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Morning glory plant planting and care. Morning glory: growing, planting, care. Morning glory "Heavenly Blue"

Seeing a blooming morning glory, it is difficult to pass by. This plant stands out for its irresistible charm. Any owner of a summer cottage in the Urals can enjoy this beauty. The main thing is to get acquainted with the peculiarities of growing and care in the open field. In our country, morning glory is cultivated as an annual plant. Due to the large species diversity of morning glory, you can easily find a plant that can perfectly fit into the landscape of your site. Caring for morning glory requires the same activities as for most species: it grows best in a sunny area, where there is soil rich in organic matter.

Ipomoea bloom begins in July and lasts until October. Morning glory grows beautifully and quickly, blooms with numerous flowers, abundantly and decoratively. Due to its rapid growth, the culture is ideal for decorating problem areas of the garden: high pergolas, gazebos, lanterns and other small garden and park forms. Ipomoea bushes grow over 3 meters. It is difficult to imagine vertical gardening in landscape design without this plant.

Morning glory - species and varieties

Ipomoea belongs to the bindweed family. Of the more than 500 species of morning glory, only 25 are grown in culture. Consider the most popular of them:

Morning glory of Cairo

It comes from Asia and Australia, its shoots grow up to 5 m long. They are so densely covered with blue flowers that the morning glory looks like a real carpet. The leaves are lobed, palm-shaped, carved.

Morning glory blue

It belongs to perennial plants, but is grown as an annual. Flowers are open from morning until midday. In cloudy weather - throughout the day. The inflorescences are funnel-shaped and can reach a diameter of 10 centimeters, are collected in groups of 3-4 pieces, have a pale blue color, and after flowering - purple-pink. Each flower only blooms for one day. The long pedicels of the sky-blue morning glory can turn several times throughout the day, so that the flowers of the plant always look directly at the sun. Flowering begins in early July and lasts until the first frost.

Ipomoea purple

An annual liana, the pubescent stem of which reaches 8 meters. Leaves glabrous, oval or lanceolate, opposite. Single red, dark purple, purple, blue, white or pink gramophone flowers up to 7 cm long. There are varieties with variegated and even double flowers. The tropical belt of America is considered the homeland of purple morning glory. Popular varieties: Paradise stars, Tiffany, Ultraviolet, Scattering stars, Cherry shawl, Starfish, Scarlett O "Hara, Night, Giselle.

Morning glory nile

Strongly branched annual liana up to 3 m long. The leaves are large, broadly oval, opposite, long-petiolate, dark green in color. Funnel-shaped flowers of red, pale or dark blue, pink or purple in color up to 10 cm in diameter. This morning glory blooms from mid-summer to October. Popular varieties: semi-double "Pikoti" of blue or red color with white edging, hybrid Serenade - double corrugated flowers of dark red or lilac color 8 cm in diameter.

Morning glory tricolor

Originally from the tropics of America. A perennial used in cultivation as an annual plant. The stem reaches a length of 4-5 m. The leaves are large, opposite, cordate, glabrous, wrinkled, the petioles are long. Funnel-shaped flowers 8-10 cm in diameter are collected in bunches of 3-4 pieces: pale blue with a white tube, but when they fade, they turn pink-purple. This morning glory blooms from early June to the first frost. Some varieties contain psychotropic substances used in medicine. Popular varieties in floriculture: Pink lollipop, Blue star, Sky blue, Flying saucer.

Ipomoea ivy

Annual liana from the American tropics. The branched stem reaches a length of 2-3 meters, the leaves are large, heart-shaped, three-lobed, similar to ivy leaves. Funnel-shaped flowers about 5 cm in diameter are usually sky blue, sometimes with a white border, but there are red, burgundy, pink. They are collected two or three on a long peduncle. Bloom from July to mid-autumn. Popular variety- Candy's novel ", which is even grown as an ampelous plant.

Ipomoea "Moonflower" (moonflower)

The stem is up to 3 m long, the shoots are up to 6 m, large leaves are heart-shaped, fragrant white flowers are also large - up to 10 cm, open at night and close with the first rays of the sun, and those unfamiliar with this mystery of the lunar-flowering farbitis ask why their morning glory does not bloom. But on a cloudy day, the flowers close only in the evening, and you can appreciate their amazing delicate beauty. This morning glory blooms from July to October.

Morning glory Kvamoklit

Ipomoea with openwork carved foliage and small tubular flowers. Popular varieties: feathery quamoclite (Quamoclit pennata), Slaughter's quamoclite, or cardinal liana (Quamoclit x sloteri), fiery red quamoclite (Quamoclit coccinea), lobed quamoclit (Quamoclit lobata) and "Dinh-ding" variety.

Ipomoea terry

Hybrid Ipomoea "Nile". Seeing once a blooming terry morning glory "Serenade", everyone strives to plant it on his site. This liana grows quickly, can reach a length of up to 3 m. Long shoots are densely covered with leaves of rich green color and large, as if corrugated flowers, in various shades of red, which delight the eye from mid-summer to the very frost. Morning glory in a short time drape the wall of the house, braids the columns, balcony, gazebo gratings with a dense carpet, becoming their real decoration. With all this, Ipomoea "Serenade" is easy to care for and does not require any special efforts or skills.

Morning glory "Ruby lights"

Curly liana with openwork, rich green foliage and bright, graceful flowers. It is characterized by fast growth and long flowering. Red-burgundy flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, cover the shoots until late autumn. The strong stems of this vine, twisting around the vertical supports, create magnificent flowering screens and walls. Therefore, it is often used to decorate balconies, pergolas, decorate walls and create flower pyramids. The vine is placed on moderately fertile, well-drained soils, in a sunny place.

What is morning glory? Planting and care, photos, plant features - let's consider all this, let's see what varieties you can choose for your garden. Some are so perfect that whenever you admire the graceful funnels of the morning glory, the stone flower that Danila the master created comes to mind! The bindweed family, to which the morning glory belongs, has about four thousand varieties. Among them there are annuals, perennials (about 500 species), shrubs, vines and even trees.

Morning glory Tsyganochka

What is morning glory

Morning glory is a decorative and unpretentious vine. Its other name is farbitis. Many people call this plant a bindweed, which will definitely become a bright decoration of your gazebo, hedge, arch or pergola. It can reach five meters in length. In our gardens, an annual or perennial vine is most often planted, which is also called the flower of the morning dawn. This poetic name was given to Ipomoea for a reason, its gramophone buds are among the first to bloom, in the early morning, when other flowers have not yet awakened from sleep.

Depending on the variety, Ipomoea flowers can be double or ordinary, the colors are the most diverse - blue, purple, blue, burgundy, pink, white, red, pale purple, bicolor. As already mentioned above, the morning glory is unpretentious, it grows very quickly and braids any support offered to it. Long blooming is another advantage of this flower; from the first days of summer until the onset of cold weather, it will decorate your garden.

A new flower is blooming every day. He does not live long, sometimes until noon, sometimes until evening. Long-term flowering is achieved through a huge number of flowers and buds.

Morning glory carnival of Venice

Growing morning glory is possible not only in the open field, but also in an apartment, especially on balconies and loggias, where it will feel great.

Growing morning glory on the balcony

This plant is very often used in landscape design. Its bright beauty, excellent survival rate and rapid growth help in a short time to change the appearance of the gazebo, veranda, fencing and other garden elements for the better.

Morning glory Windmill at the pergola

Ipomoea leaves are also remarkable and decorative - large, lobed, heart-shaped, rich dark green hue.

In landscape design, perennial morning glory is often used, but annual varieties can also be found all the time in summer cottages, in flower beds, in flower beds, in flowerpots, and also in the form of living carpets. The plant prefers sunny places, good watering (especially in summer), does not like drafts, but still grows normally even in windy places.

Ipomoea has an interesting feature: the buds bloom in the morning, and close in the afternoon - this factor is due to the plant's sensitivity to light. If there are cloudy days, then the flowers may not close at all, but remain open until dusk.

Favorite varieties of morning glory

Of the huge number of varieties of morning glory, about 25 species are used in culture. Let's take a look at some of them.

Purple morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

This is one of the most famous varieties. In favorable conditions, the length of the shoots can reach 8 meters. The flowers are large, 5-7 cm long, can be red, white, pink, blue, maroon, purple. The variety has both regular and terry varieties. The most common varieties: Yalta Star, Milky Way, Scarlett O'Hara.

Particularly interesting is the variety Ipomoea purple Paradise Stars - it is a profusely flowering plant that reaches three meters in height, with buds of different colors, thermophilic, light-loving, characterized by long flowering.

Purple morning glory, photo:

Ivy morning glory (Ipomoea hederacea)

Liana can grow up to 3 meters in length. The shape of the leaves is three-lobed, reminiscent of ivy, hence the name. The flowers are medium in size (about 5 cm in diameter), mostly blue, light blue, but there are also red and pink. Blooms in mid-summer (July) and continues to bloom until October.

Ipomoea ivy, photo:

Ipomoea nil

It also reaches three meters in length. Blooms from July to mid-autumn.

The flowers of this variety are remarkable for their amazing decorativeness: contrasting bicolor, with edging in different shades, with an unusual color (pink-brown, bright orange, creamy pink, golden variegated). The shape of the bud can be star-shaped, with double edges, with rounded petals.

Morning glory Nile, photo:

Ipomoea flower diameter 13.5 cm
Morning Glory Terry Serenade

Morning glory kvamoklit (Ipomoea pennata) or cypress liana

This morning glory is an unusual variety with finely cut foliage and small star-shaped flowers. Kvamoklite branches reach five meters in length, flowering begins in July and lasts until September. It is a very showy plant, with rich green foliage and bright red multiple flowers. Kvamoklit is unpretentious, grows quickly.

Kvamoklit, photo:

Ipomoea heavenly blue

Sometimes this variety of morning glory is also called "Glorious morning". She pleases the eyes with sky-blue flowers from the middle of summer until the first frost. The flowers are large, can reach 10 cm in diameter, the shoots grow up to 2 meters. This thermophilic plant, which prefers sunlit areas, loves watering, but it does not like waterlogging of the soil.

Ipomoea blue, photo:

Moonflower morning glory (Ipomoea noctiflora)

An amazing night flower that blooms in the dark and closes its buds in the morning. The shoots of this plant reach three meters in length, the flower itself is about 10 cm in diameter. It begins to bloom in mid-July and continues until October. Delicate almond scent is another plus of this snow-white flower.

Ipomoea moon-flowering, photo:

Of course, there are a lot of varieties of morning glory, they are all beautiful in their own way, each of them has its own fans. Through the efforts of breeders, more and more new hybrids appear, striking in their beauty and personality.

Morning glory harlequin
Morning glory Mauro
Morning glory Orange Morning glory Neil Kaikyo-zaki
Morning glory Blue Bliss

Today on sale you can freely purchase a variety of varieties of morning glory in seeds, and on the appropriate forums - cuttings or seedlings of the species you are interested in.

Morning glory - planting and care in the open field

The most common method of propagation of this plant is self-seeding, in which the morning glory drops the seeds after they have ripened. With the onset of spring, sprouts of young morning glories hatch and stretch towards the sun. You can also buy seeds of the desired variety, and then, according to the sowing rules, germinate them and sow them in the ground. You can even just sow the seeds directly into the soil, burying them into the hole by about 2-3 cm - a positive result will be. The distance between the pits should be about 20 cm, 2 or 3 morning glory seeds are placed in each recess. This process can be safely started in the second half of April (in the Kuban) or May (middle zone of Russia).

Ipomoea seeds of different varieties, photo:

You can go the more complicated way and germinate seeds for seedlings. To do this, they are germinated and planted in peat tablets or in containers with a suitable soil.

When to plant Ipomoea seedlings?

In March, pre-soak the seed in warm water (for 24 hours), and then place it in tablets or in separate cups with soil. If some seeds did not swell after such a daily bath, then you can use a needle and pierce them, and then put them back in water for a similar period of time.

The seedling method is more suitable for colder regions, since full-fledged young plants are planted in the soil, rather than tender seeds. Seedling care is simple, seedlings can be observed already on the 10th day, watering is carried out as the soil dries up (with slightly warm water). In the room where the seedlings are located, the air temperature should be at least + 19 ° C.

In the last days of May or in the first week of June, already grown morning glories can be transferred to open ground.

How to plant morning glory?

Try to carefully remove the plants from containers with a large clod of soil, as this culture does not respond well to replanting. The distance between the holes should also be about 20 cm.After planting, water the flowers with warm water, when they actively grow, install a support near each plant (if you did not initially plant the morning glory near the support element).

Ipomoea seedlings, photo:

Propagation of morning glory by cuttings

For certain varieties of morning glory, propagation by cuttings is recommended. In this case, the shoots are cut off, fragments with two internodes are selected, the cuttings are cut so that the lower cut is located 1.5-2 cm below the nodule. After selection, the cuttings are placed in water. After 5-7 days after the appearance of the roots, they can be planted for permanent residence in the open ground. Within a week, the cutting will fully root in the ground.

How to care for morning glory?

As for leaving, it is quite simple and does not include any special requirements. Ipomoea annual, as well as perennial, grows well on any soil. The main thing is to provide it with regular, but not too abundant watering (so as not to rot the roots). This plant does not need additional feeding. However, if you really want to, then a complex mineral supplement can be added along with water during irrigation, at a time when morning glory is actively growing. To make everything look aesthetically pleasing, remove damaged or dried out shoots. Loosen the ground periodically, remove weeds. The most important thing for the morning glory is a reliable and strong support for growth and further weaving.

Ipomoea photos:

Such a different morning glory

In the open field, as well as at home (on a balcony or loggia), there is no particular difference between the requirements for growing this flower. All actions are similar, water the plant and provide it with support, then the morning glory on the balcony will feel just as great as its relative in the summer cottage.

Pest control

Morning glory in winter

With the onset of winter, perennial morning glory should be carefully dug up and transferred to a voluminous pot, which should be brought into the room or basement. In this case, the ground part of the plant is naturally cut off. If your region does not have too severe winters, it may well overwinter outdoors.

That, in principle, is all the nuances related to this plant. With minimal labor costs, you can create unprecedented beauty in your summer cottage. You will definitely love the morning glory! Planting and care, a photo of this flower and all the above information, I hope, will help you gain a foothold in choosing an option for decorating a summer cottage, a gazebo, a fence or other garden element.

Morning Glory Ruby Lights

For gardeners who use vertical gardening in landscape design, morning glory will come in handy.

This blooming liana densely wraps around the supports and, even in the absence of buds, looks very decorative due to the dense foliage. Ipomoea flowers look like delicate funnel-shaped gramophone, reminiscent of the symbiosis of nasturtium and scented tobacco.

It is an annual curly. His homeland is Mexico and tropical America. With quality care, the cultivation of morning glory is possible in the middle lane.

What does a garden flower morning glory look like (with photo)

The plant reaches a length of up to 5 m. The leaves are ovoid-heart-shaped, dull green, but beautiful, and the foliage is dense.

As you can see in the photo, the flowers of the funnel-shaped morning glory, large (up to 10 cm), are picturesquely painted:

The corolla at the base is yellow-white, and the limb is pinkish at first, and then sky-blue.

Each flower opens only in the first half of the day - until 12-13 hours. But in cloudy weather, the flowers are open throughout the day. Abundant flowering and long-lasting due to the large number of flowers.

See what the red and blue morning glory looks like in these photos:

The faded flowers roll up into a tube that is no longer blue, but crimson. Therefore, the specific name of the morning glory is red and blue. And this is not the only known species. There are at least two more of them, with pubescent leaves.

Morning glory "Lyra"- with pubescent young shoots and gentle leaf pubescence on the underside.

The flowers are beautiful - dark purple to purple. It grows well in the south, but does not bloom in the northern regions.

Purple morning glory is not so thermophilic. She is originally from Central and South America. Also an annual climbing plant up to 3 m long.

Shoots and leaves are pubescent. The flowers are purple-red, but there are varieties and varieties of different colors.

For example, the Huber variety has a variegated rim, and the limb is white.

These photos show Ipomoea "Lyra" and "Huber", the description of which is given above:

The best modern varieties of morning glory:

"Ruby carpet"- with original deep-cut leaves and bright red flowers

"Grandee" with deep purple color of large flowers

"Blue Star" with blue stripes-rays on snow-white flowers

"Carnivals of Venice"- a mixture of bright flowers with variegated pink and purple stripes

As a liana, morning glory is extremely popular. A disadvantage turned into a virtue is its one-year nature. But as a result, Ipomoea can be sown in different places every year.

It can be a test indicator of the feasibility of planting a perennial vine in this place. By the duration of flowering and its airiness, it surpasses other vines. Blooms from July until frost.

Growing morning glory: planting and care

When choosing a place for an morning glory (wall, support, gazebo, balcony, etc.), preference should be given to the southern, eastern and western expositions, the northern ones, even in the south, are less suitable.

The place should be open, well visible, not shaded by anything.

When growing morning glories, do not forget that these flowers are very fond of watering. It should be abundant and frequent, especially during hot periods. But it is necessary to water in the afternoon, in the late afternoon.

The soil is necessary nutritious, but it is indifferent to fertilizing with fertilizers, and sometimes they even harm, especially nitrogen. The plant then begins to "rage" in growth, but does not bloom.

Fertilizers are helpful when planting. If you grow morning glory through seedlings, then the soil is taken in the ratio: sod earth, humus, sand - 0.5: 1: 0.5 and for every 10 kg of the mixture add 20 g of potassium salt and superphosphate. Fertilizers promote intense color of flowers, in particular blue color.

Agricultural methods of caring for morning glory flowers are shown in these photos:

Morning glory is propagated by seeds. They are plentiful, as the attractive flowers are readily visited by bees and fertilization takes place without difficulty. But there is no time left for the seeds to ripen.

Already at the end of September-October, even in the south, frosts are possible, which destroy immature seeds. Neither the ripening of seeds on the torn plants, nor the shelter of the vines, helps.

Ripe, full-fledged seeds are obtained only from the first flowers. There are very few of them, despite the abundant flowering and high-quality fertilization. Practical experience suggested the right decision.

  • Firstly, to grow morning glory, it is necessary to sow seeds very early - in late March - early April
  • Secondly, sow in pots or other containers, abundantly moistening the substrate and covering with glass. Do not remove it until shoots appear. Thirdly, do not dive the seedlings, but leave them in the same container.

In this case, morning glory will begin to bloom earlier for a month or more compared to sown in the ground or sown. With a decrease in the feeding area (thickened planting), morning glory gives few lateral shoots, but many flowers on the main one, as if compensating for the lack of abundant green mass.

It is advisable to grow Ipomoea blue through seedlings, even in the south. Seedlings should be transplanted with a lump, morning glory does not like damage to the root system.

The use of morning glory in garden design

The use of morning glory in garden design is the widest. This is a plant of arbors, trellises, fences, poles, large trees. Ipomoea can be planted with wild grapes, and then a dense wall of it is enlivened with delicate flowers. There are about a hundred of them for every square meter!

When winding around the supports, one should take into account such a biological feature of the morning glory: the ends of its shoot grow, making circular movements counterclockwise, forming a spiral. They themselves are looking for support, describing larger and larger circles.

The rotation speed depends on the weather. Hot weather slows down the growth rate. One turn is usually done in 24 hours. Having touched the support, the young shoot embraces it and grows with a "screw".

Without hesitation, I planted it in my garden: believe me, I simply could not do otherwise.

Beautiful heart-shaped leaves of morning glory with large funnel-shaped flowers of various colors adorn my garden from June to the first frost. They create a dense green curtain, sparkling with multi-colored flowers, which look like the extraordinary beauty of a gramophone.

Morning glory is simply irreplaceable if you need to quickly create a living green screen, it will perfectly decorate any arch and disguise all unsightly places. In general, morning glory is an ideal vine for planting in the middle lane.

Growing morning glory

Growing morning glory is not as difficult as it is fascinating. This vine grows very quickly, twisting around any that comes across on the way. She is very unpretentious, and in order to grow well, she has enough loose calcareous and normal.

When growing morning glory, take into account an interesting feature of this plant: its flowers, opening early in the morning, are already closed in the afternoon. The only exceptions are those days when the weather is cloudy outside, at this time you will be able to enjoy the beauty of morning glory flowers in full, because they remain open all day. Such an amazing behavior of this vine is explained by the fact that morning glory is very sensitive to light, therefore, when there is an excess of it, the flowers close.

Reproduction of morning glory

To get strong seedlings of morning glory by May, sow its seeds in pots in late March or early April. Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in ordinary water for 24 hours. If some of the seeds do not swell during this time, prick them with a needle and soak them again for 24 hours. Morning glory seeds germinate for about 10 days, and the ideal temperature for germination is + 18 ° C.

Growing morning glory with seedlings, several times before planting in the ground, it must be transplanted into more spacious pots. In this case, the root lump of earth must be preserved without fail, since the seedlings do not tolerate the transplantation procedure quite well.

To speed up the growth of seedlings, install a small support for the morning glory, on which it can curl freely. Otherwise, by the time it is planted in the ground, it will be extremely difficult for you to disassemble its entangled stems and not damage them.

Ipomoea seeds can be sown in open ground already in early May, throwing 3 things in each hole. Before sowing, just as in the case of reproduction of morning glory by seedlings, it is better to germinate the seeds.

You can choose a suitable plant for your garden in our market, section.

No less dangerous enemy of morning glory is also, the appearance of which is evidenced by a thin cobweb on the leaves of a plant and small dots. If you find it, spray the leaves of morning glory with ordinary cold water for several days in a row.

Types and varieties of morning glory

In nature, the most common genus morning glory sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), which has over 500 species, including annuals and perennials. The homeland of the sweet potato Ipomoea is tropical America.

Of the 500 species of sweet potato morning glory, only 25 are used in decorative floriculture, and the most popular of them are the following:

Ipomoea Cairica (Ipomoea Cairica)

This species of morning glory has very dense shoots, on which there are simply a huge number of flowers.

Morning glory of Cairo. Photo from the site

It grows very quickly: it turns into a real green carpet in a short period of time.

Morning glory "Heavenly Blue"

Ipomoea Heavenly Blue in England is called "morning glory", because its lovely flowers bloom earlier than other plants. The long stalks of the morning glory can turn several times during the day, so that the sky-blue gramophone always looks directly at the sun.

Ipomoea sky blue. Photo from the site

Flowering begins in early July and lasts until the first frost.

Purple morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

Ipomoea is a purple native of tropical America. This vine boasts an incredibly long (up to 8 m) stem.

Ipomoea purple. Photo from the site

Purple morning glory flowers are about 7 cm in diameter, can be red, pink, purple and even dark purple.

Ipomoea nil

Morning glory nil is a perennial vine cultivated as. Its stems grow very quickly, reaching 3 m in length, and the funnel-shaped flowers can be of different colors: from pink, red and sky blue to lavender, purple and dark blue.

There is a very beautiful color of flowers.

Moon-flowering morning glory (Ipomoea alba)

The homeland of the moon-flowering morning glory is tropical America. Strongly branching herbaceous vine grows long shoots - up to 6 m! The seeds of Ipomoea lunar flowering are protected by a sufficiently dense shell, therefore, before sowing, they need to: soak them in warm water for a day, having previously scratched grooves on the shell. The flowers of the moon-flowering morning glory can reach 12 cm in diameter and exude a characteristic sweet-almond aroma.

Unlike other species, moon-flowering morning glory reproduces well by layering. To do this, throughout the summer, the shoots that appear near the root collar need to be lightly pinned to the ground and sprinkled with soil, leaving only the tops on top of it. After two months, the rooted layers can be transplanted into containers, which are removed to the basement for the winter. Successfully overwintered plants with the onset of spring are possible.

Ipomoea tricolor or (Ipomoea tricolor)

It is a liana with highly branched stems, reaching 4-5 m in height. The large, heart-shaped leaves are opposite, and the funnel-shaped flowers boast an amazing sky-blue tricolor.

Morning glory tricolor. Photo from the site

The most beautiful varieties are deservedly considered with blue or purple flowers and a bright white-pink central part.

New varieties of morning glory

Breeders all over the world are happy to breed new varieties of morning glory.

Many of them surprise with intricate shapes and look amazingly beautiful.

Morning glory hybrid. Photo from

For others, the color of the petals resembles the starry sky.

Morning glory hybrid. Photo from

Do morning glories grow in your garden?