in indoor air at a concentration of 0.32%. The smell of liquefied gases should be felt even at lower concentrations. It must be remembered that mixtures of gases with air can flare up and explode not only from open fire, but also from sparks generated by impacts or friction of metal objects, etc. It should also be borne in mind that combustible gases are 1.5-2 times heavier than air, therefore, in the event of a leak, they accumulate in low places and in calm weather can remain there for a long time.

    The gas supply system of residential buildings consists of a gas pipeline network, a gas meter and gas-consuming devices (gas household stoves, water heaters, etc.).

    V.A.Makashev, S.V. Petrov. "Dangerous situations of man-made nature and protection from them: a tutorial"

    The gas pipeline is laid openly along the walls; when laying the internal gas pipeline, it is not allowed to cross window and door openings, as well as its passage through living rooms.

    If a gas pipeline is laid parallel to an open electrical wiring with insulated wires or an electric cable, the distance between them must be at least 25 cm, and when crossing hidden electrical wiring or electrical wiring laid in a pipe, a clearance of at least 10 cm is required.The gas pipeline is led at least 20 cm from the edge sealed groove or pipe when laid in parallel and leave a 1 cm gap when crossing the electrical network and the gas pipeline.

    The installation of cylinders with liquefied gas in accordance with safety rules in the gas industry provides for both outside and inside a residential building. Install cylinders inside a residential building in the same rooms as gas appliances. Directly in the kitchen, it is possible to find no more than one cylinder with a capacity of up to 55 liters or no more than two cylinders with a capacity of 27 liters each, one of them is spare. Spare cylinders are stored outside the residential building. It is forbidden to place them in passages, corridors, on evacuation routes, in the underground and basements.

    Many fires in residential buildings occur as a result of the explosion of cylinders due to their unacceptable heating, in which the pressure inside the cylinder rapidly increases. Often such cases occur in winter, when icy cylinders are placed near heating devices, dipped into hot water, heated with an open fire, etc. To avoid this, the distance from the cylinder to the gas floor stove should be at least 1 m, to the furnace door of the using stove heating), if the cylinder is opposite it, - at least 2 m.When installing a screen that protects the cylinder from heating, the distance between the cylinder and the heater can be reduced to 0.5 m. hitting it with sunlight. The air temperature in the room where the gas cylinders are located should not exceed + 45 ° С.

    Household gas cylinders are recommended to be placed outside the residential building in lockable metal cabinets with ventilation grilles or under lockable metal covers that cover the top of the cylinder and the reducer, which are kept locked to prevent unauthorized access. The outer metal cabinet is designed for the installation of two cylinders with a capacity of 50–80 liters each. Cabinets for cylinders are placed on a solid fireproof base with a height of at least 10 cm, which excludes subsidence.

    The distance from the cylinders placed against the wall of the building to the doors and windows of the basement floors must be at least 3 m; to the doors and windows of the first floor - not less than 0.5 m; to sewer wells, basements and other depressions - at least 3 m.

    It is not allowed to use LPG cylinders without a pressure regulator (reducer).

    The internal volume of the kitchen must be at least 4 m3 for each burner of the gas stove, the ceiling height cannot be lower than 2.2 m. The window in the kitchen room must have a window or a transom for ventilation; it also provides for exhaust ventilation with a 13x13 cm section channel.

    A gas stove should be properly installed in the kitchen: the distance from the combustible wall should be at least 15 cm with the obligatory protection of the wooden wall from fire; with a plastered wall, the indent should be at least 7 cm.

    The operation of flow-through high-speed water heaters and automatic gas water heaters (AGV) has its own peculiarities. Water heaters are designed to obtain hot water, AGV - for heating and simultaneous receipt of hot water.

    V.A.Makashev, S.V. Petrov. "Dangerous situations of man-made nature and protection from them: a tutorial"

    IN everyday life are most common AGV-80 and AGV-120. These devices contain fire chambers where gas burns, their walls can be heated to high temperatures. Highly combustible materials can ignite on contact.

    IN water heater the block valve has double blocking, so gas can flow into the burner only after water from the water supply fills the coil and heater and the igniter is lit. If the flame goes out, the valve of the block-cock stops the gas supply to the burner. In this case, gas leakage into the room is excluded.

    IN AGV regulation of gas supply is carried out automatically, and the water temperature is maintained using thermostats that regulate the interruption or resumption of gas supply to the main burner when the igniter is constantly working.

    Gas water heaters must be necessarily connected to chimneys (gas ducts), and AGV can have an independent chimney for removing gas combustion products.

    Hot water geysers can also be installed in the kitchen, where there is a gas

    stove, provided that the volume of the kitchen is 4 m3 more than the volume of the room required for the operation of a gas stove with the corresponding number of burners. Water heaters of the AGV type are installed in rooms with chimneys and ventilation ducts in the presence of a window with a vent or a transom. The volume of the room for AGV must be at least 6

    m3, and when installed in a kitchen - 6 m3 exceed the kitchen volume required to install a gas stove.

    When installing a hot water column on a plastered wooden wall, in accordance with fire safety requirements, a gap between the column body and the wall is provided, equal to 30 cm (on non-combustible walls - 20 cm).

    Gas safety rules

    To ensure the safe operation of the home gas economy, it is necessary to strictly follow the basic safety rules.

    The installation of a home gas economy can be carried out by a person who has special training and the right to carry out work on the installation of a gas network and devices. Unauthorized installation, rearrangement, repair of gas appliances is strictly prohibited.

    The operation of the gas network and gas appliances is possible only after their acceptance into operation by specialists of the local organization of the gas industry with the participation of the owner of the house or apartment and drawing up the relevant documents.

    All gas equipment of the house (apartment) must be registered and maintained by the operational service of the gas economy.

    The gas can only be used by persons who have been instructed and know how to handle gas appliances. Young children must not be allowed to the gas appliances.

    Only serviceable gas appliances are allowed for operation. Burner bodies and diffusers must be kept clean by monthly cleaning of carbon deposits with soapy water or special solutions.

    Lit gas appliances, other than water heaters, must not be left unattended. It is forbidden to use a gas stove and a water heater for heating and heating rooms.

    If you smell gas, turn off all gas appliances, open the vents (windows) and call the emergency service.

    To install the gas leak, use only soapy water, which is used to moisten the joints on the pipelines, the cylinder. For these purposes, you cannot use burning candles, matches, etc.

    V.A.Makashev, S.V. Petrov. "Dangerous situations of man-made nature and protection from them: a tutorial"

    When the pressure in the network rises, when the gas supply is suddenly cut off or the flame burns abnormally, all operating gas appliances must be immediately turned off and the problems must be rectified.

    Before using a gas water heater, water heater, AGV and other gas appliances with a chimney, make sure that there is a draft in the flue duct using a burning torch. In the absence of traction, it is prohibited to use a gas appliance.

    At the end of using the gas appliance, it is imperative to close the taps both on the switchboard of the stove and on the gas pipeline.

    In case of gas poisoning, the victims need to be assisted. They need to be taken out of a gas-polluted room, freed from embarrassing parts of clothing, given strong tea or coffee to drink and call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor, the victims need to be warmed (overlaid with heating pads, etc.); if breathing is impaired, it is helpful to give oxygen; if not breathing, artificial respiration should be given immediately.

    Safe handling of electricity

    In the house, electricity provides lighting, heating, cooking, the operation of various household appliances, TV, radio equipment. At the same time, electricity, under certain conditions, poses a serious danger to human life and health.

    To avoid this, you must follow a number of generally accepted rules when using electricity:

    Monitor the good condition of electrical appliances and cords with which they are connected to the network.

    Do not use faulty electrical appliances, homemade electric ovens, or heaters.

    Do not repair electrical plugs with insulating tape. Replace them if broken.

    Never leave a switched-on electrical appliance unattended.

    Do not plug more than one plug into an outlet.

    Observe the order of connecting the device to the mains: first, connect the cord to the device, then to the network, disconnection is done in the reverse order.

    Do not handle the appliance with wet hands.

    Do not keep plugged-in appliances in the bathroom; remember:

    do not use electrical devices while in water.

    Any exposed areas and breaks in electrical wires should be repaired immediately.

    Do not make temporary wire connections.

    Safe handling of household gas

    Currently, household gas is widely used in everyday life. Household gas has neither color nor smell, but in order to detect a leak, special

    substances with a specific odor.

    A gas leak can lead to human poisoning and an explosion in the room. To prevent this, you must observe a number of safety rules when using household gas:

    To light the gas burner, first bring up a lit match and then gently and carefully open the gas cock.

    Do not leave gas burners on unattended.

    Make sure that the heated liquid does not flood the burner flame.

    If you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to ignite it again - this can lead to an explosion, turn off the gas supply valve, open the window and ventilate the kitchen.

    Wait until the burner has cooled down, clean it, blow out the gas supply holes and only then ignite again.

    If you smell gas in the room, you cannot light matches, turn on the lights and electrical appliances until the gas leak is eliminated and the room is completely ventilated.

    If you find the smell of gas in the entrance of the house, immediately call the emergency gas service by phone "04", tell the exact address.

    Declare the danger to all residents of the house, do not use open fire and electric calls.

    Open the window and doors at the entrance, ventilate it thoroughly. Upon arrival of the gas service specialists, indicate to them the source of the gas leak, follow their instructions. THE POPULATION USING GAS IN HOUSEHOLD IS OBLIGED TO:

    Undergo instructions on the safe use of gas in the operating organization of the gas industry, have and follow the instructions for operating the devices.

    Monitor the normal operation of gas appliances, chimneys and ventilation, check the draft before switching on and during operation of gas appliances with the discharge of combustion products into the chimney. Before using the gasified oven, check if the gate is fully open. Clean the chimney pocket periodically.

    At the end of the use of gas, close the taps on and in front of gas appliances, and when placing cylinders inside kitchens, additionally close the valves at the cylinders. In the event of a malfunction of the gas equipment, call the employees of the gas utility company. In the event of a sudden interruption of the gas supply, immediately close the cocks of the burners of gas appliances and inform the gas service by phone 04

    Before entering basements and cellars, before turning on the light and igniting the fire, make sure that there is no smell of gas.

    If you smell gas, basement, entrance, in the yard, on the street: inform others about the precautionary measures; notify the gas service by phone 04 from a non-gassed place; to take measures to remove people from the gas-polluted environment, to prevent the switching on and off of electric lighting, the appearance of open fire and sparks; before the arrival of the emergency team, arrange for the ventilation of the room. Be careful with gas! Your forgetfulness, inattention can cause trouble for you, your loved ones and neighbors. Only skillful handling of gas appliances and knowledge of the rules for using gas will help you avoid accidents.

    Natural gas (methane) is a colorless, non-toxic gas, therefore, if it leaks from a gas pipeline, an air-gas mixture can form in the premises, which remains unnoticed.

    For the safe use of gas in everyday life, it is necessary to take into account its natural properties and observe the following rules:

    1. If a smell of gas is detected in the room, it is necessary to immediately turn off the taps on the lowering to the devices and on the devices, open the window and doors, create a draft, call the emergency service by phone 104 ... Do not light a fire, do not smoke, do not turn on electric lighting and electrical appliances, do not use electric bells, take measures to remove people from the gas-polluted area.

    2. When the gas stove is in operation, the vent must be open. If the supply of fresh air is insufficient, the gas does not completely burn out and carbon monoxide is emitted. Carbon monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion of methane. Colorless and odorless, very poisonous. With a content of 10% carbon monoxide from the volume of the room, it is enough for a person to take a few breaths and death occurs. Signs of carbon monoxide emission: the appearance of yellow, orange, red tints in the flame and soot on the dishes.

    3. In the event of a malfunction of the gas equipment or for a preventive inspection of gas appliances, it is necessary to call the workers of the operating gas service for phone 104.

    4. It is necessary to monitor the normal operation of chimneys and ventilation, check the draft before switching on and during operation of gas heating boilers.

    5. By the beginning of the heating season, the subscriber must receive an act on the state of chimneys from the Fire Service

    6. Undergo instructions on the safe use of natural gas from the controllers of the operational gas service, have on hand instructions (memo) on the operation of gas appliances and strictly observe them.

    Subscribers are prohibited from:

    1. To carry out unauthorized gasification of a house or apartment, rearrangement, replacement and repair of gas appliances;

    2. Redevelop the premises where the gas appliances are installed, without the consent of the relevant organizations;

    3. Make changes to the design of gas appliances. Change the devices of smoke and ventilation systems. To glue ventilation ducts, brick up or glue up "pockets" and hatches intended for cleaning chimneys;

    4. Use gas in case of malfunction of gas appliances, automation and gas cylinders, especially if a gas leak is detected;

    5. Leave working gas appliances unattended (except for appliances designed for continuous operation and having appropriate automation for this);

    6. Allow preschool children to use gas appliances. As well as persons who do not control their actions and do not know the rules for using these devices.

    7. Use a gas stove to heat the room to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

    8. Use heating boilers after the expiration of the certificate for chimneys

    9. Use an open flame to detect gas leaks (for this purpose, a soap emulsion or special devices are used).

    P O M N I T E!

    A gas smell occurs when it leaks into the room. If the gas-air mixture ignites, an explosion and fire are possible.

    If you smell gas, you must :

    Close all taps at gas appliances and on the inlet gas pipeline;

    Open windows and doors, ventilate the premises;

    Call the emergency service of the gas industry by phone 104 .

    Until the gas leak is eliminated,:

    Light fire, smoke;

    Switch on and off electrical appliances, electric lighting and electric calls, use the in-house telephone.


    Failure to comply with the Safety Rules when using gas causes O P A S N O S T L for life!

    P O M N I T E!

    About their personal responsibility not only for the life and property of their loved ones, but also before neighbors and other citizens. Your safety is in your hands!

    Gas in the modern world is one of the main sources of energy, it is used in production, it is used in cars with gas equipment for supplying fuel, as well as in residential buildings, for cooking or heating water.

    People do not think about the danger of improper operation of household gas appliances. It is worth considering that very often when using gas in everyday life, for example, when preparing food, the mixture may not completely burn out, thereby there is a high probability of the formation of carbon monoxide in the air.

    A large number of emergencies happen through the fault of the person himself, people do not know the basic rules when handling equipment that uses gas.

    Usually, the gas is under pressure, for example, in cylinders, gas pipelines, and as soon as the gas equipment depressurizes, an explosive gas-air mixture begins to form upon contact with air. Gas leaks can be detected by a specific odor.

    If you smell gas, you must:

    • Immediately stop using household gas equipment (block the intake routes);
    • inform others about precautions;
    • if you are indoors, open windows, vents, doors for ventilation;
    • report the leak by number "112", call the gas services by phone "04";
    • do not use electrical appliances until complete ventilation and elimination of the leak (in other words, prevent the formation of a spark);
    • warn neighbors;
    • leave the gas-polluted room before the arrival of the emergency service and the elimination of the accident.

    Gas users are responsible for the safe operation of working gas appliances in houses and apartments. Let's analyze the basic rules for the safe operation of household gas appliances.

    Rules for the use of gas stoves

    1. Provide ventilation during cooking;
    2. do not leave the cooking process unattended, as well as the burning of the flame;
    3. at the end of using gas, close the taps on and in front of gas appliances;
    4. before turning on the gas equipment in everyday life, first bring the flame source to the burner, and then open the gas;
    5. if the flame does not come through the burner from all openings, has a smoky color instead of bluish-violet, and tears of flame tongues are also visible, you must stop using this type of equipment;
    6. check the serviceability of the gas stove regularly, having previously concluded an agreement with the service organization;
    7. do not change the design of the equipment (self-repair);
    8. if the equipment does not work properly, be sure to notify the gas services.

    It is prohibited:

    • Use gas stoves for heating;
    • arrange rest rooms in places where there is gas equipment;
    • allow children and people intoxicated to access the equipment;
    • carry out equipment repairs independently, without the involvement of specialized organizations;
    • detect gas leaks with a fire (use soapy water).

    Rules for the use of a gas boiler (Gasified oven)

    The igniter may only be ignited if the equipment is in good working order and there is a draft in the chimney. When the pilot is on, turn on the tap on the main burner and light it.

    If the burner goes out, close the tap, ventilate the furnace again and repeat all the operations to ignite the main burner. After 3-5 minutes. after turning on the burner, check the draft again.

    It is prohibited to use a gasified furnace (boiler) with a faulty automation system.

    Owners of gasified furnaces must be sure to check the gate and the holes in it, which tend to be tightened with soot, which can ultimately lead to the ingress of carbon monoxide into the room.

    • The window must be open during the operation of the boiler (oven).
    • Before firing up the boiler, do not forget to open the chimney damper.
    • Check the draft in the chimney before lighting up the heaters and during their operation.
    • Monitor the condition of the chimney: the destruction of the masonry, the ingress of foreign objects into it can cause a violation of traction and the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the room. Unfavorable weather conditions, freezing of the chimney head can also lead to disruption of draft.
    • Prepare gas equipment for work in winter: check the condition of the chimneys and ventilation ducts; paint and secure the gas lines; Seal the entries of all communications through the foundations of buildings to prevent gas penetration in the event of damage to underground gas pipelines. To troubleshoot, call a locksmith from the gas distribution organization.
    • The blockage of the chimney, the destruction of its masonry, the ingress of foreign objects into the chimney can cause traction disturbances, while the products of gas combustion enter the room, which leads to carbon monoxide poisoning. Unfavorable weather conditions: freezing of the heads, strong wind, fog can also lead to a violation of the draft in the chimney.

    Safe operation of chimneys

    • We remind you that during the period when there are sharp fluctuations in the outside air temperature, you must be extremely careful when using gas appliances with the removal of combustion products into the chimney: gas water heaters, gas boilers, gasified furnaces.
    • In case of strong wind, snowfall, fog, or rain in the chimneys, draft deteriorates or reverse draft may appear.
    • Disruption of draft is possible in any apartment where there are gas appliances with the removal of combustion products into the chimney.
    • The reason for the lack of traction is faulty smoke exhaust ducts, lack of supply and exhaust ventilation, the presence of debris in the chimneys, unauthorized connections of gas appliances to ventilation and smoke exhaust ducts, etc.
    • Do not forget to check the presence of draft before firing up, after firing up (after 3-5 minutes) and during operation of gas-powered equipment.
    • Lack of traction during the operation of a gas water heater, stove, boiler entails carbon monoxide poisoning.
    • Residents of apartment buildings should be especially attentive to the state of the smoke ducts. If signs of a malfunction in the operation of the smoke exhaust system are detected, it is necessary to immediately notify the organization responsible for managing the apartment building.
    • Remember! Owners of houses and apartments on the basis of personal property rights must promptly inspect flue gas systems!

    Gas is not dangerous if the basic rules for using gas in everyday life are followed. Accordingly, disregard for the rules for using gas appliances can lead to serious consequences!

    Rules for the use of individual gas cylinders

    1. The installation distance from the gas stove is at least 0.5 meters, and from the heating devices at least 1 meter, while if the heater is operating on an open fire, the distance increases and becomes at least 2 meters;
    2. If the owner of the premises is not able to install a gas cylinder inside, then this must be done outside, in a metal cabinet with holes for ventilation;
    3. When an empty cylinder is changed to a full one, it is forbidden to use sources of fire, as well as electrical appliances in the room;
    4. The installation of faulty cylinders and gas equipment is prohibited.

    The full article on this topic is here:

    • Check the condition of the supply devices (flexible hoses), which should not be twisted, stretched, and also have direct contact with household electrical appliances;
    • Keep any gas equipment clean;
    • In houses on the ground floors, it is forbidden to brick or otherwise close the gas riser taps;
    • Do not prohibit employees of gas services from inspecting, repairing gas appliances and a gas pipeline at any time of the day;
    • Provide good ventilation of the room where gas equipment is used;
    • It is forbidden to use gas appliances for other purposes;
    • Changes in the layout, in the places where gas appliances are installed, are not allowed without agreement with the relevant organizations;
    • Disable safety and regulatory automation, use gas with faulty gas appliances, automation, fittings and gas cylinders, especially if a gas leak is detected;
    • Use gas in case of violation of the density of masonry, plaster (cracks) of gasified stoves and chimneys. Use heating stoves with ovens and open cooking zones. Unauthorized installation of additional dampers in chimneys and on chimneys from water heaters;
    • Use gas after the expiration of the certificate of inspection and cleaning of smoke and ventilation ducts.

    IMPORTANT: the use of LPG cylinders in apartments can lead to an explosion, fire, and in the worst case, the destruction of the house.

    REMEMBER: design, installation, commissioning of gas equipment should be carried out by specialized organizations licensed for this type of activity.

    Install and start up gas equipment on your own is strictly FORBIDDEN.