Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself universal wood milling machine. Homemade wood milling machine: components of the device, approximate manufacturing process. Types of hand routers

The question of how a wood cutter can be made with your own hands worries not only home craftsmen who do their own carpentry and modeling, but also professional finishers. And the main thing here is not only the desire to save money, but the fact that serial tools for woodworking, which today are easy to purchase in specialized stores or on construction markets, often do not have the required configuration of the working part. That is why specialists and home craftsmen who use such a tool have to modify its serial models or make it from scratch, using cylindrical steel blanks.

A homemade cutter has limitations on the materials that can be processed with its help. Making cutters for your own needs, as a rule, involves working with soft grade steel. That is why such a homemade tool is capable of cutting wood quite effectively, but when processing harder materials it quickly becomes dull.

In order to make their own milling tools, craftsmen use scraps of steel rods or reinforcement. If reinforcement is used as a workpiece, its ribbed surface is leveled using a lathe.

The technology for making a homemade wood cutter from such a blank is as follows:

  • On the part of the cylindrical workpiece where the cutting part of the homemade tool will be formed, half the diameter is cut off.
  • A smooth transition is formed between parts of the workpiece with different diameters.
  • Another quarter of the diameter is removed from the treated section of the workpiece; such a section of the workpiece is also connected with a smooth transition to the untreated part of the rod.
  • The processed part of the workpiece is given a rectangular shape, for which its lower part is cut off. The thickness of the part of the workpiece on which the working part of the woodworking tool will be formed should be 2–5 mm.

A homemade cutter can be used to process wood, but its internal angle must coincide with the center of rotation.

In order for a home-made wood cutter to be used for effective processing, the following recommendations must be followed when making it.

  • The cutting edge must be sharpened at an angle of 7–10°. If you make it sharper, it will hold an edge poorly and have low cutting properties.
  • To give the cutting part of the tool the required configuration, diamond-coated needle files or angle grinders with discs specially designed for metal work are used.
  • If a homemade wood cutter must have a complex configuration, then it can be bent or flattened.

With a small thickness of the cutting part, a hand-made milling tool has a fairly short working life. To slightly increase the service life of such a wood cutter, the corner on the bottom of the tool, located opposite its cutting edge, can be slightly rounded.

A homemade cutter cannot immediately cope with a large volume of wood removed from the surface of the workpiece, so processing is carried out in several passes.

Cone cutters

Wood cutters, the working part of which has a conical configuration, are used for processing surfaces of complex terrain. In particular, with the help of such cutters, finishing of grooves in elements of furniture structures is performed. To manufacture such wood cutters in production conditions, complex-shaped workpieces are used, which are problematic to process at home. Such a cutter can be made with your own hands from a drill, the working part of which is given the required configuration.

Due to the fact that a homemade wood cutter is used to process fairly soft material in several passes, there is no need to further strengthen the structure of the material from which such a tool is made.

Types of homemade cutters for wood processing

Cone cutters, processed at medium and high speeds, are used to remove excess wood from the end elements of the workpiece. The best option for making a tool of this type on your own is a cutter from a drill. This cutter from a drill is made at home as follows: the tool is cut closer to its shank (from half to a quarter of its length), then each cutting edge of the cut drill is ground down by 1/2 – 1/3 of its diameter. If the cutting edges are ground down to a large amount, then not only will its body be exposed, but it will also lose its cutting properties. It is difficult to restore the cutting edges of homemade wood cutters, which have a spiral shape, with your own hands.

An end-type wood cutter can also be made from a thin-walled tube. How to make a cutter from such a blank? The following recommendations should be followed.

  1. A piece of pipe is taken as a workpiece, the length of which is 15–20 cm.
  2. From the side of the future cutting edge (at a distance of 2–3 cm from it), oval-shaped grooves are made on both sides of the pipe.
  3. The future cutting part of the wood cutter is given a conical shape, and it is ground at an angle of 2–3°.
  4. Having clamped the workpiece in a vice, a cross-shaped cut is made on its end part, for which an angle grinder is used.
  5. From the side of the cutting part, grooves are cut on the workpiece - up to oval holes.

Using a homemade end mill made from a thin-walled tube, you can create blind or through holes in wood products. In this case, the inner surface of the blind holes must be refined using a chisel.

Treating wood surfaces at home usually requires a small amount of equipment. However, for precise drilling it is recommended to use special machines. Making a homemade router with your own hands is not a problem if you study its structure and select the right components.

Wood milling machine design

Hand tools are usually used for milling wooden workpieces. In some cases, this does not provide high quality processing, since there is a high probability of errors and defects. To minimize these phenomena, it is recommended to make a homemade milling machine.

Work should begin by studying a similar factory design. Then the degree of processing of the materials and the required accuracy of the workpiece characteristics are determined. These include overall dimensions and wood type. Based on these data, an optimal manufacturing scheme is drawn up.

The standard design of a do-it-yourself wood milling machine should include the following components:

  • bed. This is the supporting part on which the tabletop and the motor for rotating the cutter will be attached;
  • tabletop. The main characteristic of this component is area. Also on its surface it is necessary to provide fastenings for fixing the workpiece and measuring rulers;
  • milling cutter You can use a manual model. In some cases, it is advisable to install a homemade structure consisting of a spindle and a motor.

Such woodworking equipment can be divided into two types: with horizontal and vertical processing. The difference is determined by the direction of the cutter relative to the workpiece. Some craftsmen make designs with the ability to change the position of the cutting part along three coordinate axes.

In addition to the machine, you need to choose the right set of cutters. With their help you can do rough and finishing processing of wooden parts.

Materials and components for the machine

The simplest design option is to install a finished device on an existing desktop. In this case, it is necessary to carry out some modernization of the countertop. But it’s best to make a homemade milling machine completely with your own hands.

At the first stage, you need to decide on the location of the cutter. For processing end surfaces, it is best to choose a horizontal mounting of the cutting tool. This will optimize work and quickly carry out repair and maintenance work.

  • frame. For greater stability, it should be made of round or square steel pipes. If you plan to install an engine, a niche is provided in the lower part of the structure;
  • Desktop. Its surface must be smooth and not collapse under the influence of external pressure. A chipboard panel is best suited for this;
  • clamps and limiters. They are designed to guide the movement of the part relative to the cutter. Can be either wooden or steel. It is imperative to provide blocks for attaching them to the tabletop.

After selecting the components and preparing them, you can begin assembling a homemade wood milling machine with your own hands.

To attach the limiters, you can use the components of a clamp or make a unit yourself based on this design.

Making a wood milling machine

The production of equipment must be carried out strictly according to a pre-designed scheme. It indicates the location of each component, how it is attached and its dimensions.

At the first stage of manufacturing, it is necessary to assemble the support frame for the machine. To do this, pre-prepared pipe blanks should be connected to each other. Then they are fixed using welding. After this, the dimensions of the top part are checked and the production of the tabletop begins.


  1. Markings are applied to the fiberboard panels, according to which the outline of the tabletop is cut out.
  2. When positioned vertically, the cutter makes a hole in the panel.
  3. Installation of the electric motor and spindle. The latter should not protrude above the plane of the tabletop.
  4. Installation of limit strip.

After this, the first tests of the structure can be carried out. It is important that there are no strong vibrations during operation. To compensate for them, additional stiffeners can be installed.

A homemade wood cutter is a metal device that is somewhat similar to a disk with a special serrated edge. This tool is intended exclusively for wooden, metal, and plastic surfaces. In the modern world, there are also cases when a cutter is needed for circulation, but at this moment there is no suitable tool at hand. In this situation, a wood cutter that you create yourself can help.

How to make a cutter with your own hands

Made to measure, this tool can solve any problem. Moreover, this tool will simply become an indispensable attribute and will occupy a niche with all the other, no less worthy tools.

All samples that are created with your own hands do not have any bearings, and in order for them to be fully used, you will need additional attributes.

Before you start making this tool, you need to be prepared for the fact that making this or that cutting tool yourself will be very difficult. If you are still ready to face such difficulties, then you should know that you will have to carefully decide on the choice of metal, select the necessary equipment, and also very carefully and in detail study the necessary information about the manufacturing technology.

Depending on how exactly you are going to use a tool such as a homemade milling cutter, you need to know that they come in end and attachment types. As for the attachment cutter, it must be strengthened with a spindle device, and the end cutters have a so-called tail section, which makes it possible to fix the product in all machine chucks or handmade milling cutters.

Most often today, homemade end mills are used. They are usually made from fairly durable high-quality steel. It must be remembered that its cutting part must be alloyed.

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What you need for work

What attributes are needed to make a homemade cutter? In order to make this device with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • specially designed electric sharpener;
  • a special cutting wheel, the thickness of which must be at least 4 cm;
  • whetstone;
  • core and drill;
  • a drill that has special tips made exclusively of hard steel;
  • a special diamond file having a somewhat semicircular shape.

When starting work, you will need to use the cutting circle, which is located on the blade of the cutter itself, to cut a special disc. The diameter of this disk must be at least 78 mm. Remember that you will not be able to perform this action all at once, so the work must be immediately divided into several stages.

Thus, a rather uneven polygon should gradually turn into a circle without corners. Following this, it will be necessary to mark its center.

Remember that it is strictly forbidden to carry out all kinds of heat treatment and hardening measures on the sample that you have obtained. The fact is that as a result of your work, you can simply worsen various indicators of this cutter.

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The main stages of tool manufacturing work

Before starting work, it is necessary to distribute all the stages in order.

In order to make a hole in the cutter exactly in the middle, it is necessary to punch the central groove more than once with sufficiently powerful, directing blows. The main thing is to remember that first this must be done on one side, and then on the other side. Such actions must be performed until you begin to notice the formation of some cracks around the center.

When the first step is complete, you will need to take a special drill that has a fairly solid base. Thanks to this drill, it will be possible to very quickly and accurately make the required hole in the very center of the existing part. Various nicks that were formed as a result of making a hole can be removed using a special diamond semicircular file.

Following this, the disk must be circulated. This disk is installed and screwed tightly onto the machine surface. By rotating this disk quite slowly with one hand, you need to check the eccentricity.

If its indicators are more than 1 mm, then it is necessary to draw a more precise outline using a rigid, fixed pencil.

The fact is that this sample will greatly help to adjust the configuration of the product itself. After this, you can begin the final stage of designing the entire outer disk edge; this can be done on a machine using a special sanding block.

Following this, you need to make a special cut of all the necessary teeth on the sharpener using a specially designed cutting wheel. The number of all constituent elements should be 20. In order to make the work somewhat easier, the disk must be marked with the required number of marks. Semicircular pockets must be made by rounding them with a specially designed block.

Remember that the required angle of inclination of these slots should be no more than 30°, and their depth should be from 5 to 7 mm. This will help to carry out the necessary and correct layout of the cutter.

Remember that in order to avoid jamming of the disk at the time of making the necessary and mandatory cut, you must initially set up the existing teeth.

This operation must be carried out with extreme caution. The fact is that the existing steel is distinguished by its fragile base. As a result, some teeth may simply break off.

When all the main work is completed, you will need to give the cutter a smoother base. Smoothing all existing tooth edges can be done quite simply; to do this, you only need to lightly press the block on both sides while rotating the resulting cutter.

The most important purpose of this type of homemade cutter is to cut boards, the thickness of which will be about 20 mm.

If you have the desire and desire to do something yourself, then know that it is never too late to start experimenting.

All photos from the article

Wood milling is a technological processing process using rotating cutters that allow part of the chips to be separated. Moreover, this operation can be applied to both profile and flat surfaces of various parts. All kinds of connecting holes and sockets can be formed at the ends of the elements.

Initial information about the process

Before building homemade wood milling machines, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this processing method in more detail. The main element in this case is a special nozzle with a large number of teeth.

Depending on its type, one or another milling method can be performed:

  • End machining is primarily aimed at making a groove or groove of a certain size in a part.
  • Shaped technology involves working with profile elements such as baguettes, gears, and window frames.
  • The end milling technique is generally applicable to the largest possible surfaces.

Addition! Quite often, specialized cutters are used that allow making a shaped cut. With this option, you can easily cut the material with additional processing of the edge part.

Components of the device

To make a homemade stationary wood milling machine with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the main components of this mechanism. Self-manufacturing of such a processing device will help you save money, since the price of the finished product is relatively high.

Drive mechanism

At the design stage, the novice master must decide what power the engine will be used. If during operation it is not intended to carry out deep wood sampling, then you can get by with a motor with a power of no more than 500 W. However, in practice, such machines very often stall.

The best option is to use a motor whose power ranges from 1-2 kW. If you have such a unit, you can use almost any type of cutter, processing wood in a standard mode.

Both hand tools, such as a drill or grinder, may be suitable for carrying out the work.

When choosing an engine, the number of revolutions produced per minute plays a significant role. The higher the indicator, the more uniform and cleaner the cut will be. It is best if the motor is designed for connection to a household network with a voltage of 220 volts.

Adjustment elevator

When making a homemade wood router, some attention should be paid to this device. An elevator usually consists of a body, sliding skids, a carriage, a threaded axle, and a screw for fixation.

When you turn on the device, the carriage should move up or down. The runners serve as protective stops. A locking screw allows you to secure the carriage in one position after selecting a specific height. As for the body, it completely holds the entire structure.

Such a device provides regulation of the output of the replaceable nozzle directly above the table surface. For convenience, the elevator is equipped with special gears.

Support structure

If you don’t have a ready-made table, you can easily make one from wood. Although this material is afraid of moisture, it makes quite durable and reliable structures. During the work, various types of wood boards can be used to create the main plane.

Before the main work, drawings of a homemade wood milling table should be drawn up, on which the most important places should be highlighted. When planning, we must not forget about safety precautions. It is imperative to close the space around the rotating cutter.

Making the nozzle

If necessary, a homemade wood cutter can be used to carry out simple work.

Detailed instructions for making such a nozzle are given below. The part will be made directly from the cutter blade in stages.

  1. First, a hole is made exactly in the central part. For this, a drill made of hard alloys is used. Burrs and other defects are removed using a diamond file.
  2. Next, the disk is centered. Using a simple pencil, the outline is clearly outlined. The outer edges are trimmed on a machine with a grinding wheel installed.
  3. Next, the cloves are made using a cutting wheel. Their number is usually about 20 pieces. The angle of inclination of the slots should correspond to 30 degrees.
  4. At the final stage, the prepared attachment is installed directly on the machine. For testing, you can use an unnecessary piece of wood. Wood sampling should occur evenly.

Now you can buy everything. In principle, the simplest milling machine will cost approximately 17,000 – 21,000 rubles (“Caliber” and a number of others). But cheap models have a number of disadvantages (for example, a commutator-type engine that requires regular maintenance), and not every owner is satisfied with the capabilities of industrial equipment.

It’s no secret that some options will be missing, while others will remain unclaimed, but you will still have to pay for them. Assembling a small wood milling machine with your own hands to suit your own needs is a good solution, especially since its design is not so complex that you cannot cope with this work yourself. Would like some examples of drawings. How to do everything correctly and what to take into account is the topic of this instructional article.

The whole attractiveness of making it yourself is that the choice of sizes, materials, type of connections and other assembly nuances is entirely at the discretion of the master. Much of what the owner has on hand will do, so you won’t have to buy practically anything.

Based on this, all the drawings below should be considered only as advisory and introductory. There is not and cannot be any standard for homemade milling machines. The main thing is that it allows us to solve the problems for which it is intended.

Electric motor

The feasibility of using a milling machine is determined by several criteria.

engine's type

  • Asynchronous - does not require maintenance, allows you to work with larger cutters. The noise generated is noted as a minus, but how important this is in the woodworking process, each owner will decide for himself.
  • Collector is a cheaper option. The disadvantage is that the brushes wear out gradually. Wear depends on the intensity of operation of the milling machine.


  • < 0,5 кВт. Станки, оснащенные такими двигателями, подходят для поверхностной обработки заготовок. Как вариант, использование кромочных фрез для выборки пазов, но только если речь идет о сравнительно мягких породах дерева и небольших режущих инструментах.
  • Up to 1.2 kW. A more versatile model of a milling machine. Such equipment can also be used to perform deep wood processing. As a rule, this power is quite sufficient for domestic use.
  • Up to 2 kW. In fact, we are talking about a semi-professional machine that will allow you to work with any types of cutters and materials of varying densities. In addition to wood, it can be used for processing workpieces made of plastics and some soft metals. Most often - aluminum.


Here the instructions are simple. The greater this characteristic, the cleaner the processed part of the tree will be. But that's not all. A high-speed engine is not afraid of wood defects such as knots. The cutter passes through these areas without problems.


In most cases, 220/50 engines are selected. There are no special problems with their installation and connection. It is more difficult with three-phase models. Does it make sense to run a separate line to connect the milling machine? This should be assessed. But if, for example, 3 f/380 is already installed in the garage, and the supply cable is laid with a load reserve, then an asynchronous “three-phase” is preferable. Smooth start and stop, increased power - such a machine will allow you to work with almost all wood samples and perform any operations.

Crafting table

Its linear parameters are selected in accordance with the dimensions of the wood blanks that will have to be worked with in the future. The dimensions of the table itself are not of fundamental importance. Especially if there is enough free space in your home workshop where you can install a milling machine.

Machine frame

It must not only be durable, but also withstand significant dynamic loads. The difference between a machine and a manual router is that the tool is in a fixed position, and the wood will have to be constantly moved during processing. From a practical point of view, it is not advisable to use wood for the frame. It gradually dries out, becomes covered with cracks, and its geometry is disrupted. This machine will have to be tuned regularly. But metal is the best option. A pipe (preferably square or rectangular) with a profile or a massive corner. Why?

Firstly, you can do without welding, using bolted connections. And the prefabricated/dismountable model is much more convenient if you periodically have to change the workplace or take it out while repairs are being carried out in the room.

Secondly, if you decide to assemble a milling machine, then it is clear that it is not for one-time use. Metal supports can be made adjustable. This will make it easier to level the table when installing it in any room or outside, even if the floors (ground) have some slope (which is most often the case).


But here metal is not the best solution. It’s expensive, and the machine will be quite massive. And you can’t do without a welding machine.

What to use

  • Planed boards.
  • Plates (chipboard, MDF, OSV).
  • Multilayer plywood.

It is necessary to focus on the sufficient strength of the tabletop in relation to the specifics of the further operation of the milling machine. Based on this, its thickness and materials are selected.

The surface of the table should be smooth. Otherwise, precise milling of the material will not be possible. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of scratches, otherwise the constant movement of workpieces will lead to gradual destruction of the tabletop. The result is poor processing quality due to distortions of the samples on the table.

Ideal surface evenness is ensured in several ways:

  • lamination (coating with thick plastic);
  • sheet metal upholstery;
  • precise fit of planed boards.

On thematic websites there are recommendations to use a kitchen countertop. An excellent option, both in terms of thickness and reliability, if not for one question - where to get it? Such “spare parts” are not lying around on the street. The materials that the author has indicated are quite suitable for a milling machine, even with a fairly powerful engine.

Milling machine assembly procedure

The main issue is the location of the engine. Optimal - lower, under the table. One or another cutter is installed on its shaft, directed vertically upward. To do this, a mounting plate with a round cutout is attached to the back of the tabletop. The engine is fixed on it. Or a transmission (belt) is used, but this will complicate the design somewhat.

Another option is with a horizontal engine. Maybe such a milling machine will seem more convenient?


It is necessary to consider the circuit diagram of the machine and the protection elements. What is absolutely recommended:

  • emergency stop button;
  • dust removal system;
  • work area lighting:
  • enclosing screen.

Clamps can come in handy during the milling process. With their help, for example, a small panel is mounted on a board, which serves as a guide. This is convenient when you have to process small (or thin) pieces of wood. For example, these.

Stationary (welded to the frame) clamps are not the best solution. It is much more convenient to work with removable devices that are easy to reinstall, depending on the specifics of milling.

Those who plan to start making small artistic crafts from wood can be advised to make a milling machine based on an electric drill. Mounting it on a tripod is easy.

Or so. For making grooves and chamfering, this is a good solution.

The tool will be clamped, like a drill, in the chuck. But the scope of application of such mini-machines is very limited. Both in terms of engine power and the choice of cutters. The same applies to models based on the “grinder”.

There is enough information to make a simple model of a milling machine with your own hands. The assembly of more complex modifications - for example, with adjustable play - requires certain knowledge and calculations. Practice shows that to solve problems encountered in everyday life, all their capabilities are rarely used. In fact, this is already semi-professional equipment, so the author does not consider it advisable to consider the features of its design in this article.

With the advent of experience in wood processing, it will not be difficult to redo, improve, or modify something. You can assemble various devices for working with homemade cutters with your own hands. But all of these are somewhat different topics that require substantive consideration.