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Yandex mail domain binding. Delegating a DNS domain to Yandex servers and connecting to Yandex's free Mail for Domain service. What to do with the domain

Recently, some clients are interested in connecting corporate mail via Yandex. This is especially true for sites on the WIX platform, where mail must be paid for separately. Yandex allows you to do this absolutely free.

So, the instruction:

We create an account on Yandex. I think there shouldn't be any difficulties here. Next, we connect mail to the domain using the link:

We confirm the rights to own the site:

If we were talking about a standard website with full hosting, then I would recommend the first method. Namely, a file with the code specified by Yandex is created in Notepad and saved with the .html extension.

The next step is to upload the file to the server (hosting) at the root of the site. This can be done using an FTP client or file manager, which is available on most reputable hosting. Thus, the rights to manage the resource are confirmed.

For a site made on the WIX platform, the method of verifying rights using CNAME will be used, since does not provide access to site files via FTP or a file manager.

So, go to the settings:

You need to add a new CNAME record that Yandex suggested:

As shown in the screenshot, the second step is to add an MX record. To do this, you need to open the "Mail" tab in the WIX panel.

float: center; "src =" http: //www..png "alt =" "width =" 100% ">

We enter and set priority 10

After adding the data, we check if Yandex has confirmed the rights to link to the domain. If confirmed, the following page will appear:

Here we create a mailbox.

To open mail, you need to follow the link shown in the picture:

This is a rather inconvenient url. It is much more convenient to go to To do this, go back to the CNAME section and create a new record

After a while, you can go to your mailbox

But back to our main question - how based on the Wicks constructor?

Everything is quite simple and will be described in detail below (with pictures for clarity ).

The order of connecting a domain to a site created in the designer Wix :

1. Domain setting

To assign a specific one to a specific site, in its settings, you must specify the DNS servers that must correspond to the resource where the website is hosted (that is, paid for hosting). In our case, the hoster is web -constructor Vicks.

Next, we will consider the option of setting up a domain purchased from a Russian registrar. WebNames. R u ... For other similar services, the setup procedure will generally be similar.

We go to WebNames using your username and password.

Select the section => Cabinet and go to it.

Follow the section => My domains / services, select the position => Domain management, then the line => DNS Servers.

In the opened window at position => Select DNS servers from the list, choose => Ask yourself.



where is wixdns. net indicates that the project is hosted on the hosting provider's server Wix.

After filling NS 1 and NS 2 press the button => Change

This completes the domain setup operation!

If in the future you decide to make a website on the platform of another constructor, you will independently make changes to the corresponding positions ( DNS -server) and reconnect the domain name to your new project.

Please note that the duration of the technical period for assigning new parameters is from 2 to 24 hours, so do not rush to take any further actions.

2. Setting up a website builder Wix

Attention! In order for you to have the right to connect your own domain to the developed site, you need to make a payment for any tariff plan. I recommend paying monthly for the first time. In this case, after detailed testing of the Wiks web designer, you will have the opportunity to “wind up things on it” and switch to another website construction service, making a new project and transferring all the content.

Pay special attention! If you bought a Cyrillic domain (in Russian letters), then you will need to write it in ACE encoding (Puny C ode), since the international DNS system allows the use of only Latin letters and numbers.

For example, such a beautiful name - creation of sites.rf in ACE -encoding has the following face - xn ---- 7sbbighlkm9ahj2air.xn - p1ai

It is such a PunyCode that will need to be specified in the course of further actions.

You can find out the ACE code corresponding to your Russian domain name online using Puny C ode converter -

Step-by-step procedure for assigning a domain to a site on the constructor Wix is ​​next.

How to connect Yandex.Mail?


For Cyrillic domains, you cannot create company mail on Yandex.Mail.

Ready! Further management of domain mailboxes and settings takes place on your Yandex account.

  • If you do not have a Yandex account, create one on the registration page.
  • If you forgot your username, contact Yandex technical support.

How to verify your email domain on Yandex

If the domain is specified and, copy the TXT record value and paste it into the domain zone according to the instructions:. Then go back to the Yandex admin panel and click Run check... After that, the setting will be completed automatically within 15-20 minutes.

If you see a message stating that there is no MX record, check if there is a record in the domain resource records with priority 10.

If there is no entry, add it according to the instructions:. Then wait 15-20 minutes. If the error is still displayed in Yandex.Connect, contact Yandex technical support.

If the domain is specified and, further configuration takes place in the hosting control panel.

Delete everything MX and TXT-records. Also remove A-record for subdomain and CNAME-record, if it is present in the list of your records.

  • in the ISPmanager panel:
  • in the cPanel:
  • in the Plesk panel:

Then add the following resource records:

Record name Recording type Record value A priority = spf1 a mx include: ~ all

Save your changes and wait 15-20 minutes for the resource records to update.

If DNS servers are registered for your domain and, to configure Yandex.Mail, delete and add the above resource records according to the instructions:

Wait 15-20 minutes for the resource records to update.

If the domain has DNS servers other than those specified above, go to the domain zone editor (the site where your domain is served) and add resource records for Yandex.Mail to work.

To find out which records you need to add, go to the list of services, click on the name of the service "Yandex.Mail for Domain" and select the item "Information on manual configuration of the service".

Important: If you recently changed DNS servers and after that registered resource records, Yandex Business Mail will not be able to see them immediately, but when the DNS servers are updated.

Ready! After the resource records are updated, Yandex.Mail is ready to use. Further settings are described in the article.

Mail works, use the information below:.

If you have any additional questions about setting up Yandex.Mail, please contact.

Removing mail domains

Skip this step if before Yandex .. If you used, delete the local mail domain to avoid a conflict between Yandex.Mail and hosting mail.

Go to the "Mail Domains" section, highlight your domain line and click Delete:

Click on OK to confirm the action.

In the "Email" section, select Email routing:

In the drop-down list, select the required domain and in the "Email routing" block, check the "Remote mail exchanger" item and click Change:

In the "Mail" tab, go to the "Mail Settings" section and click on your domain name:

In the window that opens, uncheck "Activate mail service on this domain" and click Apply:

Ready! Local mail will be disabled.

How to check if Yandex.Mail is configured correctly?

Write down the required resource records. They can be found under the link "Information on manual server configuration". The instructions for adding are given above. The information about the records will be updated within 15-20 minutes.

You can add a mailbox for a domain to Yandex.Mail following the instructions.

Yandex.Mail service is inactive

Please note that the status of the service does not affect the operation of the Yandex.Mail service. If your service is displayed as inactive for a long time in the list of services, and the Yandex page indicates that the domain is connected, write, our specialists will establish the correct status.

What to do when an error occurs: there are no MX records for this domain?

This error means that MX records for the domain are not registered. For your mail to be processed by the Yandex server, you need to add an MX record pointing to it:

Record name Recording type Record value A priority
Today, almost any virtual hosting as an additional service offers the ability to create mailboxes for your domain, but the convenience of working with such mailboxes sometimes leaves much to be desired. To improve the quality of work with domain mail, you can use a free service from YandexMail for domain ... This service allows you to link your domain mail to Yandex mail servers with the ability to create up to 1000 unlimited mailboxes using all the advantages of the service Yandex Mail such as automatic antivirus checks, spam filters, web access, mobile access and direct connection via SMTP / POP3 / IMAP protocols.

One of the main steps in setting up a domain binding to the Yandex mail system is to create special records in the DNS zone of your domain. To simplify and automate this procedure as much as possible, you can delegate the domain to Yandex NS servers, that is, in fact, use another free serviceYandex DNS hosting .

In this note, we will step by step consider the procedure for connecting domain mail to Yandex mail servers as well as delegating a domain to Yandex servers using our domain IT-KB.RU as an example.

Registering an account on Yandex

To work with Mail for a domain, you need a Yandex account, using which we will manage mail in the future. At the moment, you can connect up to 50 domains to each account.Let's register and we will get a Yandex account, if this has not already been done before.

Connecting the domain to Yandex

After we are authorized on the Yandex website using the created account, we will opendomain add page , we will indicate the name of our domain and press the button Connect domain.

After adding a domain, we will need to confirm that we are its owner. The web page will display the status Domain not verified and you will be offered three options for actions that we can confirm ownership of the domain.

Of the three options offered, I chose the first option with placing the file in the root directory of the site. After the specified file is placed, press the button Check domain ownership.

After successful verification, we will be redirected to the settings page MX-records for our domain. You can make these changes in the DNS zone of our domain both independently and automatically if you delegate the domain to Yandex. Considering that in addition to the MX record in our domain, Yandex will need to make several more service SRV records in order to fully support Yandex mail, the easiest way is to delegate the domain, as a result of which all the necessary records in the DNS zone of our domain will be created automatically.

Let's follow the reference linkdelegate domain to Yandex and see the information on how to delegate a DNS domain to Yandex NS servers. Everything is extremely simple here. Go to DNS hosting, where our domain is currently located and edit the NS-server records. Let's change the current NS servers to

We are waiting for some time (it may take from several hours to two days) for the changes to be distributed to the Internet name servers and check the result, for example, using the utility nslookup

As you can see, now the name servers of our domain are Yandex servers, and we can return to setting up mail for the domain. Let's go back todomain mail management console and see that now the domain status has changed to Domain connected and delegated to Yandex.

Let's open the link DNS Editor and view the records automatically added and configured after domain delegation to support Yandex services - MX,CNAME records for specifying the mail server, SRV (SPF, DKIM) records to support mail and messaging services over XMPP.

Let's create a new mailbox for our domain and get acquainted with the available options for managing mailboxes