Repair Design Furniture

Clematis (27 photos): Types of clematis - planting, care, reproduction. Abundantly flowering clematis varieties Clematis varieties that bloom from the ground

Do not know which group belongs to clematis, bought, for example, in the market? Do a combo cut. Divide the lashes of the plant into three parts. Shorten the first strongly, the second by half, the third a little bit. And next year compare where the flowering is better.

Photo and description of clematis varieties
Akaishi (Akaishi)
It blooms on the shoots of the past and current year. Flowers 15-20 cm in diameter. Petals with slightly wavy edges, purple-purple with a bright red wide stripe in the middle. It is better to plant in a small shade, where the color does not fade. Height 2-3 m.
ALENUSHKA (Aljonushka)
Domestic variety, flowering on the shoots of the current year. The flowers are bell-shaped lilac-pink, 5-7 cm in diameter. The height of this clematis is 1.5-1.8 m. It is considered an excellent partner for roses, and can also be planted in containers.

ALBINA PLENA (Albina Plena)
A prince with lashes that can rise to a height of up to 2.8 m. It blooms on last year's shoots in May-June. The flowers are densely double, 6-8 cm in diameter, creamy-white-green.

Flowering is abundant and long on the shoots of the current year (plant height 1.5-2 m). Moreover, this clematis does not cling to a support, it only leans on it, and if it does not find a suitable one, it spreads along the ground. Flowers 6-8 cm in diameter, bluish-violet with white stamens. It is considered an unpretentious variety, suitable for growing in containers.

BALLET SKIRT (Ballet Skirt)
Clematis blooming on last year's shoots. The flowers are semi-double, pink, 5-7 cm in diameter, reminiscent of a ballerina's tutu, which is reflected in the name of the variety. Hardy variety 2-3 m high.

Giant 4-5 m high, very tall and unpretentious. In summer, the vine is strewn with bright yellow "bells" with a diameter of 6-8 cm, in autumn - with fluffy seedlings. Drought tolerant and generally undemanding, retaining green foliage until snow.

BLUE LIGHT (Blue Light)
Double flowers, reminiscent of blue dahlias, bloom on the shoots of the past and current year. Plant height up to 2 m.

BLUE EKSPLOUZHN (Blue Explosion)
The flowers are double, blue with pink pigmentation on the upper part of the petals. Flowering is plentiful. Flower diameter 12-14 cm. Second pruning group. Height up to 2.5-3 m.

BEAUTY BRIDE (Beautiful Bride)
Huge white flowers up to 28 cm in diameter. Petals with slightly wavy edges and a sharp tip. Flowering is abundant on the shoots of the previous year in May-July, and then on new ones. This beauty (a prize-winning variety of several exhibitions) cannot be planted in windy areas and in the scorching sun. The height of the vine is 2-3 m.

WALENBURG (Walenburg)
Flowers 4-6 cm in diameter are bright, red-violet with a white vein in the middle of the petals. The variety is considered very effective, although not double. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, which over the summer have time to grow by 2-3 m.

VIVA POLONIA (Viva Polonia)
The buds are tied on the shoots of the past and current year. The flowers are 12-15 cm in diameter, red-purple with a white stripe in the middle, which then acquires a lemon hue. Petals with slightly wavy edges, their reverse side is pink. Height up to 2 m.

VISTULA (Vistula)
Light purple-blue flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm appear on shoots that have grown since spring. They consist of six oval petals with sharp tips and slightly wavy edges. Against this background, light yellow stamens stand out effectively. Height 2.5-3 m.

Grunwald (Grunwald)
The third trim group. Height 3-3.5 m. Flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm. Petals are dark, purple-purple. Pretty unpretentious variety.

GUERNSEY CREAM (Guernsey Cream)
Light cream flowers with a diameter of 12-14 cm. There is a thin greenish stripe in the middle of the petals. It blooms on the shoots of the past and current year. Height up to 2.5 m.

DANUTA (Danuta)
The third trim group. Flowers 15-16 cm in diameter, pink petals with slightly wavy edges, creamy greenish stamens. Height 2-2.5 m.

Clematis blooming in May on last year's shoots. Height 2-3 m. Variety with semi-double, slightly hanging pink bell-shaped flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. Tolerates partial shade.
INNOSENT BLUSH (Innocent Blush)
The second trim group. Height up to 2 m. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, light pink with a darker blush along the edges and the same stripe in the middle. Terry flowers on last year's shoots.

KAISER (Kaiser)
The second trim group. Plant height 1-1.5 m. Terry flowers, 8-12 cm in diameter, purple-pink at first, then brighten.

COLUMELLA (Columella)
Clematis blooms on last year's shoots up to 2-2.5 m long. The flowers are 7-10 cm in diameter, the petals are pink-purple on the outside with a cream border, pink-cream inside. Tolerates partial shade.

COPERNICUS (Copernicus)
The buds are tied on the shoots of the past and current year. It can twin a support up to 2 m high. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, usually semi-double, with slightly wavy bright blue petals. Yellow stamens stand out brightly against their background.

QUEEN JADWIG (Krolowa Jadwiga)
The second trim group. Flowers up to 16 cm in diameter, silky, white. Petals with slightly wavy edges and a noticeable rib in the middle. The stamens in the center of the flower form a purple "crown". The height of the creeper is 2-2.5 m.

Scourges up to 3 m high. Bright pink flowers 10-12 cm in diameter with a red-pink stripe in the center of the petals are formed on new shoots. The variety has awards.

Prince, blooming on last year's shoots. Height 2.5-3 m. Flowers 5-6 cm in diameter, semi-double, blue with pale blue stamens. Considered an undemanding variety.

LEMON DREAM (Lemon Dream)
Clematis with lashes up to 3 m high, the first pruning group. The flowers are double, 10-12 cm in diameter. At first they are greenish, then light lemon, and when fully bloomed they turn white.

LITTLE MERMAID (Little Mermaid)
Japanese variety with an unusual salmon-pink color of flowers with a diameter of 8-12 cm. The buds are tied on the shoots of the past and current year. The height of the vine is up to 2 m.

Madame Julia Correvon (Madame Julia Correvon)
Flowers 7-10 cm in diameter, wine-red with yellow stamens. They appear on the shoots of the current year, which can grow up to 2.5-3.5 m.

Flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm, burgundy, velvet. The middle with yellow stamens effectively stands out against a dark background. Plant height 2-3.5 m.
Maria Sklodowska-Curie (Maria Sklodowska Curie)
Magnificent white double flowers with a diameter of 12-15 cm. In cold weather, a greenish tint appears, more intense at the base of the petals. Golden stamens add a special charm. Flowering in June-July on last year's shoots. Plant height 1.5-2 m. The variety has awards.

Mrs. Cholmondeley
The second trim group. The height of the vine is up to 3.5 m. The diameter of the flowers is 18-23 cm, they are lavender-blue with a purple tint, sometimes semi-double. The stamens are light brown. With weak pruning, it blooms almost without interruption from May to August.
MONING SKY (Morning Sky)
Flowers 8-10 cm in diameter, light, pink-violet, with a light middle and pinkish veins. The third trimming group Height 3 m.

NIGHT VAYLE (Night Veil)
Japanese variety. The flowers are 7-8 cm in diameter, the petals are purple-violet with a light, almost white stripe in the middle at the base. Blooms in June-September on the shoots of the current year. Height 2-2.5 m.

Nelly Moser
Flowers 14-18 cm in diameter, light pink-lilac with a bright pink stripe in the middle of the petals and red stamens. The second trim group. Dislikes planting in hot sun. Height 2-3 m.

PAUL FARGEZ (Paul Farges)
Small-flowered, profusely flowering, unpretentious and fast-growing. Scourges can grow up to 4-5 m. It blooms on the shoots of the current year. The flowers are white with a cream tinge.

Purpurea Plena Elegans (Purpurea Plena Elegans)
Terry, in purple tones. The diameter of the flower, according to some sources, is up to 12-15 cm, according to others - only 5-8 cm. Flowering is very plentiful. Height 2.2 - 3.5 m, trim group third.

Flowers (diameter 12-14 cm) bright sapphire blue with yellow stamens. Flowering is long and abundant, on the shoots of the current year. The height of the vine is 1.5-2 m, so it is suitable for growing in containers.

ROKO-KOLLA (Roko-Kolla)
Creamy-white with a greenish stripe in the middle of the petals, yellow-cream stamens. Flower diameter 15-20 cm, plant height up to 2 m, pruning group 3.

Flowers 9-12 cm in diameter, almost black at first, then dark purple, with light pink stamens. Blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year. Height 2-2.5 m.

SEN-NO-KAZE (Sen-no-Kaze)
A fantastic variety of Japanese selection, translated as "Thousand Winds". The buds are light green with pink tips that turn white as they bloom. Terry flowers with a diameter of 11-14 cm, bloom on last year's shoots from June. The height of the vine is 1-1.5 m.

STOLVIYK GOLD (Stolwijk Gold)
Clematis blooming on last year's shoots. Its "chip" is golden-yellow leaves. Violet-blue bell-shaped, wide-open flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm effectively contrast with them. The variety is frost-resistant and unpretentious. It tolerates partial shade, but the foliage is brighter when there is sufficient light. Height 2-3 m.

TESHIO (Teshio)
The original Japanese variety, flowering on the shoots of the past and current year. The flowers are double, slightly flattened, in a bluish-lilac tones. Blooming like small hedgehogs or pads with needles. The height of the creeper is 1.5-2 m. Suitable for growing in containers.

The second trim group. Petals are velvety, red with a pink border. The diameter of the flowers is 14-16 cm, in the first wave of flowering they are terry. The height of the creeper is 2.2-2.8 m.
CHANGE OF HART (Change of Heart)
Abundantly and long-blooming variety of the second pruning group. The flowers are 10-13 cm in diameter, purple-red at first, reddish-pink in full bloom. The edges of the petals are light pink, in the middle there is a light stripe, whitening at the base. Suitable for decorating a support 2 m high.

SHIN-SHIGOKU (Shin-shigyoku)
Some people call this terry marble variety, and for good reason. Dark purple flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm with numerous, asymmetrically curved petals, which are silvery on the underside. The contrast is extraordinary! The pruning group is the second, the height of the vine is 1.5-2 m.

Ernest Markham
Flowers with a diameter of 14-16 cm bloom on the shoots of the current year. They are red-purple, slightly velvety. Liana is one of the large ones, the catalogs indicate that it can rise to a height of 2.8-4 m.

JAN PAUL II (Jan Pawel II)
The second trim group. The flowers, depending on the weather and growing conditions, are pure white or with a pink stripe expressed in the center. Height 2-2.5 m.
Clematis John Paul II is named after John Paul II. But in Poland, where the variety is bred, its name is pronounced "Jan Pavel".
Large selection in the online store of seeds and seedlings:

Clematis varieties do not have a pure red hue, only with an admixture of purple. And pure blue remains a dream as long as clematis lovers settle for varieties with a touch of purple.

Sometimes they ask if there are clematis that smell? Depending on what is considered a fragrance. A pleasant smell that can be felt when approaching the flower closely? There are such. On sunny, windless days, their fragrance is stronger.
Clematis grape-leaf and burning smell is quite strong, but, as they say, not for everyone. He is not liked by everyone.

Clematis is an amazingly beautiful plant that combines power, speed of development, lush foliage and long abundant flowering. A plant can show all its beauty and dignity if it is properly cared for.

Clematis is a famous sun lover. Planted in partial shade, he will not remind you of the "king of vines", as he is often called. Flowers will be, but small and rare. These and other points will be discussed later in this article.

Botanical description of clematis species

Clematis - clematis, vine. Buttercup families - Ranuncuiaceae Juss. The genus includes 230 species. Various types of clematis are found in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. The genus combines species of various life forms:

  • Tree-like climbing plants with shoots from 1.5 to 10 m high
  • Tree-like shrubs with straight shoots up to 1.5 m high
  • Herbaceous perennial plants with straight shoots from 0.4 to 1.5 m high

The leaves of clematis are opposite, entire, trifoliate, doubly trifoliate or pinnate.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences, rarely solitary; bisexual or dioecious, variously colored; flowers without petals, consist of 4 - 8 petal-shaped sepals.

Achenes are numerous, collected in a head, at the end with a short or long pinnately pubescent column.

Clematis brown (Clematis fusca Turcz)

Motherland - Far East, Japan, China. Grows in meadows and coastal forests. Clematis is a semi-shrub vine up to 2 meters high with pubescent young shoots, especially at the base of the leaf petioles. Leaves with 5 - 7 leaflets; leaflets ovate to oblong-ovate, 3-7 cm long, gradually pointed, rounded or heart-shaped at the base, entire, dentate or dissected into 2-3 lobules, glabrous or pubescent below.

Flowers solitary, urn-shaped, drooping, on thick short pedicels, with 4-6 sepals. Sepals oblong-ovate, 2-2.5 cm long with slightly curled ends, dirty purple, brown, red or brown, brown-hairy or almost glabrous above and only white-pubescent along the edge, glabrous on the inside.

Achenes are broadly lanceolate, flat, pubescent, with a pinnate, brown-yellow-pubescent nose, up to 3 cm long.

Propagated well by seeds, layering and green cuttings. It is used in vertical gardening for the design of low structures. Valued for original flowers, mass and long flowering.

Grapevine Clematis (Clematis vitalba L.)

Distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, North America. Clematis grows in deciduous and mixed forests, thickets of shrubs, on rocky slopes, rising to mountains up to a height of 1200 meters. This is a powerful woody vine up to 10 meters high. The stem is strongly ribbed, later fissured-furrowed, with gray-brown peeling bark.

Young shoots are hexagonal, greenish-brown, strongly pubescent at the nodes. Leaves pinnate; leaflets usually 3 - 5. They are ovate, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, with a pointed apex and a slightly heart-shaped or rounded base. Along the edge, the leaves are large-toothed or lobed, bright green, sparsely pubescent along the veins, 3-9 cm long, 2-6 cm wide.

The flowers are numerous, slightly fragrant, bisexual with four sepals. Sepals off-white, shortly pubescent, 1.5 cm long, 7 mm wide. The flowers are collected in complex flower inflorescences, which have small green leaves in the ramifications of the axis.

The fruit is a doubly convex, almost rounded achene 2-3 mm in diameter with a long-pubescent column up to 4 cm long. It blooms from July to September. Seeds ripen in late October - November.

Shoots are cut annually to a height of 1.5 - 2 meters. For 1.5 - 2 months, young shoots grow up to 4 meters and bloom profusely in the same year. Well propagated by seeds.

In vertical gardening, it is valued for its rapid growth, dense foliage, abundant and long flowering, and a mass of pubescent seed pods. Let's apply in any vertical gardening: in the south - up to 10 meters, to the north - up to a height of 4 - 6 meters.

Oriental clematis (Clematis orientalis L.)

Distributed in Mongolia, China, Asia Minor, Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia. It is a woody vine up to 6 meters high. The stem is ribbed, sometimes reddish, the leaves are bluish-green, pinnate or doubly pinnate. The lower leaves are usually three times trifoliate, sometimes five-lobed or trifoliate.

Leaflets are oval to oblong-oval or lanceolate, 1.5-5 cm long. Lobes are coarsely dentate, smooth or pubescent, usually tripartite-dissected into two short lateral and medium longer lobes. The lobules are entire or serrated, obtuse or pointed.

The flowers consist of four sepals, 3-5 cm in diameter, on thin pedicels 4-10 cm long. The flowers are located in the axils of the leaves in small paniculate inflorescences. Sepals yellowish, reddish outside, short-tomentose-pubescent on both sides, oblong-lanceolate, long-pointed above, wide open and hooked-twisted backwards.

Achenes are compressed, with thickened edges, pubescent, with a pinnately pubescent column more than 5 cm long. It blooms in August - October. Seeds are harvested in November. Well propagated by seeds. Used in vertical gardening.

Clematis Duran (Clematis durandii Kitze)

Known as a semi-shrub liana with stems up to 2 meters tall. The leaves are simple, ovate or pinnate. Leaf lobes 8-12 cm long, wide, heart-shaped at the base, sometimes elongated. Leaf petioles 2-5 cm long.

Flowers 8 -12 cm in diameter, mostly dark purple-blue with various shades, there are also white. Sepals 4, less often 5-6, they are thick, dense, elastic, wide open. The stamens are mostly bluish-yellow, the pistils are strongly pubescent. Blooms from June until frost.

The fruits are a rounded flat achene up to 5 mm in diameter and with a long (up to 2.5 cm) pinnate nose.

With deep planting, it is cultivated without shelter for the winter. The stems freeze to ground level every year, and in the spring powerful young shoots grow from the buds preserved in the ground, which bloom in the same year. Propagated by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings and grafting.

It is used in any design of group and single landings on lawns and on supports up to 2 meters high. Varieties with flowers of blue and white colors have been isolated from this hybrid. The most interesting of them is:

Variety "Anastasia Anisimova".

Bred by A. N. Volosenko. Stems up to 2 meters tall. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, wide open, sepals 6-8, rarely 4, pure blue, whitening towards the center, with a slight hint of smoky crystal. Anthers are large, bright yellow. Blooms from June until frost.

Clematis Jackmanii (Clematis Jackmanii The Moore)

It is an interspecific hybrid obtained in 1860 in England by Jacqueman from crossing woolly clematis with purple clematis, from which a large number of highly decorative varieties were bred.

Outwardly, these are woody vines with stems up to 4 meters. The stems are hexagonal, ribbed, the internodes are uniform, and the nodes are densely covered with long hairs. The leaves are unpaired pinnate, consisting of 3-5 leaflets. Leaflets from ovate to broadly ovate with a heart-shaped base, shortly lowered below, sitting on petioles up to 3 cm long.

Flowers 8-15 cm in diameter, wide-open, of various colors, collected in 3 pieces on thin, long (lo 8-12 cm) pedicels with two leaf-shaped bracts. Sepals 4, sometimes 5-6. They are oblong, broadly obovate with wavy margins, glabrous above, densely short-pubescent below.

The filaments are shorter than the anthers, sometimes pubescent at the base. The pistils are smooth or sometimes pubescent from the middle upwards.

The fruit is a large, rounded achene up to 8 mm in diameter, flat, along the edge with a thickened border and a long (up to 30 mm) pinnate nose. Blooms from June until frost.

Clematis propagates by dividing the bush, layering, woody and green cuttings, grafting and rarely seeds. To obtain seeds, it is necessary to produce artificial pollination with pollen from some wild species. Seeds germinate in 10-19 months. When propagated by seeds, strong splitting occurs without preserving the maternal form.

As exceptionally highly ornamental vines, they are widely used for vertical gardening, in open ground and in tub culture, not only in the southern regions, but also in more northern regions up to St. Petersburg. For review, varieties with large flowers of various colors are provided:

Variety - Andre Leroy (Andre Leroy)

Flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, initially dark purple, opened - purple with a whitish-marble stripe in the center of the sepal. Sepals 4 - 6.

Variety - Zhakmana (Jachmanii)

Variety bred by Jacqueman. An interspecific hybrid obtained in 1860 from crossing C. lanuginosa with C. viticella. The flowers are dark purple-blue, up to 14 cm in diameter. Sepals 4.

Variety - Gypsy queen (Cipsi queen)

The variety was bred by Cripsom. The flowers are deep dark blue, up to 12 cm in diameter. Sepals 5 - 6.

Variety - Jadviga Walenis (Jadviga Walenis)

Bred by A. N. Volosenko. The flowers are white, up to 12 cm in diameter.

Burning clematis (Clematis flammula L.)

Distributed in Southern Europe, North America, North Africa, in Transcaucasia. Known as a woody vine up to 5 meters tall. The stem is slightly ribbed. Leaves unpaired twice pinnate, with 5-7 leaflets, the latter often trefoil or 2-3-lobed, broadly ovate to narrow-lanceolate, 1.5-4 cm long, pointed, sometimes obtuse at the base, bright green, glabrous.

The flowers are white, fragrant, 2-3 cm in diameter, numerous, in large paniculate inflorescences. Sepals oblong, obtuse, shortly pubescent on the outside along the edge.

Achenes are oblong, up to 5 mm long and up to 3 mm wide, with a pinnately pubescent nose, up to 2 cm long. Blooms in July - August. Seeds ripen in October.

The shoots freeze annually, in the spring they renew well from the root neck, growing up to 2.5 meters in height, bloom profusely and bear fruit. Well propagated by seeds.

Valued exclusively for the pleasant aroma of flowers, abundant and long flowering. It is applied to gardening of yards, parks, entrances to buildings.

Clematis Chinese (Clematis chinensis Oabeck)

In the wild, clematis is distributed from Central China to Indochina. Liana with powerful shoots up to 4 - 5 meters high. Leaves pinnate with 5 leaflets, oval, 2-6 cm long, entire, rounded at the base, dark green, young leaves slightly pubescent.

Flowers 1.5 -2 cm in diameter, white, in numerous axillary inflorescences, drooping. Sepals 4. Blooms in August - October.

Shoots freeze annually in winter, renew in spring from the root neck, grow up to 3 - 3.5 meters and bloom profusely. Propagated by seeds, division of the bush or cuttings.

In vertical gardening, clematis is valued for its fast growth, large dark green foliage, leaf density and abundant long flowering.

Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt

Clematis is common in North America, California, Colombia, Mexico. Liana up to 6 meters high. Stems are strong. The leaves are dense, hard, yellowish-light green, unpaired pinnate, with 5-7 leaflets. Leaflets are pointed, to cuneate at the base, coarsely dentate, often three-lobed, 3-7 long, 3 cm wide.

The flowers are dioecious, white, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in terminal or axillary many-flowered corymbs.

Achenes 4 mm long and 2.5 mm wide, densely pubescent with a pinnately pubescent nose up to 7 cm long.

Blooms profusely from late July to mid-September. Fruits selectively in October - November. Well propagated by seeds. Very decorative look. Valued for many openwork leaves and abundant and long flowering.

After flowering, it is decorative with an abundance of fluffy fruits. It is used in vertical gardening to a height of up to 6 meters.

Clematis paniculata (Climatis paniculata Thunb)

The homeland of the plant is Japan, Korea. Large liana up to 10 meters. Leaves trifoliate or pinnate with 3-5 leaflets. Leaflets are oval, up to 3-10 cm long, mostly pointed, heart-shaped or rounded at the base, usually entire, sometimes lobed.

Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, white, fragrant, in numerous terminal and axillary paniculate inflorescences. The sepals are elongated.

Achenes with a long pinnately pubescent nose. Blooms in September - November.

Grows best in rich, moist soils. In winter, the shoots freeze slightly, but in the spring they renew from the preserved buds of the lower part of last year's shoots and grow up to 3 - 3.5 meters tall and bloom profusely.

Propagated well by seeds, layering, green and woody cuttings. In vertical gardening, it is valued for its rapid growth, powerful coverage of the structure being formed, beautiful dark green leaves, late and abundant flowering.

Purple clematis (Clematis viticella L.)

Clematis grows in Transcaucasia, Europe, Asia Minor, Iran. Often grows on rocky slopes. This is a wooden vine up to 4 meters high. The stem is creeping, thin, hexagonal, purple with the most intense color at the nodes. The leaves are usually doubly pinnate, with 5 to 7 leaflets, the leaflets are trifoliate on petioles, slightly leathery. The lobes of the leaflets are ovate or rounded, 1.5 to 5 cm long, slightly pubescent below, intensifying along the veins.

Flowers apical or axillary, bisexual, 1-3 on pedicels, up to 10 cm long, wide open, up to 5 cm in diameter, blue, violet, purple. Flower of 4 obovate sepals, up to 3 cm long and 2.5 cm wide with wavy-toothed edges, shortly pubescent below.

Filaments almost naked. Achenes are rounded, up to 8 mm in diameter, flat, along the edge with a thickened border and a bare spiny nose, 3-4 mm long.

Shoots of a long species often freeze in winter. In the spring, they renew from the root neck, so it is better to cut them every autumn. For 45 - 50 days, young shoots grow to the maximum height (4 m), in mid-June their growth stops, and at the end of June flowering begins, which continues until August. Seeds ripen in late September - October.

All varieties of purple clematis reproduce vegetatively. When propagated by seeds, strong splitting occurs without preserving the maternal form.

It can be used in any vertical gardening up to a height of 3 - 4 meters. Valued for fast growth, openwork foliage, abundant flowering and fruiting.

This type of purple clematis has varieties with flowers of various colors. See photos of some varieties:

Variety - Kermesina (Kermesina)

Wine-red flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter. Sepals 4. Blooms very profusely from late June to early August. Seeds well.

Variety - Gnome (Gnom)

This vine is up to 2.5 meters high. The leaves are twice unpaired pinnate, with 3 -5 leaflets 3 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. The flowers are red, 6 cm in diameter, with six regular sepals. Flowering is very abundant.

Clematis blooming "Duchess of Edinburgh" (Clematis florida "Duchess of Edinburg" Jackman)

Liana grows up to 4 meters high. The leaves of the upper part of the shoot are trifoliate, the lower ones are doubly-trifoliate, ovate-lanceolate with a rounded base, gradually narrowing into a sharp apex, glabrous, dark green above.

The flowers are white, double, up to 12 cm in diameter. Blooms on last year's shoots from June until frost. Sometimes leaf metamorphosis appears at the tips of the sepals. The flowers on the shoots of the current year are less double and bloom later. Reproduces only vegetatively.

Woolly clematis (Clematis lanuginosa L.)

Liana grows up to 3 meters high. Young shoots are covered with hairs. The leaves are simple or trifoliate, the leaflets are leathery, ovate, with a rounded or heart-shaped base, pointed, felted at first, then dark green and glabrous.

Flowers solitary or 2-3 on a stem 5-10 cm long, with flatly splayed sepals, up to 15 cm or more in diameter. Sepals 6 - 8. Flowers of various colors, often white and blue tones.

The anthers are mostly colored, the same length as the stamens. Fruit with a long (up to 6 - 7 cm) hairy tuft. Flowers on the last year's shoots appear in May - June, and on young ones - in July. Blooms until frost.

In winter, the shoots freeze out, so you need to make a deep landing by 10 - 12 cm. The buds of the shoots that are in the ground are preserved, and in the spring powerful young shoots grow from them.

Many highly decorative varieties with large flowers of various colors, which are close to each other, have been bred from woolly clematis.

Variety - Lawson (Lawsoniana)

Flowers pale blue

The flowers are pinkish-blue, up to 14 cm in diameter. Sepals 6 - 8.

Sort - Suite (Luks)

Liana 3 meters high. The flowers are pure saturated blue, up to 12 cm in diameter, with six regular sepals. Flowering is plentiful.

Clematis planting and care in the open field

Clematis are light-loving, moisture-loving plants. They grow best on loose, rich, neutral or alkaline soils, protected from the wind, in sunny places (in the northern regions) or in partial shade (in the southern regions).

Varietal clematis require special agricultural practices that would contribute to their full development and flowering in the open field without protection and shelter in the winter.

When planting, the first nodes of the shoots should be deepened by 8-10 cm.

The decorativeness of clematis depends on the correct pruning of their shoots. Clematis of the Jacqueman group - woolly and purple bloom well on the shoots of the current year, so in the fall the shoots should be cut to ground level.

Clematis of other groups - flowering and spreading, bloom better on the shoots of the previous year. Their shoots should be preserved, covering for the winter with woody leaves and earth.

All types of clematis reproduce well by seeds, varietal plants - by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings and grafting on pieces of the roots of wild species.

Large-flowered varietal clematis are planted in front of buildings, at the entrance to the building, under the window, in separate specimens among the lawn in parks, gardens, to decorate arches, pergolas, arbors, flower beds and robats.

It is hoped that after reading this article, your acquaintance with various varieties of clematis will continue and end with planting in open ground at their summer cottage.


Seeing how a perennial liana blooms, any gardener will want to have such beauty in his garden. But in order to enjoy a wonderful spectacle every year, you should know which clematis is the most unpretentious variety.

Until recently, such a plant was a rarity in our plots, but now it has gained great popularity. Cultural bindweed perennial gives the garden an original originality. Only he is able to form numerous flowers of various shapes and colors in a small area for a long time and make passers-by admire their unique beauty.

Planting such a perennial should not be afraid. Its cultivation is not difficult, just when planting, you need to take into account some features:

  • it is a fast-growing liana, which adds fifteen centimeters to the shoot in a day
  • its comfortable place is sunny, calm
  • The soil must be well-drained with plenty of organic matter.
  • the flower drinks water well, but does not like its stagnation
  • the ground must be permeable
  • due to the lack of a long root system for wintering, it is better to cover it
  • he has a positive attitude towards feeding
  • from the wall of the house or the fence you need to retreat 70 cm
  • when planting, the roots should be decomposed
  • between several bushes a distance of one and a half meters is maintained
  • lattice, pergola, trellis set from east to west
  • if the roots have dried up when buying, it is better to lower the bush into the water so that it gains enough moisture for itself
  • the pit should be made according to the size of the bush. For a large one, it should be 70x70 cm and at least 70 cm deep for good root development
  • when buying it is worth considering the climatic zones

If such a list does not scare you, then in the near future clematis will delight you with abundant flowering and decorate your site.

Which clematis do not require special care?

According to breeders, the variety of clematis exceeds five thousand. They are separated according to the pruning method.

The first group includes buds that form on the shoots of the current season. In the second - the buds that appear on the shoots of the last growing season.

Any pruning is a good incentive for a large formation of stems, wide branching and an abundance of flowers.

There are three main types of clematis:

  1. Herbaceous perennial, in which all the stems die off at the end of the growing season
  2. Semi-shrub - in this species, only the top of the bush dies, and the bottom remains for several seasons
  3. Shrubs are formed lignified stems that winter well and do not require pruning.

Creepers are wild, large- and small-flowered, curly and bushy.

Varieties used in landscape designs, in household plots, are former wild clematis. They grew in a mild climate, grew well and bloomed in small inflorescences. Their colors are limited - it is white, halftones of blue, yellow. Rarely, but there are red, purple small flowers with a diameter of up to four centimeters. The largest collection of them (more than two hundred species) is in the Crimean Botanical Garden.

There are clematis:


These are well-developed lianas, perennials, shrubs. Clinging to branches, tips of leaves for any support, they grow up to three meters in length. Their inflorescences consist of single flowers up to twenty centimeters in diameter, which, after flowering, turn into fluffy rounded fruits. The plant impresses with its decorative effect, thanks to the beautiful dissected leaves, and at the time of flowering, the bush seems like a flowering fire. This species needs a windless, sunny place, a powerful support, because the weight of an already adult bush can be more than one hundred kilograms.


A wonderful decorative group of vines with flowers up to twenty centimeters, of various bright, saturated colors. They are most popular on homesteads, they create beautiful compositions in various landscape designs.

These groups, depending on vegetation and other significant differences, are also divided into several subgroups.

The most unpretentious variety of clematis

Its varieties are enough, you can choose any:

Manchu- an ornamental plant resistant to severe cold, blooming luxuriantly with fragrant white flowers, reaches a height of two meters. Its part, located above the ground, disappears in the autumn, and in the spring it quickly begins to grow, releasing many young branches. The variety is bred specifically for temperate latitudes with a cold climate. It tolerates any frost very well.

Bush- the most popular type among people. Such a lobed shrub has become the dream of any clematis collector. There are a lot of branches growing, and they reach a height of up to a meter. The flowers, which bloom in August, are luscious yellow and up to four centimeters in diameter. Liana evergreen, unpretentious, with non-dying shoots.

The president- characterized by abundant and long flowering. The blooming star-shaped flowers have a rich purple hue. With proper care, such a vine blooms twice - May-June and August-September. The president, thanks to his unpretentiousness, adapts well to different climates.

Burning- a long-growing deciduous species has lush flowering, decorative beauty and winter hardiness. It starts flowering in early summer and ends in August. It climbs well on any support. The flowers impress with a strong, delicate fragrance.

Jacquman- an original hybrid with huge flowers, obtained from purple, woolly and Henderson clematis. The species with lignified stems is the most popular due to the size of the flowers - up to fifteen centimeters. It is characterized by cold resistance and a longer flowering period - from mid-summer to mid-autumn. It perfectly frames gazebos, pergolas, arched and other garden structures. This clematis is one of a kind. Its main difference is twenty different large-flowered species that do not require careful care.

In our latitudes, clematis from the Jacqueman variety take root perfectly:

Gypsy Queen- moderately growing liana, its height is up to three to four meters. Its feature is abundant flowering. The color of the flowers is a dark purple hue, which can turn into purple. Their diameter is fifteen centimeters. It develops well near the walls of houses, on the lattices of arbors, near fences, and can also climb bushes, coniferous, deciduous trees and any supports.

Blue flame- the color is fully manifested in autumn, the flowers are large, up to eighteen centimeters in diameter, wide petals are bright blue with light veins. An adult plant reaches a height of three meters, and in order to give the liana a beautiful shape, you just need to increase the support.

Viola- a variety from Estonia is distinguished by long pedicels with velvety dark purple flowers up to twelve centimeters in diameter, with yellow-green stamens. The height of the bush reaches three meters, ceases to please in August.

Rouge cardinal- grows to a height of two meters, the diameter of loose flowers is ten centimeters, the color is crimson red, the stamens are red. Blooms from July to September.

Such clematis decorate places of rest, create romance and comfort on terraces or in any other area.

Clematis, well adapted for the Moscow region

The Russian regions have different weather conditions, so gardeners should pay attention to the unpretentious varieties of clematis for the Moscow region that have already been tested for years. They are hardy, resistant to cold, temperature extremes and do not require special care.

Some of their popular names and common features are:

Ballerina- the longest flowering variety - from May to the end of September. The flowers are large (up to 15 cm in diameter), white, densely blooming on young annual stems that reach a height of three meters.

Hope- differs in large well-blown light burgundy flowers with sharp petals, reminiscent of stars. Such a vine grows up to three meters and has two flowering periods - May-June and from July to autumn.

Nikolay Rubtsov- large (up to 17 cm in diameter) lilac flowers with contour stains that bloom in May and constantly bloom until almost the beginning of autumn.

Ville de Lyon- flowers of bright, juicy red color with a touch of fuchsia and with rounded petals. An unusual color gives the bush a look of tropical exoticism. It grows up to three meters and blooms throughout the summer with open inflorescences on newly appeared shoots.

Terms of planting seedlings, site selection

It is possible to plant a perennial vine stalk in open ground both in spring and autumn.

In latitudes with cold climatic conditions, landing is best done in the spring, in early May. The landing site must be windless. Clematis love neutral, with useful substances, drainage soil. The fertility of the earth can be raised with a high-quality mixture of fertilizer with phosphorus (150 gr.), dense peat mass (1 bucket), sand (1 bucket), compost (1 bucket).

The seedling should have one good shoot and good roots. It is installed in a pit, at the bottom of which there is already drainage, then it is covered with part of the prepared mixture and watered abundantly. When planting, you should pay attention that the root neck remains at a depth of ten centimeters. The rest of the earth then gradually falls asleep.

In autumn, clematis are planted in the south, warm and mild climate conditions of such latitudes allow this to be done in September-October. In this case, a climbing perennial is planted with vegetative buds that have already appeared. The planting option is spring, but the planting hole should be covered with all the soil at once. The surface layer of the soil must be mulched with sawdust or fallen leaves. When spring comes, in order to make it easier for young shoots to break through, the soil from the hole to the depth of a finger is selected, and by the end of the growing season it is returned back.

What does care for a perennial liana contain?

Planting according to the rules and good care will ensure excellent growth for any plant. At least twice every ten days, clematis must be watered - two buckets under each bush. You should also loosen the soil, remove weeds from the near-stem area.

Pruning vine shoots plays an important role in its development. It is carried out with the help of secateurs, garden shears.

There is sanitary pruning, which is carried out arbitrarily in time. With it, damaged, dried branches and sun-bleached areas are removed. Autumn - requires special attention, because it affects the appearance of clematis in the new season.

Special anti-aging pruning is a guarantee of lush, abundant and long flowering. It consists in removing branches that are more than three years old.

Gardeners with experience in such events use the three-tiered pruning method, regardless of which group the clematis belongs to. Each tier should contain three to four shoots, and their length should be left as follows:

  • in the first tier - up to 150 cm
  • in the second - up to 100 cm
  • in the third - three kidneys above the ground

All other shoots are removed.

Shoots of the first tier delight with early flowering, then the second, then the shortest ones. But clematis blooms all summer. To increase the size of the flowers and the bush does not become thick, the shoots that have finished flowering should be cut off by fifty centimeters. This procedure can be carried out until August, but not later. Liana must gain strength to survive the cold months.

During the formation of buds, clematis can be fed. It responds well to special color mixtures.

How does clematis reproduce?

Liana with small flowers is propagated by seeds; this method is not suitable for hybrids with large flowers. They do not retain their varietal characteristics.

Divide a bush only if it is five or more years old. The lateral part of the roots with stems is cut off with a shovel and planted separately. The bush grows quickly and blooms early

Make layering in the spring. The processes located on the side are pressed down to the ground; this position can be fixed with brackets. On the shoot, a powerful kidney is selected and covered with a ten-centimeter layer of soil. The branch takes root and next spring it can be separated and planted as an independent bush.

Breeding by cuttings - this method is used to get more layering. The middle part of the length of adults, strong shoots or green or lignified cuttings are cut. The upper cut should be straight, the lower at an angle of 45. It should be noted that there are at least two knots on the cuttings, then they take root in greenhouses, greenhouses, in which the necessary humidity and temperature are constantly maintained.

Vaccinate, but this method is used when propagating very rare and especially valuable varieties of clematis that cannot be cut or divided.

How to prepare clematis for wintering?

If pruning was carried out in the fall, the base of the bush should be covered with a mound of earth up to fifteen centimeters high. The soil can be mixed with old, rotted manure, compost, wood ash. It must be ensured that the root neck is carefully closed. Branches are removed from the lattice, neatly stacked. As soon as a constant sub-zero temperature is established, they should be covered with breathable materials that provide ventilation for the bush. In regions with a harsh climate, sawdust, dry leaves, peat, and needles are poured onto the shelter from above.

In the spring, when the time for frost has passed, everything that covered the vine is removed, and a little later the mound is also removed.

If the bush seems to be frozen, do not rush to uproot, the roots can please young shoots.

Growing clematis, care, reproduction may seem like a laborious process, but then you can enjoy the unique beauty of unique inflorescences, which, believe me, are worth your time and effort!

The beautiful clematis flower has several more names, such as clematis, vine. This is a representative of buttercups.

Perennial plant, common in the subtropics of the Northern Hemisphere. There are approximately 300 species.

General information about clematis

Among the numerous representatives of clematis, there are semi-shrubs, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, although most are represented by a group of vines.

All species have one of two types of root system: taproot and fibrous. Flower shoots can develop from above-ground buds or from the underground part. The leaves can be simple or compound, usually green, sometimes purple.

Simple forms of clematis are represented by a flower filled with stamens and pistils, making the plant resemble a spider.

The hue range of the plant is diverse - from pale pink to rich red, from sky blue to deep blue, as well as snow-white and yellowish inflorescences.

Varieties of varieties

There are various classifications of lozinka. Fans classify them according to the size of the flower: small, medium and large-flowered plants. But according to the international division, clematis varieties look like this:

  • Group "A" - plants that bloom on the shoots of the last season (Alpina, Florida, Montana).
  • Group "B" - fresh and last year's shoots bloom (Lanuginosa, Patens).
  • Group "C" - forming flowers on the shoots of the current period (Jacqueman, Vititsella, Integrifolia).

Growing a weed

It is possible to grow this plant in several ways.

From seeds - here there is a division into groups, which is affected by the size of the seed and the duration of the germination period:

  • Instances with large seed sizes that take a long time and do not always germinate evenly:
  • Clematis with medium seeds;
  • Plants with small seeds that germinate quickly (from 2 weeks to 4 months)

If the seeds were collected in the current period, then they will germinate much better.

Small seeds are sown in March-April, medium-sized - after the long New Year holidays, large - at the end of a fresh harvest in the autumn-winter period.

First, the seeds are soaked in water for 10 days, then the seeds are laid out on a substrate of earth, pitch and peat and sprinkled with a layer of sand, covering with a glass plane. The temperature for germination is from 25 to 30 Celsius.

Plant seedlings must be protected from direct sunlight. When the first full-fledged leaves are formed, the plants are docked in independent containers.

When truly warm spring days come without frost, clematis is planted in the soil at intervals of at least 20 cm.

Conditions for planting clematis

The place for the permanent growth of clematis is chosen bright and protected from through air flows. The soil must be pre-fertilized and drained.

Planting clematis in open ground can take place both in spring and in autumn. An instance located in a container can be planted by any period, except for the winter.

How to plant clematis in spring is very simple. A pit is being prepared with dimensions of 60 by 60 and with the same depth. At the bottom, a drainage embankment is formed from inclusions of crushed stone, broken bricks or perlite.

To fertilize barren land, it is worth using two buckets of compost, 1 bucket of sand and peat matter, 400 grams of dolomite flour and 150 gr. superphosphate. Reliable supports are installed in the hole, the height of which reaches 250 cm.

Planting a seedling in the fall is carried out according to the same principle. The difference is that the landing site is covered with dry leaves and closed with lutrasil.

Clematis care

Clematis in its planting and care requires regular watering. Plants should be watered normally once a week. With heat - up to three times in 7 days. Up to 20 liters are poured under a young seedling, up to 40 liters under a mature one. at a time.

Plants are fed during the period of active growth with a nitrogen type of fertilizer, during budding - with potassium compounds, as soon as the flowers have faded - with a phosphorus substance.

Every spring, clematis needs to be fertilized with a mixture of chalk and dolomite flour.

flower reproduction

In addition to seeds, clematis can be propagated in the following ways:

Layering - to make them, shoots woven into bundles in autumn are laid in peat grooves, fixed and covered with a layer of peat and earth. Cover the plant for the winter. Already next autumn, these layers can be dug up and planted separately;

Separation of a large bush - you can divide a seedling younger than 6 years old, for this, clematis is removed from the ground, divided into equal parts so that each bush is provided with buds on the neck;

Pinning - in the spring, last year's sprouts are pinned into pots, which are filled with peat and earth in advance. Such containers should be placed in the earth layer. In autumn, full-fledged clematis seedlings are formed in these pots, which are ready for a subsequent transplant.

We cut the vine

Clematis pruning is carried out both at the growth stage and for the winter period. In the first A-group of clematis, only weak shoots are pruned. This is best done at the end of flowering, around June.

Pruning of the B-group is carried out at a distance of up to one meter, keeping from 2 to 5 pairs of young buds, removing weak shoots.

In the C-group, pruning is carried out in several stages during the growing season.

After flowering, clematis must be prepared for wintering. To do this, the neck should be covered with a solution of copper sulfate 2%, a bucket of humus is poured under the root and spud up to a height of 15 cm.

Dry leaves are poured on top of the plant and covered with a wooden box, covering it from above with a protective material in the form of roofing material, roofing felt or another. To prevent it from being blown away, a brick or a layer of earth is placed on top.

Photos of clematis flowers show that for proper growth and attractive appearance, this plant needs to be supported. It can be designed in the form of arches, fans, pyramids.

To do this, it is worth choosing durable materials, since an adult clematis plant has a large mass.

Photo of clematis

Seeing how a perennial liana blooms, any gardener will want to have such beauty in his garden. But in order to enjoy a wonderful spectacle every year, you should know which clematis is the most unpretentious variety.

Until recently, such a plant was a rarity in our plots, but now it has gained great popularity. Cultural bindweed perennial gives the garden an original originality. Only he is able to form numerous flowers of various shapes and colors in a small area for a long time and make passers-by admire their unique beauty.

What do you need to know when planting a beautiful vine?

Planting such a perennial should not be afraid. Its cultivation is not difficult, just when planting, you need to take into account some features:

  • it is a fast-growing liana, which adds fifteen centimeters to the shoot in a day
  • its comfortable place is sunny, calm
  • The soil must be well-drained with plenty of organic matter.
  • the flower drinks water well, but does not like its stagnation
  • the ground must be permeable
  • due to the lack of a long root system for wintering, it is better to cover it
  • he has a positive attitude towards feeding
  • from the wall of the house or the fence you need to retreat 70 cm
  • when planting, the roots should be decomposed
  • between several bushes a distance of one and a half meters is maintained
  • lattice, pergola, trellis set from east to west
  • if the roots have dried up when buying, it is better to lower the bush into the water so that it gains enough moisture for itself
  • the pit should be made according to the size of the bush. For a large one, it should be 70x70 cm and at least 70 cm deep for good root development
  • when buying it is worth considering the climatic zones

If such a list does not scare you, then in the near future clematis will delight you with abundant flowering and decorate your site.

Which clematis do not require special care?

According to breeders, the variety of clematis exceeds five thousand. They are separated according to the pruning method.

The first group includes buds that form on the shoots of the current season. In the second - the buds that appear on the shoots of the last growing season.

Any pruning is a good incentive for a large formation of stems, wide branching and an abundance of flowers.

There are three main types of clematis:

  1. Herbaceous perennial, in which all the stems die off at the end of the growing season
  2. Semi-shrub - in this species, only the top of the bush dies, and the bottom remains for several seasons
  3. Shrubs are formed lignified stems that winter well and do not require pruning.

Creepers are wild, large- and small-flowered, curly and bushy.

Varieties used in landscape designs, in household plots, are former wild clematis. They grew in a mild climate, grew well and bloomed in small inflorescences. Their colors are limited - it is white, halftones of blue, yellow. Rarely, but there are red, purple small flowers with a diameter of up to four centimeters. The largest collection of them (more than two hundred species) is in the Crimean Botanical Garden.

There are clematis:


These are well-developed lianas, perennials, shrubs. Clinging to branches, tips of leaves for any support, they grow up to three meters in length. Their inflorescences consist of single flowers up to twenty centimeters in diameter, which, after flowering, turn into fluffy rounded fruits. The plant impresses with its decorative effect, thanks to the beautiful dissected leaves, and at the time of flowering, the bush seems like a flowering fire. This species needs a windless, sunny place, a powerful support, because the weight of an already adult bush can be more than one hundred kilograms.


A wonderful decorative group of vines with flowers up to twenty centimeters, of various bright, saturated colors. They are most popular on homesteads, they create beautiful compositions in various landscape designs.

These groups, depending on vegetation and other significant differences, are also divided into several subgroups.

The most unpretentious variety of clematis

Its varieties are enough, you can choose any:

Manchu- an ornamental plant resistant to severe cold, blooming luxuriantly with fragrant white flowers, reaches a height of two meters. Its part, located above the ground, disappears in the autumn, and in the spring it quickly begins to grow, releasing many young branches. The variety is bred specifically for temperate latitudes with a cold climate. It tolerates any frost very well.

Bush- the most popular type among people. Such a lobed shrub has become the dream of any clematis collector. There are a lot of branches growing, and they reach a height of up to a meter. The flowers, which bloom in August, are luscious yellow and up to four centimeters in diameter. Liana evergreen, unpretentious, with non-dying shoots.

The president- characterized by abundant and long flowering. The blooming star-shaped flowers have a rich purple hue. With proper care, such a vine blooms twice - May-June and August-September. The president, thanks to his unpretentiousness, adapts well to different climates.

Burning- a long-growing deciduous species has lush flowering, decorative beauty and winter hardiness. It starts flowering in early summer and ends in August. It climbs well on any support. The flowers impress with a strong, delicate fragrance.

Jacquman- an original hybrid with huge flowers, obtained from purple, woolly and Henderson clematis. The species with lignified stems is the most popular due to the size of the flowers - up to fifteen centimeters. It is characterized by cold resistance and a longer flowering period - from mid-summer to mid-autumn. It perfectly frames gazebos, pergolas, arched and other garden structures. This clematis is one of a kind. Its main difference is twenty different large-flowered species that do not require careful care.

In our latitudes, clematis from the Jacqueman variety take root perfectly:

Gypsy Queen- moderately growing liana, its height is up to three to four meters. Its feature is abundant flowering. The color of the flowers is a dark purple hue, which can turn into purple. Their diameter is fifteen centimeters. It develops well near the walls of houses, on the lattices of arbors, near fences, and can also climb bushes, coniferous, deciduous trees and any supports.

Blue flame- the color is fully manifested in autumn, the flowers are large, up to eighteen centimeters in diameter, wide petals are bright blue with light veins. An adult plant reaches a height of three meters, and in order to give the liana a beautiful shape, you just need to increase the support.

Viola- a variety from Estonia is distinguished by long pedicels with velvety dark purple flowers up to twelve centimeters in diameter, with yellow-green stamens. The height of the bush reaches three meters, ceases to please in August.

Rouge cardinal- grows to a height of two meters, the diameter of loose flowers is ten centimeters, the color is crimson red, the stamens are red. Blooms from July to September.

Such clematis decorate places of rest, create romance and comfort on terraces or in any other area.

Clematis, well adapted for the Moscow region

The Russian regions have different weather conditions, so gardeners should pay attention to the unpretentious varieties of clematis for the Moscow region that have already been tested for years. They are hardy, resistant to cold, temperature extremes and do not require special care.

Some of their popular names and common features are:

Ballerina- the longest flowering variety - from May to the end of September. The flowers are large (up to 15 cm in diameter), white, densely blooming on young annual stems that reach a height of three meters.

Hope- differs in large well-blown light burgundy flowers with sharp petals, reminiscent of stars. Such a vine grows up to three meters and has two flowering periods - May-June and from July to autumn.

Nikolay Rubtsov- large (up to 17 cm in diameter) lilac flowers with contour stains that bloom in May and constantly bloom until almost the beginning of autumn.

Ville de Lyon- flowers of bright, juicy red color with a touch of fuchsia and with rounded petals. An unusual color gives the bush a look of tropical exoticism. It grows up to three meters and blooms throughout the summer with open inflorescences on newly appeared shoots.

Terms of planting seedlings, site selection

It is possible to plant a perennial vine stalk in open ground both in spring and autumn.

In latitudes with cold climatic conditions, landing is best done in the spring, in early May. The landing site must be windless. Clematis love neutral, with useful substances, drainage soil. The fertility of the earth can be raised with a high-quality mixture of fertilizer with phosphorus (150 gr.), dense peat mass (1 bucket), sand (1 bucket), compost (1 bucket).

The seedling should have one good shoot and good roots. It is installed in a pit, at the bottom of which there is already drainage, then it is covered with part of the prepared mixture and watered abundantly. When planting, you should pay attention that the root neck remains at a depth of ten centimeters. The rest of the earth then gradually falls asleep.

In autumn, clematis are planted in the south, warm and mild climate conditions of such latitudes allow this to be done in September-October. In this case, a climbing perennial is planted with vegetative buds that have already appeared. The planting option is spring, but the planting hole should be covered with all the soil at once. The surface layer of the soil must be mulched with sawdust or fallen leaves. When spring comes, in order to make it easier for young shoots to break through, the soil from the hole to the depth of a finger is selected, and by the end of the growing season it is returned back.

What does care for a perennial liana contain?

Planting according to the rules and good care will ensure excellent growth for any plant. At least twice every ten days, clematis must be watered - two buckets under each bush. You should also loosen the soil, remove weeds from the near-stem area.

Pruning vine shoots plays an important role in its development. It is carried out with the help of secateurs, garden shears.

There is sanitary pruning, which is carried out arbitrarily in time. With it, damaged, dried branches and sun-bleached areas are removed. Autumn - requires special attention, because it affects the appearance of clematis in the new season.

Special anti-aging pruning is a guarantee of lush, abundant and long flowering. It consists in removing branches that are more than three years old.

Gardeners with experience in such events use the three-tiered pruning method, regardless of which group the clematis belongs to. Each tier should contain three to four shoots, and their length should be left as follows:

  • in the first tier - up to 150 cm
  • in the second - up to 100 cm
  • in the third - three kidneys above the ground

All other shoots are removed.

Shoots of the first tier delight with early flowering, then the second, then the shortest ones. But clematis blooms all summer. To increase the size of the flowers and the bush does not become thick, the shoots that have finished flowering should be cut off by fifty centimeters. This procedure can be carried out until August, but not later. Liana must gain strength to survive the cold months.

During the formation of buds, clematis can be fed. It responds well to special color mixtures.

How does clematis reproduce?

Liana with small flowers is propagated by seeds; this method is not suitable for hybrids with large flowers. They do not retain their varietal characteristics.

Divide a bush only if it is five or more years old. The lateral part of the roots with stems is cut off with a shovel and planted separately. The bush grows quickly and blooms early

Make layering in the spring. The processes located on the side are pressed down to the ground; this position can be fixed with brackets. On the shoot, a powerful kidney is selected and covered with a ten-centimeter layer of soil. The branch takes root and next spring it can be separated and planted as an independent bush.

Breeding by cuttings - this method is used to get more layering. The middle part of the length of adults, strong shoots or green or lignified cuttings are cut. The upper cut should be straight, the lower at an angle of 45. It should be noted that there are at least two knots on the cuttings, then they take root in greenhouses, greenhouses, in which the necessary humidity and temperature are constantly maintained.

Vaccinate, but this method is used when propagating very rare and especially valuable varieties of clematis that cannot be cut or divided.

How to prepare clematis for wintering?

If pruning was carried out in the fall, the base of the bush should be covered with a mound of earth up to fifteen centimeters high. The soil can be mixed with old, rotted manure, compost, wood ash. It must be ensured that the root neck is carefully closed. Branches are removed from the lattice, neatly stacked. As soon as a constant sub-zero temperature is established, they should be covered with breathable materials that provide ventilation for the bush. In regions with a harsh climate, sawdust, dry leaves, peat, and needles are poured onto the shelter from above.

In the spring, when the time for frost has passed, everything that covered the vine is removed, and a little later the mound is also removed.

If the bush seems to be frozen, do not rush to uproot, the roots can please young shoots.

Growing clematis, care, reproduction may seem like a laborious process, but then you can enjoy the unique beauty of unique inflorescences, which, believe me, are worth your time and effort!

Clematis - varieties for the Moscow region and Siberia photo

Various types of clematis have long conquered the hearts of flower growers in Russia. This "western" flower blooms profusely and magnificently, but at the same time it is highly sensitive to temperature extremes and demanding care.

Growing a lush vine and achieving long flowering is not always possible even for experienced gardeners; the main mistake is the wrong choice of clematis variety, which is not suitable for certain climatic conditions. The weather conditions in Russia vary too much throughout its territory, therefore, when planting, it is necessary to give proven varieties that are resistant to frost and temperature extremes and undemanding to care.

The best varieties of clematis for the Moscow region

When choosing flowering plants for your suburban area, you should pay attention not only to the bright coloring and splendor of flowering, but also to the ability to endure the climatic conditions of the Moscow region. In the section you will find suitable varieties of clematis, a photo with a name, and general characteristics of flowering vines.

Ballerina (lat. Balerina)

One of the longest-flowering clematis, the flowering vine lasts from May to September. White clematis, varieties Ballerina - a real find for gardeners who prefer vines with large flowers, up to 15 cm.

Clematis white varieties Ballerina are distinguished by large flowers

Flowering occurs on young annual shoots with single, but frequent flowers. The height of the vine reaches three meters.

Variety Hope (lat. Nadezhda)

Soviet variety with light burgundy flowers of large size, reaching 14 cm. The petals have a pointed shape, so the flowers resemble stars when opened, and are clearly visible.

Clematis variety Nadezhda blooms twice a season

The height of the vine reaches 2.5-3 meters. The flowering of the plant begins in May and ends in early June, then in the middle of summer the Nadezhda clematis blooms again.

Nikolai Rubtsov (lat. Nikolaj Rubtzov)

The variety is distinguished by lilac flowers, on the petals of which the contour is repeated with stains of the same color. The height of the plant does not exceed 2.5 meters, the flowers are large, up to 17 cm in diameter. Clematis varieties Nikolai Rubtsov bloom from May until the end of summer, continuously replacing one flower with another.

Clematis varieties Nikolai Rubtsov

Clematis Ville de Lyon (lat. Ville de Lyon)

One of the brightest clematis, the flowers of which are painted in rich red with a fuchsia tint. The petals are egg-shaped and unevenly colored, giving the flowers an exotic tropical look.

Clematis Ville de Lyon reaches three meters in height

The height of the vine reaches three meters. It blooms from the end of May and all summer on the shoots of the current year.

Clematis varieties for Siberia

In the harsh climate of Siberia, preference should be given to those varieties of clematis in which flowering occurs on overwintered shoots. This is a fairly large group of varieties, among which you can choose plants in any color scheme. There are also varieties that bloom on the shoots of the current season, suitable for the conditions of the north-east of Russia. Such clematis, varieties with photos and descriptions are given below in our article.

Variety Anastasia Anisimova (lat. Anastasija Anisimova)

Soviet variety, tested for almost half a century. Pale-sky medium-sized flowers with a diameter of 10-14 cm adorn a low, up to 2 meters liana.

Clematis Anastasia Anisimova has been grown in Russia for over 50 years

Flowering from July to October, abundant and constant. Suitable for landscaping balconies and growing in pots.

Clematis Luther Burbank (lat. Luther Burbank)

An old variety of Soviet selection with large flowers of a dark purple color, ranging in size from 15 to 25 cm. The height of the vine reaches 2.5 meters, flowering begins in July and ends at the end of October.

Clematis variety Luther Burbank is not afraid of fungal diseases

Clematis variety Luther Burbank is very resistant to frost and disease. For the winter, it is recommended to cut off all shoots under the root. One of the most common varieties of clematis in Russia.

Clematis variety Miss Beymen (lat. Miss Bateman)

Representative of the group of white clematis with silky petals. The height of the vine is up to 2.5 meters. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in mid-June. The growth of the current year blooms later, but the flowers do not fall until the frost.

White clematis of the Miss Beymen variety blooms until the very frost

Flowers with a diameter of 10-15 cm, well visible to the dense greenery of the plant. Before shelter for the winter, the shoots should not be cut.

Comtes de Bouchot (lat. Comtesse de bouchaud)

One of the most popular varieties of pink. Small, 10-15 cm in diameter, flowers adorn a vine 2-2.5 meters high. The sepals are slightly wavy along the edges, slightly raised, which makes the flower very elegant.

Clematis Comtes de Bouchot is very popular for its delicate pink flowers.

Flowering from June to August or September. The grade has the increased resistance to frosts.

Winter-hardy terry varieties of clematis

Among the huge number of varieties of clematis, a group of terry ones stands out - their unique decorative qualities distinguish them from other flowers and make them the most noticeable plants in the garden. Consider the most winter-hardy and unpretentious varieties that are suitable for growing in the harsh climate of the Moscow region and Siberia.

Purpurea Plena Elegans (lat. Purpurea Plena Elegans)

A variety of French selection, very popular with gardeners over the past century. Terry flowers of burgundy color with a diameter of 5-6 cm without stamens and pistil literally shower shoots up to 3.5 meters high from July to September.

Terry vydy clematis - grade Purpua Plena elegans

Differs in unpretentiousness to the soil, grows quickly and is very winter-hardy. Suitable for container gardening; before shelter for the winter, the shoots are pruned.

Variety Vanguard (lat. Avant-Garde)

Liana up to three meters high, blooms not very large, up to 5 cm, but very beautiful red flowers. Terry center pink.

Terry clematis varieties Avangard for Siberia, photo

The small size of the flowers is compensated by their large number on the shoots. Flowering is long from June to September-October. The variety is winter-hardy, but pruning is required before shelter for the winter.

Variety Lemon Dream (lat. Lemon Dream)

Absolutely different from all other clematis variety. The flowers are large drooping terry bells of light yellow color, with a slight bitter aroma.

Terry clematis of the Lemon Dream variety is suitable for the Moscow region and Siberia

The height of the plant is about 3 meters, the first flowering in May, then again from July to September. It can be used not only as a vine, but also as a ground cover plant.


Clematis can become a lush flowering decoration of your garden, balcony or terrace. It is only necessary to study the varieties of clematis before planting and choose from them the most suitable for your region.

Clematis is considered an exotic plant. But his capricious temper is often exaggerated. Even a beginner can get a beautiful liana in his garden. To do this, you need to choose the most unpretentious variety of clematis.

Clematis are different. And in almost every group you can find attractive plants that are easy to care for.

Clematis Atragene, Jackmanii, Integrifolia and Viticella are best adapted to the unstable climate of the middle zone. In addition, it should be noted that plants with blue, purple and purple flowers are less demanding in their care. The lighter the petals, the more capricious the plant.

Today, gardeners are most attracted to varieties of large-flowered clematis (in particular, their hybrids). Although small-flowered forms are considered less demanding on agricultural technology.

So, let's see which varieties of clematis will create less trouble for flower growers and delight with lush flowering.

Vanguard (Avant-Garde)

This medium-sized vine from the Vititsella group has medium-sized flowers (up to 5 cm in diameter), but there are a lot of them. The extreme petals are red, and the terry middle is pink. Flowering is observed from June to September, not only in the sun, but also in partial shade. The plant is winter-hardy, but needs heavy pruning in late autumn.

Anastasia Anisimova

This clematis from the Integrifolia group has been cultivated in Russia for over 50 years (the variety was bred in 1961). Liana grows up to two meters. From July to October, its shoots are decorated with light, sky-blue flowers (10-14 cm in diameter) with six delicate petals. Their coloring is similar to smoky crystal. Up to 14 flowers bloom on one shoot.

The plant is suitable for growing in gardens and landscaping balconies. Resistant to fungal diseases and undemanding to care for.

The clematis variety got its name in honor of the oldest employee of the State Nikitsky Botanical Garden.


This variety is famous for its long flowering - from May to September. Among the green leaves on the shoots of the current and last year, large (up to 15 cm in diameter) white flowers with dark cherry stamens appear. Sometimes a greenish tint is barely noticeable on the petals.

The variety of white clematis is named after the outstanding ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

Ville de Lyon

This variety of French origin is characterized by high winter hardiness and good immunity to fungal diseases. Large flowers of a red-carmine hue (fuchsia-colored in the bright sun) with pubescent stamens bloom in June and do not fade until the end of summer. Over time, the flowers acquire a lilac-violet hue and become smaller. The petals of Clematis Ville de Lyon are unevenly colored, and this makes the plant even more attractive.

Gipsy Queen (Gipsy Queen)

This large-flowered clematis, like its "brothers", loves the light, but the root neck of the plant should be in the shade. Velvety rich purple or purple flowers (10-15 cm in diameter) with red-burgundy stamens abundantly cover the vine from June to September.

In late autumn, the plant needs heavy pruning. It is suitable for growing along fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises, as well as in small containers. In addition, clematis can climb natural supports: trees, deciduous and coniferous shrubs.

Luther Burbank

This variety was bred a long time ago, but due to its good resistance to frost and fungal diseases, it has not lost its popularity to this day. Large flowers (15-25 cm in diameter) with six purple petals begin to appear in July and fade only at the end of October. The special charm of the flowers is given by light stripes on the petals and cream anthers in the center.

The height of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. For the winter, the shoots of clematis are heavily pruned, leaving only 20-30 cm above ground level.

Purpurea Plena Elegans (Purpurea Plena Elegans)

This popular plant belongs to the Viticella group. Clematis of this variety has long been loved by flower growers for small (up to 7 cm in diameter) double flowers of burgundy color, which continuously, from June to September, densely strew a medium-sized liana (up to 3 m).

Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans is suitable for planting near fences, pergolas, arbors, old buildings, and also looks good as a ground cover. Not afraid of frost, needs strong pruning (third type).

Rouge Cardinal

This clematis received a gold medal at an exhibition in Holland. It was bred in France in 1968 and is a hybrid from the Jacquement group (obtained from crossing Clematis Lanuginose with Clematis Vititsella).

From July to September, the liana (2-3 m long) is decorated with large (up to 15 cm in diameter) reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens in the center. In favorable weather, shoots lengthen by 5-10 cm or more in one day. The plant is resistant to disease and frost, in autumn it requires strong pruning.

If you're still unsure if you can grow this attractive vine yourself, check out our article Top 9 Clematis Frequently Asked Questions. We hope that after reading it you will have no doubts, and a flower of one of the unpretentious varieties will soon decorate your garden!

Every gardener dreams that his backyard would stand out with some extraordinary plant. It is to such an extraordinary and exotic plant that clematis can be attributed.

As you may have already learned from our previous articles, clematis is a climbing garden plant that is perfect for vertical gardening of a summer cottage. Clematis will perfectly cope with the role of a hedge or a decorative screen.

If we talk about the types of clematis, then they are not only climbing vines, but also shrubs or shrubs. Naturally, clematis also differ in their root system: root or tap.

Clematis is not only an incredibly beautiful plant, but it is also considered a rather unpretentious plant in terms of agricultural technology. If we talk about the "pluses" of this plant, then they include:

Clematis will help you close the area from unwanted looks.

He delights those around him.

The flower is doing well

The plant boasts abundant flowering from early June to early October.

In case of death, it has the ability to self-repair for several years

Clematis is suitable both for growing in containers and for landscaping walls, arbors, etc.

Clematis has many varieties

If we talk about the best varieties of clematis, they differ in both shape, size, appearance (they differ in color), and flowering time. Conventionally, clematis can be divided into three groups, depending on the time of year when they bloom.

Clematis: groups by pruning method

-First group: blooming on last year's shoots

- Second group: blooming, both on last year's shoots and on current year's shoots

- Third group: blooming on shoots of the current year only

Clematis of the first group practically do not need pruning. Only flowers that are fading and stems that are starting to dry out are pruned. This group includes such varieties as Atragena, Montana.

Clematis of this group need periodic so-called. "rejuvenating" pruning. Such pruning is carried out once every couple of years. "Rejuvenating" pruning consists of very low pruning of the plant. Thanks to this method, clematis will become more "healthy".

Clematis of the second group need pruning in early spring by 1.5 meters from the ground to strong buds. This group includes hybrid large-flowered clematis (Ashva, Piilu, President, Crimson Star, Gypsy Queen).

Clematis of the third group are the easiest to care for. The plant of this group is pruned in early spring before the start of active growth. Clematis of this group are cut to a level of 30-40 cm from the soil to strong buds. This group includes varieties Jackmani and Rekta.

Also, clematis can be divided into two groups, based on the size of the flower:

Small-flowered clematis (diameter up to 10 cm)

Large-flowered (diameter over 10 cm)

If we talk about small-colored clematis, then, basically, they are wild. They reproduce by seeds and are considered quite unpretentious to natural conditions.

Small-flowered clematis varieties such as: Chinese Clematis, Alpine Clematis, Purple Clematis.

Large-flowered varieties of clematis include: Clematis Zhakmana, Clemantis Lanuginosa, Clemantis Taxenzis and others.

Large-flowered clematis are the most popular in our country. It is about hybrid large-flowered varieties that I propose to learn more.

Clematis: the best varieties

Variety "Piilu» (Piilu)

Clematis variety "Piilu"

Clematis variety "Piilu" is one of the most popular clematis varieties. This incredibly beautiful flower is a vine about two meters long. The flowers are pale lilac or pale pink with a passing dark pink stripe in the middle and bright yellow stamens. The diameter of the flower is 10-12 cm. It blooms both on the shoots of the current year and on the shoots of the previous year.

Clematis variety "Comtessede Bouchaud" (Comtesse de Bouchot)

Clematis variety "Comtessede Bouchaud"

Clematis variety "Comtessede Bouchaud" is considered one of the best varieties of clematis. This variety has earned its popularity not only due to its unsurpassed beauty, but also its resistance to cold and disease.

The plant can reach up to three meters in height, has pale pink flowers and creamy yellow stamens. The flowers of this variety have six petals, the surface of the flowers is rather rough, the tips of the flowers are often curved down. Flowers bloom from June to September. Blossoms on the shoots of the current year

Clematis variety "Comtessede Bouchaud" is excellent for growing on a balcony, as well as for growing against walls, arbors, etc.

Clematis variety "Romantika» (Romance)

Clematis variety "Romantika"

Clematis"Romance" is a fairly popular variety among gardeners. This flower has a dark purple, almost black color and pale pink stamens. In height, "Romance" can reach up to 2.5 meters. The flowering period is from July to September. It blooms on the shoots of the current year.

This variety is excellent for vertical gardening (for planting at garden supports). Clematis of this variety needs special care - planting in shady places, strong pruning and protection from powdery mildew. "Romance" prefers humus-rich, loose, fertile soil.

Clematis variety "Gipsy queen» (Gypsy Queen)

Clematis variety "Gipsy queen"

Clematis "Gypsy Queen" also belongs to the large-flowered varieties of clematis. This variety has velvety dark purple or purple flowers and red stamens. The diameter of the flower is 10-15 cm. The height of the plant can reach four meters. Blooms profusely from June to September. It blooms on the shoots of the current year.

Like most varieties of clematis, "Gypsy Queen" is a light-loving variety, however, the root neck of this plant should be in the shade. Suitable for cultivation, both in containers and for growing near hedges.

Clematis variety "Westerplatte" (Westerplatte)

Clematis "Westerplatte"

Clematis "Westerplatte" is a very showy flower. This variety is famous for its velvety rich red flowers that do not fade. Flowers reach 15-16 cm in diameter. In height, this variety of clematis can reach up to three meters. Blooms profusely from June to September. It blooms both on the shoots of both the current and on the shoots of the previous year.

"Westerplatte" is a photophilous variety, it needs well-fertilized, loose and fertile soil. It is a perennial plant, quite frost-resistant and resistant to diseases. Planted near bushes and fences.

Clematis variety MaidwellHall(Midwell Hall)

Clematis variety Maidwell Hall

Maidwell Hall is a very delicate variety of clematis. The color of this variety is from blue to pale purple, the flowers are velvety or even double. Will begin to delight the eye with unsurpassed bells in early May. Because This variety is early, it is not afraid of frost.

The Maidwell Hall variety grows up to 2.5 meters and climbs beautifully along nearby trees or shrubs. This variety does not need diligent pruning, because. flowers grow already on last year's stems.

Clematis variety "Ballerina"

Clematis variety "Ballerina"

Clematis "Ballerina" - the variety is named after the outstanding ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. The flowers are snow-white or with a greenish tinge and with dark cherry, almost brown stamens. Flower diameter - 10-15 cm. Blooms from May to September. It blooms both on the shoots of both the current and on the shoots of the previous year. Liana-like bush can reach three meters in height.

Clematis variety "Asao"(Asao)

Clematis variety "Asao" (Asao)

"Asao" is considered an early flowering clematis variety. The flowers of this variety are very beautiful and very large. The diameter of the flower can reach 20 cm. The flowers are deep pink with a snow-white stripe in the middle and yellow stamens. Plant height - 2-3 meters. It blooms both on the shoots of both the current and on the shoots of the previous year.

It blooms from May to September, is quite frost-resistant. This variety is recommended to be planted in partial shade, because. he does not tolerate hot places. It will take root well near bushes or trees, which it can climb.

Clematis variety "Andromeda"

Clematis variety "Andromeda"

Clematis "Andromeda" - a delicate decoration of your garden. This variety pleases the eye with snow-white semi-double flowers with a raspberry stripe in the middle and pale yellow stamens. The flowers are quite large and can grow up to 20 cm in diameter. In height, the plant can reach up to 4 meters, therefore, when choosing a place for planting, consider this factor.

The flowering period is from May to September. It blooms both on the shoots of both the current and on the shoots of the previous year. Refers to frost-resistant varieties of clematis. This plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, because. begins to fade, therefore it is better to plant this variety in partial shade. It winds both on garden and natural supports.

Clematis variety "Mrs. N. Thompson

Clematis variety "Mrs. N. Thompson»
Clematis "Mrs. N. Thompson "- a rather extraordinary and exotic flower. This variety is attractive for its unsurpassed appearance. The flowers of this variety are purple with a bright red stripe in the middle and red stamens. The flowers are quite large and can grow up to 20 cm in diameter.

Plant height is about 2.5 m. Clematis "Mrs. N. Thompson" blooms from June to September. It blooms both on the shoots of both the current and on the shoots of the previous year. This variety is quite frost and disease resistant. It should be planted in a fairly sunny and wind-protected area.

So, today we looked at the most popular and beloved varieties among gardeners, but clematis has many more incredibly beautiful varieties that can decorate your backyard, turning it into a place that creates a feeling of comfort and coziness.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board of the Sobcorrespondent of the Internet publication “AtmAgro. Agroindustrial Bulletin»