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Runic spells. Runic magic - how to work with runes Runes are used in rituals

Many people believe in the existence of otherworldly forces and currents of magic that invisibly embrace every person. The world around us has still not been fully studied, so it is not surprising that humanity tries its witchcraft laws again and again. Someone wants to attract good luck, someone has been unlucky in love for a long time, someone has enemies who are not so easy to drive away using conventional methods. Then magic with its mysterious rituals comes to the rescue.

One of the most common and most accessible practices that even beginners in non-material matters can use is runic magic. In many ways, it is more understandable because the symbols are visibly inscribed on objects, and each of them has a separate meaning. In addition, you can combine magic runes: both their meaning and application can be easily adjusted to a particular situation. The main thing is not to mix light and dark signs in one ritual.

Church and runes

Runes relate to magic, and it’s no secret that church teachings They look very askance at witchcraft. However, we should not forget that all religious teachings originate from ancient beliefs and idolatry. Even the New Year's celebration, when families gather around a decorated tree, as the gods gathered at the roots of the World Tree, is a reference to a very old story. So old that a great many people have completely forgotten it.

Of course, a devout Christian will not use runes for the reason that he has a different faith and other rituals; he will not even think about using magic. And the spell is different from the spell: if you want to help a loved one or ward off trouble from family and friends, then why not ask for help from higher powers?

Types of runic signs

Every rune, like every thing in this world, will be useful only if it stands in its place. It is unwise to use a spell that protects against the evil eye and damage if the danger of theft is actually close, and you should not attract good luck when the goal is to find a lover. In addition, you need to clearly know the runes of chaos and destruction: in inept hands they can qualitatively ruin the life of the magician himself.

Runes are used in rituals:

  1. White magic.
  2. Black magic.

Action of rituals:

  1. Creative - help in personal life, study, career, building relationships, improving health.
  2. Destructive - creating various obstacles for the victim, up to and including her death.

It is best to establish contact with the invisible world through harmless rituals that cannot harm either the magician or others, even if a mistake has crept into the actions. It is also worth remembering that all rituals of rune magic tied to a clearly formulated desire.



For good luck

These signs are best used if you want to improve your material well-being, strengthen your position on the social ladder, or enter the circle of fate’s darlings. Of course, even these, despite their “light” effect, cannot be used thoughtlessly: magic does not tolerate negligence.

Branches of glory.

This symbol consists of three elements representing branches of ash, thorn and oak trees, to which sacred meaning is attributed.

Such a position will be useful for those who want to strengthen their social position, attract the attention of higher-ups and achieve popularity. In a word, gain fame among the people around you.

The action of the branches of glory is completely safe, the ritual that causes their action is not difficult to carry out, and the becoming itself can be used for as long as desired. It is even recommended to apply it to a silver ring to enhance the magical effect.

Performing the ritual: obtain branches from oak, ash and thorns large enough to be broken seven times. Then, on an iron plate - you can use a casserole dish or a roasting pan - draw a sign of the branches of glory and burn a piece of the branches. Scatter the ashes from a high place, even a balcony will do. The ritual will take a week.

This stave is quite simple to make, but to use it, the magician must have a clear idea of ​​what he wants to get, because luck is a fickle lady, and the runes interpret the phrase “ I want to be lucky" in my own way. But if there is a clear goal and you need fate to be favorable, then this becoming is perfect for fulfilling your desire.

The ritual is very simple: you need to apply a drawing with a marker to the skin in a secluded place and update the pattern from time to time so that it does not smear or wash off. When applying, it is very important to express your desire and, of course, not show the runes to anyone.

The stave works very softly, almost imperceptibly. And only after everything happens, you will feel that for some reason you have been very lucky lately. The symbol is compatible with other curses of similar properties.

Help from an Old Friend.

This is a very famous one in the circles of runic masters. It is time-tested, and its effect is easy to track because it helps in a short time. It will take from one day to a week to develop your strength, depending on how difficult the desire is stated.

Due to the fact that the runes are multidisciplinary and will help both with money and with a quick appointment with a doctor, the symbols can be drawn on an amulet that should be carried with you.

If the desire is clearly stated and has an end result, then you need to write it down on paper or, say, a photograph of the director, since you want a promotion, and then burn it after fulfilling the request.

However An old friend demands respect, and if the magician is inexperienced and accidentally ruined the rune, then it is better to act quickly and cancel the magic.

Protecting from trouble

Sometimes it seems that the whole world has turned against a person, or failures just fall on one’s head. A very unpleasant feeling that you want to avoid at all costs. Staves will come to the rescue, protecting and protecting from the evil eye, damage, other people's magic and simply unpleasant events.

These runes belong to white magic and it is impossible to harm them even with a great desire and complete inability to cast magic. Like other staves, such symbols consist of several elements of the runic alphabet, but a beginner can use them without even distinguishing the parts individually. Of course, you will need to learn them later.

Simple protection with reflection.

The action of this rune is easy to understand: it “catches” all unpleasant events and reflects dark magic back to the one who cast it.

For the symbol to work, you need to write it on a piece of paper that you should carry with you. The plot can be put in a wallet, but keep in mind that no one will look into this compartment.

It acts slowly, gradually accumulating strength. It may take him a week to show himself in all his glory.

The rune, denoting the weapon of the mighty thunderer, will become a faithful protector from other people’s evil thoughts and slander. With her help you can “cut off” negative magic, which reaches out to other people and clears the energy background.

The symbol is best drawn in red ink in a secluded place. Can be carved on the door frame to protect the house from the evil eye. If you always want to keep the hammer at hand, then apply it to a silver or wooden decoration from the back side.

Using such a spell will give you peace of mind, because this symbol is universal and copes with both light sorcery and strong evil spells with equal success.

To attack enemies

Sometimes simple protection is not enough, and not everyone likes to sit idly by. It's no secret that black magic and runes are connected as tightly as staves and white spells. These are two sides of the same coin. Of course, use evil slander should be done with caution and only in extreme cases. If a person is unpleasant to someone, this does not mean that he is bad with everyone: most likely, for someone he is an exemplary family man and friend. Therefore, for simple competition with someone, it is better to help yourself with protective symbols and spells for good luck.

But if there is no other way out, then you will have to use the magical meaning of the runes, which implies an appeal to dark forces.

Impact dome.

Initially, this stave was created for one’s own protection, to protect oneself from bad intentions and to prevent other people’s magic from reaching its goal. However, the canopy works both ways. If you cover your opponent with it, then no amount of luck or help will reach him.

The rune should be drawn from a photograph of the enemy. It works best at destroying social connections and interactions. For example, you can put a work colleague in disgrace or ward off a dangerous boyfriend from a friend.

The dome loves precision. The reservation must be made clearly and clearly, with all the details and clarifications: who the symbol falls on, how the conspiracy should work, what it should and should not omit.

Symbol of Chaos.

It is not for nothing that this stave is called a symbol of chaos, because it is known for its expressive manner of performance and complete dedication. When slandering a person, you need indicate that the outcome is not fatal.

But its area of ​​influence is wide, ranging from its impact on a specific person and ending with the fact that with its help you can destroy an entire team. Becoming can spoil both the physical and mental health of a person and cause discord in the family. The rune must be drawn on the photo of the offender. The place where it will be drawn matters. For example, placing it on the forehead can bring chaos into a person’s thoughts and make him absent-minded.

When using a rune, you need to think about your own protection: the symbol draws its power from the energy of the magician himself, even if the dialect says that he “feeds” on the life of the enemy.

In any case, no matter what runes are chosen for use, you need to remember that an inexperienced magician should start with simpler incantations, preferably harmless ones, and resort to black magic, having at least some experience, only in extreme cases.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many witchcraft practices around the world use magic runes- ancient symbolism, which has proven its effectiveness and uniqueness for centuries. Not everyone is fully revealed - the Universe is very serious in this matter.

Each person is able to cope with a certain amount of energy, and that is exactly how much magic is allocated to him. Otherwise, irreparable damage can be caused.

Never forget about the learning process - this is probably the most important point. Before you master the ancient technique, study all the magical runes and their meaning.

Mysterious signs are able to control human destinies, administer justice, and change events. But, in addition to attracting what you want, rune symbols can also punish mercilessly. Any magical practice requires caution and attentiveness.

The magical meaning of runes

Each rune has its own magical properties - let’s try to understand this issue in more detail:

  • Fehu

First of all, it is a money symbol. It is used to attract profit and improve financial situation. The sign is suitable for both novice businessmen and those who have been running their own business for a long time.

It is worth remembering a very important thing - the rune will never help someone who is not confident in himself. If you cannot set a specific goal for yourself, you should not rely on rune magic.

  • Uruz

There is no need to joke with this symbol. Beginners should handle Uruz energy with extreme caution. The rune is not afraid of a single obstacle and demolishes everything in its path - like a hurricane.

Contact her for help only when you urgently need to change your current circumstances. In a short period, Uruz will turn the situation upside down.

The symbol is useful in healing practice, as in some cases it can save a patient from death.

  • Turisaz

This is a symbol of magical protection, so it works perfectly as amulets and talismans. Neutralizes all kinds of negativity that occurs in everyday life.

  • Ansuz

Scandinavian sign that is responsible for the sixth sense. Each of us receives a set of supernatural abilities at birth, but not everyone knows about it. Over time, such opportunities lose their power and die out. But if you work with them correctly, you can achieve good results. The rune serves as an assistant in this matter.

Ansuz is also useful for those who cannot boast of the ability to concentrate. The symbol will teach you how to manage your own thoughts.

  • Raido

A symbol of continuous movement, growth, progress, therefore it can serve as an excellent assistant for travelers.

  • Kenaz

Runic magic uses the energy of Kenaz in moments when it seems that there is no way out of the situation. The rune finds light in the darkest places.

Suitable for creatively developed individuals.

  • Gebo

It is capable of combining opposite energies, which is why Gebo is used in magic as a love amulet. Symbol of sacrifice and exchange.

  • Vunyo

In magical rituals, Vunyo is responsible for the success of the result. The peculiarity of this symbol is that it is able to collect positive energy into a single clot and direct it in the right direction.

  • Hagalaz

Magically, Hagalaz destroys all the past and makes way for the future. The rune gives a person another chance to turn over a new leaf.

Help in difficult life situations. Any adversity will seem like an absolutely solvable problem to you if there is a mystical symbol nearby.

  • Isa

This is a symbol of ice and cold. The rune will freeze everything it can. If you need to slow down processes, this is the best assistant.

  • Yer

If you need support or lack confidence, contact Yer. All your work and efforts will not be in vain if you use the rune as a personal talisman.

  • Eyvaz

An ancient sign that brings harmony into our lives. It will drive away all negativity, and, on the contrary, will attract positive energy. All the problems inside you will dissipate like a foggy haze - that’s how powerful the magic of runes is.

  • Perth

Magicians often use the symbol in healing practice. Perth helps to understand the problems of the past and clarify the future.

  • Algiz

Excellent protection against any witchcraft interference. The rune copes with both a professional attack from a magician and the negativity of ordinary envious people. Gives peace and inner balance.

  • Soulu

Strengthens the energy component. As a personal amulet, it protects against the evil eye and wards off energy vampires.

  • Teyvaz

The rune will help you cope with the most difficult problem and emerge as a real winner. Considered a masculine symbol.

  • Berkana

Magicians advise pregnant women and those who dream of becoming a mother to use the magical energy of Berkana. The symbol promotes the successful course and completion of pregnancy.

  • Evaz

If you urgently need to get rid of something unnecessary, use the magic of Evaz. The sign is considered one of the most powerful, so it can be difficult for beginners to work with it. But for those who are strong and self-confident, the rune will serve as an excellent talisman, bringing good luck and luck.

  • Mannaz

Represents the person himself - personality, person. Therefore, Mannaz can be used as an amulet for personal purposes.

  • Laguz

In magic, Laguz is used to develop intuitive abilities. Women are recommended to use runic energy to preserve youth, beauty and health for a long time.

  • Inguz

The rune works with a person’s inner strength, develops his potential and innate capabilities.

  • Odal

A sign that is associated with one's home. This is a symbol of clan, generations, family.

  • Dagaz

In the magical sense, Dagaz is a new stage in life. If you feel that the time has come for change, then you will need the rune at the right time.

Magical influence and use of runes in magic

To fully work with rune magic, you need to plunge into the world of these mysterious signs. It is not enough to know the runes and their meaning and application - it is important to feel the energy of each of them.

The magical properties of runes are used as follows:

  • firstly, Scandinavian symbolism is applied to various objects, on paper or on the body, to influence current or future circumstances;
  • secondly, practicing magicians make rune amulets for specific purposes;
  • and thirdly, fortune telling - runes in magic will not be able to hide from you what is coming in the near future.

Runes for unlocking magical abilities

All people on earth have a certain amount of magical knowledge and skills, but not everyone knows about it.

To unlock your magical potential, turn to rune magic.

The following formula entails the internal rebirth of the performer. A lot of new opportunities open up for the individual. All boundaries and frameworks that previously held back crumble to dust.

This is what this runescript looks like:

  • Mannaz + Perth– transformation, a different worldview.
  • Mannaz + Ansuz– a new stage of life, new conditions.
  • Laguz + Ansuz– develop a sixth sense.
  • Soulu + Kenaz– energy component of the formula.

Runes for magical protection

Runic magic will help protect yourself from witchcraft interference:

  • Nautiz- the strongest sign. Experts advise studying very carefully the meaning of runes in fire magic. Nautiz occupies a leading position in this list.
  • Algiz– flexible and timely protection. It will help solve all kinds of problems.
  • Isa– will relieve internal confrontation. The symbol harmonizes the human condition and does not allow one to go beyond generally accepted norms.

Rituals and ceremonies of runic magic

There are a huge variety of rites and rituals using the ancient symbols of the Scandinavians.

Each of the stavs has its own unique energy. To use them correctly, you should know the magic runes and their meaning and application in the practice of magic.

Let's look at some of the formulas.

Rune magic for money

The formula called “Mill” changes the financial position of the operator for the better in a short period:


For magical runes to attract money to start working, apply them to paper or, better yet, to a banknote. Put the talisman in your wallet and never part with it. Don't even think about spending a banknote!

Very soon you will feel positive changes - your profit will increase several times.

Rune magic for love

Gebo – Perth – Kenaz – Gebo – Vunyo – Hyeres

This is the main runescript in the love magic of runes. The formula will help you bring back real romantic feelings into your life, and again feel what passion is. Do not doubt the powerful runic energy - it will definitely cope with all your problems.

Article on the topic:

Your personal life will reach a new level of development. On your way you will meet a worthy person who is ready to spend his whole life with you.

Rune magic for good luck

The runic formula that attracts good luck not only gets rid of troubles - it also teaches you to appreciate fortune:

Yer – Isa – Gebo – Ansuz – Uruz – Berkana

Apply the symbols on a regular piece of paper and carry it with you as a personal amulet. You are guaranteed to consistently attract good luck.

Video about magic runes

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


A novice sorcerer at the beginning of his journey does not have great strength and abilities; everything comes with practice and, accordingly, over time. This applies to everyone, not just a certain subspecies. What does it represent rune magic for beginners and how strong is she? Is she capable of punishing the offender, causing damage, or giving the feelings of a loved one?

Runic influence is considered one of the most ancient. The mysterious symbols that are depicted on the runes carry enormous power and can change reality, and are also capable of controlling a person’s life. It is not for nothing that this segment has been used for several thousand years.

By studying this direction, you can get the opportunity to solve pressing problems that are related to both your personal life and your financial situation. Correct use of runes will protect a person from troubles, diseases and other negativity.

Runes are often used to carry out. So, you can easily receive love, which is filled with sincere feelings and desires, passion and intrigue.

But do not forget that rune magic can cause consequences. Most often this happens because a person begins to abuse it or performs rituals only to frolic and have fun. With the right approach, the magician will not cause kickbacks from influence and will be able to use magical signs for a long time, thereby solving his problems and getting what he wants.

Types of runes and their strength

It consists of getting to know the basics and basics that carry its entire essence, as well as studying the signs that are depicted on the runes. The decoding of some basic meanings is as follows:

· Odin's rune, which does not contain any image. Used to change reality. Builds the necessary chain of events for the magician, which will help him get what he wants;

· Inguz – fertility. The symbol is used in conspiracies or rituals that are aimed at bringing good luck or material enrichment. In some cases, it is used to enable a woman to conceive a child after many unsuccessful attempts;

· Eyvaz – allows the magician to establish protection around himself from the evil eye and damage. Often used during influences that are aimed at punishing the offender;

· Gebo – rune of help. Used to help or heal a specific person. Sometimes it is used during rituals for good luck, which are aimed not at the performer, but at the customer.

After you have studied the meaning of all the runes, or at least a few that you need to begin with, you can begin to learn runic magic in practice. As a magical influence, which will mark the beginning of acquaintance with this direction, a ritual for good luck is used, its action is somewhat similar to a simple one.

Due to the fact that the ritual is intended for beginners, to perform it you will need a minimum of paraphernalia, namely:

· Runa Inguz;

· Wax candle;

· Any jewelry that will become your amulet.

Wait until the sun disappears below the horizon and begin. Light a candle and place a magical object next to it, which depicts the Inguz symbol. Take the jewelry in your right hand and read the following words loudly and clearly:

« Inguz! Inguz! Inguz! Give me good luck! Take away all the troubles. Make me happy. From now on and forever!».

Say three times in a row. While reading, drip wax from the candle onto the rune. Along with pronouncing the last word of the spell, put on a piece of jewelry that will become your amulet and amulet. From now on, all your affairs and endeavors will be successful.

But remember, I would advise you to find out in more detail before you try to influence a human life, your own, or a person close to you - this is a whole science that needs to be studied for a long time, and not just by performing one simple ritual.

Beginner esotericists and runes in their hands

At the beginning of your long journey, you will need to perform a familiarization ritual that contains in your arsenal rune magic for beginners. This is another example of how it can be used by an inexperienced, novice magician.

This action will be aimed at receiving funds. It is worth noting that with the help of this ritual you will not become a rich man, but you will be able to get at your disposal the amount that you need at the moment.

For magical effects, use the Gebo rune, several coins of any denomination and a green candle. The ritual is for informational purposes and therefore does not depend on the time of day. Select the optimal period for carrying out and perform the ritual.

Arrange the coins in a circle and place the Gebo rune in the center. Place a candle nearby and light it. Read the plot and drip wax onto each of the coins clockwise:

« Oh, Gebo, this is the first time I’m addressing you. Give me some gold to solve pressing problems. For this I will submit to you!».

Once completed, try to start new things, try to get a new position at work, or insist on a salary increase. In any case, you are guaranteed success. If you are interested in this topic, then you will be interested. In general, rune magic for beginners is available to almost everyone who has chosen this path for themselves.

Black influence using runes

Do you have any enemies? Do you want to repay them for what they did to you? Black runic magic is what you need. Initially, it is worth noting that you need to use the influence given in the example below only in cases where you have carefully analyzed your action and do not see any other way out of the situation.

The ritual is used to punish your offender. The degree of punishment depends on your intentions. If you set yourself the goal of bringing failure to your enemy, he may lose his job or family, but if your anger towards this person is excessively great, then the outcome of the ritual may look like the death of your opponent. A similar or even stronger influence can only come from, but it is very dangerous and the sacraments will be much more difficult.

Before proceeding, the magician must prepare the following items:

· Runu Eyvaz;

· White chalk;

· Three black candles;

· Photo of your abuser.

In order for the ritual to have the strongest effect, give preference to the night time. Seclude yourself in a spacious room and draw a white circle with chalk. Stand in its center and pick up the Eyvaz rune. Then say the words:

« Eyvaz, protect me from troubles, evil eyes and failures. Recreate protection around me, indestructible!».

This will allow you to establish protection around you that will protect you from the consequences and retaliatory actions of your opponent. After this, we proceed to the second stage of the ritual.

Light the candles and arrange them in a triangle shape. Place a photo of your offender in the center. Look into his eyes for a while and take the rune in your left hand. Remember everything that this person caused to you and read the plot:

« You will perish for what you did! You will lose everything you had! No one will help you in difficult times! You will pay for everything!».

After this, tear the picture into two parts and burn them with a candle flame. Then remove all paraphernalia and throw it away as close to your opponent’s home as possible. Now all you have to do is wait until black magic runes will not begin to show effect. Remember that the effect of the ritual is irreversible and before performing it, think carefully about everything.

How to get love using runes

Runes of magic can not only give money, good luck or punish the offender, but also improve your personal life. The main advantage of using the sacrament is that the performer will receive true love when the other half is next to you, not only because the influence of the Higher Powers is sent to her, but on his own initiative, in other words, the intervention of the spell will be almost imperceptible.

To complete this you will need: Odin's rune, a red candle, a thread, your own photo and a photo of your loved one.

The time at which magical actions will be performed does not matter. As soon as you are ready, start doing it. Light a candle, looking at its flame, squeeze the rune in your hands, giving it your warmth and energy.

Imagine all the moments that were spent with your loved one, and if there haven’t been any yet, then how they will appear and how happy you will be together when the ritual you performed to attract love comes into effect. Take your photos and attach them with string. Try to do this securely so that the pictures do not fall apart later. It is necessary to fasten with the front sides. Find a secluded place and put the photos there. Place the Odin rune on the top of the pictures and do not touch them until the love spell begins to take effect.

The Odin rune causes a chain of certain events that will help you get what he wants. Therefore, try to be near your loved one as often as possible; perhaps he will need your help or protection, which will become the foundation for the beginning of your relationship.

They are effective, so you can expect results within a few weeks. After this time, you will receive love that will be of a natural nature, due to which your relationship will last for a long time, and in some cases, your entire life.

Why you should give preference to the power of runes

Runes and runic magic are one of the most powerful areas of witchcraft. With the help of these magical items, a person will have the opportunity to receive wealth, luck, love and happiness. But do not forget that runes can be used to achieve “black” goals, such as punishing the offender, causing damage or even death.

In addition, the impact of runes can be directed at your loved ones. You can solve their problems yourself by performing the necessary magical intervention.

Also, an experienced magician is able to establish protection around himself from damage, evil eyes, death conspiracies and similar influences. This can also be done using .

One of the advantages of using this segment is that anyone can learn to use it, not necessarily with a magical pedigree. The conspiracies, love spells, ceremonies and rituals that can be found are not particularly complex, so a person will not have any major difficulties when performing them, but what the effectiveness is is a completely different matter.

Studying runes and runic magic in more detail, each person will discover the secrets of witchcraft and learn many secrets. Information on where you can find descriptions and meanings of runes will also be very useful. If you still have any questions, ask them through the “contact the magician” form and you will receive an answer to them as soon as possible.

The runes of the Elder Futhark are used today in two ways: to obtain predictions and to perform magical actions. In this article we will pay attention only to the magical use of runes. The reader will learn how to prepare for the ritual, what rules to use to combine runic symbols, and what to do with the resulting stav (a pattern consisting of several runes).

First, you need to say a few words about the possibilities of runic magic. This is a very powerful magical system with which you can change a lot in your life or in the lives of other people. Runes are a universal tool, the scope of which depends solely on the intentions of the magician. With their help you can:

  • Curse a person or remove the damage caused from him;
  • Take away health or get rid of a chronic disease;
  • Attract good luck in work matters or on the personal front;
  • Break down the obstacle that prevents you from achieving your goals;
  • Get protection from magical attack, physical threat;
  • Make peace or quarrel between people.

Runic magic can be used to solve almost any given problem. But a practicing magician must remember that each ritual performed will require certain energy expenditure or an equivalent sacrifice. For example, while helping a person recover, a magician may himself become ill. And by persistently attracting good luck financially, you can fail in love affairs.

Advice to a practicing magician: Use runes only if absolutely necessary. There is no need to disturb this system to solve trivial everyday issues.

How runes work

Each symbol represents an appeal to one or another god of the Scandinavian pantheon. Or, if you prefer, to a certain force of nature. For example, the Hagalaz rune (which has the symbolic meaning of “hail”) summons the destructive elements. It can be used if you need to remove a barrier, harm a competitor, or turn the current situation in your favor. The Yera (“harvest”) rune can be used in runescripts to attract wealth or to give birth to healthy children.

The depicted symbol carries a certain charge of creative or destructive energy. The location of the sign is of great importance. Let's say you have the task of protecting your home from thieves, enemies and ill-wishers. In this case, the runes should be depicted near the windows and front door. If you need to take revenge on an enemy, you can throw a runescript at his doorstep.

How to prepare for the ritual

To perform any magical ritual, spiritual and physical purity is required. There are several conditions that are recommended to be observed:

  • Before the ritual, take a shower;
  • Change into clean clothes;
  • It is necessary to have a positive or neutral attitude;
  • The consumption of alcohol and nicotine on the day of the ceremony is not allowed.

To get into the appropriate mood, you can go for a walk. This recommendation only makes sense if you have the opportunity to go to a less crowded park or out of town. A noisy and large crowd is more likely to cause irritation than to help prepare for the ritual. If you cannot communicate with nature, then you can use a simple meditation technique to prepare.

Meditation for Beginners. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing and try not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Start counting each exhalation until you reach the number 100. At the end of the meditation, you will feel that your body is relaxed and rested, and your thoughts are clearer.

Rules for applying runes

Runic symbols can be embroidered on clothing, carved on stone, or carved on wood. Often runescripts are drawn up on a blank sheet of paper. Stav begins to be depicted with the central rune, which is considered the main one. Additional signs are built around it, completing the runescript and giving it additional energy. All runes must be partially in contact with each other. If they are torn apart, then each sign will act separately, and the runes may even come into conflict with each other.

There is one unspoken rule that many runologists adhere to - the symbols of the Elder Futhark can be carved on wooden plates or applied with paint. But it is not recommended to burn them, since the ancients believed that in this way the “soul of the tree” could be damaged. By the way, if wood is used to apply the runescript, then it is best to choose ash (the younger brother of the sacred tree Yggdrasil) or oak.

How to combine runic signs

You cannot combine signs with diametrically opposite meanings. For example, you should not combine the Evaz rune (movement, progress) with the Isa symbol (ice, stagnation). Such a position will work in a completely unexpected way. In most cases, it will bring harm rather than benefit to the magician who created it. You also need to take into account that if you depict signs upside down, then their meaning changes to the opposite.

Combine runes as if you wanted to create a complete sentence of several words. Let's say you have an important business trip, the success of which will determine your future activities. In this case, the runescript for success should be based on the Raido rune - “journey”. To the right of it you need to place the Teyvaz sign, which symbolizes victory and achievement of the goal. On the left, the rune Mannaz (man) will be appropriate, which will direct the power of the stave to its creator.

A runic amulet or talisman can have the image of just one rune. But a more complex combination consists of several symbols. Beginners are recommended to start with three runes; over time you can increase the number of signs used. For positive combinations for health and success, use an odd number of symbols, since such a symbol works “outward” and gives off energy. To curse your enemy, you should compose a runescript from an even number of runes - it absorbs energy.

What to do with a runescript (stav)

If you created a runic protective talisman, then you should carry it with you. The item must be in contact with the skin of its owner, this will help it open up energetically and fully perform its function.

The runescript with the curse must be given to the person for whom the negative magical effect is intended. You can draw runes with black paint on a blank piece of paper, and then put the paper in an envelope and send it to the enemy. The curse will begin to take effect the moment the recipient opens the letter and extracts the runes from it.

Betting on luck at work should be kept in your office (optimally in your desk). Be sure to hide it from prying eyes, since any external influence will weaken the magical energy of the item. Even well-wishers can unwittingly spoil the created runescript, not to mention envious people and competitors.

Rune meanings

To use runic signs to solve certain problems, you need to know their meanings:

  • - material wealth, money, property;
  • - strength and energy, the embodiment of the power of a wild beast;
  • - thorn, thorn, destruction, gate to another world;
  • - sacred knowledge, assistance in negotiations;