Repair Design Furniture

Rubber crumb business. Equipment for the production of crumb rubber. Tire pre-shredding machines

Production of crumb rubber: registration of an enterprise + purchase of equipment + rental of a workshop + personnel to work at the plant + crumb production technology + sales of products + calculation of profit and payback.

Russia is home to the most enterprising people who can make money even from garbage. One of these activities is the production of crumb rubber.

In this business, if done correctly, you can recoup all investments in a short period of time, as well as receive a large income. In addition, you can reap additional benefits by removing metal from the tire cords.

Read about everything in detail in the article below.

Project scale and registration of crumb rubber business

Initially, you must figure out what scale your project will take. You can start the production of rubber crumbs with minimal investment or with a large start-up capital.

Really evaluate your capabilities. Of course, the less you invest in the business, the less profit you will make. But it’s not worth spending millions, because every new business is a risk. Find a middle ground. In our business plan we will describe exactly how to open your own production with an average starting capital.

If you plan to open a huge plant and attract financial investments from the state or investors, you will need to create a limited liability company.

And for a small workshop in which you have invested your savings, the legal form of an individual entrepreneur is suitable. Within 5 working days you will receive a certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur + a certificate of entering data into the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs.

To do this, you need to submit the following package of documents to the Federal Tax Service:

  1. Passport and TIN.
  2. Application on form No. Р21001.
  3. You must enter the activity code according to OKVED 25.13 “Production of other rubber products” into the application.
  4. Submit an application for transition to the simplified tax system.
  5. Pay the state fee and provide the receipt with the documents (800 rubles).

Unfortunately, this is not the end of the collection of documents. falls under Federal Law No. 89 “On production and consumption waste”. According to Art. 5 of this law, waste classes 1-4 (which includes tires) are subject to licensing.

What you need to do to get a license to produce crumbs:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Officially rent or buy premises for production.
  3. Purchase certified equipment.
  4. Obtain a conclusion from the SES and Fire Service.
  5. Accept inspection from Rospotrebnadzor and receive a certificate.
  6. Submit an application to the State Environmental Expertise at the place of registration of the enterprise and receive a positive conclusion.
  7. Send a package of documents containing all conclusions, a rental agreement for the premises and a certificate for equipment to the Federal Territorial Authority for Supervision of Natural Resources.

If all documents are in order, you will receive a license. It's not free. If you do everything yourself, you will have to pay about 300,000 rubles. This will take a lot of time - about 2-3 months. But you can’t skip this step - without a license, your production of rubber crumbs will not be legal, and if you check the individual entrepreneur, you will be fined a large amount.

Equipment for the production of crumb rubber

Having 1 million rubles, you can afford to buy a small line for the production of crumb rubber, which can process up to 100 kg of material per hour of operation. But it is important to understand that such equipment, although affordable, will produce only crumb. In addition, not all tires will be able to be recycled.

It is better to buy a fully equipped line with a capacity of 400 kg/hour. Such equipment for the production of crumb rubber is automatic; workers will only feed tires and receive crumb rubber and beads at the output.

If you want to make additional products from raw materials (which will be a source of additional profit), buy a fully equipped press for the production of tiles from crumbs.

Of course, you can buy cheaper equipment, for example, less powerful or used equipment, but then you will not receive a guarantee for the equipment, and you will not be able to “accelerate” production to full capacity. There will be little raw material available, so it will have to be sold at retail and at a reduced price.

Requirements for premises for the production of crumb rubber

The area of ​​the rented premises will depend on the equipment for the production of rubber crumbs.

Based on our business plan, the equipment will occupy 150 m2. In addition to the production workshop itself, it is necessary to prepare additional warehouses for raw materials and finished products, a staff room, a director’s office and a bathroom.

What general requirements must the room in which rubber crumbs be produced meet:

  1. Ceiling height up to 5 meters.
  2. The distance from residential buildings is 300 meters; it is best to rent a workshop outside the city.
  3. Temperature within 15°C.
  4. Industrial grounded electrical network – 380V.
  5. Flat floor, cosmetic repairs available.
  6. Provided water, ventilation, gas, fire protection system, air purification filter at the factory.

Depending on the region, distance from the populated area, and the presence of renovations in the premises, the price for renting an object will be within 100,000 rubles/month.

Shop staff

Thanks to automated crumb making equipment, there is no need to hire highly specialized personnel.

Our plans are to produce 400 kg of crumbs in 1 hour of work and, at the same time, to additionally engage in the production of tiles from recycled material. At first, the workshop will operate only 5 days a week, 8-hour shifts. If the number of orders increases, you can hire more workers and introduce additional shifts.

So, first of all, be sure to hire technologist. He will monitor the equipment and the correct production of tiles. To ensure that nothing “goes away” without a trace beyond the territory of the plant, you need to hire accountant, who will monitor the supply and quantity of products produced.

Hire driver with a truck (if the production does not have its own transport), which will transport the goods and supply raw materials.

And the sales manager can be taken over by the shop manager.

Staff memberQuantityTotal salary (RUB/month)
TOTAL: 170,000 rubles/month
1 Technologist2 20 000
2 Accountant1 16 000
3 Workers6 90 000
4 Cleaning woman1 8 000
5 Loaders2 20 000
6 Driver1 16 000

All employees are required to undergo a medical examination to ensure they are fit to work in hazardous crumb production. Buy them respirators and protective clothing.

For the technologist and accountant, you need to allocate an office with a computer, a desk, a filing cabinet and an office.

Preparing an office for a technologist and accountant, purchasing special clothing and lockers for workers will cost approximately 100,000 rubles.

Crumb rubber production technology

Crumb rubber is a product that we get after recycling car tires and other vehicles.

Tires are made on the basis of synthetic and natural rubber, metal cords, softening oil, filler, etc. The tire itself is very elastic, resistant to various temperature changes, alkali and other acids, it does not wear out for a long time.

After the tire is processed into crumbs, only metal particles are removed from its composition, and all other components remain unchanged.

Since crumb is a secondary material, it is several times cheaper than primary rubber raw materials, and in terms of quality they are at the same level. This is what makes this production very promising.

Let's look at the production process step by step:

  1. The tires must first be prepared by removing dirt and other foreign particles.
  2. The metal part – the cord – needs to be removed from the tires.
  3. Raw materials must be cut into strips according to specified parameters, which depend on the equipment.
  4. Then the tapes are crushed at normal temperatures - 20-30 degrees above Celsius.
  5. Afterwards crushing occurs at high temperatures – 100 °C.
  6. The machine breaks the rubber again, but at a low temperature.
  7. The “ozone knife” that is in the equipment grinds the rubber again, which helps ensure that the material is completely destroyed.
  8. If you produce not only crumbs, but also tiles, then crumbs are poured into the press and, using cold or hot pressing, the tiles are compressed to a given thickness and density. As a rule, it should be 1-4 mm thick.
  9. The finished product - chips or tiles - is packed in polyethylene manually or using a packaging machine.

Production of tiles from rubber crumbs and other uses of the material.

When planning any business, we ask ourselves the question: who will become our buyer, will there be a demand for the product?

Let's name a few industry branches where I use rubber crumbs:

  1. Today, crumbs are used to cover roads and sidewalks as an additional material.
  2. Rubber crumbs are placed in outdoor gyms (volleyball courts, basketball courts, children's playgrounds) to protect the area from injury.
  3. This material is used to lay paths when creating landscape design.
  4. Crumbs are used today in construction, for the manufacture of roofing materials, palettes, etc.
  5. Crumbs can be used to create thermal insulation in industrial workshops, etc.

We want to focus on a specific industry - . To make it, you will only need a press. But the cost of finished tiles will be many times higher than just raw materials from recycled tires.

Only those who can process it into another product will buy the crumbs. By making tiles you will increase supply. Every resident of the locality where the plant is located can become your buyer, because this material can be easily installed at home, like a sidewalk.

To get people to know about you, be sure to take care of advertising. The most effective way is to make a website, promote it and order contextual advertising.

This will require additional financial investment:

  • purchase of a website – up to 5 thousand rubles,
  • Hiring an SEO optimizer or WEB programmer – from 25 thousand rubles/month.

If you don’t have enough finances, then you need to use the “old” method - call potential clients personally, place advertisements in the media and on billboards in the region. Although, it is worth understanding that it will not cost much less.

Equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber.

Rubber tile production technology.

Detailed calculation of profitability

The most important point in any business plan is the calculation of profit and the estimated time frame for full payback.

To begin with, let's divide all our costs into two columns - permanent financial investments and one-time expense items.

Let's calculate how much chips and tiles we can produce at the factory, and what the profit will be if the goods are fully sold:

  1. Our equipment can process 400 kg of rubber tires of different sizes in 1 hour of operation. The workshop operates 8 hours 24 days a week. We will need to purchase approximately 80 tons of material.
  2. A ton of tires costs approximately 4 thousand rubles. We will need to purchase raw materials for 320,000 rubles.
  3. From a ton of tires we will extract approximately 100 kilograms of metal (depending on the tire model and its size).
  4. At the output we will get 70 tons of crumb rubber. Half can be used to make tiles.
  5. The weight of 1 m2 of tiles is from 22 kg, and its cost on the market is 1,600 rubles. Our company will be able to make 1,590 m2 of tiles from rubber crumbs in 1 month of work. If fully implemented, the income will be up to 2.5 million rubles.
  6. Rubber crumbs are cheaper, 1 ton - 17,000 rubles. Profit from the sale of crumbs - 595,000 rubles.
  7. We have an income of 3,000,000 rubles. From this we pay tax (180,000 rubles) and utilities (from 150,000 rubles). In addition, you need to buy raw materials, provide workers with wages, buy packaging, pay money for transportation (pay for gasoline), for rent and advertising.
  8. The net profit from the production of rubber crumbs and tiles will be approximately 1.9 million rubles. Thus, the costs of setting up a business can be recouped within six months of successful operation.

Production of crumb rubber- This is a profitable business, but you need to invest a lot of money in it.

Our business plan is based on approximate calculations; in practice, you may encounter many problems - products are not sold in full, equipment breaks down, competition is growing, etc. But it's worth taking the risk to rise up and become a successful businessman.

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Modern and compact equipment for grinding worn-out tires into rubber crumbs. Tire recycling line “ATR-250” - minimal investment, quick payback period, minimum space and personnel. An ideal solution in the field of recycling used tires for small businesses in small towns, as well as organizations involved in the production of rubber tiles and seamless rubber coatings based on crumb rubber.

The “ATR-250” plant for processing used car tires into crumb rubber is a complex of technological equipment that allows, during tire processing, to obtain not only high-quality crumb, but also metal cord and textiles. All materials obtained are in demand and have their own price. The optimal solution for those who want to buy tire recycling equipment inexpensively due to a limited budget or low production of raw materials.

The compact installation “ATR-250” allows you to process used car tires to produce high-quality crumb rubber. This installation easily recycles worn-out passenger wheels, as well as truck tires from cars and special equipment.

Location of the installation for recycling tires "ATR-250" indoors

The ATR-250 rubber processing plant has small installation dimensions, minimal power consumption, and 3-4 working personnel are sufficient for full operation of the line.

The equipment productivity is up to 300 kg of rubber for incoming raw materials and up to 250 kg for the output of finished crumb rubber per hour. The productivity of the machine can increase or decrease depending on the quality of incoming raw materials, personnel performance and other factors. The average power consumption of the installation is 60 - 80 kWh.

Operating principle of the line for processing tires into crumbs "ATR-250"

1) At the first stage, worn-out car tires undergo a detailed inspection for the absence of spikes and other elements unsuitable for recycling.

2) At the second stage, truck tires are cut into small segments, approximately 30x30cm, passenger tires are cut in half, and the tire beads do not need to be removed.

3) After cutting the tires, the resulting rubber segments are fed through a conveyor into a shredder to be crushed into a smaller fraction, bead wire and other metal inclusions are removed from the rubber composition.

4) The material processed after the shredder and cleared of metal through a system of magnets is fed into a rotary crusher for grinding to the final fraction.

5) The material brought to the final fraction passes through a separation system to remove textile cord from its composition, with another stage of separating the metal cord.

6) After final cleaning, the material (finished crumb rubber) is fed to a rectangular vibrating sieve, on which the crumb rubber is sorted into 3 main fractions.

Characteristics and requirements for the ATR 250 tire recycling line

Premises requirements

Occupied area (excluding warehouse space)

60 m²


4.2 meters


3 meters


15 meters

2 shifts of 10 - 12 hours, including maintenance


From 0 to +40С°

Electrical power (required)

120 kW (starting currents)

Average power consumption

60 - 80 kW per hour

Input line capacity

Up to 400 kg of raw materials per hour

Line output output (average)

Up to 250 kg of crumbs per hour

3 fractions from 0 to 5 mm

Output of textile cord

Up to 50 kg per hour

Metal cord output

Up to 80 kg per hour

Annual tire recycling capacity when loaded 360 days a year, 20 hours a day

Up to 2,500 tons of tires

Maximum tire diameter

1200 mm (23 in)

Number of personnel per shift

3 - 4 people

Scope of delivery of equipment for processing tires into crumbs “ATR-250”


Tire Shredder

Bead ring puller

Guillotine for cutting tires

Loading belt conveyor

Transport fan

Magnetic separation system

Small cyclone collections

Pneumatic conveying system

Flow conveying system

Impact crusher complex

Vibrating screen system

Cyclone compilation

Dust removal system

Electrical equipment, wiring, electrical and more

System of connecting metal structures and protection

Conveyor belt for metal cord

Technical documentation, passport, instruction manual

We are manufacturers of equipment for processing tires into crumbs and it is very important for us not only long-term cooperation, but also the opportunity to provide existing professional knowledge and information support to potential partners and clients. In order to study in more detail the characteristics of the ATR 250 rubber processing line and obtain the commercial part, we ask you to make a request to our company or contact the company’s managers to obtain all the necessary and detailed information about the equipment and prices.

Video: ATR-250 Tire Recycling Equipment

The production of crumb rubber (or rubber granulate) on an industrial scale is a promising line of business. This material is used in the construction industry, and construction volumes in Russia have returned to growth. During the 3rd quarter of 2018, 72.5% more private houses were put into operation compared to the same period in 2017. Accordingly, crumb consumption is growing.

In this material we will tell you how to properly organize a business and what is important to consider. The text also provides a calculation of profits and expenses, the payback period of the business.

What is crumb rubber and where is it used?

Rubber crumb is a product of secondary processing of rubber raw materials. It is necessary for the production of tiles and paving stones, rubber coatings.

Fractional rubber granulate can withstand heavy loads for a long time. It is mainly made from car tires, which contain high-tech components.

The material is used to create the following coatings:

  • roads, sidewalks, playgrounds, local areas;
  • industrial and sports grounds (reduces the risk of injury);
  • blind areas, approaches to swimming pools, skating rinks, dressing rooms in saunas, baths.

Crumbs are also used in landscape design as a finishing and roofing material - for thermal insulation. There are technologies for using crumb rubber in automotive production.

Material advantages

The key to the popularity of rubber granulate is its excellent performance characteristics. The crumb is elastic, but does not stretch or bend. The coating is durable and resistant - does not react to acid or alkali.

The crumb has other advantages:

  • Attractive appearance. You can create black and colored coatings with different particle sizes. The crumb does not react to sunlight, the paint does not lose brightness over time.
  • The coating can be made to suit the size and thickness required.
  • The crumb does not slip and is impact resistant.
  • No moisture accumulates on the surface of the material.
  • The material is heat-resistant and can withstand temperatures ranging from -45 to 60°C.

Brief market analysis

On the Russian market there are large manufacturers of crumb rubber and coatings, tiles based on it. About 60% of tire processing in the country occurs at 4 plants: in the Moscow, Vladimir, Volgograd and Smolensk regions.

Before the events associated with the entry of Crimea into Russia, this area of ​​activity in the country was actively developing. For example, in 2013, almost 14 thousand tons of rubber granulate were produced, which is 15% more than in 2012.

However, due to international pressure and crisis phenomena in the Russian Federation, the production of the material fell sharply - by mid-2014 it decreased by 71% (by 2013). The share of importers offering higher quality products began to grow.

Now, against the backdrop of a revival of the economy, interest in this area is also being restored. Moreover, the niche in the regions is actually free.

Crumb rubber production technology

The raw material for the production of granulates is used car tires and tires. The process consists of several stages:

  1. Tire preparation, cleaning, removal of cord (metal part).
  2. Cutting tires into strips of the required length (depending on the capabilities of the equipment).
  3. Rubber crushing (depending on the processing technology used).
  4. Filtering the crumbs through special sieves, dividing them into fractions of the appropriate size. There are different fractions: from 0.1 mm to 10 mm.

There are two common rubber processing technologies: shock wave and mechanical.

In the first method, the rubber is cooled to ultra-low temperatures, then destroyed by a shock wave from an electrical device or micro-explosion.

The mechanical method is more popular. Rubber is crushed first at room temperature (up to 30°C), then at 100°C, then at low temperature. Finally, the crumbs are crushed using an “ozone” (ozone knife).

How to start a crumb rubber production and what is needed for this?

Major investments will be required. The table below shows the size of the initial investment - the amount is divided into several items. The main costs are for the purchase of equipment.

Table 1. Initial costs for a crumb rubber business.

Expense item

Cost, rub.


Obtaining a license

Premises for rent, 200 sq. m



Additional expenses

RUB 8.18 million

Prices are relevant for a city with a population of up to 1 million people. Additional costs include electricity, advertising, and cosmetic repairs.


First of all, you need to choose a form of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is easier to register an individual entrepreneur, you can choose a low tax rate. But the LLC will allow you to produce more goods and cooperate with large companies. Large manufacturers are recommended to choose a legal entity form.

When registering with the Federal Tax Service, OKVED code 25.13 “Production of other rubber products” is entered.

To start working, you must obtain a license (cost - 300-500 thousand rubles). You will need to put the workspace in order, purchase equipment and obtain a certificate from Rospotrebnadzor.

The quality of crumb rubber is regulated by GOST 8407-89 “Recycled rubber raw materials. Tires and tire tubes. Technical conditions".


The production premises must be located at a distance from the residential sector - no closer than 300 m. It is recommended to rent a suitable workshop on the outskirts or in an industrial area of ​​the city. The rent here is cheaper, the location suits all requirements.

According to our business plan, the equipment will require a room with an area of ​​150 square meters. m. It should be divided into the workshop itself with equipment, premises for storing raw materials and finished products, rooms for workers, a bathroom, and the director’s office.

The workshop must have:

  • flat floor;
  • high ceilings (5 m);
  • ventilation systems, air purification, fire safety, heating, electricity (380V);
  • redecorating;
  • stable air temperature 15-18°C.

Raw materials

This is the main item of monthly expenses - you will regularly need to purchase large volumes of used vehicle tires and tires. They are not difficult to find. The number of cars in Russia is constantly increasing, as is the volume of consumption of rubber products. It is important to get them - Russia has not developed a system for collecting and recycling this waste.

There are several ways to purchase raw materials - buy by advertisement, organize a collection point yourself, or pick up tire waste in places where it accumulates (at tire shops and trucking companies, at landfills and quarries, at unauthorized landfills).

If you have a large-scale production, it is better to start cooperation with companies that can offer the required volume of raw materials.

Used tires, tires, air chambers, old fabric or reinforced rubber are suitable for production.

Equipment for the production of crumb rubber

We will choose a line for processing waste and old LPSh-600 tires made in Russia (mechanical shredding).

This equipment is designed for constant loading, has compact dimensions (150 sq. m), consumes little electricity (127-166 kW in total), and is characterized by high productivity (up to 600 kg/h).


  • bead cutting machine SOB-01;
  • machine for processing bead rings SPBK-01;
  • tape cutting machine SLR-01;
  • chip cutting machine SCHR-01;
  • shredder for shredding tires ShR-01 with a straight conveyor 4.5 m long;
  • impact crusher SDR-01;
  • vibration separator VS-01 with hood, cyclone and filter;
  • magnetic separator SEMAG SM-01 with 2 bucket conveyors 3.5 m long;
  • vibro-pneumatic complex VPSK-01 with a bucket conveyor 3.5-4 m long;
  • vibrating screen SV-01 with a bucket conveyor 3 m long;
  • electrical equipment.


It is not necessary to hire expensive qualified specialists. You need to hire the following employees:

Table 2. Personnel to work at a mini plant for the production of crumb rubber.

Job title

Main responsibilities

Workers, 3 people.

Maintenance of equipment, control of its operation

Loaders, 2 people.

Loading and unloading, supply of raw materials, storage of finished products

Technologist, 1 person.

Monitoring the operation of equipment and production technology, troubleshooting

Sales Manager, 1 person.

Working with suppliers, searching for sales channels

Driver, 1 person

Logistics, delivery of goods to consumers

Accountant, 1 person

Maintaining accounting records

Director, 1 person

Management and control of the entire operation of the enterprise

The director can be the businessman himself. A technologist and accountant can be outsourced, and a driver can be provided with your own car.


Develop a strategy to promote your product. Use these methods:

  • Creation of a business card website. The Internet is now the most convenient way to obtain information. Develop a website, fill it with useful information.
  • Direct work with consumers. Explore the industries that use rubber granulate. Work directly with organizations. Send proposals by email, organize personal meetings with their representatives, and conduct negotiations.
  • Sales through trade and retail chains of construction stores.
  • Outdoor advertising on city billboards, publication of advertisements in newspapers.

Crumb rubber as a business: a plan with calculations of profitability and payback

The amount of initial investment is 8.18 million rubles.

The capacity of the rubber processing line is 600 kg per hour. With 22 working days per month (8 hours each), up to 100 tons of material can be produced.

The cost of 1 ton of crumbs is from 13 thousand rubles. up to 18 thousand rubles. depending on the faction (black color). The average value is 15.5 thousand rubles. This means that in a month you can sell products worth 1.5 million rubles.

Monthly costs will be approximately 800 thousand rubles. (8 rubles per 1 kg). Net profit per month - 700 thousand rubles. But such a figure can be achieved provided that all the crumbs produced in a month are sold. The likelihood of this happening at first is small.

According to “dry” calculations, the business will pay for itself in 1 year. However, in reality, production pays for itself in 1.5 - 2 years, since the sale of all manufactured products in the first stages is a utopia.

Table 3. Basic values ​​of business financial calculations.

Making crumb rubber as a business has serious advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the niche has not been filled - especially in the regions, which means that competitors will not crush it. On the other hand, you need a lot of money to start a business. Spending 8 million to produce crumbs requires courage and faith in success.

Modern production of crumb rubber from car tires is not difficult to organize if you have high-quality equipment. Most often it is sold in ready-made kits, which greatly simplifies starting your own business. However, just one mixer is enough to get started. How to choose equipment, what characteristics to pay attention to and how much money will you have to spend on it?

Crumb rubber is most often made from old car tires. This is a promising business in the field of secondary raw materials. Car tires belong to hazard class 4 waste. This category also includes, for example, batteries, plastic containers, sand and wood shavings contaminated with oils or petroleum products.

Disposal of tires must be carried out according to special rules: motorists must take them to special centers and pay for recycling. In practice, most car owners neglect these rules. As a result, tires end up in regular landfills, or lie for years in forests and along highways.

Such waste does not pose a great danger to humans, but it does not decompose naturally in nature. They must be disposed of in a special manner. The simplest way to process used tires is to grind them into crumb rubber. But tire crumbs are not waste, but a very valuable resource, which can be used in production.

Most often, recycled tires are used to make rubber tiles - a finishing anti-slip material necessary for covering indoor and outdoor surfaces. The quality properties of rubber tiles are very good, and the fact that they are made from recycled materials only adds to their value.

Why is the tire recycling business profitable?

Opening your own business in the field of rubber crumb and tile production has many prospects. With relatively low investments, most of which will be the price of equipment, such a business promises net profit after a few months of operation.

The production of crumbs from automobile rubber is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, this highly profitable business. An entrepreneur, in fact, uses waste as a raw material (which can even be given to him for free), and the output is high-quality and in-demand building material.

Secondly, in most regions this niche is free. Complex enterprises for processing this type of waste are new for Russia. Therefore, businessmen who manage to open production in their city before others have high competitive advantages.

Thirdly, the problem of recycling old tires is very acute. They do not decompose in the natural environment, pollute the environment, lie in landfills for years, or, worse, remain where unscrupulous car owners left them. This headache for regional authorities and environmental structures. For this reason, an entrepreneur who promises to solve the problem of old tires has the right to count on government support.

Equipment for crumb rubber: mixer or mixer

The main apparatus that is necessary for processing automobile rubber and similar waste into rubber particles is a mixer or mixer. The cost of equipment for the production of crumb rubber, that is, such a mixer, starts from 60 thousand rubles.

The price depends on the manufacturer, power and loading volume of the device. Such a mixer grinds tires to a particle size of 1 to 5 millimeters, and, if necessary, mixes them with glue and dyes to obtain a rubber coating or tile mixture.

Operating principle of tire mixer

The operating principle of this mixer is quite simple. Cleaned, fat-free rubber tires (or similar waste) are immersed in the tank of the apparatus. If it is not crumbs that are being prepared, but a mixture for coating or tiles, glue and, if necessary, dyes are added to the rubber. Next, the mixer mixes all the ingredients.

Workers unload the crumbs or mixture from the tank (remove the removable tray), and load new raw materials into the tank. The processing speed of one batch directly depends on the power of the mixer motor. On average, one batch lasts 2-3 minutes, so during the working day you can get several dozen batches of crumbs weighing 50-70 kilograms.

The main apparatus that is necessary for processing automobile rubber and similar waste into rubber particles is a mixer or mixer

Types of faucets

Most of the devices on the market are divided into 2 types:

  • screw - grinding of raw materials occurs using a knife;
  • bladed - blades grind raw materials to a crumb state.

They do not differ fundamentally in terms of quality characteristics. Screws, as a rule, are more mobile: they can be used not only in the workshop, but also on site, when laying a seamless rubber coating. Bladed ones are equipped with larger tanks and produce larger batches of particles.

Choosing a mixer: what to look for

How to choose a mixer for crumb rubber? Beginning entrepreneurs do not yet know all the intricacies of the work ahead, so they often make the wrong choice. When purchasing, pay attention to the following details and characteristics:

  1. The ratio of tank volume and power. The larger the load, the more powerful the mixer should be. Otherwise, it will grind raw materials poorly, overheat and wear out. For example, for a standard 70-liter tank the power should be above 1.5 kW.
  2. Belt-drive mixers last less. The belt rotates and impairs mixing, and wears out over time.
  3. Faucets with removable tanks are not as convenient as they seem at first glance. The fact is that the large weight of a full tank (about 70 kilograms) makes it difficult to quickly and easily unload the crumbs. In addition, the mixture of them must be poured into separate containers (if it is already mixed with glue and dyes, this is doubly difficult).
  4. It is preferable to choose devices with removable trays. These mixers come with 2-3 removable containers. They are convenient to take out and use in further work - when laying a coating or pouring raw materials into molds.
  5. It is better to choose mixers with vertical loading of raw materials; this is the most convenient and fastest option for workers.

Mixer companies and suppliers

Mixers for crumb rubber are widely available on the market. Manufacturers from Europe, China and Russia offer different models at different prices. Practice shows that most Chinese-made faucets are significantly inferior in terms of quality characteristics and operating time.

On the Internet you can find many reviews from entrepreneurs about Chinese mixers that have worked in their production for only a few months. Most likely, during this time the device will only have time to pay for itself and will not bring significant profit to the owner. It is better to opt for more reliable, albeit more expensive options.

Among manufacturing companies can be called:

  • "Europlitegroup";
  • "Mosreduktor";
  • "Technoline";
  • EcoGold;
  • Rezina-eco.

Each manufacturer has a website where you can study the equipment offered, clarify all the conditions and guarantees, and also consult with a company representative. On average, a good rubber mixer can be purchased for 60-100 thousand rubles.

Most often, rubber particles are used to produce tiles or seamless coatings.

How to use crumb rubber

Most often, rubber particles are used to produce tiles or seamless coatings. But in the first stages, while there is no other necessary equipment and hired workers, you can sell crumb rubber directly - the demand for it is also quite high.

The second option is also good because it does not burden the entrepreneur with additional costs for glue and dyes. That is, it significantly reduces the cost of production. Even having just one mixer and a few batches of old tires can bring in your first income.

What else do you need to buy to produce crumb rubber?

You can start your own business with even one tire mixer. This equipment is used to produce seamless rubber coatings for stadiums, swimming pools, and playgrounds. This is a very profitable business that will help not only recoup the money spent on the device, but also earn money to expand production.

Next you can think about the finished line for the production of rubber tiles. Many manufacturers offer entrepreneurs equipment sets in different variations: from mini-workshops for 2-3 employees to full-fledged lines for 15-20 workers. The cost of the kits starts from 250 thousand rubles and can reach 1.5 million rubles.

Are licenses and permits required for waste disposal?

Car tires are considered hazardous waste, and therefore the question may arise: is it necessary to obtain permission to work with them? To produce crumb rubber, you do not need to obtain special licenses, since this process is not waste disposal, but their mechanical processing.


There are many models of equipment for the production of crumb rubber on the market at prices ranging from 60 to 100 thousand rubles. Even one mixer or mixer will be enough to start your own business: you can sell crumbs to other manufacturers or make seamless coatings.

This business is promising, as it solves the acute problem of recycling car tires. An entrepreneur who has established this production will not experience a shortage of raw materials and has the right to count on the support of regional authorities for assistance in solving environmental problems.

Crumb rubber coating is this year's trend. Moreover, the production of this coating is a very popular area that can bring serious profits. There is practically no competition in this niche, and there are no large monopolies either. In addition, new directions are emerging where this coating is used.

What are the advantages of crumb rubber coating? This modern material has a lot of positive qualities that attract consumers:

  • The coating looks expensive and high quality;
  • Wide range of colors;
  • Large size range;
  • Various thicknesses;
  • Impact-resistant surface;
  • Does not slip;
  • Moisture does not accumulate on it;
  • Does not lose the brightness of colors under the influence of solar radiation;
  • Heat resistance;
  • Long service life - more than 40 years.

The manufacturing technology is quite simple - a mixture of glue with rubber crumbs and the desired color dye is heated to a certain temperature.

Sales market and features of coating production

Before you start putting your idea into practice, you need to analyze the demand and identify the potential market. Since the application of crumb rubber coating is quite versatile, sales can be found in different directions. So, rubber coating will be in demand for:

  • Creating a covering for children's playgrounds;
  • Improvement of the local area in the private sector;
  • Equipment of production sites with a non-slip surface, which reduces injuries;
  • Floor coverings in washing rooms and dressing rooms in saunas and baths;
  • Covering blind areas and areas near skating rinks or swimming pools;
  • Farm floor coverings.

The production technology is so simple that no special skills are required. This direction can even be done as an expansion of the service sector.

For example, owners of a tire shop can use old and unnecessary tires and tires to optimize their workspace and generate additional income from waste parts. They are the basis for creating such a convenient product in the future.

The composition of the rubber coating is as follows:

  • rubber crumb;
  • polyurethane glue;
  • powder dye.

Car tires and tires are crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass. This raw material makes up 85% of the total mass of the finished coating. It should be noted that there is another direction - the production of rubber tiles, but it is somewhat different from what is being considered now. Directly for the production of crumb rubber you will need quite expensive equipment, but it quickly pays for itself.

To expand the range, as an option, you can add rubber granules of different colors in the form of patterns.

The production process is called pressing, and looks like this:

  1. Rubber crumbs, polyurethane glue and dye of the desired color are loaded into the hopper in a ratio of 85:10:5, everything is mixed;
  2. molds are filled with the mixture;
  3. the required vulcanization temperature is set depending on the parameters of the tile;
  4. The finished tiles are removed from the molds after cooling.

There is a second option for making rubber coating from crumbs, vibratory casting: instead of molds, molds are poured in a vibrating table for two days.

Where to begin?

If you have 1.7 million rubles for the initial start, you can immediately rent a room for workshop equipment, buy molds or a vibrating table, equipment for crushing rubber, and start producing coatings from crumbs.

If you buy a grinder, it can produce almost 2.5 tons of crumbs per day. The average selling price per kilogram fluctuates around 12 rubles.

Of course, attractive numbers do not guarantee successful developments. Each step should be worked out and expressed in a business plan over a time period of at least 3 years. You will also have to rely on a specific sales market, that is, simply launching production without sales is an absolutely unsuccessful undertaking.

Costs and payback

If we talk about the payback time for launched production, everything is individual and depends on the scale of the enterprise itself and on the success of marketing the finished product. On average, this figure ranges from one and a half to two years.

Cost calculation (for the purchase of basic equipment for organizing a workshop) will be approximately as follows:

  • press molds - 30 thousand rubles. for one piece;
  • press - approximately 300 thousand rubles;
  • mixing hopper – approx. 200 thousand rubles;
  • a chamber for drying the finished coating - you will need to spend money on available materials, but you can do it yourself.
Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

In addition to the minimum necessary equipment, you will need to spend a certain amount of money on the purchase of raw materials: glue, the crumb itself, powder dyes.

The possibility of production using two-layer technology should also be considered, which will improve the quality of the finished crumb rubber coating. The idea is that the bottom layer of coating will be made from large and cheaper crumbs, and the top layer will be made from a small fraction of rubber crumbs.

The retail cost per square meter of finished products reaches 1,500 rubles.

Production of coating from free raw materials

Since the production of crumb rubber uses disused rubber products, mainly wheel tires, the raw materials for production are not difficult to find - any tire shop will give away a bunch of tires and other rubber waste for free.

In general, the raw materials for production are free auto junk.

It is worth emphasizing the advantages of opening such a business in Russia. The free disposal of worn-out rubber products for cars determines people’s behavior - everything unnecessary is simply thrown away. Compared to European countries, the car owner must pay a fee for recycling unnecessary tires, and also deliver them to a special recycling point.

In our country, a car owner will be happy to give away tires for free, just so as not to waste his time on it. If the tires themselves are free, then to collect them you need to go around the city and nearby settlements. Depreciation on fuel and lubricants and payment to the driver are added to the costs. Alternatively, you can enter into an agreement with large transport companies for the supply of tires - the flow of rubber for production will be stable.

The technology for shredding rubber tires is one of two options:

  1. mechanical impact;
  2. shock wave impact.

The second option is more compact (in terms of installation dimensions) and economical in terms of electricity consumption, but the installation itself will require serious investments to purchase it. In addition, it will be necessary to supplement the shock wave installation with refrigeration equipment. The tire will disintegrate into small pieces when exposed to a temperature of 90 degrees.

To locate production, it is necessary to find and rent a premises provided with electricity with a voltage of 380 kW, opposite the usual 220, this is due to the fact that the characteristics of the installation require an energy flow of 15 kW/hour. The area sufficient for production is 60 sq. m.

From the workforce, you can limit yourself to hiring a minimum number of employees, based on 24/7 work in three shifts - two operators per shift, and in general, a staff of 8 employees. Two storage rooms should be equipped - one large for raw materials, the second - 4 times smaller, for finished products.

As already indicated, a seven-day, 24-hour working week will be the most profitable and cost-effective. You should be prepared for fairly large expenses. For example, if the workshop productivity is 100 kg/hour, you will have to spend:

  1. $30,000 for the purchase of equipment (depending on the model and equipment of the devices);
  2. $2,000 for the preparation of various documents and certificates;
  3. $3,000 monthly – to pay rent for premises;
  4. About $5,000 should be the staff payroll monthly.

At the indicated productivity, 72 tons of coating will be produced at the end of the month, during the implementation of which most of the costs will already be covered. And this - if you sell crumbs, $500 for 1 ton of rubber crumbs ($36,000 for the first month of work).

There will still be a small additional income to support the enterprise - 25% of the total mass of raw materials is the metal released from the tires, plus tires are often given away with broken metal parts of the wheel. Sales of the metal will generate a small income, compensating for part of the costs.

If you organize your own production of rubber tiles, combining the processing and production workshop of rubber coating, the cost of delivering raw materials will be zero, increasing all the economic indicators of the company.

A working idea for recycling car tires and producing crumb rubber and coating from it can not only bring good income to the organizer, but also make the surrounding area cleaner without harming the environment.

It must be said that a similar idea has already been brought to life in the production of road surfaces, to which the mentioned material is added – crumb rubber. Thus, the constructed roads become less expensive, and for manufacturers the crumbs are a fairly stable consumer, providing stable orders for the work of even a large enterprise.

At the moment, existing enterprises are offering to open their businesses as franchises. Don't be afraid to act, develop and promote your business the right way.