Repair Design Furniture

A fence with white brick posts. Fence posts: installation and arrangement of columns made of various materials and structures (100 photos). Lego brick

A brick pillar is equally useful for fencing a prison castle and a garden plot. The versatility of bricks is a guarantee of love. You can find brick pillars in the fence of the royal palaces, as well as in the fences of the villagers. So, all about laying brick pillars.

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The method of creating artificial stone from clay, which appeared at the dawn of human history, revolutionized the way of life and the improvement of the home. Having learned about the firmness and unpretentiousness of pieces of burnt clay, mankind stepped into a historical era, which we can judge by the masterpieces of architecture that have survived to this day.

Modern brick is really worthy of all praise. Strong, durable, not subject to corrosion from precipitation, aesthetically attractive. To create the illusion of protection from the external evil world - the ideal material!

Brick can be used to create not only "brick-rectangular", but also the most fantastic shapes that will cause envy and surprise. What is worth only of “aged” bricks covered with artificial patina? You will immediately rise in the eyes of your neighbors to the level of a "sovereign lord" of the Middle Ages!

The brick is worthy to serve as the basis for the tranquility and satisfied pride of the owner of a piece of land for years to come.

Which brick is right

For the construction of fence posts - any. From the cheapest to the most elite. It all depends on the requests of the owner of a plot of land in need of fencing.

There are bricks on the market:

  • Ceramic;
  • Silicate;
  • Hyper-pressed.

Delicate Veneer Hollow

Within these types of material, you can choose the one you like, or the one drawn in the designer's project.

The best option in terms of price / quality ratio is ceramic hollow brick.

Dimensions are standardized, but ... may vary depending on the manufacturer. If you are an adherent of rectangular shapes, then your choice is a standard brick. If your fantasies are above average - shaped, textured or clinker.

It all depends on the design project of the fence and the financial ability to implement the idea.

Start of construction

Decide on the design. The minimalistic shape of the pillar is one and a half bricks. Economical and quick to install. Heavy shapes in 2 or more bricks - for the spenders or fans of artsy shapes.

Design what building material you can use to reinforce the masonry. There are several options.

  • Hollow masonry filled with cement mortar (with filler);
  • Reinforcement with reinforcement (bar 8–32 mm.);
  • Steel pipe d - from 100 to 200 mm. (depending on the brick). According to GOST - length from 190 to 240 mm;
  • Channel: shelf height from 80 to 200 mm.

The pillar reinforcement support point is 400–500 mm below the foundation depth.


So that the work does not turn into torture and does not drag on for centuries, prepare the necessary tool in advance:

  • Concrete mixer or trough with a volume of 25-100 liters;
  • Stretcher or construction wheelbarrow;
  • Angle grinder (grinder);
  • Cutting discs (diamond or stone);
  • Water level 10-30 meters long;
  • Ideally - a laser plane builder (laser level);
  • Construction plumb line;
  • Building level (L - not less than 1000 mm);
  • Trowels;
  • Spatulas;
  • Jointing;
  • Kirochka mason;
  • Hammer;
  • Chisel.

When laying from the front profiled bricks - a large amount of cotton rags and a bucket of water for grouting mortar drips.


After the foundation is poured and settled - at least 30 days! You can start building.

The first stage is waterproofing. It is made of waterproof bituminous material: roofing material, technonikol, monobitep, armobitep, ekarbit or their analogs with other trade names.

The laying of the first crown begins along the waterproofing, without applying a solution.

In the future, laying is carried out using a level and a plumb line. (ideally a laser plane builder). In order for the joints between the bricks to have a perfectly even width, amateurs use templates - a steel bar or a strip 10–12 mm thick.

A rare case when it is necessary to cut bricks (when installing embedded parts, arranging channels for communications) is realized with the help of a "grinder" equipped with a disc "on brick" or on concrete. The cuts are knocked out with a chisel or pick.

When using shaped, textured or clinker bricks in the masonry, to preserve the shape and appearance of the brick, all drops or drips of the masonry mortar are washed off with a damp cloth with plenty of water.

Within 20-30 minutes "jointing" of the seams is carried out using a standard jointing (tool) or a template set by the designers.

If the masonry is carried out without a supporting reinforcing element, every second row is laid with sheets of reinforcing steel mesh, cut 10-20 mm less than the perimeter of the masonry.

Ideal for masonry is the spring-summer-autumn season, when there are no frosts below 0 ° C. Otherwise, you will have to add additives (antifreezes) to the masonry mortar that reduce the dew point - the temperature at which water crystallization begins.

Arrangement of communication channels

The hollowness of the inner space of the brick pillars allows you to implement various ideas for external lighting, laying alarm communications, and warning systems for invited and uninvited guests.

For this, a cut is made in the brick, less often a hole is drilled with a diameter of at least 3 times the diameter of the cable. The best option is to lay a steel pipe with a diameter of 25–40 mm in the brickwork at the place of entry of the electric wires.

Never lay electrical wiring between bricks! Into the mortar. Brickwork is subject to shrinkage and deformation. The electric wire can be cut under the influence of the brick mass and uneven pressure.

In addition, if it is necessary to replace the wiring or install additional equipment, the presence of channels will facilitate the work without violating the integrity of the pillars.

Installation of mortgages and caps

If the supporting brick pillars are the basis for the installation of light openings made of wood or steel corrugated board, then fastening elements will be needed to fasten them. In construction, they are called “mortgages”.

The best option is to weld the steel elements to the support reinforcement. Strong and durable. But this requires a welding machine.

Brickwork is hygroscopic. That is, it easily absorbs moisture. To protect it from atmospheric precipitation, it must be protected by caps or plates made of waterproof material: ceramic, paving slabs or roll-up waterproofing, which was used to build the foundation.

Tin caps are an element of design creativity. The main thing is that the external overhangs have a slope of at least 10 ° and overlap the perimeter of the post by at least 100 mm.

Aesthetic and beautiful fencing gives the landscape of the site a finished and attractive look. In order for the structure of the fence to perform not only decorative functions, but also to protect the territory from unwanted visitors and illegal intrusions, the fence must be of high quality, durable and reliable.

All these requirements are met by such a structural material as a brick. And if there is no desire or opportunity to build a fence entirely of brick, a fence with brick pillars would be an excellent solution. They increase the durability of any type of fence, and also give the landscape of the site an element of solidity.

It may seem that only a professional bricklayer can erect brick pillars for a fence with your own hands. However, this impression is wrong. Of course, an inexperienced home craftsman will spend more time installing brickwork than a craftsman with many years of experience. However, with careful observance of the technology, it is possible not only to build mine fence yourself, but also save you a significant amount of money.

The brick for the fence posts must be chosen carefully, and the choice must be approached responsibly, since the strength of the entire structure depends on it. Most often, the two most popular types of bricks are used, the features of each of which should be considered in more detail.

Kind of brick Advantages disadvantages
Smooth facing brick · affordable price;

Aesthetic appearance

· Low strength and wear resistance (after a few years, the cladding begins to lose particles of the front layer and crumble);

· Poor resistance to negative environmental influences (temperature drops, wind and precipitation can significantly accelerate material wear).

Textured ("rock") is a decorative brick · High wear resistance;

· High level of strength;

· Good resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

· high price

As a compromise option, a combination of two types of bricks is often used at once - this allows you to build reliable and beautiful brick pillars at no extra cost.

Having made the decision to equip a fence with brick pillars on your site, you also need to determine what material the sections will be made of. There are a number of common options, for example:

The choice of material for filling the sections directly depends both on the aesthetic preferences and financial capabilities of the owner, and on the style of decoration of buildings and structures on the fenced area.

Several important nuances in the manufacture of a fence with brick pillars

When constructing brick pillars with your own hands, you should take into account a number of important nuances:

Preparation of tools and accessories for work

In order to perform high-quality masonry of brick posts for the fence, you will need a set of professional tools. You will definitely need:

10. Rubberized gloves. Without them, working with cement mortar is very harmful to the skin of the hands.

Erection of pillars from bricks - detailed instructions

How to lay a brick column without experience in such work? You should carefully read each of the stages of work. When erecting brick posts, in addition to the recommendations of this instruction, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the plan for installing the fence.

Terrain marking

  1. It is necessary to prepare a site plan - a "red line" should be marked on it (a fence will be installed along it).
  2. Determine the reference point (usually this is one of the corners of the future fence) and drive in a piece of reinforcement or a small peg there.
  3. Determine the required width of the trench for the foundation and drive in the second peg at the required distance from the first.
  4. At the opposite end of the future fence, you need to drive in two similar pegs.
  5. Stretch and fix two twines between the anchor points (if the fence is planned to be installed not on one, but on several sides of the site, these steps will need to be repeated for each of them).

Trench preparation

  1. You need to dig a trench in the strip that was determined during the marking of the terrain. Its depth should be 350 - 450 mm.
  2. Drill holes for reinforcing bars or metal support pillars. The depth of each should be 50 - 70 cm, the width is calculated as the diameter of the support pillar plus 15 - 20 cm, the distance between the holes should be 2 - 2.5 m.
  3. Pour a mixture of sand and gravel on the bottom of the trench, compact it as much as possible. The thickness of this pillow should be between 10 and 15 cm.
  4. Sand should also be poured into the bottom of the holes - a layer 8 - 10 cm thick is enough. It also needs to be tamped.

  1. Place a layer of waterproofing material in the prepared holes.
  2. Fasten metal cross-members from the bottom to the sides of the rack (this can be done by welding several pieces of large diameter reinforcement, metal corners or pipes).
  3. Place the support vertically into the prepared hole (check the correctness of installation using a plumb line or a level) and fix it.
  4. Pour mortar into the hole around the rack - it will consist of a mixture of concrete and rubble.
  5. Tamp the solution to remove air voids from it.
  6. Allow the crushed stone-concrete mixture to harden around the supports.

Fence frame device

Strength set with concrete

  1. Concrete hardening and curing takes about a month. For this period, work with the foundation tape must be suspended.
  2. The next day after pouring the formwork, you need to water the foundation with water. Repeat the procedure every day for two weeks.
  3. The formwork can be removed after two weeks.

Jumper arrangement

These works can be carried out during the period of the foundation building up, but not earlier than 10 days after pouring.

  1. At a height of 35 - 40 cm from the top of the racks, fix the metal jumpers in a horizontal position.
  2. Perform a similar operation at a height of 35 - 40 cm from the level of the foundation.
  3. If the fence is planned to be of great height, you can arrange an additional row of jumpers in the middle.

Brick masonry for fence posts

These works are carried out only after the end of the "maturation" of the foundation tape.

    1. Along the perimeter of the planned row of bricks, lay pieces of reinforcement on all four sides.
    2. While holding the segments, apply a layer of mortar to the foundation within the indicated perimeter and smooth over the thickness of the reinforcement.
    3. Lay the brick (the position can be checked with a level) to achieve the perfect result, it can be lightly tapped with a rubber mallet.
    4. Set the fifth segment at the level of the outer edge of the brick.
    5. Holding the reinforcement, grease the side of the brick with mortar.
    6. Lay the next brick next to the first one.
    7. Remove the vertical piece of reinforcement from the seam, move it to the edge of the second brick, grease this edge with mortar and install the next brick.
    8. Repeat the operation from clause 7 until the end of laying the horizontal row.
    9. Remove the reinforcement from the seams - the remaining empty space between the bricks will need to be filled with a mortar mixture and "jointing" the seams after four rows have been laid out.
    10. Lay out the reinforcement pieces on the finished row and apply a layer of mortar.
    11. Repeat steps 3 - 10 until the level of the brickwork reaches the planned height of the pillar.
    12. Close the hole at the top of the support post with a metal plate, apply a layer of cement mortar on top.
    13. Mount a protective cap on top of the post on the laid out post (metal must be fixed with dowels, and concrete must be fixed to a layer of mortar).

For clarity, we suggest watching a video on the construction of brick posts for a fence:

Brick fence posts are ready. You can start installing fence spans on previously mounted metal lintels.


- brick laying is done around the support posts;

- the consistency of the masonry mortar must be homogeneous, it must be applied in a thin layer. To achieve this effect, the sand must be carefully sieved through a fine mesh sieve before being added to the masonry mortar.

If there is no experience in arranging brickwork at all, then you should not start laying out the posts for the fence right away. You can practice a little - for example, lay out a small test brick wall or fold a post in an inconspicuous place. The acquired skills will help you make beautiful and neat brick posts.

It is not difficult to build and veneer brick fence posts on your own. It is important to carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the masonry rules. If the construction scheme is violated, the brick columns will turn out to be unstable and quickly collapse. For cladding, it is recommended to use yellow, brown or red decorative bricks.

Materials and tools

A beautiful fence with brick pillars, forged gates and a wicket will not only decorate the personal plot, but also serve as a reliable fence. Before starting the construction of the fence, you need to make a work plan, a drawing. If you want to build the fence yourself, it is important to carefully study the stages of work and lay bricks without disrupting the technology. If a decision is made to hire a team of builders, they will offer ready-made drawings. When all the options are agreed and the material is calculated correctly, it is necessary to prepare the tools that will be needed during construction. It is recommended to stock up on the following "arsenal":

  • shovels - shovel and bayonet;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • buckets 2-3 pcs.;
  • Master OK;
  • spatulas;
  • measuring device - level, corner, tape measure, plumb line;
  • a motor drill or hand drill for making recesses for metal piles;
  • scaffolds or goats, with which you can lay out the pillars of brick in the upper part;
  • rubberized gloves that protect hands from the negative effects of the solution.

How to calculate the size and quantity of materials?

To perform calculations, you need to know the parameters of the brick.

It is not difficult to carry out the correct calculation of the material, the main thing is that the dimensions of the fence are precisely determined. The brick pillar is laid out in such a way that one side consists of one and a half blocks. Based on this, it becomes clear that 4 pieces will be needed for laying 1 row. bricks. The standard fired block is 120 mm wide and 250 mm long. The size of one side of a square column is calculated as follows:

  • 250 + 120 + 10 = 380 mm, where 10 is the joint width.

The thickness of 1 block is 65 mm, therefore, taking into account the inter-row seams, in order to fold a support with a height of 2 m, an average of 110 pieces will be needed. Next, the thickness of the row with seams is calculated:

  • 65 + 10 = 75 mm.

To determine the number of rows, you need to divide the height of the column by the thickness of the row:

  • 2000 / 75 = 27.

It is important to take into account the moment that the first 3-4 rows from the bottom are laid out from full-bodied blocks. This is required in order for the fence supports to have a large weight and reliable stability. It is recommended to fasten the supports on screw piles embedded in the foundation. The number of round piles is equal to the number of pillars, while the height of the pipes is taken 500-600 mm more than the size of the planned brick support, because this difference will be buried in the concrete base. Often, instead of piles, round metal reinforcing bars with a diameter of about 15 mm are used. They are also fixed to the foundation. It is important to tie the base with a reinforcing belt. For the formation of 1 pillar, you will need a round bar in the amount of 4-6 pcs.

Stages of work

It is better to choose a strip foundation as the basis for the pillars.

In order for a fence with brick pillars to be strong and reliable, it is recommended to make a strip foundation as a base, which is additionally reinforced with a reinforcing structure. The reinforcement of the supports is carried out using piles or a round reinforcing bar, around which bricks are laid. The height of the fence posts can reach up to 3 m, but it is important to take into account that the higher the support, the more durable and powerful the foundation should be made. If the fence is combined, for example, a metal profile is installed in the span, the distance between brick posts is controlled, on average it is 3000 mm. All these points must be taken into account in the drawings, otherwise the brick fence around the house will be unstable and quickly collapse.

Formation of the foundation

Before you put brick pillars under the fence with your own hands, you must first lay a strong and reliable one. To do this, a trench with a depth of 50-1000 mm is pulled out along the planned perimeter, which is well compacted, after which it is covered with a sand-gravel cushion with an average thickness of 20-25 cm. Further, the core of future supports for a brick fence is laid. Reinforcement is recommended to strengthen the foundation. After that, the finished structure is poured with concrete, and until the foundation dries out completely, construction is not carried out.

For the solution to be reliable, it is recommended for preparation to mix in proportions of 1: 2.8: 4.8 shares of cement, sand and crushed stone, respectively.

How is masonry done?

A wide range of colors of bricks allows you to make the pillars as close as possible in shade to the decoration of the house.

Pole bricks must be durable, frost-resistant, moisture-proof. These characteristics are possessed by clinker material. In addition to high performance, the product has a wide range of colors. Therefore, you can build a brown, yellow or red fence that will match the facing material laid out on the house.

There are 2 masonry options - 1.5 and 2 bricks. In order for the design to be neat and beautiful, it is important to control the size of the seams in each row. For fastening a picket fence with brick pillars, iron mortgages are formed at the bottom and top of the support. Also, the mortgage will hold the gate with wickets. Reinforcement with a metal mesh is used to strengthen the pillars.

Brick fences are the strongest, most reliable and durable fences. They not only protect homesteads from intruders and prying eyes, but also prevent strong winds from entering.

A brick fence erected in accordance with all the rules will withstand any temperature extremes. Structures are not afraid of precipitation and groundwater.

Impressive fences testify to the high status of the land owners. The exterior of the structures speaks of solidity and prosperity. Brick fences can beautify any area. Structures are often found not only near large mansions, but also near office buildings.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of erecting brick fences, tell you what tools and materials will be required and what should be taken into account when carrying out construction work.

Photo # 1: brick fence

The choice of brick for the fence

The choice of brick for the fence depends on:

  • climatic conditions of a particular area;
  • characteristics of the soil on the site.

In addition, the material should be in harmony with the architectural style of the building and be combined with the landscape design of the land plot.

When erecting brick fences, various blocks can be used:

  • ceramic, they are made by firing clay;
  • silicate, made by pressing sand, water and lime with subsequent heat treatment.

Depending on the features of the application, the above materials are divided into:

  • construction (used for the construction of foundations, walls and ceilings);
  • facing (used both for decoration and for the manufacture of basic structural elements).

Blocks of the latter type are ideal for the construction of beautiful and durable brick fences. Modern facing materials:

  • durable and reliable;
  • frost-resistant;
  • available in various colors;
  • differ in a variety of sizes and shapes.

Photo # 2: facing brick fence

With the help of such blocks (clinker, torn, "bassoon", etc.) it is possible to erect unique brick fences with broken geometry of pillars and walls. Combining colors during the masonry process allows you to create original patterns and interesting ornaments.

Drawing # 1: popular ornaments

Ceramic bricks are suitable for the construction of all fencing elements. Material:

  • strong and durable (especially the full-bodied variety);
  • moisture resistant, this factor determines the suitability of ceramic bricks for the construction of foundations and plinths;
  • environmentally friendly.

Silicate blocks are cheaper, but they have a lower moisture resistance. It is not recommended to use such bricks for the construction of foundations and plinths. Their advantages include maximum frost resistance and increased strength.

In the process of designing a brick fence, the height and thickness of the structure should be determined.

  • If the fence will perform only a decorative function, then you can do with laying in half a brick. Blocks are placed with a long edge along the fence line. When building in a whole brick, the elements are installed across the fence.
  • The construction of fences for protection involves the use of masonry at least 1.5 bricks.

Figure No. 2: types of masonry

For decorative delineation of territories, brick fences with a height of 0.5 to 1 m may be suitable. Protection of areas involves the construction of larger fences. The optimum height is 3-3.5 m.

To obtain stable and rigid structures, brick fences are not erected with solid masonry. Pillars are installed along the perimeter of the fence at a distance of 2.5 to 6 m from each other with the simultaneous erection of walls.

The choice of the step for placing the vertical supports depends on the thickness and height of the walls. In the places where wickets and gates are installed, the pillars are also placed without fail.

Picture No. 3: diagram of pillars

After determining the characteristics of a brick fence, an accurate drawing should be prepared indicating the dimensions of all its elements (pillars, intermediate sections, gates, gates, etc.). Without a project, it will not be possible to correctly calculate the amount of materials.

Calculation of a brick fence

The correct calculation of a brick fence will allow you to perform the table below.

Table No. 1: Consumption of materials

The calculation of the amount of cement and sand required for the construction of a brick fence can be approached not so scrupulously. Additional purchases of these components will go smoothly. When mixing solutions, the following proportions are used:

Table no. 2: proportions of solutions

Materials and tools necessary for the construction of brick fences

The main materials of a brick fence are blocks, cement and sand. In addition to them, you will need:

  • fine crushed stone (5-20 mm);
  • water;
  • poles (profiled pipes 60 * 60 mm are optimal) with plugs;
  • plywood sheets or boards (for formwork);
  • pegs (for marking);
  • reinforcing mesh (to improve the reliability of the structure).

In addition, it is necessary to buy bituminous roofing material (for waterproofing).

When erecting brick fences, you cannot do without:

  • containers with a shovel for mixing concrete or an electric mixer;
  • ropes;
  • fittings;
  • grinders;
  • level;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • buckets;
  • trowel.

To protect the fence from atmospheric precipitation, you should take care of purchasing caps and visors. The installation of additional structures (gates, gates, etc.) requires an expansion of the basic set of tools and materials.

DIY brick fence construction

DIY brick fence construction is a long and laborious process that requires the knowledge and skills of a bricklayer, as well as accurate calculations. One person may not even have enough season (spring - autumn) to build such a fence.

If you are not confident in your abilities, contact a reliable company. Professionals will correctly calculate the amount of materials, take into account all the features of the site and build a brick fence, which will stand for decades without the need for maintenance and repair.

You do not have to waste your own time and energy, as well as involve close people or unverified helpers. A team of specialists will do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you still want to install a brick fence yourself, read the instructions below.

Stages of building a brick fence

1. Layout of the site for a brick fence

Pegs are driven in at the corners of the future fence and along the walls. The rope is being pulled. Places of installation of pillars, gates and gates are marked.

The corners must be strictly straight. The correctness of the marking is carefully verified with a square.

2. Construction of the foundation for a brick fence

  • A trench is dug with a depth of 700-800 mm. Its width should be 20 cm more than the planned width of the foundation. At the bottom, layers of sand (1 cm) and crushed stone (1 cm) are poured.
  • Holes are being prepared for the installation of pillars. Formwork and reinforcement cage are being built. Poles with plugs are installed.

Photo # 3: Erection of the foundation

  • A trench is dug for the blind area. Depth - 150 mm, width - 500 mm. The bottom is covered with a layer of rubble. The fittings are being supplied.
  • The solution is mixed, the foundation and the sill are poured.

Make sure the posts are straight upright. This will avoid problems when erecting a brick fence.

3. Laying a brick fence

Before laying a brick fence, the frozen foundation for waterproofing is covered with a layer of bitumen-based roofing material.

For the construction of the most reliable fencing, a single integral structure of supports and plinths should be gradually erected. If you first install the pillars, and after them - the piers, you get a less durable structure.

Photo number 4: the correct construction of the fence

Let's consider the process of laying a brick fence in more detail.

The sequence of laying a brick fence

Here is the sequence for laying a standard brick fence. The pillars are laid in 1.5 bricks, the basements - in 1, and the main parts of the walls - in half a brick.

The construction process takes place in several stages.

  1. Checking the layout. The first row of the future fencing is placed on the surface of the foundation covered with roofing material without applying mortar. This is done in order to once again make sure that the supports are installed correctly.
  2. Formation of pillars. Profiled pipes are laid at a height of 3 bricks. A reinforced mesh is placed between the first and second rows according to the size of the future support.
  3. Installation of plinths. The foundations of the walls are also laid to a height of 3 bricks.
  4. A bunch of pillars and plinths. In the process of erecting the fourth row of a brick fence, a reinforced mesh is recessed into the solution. It should go beyond the boundaries of the pillars by 2.5 bricks.
  5. Simultaneous laying of supports and walls (already in half a brick). Fencing elements are erected with reinforcement every three rows.

Photo No. 5: installation of the wall

At the end of the installation, protective caps and visors are put on the brick fence.

Photo No. 6: metal structures protect the fence from atmospheric precipitation

You can install a brick fence with your own hands in the country today, having at hand a simple set of ordinary tools, materials and following simple instructions. A brick fence is considered an elite class structure that has won the trust of many people since ancient times. Advantages of a brick structure: strength, reliability, durable service, resistance to adverse factors. It is also time-tested.

Blank fence

Despite the high cost, many owners of private houses prefer to have such a fence on their site because of the excellent aesthetic appearance. At the same time, the material has increased resistance to mechanical stress and extreme weather conditions.

There are many more options for building materials from which you can build a brick fence with your own hands. They all have their own supporters, as well as advantages and disadvantages. In any case, such a structure will always look, providing full protection of the territory from illegal entry and other factors from the outside.

Calculation and selection of bricks

Today you can build a fence with brick pillars from a variety of building materials. The cost and labor intensity of the work will depend on this. For such a structure, three types of bricks are most often used:

  • standard;
  • silicate;
  • facing.

Fence with forging elements

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Solid fencing

The next step is to determine the height and thickness of the fence. If it is only as a decorative element on your territory, then you can make it half a brick thick. Basically, fences are erected with a thickness of 1.5 or 2 bricks, and often even 3. The height also depends on the purpose and requirements of the owners, but usually it is from 0.5 to 3.5 m.

If the fence is sectional, then the calculations for consumables and mortar are carried out first for one section and a column.

Then this figure can be multiplied by the total number of sections and posts, respectively.


Brick fences have been serving people for many years as a full-fledged protection fence, as well as a decorative structure. They have excellent aesthetic and consumer qualities: strength, reliability, durable service, fire resistance, frost resistance.

Diagram of the strip base device

In addition, they can withstand gusty winds and other adverse weather conditions. However, due to the high cost of the material itself and its masonry, combined fences are often built, which are much cheaper.

Basically, they are of the following types:

  1. with brick posts. Quite an attractive option for lovers of forged products with a combination of stone. Massive brick columns with various architectural forms are connected with a forged decorative lattice of various styles, depending on the preferences of the owner. Such designs usually do not completely cover the area from prying eyes, which for some may be a disadvantage.
  2. ... For this design, they build brick pillars for the fence with their own hands. They are connected to each other by shaped pipes on which the corrugated board is mounted. Such a fence is very simple to build and is much cheaper. Decking can be selected in various colors.
  3. Complete brick fences. Classic fences, which can be or through. For the through type, the brickwork is laid so that through holes appear in the structure. The laying of brick pillars is also different here. Often, wiring is made on them, on which.

Drawing of the device of the base of the fence

Construction activities are carried out in stages: marking the territory, laying the foundation and the masonry process itself.


All lines and corners are built as even as possible. The distance of brick pillars for a do-it-yourself fence depends on the width of the fence and is mainly 3-6 m.


The base for the fence differs from the foundation of the house in that it does not require great depth, and the reinforced frame is made with reinforcement of a smaller diameter. is being built in several stages:

  1. After marking the site along the cords, a trench 20 cm deep is dug manually or with an excavator. To determine the width, add the width of the brick wall to the two depths of the foundation.
  2. A drainage layer consisting of gravel and sand is usually added to the trench, which is carefully poured with water and well tamped.
  3. If there are slopes on the territory, formwork should be built from boards according to the height of the structure. In this case, you should carefully monitor the position of the frame: it must stand strictly vertically. The height of the base is usually 10–20 cm.
  4. After that, the bottom of the trench is 3 cm thick with a 1: 3: 3 ratio of cement, crushed stone and sand, respectively.
  5. In the course of concrete hardening, a metal frame is installed, consisting of reinforcement connected by wire, since welding is inappropriate here. Then the rest is poured.
  6. After that, the concrete must be periodically pierced with a metal bar to remove any remaining voids. The prepared substrate is left for about a week to achieve maximum strength. To protect it from adverse weather, it can be covered with a rag. After that, the formwork is removed and the surface of the foundation is covered with waterproofing.

Finished base

Fence masonry

For the construction of a brick fence, cement mortar is used, using single-row masonry. Today, decorative masonry is very popular, when the elements are laid in a special way, as a result of which diamond-shaped openings are obtained. If the fence has a high height, then use a two-row masonry.

Reinforced masonry

To build a beautiful functional structure, you need to strictly follow the order of the masonry and make the correct dressing of the seams:

  1. First, you need to lay out several brick rows on the foundation. At the same time, nails are installed in the corners as an order. Next, a solution is applied to the brick row, and the excess is immediately removed. To ensure high adhesion, the material is pre-wetted with water. It is very important to monitor the correct level of the masonry, constantly checking it with a taut twine. In addition, you can build a wooden frame and move the horizontal plank higher and higher as you build it. You also need to make sure that the solution is laid out in the same volume, and its excess should be immediately removed.