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Drawings on the theme of health. "Healthy lifestyle. The game "Draw an organism"

What to teach children at school, if not healthy lifestyle? Teachers annually arrange planned contests for drawing wall newspapers, posters, or simply ask students, grades 1, 2, 3, 4, so that they prepare drawing or at least redraw the picture on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" or "I am for a healthy lifestyle." Since this topic is extensive, it is difficult to immediately understand that it is difficult to draw, therefore we will give examples of ready-made works.

How to draw a drawing about a healthy lifestyle for children?

Think about what you can portray on a poster or picture about healthy lifestyle. Take a look at this figure as a guide:

The Six Ingredients of a Healthy Life Poster

This wall newspaper has all the components of a healthy life:

  • nutrition(more fruits and vegetables - less sweet and fatty);
  • sport(football, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, swimming - any activity);
  • healthy sleep(at least 8 hours a day);
  • self-control training(yoga classes, meditation, discipline);
  • emotional health(be able to control your emotions, not get depressed and discouraged);
  • social health(participate in circles, clubs, communicate with peers, do not withdraw into oneself).

Each of these components of a healthy lifestyle can be depicted in a separate picture. For example, a girl can draw a picture like this showing which foods are best to eat:

Poster "Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle."

Drawing healthy food is easy - the main thing is to understand how to draw fruits. To do this, you can view the two step-by-step lessons in the photo below. The first picture is about how to draw an apple:

Step-by-step instructions "How to draw an apple for a healthy lifestyle poster."

And the second picture is about how to draw a pear in stages:

How to draw a pear in stages for a drawing about a healthy lifestyle.

Take pencils and try to draw something like this yourself. Once you get the hang of fruit, try applying it to a person's leaf by combining several factors of a healthy lifestyle. For example, in this figure, sports and nutrition are combined:

Picture "A healthy lifestyle is sports and proper nutrition."

This picture shows a meditating girl - this picture is suitable for depicting self-control as an aspect of a healthy lifestyle:

Poster "Meditation is a way of self-control for a healthy life."

How to draw a poster (wall newspaper) for primary school students (1, 2, 3, 4 grades) about healthy lifestyles?

The health poster will be more difficult to draw, since it must consist of several elements at once. You can use the first picture for this. Or draw a wall newspaper in the form of steps to health to show classmates or younger students what to do to achieve health, moral and physical:

Wall newspaper in English: "5 steps for a healthy lifestyle."

It is important to depict sports on the poster so that the children do not forget to be active. This graphic shows enough sports to interest every student, especially boys:

Wall newspaper "Sport is health."

And the highest manifestation of talent will be the image of all the factors of a healthy life in one picture. Here is a good example of such a picture that will pull you in the "five" if you put it up for a wall newspaper or poster competition at school:

Health Poster

Healthy lifestyle coloring pages for kids

For the smallest, kindergarten students, first graders and schoolchildren up to grade 4, we have prepared special coloring books. It will be enough to print one of them so that your child can decorate the picture as he pleases with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. In any case, it will turn out beautifully.

It is very important to instill good habits in young children. When a child begins to realize himself and his connection with the world around him, he needs to be taught a healthy lifestyle. But this must be done carefully, not overloading the baby's brain with a stream of scientific knowledge, but trying to develop in the child the ability to think, feel his body and draw appropriate conclusions. A kindergarten teacher and parents will help to form a healthy lifestyle. So, we read, instilling healthy lifestyle skills (HLS) for preschool children.

Adults are responsible for the upbringing and health of children. Therefore, it is adults who should be a good example for kids, so that they can absorb positive emotions and the necessary knowledge.

Children should learn the rules of a healthy lifestyle before the end of kindergarten, since the next period of life is very difficult: adaptation to school, a strict daily routine, new tasks. Of course, a small person has not yet learned how to plan his day, but he must absorb the knowledge of what is good and what is bad. It is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle systematically and consistently. At the same time, the child may not be aware that he is being taught, he simply receives interesting and important knowledge that he will apply in practice:

  1. Personal hygiene rules;
  2. To be able to live according to the daily routine;
  3. Be able to behave at home, on the street, taking into account safety measures;
  4. Know body parts and internal organs and how they work;
  5. Know the rules of nutrition;
  6. Understand how to protect yourself from colds;
  7. To be able to provide first aid for bruises and cuts;
  8. Know exercises to prevent illness.
  9. Understand what is dangerous and what is useful.

Healthy lifestyle file for kindergarten

The kindergarten has accumulated a wealth of experience in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. Good habits appear thanks to a special technique. The child must understand that there is nothing more valuable than the health and life of a person. Understand that a person is responsible for his own health.

Activities to educate healthy lifestyles among preschoolers

The educational process is organized so that boys and girls learn by playing and doing creative activities. This passionate learning provides many more skills than the standard activity.

The following forms and methods of working with children are practiced in kindergarten:

  1. Observation;
  2. Conversation using games;
  3. Classes with visual aids;
  4. Reading books, stories, fairy tales about bad and good habits;
  5. Learning poems about a healthy lifestyle;
  6. Replaying situations with the help of games and theatrical scenes;
  7. Working with the parents of children, because mom and dad are an example for sons and daughters.
  8. To improve their health, children go in for physical education and sports, attend special classes. Outdoor games, developing activities, dynamic pauses are very popular. It is important to teach the child the correct relaxation and gymnastics: finger, respiratory, eye, invigorating, etc.

Healthy lifestyle topics

In kindergarten, great attention is paid to the following topics:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Daily regime.
  3. Physical activity.
  4. Adequate rest and sleep.
  5. Healthy hygiene.
  6. Psychological atmosphere favorable to humans.
  7. Healthy habits, hardening of the body.

It is worth noting that healthy habits, in addition to walking, playing sports and other activities, include proper handling of a computer, tablet, and cell phone. Modern children practically never let go of gadgets. This is detrimental to health. Therefore, it is necessary to educate a child in the competent use of these devices precisely at preschool age, so that later they do not struggle with computer or telephone addiction.

Healthy lifestyle rules

In kindergarten, the child must learn the following rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The first rule is for good hearing and clean ears:

  1. Do not pick in your ears, you can damage the eardrum.
  2. Water should not enter the ears, it is dangerous for hearing.
  3. Strong winds can chill your ears and make them ache. Ears need to be hidden in a hat.
  4. Ears do not like loud noise.
  5. To keep your ears clean, you need to clean them with a cotton swab. Do not push deeply, clean gently.

The second rule is for keen eyes:

  1. You can't read and watch TV while lying down.
  2. You cannot touch your eyes with dirty hands.
  3. Don't forget about eye gymnastics.
  4. Eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes love to wash.

The third rule is for clear skin:

  1. Soap and water are skin's best friends.
  2. You can not prick the skin and put pressure on it.
  3. The wound on the skin must be washed and treated for infection.
  4. After the bath, you need to dry yourself well.
  5. Dirty laundry is hazardous to health.
  6. You can not wear someone else's clothes and shoes.

The fourth rule is for the mobility of the arms and legs:

  1. Morning exercises are the law.
  2. No - uncomfortable shoes.
  3. Mittens are needed in cold weather, you need to hide your hands in them.
  4. 4 Long nails - ugly and dangerous, you can get hurt.
  5. Swimming is good training.
  6. Heels on the sand - all diseases away.

The fifth rule is for beautiful posture:

  1. Change the pose after 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. Do physical education for the muscles of the back, abdomen and spine.
  3. You need to put your head on a low pillow.
  4. You cannot lift the weight.
  5. You can't walk in high heels.

The sixth rule is about proper nutrition:

  1. There is a regime.
  2. You shouldn't rush while eating.
  3. There should be healthy foods on the table.
  4. You can't eat on the go.
  5. Cold and hot food is not good for you.
  6. Overeating hurts my stomach.

The seventh rule is for the strength of the teeth:

  1. You cannot gnaw nuts.
  2. Do not alternate hot and cold food.
  3. After each meal, you need to rinse your mouth.
  4. 4. In the morning and before going to bed - brush your teeth.
  5. You need to visit the dentist every six months.

The eighth rule is about proper rest:

  1. A shower before bed is a must.
  2. You shouldn't drink a lot of water before going to bed.
  3. You need to sleep in a ventilated room.
  4. An hour before bed is a quiet hour, without a TV, computer and loud music.
  5. You need to sleep in silence.
  6. You need to go to bed and get up according to the daily regimen.

Fairy tales

Many fairy tales have been written about a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, preschool teachers themselves often become their authors. Heroes of fairy tales, who at first did wrong, are corrected at the end of the story.

The tale of a cheerful Squirrel

Animals lived in the same forest, which did not have time to do exercises. They were all very busy! The bear Toptygin collected honey, the hedgehog Pykhtelkin - mushrooms, the fox Patrikeevna covered her tracks with her tail ...

The squirrel Strelka lived in this forest, vigorous, athletic. She managed to do everything: find the nuts, and clean up the hollow, and teach the squirrels, and sing songs. She was so cheerful and kind that all the animals loved the squirrel. However, the animals could not understand: why in the morning, as soon as it wakes up, the squirrel is jumping along the branches. Up and down. What for? It would be better to soak up until the morning sleep is gone.

A bear, a hedgehog and a fox came to the squirrel and asked: "Why?" And she replies: “This is morning exercises! I am always so cheerful from her and do not get tired until the evening! " “I wish I didn't get tired,” says the hedgehog, “but I can't jump on the branches.” "And I want to be cheerful and beautiful," says the fox, "and I can't climb trees." “You don’t need it! - the squirrel answers. - You can do other exercises! I will teach you, just mind - not to be lazy! "

The animals began to do exercises together every morning with the squirrel Arrow. And after a while, they noticed miracles. The bear collected honey so dexterously and skillfully that not a single bee bit him. The hedgehog began to bring mushrooms home twice as fast, his legs became strong and strong. The fox could not stop looking at herself - vigorous, fast, slender. Forest beauty!

The animals came to the squirrel and say: “Thank you, Arrow, she taught me how to do morning exercises! Now we have become the healthiest and most vigorous in the forest! " "And beautiful," added the fox. And there other animals also wanted to be vigorous and healthy.

Now every morning in the forest begins with exercises.

Vitamins for Winnie the Bear

A sunbeam woke up, jumped on the pillow to Winnie the Pooh, but the bear was out of sorts. Winnie the Pooh felt bad. Ray was offended. Says: "You can't lie like that all day!" "What should I do?" - asked Vinnie sadly. “You know,” said Luchik, “there are magic vitamins for a good mood! Come on, I'll show you where they are! " Winnie the Pooh didn’t want to go anywhere, but he was a curious bear cub. Therefore, I got out of bed and followed Luchik.

They walked, walked and came to Luchik's house. And next to the house there was a vegetable garden with vegetables and berries.

“Here they are, my vitamins,” said Luchik. “It's just carrots, beets, cabbage. More berries. Regular food! " - did not believe Vinnie. "No! - said Ray. - Not ordinary. Because dad Sun and mom Earth gave them vitamins. Look, carrots give your eyes vigilance, and garlic drives away harmful bacteria. And other vegetables, fruits and berries give health! " Winnie was surprised: "And I didn't know that magic vitamins grow on the beds!" “I will show you how to make delicious and healthy salads from vegetables and berries! You'll like it!"

Bear and Luchik prepared a delicious breakfast. Winnie liked the salads so much that he decided to eat them every day. And his mood has risen!

The bear decided to start his own garden and grow healthy vegetables and berries. In order not to part with a good mood and treat all your friends!


The tale of the Crocodile, who did not monitor his health

There lived a Crocodile.

He did not like to be treated.

He was afraid of all doctors,

I avoided vaccinations.

He did not take care of himself:

He did not wash his paws,

He did not brush his teeth,

I didn't even think about vaccinations.

I got up one morning

And he did not recognize himself.

I'm all swollen, my stomach hurts,

Will not even open his mouth.

"What should I do? What do i do?

You need to ask for help.

Beasts, birds, help.

You will save me from pain! "

The Snake crawled to him

And she answered:

"Urgently go to the doctor

And you take the pills! "

Crocodile got angry,

I almost swallowed the Snake.

The Snake got scared here

And rather crawled away.

The parrot flies to him

Crocodile says:

“There are not enough pills here.

Give injections to get better! "

“Everything will pass by itself:

And sore throat and belly ", -

So Crocodile answered

And he buried himself right in the silt.

Only the pain doesn't go away

The crocodile "howls" harder:

“Here is the misfortune, here is the misfortune,

Bring the doctor here! "

The doctor took out a large syringe:

"Well, where is our patient?"

Crocodile opened his eyes

A tear runs down my cheek.

I just clenched my teeth tightly,

He gave himself an injection.

Not even half an hour has passed

And not a trace of pain.

Glory to our doctors,

Who gives us health!

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There should be a regime for the day.

You guys should know:

Everyone needs to sleep longer

Well, don't be lazy in the morning,

Get on the charge.

Brush your teeth, wash your face

And smile more often

Get hardened and then

You are not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies.

Do not lead friendship with them!

Among them are quiet laziness,

Fight her every day!

So that not a single microbe

Didn't accidentally hit the mouth,

Wash hands before eating

Needed with soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products.

Here's a healthy meal

Full of vitamins.

Go out for a walk

Breathe fresh air

Just remember - when leaving

Dress for the weather.


There are many proverbs about a healthy lifestyle. Here they are.

  • The disease seeks fatty foods.
  • Sick - get well, but healthy - beware.
  • Honey is not tasty for a sick person, but a healthy person eats a stone.
  • A golden bed will not help a patient.
  • The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.
  • In a healthy body healthy mind.
  • Evening walks are useful, they remove the disease.
  • All healthy people love life.
  • Where there is health, there is beauty.
  • Move more - live longer.
  • I lost money - I did not lose anything, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - I lost everything.
  • Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.
  • Health and happiness do not live without each other. There is no price to health.
  • Health cannot be bought for money.
  • Health is more valuable than wealth.
  • Whoever got up before the day is healthy during the day. He who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
  • Cleanliness is the key to health.
  • The better the food you chew, the longer you live.


In order for the child to better understand what a healthy lifestyle is, you can play riddles with him. There are many mysteries about healthy vegetables.

  1. Small and bitter, onion brother (Garlic).
  2. 2. Red - the girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street (Carrot).
  3. One hundred clothes, and all without fasteners (Cabbage).
  4. He will make everyone around him cry, even though he is not a fighter, but ... (Bow).
  5. From above it is green, from below it is red, it has grown into the ground (Beet).
  6. A man is sitting on the beds, all in patches (Bow).


Children love to play outdoor games. This can be used in a healthy lifestyle lesson.

Waves splash in the ocean

What is there in the fog?

These are the masts of ships, -

Let them sail here soon!

We walk along the shore

We are waiting for sailors

Looking for seashells in the sand

And clench it in a fist.

To collect more of them,

You need to squat more often.

Let's sit together on the sand

And let's continue our lesson!

Each line is accompanied by movements: first, wavy movements of the arms, hands above the eyes (peering), arms above, like masts, depict “swimming” with the hands, walking in place, bending forward, squatting, sat down at the tables.

The game "Draw an organism"

Children together with their parents draw the human body. Two teams are competing for speed. You can not draw, but attach pictures to the board on which the person is drawn.

Game "Healthy lunch"

Teams compete for speed and knowledge. It is suggested to put healthy products in the basket. Both healthy and unhealthy products are on the “counter”. You need to choose the right ones.

Olga Radostina

Throughout February, a month passed in our garden healthy lifestyle... An open review of gymnastics after sleep, a methodological seminar on teaching children to walk on skis, as well as a consultation for teachers “Modern programs and technologies for health preservation of preschoolers". The Day health". In the morning, everyone did the general morning exercises, then carried out: sports and music leisure "A hardened person visiting the guys", quiz "If you want to be healthy" and " Health hurray! "; KVN" To be we want healthy", animated screenings on the topic. Parents were surveyed" Conditions a healthy lifestyle in the family", consultation" It's good to be healthy", as well as a drawing competition" We are for healthy lifestyle"

Here is such a wonderful picture that Timur drew together with his mother.

Irina and her sister drew instructive drawings

And also our children have such beautiful drawings.

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Dear teachers, after seeing how many teachers are looking for pictures for lessons in schools on healthy lifestyles, I decided to help you.

I am spreading what I found worthy (from my point of view) the attention of children in the lessons about a healthy lifestyle.

This is a joke for teachers only.

About healthy lifestyle for teachers

And in conclusion - a series of cartoons for children about health. A great start to a lesson and a good start to a conversation.

Every year on April 7, the day of health is celebrated, in our time being healthy has become not only useful, but also fashionable, so here are some tips on how to easily take care of yourself. For many, healthy lifestyle is associated with prohibitions and restrictions, although people who adhere to it gain from life much more than they lose.

One of the main rules is a healthy diet, but it should not be confused with constant diets or even with refusal to eat. It is enough to eat high-quality food, do not eat expired foods, reduce the use of fried foods (replace with steamed or boiled ones). Drink more water: on average, you need to drink one and a half to two liters per day. Try to replace sugar with honey, because it contains many useful substances for the body: fructose, amino acids, proteins, micro- and macroelements, sucrose, glucose, etc. You cannot tolerate hunger, it is better to eat a little, but often. Never give up breakfast - it gives you energy for the whole day.

Walk: it is good for your health, and you will save money on transport. In the morning, do not be lazy to do exercises. And if you have a sedentary job, do a little warm-up every now and then. Try to sit with your back straight to avoid spinal problems. Go in for sports, because it prolongs life, go to dances, to the pool, to the bathhouse.

Quit smoking and force your relatives. Again, save money and health. It is also better to exclude alcohol from your life, but if it does not work out, then reduce its consumption to a minimum.

Try not to get angry or worry, stress is bad for the body. If it still does not work out, then do not keep feelings to yourself, try to maintain a good mood.

Healthy sleep restores strength, improves immunity, improves mood. Therefore, it is important to sleep 8 hours a day and preferably to go to bed at the same time.

Family people live on average five years longer, hug and kiss more often, positive emotions also have a good effect on your health. Meet actively with friends, lead a cultural life, take baths, they are good for your body.

Get houseplants in your apartment, they bring aesthetic beauty, and some have medicinal properties. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Brush your teeth twice a day, oral care is also part of a healthy lifestyle.

Store essential medicines at home, and do not spare those medicines that have expired. If necessary, be sure to visit a doctor, because self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences. Enjoy life and remember that health is in your hands.

It is important to teach a competent approach to human nutrition from childhood. You can teach children the right way of life with the help of drawings. For this, it is important to choose a topic that is appropriate for the age. First graders like to draw simple objects like fruits. It is possible to give knowledge about a healthy life to older children with the help of complex pictures and collages.

Pictures on the topic of proper nutrition for children who have just entered school should start with the simplest images and forms. With the help of funny pictures, you can instill a love for vegetables in a first grader.

For example, together with the children, you can draw a series of drawings about the fun adventures of potatoes or beets. Then complete the picture with the image of a healthy and strong person who has become so thanks to the right products.

Drawing Ideas for Healthy Eating Grade 2

More complex pictures are suitable for an eight-year-old child. At this age, the drawing should teach children the benefits of a healthy diet. For example, you can portray two guys.

The first is weak and lethargic, he became like that because he eats bad food. The second one is strong and playful, next to him you need to draw good products.

Drawing ideas grade 3

Starting from the third grade, the drawing should talk about the beneficial properties of the food that the child eats. The theme of the pictures can be the composition of the products. Children should be told which foods contain vitamins and other substances useful for health.

For example, to make a still life of fruits with vitamin C:

Drawing ideas grade 4

For a student of grade 4, a drawing is suitable that will teach a child to eat right during the day. You can draw pictures of foods to be eaten for breakfast, afternoon tea, lunch, and dinner. It is important to educate children that eating at certain times of the day will promote good health for many years to come.

Drawing ideas grade 5

At the age of eleven, children begin to prepare the body for transitional age. Many guys consider themselves to be adults. By copying the behavior of older friends, they tend to choose bad habits. Using pictures, it is important to explain to children that an adult, an intelligent person will choose healthy and high-quality products.

Good products Bad products
Fresh Juice Lemonade
Bread Crisps
Vegetables and fruits French fries
Sour cream, yogurt Mayonnaise
Fish, meat Pizza
Berries Candies

It is worth emphasizing that the lot of stupid people is the wrong food, which leads to irreparable consequences in the body. It is important not to prohibit, any prohibitions in adolescence will backfire. The pictures should depict guys who, thanks to quality products, have achieved excellent results in sports and education.

Drawing Ideas Grade 6

A drawing on the theme of "healthy eating" for adolescent children should give an idea of ​​the correct selection of products. With the help of pictures, the child needs to be introduced to the food pyramid. In the 6th grade, girls, following the example of older women, begin to think about diets that can cause significant harm to a growing body.

Nutrition Pyramid:

  • Cereals (bread, cereals).
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Dairy and meat products.
  • Sweets.

Drawing on the theme of healthy eating, an example, a pyramid of useful products.

Therefore, in the figures, one should pay attention to the fact that excess weight arises from the use of harmful, low-quality products. You can emphasize the excessive amount of food consumed, which leads to obesity, and also show your child that a lack of nutrients in the diet can lead to malformations and poor health.

Drawing ideas grade 7

At thirteen, teenagers consider themselves adults. Many children develop their own views on life. They rarely listen to their parents. It is at this age that children begin to neglect a healthy lifestyle. In food, preference is given to products that are sold in fast food restaurants.

Drawings at this age should demonstrate the harm of such products. The pictures can depict people with excess weight, poor skin, sedentary and lack of initiative, indifferent to the world around them. In contrast to this lifestyle, you can draw a handsome, athletic person who prefers to eat healthy food.

Child's age Drawing guidelines
7 years Simple still lifes depicting vegetables and fruits.
8 years Add pictures showing the benefits of a healthy diet to simple pictures.
9 years With the help of a picture, explain to children the composition of products, give an idea of ​​vitamins.
10 years Using the example of pictures, teach the child the correct meal plan during the day.
11 years Pictures should show that the adult chooses healthy food, not unhealthy.
12 years Figures that explain the nutritional pyramid.
13 years Explain the dangers of fast food and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle with the help of pictures.

For a child of any age, using the example of a picture, it is important to show the importance of healthy foods in the life of every person. Developing the topic of proper nutrition, you cannot overdo it with concepts and rules. Parents and educators should remember that prohibitions arouse interest in the child and a desire to test for themselves what is prohibited.

Video about drawings on the topic of healthy eating

How to draw fruit with a pencil and felt-tip pens: