Repair Design Furniture

The laws of magic - what you can and cannot have in the house. What is dangerous to have things of the previous owners in the house

Flowers in the house, evil spirits out

Floriculture came into fashion a few years ago. Flowers began to be planted at home, in offices, presented to each other as gifts, etc.

Along with this, signs became popular, which popular rumor associates with other indoor plants. You may not believe in mysticism and magic, but it's still nice to know which flowers bring good luck, money and love, and which ones are considered to be lovebirds and perpetrators of quarrels in the house.

Florist Anna Kovalets is sure that if a person does not like flowers or is completely indifferent to them, then they are unlikely to bloom and grow in his house, even with proper care. In addition, Anna Leonidovna believes in the mystical power of home flowers, which can change the life of the owners, both for the better and for the worse. For example, reeds, tumbleweeds, pansies or feather grass are forbidden to keep in the house - they promise a person loneliness, lack of money, illness and even death. For example, pansies are most often planted on graves, so the associations that arise with this flower have a negative message.

But there is also a large list of such indoor plants that bring good luck, well-being and health. These colors include zolotus, bastard, lemon, orange tree, immortelle etc.

"Good luck bamboo" or Dracaena Sander... In our shops "fortune bamboo" can most often be purchased either in the form of a bunch of cuttings, or in the form of straight or curved "reeds" for floral arrangements. The number of bamboo shoots in the composition has a certain meaning for a long time. Three escapes, in accordance with oriental traditions, will bring happiness, 5 - wealth, 7 - excellent health, and 21 escapes - success in all endeavors.

Ficuses. They are believed to help you get pregnant. Important: the ficus must be bought in a store or stolen (you can pinch off the sprout). The competence of ficus (especially small-leaved) includes well-being and good luck. Chlorophytum, in addition to the name "spray of champagne", has a self-explanatory name "family happiness". But seriously, this is a well-known air filter that cleans and disinfects the air.

If you are tight with money, get a fat woman - a money tree. For a special effect, it is recommended to plant it in a red pot. Problems in personal relationships help to solve oxalis - the flower of love, and for a greater guarantee - hibiscus - the flower of passion and love. Uzumbara violet helps to resolve conflicts.

If you do not want to be gossiped about you, purchase tradescantia.

Aloe will protect the owner of the house from accidents and uninvited guests.

Ferns protect the house from all evil spirits (evil eye, damage and all kinds of poltergeists). If the fern is dry, take a closer look at your surroundings. The plant took away spoilage, i.e. fulfilled - fulfilled its function.

Cactus... In addition to absorbing harmful radiation from a computer monitor, they are also irreplaceable guardians. It is believed that they successfully protect the house from burglars and burglars.

A pineapple ideal for people who have decided to take up a new business. He will give them strength and self-confidence.

When in a quandary, pay attention hippeastrum... Its energy will help you find the right solution. If the work requires constant mental stress, place the capsicum near the work table. It will help you focus and keep all the information you need in your head.

Do not rush to throw away your favorite flower just because you heard from someone about a bad omen associated with any indoor plants. Remember that a person creates psychological problems for himself. By the way, as the seller of one of the flower shops in the city told us, because of the “lucky” flower, buyers can make a scandal that turns into hand-to-hand fighting. But if you think that climbing plants will bring you trouble, do not plant them at home - suddenly the belief will come true.

Ekaterina Yurtseva

Immortelle is a well-known plant; it is grown in summer cottages not only for health benefits, but also as a decorative flower that goes well with any plant. It is ideal for planting in rock gardens or boarders, among rocks and boulders.

The immortelle popularly got its name due to the fact that it does not fade for a long time in the cut, but when this happens, its dead wood is so beautiful that it is added to winter flower arrangements. Also, the flower has a lot of nutrients and vitamins. It is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, gout, used in gynecology, and medicinal decoctions help get rid of worms.

Healing flowers of the immortelle are collected during the flowering period, after which they are well dried and used for their intended purpose.

It is possible to grow an immortelle in the country if you comply with some prerequisites.

A plot for growing immortelle (except for the variety "Licorice") is chosen on the sunny side, so that the soil is fertile, rich in nutrients. Before planting, the site is dug up, clods of soil are broken, compost and fertilizer for flowering plants are applied, a drainage layer is laid. The immortelle grows well in breathable soil. If there is none, and you do not want to refuse to plant the immortelle, then the soil is mixed with sand and a large layer of drainage is laid on the bottom.

Immortelle seeds are sown in early April in seedling boxes, mixing small seeds with sand. The seeding depth is 0.5 cm. The plantings are covered with foil, creating a mini greenhouse and removed as soon as shoots begin to appear. The first shoots appear quickly, already on the 4-5th day, and when 2 true leaves have formed, a pick of young seedlings is carried out. From mid-May, grown seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. The distance between plants is 20-30 cm. When planting, try not to damage the root system. Flowering begins in July.

If you do not grow seedlings, then you can sow immortelle seeds directly into open ground at the end of April, but the flowering period will begin only in the second half of August. The grown seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance between plants up to 15 cm.

Immortelle care

The immortelle does not like a lot of water, but it is also not worth waiting for the dry land. It is better to water often and little by little, using settled water heated in the sun. Water the immortelle in the morning or evening so that there is no hot sun. After watering, mulch to keep moisture in the soil as long as possible.

Having planted the immortelle in the garden, he will be able to decorate the autumn already dull and ugly flower beds before frosts and so that brightness is not lost, it is sufficient to remove faded inflorescences in a timely manner, thus stimulating the growth of new flowers.

The immortelle is fed several times a year (May and August) using compost or ready-made universal fertilizer. If the region is southern and weather conditions allow feeding, then do it in February.

For the winter, the perennial immortelle flower is covered so that frosts do not destroy it.

The immortelle is an excellent plant in the country, not only is it medicinal and a flower bed decoration, it is also quite difficult to damage it. Aphids and burdock caterpillars can feast on the flower.

Helichrysum seeds are stored in cloth bags in a cool dry place. Their germination capacity lasts about 2 years, but the fresher the better. It is worth remembering that annual varieties of immortelle are more unpretentious than perennial ones.
Of the perennials, the most popular is Sandy.

The immortelle is beautifully combined with pharmacy chamomile, thyme, and other low-growing flowers, growing clumps.

For those who are fond of drawing up winter flower arrangements. To get a beautiful dead wood, you need to choose flowers in which the bottom of the bud has not opened. Cutting is best done in dry, sunny weather.
After being harvested within 2-4 weeks, they should be dried by hanging in a dry, shaded cool place.

Immortelle harvesting

To use the plant for medicinal purposes, you need to collect flower baskets. Harvesting period - flowering, until the opening of the side baskets. Do not miss this moment, otherwise the flowers will begin to crumble and only empty baskets will remain. Collect the immortelle in dry weather, tearing off the baskets together with the peduncle up to 1 cm long. As soon as possible, the collected product must be laid out for drying, since storage in a container for 3-4 hours will damage the flowers. In a cool, ventilated place, arrange the immortelle flowers in one layer. After the first collection of flowers, after 5-7 days, you can carry out the second. Store in a dark place. Shelf life is 3 years.

It is not only possible, but also necessary to make your home a real fortress and a place that brings not only rest, but also energizes. For this, it is important to timely get rid of things that accumulate negative energy.

A common cause of domestic frustration is energy pollution. If your home has ceased to bring joy, has become a place where negative emotions prevail, and fatigue only accumulates, pay attention to things. Perhaps they are the sources of your mental and physical discomfort.

Old wardrobe items

Clothing is the most likely source of negative energy. The famous psychic Fatima Khadueva spoke about the energy of old things. They are able to preserve the emotions of people, so things in which you fail or be in trouble must be disposed of. This also applies to spoiled clothes: old and torn shoes will not bring financial well-being to life. Thoroughly go through your wardrobe and get rid of unnecessary items - this way you can clear the energy of the house and at the same time get rid of unnecessary junk that clogs up the space.

Dishes and kitchen utensils

Any housewife knows that chipped plates and cups do not look aesthetically pleasing and collect a large number of microbes. In addition, these items have a powerful negative energy and affect further destiny. The brownie, the keeper of family comfort, will not help careless people, whose house is filled with old and unusable pans, pots and broken dishes, which are set aside for possible future use. Feel free to get rid of everything that attracts negativity. After a thorough revision and disposal of the trash, you yourself will feel how positive energy begins to circulate in the house.


There are living plants in almost every home, but not all of them bring happiness. Curly flowers have a special energy. Ivy is able to suck out vital energy and attract all sorts of troubles to itself. Such plants have a negative effect on home comfort. However, if you plant them outside, then they will protect the house from ill-wishers. Dry plants also have negative energy, so if you have dried reeds in your house, think about whether this decoration is so important. Better to get rid of the potential pest and use medicinal herbs instead. , for example, is an excellent remedy for all kinds of negative influences.

The things of the deceased

The thin line that connects our world with the other world is able to open up and pass energy from the outside. It is a well-known fact that many souls are strongly connected with the world of the living and are able to linger in our space. Not every soul remains righteous after death. Some of them, for various reasons, become violent and can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, the things with which the deceased was associated, it is better to take them to the temple and not keep them in your home.

Things of the previous owners

Often when we move, we find forgotten or unnecessary things left by the previous owners. They store their energy and significantly affect the surrounding space. Getting rid of these items will help protect yourself and be confident in protecting your home walls. Contact the previous owners - perhaps they will take away the forgotten ones. If you do not know the previous owners or they refuse to take what they left behind, get rid of their property. Nobody knows what kind of energy these things carry, so it doesn't hurt to protect yourself.

Bottles, waste paper and other rubbish

Often in homes you can find a large number of old magazines or newspapers, as well as plastic and glass bottles. This rubbish floods apartments and balconies and is rarely used. Such things not only litter the usable space, but attract poverty and frequent conflicts into the house. Try to get rid of these items.

Get rid of everything unnecessary in the house and do not be afraid of change. Household waste accumulated over the years does not allow positive energy to circulate in space and cleanse it of negative manifestations. Anything related to bad events in your life will not bring joy. You will experience negative emotions again when looking at these items. Make your life cozy and your home a place of strength for your family. Cleanse the house of negativity, and you will feel how it responds to you with gratitude and gives you inner strength.

Cleansing our own energy is also important, because every day we are faced with not only positive emotions. Frequent contacts with angry people, unknown objects and envious people can leave a mark on the biofield, so protect yourself from all sides and live a full positive life. All the best to you, and remember to press the buttons and

15.02.2017 03:10

Human energy is a subtle structure that requires constant replenishment from the outside. If something is destructive ...

WHAT IS GOOD IN THE HOUSE. Potted flowers always reflect the state of their owners. If you care about flowers, then I will always tell you with my condition ...

Skins made in the house (shop, office ...) contribute to successful trade, increase capital, and also protect the acquired. Only the skins need care and attention.

Dried flowers, placed in a vase and creating a unique bouquet, contribute to well-being, wealth, health and comfort. They neutralize negative energy. True, in Russia today, a completely erroneous opinion is widespread that dried flowers cannot be stored in the house. Flowers and herbs hung in bunches in a certain place or in back rooms even further improve the energy of the house. Remember, before in every country house, bunches of herbs were hung from the ceiling or tucked behind the lintel. Herbs and flowers, stored in the home and naturally drying out, release the energy of health that protects the home during times of epidemics.

Figures of animals (but not grotesque ones) protect the house from misfortune, and also keep monetary wealth. Dogs, bears, tigers, dragons protect you. Figures of soldiers, warriors, nesting dolls, repeating each other and placed in a row, are an excellent cleanser. Elephants following one another and diminishing in size from larger to smaller are a versatile cleaning agent. It is no coincidence that elephants used to stand on shelves in many houses.

Pillows are a talisman for conjugal love. If the pillows are tapestry, with an embroidered pattern, bright, - they keep from separation from a loved one and focus on the partner. If the flowers on the pillows are a health charm; if images of people, animals - protect from dangers; if the image of landscapes, buildings - this helps to be successful in your endeavors.


Our apartments are full of a wide variety of objects and things - from purely functional to decorating the interior. But not everything is good to have in the house.

Old worn-out slippers should not be kept in the house - they attract negative energy. If the slippers are torn, they must be removed from the apartment. Also, you should not keep torn, unusable clothes in the house. Always evaluate old shoes and clothes on the principle: will you still wear them. If you don’t, throw it away.

Dishes with cracks, chips, defects obtained during operation disrupt the energy of food, making it dangerous to human health. As much as you like the dishes, but if they are cracked or a piece has broken off from them, such dishes should be thrown away. The plate (bowl) symbolizes the family. Flawed dishes indicate possible relationship problems.

Living plants, the stems of which twine around the walls, cannot be inside the house. Climbing plants attract various diseases. If the plant is outside the house, from the outside, then this is only beneficial - your home is protected. But if such a plant is inside the house, then its growth should be organized in such a way that the climbing stems form a ball in the pot. A wire frame can be installed.

It is dangerous to keep reeds in the house. Dried up, they attract misfortune and portend illness, death. Feather grass will bring similar troubles if you decorate the room with it. He portends widowhood. At the same time, you can have other dried flowers in the house, for the most part they process negative radiation, protecting residents from diseases. Flowers such as pansies should not be grown at home. They are traditionally planted at the graves. It is appropriate to put coniferous branches in a vase only during the New Year holidays. It's a bad omen to keep these branches in the apartment for the rest of the year. But begonia - a symbol of family well-being - will always help balance the situation. Never bring the presented palm tree into your home - there will be great grief.

According to legend, once upon a time there was a country on earth ruled by King Karian. The courtiers hated him for his cruelty and despotism. Once at a feast they poured poison into his glass. Finding himself on the verge of life and death, Karian ordered the palace doctor to find a remedy for the disease that gripped him, and in return promised to give him his daughter as his wife.

The doctor left the city and wandered around the forest edges all day. Towards evening, he began to dream that the sun's rays were streaming down to the ground in golden drops. When the sun went down, the doctor saw that these drops were the flowers of an unknown plant. He tore them off and brought them to the overlord. The plant saved Karian from death, for which it received the name immortelle, or immortelle, - the flower of eternal life.

According to another legend, in one Indian village, wild animals tore to pieces a boy and a girl in love. And in the spring, a beautiful yellow-blue flower grew at the place where they died. He was seen by a hunter walking by and exclaimed: "Live forever!" Nature heard the request and endowed the immortelle with the property not to fade. Now the legends are forgotten, but the immortelle is still considered a symbol of health and love for life.

The magical properties of the immortelle

In ancient times, people believed that the immortelle connects the worlds of the living and the dead. Those who found eternal peace of mind moved into this flower to see how their loved ones are doing on earth. It was believed that if an immortelle grew up on the grave, the soul of the deceased was rewarded with eternal life in the afterlife.

Druzhinniki in Ancient Russia noticed that it was the immortelle who first appeared on the mounds, under which the soldiers were buried. Other supernatural properties were attributed to the unfading flower. According to legend, he helped to find treasures and protected from evil spirits. And for its ability to protect ships from hurricanes, the immortelle was nicknamed "bad wind".

The immortelle is considered a very powerful talisman. If you carry a dried flower in your pocket, then it will strengthen the energy of its owner and turn away any evil from him. Inhaling the aroma of an immortelle will help you gain self-confidence before some important and responsible event. The smoke of these flowers can be used to fumigate the house to cleanse it of the influence of negative energies.

The magical properties of the immortelle are most pronounced in July and August. At this time, the plant is gaining color, and it can be dried. The immortelle should be harvested at dawn, until the dew has dried up, which means that the healing power of the flower is greatest. In the old days, the immortelle was dried between window frames. Then in winter, in the bitter frosts, one could admire the summer flowers and know that no evil will penetrate into the house.

Helichrysum flower for beauty and youth

"Flowers of immortality" have truly magical medicinal properties, which are also recognized by traditional medicine. Tibetan monks drink a decoction of this flower to gain longevity. Modern beauties add immortelle to morning tea to preserve beauty and youth. In herbal medicine, immortelle infusion is used to treat diseases of the liver, stomach and gall bladder.

Immortelle bouquets are rarely given - this flower is too non-festive. But if they do give, then only with real feelings. After all, the immortelle is a symbol of infinitely strong, eternal love, which, if necessary, will save from death itself.

Immortelle flower in feng shui

Recognizes the magical power of the immortelle and the teachings of feng shui. However, oriental experts do not advise keeping its dried flowers in the house - it is believed that they carry "dead" energy. It is better to replace them with images of a flowering plant - paintings, photographs, embroidery. It is recommended to place images of immortelle flowers in the southeastern part of the apartment - in the health sector. By putting things in order there, the immortelle will bring good luck in other areas of your life. After all, a healthy person is a happy person.

The image of the immortelle, made by you personally, will have the greatest power. This can be a photo, a decorative embroidered rug or a drawing. The talisman in which you have invested your love will guard your peace with double power. If you place such a talisman in the nursery, the baby's health will be strong, and the sleep will be serene. When the child is not feeling well, put a flower under his pillow - the malaise will quickly pass.

The immortelle will help a young girl maintain charm and attractiveness for as long as possible. It is good if the image of a flower will decorate her jewelry box or cosmetic bag. The flower will endow an indecisive young man with courage and courage - the qualities of a real man. But the impact of the immortelle on the elderly will be especially strong. The immortelle will return to them the love of life and the ability to enjoy every day.