Repair Design Furniture

Mallow, she is stockrose: planting and care. Stem rose (mallow): varieties, diseases, use in landscape design Mallow terry “garland”

One of the most common plants in landscape design is the perennial mallow. In the people it is called stock-rose. An incredible variety of colors allows you to choose several types even for the most sophisticated landscape. The native climate of the garden planting is considered temperate. That is why culture is found in every corner of our planet.

Herbaceous perennial can reach a height of up to 2 meters. At the bottom of the trunk are lowered rounded leaves. The flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, located in the axils of the leaf. The flowering period is long: from mid-June to late August. Gardeners love the stock rose for its decorativeness, unpretentiousness and species diversity.

Use in landscape design

Mallow is ideal for creating original flower beds. By planting several varieties in a group, you get a lush and bright meadow, which attracts with its lush appearance, which allows you to cover up various communications, and unsightly buildings. Garden planting can act as an extraordinary way to delimit the space of the site.

The multi-functional flower is used to create beautiful lines in the background of the garden. It will be the final touch to a thoughtful and professionally executed landscape. Choosing a harmonious combination of several shades of different heights, flower growers create a multi-level ensemble that emphasizes the smooth transition from one height to another with changing colors.

For this culture is a real find: charm, unpretentiousness to growing conditions and natural lightness will create the very atmosphere of a garden where a human hand has not “been”.

Combination with other plants

In combination with other plant elements, the stock rose always looks noble and advantageous. Mallow creates successful compositions with:

  • monarch;
  • nivyanik;

Varieties with pastel shades are in harmony with wild herbs. This combination is found in those gardens where the stem-rose reproduces on its own (self-seeding), or its medicinal species are used. Exquisitely decorate a flower bed with a combination of stock-rose, chamomile, echinacea and lupins.

Mallow reproduction


Reproduction by seeds occurs in April, begins with their preparation. In order for the seedlings to please the owners of the suburban area as early as possible, they need to be soaked in a small container of water. They can be planted in open ground only when the danger of frost on the soil has passed. The plant will bloom only in a year.


Propagation by seedlings begins at the end of March with sowing seeds in special small containers. The plant has a large root system, so the grooves for seeds need to be deep. A container with planted seeds is covered with glass, film or transferred to a greenhouse. This will help create a favorable climate and guarantee the abundance of seedlings. The temperature regime should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius.

As soon as the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to increase the free space between them (thinning). The optimal distance is 2 cm. If necessary, save all the sprouts, after the appearance of the third leaflet on each seedling, they are carefully dived and transplanted into peat cups. In order for the seedlings to grow stronger, a hardening procedure is carried out. Every day, the cultures are taken out to fresh air, removing the film or glass. Duration of hardening from 10 minutes on the first day to 3 hours before transplanting into open ground. As soon as steadily warm weather sets in, the containers can be transferred (if they are peat cups) into the ground or the garden plantation can be gently dived (if they are inorganic containers).

In warm climates, mallow can reproduce on its own (self-sowing).


Propagation by cuttings is chosen so that varietal differences do not disappear. Cut material in the spring. You can root it as early as August.

Mallow perennial planting and care

Choosing a place for planting, soil preparation

For breeding stock roses, preference should be given to a well-lit place, without stagnation of groundwater and melt water, protected from drafts, and gusty winds. Before planting seeds immediately into the ground, it is carefully prepared. Having dug up the allotted area, it is loosened and small grooves are made 3 cm deep. 7-8 days before this, the soil is fed with compost or humus. Each hole is reserved for 3 seeds, they are loosely covered with earth, watered. After germination, only one shoot, the most viable, should be left in the groove.

The soil for planting is selected loamy, loose. Be sure to provide a good drainage layer of gravel or broken bricks. Tall varieties need to be tied up as they grow.


Watering is important to ensure regular, but moderate. It is especially important during flowering for duration and abundance. It is important not to create stagnation of moisture. Mallow will tolerate drought better than water accumulation. The stem-rose does not need a transplant. Its long, fragile root is very easy to damage, so the culture is planted immediately in a permanent habitat.

plant pests

The most common pest that affects a representative of the flora is considered rust mallow. It occurs when the rules for caring for flowers are not followed, namely, an excess of watering. The name of the disease fully corresponds to its symptoms. Affected leaves are cut and burned. The plant is treated with colloidal sulfur dissolved in water. The disease is quickly transmitted from one bush to another. Therefore, if the disease has strongly hooked the mallow, then the bush should be sacrificed and burned.

Preparing for winter

Preparation for winter begins with pruning to the very root of the stems. Further procedures depend on climatic conditions. Weak rare frosts are not able to harm the garden planting, shelter is not required. A temperature drop of up to 10 degrees below zero can harm young plants and those plants that have suffered the disease. Therefore, they are covered with leaves, cellophane film or spruce branches.

Malva or otherwise Mallow - belongs to the Malvaceae family (Malvaceae) - is a herbaceous medicinal and ornamental plant.

Kamigam Temple in Kyoto hosts the Aoi Matsuri festival in May, which is held in honor of this plant. On this holiday, people dress up in bright, colorful clothes. They walk through the streets of the city with songs and dances. And the history of this holiday has many hundreds of years.

Malva is native to Africa and North America. But it also grows in the vastness of Europe. The plant was distributed in ancient Greece and Egypt. It is rightfully considered one of the most ancient flowers in Europe. Even in Antiquity, mallow was used in gynecology, and a decoction of it was used as an antidote. Also, the plant has become widespread as a medicine for gastric diseases, burns. The stem is erect with heart-shaped leaves.

The arrangement of the leaves is in a spiral. The flowers are bright and large. Arranged on long stalks. They have a large number of stamens and one pistil. Roots are branched. The composition of the flowers includes a substance - the coloring anthocyanin malvin, which is used as a natural dye. Shrub seeds contain approximately 18% fatty oils. The Roman writer Pliny said that if a scorpion is covered with a leaf of this plant, it will die. Only after many years, mallow began to be cultivated as an ornamental plant. Currently, the shrub is found in flowerbeds, and on roadsides, and in forests.

This plant has several names. The people called it “forest kalachik” or, scientifically, mallow, and the most common name for the stem is a rose. The plant has the name kalachik because its fruits are collected in a box and outwardly resemble kalach. And the name mallow or marshmallow arose due to the fact that the fruits of the shrub were compared with church prosphora. It is perennial and annual, a two-year variety is also known. The perennial mallow is more common than the annual. The plant is tall - more than 1 meter. The color palette is very diverse from white and pink to maroon. She has a pleasant aroma.

Many years ago, the mallow was considered a creation of God. Cosmetics made from a plant are very useful and nutritious for skin and hair.

She is able to give shine to the hair and “revive” them. Based on the juice of the bush, face masks are made that give elasticity to the skin and have anti-aging properties.

Mallow fruits are dry, surrounded by a calyx. Break up during the ripening period into several seeds. The seeds are kidney-shaped and dark or black in color. The plant blooms in July - September. Prefers a moderate climate of the European and Asian regions. But it is considered a weed.

Stock rose or mallow?

Currently, there are disputes - what is a stock - a rose and a mallow. In botany, there is no clear system of classification (taxonomy) of plants. The standard taxonomic series is the following: domain, kingdom, department, class, order, family, genus and species. This division shows a great community of plants and animals. Plant lovers make little use of the scientific point of view, they separate plants according to the principle of similarity of one to another.

If we consider in detail the scientific name of the flower “stock - rose”: it is clear that it includes the word “rose” (all gardeners have a good idea of ​​what it is), and the word stock (the German word Stock, which means: a stick or kernel).

Judging from the decoding of the name, the stem - a rose can be called a "stick with roses." Now you need to remember the appearance of the plant - it is high (often reaches a height of 3 meters). It has large five-petalled flowers - "bells", which are a favorite place for pollinating insects. Most often there are pink flowers, but outwardly they do not look like a real rose.

But, if you pay attention to the appearance of the hybrid representatives of this genus, they have terry multi-petal flowers. In size - large, up to 15 cm in diameter. And in appearance they are very reminiscent of a rose (especially terry tea roses and their hybrids).

So are there any differences between mallow and stock roses? These plants are relatives, both represent the Malvaceae family, and it is rather difficult to distinguish between them. The most important difference is the life span of the shrub.

Stock - rose - a biennial and perennial plant. Approximately 80 of its species are distributed. It has a great height, and for this quality it is so loved to be planted next to walls and fences.

Mallow is an annual and perennial plant. It has a more modest height from 30 to 120 cm. It includes about 30 species. The plant is found both in garden plots and in the wild.

In the spring, when sowing stock - roses, only rosettes are formed. To obtain a beautiful shrub, it must be carefully prepared for wintering. And the mallow does not require such care and, when sown, will develop without problems in the same year. Both plants are grown from seeds. But the stem - a rose should first be grown at home, and only when a few leaves appear, planted in open ground. But many gardeners prefer to sow the seeds directly into the ground.

Species and varieties

Malva, which has a thousand-year history behind it, amazes with a huge number of its species and varieties. The genus includes approximately 60 plant species. The progenitor of this genus is the forest mallow, which is an annual. Perennials are such species as: wrinkled, hybrid, Sudanese, musky. But many gardeners argue that not all of the species presented are representatives of the mallow genus. According to them, wrinkled mallow (stock - rose) and Sudanese mallow (hibiscus) must be attributed to another genus of the mallow family.

Mallow forest

Mallow forest

Or zanziver (lat. Malva sylvestris) - a species of the genus Malva, or mallow (lat. Malva) of the Malvaceae family (lat. Malvaceae). The people call it wild mallow, roadside mallow, cat cheese, yard grass, field mallow, horse poplar, Ivanov poplar.

Herbaceous plant, which includes a large number of useful substances (carotene, vitamin C, etc.). At an early age, the shrub is eaten, and the flowers and leaves rich in useful substances are used in medicine as an enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent. It is grown as a valuable food, medicinal and ornamental plant.

In Russia, you can buy the drug "Mukaltin", which is made from this plant. It is used for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (pulmonary and bronchial), it has an enveloping, expectorant, softening and strengthening effect.

In Europe, from the roots and the entire aerial part of the shrub, preparations are made that are used as an emollient and expectorant for coughs and many other inflammatory conditions of the respiratory tract. Also, the forest mallow is used in the manufacture of homeopathic breast preparations.

No contraindications and information about the toxic effects in the treatment with plant-based preparations have been identified. But before using such drugs, it is recommended to visit a doctor for advice.

Mallow forest - one -, two -, perennial herbaceous plant. Height from 20 to 100 cm. The main tap root is well developed. It has an upright, pubescent, slightly branched stem. Leaflets without stipules, simple, rounded kidney-shaped, 5-7 lobed or almost entire. Covered with fine hairs, have long stiff petioles. The arrangement of the leaves is alternate.

This plant belongs to the Eurasian. It lives in the tropics - in forests, savannahs, swamps, along the seashores. On the territory of Russia, it is distributed in all regions of the European part, in the foothill and lowland regions of the Caucasus and Crimea. Here it is mainly grown as an ornamental plant. Spread in forests, forest edges, glades, gardens and parks. It often runs wild, and it can be found along roads, along the edges of fields, near housing, in vegetable gardens, in wastelands, especially spread in areas of irrigated agriculture.

This herbaceous plant has become widespread in folk medicine. Here, both roots and leaves are used, and often the whole grass is completely.

The entire above-ground part is collected before flowering. The leaves come off with petioles, about 2 cm long. The period for harvesting leaves is from June to September. Flowers are harvested during the formation of buds, before they bloom, without pedicels. Roots are dug up in autumn. To preserve nutrients and nutrients, all collected raw materials are dried in the open air in a dark place. It is necessary to spread everything in a thin layer. Drying in a warm room is possible. The shelf life of flowers, leaves and roots is 2 years.

Mallow musky

Musky mallow

Often compared with a bride, because of the tenderness and special beauty of the flowers. The plant is a perennial. During the first year of life, a rosette of leaves is formed, and only in the second year - the long-awaited flowers. seeds are sown in May in open ground. If the musk mallow is planted in a place that she “likes”, then she will begin to multiply by self-seeding. The shrub prefers sunny areas with soft soil.

It happens that a large number of flowers open at the same time, this can lead to the fact that the plant breaks down, in order to prevent this, you need to take care of the support. It is recommended to fertilize the plant at least once every three months. In dry weather, watering is important. Because of the beauty of the shrub, it is often used to form bouquets.

The plant is from 20 to 100 cm tall. Has a musky scent. The stems are covered with hairs, straight, branched, cylindrical. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, located at the top of the plant. The calyx is divided into triangular lobes and densely covered with hairs.

Malva Sudanese

Malva Sudanese

It is a perennial herbaceous plant. Often it is also called black mallow. The plant is native to the Balkans. This shrub has become widespread in Greece and Turkey. The flower has single stems of 3 - 5 pieces per bush. The maximum height is 2 meters. Flowering period from July to late autumn. The flowers are black - red, located at the top of the stem. Thanks to these flowers, the plant has gained its great popularity.

Malva Bahamas

A very beautiful mixture with beautiful double flowers that bloom alternately. The size of this variety is amazing - the height reaches up to 2.5 meters. The color of the buds is very diverse. The plant blooms only in the second year from planting. The shrub belongs to biennials: therefore, in the first year, the plant forms a rosette of leaves. Prefers well-lit places where water does not stagnate. The plant tolerates drought well, loves the light.

Malva yellow queen

Malva yellow queen

It is a perennial, but grown as a biennial. Reaches a height of up to 2.5 meters. It has large racemose inflorescences. Flowers in diameter 8 - 12 cm, terry, have a golden yellow color. It tolerates drought well and prefers light. For the winter, it is recommended to cover with spruce branches. Planted in open ground in May. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. During the first year, only a rosette of leaves is formed. Flowers can be expected in the second year.

Malva arborescens

Malva arborescens

Perennial shrub. Reaches a height of 3 meters. People call it hibiscus. Outwardly, it resembles a tree or a large shrub. Outwardly, it looks like a pineal trunk with thick branches. In the first year after sowing, it begins to bloom. The flowers are lilac with dark stripes in the center. After a while, fruits form in place of the flowers. The fruits resemble spherical heads of cheese. This shrub is a biennial. Propagated by seeds.

Rose mallow (Alcea rosea)

Mallow pink

The most common type. It is the most “cultural” mallow. This species is ubiquitous. In length reaches 2 meters. The flowering period is from June to September.

Mallow blue

The second name is “kalachik”, it was obtained due to the structure of the seeds. This species has become widespread in the middle lane. The blue mallow has a recumbent and weak stem, the flowers are pink - purple in color. When the plant blooms, its flowers are harvested and dried. When dried, pink flowers turn blue. This species is widely used in folk medicine. It has enveloping, anti-inflammatory and emollient properties, and also has a laxative effect. The plant is used as a substitute for Althea officinalis. It contains a large amount of mucous substances, therefore it has found wide application in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract.

Malva meluca (Malva meluca Graebn)

Malva Melyuka

Of great interest for the production of fodder is the mallow Melyuka. The plant is an annual. It contains a significant amount of protein, in terms of its content, the plant is not inferior to clover, sainfoin, alfalfa. At least 160-200 grams of digestible protein per 1 feed unit. The protein contained in the shrub has all the essential amino acids in its composition and is very close to animal protein. In large quantities, it contains arginine, valine, tryptophan. The plant contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur. And the trace elements present in it: iron, copper, zinc are 1.5 - 2 times higher than the needs of animals.

The plant also has many vitamins. The content of carotene in 1 kg of finished feed is 30-60 mg, ascorbic acid 400-600 mg/kg. These values ​​are 3-5 times higher than those of corn, sunflower, Sudanese grass. Of the advantages, one can single out the absence of alkaloids and other harmful compounds.

The root system is highly branched. It is pivotal, and can penetrate to a depth of 1.5 - 2 meters. The stem is erect, can branch strongly (15 - 20 lateral shoots). In height it can reach 2.5 - 3 meters. The leaves are large with long petioles, light green in color. Blooms with small purple flowers. The fruit is an open capsule containing 10 gray, shriveled seeds. Weight of 1000 seeds - 2.9 - 3.5 grams.

The plant is cold hardy. Seeds can germinate at as little as 5 to 7 degrees Celsius. The best temperature for growth is 15 - 20 degrees. Young plants are able to withstand frosts of -5 - 7 degrees, adults up to -6 -10 degrees.

Malva terry

Malva terry

Mallow terry was obtained by crossing several species. It has large, bright flowers. And it is a decoration for garden plots, it is planted along fences, etc. The result of the work of breeders was terry flowers belonging to the hybrid species. Outwardly, they resemble peonies. The color is the most diverse: from pink to purple.

Reaches a height of 2 meters.

For a plant, it is very important to choose a place where it will grow constantly. The shrub prefers open areas that are sufficiently lit by the sun. If the plant is planted in the shade, then the stems begin to stretch towards the light and at the same time become thin and weak. The lack of light also affects the flowering of the plant.

The requirement for the site is protection from wind and drafts, because. tall stems and leaves can be easily damaged. Prefers light fertile soils. Good drainage must be provided. The ideal soil option is loam. With regular feeding, the plant can grow on poor soils.

Malva terry “garland”

Malva terry “garland”

It is a biennial. Light-loving shrub. Before the appearance of the first flowers, after planting, it is necessary to wait only three months. Likes regular watering. Prefers light soils. It tolerates winter well. Malva "garland" reaches a height of 2 meters. The diameter of the flowers is 12 cm, they look like a rose. Inflorescences have a wide variety of shades.

Mallow “Summer Carnival”

Variety mix - a beautiful spectacular set of garden herbaceous plants. They reach a height of 1.5 - 1.8 meters. The foliage is dark green. Shades of flowers of a wide variety of colors. The diameter of the flowers is about 15 cm. It blooms in the period from August to September. Lush inflorescences appear on the stem - brushes consisting of 20 - 40 double flowers. It is an adornment of any flower bed, planted along walls, fences and other vertical surfaces. When cut, they retain their appearance for a long time.

The optimum temperature is 15-20 degrees. Prefer loose, rich in useful elements of the earth. If the soil is poor, then regular fertilizing is necessary. Likes sunny places.

Malva wrinkled

Malva wrinkled

Reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Stems are strong. The number of shoots depends on the age of the plant: the older it is, the more shoots it has. With strong gusts of wind, they can break, so when choosing a landing site, this must be taken into account. The leaves are gray - green, wrinkled, palmate - lobed. Large flowers in all shades of yellow. The flowering period is from June to September. In winter, it is recommended to cover the outlet. The plant has low maintenance requirements. Looks very effective in group plantings. It has a high growth rate. Disease resistant.

Mallow forest

It is a folk remedy for a large number of diseases. In folk medicine, everything is used - flowers, leaves, stems and roots. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the aerial part and roots, which are recommended to be used both externally and internally. Plant-based preparations have an effect on spastic colitis, constipation, as a sedative for prolonged coughs, colds, flu, bronchitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease. The plant is a wonderful remedy for the treatment of the digestive tract and urinary tract. This is a good remedy to relieve the inflammatory process in the esophagus and stomach, kidneys and urinary tract.

Decoctions are made from mallow, which are taken orally, often make a solution for rinsing and inhalation for coughs, colds, hoarseness, catarrh of the throat. Also, the plant has become widespread in the treatment of conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Compresses are made from flowers and leaves for tumors. Traditional medicine recommends using the plant as a preventive measure for beriberi.

The shrub has become widespread in folk medicine in many countries.

So, in Central Asia, a decoction is made from the leaves of the plant with the addition of sugar, and is used for coughing; The seeds are used as a laxative. In China, the roots of the plant have found application - they are used for bronchitis. Tibetan folk medicine also uses the roots as a diuretic. In Tajikistan, the roots are used to treat hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, cough, gastric diseases, dysmenorrhea, diarrhea. In Mongolia, the seeds of the plant are used to treat dropsy, edema, and cardiovascular insufficiency.

With excessive gas formation, heartburn, belching, heaviness and pain in the stomach, liver dysfunction, gastroenterocolitis, it is recommended to brew flower tea. To make tea, you first need to dry the flowers. If fresh flowers are available, it is recommended to rub them in the palms of your hands.

The recipe for making tea is as follows: 2 tbsp. dry flowers or 4 tablespoons of fresh ones put in a teapot and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Next, cover the kettle with a towel and leave it for 20 minutes. In a glass 200gr. pour half of the resulting tea leaves and add water to a full glass. Honey or sugar can be added to taste. It is necessary to take 2 - 3 glasses a day.

Herbal collection of mallow, peppermint, valerian root, medicinal chamomile relieve menopause. Grass for decoction is taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed. Then prepare a decoction: 2 tbsp. collection spoons for 2 cups of boiling water. The broth is put on the stove and brought to a boil. And cook for 5-10 minutes. Ready broth must be poured into a thermos and insist 2 - 3 hours. Take half a cup, strained in advance.

With mild poisoning, juice squeezed from the green parts of the plant will help to remove toxins. They take the aerial part of the bush, twist it through a meat grinder and, placing it in gauze, squeeze it out. The juice must be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, then brought to a boil on the stove. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. This juice will be useful for severe dry cough, loss of voice.

Fresh leaves of the plant will help with long-term non-healing wounds, boils, ulcers. They need to be crushed and applied to problem areas.
It is very useful to make a mask of twisted leaves of a plant for problematic oily skin. The skin after such a mask is cleansed and restored.
As an antibacterial powder for wounds and cuts, powder from dried leaves of a shrub is used.

The plant is used to treat cardiovascular diseases.

A decoction is prepared from dried, crushed mallow roots. The decoction is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed roots pour 250 ml of water. Then put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Strain the finished broth, squeeze and add boiled water to the full volume. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Young plants and unripe fruits taste good.

Malva Sudanese

The plant has a unique composition: mineral components, dyes and tannins, bitterness, phytosterol, starch and a large amount of mucus. Thanks to this unique composition, the shrub is a real find for the treatment of many diseases.

It has a good expectorant property, due to the fact that it contains medicinal mucus. Shrub flowers are not used as an independent remedy. It is used in conjunction with other collections of medicinal herbs, in the treatment of cough and reduce the symptoms of bronchitis.

In the treatment of intestinal and gastric diseases, infusions and water decoction of the plant are used. The emollient, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of the shrub are in demand here. Often in folk medicine it is recommended to use a decoction of the flowers of the plant for diarrhea and kidney disease. A decoction of the shrub helps with inflammation of the mouth and throat. The compress is also effective for bruises.

It should be noted that this plant has a diuretic effect, it is useful for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

It is because of this property of the plant that Sudanese mallow is found in most weight loss teas. The flower has no contraindications. The only exception is not to take medicines containing this plant for people with individual intolerance.

plant care

The plant is not capricious in care. It requires regular moderate watering during dry summers. It is necessary to systematically loosen the soil, remove weeds, and wilted flowers. Before the beginning of the flowering period, it is recommended to feed the shrub with mineral fertilizers containing a large amount of nitrogen. Plants with a high height need a garter, because. with strong gusts of wind, the flower may break. For this reason, it is better to plant a mallow near the fence, or stick a peg next to each plant and tie bushes to it. In the event that the gardener wants the annual plant to grow like a perennial, then it is necessary to remove all flower stalks when it fades. But an important detail is that this must be done before the formation of seeds.

The soil

The plant does not make great demands on the soil and feels good in any garden plot. But there are exceptions - it is necessary to avoid sand and dense clay, where water can linger. The best option is fertile fertilized soil with a pH of 6-7. To prepare the soil for planting a plant, it must be dug up and mixed with compost.
For seedlings, the soil should consist of:

  • two parts of the land from the site;
  • part of the sand;
  • part of the humus.


Watering is necessary primarily for young plants in the first year of life. In the second year, regular watering is needed to avoid drying out of the soil. But excessive moisture is not needed, because. shrub is very sensitive to excess moisture. When watering, it is not recommended to wet the leaves too much. In a very hot summer, the plant does not die, because. it has long roots that penetrate deep into the soil. Abundant watering is required when blooming flowers. The splendor of flowers largely depends on this.

Place to land

The mallow plant does not take root well in a new place after transplantation. This is due to the fact that it has a very powerful root system and can be damaged during transplantation. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately choose a permanent place for her, where she will grow for many years. Prefers lit areas. If there is little sunlight, the plant will not bloom magnificently. When choosing a place for a shrub, it must be borne in mind that strong winds and drafts are contraindicated for it. Since it has a large growth and with gusts of wind, it can break.

Preparing for winter

In order to prepare the plant for wintering, it is cut to the very root of the stems. Further manipulations will depend on climatic conditions. If in winter frosts are small and rare, then they are not able to harm the shrub. In this case, covering the plant is not required.

With a temperature difference of more than 10 degrees below zero, it can adversely affect young shrubs and those that have been ill. They must be covered with leaves, spruce branches or cellophane film.

Diseases and pests



It is one of the most common and harmful diseases. It occurs regardless of where and under what conditions mallow is grown. The disease spreads most rapidly in the second half of the growing season. Diseases are susceptible to buds, leaves and petioles of leaves. The appearance of the disease on the leaves is especially dangerous. The disease can be identified by small, slightly depressed, chlorotic, yellowish spots formed on the upper side of the leaf plate. It is also necessary to pay attention to the lower part of the leaf plate - brown tubercles will form under the formed yellow spots. Which are called the teliopustules of the pathogen. With a strong spread of the disease, the leaves dry up and die. Further, the disease affects the petioles and stems.

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Puccinia malvacearum Bertero ex Mont. apud C. Gay, which develops and spreads on a single host plant. Type of sporulation - teliopustules with teliospores. Teliospores can germinate without an overwintering period.

Shrubs of the second year are more susceptible to disease. This disease prefers wet weather and dense plantings.

The source of rust is teliospores, which are found on the plant debris of affected plants.


Visually, the disease manifests itself in the form of spotting. The disease is ubiquitous. Most often the leaves get sick, but it can also be found on the stems. A bright sign of infection - light brown spots are formed on the leaves, about 3 - 4 mm in diameter. As the disease progresses, the affected areas increase in size. Neither of them can be seen zonality and dark brown edging along the borders of the spot. You can also recognize the disease by examining the spots well: on their surface, namely on the upper side of the spot, you can detect the formed dark dots. You don't need magnifiers to see them. Dark dots are pycnidia of the pathogen. With the extensive spread of the disease, the affected areas merge, which leads to the death of the leaf.

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Ascochyta malvicola Sacc. The disease persists for a long time on infected plant debris in the form of fungus pycnidia.


The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Cercospora malvarum Sacc. and Cercospora malvicola Ellis & G. Martin. If the plant is affected by the C. malvarum fungus, then olive-green spots appear on both sides of the leaf, limited by veins. The fungus C. malvicola causes spots on the leaves, sometimes on the stems. The spots are round or elongated, often merge. They have a pale yellow or gray color, with a narrow dark brown rim. Infections are spread by conidia. The source of infection is plant residues affected by the disease with sclerotia-like stroma.

Protection of mallow from diseases

To prevent the spread of diseases, it is necessary to change the location of the flower on the site, and return to the old place no earlier than after 3 years. When sowing, only seeds from healthy plants should be used. Increases resistance to infection by the addition of phosphorus - potassium fertilizers. It is necessary to prevent the thickening of the bushes. When infected plants fade, they must be cut at ground level. Also collect and destroy all fallen leaves. It is recommended to remove all weeds that are carriers of the disease.

In the autumn, you need to destroy all plant debris, because. during the winter, pathogens may remain on them.

mallow pests

spider mite

Affects shrubs in hot weather. A sign of a spider mite is the appearance of white dots on the leaves, which gradually increase in size. And eventually the leaves dry up. Ticks live on the underside of the leaf, very small in size. They live in cobwebs. If the gardener notices the appearance of this pest, then it is urgently necessary to treat the plant with soapy water or some kind of oil (mineral). If the performed action did not bring results, then it is necessary to use drugs such as Lightning, Vertimek, Fitoverm.

Among folk remedies, one can single out - an infusion of garlic or an infusion of onion husks. Also an infusion of tomato or carrot tops. It is necessary to spray some of these infusions on the bush.


Aphids eat leaves, buds and the flowers themselves. As a result of its activity, the plant turns yellow. This pest is easy to see - its clusters secrete a sticky substance. It is recommended to treat the plant with soapy water. If the aphid has not disappeared, then more “serious” preparations can be used - Fitoverm, Decis, Iskra ...

Features of growing a plant

If the gardener is in no hurry and can wait for beautiful flowers until next year, then you can sow the seeds directly into open ground in May - June. At the same time, only leaf rosettes are formed in the plant, in this case, flowers should be expected only next year. If the grower wants to get beautiful flowers this summer, then it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in January or February.

Growing a plant with seedlings is a preferred method than sowing seeds. This is because the seedling method is more reliable. Sowing seeds of both annuals and perennials is the same. The difference is only the time period. Annuals are sown in the middle of winter, and transplanted into open ground in May. And the plant will delight with a variety of flowers already in July. Biennials and perennials are sown in May and seedlings are transplanted into the ground only in August - September.

Landing in open ground

Annuals should be transplanted into open ground in May. And perennials or biennials - in August or September. Biennial and perennial mallow seeds can be sown outdoors. This is carried out after the frosts have passed - from April to May. Small dimples are made in the soil - about 3 cm, and 2 - 3 seeds are placed there. The gap between the holes should be 25 - 50 cm.

When choosing a distance, you need to consider the type of plant. Next, the hole is filled with soil, lightly compacted and watered a little. If the probability of frost still exists, then it is necessary to cover the bed with a covering material. If the weather remains warm, then shoots can be seen after half a month. When 3-4 leaves appear, it is necessary to thin out the crops. In the hole you need to leave one of the strongest sprouts.

Sowing in a greenhouse

The transplant is painful for the plant, due to the long and powerful root system. It is recommended to use containers or peat pots for its sowing in a greenhouse. In pre-prepared soil, small pits or grooves are made, where seeds are sown. The best temperature for germination is 18 - 20 degrees. Under these conditions, sprouts will appear in two weeks. When seedlings appear, they must be streaked so that there are approximately 2-3 cm between the sprouts.

To save all germinated plants, after thinning, the remaining sprouts can be planted in peat pots. After all the manipulations, the sprouts are left to grow and get stronger. Strengthened seedlings are recommended to be hardened and then planted in a place where it will delight the gardener for many years. When planting, the distance between flowers should be 25 - 50 cm.

Mallow reproduction

Breeding occurs in several ways:

  • seeds
  • cuttings.

When the plant fades, seed pods form. They consist of a large number of seeded small fruits that are collected around the pedicel. After the shrub has faded, the seeds ripen within 3 - 4 weeks. As soon as the boxes turn yellow, you can collect the seeds. But you have to dry them indoors.

It is recommended to prepare the seeds of the plant before planting. Especially if they were purchased in a store or stale. They must be “soaked” in warm - 45 degrees water. This is done so that the hard shell softens, and the sprouts appear much faster. This shrub has a shelf life of 3 years. Germination especially increases in seeds in the last year of storage. Seeds are best planted in peat pots, so that when planted in open ground, plant them together with pots. The fact is that the root system is powerful and at the same time tender, and if the plant is pulled out of the pot, then the roots can be damaged, which is poorly tolerated by the shrub. However, they are often unable to take root and often die.

The most suitable temperature for seed germination is 18 - 22 degrees. Under these conditions, sprouts will appear in half a month. If the gardener sowed the seeds in a container, then when three true leaves appear, thinning is necessary. The recommended distance between sprouts is 2 - 3 cm.

When the seedlings get stronger, it can be hardened. To do this, it must be transferred to the street for several hours a day. It is necessary to transplant the plant in open ground from May to June.

Mallow of terry varieties can be propagated by cuttings. To grow a perennial, you need to take cuttings that are cut in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root of an adult strong plant. For planting in the summer, it is necessary to take cuttings cut stem cuttings. To cut the cuttings, you need to use only a very sharp knife. It is recommended to treat the cut with crushed charcoal, and leave the cuttings themselves alone and let the wound dry. The next step is to plant the cuttings in pots with nutritious soil. Cuttings should be watered regularly. If new leaves begin to appear, then the cuttings are rooted. When the cuttings grow up, they can be planted in a permanent place. This method of propagation is not popular, this is due to the fact that the survival rate of cuttings is very low.

Application in landscape design

The plant is simply designed to create unusual, bright and original flower beds. If the gardener shows imagination and plants several varieties in small groups, then a very lush, unusual composition can turn out. With the help of these shrubs, you can close buildings that are unsightly to the eye, a fence, etc. You can also use this plant to delimit the space on the site.

Flowers are used to create an original background on the site. With the right and thoughtful selection of varieties, flower growers reward a multi-level ensemble, where one level will move to another, changing colors. Very common in rural culture - the plant is unpretentious in care.

It looks very good and combines with other plants, and against their background it looks noble and advantageous. Pairs well with:

  • phlox;
  • monarch;
  • nivyanik;
  • delphinium.

Plants with pastel colors are wonderfully combined with wild herbs. This combination is found in those areas where the shrub reproduces independently - by self-sowing. Also, the plant looks original in combination with chamomile, echinacea, lupins.

In many gardens and in the flower beds of summer cottages, you can see an attractive mallow or stock rose. The flower can grow in a temperate climate, therefore, as a perennial plant, it is grown in almost all regions of our country. An unpretentious and hardy plant loved by many gardeners. A variety of types and colors of mallow can satisfy any landscape designer.

Description, types and photos of mallow

A flower growing in natural conditions may have height from 30 to 110 cm. The plant is distinguished by heart-shaped leaves and large flowers up to 13 cm in diameter. The color of the oblong petals depends on the species and variety. They can be white, pink, lilac, burgundy and even almost black.

Popular varieties

All types and varieties of mallow are divided into annual and perennial plants.

Annual mallow refers to biennial plants, but is grown as an annual. It grows up to 1.2 m and is distinguished by dark stripes on the flower petals. Among the most famous varieties can be distinguished:

Mallow perennial very popular with gardeners. Among the variety of its varieties, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Mallow wrinkled in garden plots reaches a height of no more than 90 cm, although in nature it can grow up to one and a half meters and above. The plant is decorated with yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm.
  2. Sudanese mallow has medicinal properties and is grown mainly for its fruits. The shrub and tree form of the plant is known.
  3. Mallows "Pink Tower" and "White Tower" grow up to 70 cm. They bloom for a long time almost until the very frost.
  4. Mallow musk or nutmeg reaches a height of 1 m. Its very fragrant white and pink flowers have a diameter of 30-50 mm.

Hybrid mallows also belong to perennial crops. They differ in height up to 180 cm, large stems and flowers of pale pink or white. Flowering continues from early summer to the coldest autumn.

Malva perennial: planting and care

In one place, the plant can grow without any transplants for a long time, so the site must immediately meet all the conditions for growing a flower.

Mallows love well-lit places, protected from direct sunlight and strong winds. The best soil for them is light loam. It should be well drained and nutritious.

Mallow seeds for seedlings are sown at home in April or early May. In open ground, sowing is done at the end of June. Seedlings grown in the house on the plot planted only at the end of August.

Mallows do not require special care. It is enough to water them regularly and on time and sometimes feed them. In warm weather, watering is done once a week, and on hot days, the bushes are watered abundantly. The stem-rose does not like stagnant water in the soil, therefore waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed.

Once every 15-20 days, mallows are fed with a weak solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. For additional aeration, the soil is periodically recommended to be cleared of weeds and loosened. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the delicate root system of the stem-rose.

To prevent high bushes from being broken by the wind, they need to be tied to supports. Around the middle of summer, seeds can be collected from the plant and prepared. After flowering, the mallow stems are cut off.

In autumn, mallow care consists in preparing the plant for wintering. For this use fallen leaves, which cover the areas where stock-rose bushes grow.

The appearance of small red spots on the leaves may indicate rust damage to the plant. Mallows can also be prone to mosaic and powdery mildew. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant them for two years on areas previously infected with these diseases. When signs of one of these diseases appear, the affected leaves are cut off and burned, and the bushes must be treated with fungicidal preparations.

Mallow - growing from seeds

You can sow seeds immediately in open ground or first grow seedlings from them at home.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Seeds can be sown before winter or at the end of spring, when the last frosts have passed. To do this, in holes about 3 cm in size place two or three seeds at a time. Covered with earth and slightly compacted seeds are well watered and covered with acrylic or polyethylene. In this case, the earth will not dry out, and the seeds will swell and sprout faster.

The first shoots should appear in about two weeks. Polyethylene will need to be removed immediately. When two or three true leaves appear on the seedlings, a pick is made.

The mallow planted immediately into the ground will bloom only in the second year. In the year of planting, the plant will only form a leaf rosette. When growing stock roses in good conditions, self-seeding will be carried out, and plantings will begin to renew themselves.

Growing seedlings

Propagation of stem roses by seedlings has its own nuances:

  1. The long and fragile mallow roots are easily damaged, and after transplantation, it takes root very poorly. Therefore, seedlings are recommended to be grown in peat pots or small containers that can also be placed in the soil.
  2. Seeds are sown in April or May and kept at a temperature of 18-20C.
  3. After about two weeks, the first seedlings should appear, which are exposed to a more lit, but less warm place.
  4. The soil needs to be watered regularly, not allowing it to dry out.
  5. If there are a lot of seedlings in one container, then they can be thinned out. The distance between them should be about three centimeters.
  6. Seedlings with three true leaves dive into deeper separate containers.

In August, the grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place in open ground. The distance between them should be within 25-50 cm.

Rooting cuttings

In order not to lose varietal differences, terry species propagated by cuttings of various types:

  • stem cuttings take root in early summer;
  • cuttings cut at the root are suitable for planting in the spring.

Mallows in landscape design

Stock roses are suitable for decorating flower beds. Mallow will look especially beautiful if they are planted in a group. They can plant along a fence or buildings, covering nondescript buildings. With the help of stock-rose bushes, you can delimit space on the site or draw a beautiful line in the background. Having picked up palettes of shades of mallow and other perennials, you can build a beautiful flower bed.

By planting a perennial mallow in your garden, and properly caring for it, you can enjoy an amazingly beautifully blooming flower garden all summer long. In addition, your family will be provided with a medicinal plant, which is used according to traditional medicine recipes.

Mallow (also called mallow or stock rose)- the real queen of the infield.

Belongs to the Malvaceae family, grows in large numbers in Asia Minor and southern Europe.

It is a tall perennial plant with large flowers and palmately lobed or dissected leaves. Currently, there are about 60 species of mallow.

However, do not confuse the stock-rose (mallow) with the mallow. It also belongs to the mallow plants, but is a member of a different family.

If you are looking for a way to decorate a hacienda, be sure to plant perennial mallow. It has a rich color palette, is unpretentious in care and is easy to grow.

Cultivation and care

How to plant mallow and create conditions for it so that it can reveal all its beauty to us?

Most importantly, remember: mallow does not like transplantation, because. has very long roots that are easily damaged. Therefore, before planting this flower, decide on a permanent place.

As for the landing site, it is worth choosing places lit by the sun, protected from strong winds. But mallow can grow in the shade. Despite the fact that it is unpretentious in care, in dry weather, do not forget to water the plant and make sure that the water does not stagnate.

Due to the fact that mallow is a tall plant, it can easily break under a gust of wind. Therefore, you should help the plant by tying it to stakes that can be painted to match the color of the stem.

Mallow diseases

Most often, perennial mallow suffers from rust. Pay attention to the back side of the leaves. If you see rusty spots, these leaves must be removed. In the future, avoid planting mallow in this place.

The plant can also be affected by spotting and powdery mildew.

Mallow in landscape design

Mallow is very popular for use in landscape design. This plant is planted as a high background in groups.

Plant in rows, but not too densely. The interval between plants should be about half a meter. Mallows are perfectly combined with the stone, emphasizing its power and beauty, and at the same time creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere.

Stock-rose is often used for lawn decoration, club decoration, discounts and mixborders. Due to its high growth, mallow is planted in the background of flower beds, and is also used to create hedges or as a screen for low outbuildings.

There are also low-growing varieties of mallow, which are ideal for potted arrangements, decorations in vases, planters, containers. Such decorative elements will decorate the veranda, porch, window or balcony of a private house.

With what to combine mallow? Pay attention to such crops as delphinium, large leucanthemum, Khatka olbia, Byzantine Chistets, phloxes, monarda, manzhetka and other plants from this group.

Selection of varieties

Currently, a large number of mallow varieties have been bred. Stock rose colors range from pure white, pink and cream in varieties such as Peach Dream, Tsarevna Swan, Apple Blossom to scarlet in varieties such as Beauty Queen. There are also chocolate and black colors (Nigra variety).

Salmon and orange colors are found in varieties Rosina and Koroleva Salmon, and golden yellow flowers are inherent in the variety Sunny color. The Raspberry King variety is distinguished by bright crimson flowers, the Violet variety is purple, Bordeaux and Maroon are maroon. And this is not all varieties of this amazing plant.

Having correctly approached the choice of colors and a place for planting this plant, you will create a spectacular ensemble that will surprise with its beauty and amaze anyone with its large and luxurious flowers.

The stock-rose is better known to us as a kalachik, mallow or perennial mallow. Planting and caring for this spectacular plant, familiar to many since childhood, will not be a problem even for the most inexperienced lover.

Charming flower arrangements will transform any garden design. No wonder the mallow has always attracted the attention of poets and artists. For example, in the Japanese temple of Kyoto, for several hundred years, Aoi Matsuri, the Mallow Festival, has been held at the end of spring.

Types and varieties of stem roses

When choosing a mallow for your garden, be sure to pay attention to the features of the species and variety. They differ not only in color and flower shape, but also in height.

Musk mallow has an amazing smell and amazing cold tolerance, and will survive even at -35°C. Almost all summer, a meter-long bush will delight the eye with snow-white or pink flowers, which reach 5 cm in diameter. If you need moisture-loving plants, the White Perfection variety will do. It is undersized, reaching a maximum height of 65 cm. In addition, pay attention to the Innosens and Pink Princess varieties, they look very gentle.

Mallow forest (forest mallow) will surprise with long flowering, the plant will be strewn with white and pink flowers until the beginning of autumn. Moravia has scarlet streaks on the corollas. The Primley Blue variety is very beautiful with bright petals and shoots that spread along the ground. Noteworthy is the Zebrina, a charming garden form, so named because of the purple stripes on the pink corollas.

Mauritanian mallow can be recognized by high (up to 1.5 m) and bare stems, they are densely strewn with flowers placed in the leaf axils. Unfortunately, this species survives extremely poorly in cold weather, so it is often grown as.

Hybrid mallow is simply a magnificent perennial with chic terry inflorescences of pink, scarlet or white. It tolerates cold only down to -15°C and in some regions can only be grown as an annual crop. Popular varieties of this species include Powder Puffs, Gibbortello and Chaters Double.

Mallow wrinkled used to be used less often in gardens, but today it is becoming more and more popular. This is a wild species that winters well. The leaves are corrugated, gray-green in color, the flowers are bright yellow, up to 10 cm in diameter. It blooms towards the end of summer and blooms for about 70 days.

Stock-rose will grow well on loose and loamy soil, preferably enriched with humus and with good water permeability. It is better to choose a sunny place, protected from cold winds. The stem rose will not suffer even in partial shade, but it blooms more abundantly in the sun.

The stem rose needs minimal care - regular watering in moderate amounts (about once a week), loosening the soil (once a month), fertilizing with compost and humus (annually). In a drought without watering, the flowers will quickly wither, but if you overdo it, rust will appear from dampness. If the soil is very poor, complex mineral fertilizers can be applied, but not more often than once every 1-2 months.

Too high flower stalks sometimes have to be tied up, otherwise the wind will break them. As soon as the flowering period is over, it is advisable to cut the stems and create a shelter for the mallow for the winter. Mallow can be grown immediately in open ground or in a greenhouse.

Ways to grow mallow from seeds


It is important to consider that long roots are often damaged after transplantation and the plant adapts very poorly. Therefore, stock up on peat pots or small containers in advance, so that later you can move the seedlings into the soil with them.

In April-May, the seeds are sown in prepared grooves. At a temperature in the range of 18-20 ° C, seedlings will appear somewhere in 14 days. Then the crops are thinned out, leaving 3 cm between the bushes. All plants can be saved, then specimens with three full-fledged leaves dive into the pots and are left to grow further. Planting of mature seedlings in a permanent place is usually carried out in August. The distance between them should not be less than 25 cm, but you should not leave more than 50 cm.

If you want to enjoy the flowering of the rose stock this year, sow the seeds in the greenhouse in early March. Then in May, the seedlings are moved to open ground, however, the bushes will be annuals.

In the open ground

Sometimes flower growers prefer sowing before winter, but it is better to sow seeds in May, when late frosts are no longer terrible. 2-3 seeds are placed in small holes (depth up to 3 cm), covered with earth, tamped a little and watered. After 2 weeks, shoots should appear. When 2 or 3 leaves appear on the bushes, you can thin out the plantings, leaving the strongest ones. In the first year, a leaf rosette will form, in the second the bush will bloom. If you provide the mallow with good conditions, then it will give a good self-seeding, and your plantings will be regularly updated.

Application in landscape design

Looking for the perfect garden decoration? Do not hesitate, choose mallow or mallow perennial. Care does not take much time, many varieties are characterized by long flowering, and thanks to the magnificent foliage, they remain decorative throughout the season.

The plant can be planted singly or in large groups, decorate fences, walls, outbuildings, draw a beautiful line in the background, delimit the space of the site, emphasize the beauty of shrubs by planting a stem rose against their background. Groups with, preferably tall or medium height, also look great. Especially if you work with a palette of shades and choose the most impressive combination. Mallow is ideal for creating.