Repair Design Furniture

Cons of houses made of rounded logs. The main pros and cons of a log house made of wood Construction of a rounded log pros and cons

Since ancient times, wooden huts and towers have been cut in Russia. As construction technologies improved, other, more modern materials began to appear. However, to this day, a house made of timber is considered the most durable, environmentally friendly, reliable and strong. And it is not surprising that this is the type of material chosen by the owners when building country cottages. At the same time, many people prefer to build their house from rounded logs. Reviews of the owners of ready-made cottages claim that this material is affordable and easy to use. In addition, it is of good quality and has a long service life.

Wooden houses

Today it is difficult to find such a person who would not dream of living in his own cottage, built from environmentally friendly materials. And this is possible only when using wood. From ancient times, people preferred to live in such houses. It was believed that all of its rooms, saturated with a woody spirit, have a beneficial effect on the mood and well-being of a person. And what can compare with the facade of such a house? The design of even the most ultra-modern buildings cannot be compared with it.

That is why houses built from rounded logs are very popular among consumers. And this is despite the fact that their cost is twenty-five percent higher than the cost of frame buildings.

What is a rounded log?

What is this material? This is an ordinary log, which was processed on a special machine, where a cylinder-milling system is installed. Such mechanisms have been used for over a century. However, initially the logs on them were processed for installation as

After the machine, the material takes the form of ideal cylinders with the same diameter and shape. The main advantage of such logs lies in their surface. After being processed on the machine, it becomes round and even. The material attracts many consumers, despite the fact that during processing the wood loses a significant part of its most durable layer - sapwood.

For further use in construction, rounded logs are trimmed. Also, crown cups and grooves are created in them. Further mechanical treatment of the material surface is also possible. So, some logs are left convex on both sides, while in others they make the part that will be located inside the built house flat. Further, the material is processed with various compounds to give it fire-fighting and antiseptic properties.

Types of rounded logs

The atmosphere in a wooden house will be remembered for a long time by those guests who live in a brick or panel cottage. It is characterized by clean air saturated with essential oils.

Type of wood;

Diameter of logs;

Building area.

One-story houses made of rounded logs will cost less. They do not need to deliver a large number of floor beams.

Sometimes the first two crowns are made of the most expensive material - larch. This will protect the house from the rounded logs from rot and moisture. Prices for larch beams are quite high, which will immediately raise the cost of construction. In the estimate previously drawn up by specialists, you can familiarize yourself with the prices for the manufacture and installation of the building's power kit. All this will also have a direct impact on the amount that will have to be paid for a rounded house. On average, with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters, you will need to pay 1 million rubles.

Pros of houses made of rounded logs

The main advantage of such cottages is the use of safe and environmentally friendly materials. Natural wood has a positive effect on human health, creating a favorable indoor climate. An important advantage of using a rounded bar is that it does not contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Such a house will be completely safe even for small children.

According to the owners of wooden cottages, the advantage of such a building is significant savings on the purchase of climate control equipment. The unique properties of wood allow you to maintain optimal humidity levels, as well as create coolness on the hottest days and give warmth in cold weather.

The tree species used for building a house are distinguished by their durability, reliability, increased strength and density. In addition, their natural beauty allows you not to spend additional funds on interior decoration.

When building a house according to a standard design, the construction time is minimal. It is not difficult to assemble a blockhouse made of rounded logs. The construction process is greatly simplified by grooves and bowls specially arranged in the material.

An important advantage of houses made of rounded logs is their lower cost compared to, for example, brick houses. That is why a wooden structure is considered to be a budget option.

The advantage of log houses is their unrivaled appearance. The design of such buildings will certainly arouse enthusiastic glances from guests. In addition, houses made of rounded logs have excellent heat and sound insulation properties. This allows you to save on the purchase of insulation materials.

Cons of houses made of rounded logs

The main disadvantages of such buildings include the construction period. Experts recommend that when building houses from rounded logs, take a break from work for six months. This time is required to complete the shrinkage process.

In addition, wooden structures have low fire resistance. In order for the house to be as reliable as possible and to have a high level of safety, the surface of the rounded logs must be treated with special solutions.

Natural wood also needs protection from the negative effects of the environment. For example, increased moisture will certainly lead to the appearance of fungi and mold, as well as cause the process of decay of the timber. They destroy the tree and various pests. That is why the beams must be treated with special protective equipment.

The wind can cause the logs to twist. This is also a disadvantage of such houses. Deformation of a rounded log can occur under the influence of precipitation and sunlight. In order to prevent these unpleasant phenomena, the material must be constantly monitored, covering the cracks with special compounds. Otherwise, moisture will easily penetrate through the gaps into the house.

Log houses are very popular, especially lately. More and more people prefer to make this type of building both for permanent life in them, and for a temporary or summer cottage option. But at the same time, few people think about whether it is always advisable to build such a house. After all, a house based on a log house has both its advantages and negative qualities.

Log houses do not need additional external and internal finishing. You can live in the building immediately after construction.

But before starting to consider the 5 main positive and 5 main negative qualities, one should take into account the fact that certain subtleties of such buildings will not necessarily be harmful or beneficial in all cases. A lot changes depending on the situation and conditions.

Positive traits

So, first, let's look at the pros of log houses. As a rule, different specialists see them in completely different ways. However, it would be more acceptable to consider those components that will be common and positive for absolutely everyone.

Log buildings from a log house look very beautiful both from the outside and from the inside, even if the wood is not processed.

  1. Environmental component. The undoubted positive property of a log house is its environmental friendliness. Moreover, this is not only the safety of the material, but also its usefulness. Any natural wood produces resins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. At the same time, conifers have exceptional benefits.
  2. Practical component. This refers to the use of the premises during the period of operation. If the optimal temperature is maintained in a log house and there is always access to fresh air, then the material will serve for a long time without causing trouble. So, in winter, you need to warm up the air in the room, and in the summer, let in as much air as possible from the street. Then you will be able to avoid dampness or dryness of the rounded logs.
  3. Functional component. Log buildings from a log house have an excellent property - the so-called self-regulation of temperature. This feature lies in the fact that in warm weather the house perfectly retains and retains heat. But in the cold inside the room, freshness prevails, due to which there is no stuffiness or intense heat.
  4. Aesthetic component. Wooden houses always look very beautiful both from the outside and from the inside. Moreover, this is noticeable even when the wood is not processed. If the tree is also processed with patterns, the view will be amazing. It is important that the building retains its original naturalness.
  5. Finishing component. It lies in the fact that the blockhouse does not require a special type of finishing. You will need to at least process a well-rounded log and remove sharp parts on it. It is not necessary for the installation of the presence of a frame or expensive tools.

Negative sides

These were the pluses. But you should also know the cons. This type of construction also has negative sides, although in terms of quality, the advantages, of course, significantly outweigh them. So, the disadvantages are the following.

One of the main disadvantages of building a house from a rounded log is the impossibility of installation without the help of specialists.

  1. As the main negative property, it should be noted the high degree of fire hazard of such houses made of rounded logs. As you know, the tree burns very well. Therefore, even a weak, unwary fire can cause a large fire. Of course, nowadays special impregnations are being developed that will prevent combustion, but the perfect material has not yet been invented. However, even in the context of this minus, there is a plus: when burning, wood does not emit harmful substances, unlike other modern building or finishing materials.
  2. The second quality, which is negative, is the complexity of the installation of a wooden building. The process cannot be carried out independently, without the help of specialists. If you make even a minor mistake, you can fix it for a long time.
  3. Another disadvantage is the inability to carry out finishing work inside the house. A rounded log is a living material, which immediately after a thorough installation should stand for some time and get used to the place. However, it can shrink. It is better to carry out facing work of a round log house in 1-2 months after the end of construction work.
  4. It is inappropriate to build a log house from a rounded log if you do not expect to live in it permanently. If this is a summer cottage or a temporary dwelling, then it is better not to use a good log house for construction. With an inconsistent heating of the house from the inside, dampness will quickly start there, which will entail a fungus, and in extreme heat without sufficient air access, the wood can crack and deteriorate.
  5. Log houses need to be strengthened from time to time. This means that due to slight changes in the size of the wood in the process of fluctuating ambient temperatures, the bottom of the building above the foundation or the roof can deteriorate. These parts of the house often need to be treated with special means, and, if necessary, additionally lined with boards.

So, the main pros and cons of houses made of rounded logs are considered.

The popularity of rounded logs in domestic housing construction is due to the fact that it allows you to assemble a classic Russian log house, which our ancestors put, using chopped logs. New technologies have made their own adjustments to the procurement and characteristics of the log, making the construction process more technological and faster, and the erected house more elegant, with even crowns and no cracks.

Let us consider in detail the properties and technical characteristics of rounded logs, what it is, what types and types are, dimensions, parameters, pros and cons, how they are made and used in private construction.

What is a rounded log

Rounded log- This is milled lumber, which is a fragment of the trunk, cleaned of the upper, most loose layer of wood. Mechanical processing (milling) ensures the same diameter of the log along the entire length, which in turn increases the strength and stability of the geometry of the finished structure.

Production of rounded logs

The unique properties of rounded logs are acquired in the process of its production, which consists of the following stages:

  • sorting of raw materials (saw logs) by diameter;
  • processing in a cylindering machine. After the milling step, the top layer will be removed from the log, and only the core part will remain, which is the most durable and gives less shrinkage. Also, in the process of processing, the difference in the diameters of the logs at the bottom and at the top will be minimized. According to the standard, it cannot exceed 4 mm .;
  • sorting of logs. Allows you to sort the workpieces according to the specified dimensions;
  • drying: natural or forced;
  • the formation of a compensation cut. Note that not all logs have a cut, and is done more often at the request of the buyer;
  • cut out. The log gets on sale, having a standard length. But, many homeowners prefer not to bother with adjusting the length of the logs, but order a house kit for the house.

    The log house kit is a ready-made kit for assembling a house. It resembles a constructor, which contains a set of parts (logs), prepared in length in accordance with the provided project of the house, with the corresponding marking of each element. A significant advantage of using a house kit is the presence of seats (bowls), which make joining of logs fast and tight;

  • cupping - provides for cutting the seats (bowls) necessary for laying the crowns from the log. Like a profiled bar, two types of seats are cut in a rounded log:

Cross bowls; Material prepared for the site

Diagonal bowls;

Longitudinal grooves. The curvature of the grooves is somewhat different from the curvature of the log. This is necessary in order to lay heat-insulating material at the junction of the logs. If the dimensions of the grooves coincide, then there is a high probability that after shrinkage the log will touch the lower one only with the central point, and not with the entire surface of the groove. This will lead to the fact that the junction of the logs will have to be caulked;

  • facing. End machining;
  • antiseptic treatment. It is carried out over the entire area of ​​the log, including longitudinal grooves and bowls. Allows to ensure biological inertness of the log and preserve its properties during storage, transportation and installation. Only water-based antiseptics are used. Such a solution does not clog the micropores of the wood, and it continues to dry out;
  • transportation to the construction site. Producers often take over this function as they can ensure that the logs are unloaded and properly stored on site. After all, a house from a log is built from 4 to 6 months, depending on its size and the complexity of the project. During this period, it is necessary to organize the correct storage of the material;
  • storage;
  • package.

Rounded logs - GOST, norms and standards

Please note that there is no single regulatory document regulating the production and characteristics of rounded logs. Not in Russia, not anywhere else.

Self-respecting manufacturers develop their own standards - StP (StO) - the standard of the enterprise (organization), which contains all information about the dimensions and deviations, quality and storage conditions of the material.

However, there are a number of state standards (GOST) that regulate certain aspects of the production and storage of rounded logs:

And a number of international standards (ISO) and European standards (EN):

Characteristics of rounded logs in accordance with GOST 9463-88

Types of rounded logs

All types of logs can be classified as follows:

Classification attribute Detailing
Processing type - chopped log... In this case, a cylindrical shape is given to the log using a hand planer. He also performs the cutting of bowls. This type of log is suitable for those who love the natural style of the Russian hut - log house;

- rounded log... Processing is carried out on a cylindrical machine, due to which the ideal geometry and accuracy of the seats (grooves and bowls) are achieved.

Drying type - log of natural moisture... The overwhelming majority of products on the domestic market are of this type. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to ensure uniform drying of the original log, and the cost of the product increases;

- thermal log or dried round log... Today, manufacturers are mastering the production of an improved product - rounded logs with a given moisture content (18-20%). What it is and the main properties are described below.

Profile (groove) view - lunar;
- Finnish.
Wood species
(in descending order of popularity and increasing cost)
- pine: Karelian and Arkhangelsk;
- spruce;
- cedar;
- larch;
- hardwoods.
Groove location - longitudinal - along the log strictly in the center;
- diagonal - used to create non-standard shapes, for example, bay windows;
- transverse - landing bowl.
Dimensions (edit) - diameter: 160-320 mm .;
- working height: 139-272 mm. (depends on the diameter of the log);
- length: 1 ... 6 m.p .;

Thermal log characteristics

Thermal log is a lumber made from thermally modified logs. The new technology implies heat treatment of wood - high-temperature drying of logs in an airless environment.

Features, properties, pros and cons of thermo-logs:

  • drying at a temperature of 125-190 ° C. The choice of temperature depends on the density of the wood;
  • complete absence of resin. At the same time, coniferous wood retains its aroma;
  • change at the level of the cellular structure. Drying allows you to get a log with a given moisture content, which eliminates the appearance of blue on the surface of the log. In this case, no chemicals are used;
  • color correction. Thanks to the effect of heat, by varying the exposure time and temperature, the manufacturer has the opportunity to give the wood noble dark shades. In this case, the color change is not through, i.e. does not affect the entire log, but it is deep enough (1-2 cm), which excludes the appearance of light scratches on the wall surface;
  • decrease in thermal conductivity. After heat treatment, wood loses its ability to transmit heat by 0-30%;
  • an increase in surface strength, which increases the resistance of the log to cracking;
  • decrease in hygroscopicity due to modification of its capillary structure;
  • no torsion defects;
  • resistance to biological activity;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • increased durability.

Among the disadvantages is the high cost.

Profile view (groove) of a rounded log

The profile or longitudinal groove is selected along the entire length of the rounded log and is designed to ensure a tighter fit of the logs along the length during installation.

Moon groove

The moon profile is a semicircular longitudinal cut. Has become more widespread due to the simplicity of the device.

Characteristics of a rounded moon profile log

Finnish groove

Has a more complex groove-ridge mounting system. It has so-called shoulder cuts - cuts, which increase the thermal insulation properties of the junction. The Finnish groove minimizes damage from cracking. At the same time, the use of the Finnish groove allows you to abandon the procedure for caulking the walls from a log.

Characteristics of rounded logs with a Finnish profile

Marking, diameter, working height, groove width, cbm volume

Note. According to the thermal calculation data, a log with a Finnish profile with a diameter of 220 mm. in terms of thermal insulation it is equivalent to a log with a lunar profile with a diameter of 280 mm.

Wood species

Pine is the most widely used in construction due to the optimal ratio of price and quality. Distinctive features of pine cylindering in a beautiful structure, strength, relatively low thermal conductivity, resistance to external influences and an affordable price. The Arkhangelsk pine stands out for the fact that it practically does not crack.

As for the cedar, its high price hinders its distribution.

The same judgment is true for larch. Which is the most suitable raw material for the production of rounded logs. Larch is resistant to temperature extremes, moisture, has a high density and strength. However, the cost of a rounded larch log is twice the price of a similar pine log. Such characteristics of a larch log led to the fact that it is used as the main one in the formation of the lower crown of a log house.

Sizes of rounded logs

During the harvesting process, the log is sorted before being processed. A trunk with the correct parameters allows you to get lumber with the specified dimensions at the exit.

Standard log sizes:

  • diameter (section) of the rounded log... This parameter is of greatest importance, since it directly determines the thermal conductivity and reliability of the walls.

The diameter of the log varies from 160 to 320 mm. The most popular in private construction is a rounded log with a diameter of 240 mm.

In fact, this material is made from milled logs that have been carefully processed on special equipment. Depending on the type of machine used, it can be given a different profile. The entire production stage is conventionally divided into 6 steps:

  • sorting saw logs by diameter;
  • feeding to the cylindering machine;
  • cutting the house for details using chain and circular saws;
  • parts for the corner joint - "bowl" enter the bowl-cutting machine;
  • treatment of all parts with an antiseptic;
  • packing in special bags for further transportation.

Moreover, during processing, various types of machines can be used - through-type, turning-milling (positional), centering, broaching and others.

Rounded log: pros and cons

This material has both pros and cons. The advantages of rounded logs, first of all, are completely ecological production... No chemical adhesives are used in the manufacturing process. Secondly, log houses very solid construction, since the log has the same diameter along its entire length. This also ensures a longer service life. Thirdly, has an increased insulating capacity, thanks to the minimum gaps on the rims.

The material itself has a high ability to accumulate heat and, moreover, a sufficiently low thermal conductivity... Fourth, you can connect elements of logs at any angle... This provides truly excellent opportunities for the implementation of any wooden structures.

Fifth, significantly saves money and labor costs during assembly, since the logs arrive at the construction site with ready-made channels and cups. All the craftsmen need to do is collect them. At sixth, the material has an aesthetically pleasing appearance and does not require further decorative finishing.

The disadvantages of rounded logs are associated with the fact that the uppermost protective layer is removed during processing. Therefore, the following disadvantages appear: shrinkage of the first floor of the structure by an average of 10-20 cm; the appearance of cracks, the twisting of logs in a spiral under the influence of the wind. The first drawback is especially noticeable. Shrinkage lasts from 6 months to 1 year, and during this period it is important to ensure a gentle mode of operation at home. The use of heating devices is undesirable.

How to determine the quality of the logs?

Round log quality directly depends on the processing mechanisms, as well as on the qualifications of the employees carrying out this work. So, we will describe the points that you should pay attention to when buying. First, all parts must be made from the same wood species. Secondly, the presence of rot, cracks, chips is not permissible on the products. Thirdly, the material must be perfectly flat, curvature is excluded. Fourth, the deviation in diameter and length between the logs can exceed a maximum of 2 mm.

Fifth, each product must be marked with a specific specification. Sixth, log cabins are made of rounded logs only from growing (not dried up before cutting) trees. This is necessary so that natural moisture is provided. Seventh, the entire surface is treated with an appropriate antiseptic for a longer service life. If all these conditions are met, the service life of a rounded log can be more than 20 years.

When choosing a material for building a house, you should pay close attention to a rounded log (OCB). It is the best option for construction for many reasons. To be convinced of this and make the right decision, you need to learn about its disadvantages and evaluate the advantages.

Undoubted advantages

The main advantages of houses made of rounded logs are associated with the technology of its production: it is a processed tree trunk, from which the bark and upper loose layers have been removed. As a result, the house is assembled from the most durable and dense wood, which makes it possible to talk about its durability. Modern equipment is used in the manufacture, and all locking elements are cut with mathematical precision.

The main advantages of a house made of rounded logs:


Analyzing the pros and cons of a house made of rounded logs, pay attention to a number of disadvantages inherent in almost all building materials of wood origin. Cylinder is exposed to various threats and must be constantly protected from premature destruction. Consider the most serious drawbacks of a house from cylindering:

Many disadvantages of houses made of rounded logs are associated with low-quality building materials, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Choose manufacturers carefully: it is best to consider the proposals of large companies that can ensure the proper quality of wood processing through the use of high-tech equipment.

Myths and reality

Many disadvantages of cylindering, which are indicated on construction sites, do not correspond to reality. This is confirmed by both professional research and feedback from residents. The disadvantages of rounded logs are associated with the peculiarities of its structure, but practice shows that this does not reduce its strength and durability.

Consider a few enduring stereotypes:

The downside of a rounded log is also called its cost, which is higher than that of a regular round one, which requires manual creation of connecting elements. Although the rounded log is more expensive, it is difficult to attribute this to the disadvantages.

Manual felling takes longer and requires the hiring of professional builders, and their work also costs a lot. The walls can be easily erected from the cylindering on their own, since the crowns are already carefully fitted to each other. Plus, you need minimal caulking. An ordinary log house will have to be constantly insulated, and every year new cracks may appear in the walls.

As a result, we see that a house made of rounded logs, the cons of which can be counted on one hand, is actually warm and durable. This can be seen again by reading the reviews of the tenants.

Thus, many myths about OCB do not correspond to the truth, and they should not become an obstacle when choosing a material for building your own home. Today you can order cylindering from many companies that guarantee its high quality.

You can use pine, fir, cedar, spruce and other wood species, and choose from a variety of finishes. An OCB house is a great opportunity to build a comfortable and beautiful home that will serve for several generations.