Repair Design Furniture

Compression jersey for varicose veins. Compression garments for varicose veins: which one is better to buy? Venotex underwear

In case of venous insufficiency and as a preventive measure, it is recommended to use special underwear. Compression garments correct blood flow in the venous system of the legs and prevent the formation of stagnation. It is important to choose the right underwear for varicose veins, otherwise the expected effect will not work and the money will be wasted. Our experts will tell you which underwear is best for varicose veins and how to choose a model for your legs.

Banding of the lower extremities has been used for swelling, bruises, and joint pain since the beginning of the 18th century. A tight bandage made of elastic material compresses the leg lengthwise with varying strength. The greatest pressure is on the bottom of the ankle. Since blood is more difficult to move upward from the bottom point. Higher up, the load on the veins decreases and pressure with less force is required.

The pressure on different parts of the leg for a proper bandage is as follows:

  • Above the ankle - 100%;
  • Upper part of the calf – 70%;
  • Femoral part - 30%.

Compression garments for varicose veins affect the leg, just like proper bandaging. Therefore, at first, patients experience discomfort when wearing it, to which the person quickly gets used to. Under the influence of external pressure, the veins are compressed, which improves blood circulation. Properly selected underwear creates compression on the legs, which is similar to the load when muscles work while walking.

Thanks to the compression effect on the lower extremities, the following effects can be achieved:

  1. At the initial stage of varicose veins, the expansion of veins in the legs is prevented.
  2. Blood flow improves, thereby increasing oxygen supply to tissues.
  3. The formation of blood clots in the venous system is prevented.
  4. Swelling decreases.
  5. Heaviness and pain disappear.

The disadvantages include the high price for truly effective and high-quality models and the uncomfortable feeling when wearing them the first time. The high price is explained by the use of the latest technologies in manufacturing. But saving on health has never led to good results. And the unpleasant pressing sensations will disappear after a few days of wearing them, as the foot gets used to it.

Types and materials

The following types of underwear for varicose veins are available in pharmacies and specialized stores: tights, bandages, stockings, knee socks, leg warmers. Products are worn instead of usual clothes every day.
The fabric used for manufacturing includes elastic threads: nylon, microfiber, lycra. There are no seams or soft ones. Externally, the underwear differs little from ordinary ones.

Aesthetic and comfortable clothes last a long time and do not cause allergies. The skin of the feet breathes and constantly receives micro massage. The medicinal properties of the product are acquired through special manufacturing technology. With proper wear and care, underwear for varicose veins on the legs does not lose its healing properties for 6–8 months.

According to the therapeutic effects, products against varicose veins are divided into groups:

  • For prevention - used in the early stages of the disease (spider veins appear, swelling and pain appear in the evening).
  • Therapeutic - worn during the chronic form of varicose veins (veins are swollen, constant pain and heaviness, swollen limbs).
  • Hospital - worn after surgery to maintain tissues in the desired position.

The most common type is preventative products. The fabric is not dense, and the maximum pressure on the leg is 18 mm Hg.

Preventive models are indicated not only for patients with varicose veins, but also for people at risk if one of the factors is present in their lives every day:

  1. Work is carried out sitting or constantly standing on your feet.
  2. You are overweight.
  3. Acquired or congenital diabetes mellitus.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Age over 45 years.

You can purchase preventive compression garments on the open market. No specialist appointment is required for purchase. The main thing is to choose the right size and type. Models of therapeutic action are sold only in pharmacy chains, and to purchase them, an appointment from a phlebologist is required.

Depending on the compression, therapeutic underwear is divided into classes:

  • I class. The tissue pressure on the leg is no more than 23 mmHg. It is recommended to be worn by patients with already appearing “stars” and partially swollen veins.
  • II class. Pressure no more than 33 mmHg. The models are used as treatment for the initial stage of thrombophlebitis and moderate varicose veins.
  • III class. Tissue pressure is more than 45 mmHg. It is recommended to wear the product for patients with severe forms of venous insufficiency and trophic disorders.
  • IV class. Tissue pressure exceeds 50 mmHg. Recommended for patients with lymphatic disorders to relieve swelling of the legs.

The price for preventive models for varicose veins is lower than for therapeutic ones. The cost is also affected by the promotion of the brand and the quality of materials used in the manufacture.

Models for the stronger half

Men are less likely to suffer from varicose veins, but 30% are susceptible to the disease. To prevent male varicose veins, special socks and stockings have been developed. They are worn like regular socks, but have a length just below the knee (for golf) and (for stockings) to the middle of the thigh. Special socks are produced for sports, with antiseptic silver ions that absorb unpleasant odor from the feet. Let's take a closer look at several of the most popular and high-quality models.

Medi (Germany)

The German manufacturer Medi offers men's knee-highs with toe cutouts and solid ones. Threads with silver ions are used to make the entire product. Men's knee socks are available in 10 colors, which makes it possible to choose a shade to match any clothing and season.

Medi offers men the following models of underwear for varicose veins:

  • Comfort - knee socks are especially soft. The reverse side is treated with lanolin, which additionally moisturizes the skin. Recommended for patients with varicose veins and sensitive and dry skin on the legs. Price from 2,500 rub.
  • Forte - suitable for patients with severe swelling. Price from 2,700 rub.
  • Duomed is a universal model in beige and black. Protects legs well and hides skin defects. Price from 1,700 rub.
  • Active - knee socks are designed specifically for people leading an active lifestyle. Prevents swelling of the legs and helps cope with pain. Price from 2,700 rub.
  • Travel - the model is made specifically for long journeys. When traveling, people are inactive and blood circulation in the lower extremities slows down. Knee socks will help normalize blood circulation and relieve swelling. Price from 3,100 rub.
  • Medi knee socks are available in classes 1, 2, 3, so they are suitable for prevention and treatment of acute varicose veins.

The Spanish manufacturer offers men's socks and stockings of classes 1–4. The peculiarity is the affordable price. Made from high-strength material with the addition of thread with silver ions. The low price is achieved through the use of antiseptic thread only in the lower part of the product. Underwear is available in two colors: light and black.

The manufacturer Orto is loved by users for the following models:

  • Orto 1st class. Preventive high knee socks made of soft knitwear. Recommended for men who already have spider veins. Price from 890 rub.
  • Orto 2nd class. The Golf model is recommended for men with moderate venous insufficiency. Suitable for people whose work involves immobility. Price from 1180 rub.
  • Orto men's stockings class 2. Compression is created from the ankle to the second third femoral part of the leg. Recommended for those suffering from severe chronic varicose veins. Price from 2,000 rub.

Additionally, the manufacturer produces compression garments for varicose veins on one leg. All models have closed socks.

A domestic manufacturer of underwear for varicose veins offers men several high-quality models with preventive and therapeutic effects:

  • Golfs Lumma 1st class. Product of preventive action. Recommended for men with a sedentary lifestyle, when the first signs of venous insufficiency appear. Price from 1,800 rub.
  • Golfs Lumma class 2. Suitable for men with severe chronic venous insufficiency. Price from 2 00 rub.
    The products are available in one color - black. There is a soft seam that is invisible when worn.

Reviews from men:
Andrey Alekseevich, Stavropol, 55 years old: Children gave German socks against varicose veins. While traveling, my legs kept swelling. Since wearing the golf, the problems have disappeared, pain and heaviness after flights are not observed.
Viktor Nikolaevich, Ryazan, 39 years old: I work as a truck driver. During long trips, my legs cramped, there was swelling, and veins began to protrude in several places. After wearing Orto stockings every day, the problems disappeared. Lightness appeared in my legs, swelling subsided. Inexpensive, high-quality stockings really help.

Models for the weaker sex

For women, underwear for varicose veins is represented by a wide range of models: stockings, tights, socks. There is a special line for women in position, active and full representatives. Underwear is selected depending on the size, otherwise the compression is distributed incorrectly and the healing properties are lost. Tights should fit snugly to the body and end exactly at the waist.

According to women's reviews, compression tights are difficult to put on, but they do not slip off when worn. The stockings end above mid-thigh and are secured with silicone tape. They can be worn as an independent wardrobe item or worn under simple tights or leggings.

Tights and stockings are produced for therapeutic and preventive purposes. They are selected individually depending on the woman’s obesity and the degree of the disease.

Inexpensive and attractive in appearance, models from the Italian manufacturer are presented in all compression classes. The price of the thickest class 3 tights is from 1500 rubles. But the products have a big drawback - they wear out quickly. The density of the material is insufficient, so after 1–2 months the product loses its healing properties.

Intex (Russia)

The high quality and different densities of Intex therapeutic tights are known not only here, but also abroad. The tights are distinguished by their soft seams and high wear resistance. The foot is made with the addition of a thread with silver ions, so women are not in danger of smelling sweat. The only negative is the monotony of the models. The tights are available in nude and black. Price for class 1 from 980 rubles, for classes 2–3 from 1,500 rubles.

Venotex American stockings and tights are average in price and durability. In Russia, only certified samples are sold, but you can purchase inexpensive fakes via the Internet. The price of a high-quality model is at least 1,800 rubles. Pharmacies offer Venotex underwear from grades 1 to 4.

Compression garments for varicose veins

On the legs - a disease that is extremely common among women and men. It is accompanied by impaired blood flow and leads to thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the internal walls of blood vessels). underwear is an effective and indispensable tool in the fight against varicose veins.

Kladovaya Zdorovya stores have a wide range of compression and. Our specialists provide consultations on the correct choice of products by calling 8 800 555 41 57.

How can compression garments help treat varicose veins?

With a compression effect, it is shaped and tightly fits the legs, squeezing the veins. Thus, stagnant blood rises to the non-inflamed part of the vessels, and natural blood flow is restored. Long-term use of underwear in everyday life is the easiest and safest way to maintain veins in a natural state.

At the same time, it is important to wear underwear both for existing varicose veins and for the prevention of this disease. Varicose veins are more likely to appear in people whose occupation requires prolonged sitting or standing: office workers, drivers, security guards, etc. They also have an increased tendency to develop, so they should think about wearing them from the first trimester, even in the absence of obvious signs of this disease.

How to choose compression stockings for varicose veins?

Before purchasing compression hosiery, it is best to consult a phlebologist who will determine the correct type of compression for a particular patient. In general, stockings for varicose veins are divided into four classes according to the degree of elasticity and compression.

    Assumes a compression of 20 mm. rt. Art.; such products are used at the stage of occurrence of varicose veins; You can choose stockings of this type yourself without the advice of a doctor.

    Applies pressure within 28 mm. rt. Art.; Such stockings are used for chronic venous insufficiency, superficial thrombophlebitis, and also to relieve swelling in the legs after injuries.

    The third class has a compression of around 40 mm. rt. Art.; This underwear is used to combat lymphatic edema and prevent thrombosis of deep veins.

    The fourth class exerts a pressure of more than 50 mm. rt. Art.; Such products are used to combat particularly severe swelling and to normalize impaired lymph circulation.

It is important to remember that stockings from compression classes to fourth are prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor. Those who decide to purchase class products on their own do not have to see a doctor. Our specialists will provide full consultation, answer all your questions and help you choose the right size.

The benefits of compression hosiery for varicose veins are indisputable and generally accepted. Such underwear prevents the development of varicose veins and restores blood circulation. But compression hosiery includes a wide variety of types and models, so for effective treatment it is worth finding out which underwear is best.

Before choosing the best models, it is worth clarifying why it is needed and how it works. Compression knitwear is a type of therapeutic or preventive underwear that compresses tissues with varying intensities. As a result, blood circulation is normalized, swelling and pain disappear.

Preventive or therapeutic knitwear for varicose veins operates on the principle of graduated pressure distribution on different parts of the leg, with a decrease in compression from the ankle to the thigh. At ankle level the pressure reaches 100% , at the level of the ankle below the knee – 70% , at knee level – 50% , on the thigh - from 40 before 20% depending on the type of linen and class. According to the degree of compression, compression garments are divided into four classes.

The redistribution of pressure normalizes blood circulation, stabilizes the outflow of blood from the foot and ankle and prevents stagnation. Pressure on the legs allows the veins to return to their normal position and stop their expansion and lengthening.

It is worth understanding that special clothing does not solve the problem of eliminating the causes of varicose veins; knitwear only helps to stop the processes of vein deformation, normalizes blood circulation, reduces swelling, fatigue and pain.

Depending on the design, the following types of knitwear are distinguished: tights, stockings, tights, bandages, knee socks, leggings, leggings.

Stockings and tights

Tights– the most popular, used, versatile and comfortable type of knitwear used for diseases of varicose veins. The effect of wearing tights depends on the correct selection of the right size. Tights should fit tightly to the skin, the elastic should be located at waist level. Size mismatch significantly reduces the therapeutic and preventive effect.

Stockings– the second most popular type of compression knitwear. Due to special silicone inserts, this type of underwear is securely fixed on the thigh, but in terms of accuracy of fit they are inferior to tights. Suitable for people with varicose veins, which are localized above and below the knee.

Socks and leg warmers

Excellent for men and in situations where varicose veins are localized under the knee. Knee socks comfortable to wear under outerwear. Compression gaiters for varicose veins have contraindications - and arteritis.

Leggings and tights

Leggings and tights are actively used by both men and women. They are distinguished by a high degree of aesthetics.

The free foot and heel increase comfort and ease of use for a long time. Ideal for wearing with varicose veins located above the knees.

Deserves special attention knitwear for varicose veins for pregnant women.

During pregnancy, the load on the muscles and veins in the legs increases significantly, and the likelihood of developing varicose veins increases. Therefore, it is recommended to wear compression tights from the first months of pregnancy.

Compression underwear must have a special bandage at the top of the underwear. This elastic bandage allows you to fix the abdomen without squeezing it. Maternity underwear is characterized by increased breathability.

Despite the convenience of tights, pregnant women are recommended to use. They are more convenient and easier to use.

Manufacturers offer several types of stockings for pregnant women:

  • classic;
  • open toe;
  • on a corset belt with Velcro;
  • on silicone rubber.

Compression underwear is made from special elastic, durable and resilient materials: cotton, nylon, elastane, lycra. These clothes should be different hypoallergenic and not cause irritation or traumatic effects on skin and tissue.

Manufacturers: advantages, disadvantages

In addition to the type and class, the quality of treatment and prevention of varicose veins is influenced by the choice of the optimal model and manufacturer. A variety of brands and marks allows you to choose the best option in terms of price, design and reliability. But to make an informed choice, you need to know the main manufacturers and the key features of their products.

Leading companies producing preventive and therapeutic underwear for varicose veins:

  1. Relaxsan. The company's models are reasonably priced. Disadvantages include a high degree of wear and tear and the requirement for full compliance with dimensional characteristics. Many people note that even with a slight deviation in size, wearing Relaxsan underwear causes discomfort and inconvenience.
  2. Orto. The company specializes in the production of stockings. Orto products belong to the middle price segment. The stockings are comfortable and have high healing properties.
  3. Medi and Bauerfeind. High quality lingerie at a high price. Designed for long-term wear while maintaining compression effectiveness. The manufacturer pays special attention to aesthetics, style and model diversity. The Medi company produces special devices to make putting on tights and stockings easier - Medi Butler. The device allows you to quickly and easily put on underwear.
  4. Sigvaris. Premium linen. Exceptional quality of tailoring, variability and high level of design solutions.
  5. Intex. The main advantage of this company’s products is their reasonable cost while maintaining a decent level of quality, comparable to underwear from foreign companies. Underwear for varicose veins Intex has a high degree of wear resistance.

Comparative table of knitwear from different manufacturers

RelaxsanOrtoMedi and BaufeindSegvarisIntexVenoteks
A countryItalySpainGermanySwitzerlandRussiaUSA
Price, rub.)up to 1300900 — 1300 about 4000about 6000800-1300 650-1600
prosExcellent combination of quality and price Efficiency and convenience Quality, fashionable design Design, quality Good wear resistance, assortment Excellent preventive models
MinusesRapid wearHeels wear out quickly PricePriceAverage level of comfort Satisfactory degree of wear resistance

Most of the original models from the above manufacturers have positive reviews from treating doctors and specialists. Negative patients called Firstly use of counterfeits, size mismatch And high expectations from the result.

When choosing medical clothing, you should pay attention to the characteristics and parameters, only then to the manufacturer.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing underwear:

  1. First of all adhere to the recommendations and instructions of the doctor, especially since second, third and fourth class linen is sold only by prescription.
  2. Exactly measure leg length and width in various areas (ankle, knee, thigh). When choosing a golf, the coverage above the ankle and under the shin is measured, as well as the length of the leg from the knee to the foot. For stockings, the thigh circumference is additionally measured (at a distance 20-30 cm above the knee). If you plan to use tights, then determine the width at the level of the buttocks and waist. The results obtained are compared with the size table, and the optimal size of the underwear is selected.
  3. Consider the degree and nature of the disease. The class, type and design of the underwear depend on the nature and location of varicose veins.
  4. Class is defined pressure indicator, which is measured in mm of mercury, and not in den, like classic tights and stockings. When choosing a model on the label, be sure to look at the main parameters: class, level of pressure created.
  5. Initially It's worth trying cheaper models. If they fit, you can buy more expensive models based on their size.
  6. The quality of the model is guaranteed by the presence certificate of conformity to the European standard RAL-GZ-387. This marking confirms compliance with the compression level distribution of 100-70-40.

Compression underwear , According to experts, it is an excellent tool for additional correction in the treatment of varicose veins. However, when choosing such knitwear, a number of factors should be taken into account, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be achieved; on the contrary, the condition of the veins may worsen.

The choice of product is made based on its purpose:

  • Knitted underwear for hospital use. Used only in medical institutions, for example, after surgery.
  • Prophylactic underwear.
  • Special underwear for pregnant women.
  • Knitwear for professional athletes.
  • Therapeutic compression jersey.

Knitwear for varicose veins. About compression classes

To achieve a good effect:

  • proper selection of compression garments is necessary;
  • competent care of knitwear;
  • ability to put it on correctly;
  • compliance with wearing rules.

The most important factor is the purchase, which should be made only in specialized stores (shops, pharmacies, etc.). Only in this case can you avoid purchasing a fake.

Orthopedic centers and salons offer products from well-known brands that have the required certificates and are approved for use. In such establishments, specially trained staff will help you select the size of knitwear, which is extremely important to ensure the desired result.

Important! Underwear of the wrong size does not have therapeutic and prophylactic qualities! You cannot buy compression hosiery on the advice of friends or, especially, wear someone else’s underwear.

It is not recommended to purchase maternity underwear for therapeutic purposes on your own. Only a doctor can determine the advisability of prescribing therapeutic compression hosiery and select the size, as well as select the optimal degree of compression. In this case, the duration of pregnancy and the characteristics of its course must be taken into account.

  • First trimester. Preventive knitwear in the absence of signs of varicose veins. Medicinal products - as prescribed by a specialist.
  • Second and third trimester. Wearing therapeutic underwear and selecting the degree of compression is on the recommendation of a phlebologist. You can purchase a prophylactic one yourself.

Attention! Knitwear for pregnant women differs from conventional models of underwear intended for the treatment of varicose veins.


  • At the top of the tights there is a special bandage made of hypoallergenic elastic materials.
  • Belly supporting qualities.
  • The use of materials with increased breathability.

Attention! Some pregnant women prefer stockings to tights. In this case, it is easy to choose a more comfortable model that will not compress the stomach. The leggings part of tights has limitations in stretching, so stockings in some cases are a more optimal option in relation to physiological characteristics during this period.

Modern models of compression hosiery for pregnant women may have:

  1. Silicone rubber band that holds the product on the leg
  2. Special corset belt and Velcro fastener.
  3. Open toe.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. You have chosen the manufacturer.
  2. We settled on any model of the product.
  3. The doctor determined the required compression class.

To accurately select the size, you need to measure your foot.

The sizes of tights, as well as stockings or knee socks are selected only after measuring the legs! Measurements can be taken at home or in a specialized center that offers compression garments.

Compression socks. To select golf, the following is done:

  1. Measure the circumference of the shin in the area above the ankle.
  2. Measure the circumference of the shin just below the knee.
  3. Measure the distance from the knee to the foot.

Compression stockings. For selection you need:

  1. To the measurements of the first two positions (item “knee socks”) add a number equal to the circumference of the hips (the place located at a distance of 25 cm from the knee, which corresponds to the standards of a normal figure). For people taller than 180 cm, measurements are taken at a distance of 30 cm from the knee joint.
  1. Measure the length of the lower limb from the feet to the point where the thigh circumference is measured.

All measurements are taken in centimeters.

Compression jersey. Special table - what is it?

An example of a table of measurements and product sizes from a popular German manufacturer - the Copper company.

Attention! It is mandatory to take measurements before purchasing. Please note that size charts from different manufacturers may not be the same.

If you purchase jersey for varicose veins in a specialized center (orthopedic salon), they will select the appropriate option for you based on your “home” measurements.

High quality compression hosiery from a reputable manufacturer cannot be too cheap. But such products often cause some discomfort when worn, even if they are chosen correctly.

In many cases, adaptation is required, which can take several days or even weeks. But if you experience pain or other too negative sensations when wearing underwear, you should consult a specialist; perhaps this knitwear is not suitable for you.

  1. First grade. Prophylactic knitwear –18– 21 mm Hg. Art.
    Wearing such underwear is recommended for everyone who has a tendency to varicose veins of the lower extremities, these are:
  • pregnant women;
  • persons whose work involves being on their feet for a long time (hairdressers, salespeople);
  • “sedentary” work (office workers, drivers);
  • patients with initial signs of varicose veins;
  • persons who, for some reason, periodically or constantly suffer from heaviness and pain in the legs.
  1. Second class. Knitwear for treatment – ​​23 – 32 mm Hg. Art. The most popular category of products prescribed by doctors for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  2. Third class. Underwear for the treatment of severe conditions – 34 – 46 mm. rt. Art. Indicated for complex thrombophlebitis, trophic disorders, high-grade venous insufficiency.
  3. Fourth grade. Knitwear 49 mm. rt. Art. and higher. Not used often, indicated for lymphedema (impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid).

Expert advice . If the purchase is made for the first time and its purpose is preventive measures, you should not opt ​​for expensive knitwear of the second degree of compression (with the exception of a doctor’s prescription).

In any case, you should first visit a specialist - a phlebologist. If you are diagnosed with varicose veins, you should purchase knitwear with a higher degree of compression, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

Attention! Compression hosiery is not an independent measure for the treatment of varicose veins, it is only an additional effective measure that serves both as a good prevention against varicose veins and is part of its complex treatment.

You should not limit yourself to wearing only one underwear, even the highest quality from a reputable manufacturer, since knitwear in itself does not heal.

Treatment of varicose veins and other problems associated with venous insufficiency should include the mandatory use of special medications (internally) under the supervision of a doctor and creams, gels (externally).

The reasons for the development of varicose veins include many factors. External influence using compression hosiery can influence the further course of the disease towards its worsening. Knitwear that is selected correctly can stop the further development of the disease and remove to some extent negative symptoms, namely:

  • The appearance of new spider veins.
  • Pain and heaviness in the legs.
  • Feeling of tingling and fullness, etc.

In the summer, in extreme heat, wearing such knitwear is not always comfortable. Therefore, during this period more attention should be paid to other treatment methods.

Attention! Any compression hosiery has its own service life - usually no more than seven months (the terms depend on the manufacturer and are indicated on the label).

Comparison of some types of compression hosiery

  • Sigvaris company. A well-known Swiss manufacturer, the cost of the products is quite high. The quality is high.
  • Medi company. Good quality products from a German manufacturer at a more affordable price than Sigvaris.
  • The Russian company Intex is a worthy competitor to imported companies. Good quality at a more than affordable price.
  • Spanish company "Ortho" and American "Venotex". High quality at fairly reasonable prices.
  • Italian company "Tiana". Less popular products, but the quality of the linen meets international standards. The price is reasonable.

Men are less likely to wear compression hosiery for varicose veins, and in vain. The developers also took care of this group of patients, and therefore offer them the use of both special knee socks and orthopedic stockings or leggings. There is no need to suffer with an elastic bandage that does not stay on your feet.

Men can successfully use tights, there is nothing shameful here. There are also special models designed for men, but they are not always on sale. Compression hosiery in the form of tights does not stand out from under clothing, so you should take care of your health and discard prejudices.

Socks, stockings and tights for varicose veins. Which knitwear to choose?

All compression hosiery for therapeutic purposes for varicose veins from a reputable manufacturer undergoes a special test, has a certificate and meets the necessary requirements.

  • Reducing the diameter of veins.
  • Normalization of valve mechanisms.
  • Reduced blood viscosity.
  • Increasing the speed of venous return blood flow.
  • Reducing the risk of blood clots.
  • Increased pushing properties of the venous-muscular pump.
  • Increasing the ability of blood capillaries to absorb extracellular fluids and reducing leg swelling as a result.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to:

  1. What is the maximum length of the golf course, is it enough to influence the “stars” from the dilated veins.
  2. What is the length of the stockings, do you need them to reach your hips?

Attention! Tights affect all areas, therefore they are an ideal product in case of varicose veins in different areas.

Important! The product packaging must contain information about compression, which is indicated by the pressure force indicated in Millimeters of Hg (mm Hg). Ordinary, non-therapeutic and non-prophylactic tights, stockings or knee socks do not have such information on the packaging. If you are offered products where information is indicated in “dens”, then this means purely the density of the material, and not compression. Such tights are not intended for the treatment or prevention of varicose veins and can worsen the condition of the veins.

Advice. Compression jersey for the prevention of varicose veins (first class) does not require consultation with a doctor and can be purchased independently. In other cases, contacting a phlebologist is a mandatory measure.

Compression jersey. Product design

The issue of design is not relevant with respect to prophylactic and therapeutic effects. Here you can be guided by your own preferences and choose models, for example, with patterns, different colors, etc.,

To ensure and maintain the therapeutic effect throughout the entire period of use, you should follow the rules for caring for the product and learn how to put it on correctly.

Dear visitors of the Farmamir website. This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

From this article you will learn: how to choose compression underwear for varicose veins, how this knitwear works. Types and classes of compression, how to decide on the size. Contraindications, possible complications and side effects from wearing compression garments.

Article publication date: 07.17.2017

Article updated date: 06/02/2019

Compression products made from knitwear of special density and varying degrees of compression (pressure) are used for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

When placed on a sore limb, they create an external frame that:

The effect of compression hosiery. Click on photo to enlarge

They produce 6 types of compression knitwear:

  1. Tights (cover both limbs at the same time from the foot to the thigh and end at the waist).
  2. Stockings (designed for the lower limb from foot to thigh).
  3. Knee socks (put on the lower leg from the foot to the knee).
  4. Leg warmers (reminiscent of knee socks without a heel and toe).
  5. Socks (put on the foot up to the ankle).
  6. Sleeves (on the arm from wrist to shoulder).

The products have a certain degree of compression (pressure) at the level of the ankles (this is where the complex section of the reverse movement of venous blood begins), which is measured in mm Hg. Art. and is calculated based on the severity of varicose veins. The degree of compression of knitted products can be preventive (with low pressure - class 1) or therapeutic (with high pressure - classes 2, 3, 4).

It cannot be said that stockings are better than tights or socks - the underwear and degree of compression for treatment and prevention are chosen by a phlebologist or angiosurgeon; he makes a conclusion based on the medical history, examination results and individual indications.

How compression garments work

With varicose veins, the lower extremities are the first to suffer: blood easily flows down from the heart through the arteries, but rises up through the veins with some effort. Reverse blood flow is provided by several mechanisms:

  • contractions of the heart, which “push” blood, causing it to circulate in the vascular system;
  • venous valves, which lock the blood in the vessel area so that it does not move in the opposite direction;
  • regular contractions of the muscles of the legs and thighs (muscle pump), which form a kind of supporting frame for the vessels, gently compress them and help push blood up, from the legs to the thighs and into the pelvis. Their weakening is one of the main mechanisms for the formation of varicose veins.
The mechanism of reverse blood flow is normal

Compression hosiery is designed to serve as a muscle pump and frame. Squeezing the leg in a certain place (at the ankle) more strongly, in others a little less (shin, thigh), he:

  • provides an optimal degree of impact on all areas of the leg;
  • normalizes blood flow, helping blood move from bottom to top;
  • gently squeezing the muscles, strengthens the tone of the vascular walls, preventing them from stretching;
  • narrows the lumen of damaged veins, helping to redistribute some of the blood into healthy vessels;
  • normalizes the functioning of the valve apparatus;
  • stimulates lymph outflow, eliminating swelling and congestion;
  • reduces the load on diseased veins.

By normalizing blood circulation in the lower extremities, properly selected compression hosiery performs several more functions:

  1. Improves metabolism and tissue nutrition.
  2. Prevents the development of complications (vascular thrombosis, tissue necrosis due to oxygen starvation).
  3. Relieves severe symptoms (pain, itching, swelling after a working day).
  4. Prevents relapse (reappearance) of varicose veins after surgery.
  5. Does not create difficulties for treatment when worn constantly (if necessary) - external agents can be applied over the product.

Types of linen

The type of knitwear is chosen depending on the location of the main manifestations; the product should be 15–20 cm above the border of varicose veins:

  • Tights are used when both limbs are affected from the shin to the thigh and there are signs of congestion in the pelvis (dilated veins and nodes in the groin, hemorrhoids), they are convenient for pregnancy and weightlifting. Maternity tights have a special abdominal bandage that supports but does not compress it.
  • Compression underwear for varicose veins in the form of stockings is usually chosen when it comes to recovery after surgery to remove veins (from the calf to the thigh) on one leg; they are more convenient to take off and put on (compared to tights).
  • Socks and leggings are intended for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the legs, if the nodes and affected veins do not rise to the knee.
  • Socks are used to improve blood flow in the ankle joint.
  • Sleeves eliminate severe lymphostasis (lymph stagnation, swelling) after surgery, injury, infectious polyarthritis (inflammation of the joints).

Taking into account individual indications and contraindications, only the attending physician can determine what type of underwear is best to use for varicose veins of different locations.

How to decide on the size

They sell underwear in specialized stores; in order to choose the right option for the first time, you need to take individual measurements of your legs.

Measured in cm:

  • shin circumference above the ankles (this parameter is marked with the letter b in the size chart);
  • circumference of the lower leg below the knee (d);
  • circumference of the upper third of the thigh (g);
  • waist circumference (for tights);
  • leg length from heel to groin (to point g);
  • foot length.

In accordance with these parameters, the desired size of compression garments is selected.

Leg measurements for compression garments. Click on photo to enlarge

Compression classes

Knitwear differs from each other not only in the types of products (socks, stockings, tights), but also in the degree of pressure (compression) on the surface of the limb, which determines its medicinal qualities.

The compression in all types of underwear is uneven, the maximum pressure (100%) is on the limb in the ankle area, high (70%) - on the lower leg, minimal (40%) - on the thigh. In this way, conditions are created for restoring blood flow that are close to physiological (normally, the difference in pressure on the lower and upper veins differs by 2.5 times, the bottom is stronger, the top is weaker, this ensures normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities upward to the pelvis).

Distribution of compression along the leg
Class, degree of compression (mm Hg) In what cases is it recommended
1, from 18 to 21 Preventive knitwear, it is recommended:

people with a hereditary predisposition at the initial stage of varicose veins, after the first signs appear - spider veins, heaviness, itching, swelling;

to prevent the appearance of varicose veins during pregnancy;

people at risk (with constant stress on their legs - hairdressers, pharmacists, teachers, athletes).

2, from 23 to 32 Medicinal, use:

in a complex for the treatment of varicose veins;

3, from 34 to 46 Medicinal, use:

with trophic disorders (metabolic, nutritional and gas exchange disorders in tissues);

lymphovenous insufficiency (tissue swelling, chronic congestion, tissue blood supply disorders);

for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis (blockage of the lumen of a vessel);

after deep vein thrombosis (postthrombophlebitic syndrome);

during the recovery period after vein removal operations.

4, from 49 and above Medicinal, used:

with severe disorders of lymphostasis (lymph outflow);

congenital pathologies of vein formation (phlebodysplasia).

It is not recommended to purchase even preventive knitwear without prior consultation with a specialist.

Contraindications and complications

Compression garments have contraindications; they are strictly not recommended for use when:

  1. Atherosclerotic changes in the walls of blood vessels (formation of cholesterol plaques).
  2. Obliterating endarteritis (inflammation of the internal walls of the peripheral vessels of the lower extremities).
  3. Thrombangiitis (inflammation of the vascular walls with the formation of a blood clot).

All diseases are characterized by narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels (due to cholesterol plaques or inflammation of the vascular wall); increased pressure on the limbs can aggravate metabolic and gas exchange disorders in tissues and cause their necrosis (necrosis).

  • in case of severe heart failure (additional compression can provoke gas exchange disorders and necrosis);
  • diabetes mellitus (damage to fragile vascular walls, the appearance of hemorrhages and blood clots);
  • any acute inflammatory processes affecting the vascular walls, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (the inflammatory process narrows the walls of the vessel, disrupting the blood supply to the tissues, increased pressure can provoke oxygen starvation, the appearance of blood clots, ulcers and necrosis);
  • skin diseases, open wounds, purulent tissue infections, allergic skin sensitivity to manufacturing materials (fiber, lycra, cotton, silicone).

Some patients with varicose veins consider atrophy of the smooth muscle muscles of the vascular wall as a complication due to prolonged wearing of knitwear. And they are afraid of its consequences - after removing underwear, the vascular walls under the influence of blood flow may stretch even more.

These are unfounded fears; angiosurgeons and phlebologists claim that the sensation of relaxation of the vascular walls after removing underwear is a natural process, you need to get used to the lack of “support”, at this moment the patient without reason seems to be progressing with a vengeance.

The wrong choice of compression degree, type of knitwear and wearing mode can worsen the condition of the veins and provoke the development of complications (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers).

How to put on underwear correctly

There are rules that must be followed when wearing compression stockings:

  • put on underwear in the morning, after sleep, without getting out of bed;
  • feet should be dry;
  • if there is a need to wear knitwear during the day, you need to lie on your back (without a pillow) and raise your legs for 15–10 minutes, placing a cushion under your feet (at an angle of 40° to the body);
  • the stocking or golf is collected by hand into an “accordion” up to the heel;
  • the remaining loose knitted sock is put on the toes;
  • fix the heel (it is located exactly on the anatomical heel, it should not slide or “move” to the left or right);
  • the underwear is distributed evenly along the leg, from the ankle to the thigh;
  • make sure that it does not twist, does not “wrinkle”, or form folds;
  • The upper part of the tights (from the hip to the waist) is put on, raising the pelvis, without getting out of bed.

Rules for putting on compression garments. Click on photo to enlarge

For knitwear without a toe and heel, special “sliding” socks have been invented to make the process easier. To avoid snagging or deforming the fabric, it is recommended to wear medical gloves when wearing underwear.

How to properly care for knitwear

Good medical knitwear:

  1. Must be seamless to ensure uniform pressure on the surface of the skin.
  2. It should be hypoallergenic, this allows it to be used in the hot season.
  3. A special weaving of cotton, lycra and microfiber threads in different percentages regulates gas exchange and skin temperature, allowing it to “breathe” and not overheat.
  4. The shelf life of compression knitwear is from 5 to 7 months; it is not recommended to use it longer, as it loses its properties (stretches).

In order not to throw it away before this date, you need to properly care for it. Not recommended:

  • pull on the underwear, holding on to the silicone strips or elastic bands so as not to damage them;
  • wash in a washing machine and at temperatures above 40° (hand wash only);
  • use washing powder and rinse aids (soap only);
  • squeeze and twist (dry flat, spread out in a horizontal plane, after blotting with a towel);
  • dry in the sun, central heating radiator or near other heating devices;
  • wet the silicone fixing strips on the inside of stockings or socks (it is recommended to wipe them with alcohol).

Compression jersey can be washed daily.

How long to wear?

The duration of wearing compression garments is determined by individual indications and doctor’s recommendations:

  • It is recommended to wear prophylactic knitwear throughout pregnancy (removing it at night), and in the initial stages of varicose veins, wear it to work (if it involves stress on the legs), on hiking trips, on an airplane flight, and in other situations that can provoke the development of varicose veins.
  • Medicinal ones are worn exclusively according to the indications and prescription of a doctor. After surgical interventions, the continuous wearing period can range from 2–3 to 30 days. With breaks - up to 4 months or more.

After wearing for a long time, the underwear is removed gradually: first at night, then the time is increased, bringing the breaks to several days, and then removed completely.

Which underwear is better

Before using compression garments for varicose veins, let’s decide which is better? Domestic and imported manufacturers offer many varieties of preventive and therapeutic knitwear; they are distinguished by minor nuances in manufacturing (special knitting of threads, composition options and percentage differences, antifungal and other impregnation), service life and price.

Manufacturer's name Product price Characteristics
Intex (Russia) The price of 1st class compression stockings is from 1400 to 1600 rubles High-quality domestic knitwear, lasts up to 4-5 months, the toe and heel wear out quickly enough
Relaxan (Italy) Prices for products start from 500 rubles, 1st class stockings will cost the buyer 1122 rubles High-quality underwear, but does not last long - up to 2 months, when worn it can press in the toe, quickly wears out on the heel
Venotex Therapy (USA) Class 1 compression stockings will cost from 2800 to 3600 rubles Manufacturing technology ensures the product strength and long service life - up to 7 months
Copper (Germany) Stockings 1st class – 7000 rubles High-quality, durable and strong knitwear, lasts up to 5–6 months
ORTO (Germany) Stockings 1st class – 1495 rubles Sufficiently high-quality underwear with an affordable price, lasts from 4 to 5 months, but quickly wears out on the toe and heel
Sigvaris (Switzerland) The price of products starts from 2000, compression class 2 stockings will cost the buyer 8500 rubles Elite, high-quality compression knitwear, with increased wear resistance and shelf life (up to 7 months)
  1. The type of product (except for tights) is chosen so that the upper edge of the product (stocking, sock) is 15–20 cm above the border of varicose veins.
  2. The class of knitwear is chosen only after consultation with a doctor.
  3. The products have absolute and relative contraindications for wearing, and in this case their use can be harmful.
  4. Correctly chosen underwear has no side effects.
  5. The service life of compression hosiery can be extended if it is properly cared for (wear medical gloves, hand wash, dry flat).
  6. Compression garments help treat varicose veins only in combination with medications, otherwise the effect will be temporary and unstable.

To get used to knitwear, learn how to put it on and care for it correctly, at first it is recommended to choose inexpensive products.