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Selecting a site for building a house. What to look for when choosing a plot of land: important points when buying land for building a country house How to choose land for private construction

What needs to be checked so that purchasing a plot of land does not turn into problems instead of joy

Suppose you have already answered the most important questions: where do you want to buy a plot of land (at least at the district or direction level) and for what (live permanently, come occasionally, live in the summer). Still, you inevitably find yourself in a labyrinth of complex and interconnected questions; what should you consider when purchasing a plot?

Where and from whom to buy a plot of land?

You can buy land from another individual owner. You can buy from the developer of a new village (although the transaction itself can be de jure carried out as a purchase from an individual). And finally, there is the opportunity to buy directly from municipalities at auction (often they say about such transactions that “land is bought from the state”).

Purchasing from an individual carries all the risks of such transactions (the threat of “poor-quality” documents, infringement of the rights of a third party during the transaction, etc.)

An organized cottage community (unless you buy in the last stages) is accompanied by the risk of unfinished construction. At the same time, there is a risk of high service fees (as a rule, while the village is being built, there is no need to pay for services, and then residents are stunned by high rates). As for trading, participation in them requires certain skills and... free funds that will be paid as collateral. In addition, the sites that are potentially suitable for you will not always be put up for auction.

What category of land is best for building a country house?

New in the Land Code 2019

On January 1, new editions of the Land, Urban Planning, Housing Code, and the Law on Mortgage came into force, which significantly change the idea of ​​land plots. First of all, the concepts of “dacha”, “dacha plot”, “dacha association” disappear. Only “gardening” and “gardening” non-profit partnerships remain.

A permanent residential building can be built on land for gardening. The requirements for it, as in the case of individual housing construction, are no more than three above-ground floors (but not higher than 20 m). The house must be intended for one family, i.e. without division into apartments. True, now even in SNT you need to obtain permission to build a house (previously this had to be done only on the lands of settlements with the permitted use of individual housing construction).

On lands for gardening, only non-permanent structures can be erected, that is, without a foundation.

It is also important that now a garden house can be recognized as a residential building (if it meets all technical regulations for residential buildings) and vice versa (unless no one lives in this house permanently). This procedure is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2006 N 47 (as amended on December 24, 2018) “On approval of the Regulations on recognizing premises as residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for habitation, an apartment building in disrepair and subject to demolition or reconstruction, a garden house as a residential building and residential building garden house.” In a residential building you can obtain permanent registration

What should the topography of the site be?

The ideal site for building a house should be flat, located on a hill, or, in extreme cases, on the top of a slope. Shape – rectangular, aspect ratio 1:2, orientation – from east to west. In reality, such ideal parameters are almost never found. What you have to sacrifice depends on the situation. For example, a ravine crossing a site is clearly considered a rejecting factor. But, if the plot of land itself is located in a secluded place, the plot is large, and the price is low, perhaps this will be an advantage for someone, allowing them to implement an interesting landscape project.

What should definitely alert you is the threat of regular flooding. This happens in floodplains of rivers and lakes, which can overflow very heavily in the spring, and in places with high groundwater levels. Therefore, other things being equal, choose the area located higher. By the way, the groundwater level is important when designing a future home: if it is higher than 2 meters, it is better for you to abandon the equipped basement or ground floor, because waterproofing will require large expenses. On the contrary, a location that is too deep may make it impossible to construct a well. Drilling a well is a different cost and requires permission to be obtained. In some water protection zones, drilling wells is completely prohibited.

Another problematic location is on the edge of a high cliff. Such plots are very picturesque and allow you to build a house with fantastic views. But soft sedimentary rocks may one day collapse.

How much should a plot of land cost?

For professional developers, the cost ratio for a plot of land and building a house is usually kept secret. But they say that land should cost about 30% of the entire project. Focus on these numbers when you start your search.

What to look for when buying a plot?

Check for communications

These include electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, and storm drains. The first two are critically important. If they are not connected, then you need to inquire about the remoteness of connection points and the availability of free capacity. Marina Deniskina, head of the Veresk Group company, reminds that “a simplified procedure has been established for citizens to connect to an electrical network with a power of up to 15 kW, which is quite enough for private households. The cost of such a connection will be only 550 rubles, excluding associated expenses. With gas, everything can be much more complicated and more expensive; in each individual case it is necessary to clarify the issue with the gas supply organization.”

According to other experts, in the near middle Moscow region, the presence or absence of technical conditions for gas changes the cost of a land plot by about a third. After all, even here, not all settlements have yet been gasified.

What about the infrastructure?

Transport accessibility. What kind of road is there to the site, is it cleared in winter and at whose expense, is it flooded during floods. How does highway congestion change on weekdays and weekends? Is there accessible public transport?

Commercial and social infrastructure. Where are the nearest stores located and what hours are they open? However, these questions are almost always asked. Much less often they ask where to get the nearest medical help? (When they are looking for a plot to build a summer cottage, they don’t think about this at all, but the question can be relevant, especially if there are small children and elderly parents).

The same applies to schools and leisure infrastructure (relevant for permanent residence). Of course, every parent will make sure that there is a school nearby. But while the children are very young, they are not yet fully aware of the fact that in addition to school, they need clubs, studios, sections, and a swimming pool. Check this before you buy a plot of land and start building a house.

What about the boundaries of the site?

Due to the confusion over property that has occurred over the past decades, today there are areas with borders that intersect according to documents. Therefore, make sure that an agreement has been signed with all neighbors recognizing the boundaries of the site, and that the boundaries themselves are actually marked on the ground.

If you are buying a plot of land on individual housing construction, then look at the area to see where the “red line” is, defining the boundary of permitted development.

Destroyed (or simply old) buildings will require disposal costs.

What about the neighbors?

Needless to say, unsuitable neighbors can ruin any dream lot. For example, if you plan to live year-round, but your neighbors only come in the summer, they are unlikely to support your winter road clearing initiative. Problems may arise with neighbors who rent out houses for organizing noisy parties, or with those involved in poultry and livestock farming. If the permitted use of land is private plots (personal subsidiary plots), then there can be no claims against those who keep the cows.

What about the garbage?

This is a new headache that has arisen for owners of country houses. Find out if there is a solid waste landfill in the vicinity of the site and whether they plan to organize one in the future. If you buy a plot of land in a SNT or village, ask how things are going with garbage removal and disposal.

How to buy land from the state for individual housing construction

Marina Deniskina, head of the Veresk Group company, says: “Currently, quite a lot of municipal land is being sold at auction. Current information about ongoing auctions can be found on the website, where information about auctions held by the state throughout Russia is collected.” .

Both legal entities and citizens can participate in the auction. It is enough to submit an application with a copy of your passport and pay a deposit, which will be returned if the bidder does not win. If trading is conducted electronically, it is also necessary to have an electronic digital signature (EDS).

If you find an interesting site at auction, you should study it carefully. To begin, you can use the “Public Cadastral Map” service located on the Rosreestr website and determine the location of the site.

It is necessary to go to the site, find the boundaries of the site on the ground, make sure of its transport accessibility, including in winter, assess the surroundings and the possible presence of nearby industrial or agricultural enterprises, infrastructure and communications.

It is also necessary to check the availability and contents of documents for the plot: that the plot is registered in the cadastral register, that there is no crossing of borders with neighboring plots, that there are no encumbrances or arrests. It is necessary to pay attention to the category and type of permitted use of land: in relation to plots intended for private construction, “individual housing construction” is considered the most valuable. You also need to find out the permissible construction parameters specified in the Land Use and Development Rules.

The ability to connect communications (primarily electricity and gas) is of great importance, because the cost of a plot with and without communications can vary significantly.

Buying a plot of land is a difficult and troublesome task. Due to the difficulties of assessing and registering rights, such transactions are included in the high-risk category, but still remain one of the most popular on the market. Dreams of owning a plot of land inspire many. Land is acquired for private and commercial purposes (for the construction of housing, for business or industrial facilities, agriculture, etc.). But most often plots are purchased for building a house. There are many nuances that are important to consider when choosing a specific object. Among them are key indicators on which the price usually depends: size and location, presence of communications and buildings, condition of the land and soil, ecology. Each case has its own nuances.


Action 1

We formulate our requirements for the site

First of all, it is important to understand exactly what area you need. The market is vast, and a clear image of the desired object will significantly reduce the list of options. The following will help you evaluate opportunities within the established amount:

  • analytical articles
  • market and price monitoring
  • thematic forums where people share their own experiences.

Start from the basic criteria (maximum price, size, location and purpose) and highlight several parameters that are important for you personally (south or north, proximity to a body of water, presence or absence of communications).

Once the requirements are formulated, the search can begin. Professional realtors and specialized sources are at your service: online databases, agency websites, printed directories and their electronic versions, social networks and bulletin boards.

If you decide to act on your own, it is best to choose a convenient search based on object parameters and the ability to compare characteristics and prices. This service is available on the real estate portal GdeEtoDom.RU.

It is better to start viewing with a list of specific areas in hand. This will help you better plan your route and ease the hassle of choosing. At the next stage, all the new knowledge acquired during the virtual search will be useful to you.

Act 2

Studying the types of plots

It is important for the future landowner to know that not every plot is suitable for construction. The plot must correspond to its intended purpose; only in this case can a house or cottage be built there without fear.

According to Russian legislation, housing can be built on three types of plots:

  • land for individual housing construction (IHC),
  • plots for personal subsidiary plots (LPH),
  • lands of a dacha or gardening partnership

In each case there are additional nuances. Lands may belong to the same category, but have different permitted uses. For example, not all plots of private household plots are suitable for construction - only those that are located within the boundaries of populated areas and are considered household plots. And on individual housing construction lands it is allowed to build houses no higher than three floors.

Act 3

Assessing the size and location

  • The ratio of the size of the plot and the future house

    When starting a search, the buyer, as a rule, starts from the expected size of the territory. If you are going to build a residential cottage on the site, it is better to imagine the area of ​​the foundation in advance, think about a parking space and a minimally comfortable local area. You may not be planning to set up greenhouses with tomatoes and hectares of potatoes, but a bedroom window looking directly onto a neighbor’s fence or garden bed is a dubious pleasure.

    It is believed that the optimal proportion of the size of the plot and the house is one to ten. In this case, the area of ​​housing is measured in square meters, and the plot - in acres. For a spacious cottage with an area of ​​200 square meters, you need a plot of 20 acres.

  • Geographical location of the site

    The most important criterion for land allotment is species characteristics and proximity to populated areas. The most valued areas are those located near cities and regional centers, which will allow you to simultaneously live in nature and use developed infrastructure: shops, hospitals, etc. However, in the end, it all depends on how you plan to use the land: drive from your country house to your office every day or come once a year for fishing.

When assessing a location, consider a few basic points:

  1. 1 The site should not violate the water protection zone - that is, be located no closer than 20-150 meters (depending on the reservoir)
  2. 2 Sites on the hills, from which a picturesque view of the surrounding area opens, can be inconvenient for construction - the soil “slides” down along with the foundation of the house
  3. 3 Open space and the complete absence of neighbors are the same disadvantage as too dense development. In case of trouble, there will be no one to come to the rescue.

Act 4

We evaluate logistics

The actual location of the site should be assessed not by the distance on the map, but by the time it takes to travel. Therefore, logistics is one of the main criteria when choosing land, because you will have to somehow get to your plot. This concept includes the presence and quality of roads that lead to the site. And also the prospect of traffic jams in this direction.

Evaluate the access roads to your future construction site in advance. Will a truck carrying construction materials pass here? What condition will this country road be in in the fall and spring? Almost every Russian has a family legend about relatives carrying bricks and furniture for their future dacha on their shoulders. But are you ready to repeat this immortal feat if necessary?

Ideally, there should be different logistics options. Bus or train connections in relative proximity to the site are a definite plus. Even if you plan to travel there exclusively by personal car, force majeure circumstances cannot be ruled out.

Finally, the immediate distance from the city and decent roads are not a guarantee that you will be able to get to your plot without problems. Take the time to evaluate the road conditions in this direction at different times of the day, depending on the season. Perhaps a cunning seller took you to see the land at the most opportune time, and there are usually kilometer-long traffic jams.

Action 5

We assess the availability of communications

Enchanted by the view of the river or the sound of a pine forest, do not forget to ask the seller all the details about the communications available on the site. It is they who sometimes determine the basic value of land.

Of course, there is a temptation to buy land cheaply and organize all the necessary aspects of landscaping yourself. But the risk of overpaying exorbitantly and getting involved in endless unfinished construction is very high. Assess your strengths in advance! When purchasing a plot without communications, it is better to have a clear estimate on the cost and timing of future work.

First of all, you should be interested in:

  • Gas supply

    A gas pipe nearby is a guarantee that you will have a reliable source of heating. Regularly bringing gas in cylinders is quite tedious, and laying an additional section of the gas pipeline on your own is very expensive.

  • Electricity

    The consumption rate for an average cottage with an area of ​​200-300 square meters. m - about 30 kW. Before starting to build a house, you need to find out whether it is realistic to provide the site with the necessary energy capacity. If this is not possible, the cost of owning a generator may be prohibitive.

  • Water

    Water can be supplied to the house from a collective water supply (city, village, etc.) or from an individual well. Decide in advance whether you are ready to carry out geodetic exploration and dig a well on your own, or whether you would prefer to overpay for a site with a ready-made water supply.

  • Sewerage

    Urban comfort in a country house will be possible if there are public sewer networks near the site to which your cottage can be connected. Otherwise, you will have to think about individual systems, especially if there are bodies of water nearby. Otherwise, you may receive fines from local SES.

Be especially careful if a site with a good location and views is sold at a suspiciously low price. In this case, significant difficulties and pitfalls with communications are practically guaranteed.

Action 6

We evaluate soil quality and ecology

In addition to the area, shape and landscape of the site, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the land and soil. Do not think that the quality of the soil should only be of interest to gardeners - it is also extremely important during construction. If you are not very knowledgeable in this area, it is better to consult a professional. There is always a risk to build a house on a swamp or sand.

Landscape also matters. Plots in a lowland or on a hill can present new owners with a lot of unpleasant surprises. Try to predict what the area will look like at different times of the year. Are you at risk from spring floods or winter storms?

At the household level, you can check the groundwater level in the area by digging several holes around the entire perimeter. If water collects in them within an hour, there is a danger of flooding. This means that problems will arise with the construction of an underground garage, cellar or basement.

Do not neglect the environmental situation in the vicinity of your future site. Don’t take the seller’s word for it, try to figure out for yourself whether there is a small poultry farm nearby that dumps waste into the river, a livestock farm, a shooting range or a long-term landfill.

Action 7

We check land documents

Finding a site is difficult and painstaking work, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the choice is made, the question of further actions arises. If at the stage of reviewing the options the buyer can do it on his own, it is better to involve a professional to prepare the documents: a lawyer or a realtor who will carry out the transaction with the least risk for the client. Before signing the papers, you must carefully study the land documents. This should be treated as carefully as an inspection of the site.

The land owner must provide you with:

  1. 1 Certificate of land ownership
  2. 2 Documents on the transfer of ownership of this plot to the seller (purchase and sale agreement, gift, etc.)
  3. 3 A copy of the owner's passport
  4. 4 Cadastral plan of the land plot
  5. 5 Situational plan of the land plot (location relative to surrounding objects)
  6. 6 Extract from the Unified State Register of Encumbrances
  7. 7 A certificate from the city department of inventory and real estate assessment about the absence of buildings or about the characteristics of the cottage
  8. 8 Information about which category the selected site belongs to
  9. 9 Certificate of absence of debt on payment of land tax
  10. 10 Written consent of the seller's spouse to the transaction

If you have the slightest doubt about the value of an object, you should contact a professional appraiser. However, an examination will not be superfluous, even if you are completely confident in your choice.

Right? But not quite! In order to take the first step towards future housing, you need to select a plot of land for development.

At first glance, this task is not difficult, but after reading this material, you will understand that choosing a site is no less important than the construction of the house itself, and it must be treated with special responsibility. We hope that after reading this material, you will clarify many points for yourself, and, in the end, make the right choice.

When choosing a site, we, of course, compare its cost with our capabilities. And plots in prestigious areas of big cities and administrative centers cost a lot!

If the site is located in a good area, its area is large enough, and the cost is, on the contrary, low, check if there are any problems with the site.

It is worth paying attention to the legal side of the transaction. A reduced price for a plot may be caused by legal problems, which you will decide after the purchase.

Important criteria for choosing a site for construction will be

  • possibility of telephone installation and electrification of the site
  • ecological situation
  • infrastructure: proximity to hospital, pharmacy, post office, school
  • distance of the site from neighboring houses
  • possibility of expansion in height and width
  • municipal services

Which plot size is better - large or small?

Please note that the larger your plot of land, the more work will be done on it. And if you pick up something small, there will be no chance to expand your own estate. Both large and small areas have their advantages and disadvantages.

Small area

  • It will be easy to improve and garden
  • Much less money will be spent on fencing

A visible disadvantage may be cramped space, lack of space for outbuildings and storage of timber or coal. However, after working with a landscape designer, you can create all kinds of small architectural forms in a small area, organize and zone the space so that it becomes as cozy and homely as possible.

Large plot of land

  • It opens up unlimited possibilities for arrangement for the owner: a cottage, a pond, a tennis court, a swimming pool, and even a house for children can fit here.

Having a large garden, you can say goodbye to free weekends forever; the solution is to hire a gardener who will look after all this beauty. Remember that the lawn needs weekly mowing, and garden plants need to be watered, weeded, etc.

However, any land is a good investment, so if you have a large plot, in bad times you can sell it even in small parts.

Information is gold!

When purchasing a plot of land, pay attention to every little detail.

The more information you know about the property, the faster you will make a purchasing decision.

For information about the site you can:

  • contact local authorities and familiarize yourself with cadastral data
  • look at your neighbors - they will be able to give you more objective information,
  • find out about the intentions of the authorities regarding this territory, or about the criminal situation.

Any information will not be superfluous.

Water problems?

Access to water may be limited in some areas.

In order to make an estimate in advance for connecting the site to water or electricity supply, find out how far the communication sources are from the site and approximately how much their connection will cost.

Many buyers of plots that do not have direct access to water supply decide to drill a well themselves. This is not always easy and only pays off in very rare cases.

Taking into account drilling costs, your own well can cost $8,000 or more. The issue is often complicated by the fact that not all soils are suitable for drilling (there are many areas with huge underground granite boulders that are impossible to drill).

If it is still possible to organize a well on the site, ask your neighbors to share information about the quality and purity of the water, analyze the water from various wells and select the optimal depth for the well.

As a rule, clean and tasty water is already found at a depth of 20 meters. SES readings on the level of bacteriological and chemical contamination will also not be superfluous.

Ground question

The type of foundation of the future house directly depends on the type of soil on the site.

A soil survey should be carried out before purchasing a plot, especially if the plot is suspicious!

In any case, if the site, or rather its soil, does not satisfy the specialists, the soil flooring can be easily replaced (although it is not cheap), but stories about ideal sites with ideal conditions for building a cottage should not be trusted either.

Experienced people will be able to offer any solutions for the future foundation, regardless of the type of soil on the site.

Forest or field, hill or lowland?

When choosing a plot of land for construction, due attention should be paid to the type of terrain on which it will be located.

  • A plot in the forest or near the forest will give you true enjoyment of fresh air (especially coniferous air)

Every morning you will wake up to the singing of birds, go to the forest in autumn and summer to pick mushrooms and berries, in addition, problems with consumables for decoration or construction will automatically disappear.

  • However, a site near a forest can also provoke some problems, such as the invasion of the site by rodents and other forest pests and insects.

Flowerbeds and beds located near the forest will be subject to biological attack from trees: all useful substances and water will be absorbed by old trees and wild plants.

  • A dense forest, in addition to protecting the house and site from the wind, can provide shade on the beds in places where the sun is vital.

The location of the house on a hill is an almost ideal option in terms of landscape design, abundance of sunlight, and wonderful views of the surrounding area. But many owners of houses on a hill devote almost their entire lives to solving the problem of washing away soil, laying paths and foundations, and creating an irrigation system.

A house located in a lowland will save you from problems with dry soil and wind. However, when building a house, garage, or other buildings, think in advance about a sufficient level of waterproofing.

As a rule, low-lying areas have a very high groundwater level, which in turn will create problems during cool seasons and during floods.

By the pond

The location of the site near a reservoir seems to be the most acceptable option, both from the point of view of construction and from the point of view of landscape. The only thing is that mosquitoes and insects will often fly around the house, and the soil will need drainage.

In any case, for a house on a plain or a hill, you will have to take care of the proper level of protection from “uninvited guests” and wild animals, as well as build protection for trees and flowers from harmful weather conditions.

What is the electrification of the site?

In order to carry out construction work, repairs, or even hold a party for friends, a lot of electricity will be required.

It is believed that the consumption rate for one cottage is 20-30 kW. However, in real life this is far from the case. Many cottage owners consider it lucky to have 10 kW, and some - even half. This issue should be clarified at the site selection stage.

That is why the question of organizing an additional energy source, a substation or a wind or solar installation is urgent. Another way out is to use electricity wisely, for example, by creating an automatic control system.

How to warm it up?

A common solution, but not the most profitable one, is electricity (provided that you have been allocated at least 30 kW). If this does not happen, you should take care of supplying gas from the general regional gas supply system. But whether there is a gas supply in this area is worth checking before purchasing a plot.

If desired, you can use gas cylinders, but in terms of safety they are, of course, inferior to the general gas system. Alternatively, unite with your neighbors, because together with them it is much easier and faster to solve such problems.

Which form should I choose?

In addition to the infrastructure and foundation for the future cottage, the shape of the land plot is also important. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will try to briefly consider.

Narrow (longer than wider)

Such a site will bring a lot of discomfort to those who love privacy and do not want to let neighbors close to their home. In addition, the choice of house designs suitable for narrow areas is limited. However, with the help of landscaping and zoning, you can create unique effects, for example, placing a long vineyard on the site, or a garden in the future. In the depths of the plot you can build another small house or a swimming pool.

Corner plot of land

Convenient in terms of placing a fence and gate, it is more isolated, since neighbors can only live on two sides (out of four). However, with a corner plot, you cannot avoid curious glances from the side of the roadway or pedestrian area, besides, the fence on the side of the road needs to be arranged as securely as possible; it is better not to plant garden trees close to the fence.

Square plot of land

It is ideal both from the point of view of placing the house and choosing a project and arranging the garden part. There are practically no disadvantages to this form of plot; moreover, the logic of the square shape will inspire careful management of the entire household.

Taking into account all of the above factors, you will become the owner of an excellent plot! And if you have questions about some land in the near Moscow region, then call us - we’ll help you!
We designed and built houses in most cottage villages near Moscow.

A few examples of our houses with beautiful plots:

The suburban construction boom in our country has been going on for decades, however, as practice shows, many developers have not learned not only to calculate the cost of construction and determine the technological features of future development, but also to choose the right site. Well, okay, if you have extra money, then the price of an “overweight” house and the number of all kinds of architectural solutions do not play a significant role. But if the site turns out to be bad, then no matter how good the built house is, certain inconveniences will greatly poison the existence of its residents, or even cast doubt on the possibility of construction. However, this problem concerns not entirely wealthy developers, of whom we have the overwhelming majority in our country. Therefore, they need to know at least the main rules for choosing a suitable site, regardless of the type of house and mode of residence in it - only in the summer, as summer residents, or all year round, as permanent residents.

As a rule, the main (although not decisive) role in choosing a site for construction is played by its cost. If we take a standard plot, and not some “piece of landscape” that has undoubted natural advantages, which are primarily valued by elite developers (forest, river, etc.), then the price of the plot decreases according to its distance from a large city. The cost is also affected by the distance from any important communications - highways, bus stops, schools, and indeed from any centers of civilization. Of course, you can build a house that will be supplied with water from a well or well, heated by autonomous systems, there are even residents of remote places who are provided with electricity using generators, fortunately today they are sold in a sufficient range and have a reasonable price. However, the presence of a more or less passable road is mandatory for any preference. If you do not have your own car, then there should be a bus stop or train station within reach. It is more important that there is a store or pharmacy nearby. And for children we need a kindergarten and a school. So proximity to communications and at least minimal elements of the village infrastructure is still necessary.

It is also equally important to choose the right plot size. Often, future homeowners buy a very small plot, believing that they will be able to fit everything they need on it. But during construction it turns out that not only the household plot, but also the house itself cannot fit on it. That is why you should first develop a plan in full accordance with the design of the house, and only then decide on the required size of the plot. But it happens quite the opposite - they buy too large a plot, and upon completion of construction there are too large empty areas left, for the arrangement of which there is neither the money, nor the strength, nor even the desire. Thus, it turns out that a lot of money is wasted. Of course, empty space may be useful in the future, but it may also not be useful, and taxes will have to be paid for them regularly.

The next point in choosing a suitable site will be to find out whether it is even possible to build something on this site? Very often you come across such areas, the intended purpose of which is defined in legal documents as an area where only gardening is allowed. Sellers usually claim that the purpose of such areas can be changed, but this is only a half-truth. All this legal hassle with re-registration will take so much time and so much effort and financial resources will be spent on it that in the end the land itself will turn out to be cheaper than all this paperwork. Therefore, before you become interested in a site and seriously begin to study it, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with its intended purpose.

So, the site has been selected, its legal status has been determined, the amounts of taxes and other related payments have been clarified, and you can take a closer look at all its advantages and disadvantages. If people live nearby, then they will be your neighbors. But neighbors are different, including harmful ones. You should not ask the seller about the neighbors - you will not get the truth. It’s better to pay them a visit yourself and see what kind of people surround the site and your future home. On occasion, you can ask about them in other places, for example, in a store or at the post office - if the village is small, then everyone knows almost everything about each other, and can often tell a lot about their neighbors that can significantly influence the decision to buy this particular one plot.

Next, you need to study the physical features of the site. You should not look at a site located in a lowland or on top of a hill. If the site is low, then all the water during rain will flow directly to the house. It’s worse if the house is on a gently sloping bank of a river or other body of water - it can probably be flooded. In any case, it is necessary to carry out soil-hydrological studies, and although this will cost a pretty penny, then it will be possible to safely build a house on this site and then live peacefully in it. If you don’t want to shell out money for specialists, then you can carry out some complex of such studies yourself. As you know, the highest groundwater level is in the spring, when all the snow has melted and the first spring rains have fallen. Therefore, it is in the spring that you should select a suitable site; it is at this time of year that you will see how much water the land plot has. And one more important observation - if moisture-loving plants grow and bloom on the site even in the hot summer, then this is a direct indication that water is somewhere nearby. Also, an indirect signal of a bad hydrological situation can be construction stopped nearby - the reasons, of course, can be different, but it’s still better to check everything for sure. It may happen that the house was not completed precisely because of high groundwater. And if an unfinished house is located on a hill, then it is likely that the soil is sandy, unstable, and the house simply threatens to slide into the valley. But even if the soil at the top of the relief is normal, troubles can still arise - in windy weather the building will be hit very hard by the wind. In winter, the wind will blow a lot of snow onto the house, and it will simply drown in snowdrifts, finding itself in the path of blizzards.

Also, an important reason for refusing to purchase a plot of land may be such a factor as the presence of any enterprises nearby, and especially livestock farms. Of course, today our agriculture is not up to par, and many enterprises are not working. But it is possible that those abandoned enterprises or farms that are located next to your site will still start working. Then very significant inconveniences will begin for you - the roar of equipment, all sorts of unpleasant odors and other similar joys. And especially if the road from this enterprise passes by your site, especially a dirt road, then get ready for trouble - in the summer there will be a column of dust, in the spring and autumn it will turn into slush, rural vehicles will very quickly turn it into a swamp and there will be mud all over the area, including in your yard.

There are many more minor rules for choosing a suitable site, and often they are simply not paid attention to, since they cannot assume that these points could have any significant impact on the inhabitants of the new house subsequently. For example, if you choose a corner plot, then get ready for the fact that you will need to spend money on the side of the fence or fence. Also, you should not build a new house next to old residents who live in old and poorly equipped houses. Such neighbors are very bad neighbors, and in most cases the owner of a new building cannot expect love from them. And another important thing: even if you plan to live in the house for the rest of your life, you cannot know in advance how your life circumstances will turn out. It may happen that the house will have to be sold after some time, so never build a house on a vacant lot or at a significant distance from other new buildings, such a house will be more difficult to sell, and the price for it will not meet even your lowest expectations.

In general, choosing a good site, that is, one that is suitable for at least the main part of your requirements, is a whole science, and this science should be approached with all responsibility. In this matter, you should never rely solely on your own judgments and ideas; here you definitely need the help of specialists. Yes, such help can cost money, but you shouldn’t be stingy in this matter, otherwise this stinginess can lead to big troubles in the future. In addition, future neighbors can provide very valuable information - you just need to take the time and make at least casual acquaintances with them. As a result of all these researches, such important facts may be revealed that even experienced specialists would not think about, because experience is experience, and there can be so many purely individual circumstances and conditions that even the richest experience of the most experienced specialist cannot cover them. Good luck to you in this difficult task!

The first and main task that needs to be solved before starting construction is the selection of land for construction. The second important point is the choice of house design and these two points are closely related. The project is always tied to specific conditions on the ground - relief, soil nature, groundwater level and the like. Therefore, it is better to start with the selection of a site than to first select a project and then look for a land plot on which this project can be implemented.

Before you start looking for a suitable location for your future home, you need to answer two main questions:

  1. In what area should the site be located? City limits, suburbs or “open field”? The price of the plot, accessibility of communications, surrounding views and the number of obstacles when coordinating a future project will greatly depend on this initial criterion.
  2. What should the plot size be? This greatly depends on your plans regarding the number of buildings on the site, as well as the presence of a garden, etc. The optimal proportion is usually the ratio of the area of ​​the future house to the total area of ​​the site as 1 to 10. That is, the easiest way is to take the area of ​​the house and multiply it by ten.

Acquisition of land for construction

You can buy a plot of land for construction on the primary or secondary real estate market. To search for options, you can contact the administration of the municipality where you want to build, or realtors or even private advertisements.

The main thing in this matter is to stock up on the necessary minimum of legal knowledge in order to understand the issue and not buy a “pig in a poke” with a bunch of potential problems. If your knowledge is not enough and you are afraid of deception, it is better to consult a professional lawyer on these types of transactions. At this stage it usually takes quite a lot of time, because it is necessary not only to select a site, but also to check its “cleanliness” according to the documents and arrange everything correctly.

  1. Title documents for the site. The site should not be located on the territory of sanitary protection or water protection zones, as well as agricultural land, so that later there will be no problems with its development. In addition, it is better to buy a plot that has already undergone the land surveying procedure.
  2. Geological characteristics of the site. What is the nature of the soil on the site, what is the groundwater level and the depth of the aquifer (if you plan to extract water using your own well) and the quality of the water.
  3. What communications are already available and what are planned for the near future (within a year). Remember that for construction you will need normal access roads, water, electricity and sewerage (septic tank).
  4. The price of the plot should not be significantly lower than the average. This may very likely indicate that the site is “problematic” - there may be obstacles in registering ownership rights to it, some restrictions on development/communications, problematic soil, etc.

Land surveying

It is especially important to take care of the question of whether the site you like has passed the land surveying procedure (determining boundaries). If land surveying has not been carried out, then the boundaries of the site are not documented and can be challenged at any time. The procedure for land surveying, that is, determining the boundaries of a site, is described in Article 260 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

To carry out land surveying, you need to enter into an agreement with a land management company that has the appropriate license. In this case, it is necessary to provide a certificate of ownership of the land and all data on the plot from the cadastral chamber. After this, the land management company on the ground will determine the boundaries of the site and coordinate them in the presence of you and your closest neighbors.

Soil type and groundwater

The type of soil is the most important characteristic of the site, which greatly influences the choice of foundation for the future home. In addition to the type of soil itself, the depth of groundwater also has a decisive influence. This data can be obtained through geological examination, which is also carried out by special bodies. From a practical point of view, a house can be built on almost any soil, even in standing water. Everything will depend on the complexity and cost of architectural solutions for each specific case. Therefore, first of all, it will be necessary to conduct a geological examination, and then contact an architect to choose a method for implementing a specific house project.

A high groundwater level can play a cruel joke for the owner of the site. Thus, during a flood period, some areas may even be completely flooded with water, which will make the desire to build a basement or underground garage under the house almost impossible or difficult to realize.

There is a fairly simple method for independently checking the groundwater level at a site. It is necessary to dig several holes or wells at different points of the site using a shovel or hand drill with a depth of 70-80 cm and wait an hour or two. If after this time the bottom of the pits remains dry, there is nothing to worry about. However, it is also advisable to ask your neighbors whether areas are flooded in the spring during floods or during heavy, prolonged rains. Particular attention should be paid to this if you purchase a plot next to a river.

Relief of the site

If the site is located on flat terrain, this is simply an ideal option from a construction point of view (unless you are planning individual “troubles” with multi-level architecture). However, if the site has a slope or changing terrain, this can significantly complicate life when building a house. Therefore, you need to decide on this in advance and look for just such a site that matches your architectural ideas.

Water supply and sewerage

The ideal option, of course, would be to connect to a collective water supply system, although this option also has its drawbacks (difficulties in coordinating the connection, often low water pressure in the summer due to the massive watering of gardens and vegetable gardens). If there is no water supply in the immediate vicinity and is not expected, then all that remains is to drill your own well, and here serious obstacles often arise.

Many people think that water can be found anywhere, but in practice this is not always the case. It is not for nothing that in the old days the talent of a dowser was highly valued - a person who knew how to find an aquifer close to the surface. After all, in your particular area you may need to drill a well 50 or even 100 meters deep before you get to normal water. And even then the question of its quality remains open, because not all water is suitable for domestic use (and especially for ingestion and cooking).

Therefore, it is also advisable to inquire about the issue of water supply at the very beginning of assessing the site you like, otherwise the costs of individual access to water through a well and its further purification can hit the budget hard.

Close to water supply is the issue of arranging sewerage on the site. The possibility of connecting to a centralized sewerage system usually exists only within the city, and even then not everywhere, so in most cases, in practice, the only option left is to install an individual septic tank. This can be either a standard waterproofed pit (with the need for regular pumping and removal of liquid waste), or modern multi-component filtration and waste treatment systems, up to the possibility of using the resulting water for watering the garden.

The issue of sewerage can become very complicated if your site is located next to a reservoir, especially in an area of ​​150 meters from it - then the SES will have especially stringent requirements for the reliability of the septic tank and preventing waste from entering groundwater.

Electricity supply

You need to find out the location of the electrical substation closest to the site and the maximum power that can be allocated to your future home. Due to the fact that most substations and power lines are already quite worn out, Electric Networks usually severely limit the amount of power allocated to a home (about 10 kilowatts). And given the growing number of electrical appliances in homes, you will have to either save on electricity consumption, or try in various ways to obtain permission for additional power, or produce it in alternative ways (solar panels, wind generators, etc.).

This all, of course, applies to the case when electricity passes near your site and you have the opportunity to connect to it. If you bought a plot in an unplowed field, everything becomes much more complicated, since you will either have to wait for the initiative of the district administration to provide you with electricity (if the land is cut into many plots), or chip in with all your neighbors and collectively pay for the laying of an electrical network to you . Until then, you will have to use a portable diesel or gasoline electric generator.

Gas supply

In this regard, everything is usually even more complicated than with electricity. Gas is usually present only within the city or in the suburbs, but if the site is located far from civilization, you can immediately forget about it. But if you have a gas pipeline, it will be much easier for you to solve the problem in the future with the installation of heating and hot water supply systems in the house, as well as with cooking. All this, moreover, will reduce power consumption, which will help reduce costs on this item. Therefore, it is worth considering the possibility of purchasing a plot of land near the gas pipeline, of course, after calculating all the pros and cons.

Other communications

The first and main question when purchasing a plot of land at a considerable distance from the city is the availability and quality of roads. The quality and capacity of the road is crucial not only in terms of the speed of travel to the nearest supermarket or hospital, but also on the ability to easily get home or to the city in winter or spring/autumn bad weather, as well as the ability for heavy equipment to travel to your site for construction work.

The need for a wired telephone has virtually disappeared with the advent of cell phones. Still, it doesn’t hurt to check the cellular signal level in your area, because your operator’s tower may be located at a considerable distance, and the walls of your future home will weaken the signal even more.

It is worth remembering such modern benefits of civilization as television and the Internet. Find out where the nearest TV tower is located, unless, of course, you plan to solve this problem radically by installing a satellite dish.

The issue of Internet access is the most difficult. In cities with a population of over 500 thousand inhabitants, this is, as a rule, no longer a problem - there is quite a lot of competition in the provider market and you can choose whose services to use, while paying a rather symbolic amount per month for a high-speed channel.

In the suburbs or at a significant distance from the city, everything is much more complicated. There is no need to wait for cable Internet, there are basically two options left - a GPRS/3G modem or a satellite dish (a faster option, but here the outgoing channel will usually have to be organized on the basis of a cellular modem).

In addition, it is worth finding out about the procedure for delivering mail to your future address and about the possibility of centralized garbage collection.


This section includes your personal preferences:

  • picturesque surroundings (taking into account future development);
  • proximity to ponds and forests for the possibility of walking and relaxing in nature;
  • the environmental situation in the area (does the wind bring emissions from nearby plants/factories, etc.);
  • shading of the site from the sun by houses and trees on neighbors' properties.


The main rule when choosing a site is not to rush. Consider different options, evaluate them for each of the above points, compare not only the prices of the plots themselves, but also the approximate costs of compensating for various difficulties (such as lack of water or electricity). It is convenient to write out all the options in the form of a table with the characteristics of the sites, so it will be much easier to compare them. Make a purchasing decision only after weighing all the pros and cons, and do not forget to carefully check the documents for the site. Remember - a week spent at this stage can save months and even years in the future, not to mention possible financial losses.