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Lisov Vasily Ivanovich biography. Lisov Vasily Ivanovich. Awards and titles

Acting Rector of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. S. Ordzhonikidze.

1.Date, year and place of birth

2.Education information: higher

The area of ​​training (specialty) in which the education was received, graduated (when, what):

in 1975, Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute (Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy since 1994), specialty - process engineer;

in 1999 Russian State Social University, specialty - lawyer.

3. Subjects and number of scientific papers:

“Issues of managing socio-economic development, training of qualified workers and specialists”;

More than 120 scientific works, including 15 monographs, 6 textbooks and teaching aids, one invention (list attached).

4. Information on the award of academic degrees, indicating the topics of dissertations and the date of their award:

Candidate of Historical Sciences; the topic of the candidate's dissertation is “Party leadership of education reform in 1971-1980” - 1985;

Doctor of Economic Sciences; topic of doctoral dissertation “Organizational and methodological aspects of the formation of large integrated structures in the Russian economy” - 2000.

5. Information on the award of academic titles indicating the date of their assignment:

Academic title: Associate Professor, 1986;

Academic title: Professor, 2001;

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, 2007.

6. Information on the completion of advanced training or professional retraining or internship over the past five years, which contributes to preparation for solving the tasks facing the rector of the university:

Advanced training at the Institute for Training of Leading Pedagogical Personnel of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" on the topic "Management of innovative processes in higher professional education" from September 15 to December 15, 2008.

7. Information about awards and honorary titles:

Honorary title “Honored Scientist of Russia” - 2008;

Nominee of the National Award “Russian of the Year” for 2005 – 2006;

Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology - 2003, in the field of education - 2007; Zhukov Medal - 1996; medal of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg - 2003; medal "Laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center" - 2004; Medal of the Security Council of the Russian Federation “For Merit in Ensuring National Security” - 2002; medal “90 years of the Cheka-KGB-FSB” - 2008; insignia for military personnel “For Service in the Caucasus” - 2002; FNPR medal “100 years of trade unions in Russia” - 2004; commemorative badge “Physical protection” of the Federal Service for Taxation and Police - 2001.

8. Information about bringing to disciplinary, material, civil, administrative and criminal liability: not brought.

9.What foreign languages ​​does he speak?

French, English (with dictionary).

10. Information about participation in elected government bodies: did not participate.

11. Information about the work, including length of service and nature of management activities:

06.1970-06.1975 – student at the Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute;

04.1972-11.1974 – coach of SDSO “Burevestnik” in handball;

11.1974-06.1976 – Chairman of the trade union committee of the Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute;

06.1976-11.1977 – Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute;

11.1977-04.1981 – instructor of the student youth department, head of the student youth department of the Voronezh regional committee of the Komsomol;

04.1981-07.1981 – head of the department of propaganda and agitation of the Central District Committee of the CPSU;

07.1981-02.1984 – head of the sector of schools for working and rural youth of the school youth department of the Komsomol Central Committee;

02.1984-11.1988 – Deputy Head of the School Youth Department of the Komsomol Central Committee;

11.1988-10.1989 – inspector of the department of science, culture and health of the USSR People's Control Committee;

10.1989-12.1989 – leading inspector of the department of science, culture and health of the USSR People's Control Committee;

12.1989-12.1990 – chief specialist of the department of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for women’s affairs, family protection, motherhood and childhood of the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

12.1990 - 03.1992 – First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Children's Fund named after. V.I. Lenin;

04.1992-08.1992 – Vice-President of the International Association of Children's Funds;

08.1992-09.1993 – President of the Social Protection Fund;

09.1993-04.1995 – President of JSC Rosagroprom;

04.1995-01.1996 – General Director of OJSC Financial and Industrial Group “Metal Industry”;

01.1996-10.1998 – Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Board of the commercial bank Interbank;

11.1998-06.1999 – Advisor to the Director of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, group of advisers to the Office of the Director of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

06.1999-01.2000 – First Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Voronezh Region;

01.2000-08.2001 – Head of the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

08.2001-04.2002 – Deputy Head of the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia;

04.2002-05.2002 – professor, vice-rector of Moscow State Social University;

05.2002-01.2009 – Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Education Committee, First Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education;

01.2009 – present – ​​acting rector of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. S. Ordzhonikidze.

Management experience - more than 25 years, of which

President of JSC Rosagroprom, General Director of OJSC Financial and Industrial Group Metalloindustry, Chairman of the Board of CB Interbank, First Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Voronezh Region; Vice-Rector of Moscow State Social University; First Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education; Acting Rector of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. S. Ordzhonikidze, editor-in-chief of the journal “News of Higher Educational Institutions. Geology and exploration".

An anniversary is always an important and significant event for any person, his family, friends, work colleagues, the organization in which he works, as well as for his many acquaintances with their various assessments of the meaning of life.

In his autobiographical book “AND SPRING WILL COME AGAIN” it is written like this: “I was born in April 1952 in the village of Verkhniy Byk, Vorobyovsky district, Voronezh region. If you look at the map, this is the very junction with the Volgograd steppes. But our region here, in the southeast, was cut up in huge numbers by ravines, one of which, with its protrusion, seemed to someone like the head and spine of a bull. This is how the two villages located nearby were nicknamed - Upper and Lower Byki. Not the expanse of fields, but the expanse of the soul.”

Rector of MGRI-RGGRU - scientist - manager. Specialist managers know different “management schools” - American, European, Japanese, Arab, etc. In general, for a good leader, much is determined by personal traits of character and temperament. A good leader is one who is strict but fair towards each of his subordinates. An excellent situation is when subordinates adore the leader and are ready to sacrifice for the success of the business under his leadership.

Some of the listed features undoubtedly exist in the personality of Rector V.I. Lisova. Something is missing, but after his 60 years it is not too late for him to find it according to the proverb: “Live forever, learn!”

The career of a cultured person is evident. A music connoisseur who graduated from a children's music school. Organizer of his own university musical group VIA “Vesna” with experience of traveling abroad to festivals. From his biographical book: “Songs born or sung on Voronezh soil are also honed to the gospel, and therefore their sound gives joy and surprise from purity and lightness” (p. 40).

The rector of MGRI-RGGRU is also a great handball player, and even was a handball coach for the SDSO “Burevestnik” for 2 years.

By Vasily Ivanovich’s own admission, his character is “ruff”.

Since 2009 V.I. Lisov is the rector of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University (RGGRU) of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation.

Candidate's thesis defended in 1985.

In 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation: “Organizational and methodological aspects of the formation of integrated corporate structures in the conditions of the formation of market relations” (economic sciences).

V. I. Lisov made a great contribution to the development of the theory and practice of modern management. In his works and doctoral dissertation, he was the first in Russian economic science to develop a system for organizing large vertically integrated corporations in the conditions of the formation of market relations. To solve this problem, a number of design and organizational schemes have been proposed, the implementation of which in the practice of the corporation makes it possible to create the prerequisites for the sustainable development of business processes. The developed conceptual approaches were successfully used by him in the practice of managing a number of large financial and industrial groups and banks.

Vasily Ivanovich Lisov - Laureate of Russian Government awards in the field of science (2002) and education (2007). Chairman of the dissertation council of the MGRI-RGGRU for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in the specialty "Economics and Production Management". In 2007, he was elected a corresponding member of the state academy of sciences “Russian Academy of Education”.

The list of scientific works of Vasily Ivanovich deserves great respect. This monthly growing list includes more than 150 titles, including 17 monographs, 8 textbooks and teaching aids, 90 scientific articles and reports.

For example, the most significant monographs: Organizational design of large corporations (1999, 233 pp.); Organizational and methodological aspects of the formation of transnational corporations (2000, 207 pp.); Formation of large integrated structures in the Russian economy (2000, 430 pp.); Economic security of Russia and development of corporate systems (co-authored - 2002, 710 pp.); Capital education: economic and legal aspects of management modernization (2004, 391 pp.); Management of Russian education. Federal and regional aspects (2005, 464 pp.); Some aspects of the development of the mineral resource complex of Russia in the conditions of economic modernization (2011, 468 pp.).

No, Vasily Ivanovich is not an armchair scientist who knows little about the reality of difficult Russian life after 1991.

Perhaps the main feature of the career of the current rector of MGRI-RGGRU is his extensive experience in various managerial positions, which requires the ability to work with people, teach them, unite them, and mobilize them for new things. There is a great knowledge of V.I. Lisov of the Russian economy and a variety of government structures at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

So, Vasily Ivanovich back in the Soviet period - in the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Committee of People's Control of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In the new reformed Russia, he led the largest financial and industrial group "Metal Industry" (more than 100 thousand employees), which included the Mikhailovsky and Stoilensky mining and processing plants, the KMA-Ore plant, and the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

In 1996-1998 V.I. Lisov worked as Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Board of the commercial bank Interbank.

Next, Vasily Ivanovich was invited to work in the tax police, becoming the head (rector) of the Academy of Tax Police of the Russian Federation. Then he worked as first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education (2002-2009), where he was responsible for issues of science and vocational education.

Now Vasily Ivanovich Lisov is known in Moscow and Russia as a successful Komsomol leader, engineer and economist, banker, elite manager, experienced official, scientist and, finally, rector. His career is quite successful, and, as often happens, with characteristic unexpected ups and downs, in which a person is driven by some strange fate.

A little more about the successful careers of engineers and managers.

Career(from Latin “carrus” - cart, carriage and Italian “carrier” - run, life path, field) - this is promotion and development in a certain field of activity, for example, expanding powers, increasing status, strengthening power, receiving money. The phrase “make a career” also means achieving a prestigious position in society and a high level of income. In general, career - the result of a person’s conscious behavior in work, based on job or professional growth.

In general, Vasily Ivanovich was lucky in his career due to his intelligence, education and upbringing in the family, and social activity.

Since the beginning of 2009, Vasily Ivanovich became the rector of the RGGRU, the oldest geological exploration university in the country with great achievements in science and in training geologists, geophysicists, mining engineers, geoecologists, gemologists, economists, and managers. The new work required refreshing knowledge on the peculiarities of the development of ferrous metal ores, turning to other minerals and ores, and, most importantly, learning the science of geology, the peculiarities of prospecting and exploration of minerals.

The work of the rector of the RGGRU is a complex, responsible leadership job that requires general knowledge of geological exploration, as well as economics, finance, and management with a focus on organizing university education.

As you know, 2009 in Russia was the year of a deep global and Russian economic crisis, when many enterprises found themselves in a pre-bankruptcy situation, and an active process of mergers and acquisitions of weak firms by stronger ones began. It was this year that the reduction in real funding for the country’s higher education institutions and also for the RGGRU began.

Since 2009, the university began to restore its authority as the country's leading university in the field of geological exploration.

It is symbolic that the name of the university was clarified in January 2011, which from “RGGRU” became “MGRI-RGGRU”.

The management structure has been optimized, departments have been enlarged, and the Faculty of Ecology and the Faculty of Social Professions have been created. A branch of MGRI-RGGRU was established in Stary Oskol. The dissertation council on economic sciences has been restored. Numerous cooperation agreements have been concluded with employers. The university is included in the Association of Geological Exploration Organizations of the Russian Federation. IN AND. Lisov was elected to the Public Council of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use. International and interuniversity cooperation is actively developing. The number of foreign students and graduate students of MGRI-RGGRU is increasing from year to year. The Educational and Methodological Association of Universities in the Field of Applied Geology, headed by the rector, received further development.

Currently, MGRI-RGGRU has the resources not only to survive in the difficult conditions of the ongoing global financial and economic crisis and the expected tension of the Russian budget (increasing defense spending, etc.), but also to develop its scientific and educational potential (movement towards knowledge-intensive raw materials economy, reforming the network of universities, etc.).

The strength of the rector is that he is a well-known specialist in the field of theoretical and applied problems of corporate governance, methodological and socio-economic issues of development of the vocational education system, modernization of the Russian economy with increased innovation and competitiveness of manufactured products.

Of course, V.I. Lisov is an erudite politician and political scientist, having defended his Ph.D. thesis on the problems of the modern history of the USSR in 1985.

Here it would be necessary to recall the specifics of the terms “power” and “politics”.

According to one of the dictionary definitions , power- this is the opportunity and ability to impose one’s will, to influence the activities and behavior of other people, even despite their resistance. The essence of power does not depend on what this opportunity is based on. Power can be based on various methods: democratic and authoritarian, honest and dishonest, violence and revenge, deception, provocations, extortion, incentives, promises, etc.

It is more difficult to interpret the concept of “Politics”. This is a set of measures and actions aimed at achieving a predetermined result; the art of bringing people together; participation in state affairs, direction of the state, determination of forms, tasks, content of state activities; this desire to participate in authorities or influencing the distribution of power, whether between states, whether within a state between the groups of people that it contains; the art of evil in the name of good; the struggle for the right to establish your own rules of some complex and most often secret game; resource distribution management and something else.

The interpretation of the term in “Vladimir Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” is peculiar: “POLITICS is the Greek science of public administration; the types, intentions and goals of the sovereign, known to few, and the manner of his actions, often hiding the former.”

Of course, work as deputy head of the student youth department of the Komsomol Central Committee (1984-1988) and leading inspector of the department of science, culture and health of the USSR People's Control Committee (1988-1989) gave V.I. Lisov has good political training and understanding of the essence of complex internal political situations and intrigues.

More important was the systematic increase in the 90s of the level of his knowledge of Russian economics and production management in large and medium-sized businesses.

In 2001 V.I. Lisov was awarded the academic title of professor.

Working as the first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education, Lisov initiated projects for a comprehensive analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the city labor market as part of a new strategy for modernizing the vocational education system. During this period, V.I. Lisov published a number of major author's monographs.

Proposals by V.I. Lisov found their embodiment in the city target program “Development of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow for 2005-2007”, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of October 19, 2004 N 724-PP “On the participation of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, trade union associations and employers in the development of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, taking into account the need of the city economy for qualified workers." In particular, under his leadership, the Moscow City Law “On Primary and Secondary Vocational Education in the City of Moscow” was developed, adopted by the Moscow City Duma.

It was under the leadership of Vasily Ivanovich that a modern model for organizing a quality management system and vocational education was introduced, taking into account the qualification requirements of employers, and organizational and functional models for the activities of resource centers based on vocational education institutions were developed. Considerable attention was also paid to the development of promising models for attracting investment in the vocational education system, the creation and implementation of projects for interaction between educational institutions and large industrial and financial corporations.

Higher mining and geological education is a significant part of Russian professional education, but it is greatly underestimated by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Under the scientific supervision of Vasily Ivanovich, 10 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations were defended. This work at MGRI-RGGRU is intensifying.

It is important for Russia to strengthen its geopolitical and geological presence in the strategically important regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America, which implies not only an increase in the training of foreign students and graduate students at the RGGRU, but also its international affairs specialists. In 2010 V.I. Lisov headed the Department of World Economics of the Mineral Resources Complex and Subsoil Use, focused on expanding the presence of Russian geologists and mining engineers in developing countries.

Currently he is the editor-in-chief of the journal “News of Higher Educational Institutions. Geology and Exploration" and a member of the editorial board of the magazines on management organization "Management and Business Administration" (Economic Newspaper Publishing House) and "Professional Education. Capital".

It’s impossible to list everything he did in a short anniversary article.

Recognition of the scientific merits of Lisov V.I. was the award of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of science and technology for 2002 and in the field of education for 2008, conferring the title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.”

For successful work in 2011, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and was awarded the title “Excellence in Subsoil Exploration.”

Noting all the good things done by Vasily Ivanovich Lisov over his full 60 years, the Rectorate of MGRI-RGGRU wishes him HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND FURTHER CREATIVE SUCCESS in the next decades of his life!

Rectorate of MGRI-RGRRU

Scientific Council of MGRI-RGGRU

Mining statements

based on materials from the Russian State Geological Prospecting University (RGGRU)
Read completely:

An anniversary is always an important and significant event for any person, his family, friends, work colleagues, the organization in which he works, as well as for his many acquaintances with their various assessments of the meaning of life.

In his autobiographical book “AND SPRING WILL COME AGAIN” it is written like this: “I was born in April 1952 in the village of Verkhniy Byk, Vorobyovsky district, Voronezh region. If you look at the map, this is the very junction with the Volgograd steppes. But our region here, in the southeast, was cut up in huge numbers by ravines, one of which, with its protrusion, seemed to someone like the head and spine of a bull. This is how the two villages located nearby were nicknamed - Upper and Lower Byki. Not the expanse of fields, but the expanse of the soul.”

Rector of MGRI-RGGRU - scientist - manager. Specialist managers know different “management schools” - American, European, Japanese, Arab, etc. In general, for a good leader, much is determined by personal traits of character and temperament. A good leader is one who is strict but fair towards each of his subordinates. An excellent situation is when subordinates adore the leader and are ready to sacrifice for the success of the business under his leadership.

Some of the listed features undoubtedly exist in the personality of Rector V.I. Lisova. Something is missing, but after his 60 years it is not too late for him to find it according to the proverb: “Live forever, learn!”

The career of a cultured person is evident. A music connoisseur who graduated from a children's music school. Organizer of his own university musical group VIA “Vesna” with experience of traveling abroad to festivals. From his biographical book: “Songs born or sung on Voronezh soil are also honed to the gospel, and therefore their sound gives joy and surprise from purity and lightness” (p. 40).

The rector of MGRI-RGGRU is also a great handball player, and even was a handball coach for the SDSO “Burevestnik” for 2 years.

By Vasily Ivanovich’s own admission, his character is “ruff”.

Since 2009 V.I. Lisov is the rector of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University (RGGRU) of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation.

Candidate's thesis defended in 1985.

In 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation: “Organizational and methodological aspects of the formation of integrated corporate structures in the conditions of the formation of market relations” (economic sciences).

V. I. Lisov made a great contribution to the development of the theory and practice of modern management. In his works and doctoral dissertation, he was the first in Russian economic science to develop a system for organizing large vertically integrated corporations in the conditions of the formation of market relations. To solve this problem, a number of design and organizational schemes have been proposed, the implementation of which in the practice of the corporation makes it possible to create the prerequisites for the sustainable development of business processes. The developed conceptual approaches were successfully used by him in the practice of managing a number of large financial and industrial groups and banks.

Vasily Ivanovich Lisov - Laureate of Russian Government awards in the field of science (2002) and education (2007). Chairman of the dissertation council of the MGRI-RGGRU for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in the specialty "Economics and Production Management". In 2007, he was elected a corresponding member of the state academy of sciences “Russian Academy of Education”.

The list of scientific works of Vasily Ivanovich deserves great respect. This monthly growing list includes more than 150 titles, including 17 monographs, 8 textbooks and teaching aids, 90 scientific articles and reports.

For example, the most significant monographs: Organizational design of large corporations (1999, 233 pp.); Organizational and methodological aspects of the formation of transnational corporations (2000, 207 pp.); Formation of large integrated structures in the Russian economy (2000, 430 pp.); Economic security of Russia and development of corporate systems (co-authored - 2002, 710 pp.); Capital education: economic and legal aspects of management modernization (2004, 391 pp.); Management of Russian education. Federal and regional aspects (2005, 464 pp.); Some aspects of the development of the mineral resource complex of Russia in the conditions of economic modernization (2011, 468 pp.).

No, Vasily Ivanovich is not an armchair scientist who knows little about the reality of difficult Russian life after 1991.

Perhaps the main feature of the career of the current rector of MGRI-RGGRU is his extensive experience in various managerial positions, which requires the ability to work with people, teach them, unite them, and mobilize them for new things. There is a great knowledge of V.I. Lisov of the Russian economy and a variety of government structures at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

So, Vasily Ivanovich back in the Soviet period - in the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Committee of People's Control of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In the new reformed Russia, he led the largest financial and industrial group "Metal Industry" (more than 100 thousand employees), which included the Mikhailovsky and Stoilensky mining and processing plants, the KMA-Ore plant, and the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

In 1996-1998 V.I. Lisov worked as Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Board of the commercial bank Interbank.

Next, Vasily Ivanovich was invited to work in the tax police, becoming the head (rector) of the Academy of Tax Police of the Russian Federation. Then he worked as first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education (2002-2009), where he was responsible for issues of science and vocational education.

Now Vasily Ivanovich Lisov is known in Moscow and Russia as a successful Komsomol leader, engineer and economist, banker, elite manager, experienced official, scientist and, finally, rector. His career is quite successful, and, as often happens, with characteristic unexpected ups and downs, in which a person is driven by some strange fate.

A little more about the successful careers of engineers and managers.

Career (from the Latin “carrus” - cart, cart and Italian “carrier” - run, life path, field) is promotion and development in a certain field of activity, for example, expanding powers, increasing status, strengthening power, receiving money. The phrase “make a career” also means achieving a prestigious position in society and a high level of income. In a general sense, a career is the result of a person’s conscious behavior in work, based on official or professional growth.

In general, Vasily Ivanovich was lucky in his career due to his intelligence, education and upbringing in the family, and social activity.

Since the beginning of 2009, Vasily Ivanovich became the rector of the RGGRU, the oldest geological exploration university in the country with great achievements in science and in training geologists, geophysicists, mining engineers, geoecologists, gemologists, economists, and managers. The new work required refreshing knowledge on the peculiarities of the development of ferrous metal ores, turning to other minerals and ores, and, most importantly, learning the science of geology, the peculiarities of prospecting and exploration of minerals.

The work of the rector of the RGGRU is a complex, responsible leadership job that requires general knowledge of geological exploration, as well as economics, finance, and management with a focus on organizing university education.

As you know, 2009 in Russia was the year of a deep global and Russian economic crisis, when many enterprises found themselves in a pre-bankruptcy situation, and an active process of mergers and acquisitions of weak firms by stronger ones began. It was this year that the reduction in real funding for the country’s higher education institutions and also for the RGGRU began.

Since 2009, the university began to restore its authority as the country's leading university in the field of geological exploration.

It is symbolic that the name of the university was clarified in January 2011, which from “RGGRU” became “MGRI-RGGRU”.

The management structure has been optimized, departments have been enlarged, and the Faculty of Ecology and the Faculty of Social Professions have been created. A branch of MGRI-RGGRU was established in Stary Oskol. The dissertation council on economic sciences has been restored. Numerous cooperation agreements have been concluded with employers. The university is included in the Association of Geological Exploration Organizations of the Russian Federation. IN AND. Lisov was elected to the Public Council of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use. International and interuniversity cooperation is actively developing. The number of foreign students and graduate students of MGRI-RGGRU is increasing from year to year. The Educational and Methodological Association of Universities in the Field of Applied Geology, headed by the rector, received further development.

Currently, MGRI-RGGRU has the resources not only to survive in the difficult conditions of the ongoing global financial and economic crisis and the expected tension of the Russian budget (increasing defense spending, etc.), but also to develop its scientific and educational potential (movement towards knowledge-intensive raw materials economy, reforming the network of universities, etc.).

The strength of the rector is that he is a well-known specialist in the field of theoretical and applied problems of corporate governance, methodological and socio-economic issues of development of the vocational education system, modernization of the Russian economy with increased innovation and competitiveness of manufactured products.

Of course, V.I. Lisov is an erudite politician and political scientist, having defended his Ph.D. thesis on the problems of the modern history of the USSR in 1985.

Here it would be necessary to recall the specifics of the terms “power” and “politics”.

According to one of the dictionary definitions, power is the opportunity and ability to impose one’s will, to influence the activities and behavior of other people, even despite their resistance. The essence of power does not depend on what this opportunity is based on. Power can be based on various methods: democratic and authoritarian, honest and dishonest, violence and revenge, deception, provocations, extortion, incentives, promises, etc.

It is more difficult to interpret the concept of “Politics”. This is a set of measures and actions aimed at achieving a predetermined result; the art of bringing people together; participation in state affairs, direction of the state, determination of forms, tasks, content of state activities; this is the desire to participate in power or influence the distribution of power, be it between states, be it within a state between the groups of people that it contains; the art of evil in the name of good; the struggle for the right to establish your own rules of some complex and most often secret game; resource distribution management and something else.

The interpretation of the term in “Vladimir Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” is peculiar: “POLITICS is the Greek science of public administration; the types, intentions and goals of the sovereign, known to few, and the manner of his actions, often hiding the former.”

Of course, work as deputy head of the student youth department of the Komsomol Central Committee (1984-1988) and leading inspector of the department of science, culture and health of the USSR People's Control Committee (1988-1989) gave V.I. Lisov has good political training and understanding of the essence of complex internal political situations and intrigues.

More important was the systematic increase in the 90s of the level of his knowledge of Russian economics and production management in large and medium-sized businesses.

In 2001 V.I. Lisov was awarded the academic title of professor.

Working as the first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education, Lisov initiated projects for a comprehensive analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the city labor market as part of a new strategy for modernizing the vocational education system. During this period, V.I. Lisov published a number of major author's monographs.

Proposals by V.I. Lisov found their embodiment in the city target program “Development of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow for 2005-2007”, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of October 19, 2004 N 724-PP “On the participation of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, trade union associations and employers in the development of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, taking into account the need of the city economy for qualified workers." In particular, under his leadership, the Moscow City Law “On Primary and Secondary Vocational Education in the City of Moscow” was developed, adopted by the Moscow City Duma.

It was under the leadership of Vasily Ivanovich that a modern model for organizing a quality management system and vocational education was introduced, taking into account the qualification requirements of employers, and organizational and functional models for the activities of resource centers based on vocational education institutions were developed. Considerable attention was also paid to the development of promising models for attracting investment in the vocational education system, the creation and implementation of projects for interaction between educational institutions and large industrial and financial corporations.

Higher mining and geological education is a significant part of Russian professional education, but it is greatly underestimated by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Under the scientific supervision of Vasily Ivanovich, 10 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations were defended. This work at MGRI-RGGRU is intensifying.

It is important for Russia to strengthen its geopolitical and geological presence in the strategically important regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America, which implies not only an increase in the training of foreign students and graduate students at the RGGRU, but also its international affairs specialists. In 2010 V.I. Lisov headed the Department of World Economics of the Mineral Resources Complex and Subsoil Use, focused on expanding the presence of Russian geologists and mining engineers in developing countries.

Currently he is the editor-in-chief of the journal “News of Higher Educational Institutions. Geology and Exploration" and a member of the editorial board of the magazines on management organization "Management and Business Administration" (Economic Newspaper Publishing House) and "Professional Education. Capital".

It’s impossible to list everything he did in a short anniversary article.

Recognition of the scientific merits of Lisov V.I. was the award of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of science and technology for 2002 and in the field of education for 2008, conferring the title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.”

For successful work in 2011, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and was awarded the title “Excellence in Subsoil Exploration.”

Noting all the good things done by Vasily Ivanovich Lisov over his full 60 years, the Rectorate of MGRI-RGGRU wishes him HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND FURTHER CREATIVE SUCCESS in the next decades of his life!

Rectorate of MGRI-RGRRU

Scientific Council of MGRI-RGGRU

Place of Birth: Scientific field: Academic degree: Academic title: Alma mater: Awards:

Vasily Ivanovich Lisov(born April 21, village of Verkhniy Byk, Voronezh region) - Russian economist, professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, rector of MGRI-RGGRU (since 2009).


In 1996-1998 - Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Council of the commercial bank Interbank.

In 1998-2002 worked in the Federal Tax Police Service: Advisor to the Director of the Federal Tax Service of Russia; First Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Voronezh Region (1999-2000); Head (January 2000 - August 2001), Deputy Head (2001-2002) of the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. In 1999 he graduated from the Russian State Social University with a degree in law.

In 2002-2009 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Education Committee, First Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education; was responsible for issues of science and professional education.

Since 2009 - Rector of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University. At the same time, since 2010, he has been heading the Department of World Economics of the Mineral Resources Complex and Subsoil Use.

Editor-in-chief of the journal “News of Higher Educational Institutions. Geology and Exploration”, member of the editorial boards of the journals “Management and Business Administration”, “Professional Education. Capital".

Scientific activity

In 1985 he defended his candidate’s thesis (“Lenin’s Komsomol is an active assistant of the CPSU in the transition to universal secondary education for youth. 1971-1980” (based on materials from the regions of the Central Black Earth Region)), in 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation (“Organizational and methodological aspects of integrated corporate structures in the context of the emergence of market relations"). Since 2001 - professor.

In 2007, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education.

The main areas of research are management theory. Developed a system for organizing large vertically integrated corporations.

Prepared 10 candidates and 2 doctors of science. Author of more than 150 scientific works, including 17 monographs and 8 textbooks.


  • commemorative badge “Physical protection” of the Federal Service for Police (FSNP) (2001)
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science (2002)
  • Medal of the Security Council of the Russian Federation “For Merit in Ensuring National Security” (2002)
  • insignia of military personnel “For service in the Caucasus” (2002)
  • medal "Laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center" (2004)
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2007)
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2008)
  • medal “90 years of the Cheka-KGB-FSB” (2008)
  • Badge “Excellence in Subsoil Exploration” (2011) - for great services in training qualified specialists for the geological industry of Russia

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  • . EK-RGB - Electronic catalogue.
  • . Russian State Geological Prospecting University. Retrieved March 13, 2014.
  • . Mining statements (April 22, 2012). Retrieved March 13, 2014.
  • . Scientists of Russia (March 19, 2010). Retrieved March 13, 2014.

Excerpt characterizing Lisov, Vasily Ivanovich

- But you don’t have sugar? - she said, all smiling, as if everything that she said, and everything that others said, was very funny and had another meaning.
- Yes, I don’t need sugar, I just want you to stir it with your pen.
Marya Genrikhovna agreed and began to look for a spoon, which someone had already grabbed.
“You finger, Marya Genrikhovna,” said Rostov, “it will be even more pleasant.”
- It's hot! - said Marya Genrikhovna, blushing with pleasure.
Ilyin took a bucket of water and, dripping some rum into it, came to Marya Genrikhovna, asking him to stir it with his finger.
“This is my cup,” he said. - Just put your finger in, I’ll drink it all.
When the samovar was all drunk, Rostov took the cards and offered to play kings with Marya Genrikhovna. They cast lots to decide who would be Marya Genrikhovna's party. The rules of the game, according to Rostov’s proposal, were that the one who would be king would have the right to kiss Marya Genrikhovna’s hand, and that the one who would remain a scoundrel would go and put a new samovar for the doctor when he woke up.
- Well, what if Marya Genrikhovna becomes king? – Ilyin asked.
- She’s already a queen! And her orders are law.
The game had just begun when the doctor’s confused head suddenly rose from behind Marya Genrikhovna. He had not slept for a long time and listened to what was said, and, apparently, did not find anything cheerful, funny or amusing in everything that was said and done. His face was sad and despondent. He did not greet the officers, scratched himself and asked permission to leave, as his way was blocked. As soon as he came out, all the officers burst into loud laughter, and Marya Genrikhovna blushed to tears and thereby became even more attractive in the eyes of all the officers. Returning from the yard, the doctor told his wife (who had stopped smiling so happily and was looking at him, fearfully awaiting the verdict) that the rain had passed and that she had to go spend the night in the tent, otherwise everything would be stolen.
- Yes, I’ll send a messenger... two! - said Rostov. - Come on, doctor.
– I’ll watch the clock myself! - said Ilyin.
“No, gentlemen, you slept well, but I didn’t sleep for two nights,” said the doctor and gloomily sat down next to his wife, waiting for the end of the game.
Looking at the gloomy face of the doctor, looking askance at his wife, the officers became even more cheerful, and many could not help laughing, for which they hastily tried to find plausible excuses. When the doctor left, taking his wife away, and settled into the tent with her, the officers lay down in the tavern, covered with wet overcoats; but they didn’t sleep for a long time, either talking, remembering the doctor’s fright and the doctor’s amusement, or running out onto the porch and reporting what was happening in the tent. Several times Rostov, turning over his head, wanted to fall asleep; but again someone’s remark entertained him, a conversation began again, and again causeless, cheerful, childish laughter was heard.

At three o'clock no one had yet fallen asleep when the sergeant appeared with the order to march to the town of Ostrovne.
With the same chatter and laughter, the officers hastily began to get ready; again they put the samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron. It was already dawn; the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed. It was damp and cold, especially in a wet dress. Coming out of the tavern, Rostov and Ilyin, both in the twilight of dawn, looked into the doctor’s leather tent, shiny from the rain, from under the apron of which the doctor’s legs stuck out and in the middle of which the doctor’s cap was visible on the pillow and sleepy breathing could be heard.
- Really, she’s very nice! - Rostov said to Ilyin, who was leaving with him.
- What a beauty this woman is! – Ilyin answered with sixteen-year-old seriousness.
Half an hour later the lined up squadron stood on the road. The command was heard: “Sit down! – the soldiers crossed themselves and began to sit down. Rostov, riding forward, commanded: “March! - and, stretching out into four people, the hussars, sounding the slap of hooves on the wet road, the clanking of sabers and quiet talking, set off along the large road lined with birches, following the infantry and battery walking ahead.
Torn blue-purple clouds, turning red at sunrise, were quickly driven by the wind. It became lighter and lighter. The curly grass that always grows along country roads, still wet from yesterday’s rain, was clearly visible; The hanging branches of the birches, also wet, swayed in the wind and dropped light drops to their sides. The faces of the soldiers became clearer and clearer. Rostov rode with Ilyin, who did not lag behind him, on the side of the road, between a double row of birch trees.
During the campaign, Rostov took the liberty of riding not on a front-line horse, but on a Cossack horse. Both an expert and a hunter, he recently got himself a dashing Don, a large and kind game horse, on which no one had jumped him. Riding this horse was a pleasure for Rostov. He thought about the horse, about the morning, about the doctor, and never thought about the upcoming danger.
Before, Rostov, going into business, was afraid; Now he did not feel the slightest sense of fear. It was not because he was not afraid that he was accustomed to fire (you cannot get used to danger), but because he had learned to control his soul in the face of danger. He was accustomed, when going into business, to think about everything, except for what seemed to be more interesting than anything else - about the upcoming danger. No matter how hard he tried or reproached himself for cowardice during the first period of his service, he could not achieve this; but over the years it has now become natural. He now rode next to Ilyin between the birches, occasionally tearing leaves from branches that came to hand, sometimes touching the horse’s groin with his foot, sometimes, without turning around, giving his finished pipe to the hussar riding behind, with such a calm and carefree look, as if he was riding ride. He felt sorry to look at Ilyin’s excited face, who talked a lot and restlessly; he knew from experience the painful state of waiting for fear and death in which the cornet was, and knew that nothing except time would help him.
The sun had just appeared on a clear streak from under the clouds when the wind died down, as if it did not dare spoil this lovely summer morning after the thunderstorm; the drops were still falling, but vertically, and everything became quiet. The sun came out completely, appeared on the horizon and disappeared into a narrow and long cloud standing above it. A few minutes later the sun appeared even brighter on the upper edge of the cloud, breaking its edges. Everything lit up and sparkled. And along with this light, as if answering it, gun shots were heard ahead.

Vasily Lisov was born on April 21, 1952 in the village of Verkhny Byk, Voronezh region. In 1975 he graduated from the Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute with a degree in industrial engineering. During the training period, he was a handball coach at the Burevestnik SDSO. Since November 1974 - chairman of the trade union committee, in 1976-1977 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Voronezh Forestry Engineering Institute.

In 1977-1988 - at Komsomol and party work: instructor, head of the student youth department of the Voronezh regional committee of the Komsomol; Head of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Central District Committee of the CPSU; head of the school sector for working and rural youth of the school youth department, deputy head of the school youth department of the Komsomol Central Committee.

In 1988-1989 - inspector, leading inspector of the department of science, culture and health of the USSR People's Control Committee.

In 1989-1993 he worked in the field of social security: chief specialist of the department of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for women's affairs, family protection, motherhood and childhood, first deputy chairman of the board of the Soviet Children's Fund named after V.I. Lenin, vice-president of the International Association of Children's Funds, President of the Social Protection Fund.

In 1993-1995 - President of Rosagroprom JSC. In 1995-1996 - General Director of OJSC Financial and Industrial Group Metalloindustry, which included the Mikhailovsky and Stoilensky mining and processing plants, the KMA-Ore plant, and the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

In 1996-1998 - Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Board of the commercial bank Interbank. In 1998-2002 he worked in the Federal Tax Police Service: Advisor to the Director of the Federal Tax Service of Russia; First Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Voronezh Region; Head, Deputy Head of the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. In 1999 he graduated from the Russian State Social University with a degree in law.

In 2002-2009 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Education Committee, First Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education; was responsible for issues of science and professional education.

Since 2009 - Rector of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University. At the same time, since 2010, he has been heading the Department of World Economics of the Mineral Resources Complex and Subsoil Use.

Editor-in-chief of the journal “News of Higher Educational Institutions. Geology and Exploration”, member of the editorial boards of the journals “Management and Business Administration”, “Professional Education. Capital".

In 1985 he defended his candidate's dissertation, in 2000 - his doctoral dissertation. Since 2001 - professor. In 2007, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education.

The main areas of research are management theory. Developed a system for organizing large vertically integrated corporations.

Prepared 10 candidates and 2 doctors of science. Author of more than 150 scientific works, including 17 monographs and 8 textbooks.

Awards and titles

Zhukov Medal.

Commemorative badge "Physical protection" of the Federal Tax Service.

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science.

Medal of the Security Council of the Russian Federation "For merits in ensuring national security."

Insignia of military personnel “For service in the Caucasus.”

Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg."

Medal "Laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center"

FNPR medal “100 years of trade unions in Russia.”

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Medal "90 years of the Cheka-KGB-FSB".

Badge "Excellence in Subsoil Exploration"- for great services in training qualified people.

Specialists for the geological industry of Russia.

Order of Friendship.