Repair Design Furniture

Sketchup frame house projects. How to make projects in SketchUp - tips from a professional. We study modeling in SketchUp using an example

Google SketchUp Pro - Professional version of the program that allows you to create 3D models, demonstrate them as a presentation, and share them. The program will be useful wherever there is a need to use 3D models, be it designing an extension for a house, teaching geometry to schoolchildren, or creating a model for Google Earth. A variety of simple tools and an intelligent drawing system make it easy to create and edit models, export them, create a video, or print the results of your work. Instead of entering coordinate values, you can use a multifunctional system for controlling the location of an object using labels, text prompts, and lines of different colors. Using tools is as close as possible to real life, because it is much easier to learn and, most importantly, remember how to use them.

Using SketchUp you can do the following:

Draw, resize, measure, rotate, scale and move geometric shapes.
Use exact dimensions and indicate them using text.
Set up section planes for viewing and working within models.
Use prepared textures in models, such as brick, wood, tiles, glass, or create new textures.
Add pre-built components, such as trees, cars, doors and windows, and people, or create new components.
Smooth surfaces.
Simulate shadows in real time for any location on Earth.
Simulate the location of the camera in space.
Create passages.
Create presentations.
Use organic modeling (using Sandbox).
Import 2D images in the following formats:
JPEG image (.jpg)

Tagged Image File (.tif)
Targa File (*.tga)
Windows Drawing (.bmp)
Import the following 3D models and information.
SketchUp (.skp).
Google Earth terrain. Note. It is possible to obtain a current image (black and white image) of the area, which is displayed in Google Earth using the Get Current View button. Two versions of terrain images are imported: 2D and 3D, and you can switch between them using the Switch terrain button. Terrain images are used for reference only and are not included in the model when it is located in Google Earth. The image includes links to the model's latitude and longitude in Google Earth, so they can also be used to study shadows. Google Earth does not export its own 3D building models (the buildings that appear when you select the Buildings layer in Google Earth). This information is protected and cannot be distributed without the permission of the copyright holder, therefore, such buildings cannot be imported into SketchUp.
3DS (.3ds). Note. To create an imported 3DS file with textures, you must save the texture files in the same folder in which the 3DS file itself will be created.
DEM (.dem, .ddf)
Exporting 2D images of models.
JPEG image (.jpg)
Portable Network Graphics (.png)
Tagged Image File (.tif)
Windows Drawing (.bmp).
Export animations and passes to MOV or AVI files.
Placing models in Google Earth. Placing SketchUp models in Google Earth is done using the Place Model command. SketchUp will automatically detect which version of Google Earth you are using (3 or 4) and create the corresponding KMZ file. (Newer versions of SketchUp and Google Earth now support displaying textures and images in Google Earth.)
Export a Google Earth file directly to KMZ format (Google Earth 3 or 4). Google Earth 3 files can be viewed in both versions of Google Earth, but textures are only visible in Google Earth 4. Google Earth 4 files will not be visible in Google Earth 3.
Share models in a 3D model service. When you submit models hosted in Google Earth, SketchUp (.skp) and Google Earth 3 (.kmz) files will be created. If you have a newer version of SketchUp installed, the upload will also create a Google Earth 4 (.kmz) file.
You can print part of the model that is displayed in the drawing area of ​​SketchUp.
Print and export raster images at your chosen resolution.
Create additional programs using the Ruby programming language.

SketchUp Pro is a 3D modeling tool for professional design. The professional version of SketchUp allows design professionals to analyze and connect complex design ideas. In addition to all the features provided by SketchUp, the following features are also available when using SketchUp Pro:

Export to the following additional 2D formats.
Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Encapsulated PostScript Format (.eps)
Epix (.epx)
AutoCAD (.dwg, .dxf)
Export 3D models to the following additional formats.
3DS (.3ds)
AutoCAD DWG (.dwg)
AutoCAD DXF (.dxf)
FBX (.fbx)
OBJ (.obj)
XSI (.xsi)
VRML (.vrml)

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Interface language: English
Activation: Available
Archive size: 50.74 MB

This powerful, easy-to-learn (and free!) computer program will help get your creative juices flowing so you can design your products faster than ever.

I prefer working with wood (no pencil here) rather than drawing. However, starting work without drawings to guide me, I risk only disappointment and a waste of material. I recently discovered something better than scribbled paper and uncertainty. A free program called Google SketchUp has received a ton of positive reviews on online software forums. People of all skill levels download SketchUp and start working with it the same day. So, I downloaded the program and gave myself a crash course in millwork design, using an existing project—a tabletop napkin holder—to hone my skills. There were certainly times when I failed (although not as many as my first experience with a tenoning jig). But after a few hours everything became clear, and I was able to move on to designing a bookcase and a bedside table. Now I can tell you what I learned and what you need to know in order to achieve the first results.

Bob Wilson, technical editor

Download and Learn SketchUp in Five Steps

1 Go to Download the free version of SketchUp by following the instructions that appear. Then install the program.

2 Print out the “Quick Help Card” located in the “Help” menu of the site. It describes how to activate various program tools.

3 Go to the “Video Tutorials” section and open the “For new SketchUp users” link in it. Watch videos showing the program in action.

4 Now you can directly learn how to work with the program. Take your time and watch the step-by-step tutorial "Introduction to Sketchup". Then look at the “Start a Drawing” guide contained in the same section of the site (in three parts).

5 Before you start developing carpentry projects, spend a few hours just getting familiar with the program's capabilities.

New approach to design

SketchUp is designed for users who prefer to design rather than learn computer programs. So, with just one click you can turn a two-dimensional figure into a three-dimensional object, and a couple more clicks can create a copy of this object. You can even apply different wood grains to your model to decide what material to use to make it look better—walnut or maple, for example.

Sometimes it feels like SketchUp is reading your mind. For example, if you need to find the middle of a line, the program’s “analytics center” will display a corresponding message as soon as the cursor approaches this point. This applies to other points in your drawing as well.

In fact, no program will think for you. The program will not issue any warnings if the tenon in the joint is 6 mm longer than necessary, and will not criticize the proportions of a cabinet that is 30 cm wide and 2.4 m high. Additionally, if you plan to use a drawing prepared in SketchUp when working on product, it must be accurate and detailed.

Compared to SketchUp's native colors and textures, the free add-on IDX Renditioner Express ( is a significant improvement. It adds realism and allows you to add natural or artificial lighting to get an idea of ​​how your project will look in real life. All this is done right in SketchUp.

Mastering the Basics of SketchUp

Download and install Google SketchUp* on your computer using the instructions on the previous page. Follow the on-screen instructions during the installation process.

* In preparing this article I usedSketchUp version 6. A later version you download may look different. All versions have options forWindows and for May. To find out if the new version will work on your computer, check out « RequirementsSketchUp to hardware and software”, located in the “Downloads” section of the sitesketcliup. gooyle. com.

When you first launch the program, it will ask you to set the default settings. Select the Product Design and Woodworking template and the unit of measure "millimeters". You can change these settings later using the menu command Window -» Parameters.(If you are unfamiliar with this terminology, refer to the image of the program window, top center.)

Next, learn the basics of using the program using tutorials from Google. Go to sections Training Courses - Video Tutorials And Training Courses - Step-by-Step Tutorials and work through the lessons they contain, starting with the “For New SketchUp Users” lessons. These tutorials will take you step-by-step from getting started with the program to creating complex models. For this article, you will need to follow the tutorials up to “For those familiar with SketchUp.” If you want to see on-screen tooltips depicting the actions of different tools, turn on the function Oki" Textbook. Get into the habit of using the time-saving mouse and keyboard shortcut commands listed on the right from the start. Once you've learned how to create and move around 3D objects, you'll be ready to apply these skills to a carpentry project.

An example of a robot is a napkin holder

To show how to model real woodwork in SketchUp, we used a napkin holder project as a model. This means that we already have the dimensions of all the parts. When designing a product from scratch, first determine its overall dimensions on paper or using a preliminary model that you can later modify. It's time to turn on your computer, open SketchUp, and get started.

We study modeling in SketchUp using an example

1. To model a napkin holder, first create a new modeling window using the Product Design and Woodworking template. Using the dialog box Model Data window, set the precision to 1 mm. Now draw a rectangle and delete it. Note that the tooltips in the status bar change depending on the selected tool.

2. Set off the distances from the red and green axes using the tool Roulette, to create guide lines for the legs and top rail (or enter their values ​​in the control box Dimensions). Draw a rectangle along these guides using the tool Rectangle.

3. Using a tool Roulette Place guide points on one of the long sides of the rectangle at a distance of 10 mm from the corners (increase the viewing angle if necessary). Using the tool Arc, Click on the guide points and slowly move the mouse pointer until the end of the arc is positioned at the quarter circle.

4. Using a tool Choice select one of the straight sides of the resulting sector. Key Delete(Not Eraser) delete it and the area surrounding it, then delete the other line. To duplicate this shape for the legs, you divide the rectangle and use the tool Move with the key pressed Shift(on Mac computers - with the key Option). Once you are done with the outlines of the legs and rail, draw them out using the tool Pull/Push up to a thickness of 13 mm.

5. Having drawn new guide lines and a rectangle for support, mark parallel curves using guide points and a tool Arc. Select and delete the corners to create an arched shape.

6. Using a tool Lines mark the intersections of the rectangles forming the notches with the arc and delete these lines. Next, complete the meadow-shaped shape and make a copy of it. Draw groove lines on one of the parts using guide lines and a tool Line.

7. Using a tool Pull/Push Pull both supports up to a thickness of 13mm. To create grooves for the posts in the supports, lower the sections by 3 mm between the lines drawn on stage 6. When the parts are ready, remove the guide lines.

8. SketchUp does not create parabolic curves, only fragments of circles. To draw this arc, add guide points where indicated and use the tool Arc slowly draw the curve to the desired shape. Remove the excess area and extend the part to a thickness of 13 mm.

9. Sometimes you need to get a mirror image of a part, as is the case with the napkin stand. Using the tool Move and holding down the key Control(on Mac computers - Option), create a duplicate of the rack and do not deselect it. In the context menu, select the command Flip To - Component Red Axis(in this case) to create a mirror copy.

10. To round the edges, set guide points on two adjacent lines of one of the ends at a distance of 3 mm from the corner. Draw a quarter-circle arc between these points. By zooming in, make sure that the arc does not extend beyond the straight lines. Select a corner and use the Tiny/Tolkam pull the corner to the opposite end where it should disappear. You see several closely spaced parallel lines because SketchUp doesn't create perfect curves, but rather forms them from a series of flat edges.

11. To prepare the parts for assembly, first turn them into position with a tool To turn. When turning the part, check that it is installed along the desired axis, in this case the blue one. When a match is achieved, the program will display the corresponding message.

12. Since the prepared drawings are intended for cutting parts according to them, it is useful to mark the dimensions using a tool Size indicator.(Dimensions will not be placed on duplicate parts.) To group the faces and edges that make up each part, triple-click one of the part faces and select Create Group from the context menu.

13. Now let's virtually assemble our product. The distance between the legs of the napkin holder is 102 mm, so create two parallel guide lines at this distance from each other and one perpendicular guide line to align the legs. When aligning grouped surfaces and edges of a part, do not pay attention to the blue selection boundaries that indicate the part - they cannot be aligned along guide lines. Zoom in on the guides and move the edge of the leg to one of the guide lines, and the end of the leg to the perpendicular to the guide line. 11check that they are installed correctly using Roulettes.A measurement result preceded by a tilde sign (~) indicates that the distance is approximately measured and the part may not be positioned accurately.

14. To accurately fit one piece to another, use guide points and intersecting lines of grouped pieces. For example, the napkin holder supports are installed at a distance of 6 mm from the ends of the legs. Use Roulette, to place a guide point at a distance of 6 mm from the end of the leg. Using the tool Move, Lift up the copy of the end support and place it roughly in place. Move the cursor to the corner of the notch and move the support until its corner coincides with the guide point. Check the position of the support on the opposite leg. You can use this technique to connect the guides to the end support.

15. If you want the parts to remain connected to each other, group them in the same way as you did with the top rail earlier, using the command To create a group in the context menu. To leave a gap of 1.5 mm between the rail and the posts at both ends of the napkin holder, use a tool Roulette Place a guide point on the bottom edge of the rail, 1.5 mm away from its end. Inserting a clamp with a rail between the posts on both sides of the napkin holder, move the guide point to the edge of the post. Now using the tools Orbit And Panorama, you can view your finished model from different angles.

16. Bright colors used to distinguish parts make it difficult to visualize the finished project. Use the wood texture samples provided in the dialog box Color, or download the texture pack from Right-click on each of the grouped parts and select the command from the context menu Disconnect. Immediately assign a texture using the Fill tool, and group again.

17. The textures of maple and walnut (the species recommended in the description of the napkin holder project) will give the model a more realistic look.

A huge number of “projects” on As a designer, I will say: in my life I have looked through and analyzed more than 1000 preliminary designs, half are not suitable for the climatic conditions of our country, some are simply with incomprehensible or inconvenient, impractical or huge (uneconomical both in terms of construction and in terms of operation) layouts, some with stupid facades, but with good layouts, there are often unrealizable projects or expensive projects in terms of structures. Even having found exactly the sketch that vaguely resembles the house you want, in the end you still have to completely redo it because the peculiarities of the cardinal directions on the site and the peculiarities of the site are superimposed (a neighbor’s windows may turn out to be opposite yours or the buildings may be obscured). And nothing remains from the original sketch. It’s much easier to decide on the area of ​​the premises, do a topographic survey (it will still be needed to obtain a building permit or legalization), choose the façade of the building you like best and give these initial data to the designer, who, by twisting and turning the rooms, walls and structures, will get the optimal result . At the same time, I’m not talking about architects, but designers, but not for everyone, because... the architect often does not understand and is not interested in the economic aspects of construction. In my company, the cost of an architectural solution is 10-20 thousand, drawings of building structures are 20-40 thousand with specifications for building materials. We do not yet undertake to design foundations in other regions except the Altai Territory, or rather we design those that the customer wants (i.e., his task is to get around the neighbors or those who built in his region and find out the parameters of the laid foundations). because The regulatory framework is very outdated and it is not advisable to lay down the solutions that we obtain through calculations. (Our freezing depth is 2 meters, but no one in our country digs to such a depth, 900 mm maximum for a strip foundation, or we make a foundation from bored piles) and no one has geology doesn't do it because it often costs half the foundation (it’s easier to re-mortgage it a little). I won’t talk about the benefits of having a project in hand, thought out in advance to the smallest detail by the customer and the designer. So whoever understands about the savings on money and nerves understands, but whoever wants to go through everything cannot be convinced. There are too many nuances in low-rise construction (which is usually hard to believe). so that one person can know them or find the right solutions without qualified consultants (and having a degree or certificate is far from an indicator in this matter) and without extensive experience. If anyone needs help with a project or someone needs advice on the chosen “sketch”, just look for errors - please contact us.

The frame house projects in SketchUp that are given in this subsection were made by me over the years and serve only as examples. For some houses, only models were made; for the rest, full drawings were made. You can download an example project. In this section, frame house projects are available for free download.
You can find free examples of SketchUp projects online. To do this, type “3D warehouse” in Google in the search bar. On this portal, house elements, components, groups, simple houses with different details are freely available. Models of varying degrees of readiness are also posted on specialized forums.
It is difficult to find a normal full-fledged project on the Internet. To work with a project that you were able to download for free, it must be properly organized inside:
1) elements are grouped into layers
2) components and groups are given names
3) the same type of materials were used

What is all this for? The fact is that an ordinary frame house consists of several thousand components. One group or layer covers the others. To upload drawings, and even more so to calculate materials, you need a well-organized model. Otherwise, putting it in order will take you time comparable to drawing the same project again.
Is it worth looking for a free example of a frame house? Just as an example - yes. As a basis for your home - no. A normally organized model of a frame house without drawings in SketchUp costs several thousand rubles. It’s not difficult to learn how to upload drawings to LayOut or even simply export pictures with dimensions from a finished model.
Another question - why do I design frame houses in SketchUp? The answer is simple - for the design solutions section this is the best program that is on the market. I work in SketchUp Pro, which has a number of advanced features compared to free SketchUp. CAD programs are better suited for the architectural solutions section. For some projects I work in the Chief Architect program, which I use in the USA and Canada to design frame houses. This is a very good program for automatic design. However, only a professional carpenter can work with Chief Architect drawings, who does not need to draw the pitch of each rack and sections of typical units. All the components in this program are fused together and cannot be detailed. In SketchUp you can even take out and show separately a nail in a board. Therefore, I have to very often draw a project in two programs so that the finished product meets the expectations and requirements of the customer and builders.

I wanted to show what came out on the scanned piece of paper, but it’s so dirty and shameful that it’s absolutely terrifying(((In general, I’ll tell you how, after much ordeal and choosing various programs, Google’s Sketchup won.

The program turned out to be so simple and flexible that you can draw almost anything in it. You can download it completely free of charge. The site contains many useful things in the form of a library of three-dimensional figures and lessons. For useful information, I’ll pay attention to the video tutorials. They are in English, but that's okay.

The translation is of course clumsy in places, but in general it is understandable. there would be a desire.

So, what happened to me. The house from several angles.

You can make a very convenient cut at home in Sketchup; there is a special tool for this. The cut shows the location of the rooms. Clockwise starting from the boiler room (the smallest dead-end room with a separate entrance from the street), then two bedrooms, a little lower a bathroom, even lower a living room in which it will later be decided to make an additional window, to the left a vestibule to isolate the house from winter drafts, even further to the left is a third bedroom and where the staircase is drawn - a kitchen with a separate, summer exit - not a veranda. The staircase is just drawn on the project; in reality it will not exist, as well as the second floor.