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I dreamed that my late husband seemed alive. Why do you dream about your deceased husband being alive? Husband in a coffin

The article on the topic: “dream book of a dead husband dreams” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Deceased relatives who come to you in a dream are usually interpreted as a warning against rash actions. We dream about them during periods of difficult life situations or instability. Such dreams should not be perceived as a horror movie, but rather try to correctly understand its meaning. Let's figure out why the dead husband dreams.

Dead husband in a dream - Miller's dream book

Seeing a deceased husband in a dream means unexpected financial expenses. If a dead person comes back to life, it means that one of your close friends has a bad influence on you; most likely he will want to involve you in an unseemly matter, the consequence of which will be losses. A dead man who has risen from the grave means that your friends will not provide help when you need it.

Vanga's dream book - why does a dead husband dream?

If your deceased husband appeared to you in a dream, it means that in real life you will encounter injustice or deception. When a dead person tries to tell you something, you need to try to listen to him and understand what he said. This could be some kind of warning or advice on what to do in a certain situation.

Freud's Dream Book

A dream in which your dead husband appears to you is never empty. He came in a dream to warn you about something. For a correct interpretation, you need to try to listen to the deceased or try to decipher his gestures and facial expressions. Then draw certain conclusions.

Deceased husband - Hasse's dream book

If your deceased husband gives you something in a dream, it means that you have another chance to correct matters or a situation that is bothering you. But giving one of your things to a deceased person in a dream is an unkind sign, foreshadowing a waste of energy, which can result in illness. Kissing your deceased husband or lying next to him means success in romantic matters awaits you. Removing clothes from a deceased person means the death of a loved one, and putting them on means illness.

Late husband - Longo's dream book

A deceased husband coming back to life in a dream symbolizes obstacles and problems on the path of life. A conversation with a dead person foreshadows a change in the weather. Such a dream is also explained in the dream book as meaning that distant relatives or friends may be looking for you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - deceased husband in a dream

Hugging your dead husband in a dream means getting rid of the fears that weighed on you in real life. If the deceased calls you to come with him, then you must not give in to his persuasion, otherwise this may lead to serious illness or depression. The deceased husband shares with you his worries or experiences - his soul has not found peace in the afterlife. It is necessary to pay special attention to such a dream and, if possible, go to church, pray for the repose of his soul, and light a candle. If you saw a dead man naked in a dream, it means that his soul is completely calmed.

Whatever dream you have, it is important to remember that prophetic dreams are quite rare. Usually we see dreams that do not carry any meaning and mean nothing. And if some dream doesn’t give you peace, you just need to try to interpret it correctly and understand what it warns you about. Dreams do not decide our fate, they only help us take the right step on the path of life.

Why do you dream about your husband?

Why do you dream of a drunk husband?

Why dream about your husband cheating?

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

7 comments on “Why do you dream about a dead husband?”

I dreamed about my deceased roommate. And in the dream everyone is rushing home and shouting that he is dead. I go up to the coffin in which he lies alive but dressed like a dead man. I tell him that he is alive and kiss him. He died 2 months ago

For several nights now I have been dreaming that I am calling my late husband. I always call him, I hear his voice, but I can’t remember what he’s talking about. Only for the first time he said that he missed him very much. What is it for.

Almost every 2 days I dream about him, I can’t calm down. (What should I do if he comes in a dream? We have sex with him, and we go for a walk with the kids, and he comes and changes clothes at home. It’s all like reality.

My grandmother dreamed of her late grandfather, who died a little less than a month ago, in the dream the grandfather was alive, with some man, when he saw my grandmother he was very happy, but this man did not let him come up or say a word. Why did I dream about it?

My grandmother dreamed of a field of white flowers and her husband was nearby, but her face was not visible. It was as if she thought that someone would give a large bouquet and gestured... And her husband was nearby and did not say or do anything... What does this mean? Thank you in advance..

Mom dreamed of her dead dad (died 11 days ago), he was with a cat and kittens, petting them. Why do you dream about this?

Mom had a dream about her dead dad, a dream from January 5-6. They are in the house where my mother lived in her youth. She put her grandson to bed (the father did not see him while he was alive), the father and a woman in a medical gown enter the room. The woman says: the car will be there in 6 hours. Mom asks: why after 6? She is answered by another call and went. A hearse car behind a grandson. What does this dream mean

Deceased husband interpretation of the dream book

When interpreting what your deceased husband dreams about, you need to take into account not only the nuances of the vision and your emotions, but also your relationships at the time when your spouse was alive.

Miller's version

Having received an oral message from her deceased husband, Miller’s dream book recommends that the dreamer believe in what was said. By following these tips, you can avoid mistakes and troubles.

If your loved one sings for you or walks next to you, it means that he is protecting the family, driving away all sorts of troubles and failures.

Does your spouse call for you in your sleep? Don't rush to go to him. Usually this means imminent death. But are you ready to part with this world?

The psychologist claims that the fresh grave of your husband appearing in a dream foreshadows: if in reality you commit a dishonest act, you will suffer and repent.

Why dream if in reality 40 days have not passed since the death, but the burial place was dreamed of as well-groomed, with a good monument? Miller predicts a meeting with a new lover and the end of troubles.


If you feel joy when you see your spouse, it means that this is your loved one. Usually he comes in a dream to warn or protect from trouble. It’s good if you remember the entire conversation, there are valuable instructions there.

Why do you dream when a man shows you a house? This is probably his refuge in another world.

Under supervision

Why do you dream of a deceased husband silently standing in front of you? Expect the weather to change soon.

If in a dream your spouse appears periodically, but does not show activity, leaving a hint of his presence, then the interpretation has a double meaning: you yearn for him, want to return to the old days, or maybe the spouse is simply looking after you.

Move on with your life

Why do you dream about a recently deceased husband? If the dream is repeated often, it means that his wife will not let him go.

As a rule, such visions are restless. A woman can start looking, calling, trying to return. The dream book categorically does not recommend behaving this way. In this way, you can attract unwanted attention from entities and become their victim. Accept the loss and try to find new meaning in life.

Let go of the past

If the husband often appears in a dream, it means that the woman is worried about the irretrievably gone past. Get rid of the stone on your neck, and your husband will stop bothering you.

Hiding from a dead person or driving him away is a harbinger of a long and happy life. But if you call, then the dream book shows the desire to contact him at any cost. And crying over a deceased spouse foreshadows fun in reality.

Good omens

Why do you dream that your deceased husband is resurrected? This is a very favorable sign. A living dead man returning to his family will bring good luck and happiness.

In addition, the unexpected rebirth of a spouse, according to the dream book, predicts news from afar. The image symbolizes a long-forgotten business, which has now become relevant and began to bring profit, or sudden changes for the better.

Adjust your behavior

The dream book deciphers a drunk husband as inappropriate actions of his wife. This interpretation is especially relevant if the faithful did not drink alcohol during his lifetime.

In addition, a drunk deceased person in a dream emphasizes your helplessness.

Was the deceased drunk and attacked you? This means that many problems and difficulties are expected. And his swearing predicts: you are making a mistake.

Limit your spending

The dream book interprets a vision in which a dead husband was sent to jail as the need to reconsider priorities.

If your spouse changed his religion and appeared to you as a Muslim, in reality you will be disappointed.

Why do you dream when a deceased person is choking on bones? You are excessively unrestrained in spending. Quarrels and disagreements are possible on this basis. The dream book also speaks of an increased likelihood of a dispute over inheritance.

Fortune telling

If a woman’s late husband appears to her on the eve of a new wedding, his mood can predict how successful the marriage will be. If he smiles and his clothes are light, the wife will find happiness. Sad, sad and in black - the dream book foretells discord in family life.

If a funeral appears in a dream, you will have a fun time. To remember the deceased - a new business is doomed to failure. A coffin with a dead husband predicts a drunken scandal.

A deceased person washes in a bathhouse - the dream book predicts improved health. But if you wash it, then, on the contrary, you will get sick.

The end of troubles

Watching your husband leave is interpreted as follows: the troubles have come to an end. Seeing him with someone else in a dream means it’s time for you to “take off your mourning.” Probably a quick acquaintance with an interesting man. Be happy with him.

But if next to the deceased is a woman who is alive in reality, the dream book indicates: she is the source of gossip and rumors that are circulating about you.

Other predictions

When trying to find out why the deceased husband came, the dream book recommends taking into account his appearance.

Graying - portends sadness, but there is a chance of improving your financial situation.

If in a dream his body is covered with scars, in reality you will make a big mistake.

Naked - his soul found peace in the afterlife.

With a smile on your face, the dream book foretells that your life will change for the better.

Crying - trouble awaits in reality.

If your deceased spouse is sick, pay attention to yourself and your appearance. The beloved is worried that you do not value yourself.

Fulfillment of a cherished desire

Did your deceased loved one give you something as a gift? The dream book predicts a big profit in reality. But the things given to him foreshadow losses.

If the husband hands over money, in reality there is a lack of love and care. This plot has another interpretation: you will have the opportunity to make your wildest dreams come true.

Closeness with the departed

In this case, everything is not so clear. On the one hand, sex in a dream with a deceased husband shows dissatisfaction after the loss of your beloved. On the other hand, it is a harbinger of trouble.

There is also a very unusual interpretation of this dream scenario: in a dream, your soul actually spent time with your spouse, having found him in another reality.

Falling asleep next to you means a hopeless cause will bring success.

Mutually hugging and kissing your deceased loved one - your life will be long. It could also mean missing him.

The dream book deciphers an unrequited kiss as a symbol of loss. If you had to use force, there is hopelessness. But to receive a kiss on the forehead from your spouse means a blessing from the universe.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday (2018-01-15)

I dreamed of a husband who died several years ago; he was wearing the clothes he wore during his lifetime. He was calm and balanced. He and I bought train tickets and were going to go home. The husband wanted to take a walk around the city before leaving and disappeared. I couldn't find him. Tell me how to correctly interpret the dream.

Why do you dream about your dead husband: talking to him, quarreling, making peace? Basic interpretations - what does a dead husband dream about?

It is worth taking a closer look at those dreams that evoke vivid emotions in you.

It can be either joy, happiness, or grief, sadness. Why do you dream about a dead husband? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a dead husband - basic interpretation

Deceased relatives who come in a dream are always an alarming event and a very important event in a person’s life. What could be so important about meeting dead relatives in a dream? It is believed that by coming to a person in this way, they are trying to warn him against certain dangers and troubles.

In many dream books, a meeting with a late husband is interpreted as a negative sign, a sign that warns against rash actions in the near future. What should you pay special attention to?

Where exactly did you meet in a dream;

For what purpose did your husband come to you?

Have you had a dialogue?

What emotions did you experience in your dream and when you woke up?

If you dream that you met your husband in your home, such a dream indicates that stagnation may soon occur in your household affairs. Single women often dream that their ex-husband is sleeping on their bed. It is worth thinking after such a dream whether you are missing your husband, whether you are constantly keeping him in your thoughts. If this is the case, you need to let go of the situation and let yourself go. Don't let past relationships control your future.

If you dream that your ex-husband happily communicates with you in a dream, remember what exactly your dialogue was about. Perhaps you confessed your love to each other - beware of betrayals on the personal front. There is no need to fear for your existing relationship if you dream about your ex-husband who died.

You should think about whether you are comparing the current man with his predecessor, perhaps you are confused because men are similar to each other. This property may be caused by the psychological characteristics of you as an individual. If you dream that your deceased husband visited your workplace, pay maximum attention to your work in the near future, try to complete all tasks and instructions as quickly and accurately as possible, otherwise you will face inspections and reprimands.

Often deceased relatives who appear in a dream promise troubles and illness. Some dream books believe that they are simply trying to warn a person about impending failures. If you dream that your deceased husband is cheating on you, such a dream means that you are afraid of cheating in reality. You just can’t come to terms with the fact that you were abandoned, that you were left alone. You are driven by selfishness and a desire to control the situation and the lives of not only your own, but also those of the people around you.

If your deceased husband sings you a song in a dream, it is important to remember all the words from it; most likely, they contain a subtle hint and warning about what you should not do in the near future. If in a dream he gave you a bouquet of huge scarlet roses, such a dream promises you a gift with a double meaning. Someone will give you a gift with a hint that you will owe it. Try not to borrow money from anyone in the near future and not accept not only gifts, but also other services from anyone.

If you dream that your deceased husband is preparing breakfast for you in the kitchen, such a dream encourages you to open your eyes to the obvious truth. You have been closing them for a long time and don’t want to see the basics. If you quarrel with a deceased person in a dream, such a dream portends you a lot of trouble. Everything in your life will collapse, and you will not be able to find a way out of the current difficult situation.

If in a dream it seems to you that someone else is speaking through the mouth of your husband, expect betrayal and gossip. Such a dream foreshadows the substitution of facts not in your favor, and if you can guess what kind of situation we are talking about, do everything possible to prevent it from happening.

If you see your husband’s death again in a dream, such a dream means that colossal changes await you, and what they will be depends only on you. If you are ready to move forward in life with confidence, try to cast aside all doubts and follow your inner voice.

If you dream that your deceased husband wants to hurt you or injure you, such a dream indicates the danger of getting injured. You may also lose a huge amount of money if you argue with your husband in a dream. In reality, such a dream can manifest itself as a conflict of interest in business.

If you dream that you have love and romance again with your deceased husband, you get married again, or have a joyful time - you are not ready to build your life further. You need time to understand that it continues and you can become a happy person.

Why do you dream of a dead husband according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says why a dead husband dreams. Deceased loved ones often appear in dreams as harbingers of not only global losses, but also global gains. If you and your husband had a wonderful relationship during your lifetime, you have nothing to worry about. If the relationship was strained, if your husband beat you and mocked you, such a dream suggests that you may soon meet an equally cruel and oppressive man.

If you dream that your husband is watching you in a dream, such a dream indicates that someone is closely watching you in reality. This person has evil thoughts and wants to harm you. If you dream that your ex-husband came to your wedding with another man, such a dream indicates that you have received a blessing from above to create a new family.

It’s worth taking a closer look at your husband’s behavior in his sleep. If he is aggressive, yells at you and scolds you for rash actions, you have made a huge number of mistakes in the recent past and now you are being given a hint from above that it is worth changing your life.

If, at the sight of your deceased husband, you begin to feel fear, panic sets in - you cannot let go of the past and start a new life for fear of repetition of unpleasant moments. This could be domestic violence, quarrels, insults and reproaches. The dream book advises to work through all problematic situations and, regardless of internal sensations and experiences, build your life further.

Why do you dream about a dead husband according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that a deceased husband may appear in your dream in order to warn you of possible losses. It may not even be about a loss on the personal front, but about the illness of a loved one. It is worth taking a closer look at all the details of the dream.

If you dream that you are making love with your late husband, such a dream indicates that there is psychological trauma. You have had a hard time with the loss of a loved one, and now you cannot independently build a full-fledged relationship with another partner. If you dream that you are expecting a child from your ex-husband, such a dream means that you have not expressed much to him. It is worth remembering the deceased and honoring his memory.

If you dream that in a dream you are again preparing for a wedding with your late husband, such a dream means that you do not have enough support from a man, you do not have enough support, you do not find love and understanding in the partner who is with you now. You can only change the man who is next to you by giving him love and care.

If you experience a depressed state after a dream in which your late husband appeared to you, the same depressed state arises in you when you start a relationship with a new partner.

Why do you dream of a dead husband according to other dream books?

In Miller's dream book it is said that a deceased husband who appeared to you in a dream is a harbinger of forced financial expenses. You will have to spend a lot of money to pay off your debts. If you see your husband crawling out of the grave, a difficult period awaits you in your life and your loved ones will turn away from you at this moment.

In Vanga's dream book it is said that a deceased husband in a dream is a harbinger of significant health problems. You should take care not only of yourself, but also of those closest to you. The disease may not come alone. You may also be expected to lose your job, or you will lose your opportunity to develop your business. In any case, the deceased husband in a dream promises troubles in reality.

I think that sleep has a negative prognosis. The main points are described in the article, I will not repeat them. But don’t worry anyway, usually dreams with the dead warn about something.
The main thing is to keep the situation in hand, then everything will be fine.

Thanks, good luck.

I dreamed that my dead husband was alive, he didn’t say anything to me, but I remember my feelings very well. we were sitting together in the cinema and I leaned over to kiss him and very clearly understood at that moment that I didn’t feel anything for this person and I thought that this couldn’t continue, it would be better if I left him and tried to find my destiny, maybe I’d be lucky to meet a good one person. And at that moment they brought him a small package, he unwrapped it, and there were 2 pieces of lard. I looked at the lard and realized that this was not the first time such programs were brought to him and that this was a warning to him, like a black mark among pirates. I definitely understood in a dream that this was a very serious warning for him.
I didn’t see his face and didn’t speak.

With uv. Sofia

  • I can say that everything should be fine with you. After all, lard is a good sign. .

    And about my ex-husband. Most likely, this means that you will begin a new life and rebirth.

I dreamed about my dead husband, he swore very angry, he was scared, he hid

  • Usually the dream speaks of tense relationships and difficulties with other people.

I dreamed that my dead husband was crying and said that he didn’t love him - what does that mean?

  • Be sure to remember him and, if possible, go to the cemetery. Quarrels with loved ones in real life are possible.

My husband died 10 years ago. I haven’t dreamed of him for about a year. Before that, I constantly had almost the same dream. He comes home, I want to hug him, kiss him, but he turns away and doesn’t want me to hug him, but he doesn’t care at all doesn’t speak. Then he also silently packs his bag and leaves, doesn’t even turn around. And I’m sure that he’s leaving for a woman. Today I dreamed about him again. We’re sitting next to him, he’s silent as before, but I’m somehow calm, I’m not nervous I’m not worried and he’s calm too.

  • Most likely, you will do something hasty. Perhaps it had something to do with him. For example, regarding some real estate.

I often dream about my husband; he died 7 months ago. Recently I dreamed that he was the owner of some store, I entered there, he met me. He hugged her with one hand, as he did during life, and smiled. Then he says: “I heard they don’t hire you, I’m ready to hire you.” I thank him and he leaves the store, leaving me behind. The store has an abundance of goods. Another strange detail, he’s wearing a knitted hat, he’s never worn one like that, but it suits him very well in his dreams. And he looks good. By the way, I am quitting my job at the moment due to my low salary. What does this dream mean?
And today I had a very unpleasant dream, or rather, an unpleasant feeling after it. From the window of the house I see my husband’s grave, it seems to be near the yard of the house. And some people dug it up, took it out, and turned it in all directions, it’s not clear why. He was undressed, wearing only shorts, his eyes were open, and he was moving. In horror, I cover my daughter’s eyes with my hand, she is standing next to me, and I take her away so that she does not see this horror. Then a man and a woman remained, they put him in a coffin, and they slammed the lid so abruptly and carelessly, I shuddered from such blasphemy. And there seemed to be a mechanism in the grave, they lowered the coffin into the grave with its help, quickly buried it and left, putting up a cross. But in fact, my husband has a Muslim column, although he was never a Muslim, but he is a Tatar, and so his relatives decided, and they buried him in the same shroud. Why this painful dream?

  • The dream says that you have doubts, but they are groundless. You will find a new job.
    The second dream says that you should start life from scratch. Let go of your husband and not be offended by him. Be sure to remember.

Two months ago my husband died, a month ago I gave birth to a daughter. Today I dreamed that my husband was crying and said through his tears that he didn’t have time to measure up with me, didn’t see his daughter and didn’t have time to do a lot of things in life. What does it mean?

  • Natalya, my sincere condolences to you... Such grief!
    I think that you should not grieve for him now, because he would not want that, but turn your attention to your daughter. Remember it.

My husband died 9 years ago. During all this time, I dreamed of him very rarely. All these years, my son and I lived together and I never got married again, although I had men, but it never came to the registry office and living together. I recently met an old acquaintance whom I had not seen for 20 years. We started a relationship and he admitted that he loved me since those long ago, when I was just friends with my husband. Now he wants us to get married and live together. And since I began to communicate with my old acquaintance (my husband also knew him), my late husband began to come often in dreams, several times a month. I remember dreams very poorly and cannot remember any details, I remember in one dream I dreamed that he and I were living as one family again, and the last time I dreamed that he was calling the apartment where my son and I live, I looked through the peephole, I see him and don’t open the door, he calls or knocks again, I look through the peephole again and see a close-up of his eye. Please explain to me what all these dreams are for and besides, he began to come to me so often after how I started communicating with this man. This man is very kind and I feel very good with him. But all these dreams haunt me. Thank you in advance for your answer.

On June 30, 2014, I lost my husband. The pain is still very strong. During this time, I dreamed about him 7 times, but one dream was very memorable. I dream about his old office, as if all our friends come there to congratulate him on some event, bringing gifts to him and me. At this moment he comes out. He thanks everyone for the gifts, offers to go to the set table, but, citing business, he and I leave the holiday. This dream doesn’t scare me; I really feel very bad without it. And recently I had a dream where in a restaurant I accidentally overheard a conversation between people who decided to rob a bank. They saw me and said that they would have to kill me as a witness. At the same time, I’m not scared, the only thing I ask is that it’s not in a restaurant, but on the street. And after that, freed from invisible shackles, I fly into the sky, clearly understanding that I am flying to my husband. Thank you if you can explain my dreams.

  • Condolences to you, Elena.
    The fact is that after the death of a very close person, such dreams can occur.
    The dream says that you miss him very much. That’s why you dream about familiar surroundings, familiar people, places where you have been with him. The last dream indicates anxiety, bad thoughts. The main thing is to remember that your husband loved you and would not want you to worry. Be strong.

Hello! Almost two months ago my husband died. In one dream he called me with him. I agreed, held hands and flew to the sky. In the second dream he was carrying coal in buckets and I said something to him. He began to say “you don’t love me.” “You’re all right with me.” and the third dream. He came home. He was very happy. Why is this? Thanks in advance!

  • The dream says that you will be able to avoid problems and negate their impact.
    Give him a blow.

Hello! My husband died 5 months ago. I dreamed about him 3 times. The first time: I was in the house, looking out the window, he was standing outside the window in the garden and smoking, holding a white bag in his hands, I asked him: “Did you quit smoking?” he turned away and ran away.
The second time: he sat on the bed and told me very angrily that I was not objective, while his eyes were closed, I was very unpleasant.
Third time: We were on the street, our son and his granddaughter were next to us (I only felt their presence), then we went in some car to celebrate his birthday at the holiday agency. When we arrived at the place, he gave something to the girl who came out to meet us. There were many other celebrations there. During his life he dressed well and neatly, but here he was dressed in household items. and suddenly he feels sick, just like in life, he says everything will pass, I want to touch them, he doesn’t allow it. I see a huge boil on his cheek. Then, he asks me to bring his phone. For some reason, I am looking for his phone number from the agency administration. As a result, I give him my phone, he calls his eldest daughter and asks how she is doing. In the dream, he did not pay attention to me. Then I woke up.
Help me interpret my dreams.
My husband died in my arms from acute heart failure; the ambulance did not have time. Our baby is already 1 month old, but we are still in intensive care,
Please decipher my dreams. Thank you in advance.

  • Oksana, please accept my sincere condolences.
    The first dream seemed to tell you not to worry. Because everything will be fine with you. The color white and the thing in his hand are the beginning of something new.
    The second dream symbolizes your thoughts at some point; you felt some kind of hesitation, the need to make a decision. Understanding its importance.
    The third dream probably means your future. Oddly enough, an abscess indicates prosperity. The celebration may indeed promise some kind of meeting with family and friends who will provide support.
    Good health to you, Oksana, and stay strong!

    • Thanks a lot,

hello, my husband died on July 3. before that he had been sick for a long time, he had heart disease, he died quickly, for the second time I dream that he comes home, begins to get dressed, and I worry, because he is alive, the doctors were mistaken that he died, and I took all his clothes I gave it away. And the second dream, my husband asks me to give him black electrical tape, he has a hole in his chest, he says, I’ll seal it now and everything will be fine, you should always have electrical tape at hand, you would seal it for me like that and everything would be fine with me , and I tell him that nothing would help you. And he doesn’t seem to understand that he died. Why is this all a dream?

  • Galina, I recently had a reader write a similar comment. His mother died, after which he was bothered by dreams with her. He didn't even think about it anymore. And then I went to the cemetery and saw that there was a problem with the fence on the grave, grass had grown over. He cleaned it up, and after that the dreams disappeared.
    I also think that you have a problem of this kind. After the death of a loved one, there is a desire to leave all his personal belongings at home. Usually it is customary to give to those in need, and leave only something especially memorable. You will do the same, leave the most important things, and give away clothes and other things.

    • The fact of the matter is that I gave away almost all of my husband’s things, kept only the most significant ones for myself, and in the dream he puts on a jacket, and I know that the things are no longer there, but my husband turned out to be alive, he did not die, in the first dream I I told him that I had given away the things, he replied, no big deal, but today I had a similar dream again. Maybe I shouldn’t have given the things away? And also, maybe in another dream he wants to tell me that I could have saved him if I had been there?

      • I think there is no need to blame yourself for anything. You did everything right that you could. If you believe, you can light a candle. Be sure to remember.

Good afternoon
My grandmother had a dream - her grandfather (who died more than 10 years ago) came to her and brought her two black buttons. He asks them to sew them on. Since during his lifetime he always sewed them on himself, his grandmother refused him. Grandfather turned sharply and left, leaving the buttons for her. What could this mean?

20 years ago my husband died, today I dreamed of him smiling, as if he and I were buying butter, and a briquette with butter in the shape of a house, the seller tells us: “Now you will have a house,” and I answer: “we already have a house.” . My husband smiles all the time and there is another girl with us, about 5-6 years old, and then there are a lot, a lot of candies in beautiful candy wrappers and I woke up, what does this mean. I used to dream about him too, and he was serious all the time.

  • That's right, you'll have to go somewhere. The dream itself does not bring bad things, however, its purpose is to warn you. Kofnets in a dream - to good moments, profit, happiness. But buying oil can be a hassle.

    • please tell me today on Christmas night I dreamed of my late husband smiling and sitting all beaten up by someone and when he saw me he opened his eyes and started smiling and I reached out to his face and stroked it

      • Anya, can you be more detailed and, please, with punctuation marks. Merry Christmas!

Hello. In a month it will be two years since my husband died. At first I often dreamed about him. The dreams were mostly frightening, aggressive, from which I woke up and could not move from fear. I remember many of them very well. He constantly ran after me, almost caught up with me... asked me to kiss him and I always understood that he died and should not be here and I always ran away from him, closed myself behind the door...... he scared me. But this is not about them. I didn't dream about him for a long time. And recently I began to dream very often, mostly I don’t remember dreams, only snippets. And now dreams don’t scare me, that is. I dream of him alive, quite calm, I don’t have a feeling of fear, I usually accept him, not as if he’s dead, just as if we haven’t seen each other for a long time... we’re talking about something, we can go somewhere or go together... quite ordinary things happen, in dreams there are other people, alive, many acquaintances, there are also strangers, including men... And in all dreams we do not touch each other... in some dreams I really want to do this, I imagine how, for example, we will get to places and we will hug, kiss, I can imagine how gentle he will be... but not now, later... but in the last dream I seemed to be waiting for a call from another man, and on the phone I heard his voice and seemed even a little disappointed.

  • It is possible that you will soon meet a person who could become your soul mate. Apparently, everything will not immediately become as it should be. Some more time will pass, and the dreams will disappear.

Thanks for the quick response. For some reason I thought so.

Hello again. It's me again, Olga. Today I dreamed about my husband again. And again I don’t remember the whole dream, especially the end of the dream. But the essence is this: it’s as if I’m faced with a choice of which man to choose, him or the other. My husband appeared unexpectedly, having learned that I was supposedly planning a relationship. And he began to persistently compete with his rival, did not give me a pass... it was something mystical, frightening... I even crossed him in a dream like a demon... and realizing that he would not leave me so easily, I began to prepare myself for that I would stay with him…..and I don’t remember the ending…there was a continuation, but in the end I don’t remember who I ended up with.

  • Most likely, an acquaintance awaits you. However, some part of you will resist this. This may also be related to the two-year date.
    You probably have to make a choice and make an important decision.

in three weeks it will be two years since he has been gone. Maybe I often dream about this particular event, reminding me of myself.

It's me again, hello. I'm the most active one here. Lately I've just been plagued by unusual dreams. Today’s dream is not entirely on topic... but I can’t shake the feeling that it’s not simple... I’m dreaming about a spider... I’m with a group of people in nature, I’m going to cook food, I pass by a vegetable garden, I picked some greenery and I go down to the river where our camp kitchen is located …..and along the way I come across a web with a spider (cross)….I stop in time, naturally I get scared and ask….I don’t remember who exactly, some man from the company, to remove the web….and while he was cleaning it, the web flew into mine side with the spider... and the spider ended up on me... crawling... I tried to shake it off, but at that moment I woke up..... In life, I am very afraid of spiders...

Today I dreamed about my late husband (he died almost three years ago). He hugged me and quietly said that he loved me and now we would always be together.

  • Pay close attention to all matters that cause you doubt. There may be troubles and things that you did not expect.

  • Why do I dream about my dead husband? It’s as if he writes me an SMS “I know everything, I love you and I miss you”, then he comes home and I tell him you’re dead. He was surprised and said I remember that everyone was crying but I was in a coma, I don’t remember anything .hug him tightly and said that he missed him. Then he got ready to visit his friends, but I cried and asked him not to leave. I would be grateful for the answer!

      • Hello! My mother dreamed of her late husband (he died 13 years ago). He took some food and silently left. My mother thought that he had gone out with friends, and began to cry and call him. Her husband’s parents reassured her, but when she called him the phone was unreachable. Can you tell me what this dream means?

        • Oksana, a dream can promise everyday troubles and troubles. It is worth exercising extra caution in the area of ​​health.

  • Hello. I recently lost my husband, I just can’t move away and let him go. I think about him all the time, waiting for dreams. I've already had dreams. But this dream scared me a little. The thing is that I always think, why did he pass away? Suicide... Today I had a dream that my daughter and I have a radio at home that repeats our speech, as if dad bought it. She put the child to sleep and lay down herself too. My husband comes into the room, comes up, and we kiss. I think it's warm. And he tells me, here is the device. From your radio, I wanted to watch you, but it didn’t work out, he doesn’t write two people at once. I answer, why watch us if we are at home every day and don’t go anywhere? He answers: I wanted to know what you do. I answer - and that’s why you hanged yourself? He answers no. Maybe I'm just tired. (during his life he worked very hard, without days off, he was tired). I say, are you really alive? Or have I gone crazy? He says yes, I'm alive. I hug him, cuddle up to him and say, don’t ever do that again, you just can’t imagine what we all went through. He says, “I’m alive, I’m not dead, the morgue told me, well, get up, my friend, go to bed, you experienced clinical death.” I started to get up and fell, it turns out my fingers gave out, they transplanted skin on them and on my lips. And then I realize that we buried him and I wake up. During his life, recently he was constantly nervous and screaming. And this is not the first time he committed suicide. He constantly believed that no one loved him and no one needed him. I'm still crying and can't understand anything. What does this dream mean?

    • Ksenia, please accept my sincere condolences. Everything is difficult for you, to survive such things... I would not take this dream seriously. The fact is that now you are completely absorbed in his death. You can’t accept it, understand it and somehow comprehend everything that happened. However, you need to get used to it, no matter how difficult it is, to hold on. In order not to think about the deceased, give his things to people in need. And try to let go. I think the main purpose of this dream is that you should let him go, not blame him for everything. He, of course, acted terribly, but it’s not for us to judge that...

      • thank you for your answer...before that I had another dream. That I’m locked in a secret apartment, I’m counting money, no one is allowed to see me, there’s security downstairs. The husband bursts into the apartment, there is security behind him, the man on guard tells me, “I didn’t let him in, he is forcibly coming to you.” I say let him come in. As a result, I sat on the sofa, he lay on my lap and I kissed him like a wild man, stroked his hair, said - you are so beautiful to me, I love you so much. Also, how to understand this dream? All the dreams are such that I have the feeling that he wants to come back to me...

    I don’t blame him for anything... On the contrary! Now each of us, the people close to him, has a feeling of guilt for not saving him, for sometimes behaving incorrectly, that if we had known that he would decide to die, then of course we would not even be with him. We never argued... But this is impossible. I understand that no matter what life is, you need to LIVE! Who knows now why he left us... How to let him go? I don’t understand this... Maybe go to church and confess... His mother has already gone. Sorry that I’m not writing on the topic of sleep, I just explained the situation.

    • Ksenia, it’s hard to say now, there’s no way to get him back. A friend of mine went to confession after the death of her husband. Only she approached this issue very seriously. Before I went, I prepared myself and read the relevant information. That is, what needs to be said at all. She said that after it was as if a stone had been lifted from her heart, she felt better. Now she seems to have come to her senses, at least outwardly. If you have a need for confession, if you feel that your heart is in it, then go.
      And dreams can bother you for a long time, since you constantly think about it. They do not in any way reflect the impact on you. You just constantly go over and over and over the same “why” thoughts in your head. Once again, please accept my condolences, stay strong and stay strong...

    Hello. Today I had another dream about my husband. We celebrated two years last week. And today I dream as if he is in prison, his mother and I came to see him, but they don’t let anyone go on a date, we have already lost hope and then he comes in....he looks good, in a white sweater, clean, dear and beloved….we hugged him and couldn’t tear ourselves away from each other. There was such a strong feeling, love...... so much joy from the meeting.... Then the picture changes, we are sleeping in one of the rooms, in the same prison, his mother with other visitors is sleeping in another room and it seems like an attack is being carried out on us.... Some devices that were hanging there began to fall from the ceiling and people in uniforms began to jump out of the ceiling... like riot police... I got scared, woke up my husband and we ran to my mother’s room.... everyone was panicking... but as it turned out, the people weren’t chasing us....

    • Olga, this dream most likely indicates difficulties that may arise for you. They are somehow connected with the mother of the deceased, worries and troubles are possible.
      Things falling on you in a dream means that in a real thing, expect surprises, not always pleasant ones. And the very image of your deceased husband, in a sense, protects you.

    Today I saw in a dream my husband, who died 11 years ago, with whom we had not lived together for the last 6 years, but were not divorced and sometimes communicated. It's like I'm standing on the landing in front of my door, and he goes up the stairs, gets to the middle of the landing (we have long landings), his hands are in his pockets, and says: hello, I look at him and think how can this be, because he died! And he says again: hello. I answer: hi. And he says: I am blind. But he looked normal, his eyes were open and he walked up the stairs normally. I say: are you blind? and I wake up in fear. What could this mean? In fact, I almost never dreamed of him. Thank you very much in advance!

    • Valentina, this dream indicates some problems in your life. As if something unexpected will happen that requires your intervention. Perhaps you will not be ready, it feels like you are in some sense “blind,” that is, not knowing what to do. But over time everything will return to normal.

    Thanks a lot!

    My husband died almost 4 years ago.
    Today I dreamed that I was sort of in the hospital where my husband was staying during his illness. I demand that the staff dig him out of his grave, because he was allegedly buried alive, in a lethargic sleep. They dig him up and bring him to the hospital, laying him on the bed. I take his hand, and he squeezes my palm in his and I feel that his palm is warm! Then he gradually comes to life, gets out of bed, and we stand holding hands. I am happy, I say that I will never allow him to be buried alive again. My soul is light, free, I want to cry (after his death I had a block, I couldn’t cry). I want to call everyone and tell everyone that my husband is alive, but my cell phone got lost somewhere. I wake up, my beloved cat is sleeping with me and her paw is in my hand. My husband spoke about her during his lifetime: “Our common property” and he loved her very much.
    Although communication with my late husband seemed bad, I felt good in the dream. Can you tell me what this dream means? Thank you in advance.

    • The most important thing is that the emotions from sleep are positive. If they are like that, then in reality everything will be fine.
      I can note that the dream more than likely promises the onset of a new life stage. There will be a lot of trouble and worries. Perhaps visiting government institutions. In addition, there will be many happy moments. Crying in a dream means happiness and prosperity.

  • Hello.
    My husband recently died.
    Why can’t I go there? At first I didn’t dream about him at all.
    Now dreams are all about him.
    He threw his things away and ran up, and I followed him and disappeared into the darkness.

    There was another dream... he took me from his house, where I beat up a girl whom we both know, he said that she had nothing to do with it and took me, we were walking through the store and I forgot my bag, I claimed that I couldn’t leave without it, he said that there was no time to pick her up, but I insisted. They took her. We were going up the escalator towards the light and he kissed me so tenderly, saying that he missed me, etc.
    but then there is a cry from below that I can’t go there
    but he says let's go, I can't wait long.

    Snils sex, as if in reality, everything is as if it were alive.

    and today, he shouted at me, forced me to run, but he ran with me

    What does this all mean?

    • Oksana, hello.
      The general thing that can be concluded from your dreams is the desire to escape somewhere. In real life, this may mean a desire to isolate oneself from worries, to run away from problems that arose overnight and continue to arise. There is also some concept of “top” and “bottom”. In my opinion, this is the separation of our worlds. You need to accept his death, let him go, start your life again.

      • Thank you.
        I can’t take off the ring, it’s almost a year since we got married, I don’t know what to do, today I dreamed of his wake, everyone wanted to take a photo with his photo in a crowd

        • Oksana, I really sympathize with you. I hope it gets easier over time. It is very heavy on the heart when people pass away at such a young age. What happened to him?

  • Hello, what is this dream for?
    My ex-husband died of a heart attack at work. We have a 7-year-old son. My husband dreams as if I’m trying to pass a level many times in a computer game. I saved it in the place where he was still alive, and before the time of death (saved at 10:30, died at 11) I’m trying to make sure that when he starts to die, a doctor with a defibrillator is already on duty in order to have time to save him. And every time I don’t have time.
    And the last time I looked, he had papers with him stating his death. That's terrible…

    • Hello Veronica.
      I think that this dream is only a reflection of your experiences, a feeling of guilt that something was overlooked somewhere. But you should never blame yourself. Despite the fact that my ex-husband is still a very big loss. Sympathize with you.

      • Thank you very much! I wonder, can a person really be saved during a heart attack? What if there was a team of resuscitators on duty nearby? The autopsy diagnosis was acute heart failure (he already had a massive heart attack in 2007, followed by coronary artery bypass surgery a year later), and in words the pathologist said - a heart attack.

        • Veronica, please. I do not have a medical education, but after watching several medical series and many movies, I can say that there have been cases. For example, in one movie, I think Meet the Fockers 3, the father of the bride defibrillates himself using lie detector electrodes. And myself. How plausible this is, I don’t know.
          On the other hand, you can’t actually install such a brigade with a living person...

  • Hello. Today (from Thursday to Friday) I had a very strange dream. In it I saw my ex-husband. We divorced 20 years ago, and he died 2 years ago. So, in a dream I came to visit him, the apartment was somehow unkempt. For some reason, I stayed overnight with him (there was no intimacy), and in the morning he says that soon we will be together again and everything will be the same. I have in my mind that I should stay with him, but I don’t want that myself. Now I’m leaving for work, but I won’t be coming back again. Then I woke up. Some unpleasant feeling has been bothering me all day. Please explain why such a strange dream could occur? Thank you in advance.

    • Good evening!
      Natalia, perhaps some kind of trouble awaits you. That's why the feeling haunts. Be especially careful in the coming days. Probably, in a dream you are given a hint that this event is somehow connected with work. The dream is a warning.

    Thanks for the clarification!

    Hello. Help me please. On August 11, my beloved died. The disease literally burned him out within a few months. We lived with him for 3 years, we have a child. Before me, he lived for 21 years in marriage with another woman, who after his death began to spread rumors that he wanted to make peace with her, got bored, started running, confessed his love. After these conversations I felt even worse; that night, already at dawn, I had a dream. I’m in the apartment where he and I once lived happily. I have his head in my hands, but his face is blurry (but I know for sure that it is him). I start telling him that she is spreading rumors, to which he gets terribly angry, starts swearing and screaming. I ask him: tell me honestly, do you love her? And he answers: yes, I love her! After which, with wild pain, jealousy, and tears, I jump to the window and throw his head out the window, holding him by the hair, although during his lifetime my husband always cut his hair bald. His head flies straight into the roadway. I hear the squeal of wheels and the impact of the soot. The car hit my husband’s head and I don’t remember anymore; I think I saw blood. After which, I run around the apartment and am overcome by the fear that now they will find me and try me for murder. And I had a second dream before this. He lies in a coffin and I see how he turned on his side, with his back to me, as if to sleep. And in a dream I thought with horror: my beloved had turned away from me! (Before this, there had just been a quarrel with his relatives, because they took away the things my son and I bought for us, and did not recognize us.

    • Good evening!
      My condolences.
      Your first dream reflects your past. There is a shock in him, most likely associated with the fact that you learned about his illness. At the same time, there is some feeling of resentment that the person left early and left you alone with your son. But it is very mixed. It is difficult to distinguish it among the whole spectrum of feelings... Thus, your experiences were somehow transformed into dreams.
      The second dream already concerns reality. The image of a dead husband turning away may really mean a quarrel with his family. He wouldn't want you to conflict. It’s difficult to fix anything here, since a lot depends on other people. Now you need to remain calm and somehow live without him, gradually. And try to improve relations with your relatives...

    On November 11 it will be exactly three months since he passed away. I only dreamed about him these two times and that’s it. Not one more dream, although I cry a lot and ask him to come to me at least once. I ask for forgiveness for everything. But I don't dream about him anymore.

    • Galina, you don’t need to ask him. You’re dreaming. In this way you can attract a lot of problems to yourself. Try to let him go gradually, forgive him for everything.

    Help me please. I assume that he came to me in a dream for a frank conversation in this image, and shouted and got angry, because I am suffering, crying, not giving him peace there and all the time thinking that he could really be walking behind my back to my ex-wife and in general I’m really worried about him because of his loss. In a dream, I threw his head onto the road, it turns out I killed him...!!! For the last year, during his lifetime, he and I had a lot of fights when the child was born. Now I constantly think: what if it’s me who is to blame for his death? He was diagnosed with eye melonoma 1.5 years ago. He went to Odessa for treatment, but on his next trip, in April, he was diagnosed with metastases in the liver, but he deceived everyone to the last that doctors could not determine what it was. He hid test results from me. It burned out very quickly... Help me decipher the dream correctly.

    • Galina, I think that you really don’t need to reproach yourself and feel sorry for yourself. He definitely wouldn't approve of this. You are definitely not to blame for his death, because every person and only he himself is responsible for his own health, the need for treatment, and so on. He knew that he had health problems, but he made a decision so as not to upset you, not to be a burden.

    Thank you very much! May God protect you and your loved ones!

    Hello. my ex-husband died a year ago. We were divorced for almost 10 years, but we communicated, were friends, and he communicated with his daughter and with me. Now the inheritance is being divided and this is a very unpleasant process, since our relatives are trying to leave our daughter with nothing. Maybe I dreamed about him against the backdrop of my experiences? I dreamed that he came to me in a good mood, I rushed to him, hugged him, cried, could not calm down... he felt sorry for me, stroked my back. I understood in a dream that he died, but I couldn’t say anything about it, ask anything... I just cried. and before that I dreamed about my dad who had died earlier. I hugged him too, but somehow I vaguely remember...

    • Tatyana, I agree that your dreams somehow relate to this red tape. They talk about the difficulties that may arise when dividing property and constant worries.

    Hello! We lived together with our common-law spouse for 4 years. Of these, he spent the last year in the hospital, where he died. This year our son was born. My husband died 3.5 weeks ago. At first I didn’t dream at all. But over the weekend I dreamed that we were walking together around the hospital grounds and he asked me: “I’m alive. why did you bury me*?” I told him that I saw him in the coffin. and he said it wasn't him. it was necessary. that same day I went to his grave. but tonight I dreamed that we were standing near the house, the weather was not very good - it was drizzling, but it was already starting to clear up and the sun was gradually peeking out and my husband told me: “if the weather were good, we could go to the zoo.” and I looked at the sky and said: “This is how the rain ends. let's go." and in response I hear from him: “not now. let's do it next time."

    • Olga, I think that the dream indicates that a white streak will soon come in your life after these adversities. The sun symbolizes some kind of undertaking, the beginning of something. Clarification will occur gradually, but I am sure that everything will be fine for you in the future.

      • Thank you)

    hello. I dreamed about my late husband... we lived with him for 15 years... he was sick for 3 years... he had suffered greatly for the last year and a half. and I dreamed of him on the 10th day after his death... that he was sitting on the sofa, leaning against a white door, as young as he was before his illness, and he said there were so many flowers and pointed to the car... and some small cargo car drove by... the sides were open and there lies a hill, a hill of burgundy roses (I bought him 50 of these for the funeral) and his son is sitting on a chair near the sofa. and I point to the car. the car drives off into the distance behind my son’s back and I say to my husband, how come you should be there, oh well, stay here.. and I woke up... what did he want to tell me with this... what to warn me about or is it all my experiences ….that I think about him constantly.

    • Laura, this dream is associated with experiences. There is no need to worry about him, it’s just that sometimes we want to rewind time so much, to see a person again, that their image comes into our dreams. In your dream we see an interweaving of emotions and facts that happened to you recently.

    Hello, my husband died almost a year ago, I don’t dream about it that often. But the other day I had a dream: he comes to my work and says that he’s not dead, but he just needed to wait out some time, then he takes some small change out of his pocket, it falls out of his hands, and he pushes it towards me with his foot . I didn't take it. Then he brings a man I don’t know, puts him next to him and says: Remember, this is Andrey. I have never seen this man. Tell me what this could mean.

    • Irina, you will probably receive some information about your deceased spouse, either this is related to his inheritance or debts or obligations.

    My husband died 3 months ago. Today I dreamed for the first time. In the dream, we walked along the embankment (I didn’t see the water), hugging each other, holding each other’s hands tightly. We didn't talk. It was a sunny summer day, very bright colors. I was in a beautiful white dress, he was in an old yellow shirt, which he loved very much during his life, in white trousers. I woke up to a very passionate kiss. In the dream there was a very light, even joyful state; I woke up with a feeling of terrible melancholy and anxiety. I would like to know what this dream means. Thank you.

    • Hope, perhaps there will be changes in your life for the better. Bright colors in a dream can brighten up your waking life and the situation will improve. This is a dream - something like hope and wishes for you not to grieve, but to live life to the fullest.

    On January 29, 2014, my husband died. We have been married to him for 39 years. I dreamed about him today: he seemed to be alive, he came and sat down next to me on the bench, there was some food lying there and he began to eat, looking very happy. He was silent. What would that mean? And a couple of months ago I had this dream - my late husband washed the floor in our apartment and found my lost earring and gave it to me. What does it mean?

    • Lyudmila, after your first dreams of mopping the floor, did you have any quarrels with your relatives? Very often, an earring can symbolize receiving news from children, usually from a daughter.
      Remember it. Usually after such dreams, where the deceased eats and is silent, he says that he needs to be remembered.

    Last night in the morning I dreamed of my dead husband of 20 years. I was looking for him in the hostel where he studied, a young girl came out to meet me, I asked her, where is Sagyn, why does he live with you?, she said nothing, we go up the stairs and there’s still an elderly woman walking ahead, probably a watchman, who says he lives in this room. For some reason, all the doors of the hostel are normal, standard, and where they showed me a narrow door, I opened it, went in and saw young people, girls and boys, walking there, and I asked where Sagyn was, they said he was in the shower, I looked for the shower and found it. I knocked, no one answered and I look at the top of the bathtub, which is made of glass, and through the glass I can see it. He lay face down as if he was lying in a sauna, above the waist you could only see and were naked, sweating, and I knocked on the glass with a towel so that he turned around and looked at me. At first he turned halfway and found out that it was my husband and he turned completely. I gesture through the glass that he put his ears closer to the glass wall and heard me. He did so, I tell him why you left us as a son, we are waiting for you and cried in my sleep, he didn’t say anything at all, he was just silent, he was in an average mood, he kissed my cheeks, I felt it and woke up from this kiss . And his hair became brown and he had dark hair. I say your son would like the color of your hair, I said. What is this, please tell me?

    • You probably had this dream not by chance, but to notify you of something. There is an indication of moments associated with water and cleansing. They usually talk about going through unrest. Water procedures also symbolize ill health. Crying in a dream is fortunate. The wall between you means that you are in different worlds. Remember it.

      • Why do you dream about your late husband and say that I will call you today?

        • Probably indicates receiving news on some important issue.

    My husband died a year ago, I often dream about him, and today I dreamed, as if my children and I were sitting in the living room at my parents’ house, I was doing something, my husband was dressed in a warm tracksuit, our children were nearby, a phone call was heard and his relative he says to me, you know, your father swore at him at your husband’s funeral, I say, you’re a gossip and hang up, I go into the hall and tell my husband about the call, he takes me by the hand and leads me to a large mirror, I look in the mirror and see my reflection, and his reflection is not there. He tells me that he is not there, he
    died, but I don’t believe it, I fall to my knees and start crying. Please decipher

    • Svetlana, this dream says that you cannot fully accept the death of your spouse. The moment about calls says that in real life you are tired of talking, there is some kind of misunderstanding. When the reflection in the mirror is not visible, it indicates the presence of ill health, however, in your dream you did not see the reflection of your husband, that is, this probably affects the purely psychological component of health. Svetlana, I can’t respond to comments instantly, sorry... Happy holidays to you!

    In a dream I saw a room that was divided into 2 halves by a dazzling white light. In one half there is a daughter, in the other I and my husband, who died 3 years ago. I begin to experience anxiety, anxiety because I understand that my daughter is ill, and I want to go to her in the half of the room where she is. I can't get through this light. Then my husband comes up to me, whose face I don’t see, but I very clearly feel that it is him and I clearly hear his voice, which says that he will see me through now. We pass through the light and see a picture: the daughter is lying in bed and fighting off some huge monster that was trying to strangle her. And this monster emanates a huge force that pushes my husband and me back, not allowing us to get closer to our daughter. I begin to read “Our Father,” and my husband begins to baptize the space in front of him with a lit torch. I shout: “Get lost, you unclean one,” I scream with all my might, but I only hear my own whisper. Finally we approach our daughter and the monster dissolves. The daughter lies pale, but gradually turns pink, and then the husband says: “Now everything will be fine” and disappears, and I wake up, repeating: “Get lost, unclean.” Why did you have such a dream? Why did I end up on the same side as my dead husband?

    • Evgenia, this dream indicates that your daughter may have problems. Based on your dream of strangulation and a monster, this may indicate health. If your daughter has problems, then you need to pay attention to them in the near future. The end of the dream suggests that it will all end well.

    Thank you very much!

    It’s just not clear why I am on the same side with my husband, and not with my daughter.

    Hello! My husband died two weeks ago. Today I had the following dream. I’m standing on the platform and am about to ask my husband’s sister a serious question. He appears between us. I reach out my hand to touch him. He extends his in return. He supports me in such a way that there is a feeling of calm and reliability. I then asked my sister a question, but she refused to help me. Relations with my husband’s relatives in real life are not very good.

    • Natalya, this dream probably somehow indicates communication with her husband’s relatives. Probably, the image of your husband warned you not to quarrel with them.

    Hello. It’s been 2 years since I lost my beloved husband, he was killed in an accident, at that time I was pregnant, about 5-6 weeks. Less than a week after they found out about the pregnancy, this terrible accident happened. We have 2 girls and were expecting a boy. So for the first year I dreamed about him every night, at first he asked for forgiveness for the fact that he died. Then I often saw it as if he was in a prison and was being forced to work. Then I dreamed that I wanted to sleep with him, but he said that it was impossible and slipped away, but then we all slept. Now I dreamed that we were eating very tasty halva together and enjoying the taste together. They say that sleep is not good. Please explain.

    • Alesya, did any events happen after these dreams? This dream may indicate problems in communicating with loved ones. It's difficult to say what caused this, but there is definitely one reason. Halva - indicates joy; this dream can be prophetic and predict some changes in life.

    Thank you for your response. No, it seems like nothing special happened and communication with people is normal, I am not a conflict person, I very rarely have conflicts with people. But the fact that we ate halva together and noticed a sweet taste in my mouth and that too, alarmed me, I looked at some dream book - it was written for death.

    • Alesya, I had something specific as a reason, and it’s not just a local quarrel at the everyday level. Do you know that if you read in dream books, then for almost every symbol you can find an interpretation that it dreams of death. And if you already believe in all of this, it will end badly. You need to approach the interpretation of dreams based on internal sensations, listen to your inner voice. Think about what he tells you.

    You write about the reason. What could be the reason?

    Hello, my husband died 7 months ago, I don’t dream about it very often as I would like... The last time I had such a dream, my dad and I were sitting and drinking vodka (in real life I don’t drink alcohol at all) my dad’s glass is on the table and mine is near my husband’s photo, I tell my dad, dad, aren’t you drinking or what? He answers I drink and add more, I say but I don’t drink and the vodka in the shot glass is probably going down, I say Anton (my husband) is drinking. After my words, we begin to look at Anton’s photo and he first looked at me with such a piercing gaze, then at dad and starts blinking, I run up to his photo and my husband has tears in his eyes…. Please tell me what this dream is for?

    • Natasha, there are probably events happening in your life that, otherwise you can’t say, “a dead person wouldn’t like.” This may be due to your strong feelings about his death, you cannot let him go. The image of your father and vodka in your dream is also not accidental. By the way, vodka often indicates a person’s conscience; drinking vodka means somehow punishing yourself. I think that after sleep you need to remember your husband.

    My name is Irina. My husband crashed 5 months ago, the car burned down with him... I had a lot of dreams about him, I talk to him, talk to him, but I’ve never seen him. The very first dream. The doorbell rings, a man is standing and talking that he is my husband (but his appearance is not his). I start hugging him and kissing him. He says that there was a mistake and I believe him... we talk for a long time. I understand that no matter what, I ask him “what is written with us under the rings???” But he doesn’t know what to answer and I understand that this is not my Dima...

    • Irina, these dreams are a reflection of your experience. Thus, you are trying to come to terms with a bereavement...

    All my dreams are about him... In my dreams, I always know that he is alive, it’s just that we’re separated... I call him, we talk to him... and not long ago I had a dream that I opened my eyes in a dream and he was lying next to me, looking at me, I I tell him that this is not possible, and he looks at me, smiles and says that everything is possible...
    I even checked right away... and he wasn’t there....
    I do not know what to do…

    • Irina, you need to let him go, forgive him.

    Hello! Today I dreamed about my deceased husband (almost 6 years since he died). I dream about him often, but today for the first time he spoke to me. I was so happy! But in the dream he didn’t look very healthy and I really wanted to help him, but I understood that either it was too late, or he had given up... We were in his home, very old, practically unfit for living... I was so sad to see him standing like that, but I didn’t want to leave him, talk to him... he smiled, said that everything was fine... Outside the window I saw some kind of huge puddle like a swamp, dirty, something seemed to be seething in it. At the moment moment, I am in a relationship with a man who is asking for marriage, but I am not ready, we are now in a quarrel. I don't even know what to think. Thank you in advance.

    • Anna, most likely, it was no coincidence that the image of your deceased husband appeared precisely at such a moment when you were deciding whether to get married or not. A swamp can indicate your hesitation, as if you were completely confused and at the same time on such a high emotional high (the swamp was seething). I think that over time everything will be resolved in a good way. After all, your deceased husband said “everything will be fine.” Be sure to remember it after sleep.

      • Thank you very much for your answer.

    Hello, I dreamed of my late husband, as if he disappeared and was offended by something, my mother-in-law and I are looking for him, but then he comes, I ask him for forgiveness, I don’t know why. I ask where have you been so far? He talks to his grandparents. And they also died a few months after him. Well, we then made up, kissed, hugged, and he said that he would now be home. On the previous day, we handed out cakes and sweets, maybe this is somehow connected with sleep.

    • Alesya, this dream may indicate that changes will occur in your life. Apparently, you are gradually starting to let him go.

    Hello! It’s been 2.5 years since my husband died of a massive heart attack, without any prerequisites... suddenly...
    But all this time I dream about him. sometimes every night, sometimes less often. There was a period when I almost didn’t come to sleep at all. All the dreams are similar - he either feels bad, goes to bed, or I swear at him or get angry. he is always silent and always sad.
    I dreamed twice and said something about money, that he had returned and had already gotten a job and would earn so much. I gave these amounts as help.
    Often, when he is sleeping in his sleep, I wake him up and ask him something... there are never any answers. I once dreamed that he was looking for me and when we met eyes, he looked exhausted and I think from somewhere I heard him scream: how long can you?! then we ran somewhere, and then I swore and left...
    These dreams exhaust me. I light candles and go to the cemetery. I'm sorry.
    Please help me, explain to me why this is so.

    • Laura, you need to let your husband go. Perhaps you have a constant reminder of him before your eyes - things you don't want to give away. It is better to give them to those in need. But as for remembering, you also need to do it less. I’m not saying stop altogether, just do it less often and don’t think about dreams. Try to let him go.

    Hello, I dreamed that my husband seemed offended by me and didn’t come home. It’s as if they were returning from Moscow with their cousin-in-law (he is alive), and my late husband did not come home because he was offended by me. What does this mean?

    Hello. My husband died on November 26, 2014, today I had a dream that he and I are in a large room with beds, one wall is missing and I see that there is one house there, and next to it there is construction of a second house, it is almost built, only there is no roof. My mother-in-law comes to us (she is alive) and complains that there is no roof, I suggest she hire builders, to which she says we have no money. Then she washes her face and her husband gives her a towel. Some women appear and tell the mother-in-law what a good son she has. And they tell me that he needs to be shaved and that there is something wrong with his eyes. I tell him that we need a child (during his life he really wanted us to have children) to which he answered me that he doesn’t want and shows some numbers and says that he has one day left, I don’t understand why I’m saying look ahead at the numbers 3.2 and the dream is interrupted

    • Natalya, this dream can promise troubles; most likely, they concern your home and mother-in-law. Perhaps this will manifest itself as minor everyday problems, there is no support. For a mother-in-law, a dream can promise difficulties, including those related to health, especially after the death of her son. It is worth paying attention to her problems.

    On January 8, I was at the cemetery and asked my husband to let me go.... the night after that I dreamed of him and said that he wouldn’t let me go, “I won’t give you to anyone, I love you, you’re only mine, I’ll ruin your whole life.”
    We were lying together, he just came to visit, asked me not to leave him... he put warm socks on me

    • In time you will let him go.

    Hello! On April 4 it will be a year since my husband died. At first I didn’t have dreams at all, but lately I’ve been having dreams all the time, and I remember everything down to the smallest detail.
    Three dreams in particular:
    1. I dreamed that my husband called me and said that a “funny thing” had happened to him, he woke up and was lying in the morgue with dead people nearby. I rushed to him, hired a car and began to take him out of the morgue, and he was so weak, He completely hung on me and I couldn’t hold on, my husband fell to the ground.
    2. I dream that my son and I are working somewhere (the work is hard, dirty) and suddenly I enter the room, and everything is sparkling, clean, there are white tiles everywhere and my husband is standing there, happy, cheerful, all in white. Smiling and He says that he is very glad that he found me and his son. Now we will not live so hard.
    3. I dream that my husband is sitting on the bed and looking at his funeral photograph.
    In all my dreams I had no fear or bad emotions, my husband was always smiling and kind.

    • Elena, your dreams give you a constant reminder of him, that you have not completely let him go. Perhaps there are some things in the house that belong to him that would be worth giving away. A quarrel with your son is possible, the second dream speaks about this.

    Thank you for your quick response. Probably your truth still hasn’t let go. I still can’t accept it with my soul. And how can this be done if a healthy, strong 40-year-old man dies in 20 minutes in my and my son’s arms (asphyxia by stomach contents) The ambulance arrived 3 minutes after he lost consciousness, and all this time I was giving him artificial respiration. Pump out failed.
    Thank you for your participation, understanding and help.

    • Elena, you're welcome. I sincerely sympathize with you. In my opinion, the most terrible death for a person is sudden... You won’t have time to say goodbye, nothing... If I understand you correctly, he choked on food or something like that, have you ever heard of such a term?

    No, he didn’t choke, but in some unknown way, food from the stomach “rose” and blocked the trachea. An autopsy showed that there was not a single diseased organ. It’s true, the husband wasn’t sick at all, even a cold didn’t stick to him. It was declared an accident .
    I just realized one thing: you have to live only for today and never, never forget to say kind words to your loved ones.

    Hello, I'm off topic. Because I’m still a teenager, but it would be very cool if you help me. My godmother died 4 years ago. My cousin lives in her house. I often stay overnight with them. That night I had some kind of calm dream, a portrait of my godmother stood almost above my head, and out of nowhere a very loud cry of my name came. I immediately jumped up, but there was no one nearby, the time was 2:59. What could it be?

    • Perhaps, Maria, you are being warned about some trouble in the future. Unfortunately, there is very little information in a dream, so just pay attention.

    Hello. I first dreamed of my deceased common-law spouse asking me to wash him. And a few days later I dreamed that he came to my house and once again told me that he was alive. Then his sister came (she’s alive) and I asked her in a dream (we don’t communicate in life) if Vlad (that’s my husband’s name) was alive. She looked at me, smiling, and asked why I got it. I said that he came to see me. And then she answered me that he was really alive. I then asked why they buried him. She replied that it was necessary.
    And in general, when I dream about my husband, he always says that he is alive.
    Also (off topic here) a few weeks ago I went to bed at night and clearly heard his voice. I clearly heard my husband calling me. He was the only one who called me that when he was alive. Later I tried to imagine his voice, but it was completely different. Forgive me, but I somehow felt scared at that moment.

    • Olga, most likely, the dream warns you of some kind of trouble. Its connection with health cannot be ruled out. Based on their experience, deceased relatives very often warn about things that can be prevented. So please take this information into account. The sister’s participation in the dream speaks of receiving some information about her in the near future.

    Hello, my husband died 1.5 months ago. ago, 1 month I was in intensive care, a serious illness. I dream about it often, almost every day. And in every dream I keep trying to leave him so that he doesn’t leave... I think in my dreams that he is alive, and if he leaves, he will die. In my last dream I saw him in a hospital bed, hugging him, crying, begging him not to leave. He says I need it, my love, I need to go. But I’m still holding him, crying, to which he replied: don’t cry, I’ll come back for you... this is such a dream, what could this mean?

    • The dream may be saying that you still can’t let it go. The dream cannot be interpreted, the bitterness from the loss of her husband is so great, the dream is from emotions and loss.

    Hello! I have been a widow for three years now. I often dream about my husband, especially on the eve of major church holidays and their dates. Today I dreamed that I was waiting for him from work, then they told me that he pretended to be sick and left somewhere. After a while I see a car driving down the road and he’s in it. I start calling him, the phone says: communication with this subscriber has been terminated. I cry, run after the car, scream. He makes signs to me with his hands so that I don’t make any noise, then he gets out of the car. Some people appear, congratulate him, give him flowers, martinis and beer. My husband calls me to a restaurant, sits me down at a table and disappears. I've been waiting for him for a long time. I’m asking someone about him... As a result, some woman appears with a large bag in her hands, there are ashes there. She says that Kostya was burned three days ago and these are HIS ashes, they need to pour them into his grave. And in a dream I understand that it’s in the grave where we buried him three years ago. Please tell me what this is for. I wrote a lot, a little chaotically, sorry.

    • Irina, the dream probably indicates that you often think about it, as if you cannot fully understand it, you are looking for answers. Most likely, your frequent dreams about him are connected precisely with this. It is necessary to gradually let him go and give away all his things that you have not yet given away, which constantly remind you of him.

    Hello! My husband died three years ago, we had been divorced for a long time, and as fate would have it, I had to bury him. I dreamed about it very rarely, like an image, smiling. And today I dreamed, in a black satin T-shirt, very “alive,” he ran up to me from behind, grabbed me and began stroking my hands, repeating: “let’s go, let’s go.” I’m scared, I understand that he’s dead, I’m trying to break free, I’m screaming “let me go.” The feeling of fear seemed to be incredibly strong. There were people nearby, no one wanted to help me. In the end, I was able to free myself. I woke up, all sweaty, my legs were numb, my voice was hoarse.

    • Tatyana, a dream can warn you about the presence of health problems. Most likely, this is something related to emotions, based on nervousness. Try to worry less, then everything will work out.

    I dreamed of my dead husband... It was as if I was sitting on the bed and he walked into the room, I seemed to faint, but the thought was alive... who did we bury then? He turned and went into the kitchen. And then I went there and I don’t remember anything else, or who was there with him, but they didn’t talk that’s for sure. My daughter, when she dreams of him, he at least says that he is alive, it was so necessary - that I died, but he didn’t tell me anything. Why do you have such dreams?

    Hello! I dreamed of my dead husband. It seems like he walked into the apartment where we lived together (I don’t live there now), I am there with my children. I understand that he died and was buried, so I suggest he take a bath. After that, we Together we climb the stairs in the entrance, supposedly to his cousin. And I often dream that he is not dead, he is alive, and we are moving into the apartment where we lived together, although I no longer live there and strangers live there. What does this mean? Thank you in advance.

    • Olga, such a dream may warn that you have some issues related either to the fact that you promised something or have not yet fulfilled it. When you often dream of a deceased person, he is definitely warning you about something important. For many, sleeping with a deceased spouse is a sign of illness.

    Hello again. Until I received an answer, I want to tell you one more dream. My husband died in intensive care from beatings and his face was covered in wounds and bruises. I dream that my son (4 years old) and I are going to the cemetery to visit my husband’s grave. We arrive, and the grave is dug up and the coffin is standing near the hole on stools. The lid of the coffin is open, only the husband is covered with a white blanket over his head. I hear a voice that tells me to throw back the blanket. And I’m afraid, because 4 months have passed since the day of his death, I think to myself, how will I open it, he began to decompose there during this time. With these thoughts, I look at his legs. And then the soles of his legs begin to move. I got scared and turned my gaze to his head. The coverlet was already someone opened it. His face is clean, no wounds, no bruises. The son comes up to him and lays his head on his chest. Suddenly the husband’s right hand rises and he hugs his son. Then darkness. A second later I look at the coffin, and he empty. And near this coffin I stand, my husband and my son in the middle. One day I leave the cemetery, only by myself, without my son. On the way home I meet his mother and his godmother. I’m trying to tell them that Edik (husband) alive, that he stood up. And they look at me and laugh. I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn’t come to my senses for a day. Tell me, what could this mean?

    • Olga, a dream may express concern for your son. The fact that without a husband it will be difficult to raise him. You dream about all the moments associated with your deceased husband because you are afraid of something. Perhaps getting the truth about his death, who is to blame, why this happened...

    Hello. I dreamed about my dead husband. I married him, he had two children, 5 and 3 years old. We raised them together for 5 years, but then he got sick, he was seriously ill for almost 2 years, I looked after him, he died painfully. I, too, was completely exhausted, I almost jumped from the roof of a tall building myself. I was left alone, with his two children, without work, since during his life I left work to take care of him. I started having panic attacks and thoughts of suicide. I became irritable, constantly shouted at the children, everything irritated me. I was on bad terms with my husband’s relatives; they believed that I owed them a lifelong debt because I lived in my husband’s apartment. When I talked to them, I became hysterical and felt bad. So I lived for almost a year, going to the grave 3-4 times a week. I went to a psychiatrist, and he advised me to leave this family, give up everything, otherwise I would end up in a mental hospital or kill myself. So I decided to leave, left everything we had acquired together in the apartment for the children, didn’t take anything with me (yes, I forgot to mention that the children have a grandmother and a very wealthy uncle), and left the city. I was most worried about the children, I was very worried about them, and I missed them very much. But everyone told me that it would be better for everyone. The feeling of guilt still haunts me. Sorry that it’s taking me so long to lead everything to my dream, but this is to make it easier to understand. After some time, I got married again, my husband and I live well. And this night I have a dream. It’s as if my current husband and I are in my late husband’s apartment (where we lived together), and I want to pick up my things that were left, but I only find kitchen towels, my current husband is waiting in the hallway, and suddenly the door to the nursery opens and there I see the late husband, alive, as he was before his illness, smiles at me, I ask him how this can be, he tells me that it just so happened that he recovered. I go up to him, take his hand and kiss it, and I feel so good and I’m so happy. He also smiles and says that he feels good too, and to prove it to me he does the splits. Suddenly he noticed my current husband, and with a glance he asked who it was. I didn’t answer, because children appeared in the room, they ran to me, I hugged them and cried, and told them how much I missed them. They were somewhat unkempt, with dirty hair. I woke up crying. Please tell me what this is for?

    • Marianna, everything really turned out very dramatically... But don’t be sad, everything will definitely work out. As for dreams, I think that this is a subconscious desire to take the children with you. You miss them, but you don’t know what to do. After all, they are well off, they have rich relatives and care. However, you have been their mother for 5 years, most likely, they consider you their mother. And then my mother left, probably, their experiences were passed on to you as well. Perhaps they have a grudge against you. But in many ways, this still says that these children are not indifferent to you. And the image of a deceased husband in a dream may have the purpose of somehow inquiring about their fate and establishing relationships with them. This is the feeling I got after reading your dream...

    Good afternoon Sonmir! My name is Anna. Today I dreamed about my dead husband again. As if I was getting ready to sleep at home, he comes and covers me with a blanket and lies down next to me, hugs me. I'm so happy. What is this for? Thanks in advance.

    • Anna, perhaps you need to be more careful about your health.

    Good afternoon, I periodically dream about my dead husband, he died 7 years ago, and when he dreams, it always turns out as if he was just leaving somewhere and I found him by accident. In the last dream, my daughter and I came to some apartment, and the daughter began knocking either on the toilet or in the bathroom, the husband locked himself in there and did not open it at first. Then he came out, I was very glad that we found him, it turned out that we had not seen each other for a long time, I kept asking where he was, and he pointed to his arms and legs (he walked around the house barefoot) and said that he was sick, but was already recovering, the fingers on his hands were crooked and his feet also somehow couldn’t straighten. But I was still very happy with him in the dream. In a previous dream, I met him on the street by chance, and I was also very happy, before that, it was as if someone told me where he lived and I came there, he was not at home and I was waiting for him. In my dream, I am very happy when we meet, but when I fall asleep, I am very sad and don’t know what to do. We lived with him for 9 years and were very happy, now I live in a civil marriage with our mutual friend

    • Maria, the dream speaks of some negative manifestations in life. Clearly warning of unfavorable moments. Firstly, crooked arms and legs can indicate health problems. A closed space means that communication will have to be limited in some way.

      • Thank you

    Hello, my husband died a year ago. I've been dreaming about him all year. Either he asks for forgiveness, or he gets angry, or he just comes to visit me. and recently I had a dream and said that a relative named him would die in a car accident. I recently quarreled with his relatives and after that I stopped dreaming about it altogether. Maybe he is offended by me because of this he stopped dreaming?

    • Assol, most likely, you will gradually stop having dreams precisely because you are starting to get used to living without him, he is letting him go gradually. And it’s better to make peace with his family. Perhaps a dream about a disaster is precisely what warns of a quarrel.

    Hello! 02/10/2015 I lost my beloved husband with whom we are expecting a daughter! Today I dreamed about him, it was a muddy dream. As if he was still alive, they gave him time for something. I hug him, and he tells me that I’m not at all worried that he’s going to die! This is a big loss for me. I can’t find a place for myself(

    • Valya, I really sympathize with you! The dream does not need to be interpreted, it happened literally 10 days after his death, the emotions are very, very strong. This is the so-called restful sleep. His goal is to somehow put you to rest; through visions, our inner world adapts to such a terrible change.

      • Thank you! This is the only time I dreamed about him! Is it normal that I never dreamed about him again?! I just heard that they dream for up to 40 days...

        • Valya, it’s just more likely that they will dream about it at this time.

    Good afternoon
    My dad died a year ago, during which time neither I nor my mother dreamed of him. And now, a couple of days apart, I dreamed about it for both of them.
    My mother’s dream was disturbing; she did not see her father in the dream, but she felt his presence. It’s as if he was planning to do something very bad with some person, and his mother is trying to stop them, running all the time, looking for them, but cannot find them, and there is less and less time left.
    I dreamed of my father being alive, as if the three of us with our parents were going somewhere, and it turned out to be closed and we were asked to come another day, and my father said “I can’t, they only let me go for one day.”

    Please tell me what our dreams can mean!
    Thank you.

    • Diana, unfortunately, you provided very few details regarding what troubles could happen. However, judging by the dreams, they are connected specifically with your plans, perhaps if you hesitate on some issue. It is also better to postpone travel. To see your path closed in a dream means that now is not the best time to do something. At least that's what the dream talks about.

    Hello! Today I dreamed of a mother who died a year ago. More precisely, in a month on March 20 it will be a year. I dreamed that she and I were walking at my cousin’s wedding. Mom is so beautiful in a dream, she hugged me and said that soon we will be together, and I was happy and began to ask how everything was in the other world. She answered that it was dark and you didn’t feel anything and I was upset, saying how will she and I be there together then? . I was very scared when I woke up. Why is this dream?

    • Arina, most likely the dream warns you of illness. Often deceased relatives, when they offer to take a person with them, point specifically to the area of ​​the dreamer’s health, that there is disorder there. You need to pay attention.

    Hello! My husband recently died, we had been arguing a lot lately and I was away and didn’t find him alive. Yesterday it was 40 days, he and I had a dream, he comes asking me for forgiveness and says that he loves me very much and cannot live without me, and he himself has 2 rings on his hand, one of which is a wedding ring, although he never wore it during his life. I tell him why I came, you’re married, and he takes off the rings and throws them away. He hugs me and kisses me, says kind words, and I forgive him, hug him tightly and say we will never part again. What is this for? And in general I dream about it all the time, always with affection and kindness.

    • Inna, these dreams are probably calming. Their goal is to bring you into balance after his death. By the way, two rings may indicate that he had some kind of strong relationship, perhaps before you. In any case, the dream indicates that everything will return to normal over time.

    Hello. My husband died 4 months ago, every day I dream that we are making love. And today I dreamed that in front of my eyes he cheated on me, I went into the garden, picking strawberries, wild strawberries. He approached the stone and asked for forgiveness, saying that today on this day he cheated five times with this girl. I climbed a tree, picked cherries, wild strawberries, strawberries, stood there eating, and he asked for forgiveness, and I left. Why is this, thanks in advance.

    • Rimma, a dream may indicate that a new relationship awaits you in the future. But you need to let go of your spouse, you often think about him, he cannot be returned. Red berries, and especially cherries, speak of passion and great love.

    Hello. My husband died 6 months ago. I have interesting dreams in which my husband looks at my son and me and smiles.
    1. In a dream, my husband invited me to a new, bright apartment without furniture, showed me where he lived and asked if I liked it, when I asked if I could show it to my son, he said it’s not necessary for us.
    2. In a dream, an elderly man came, I helped him in the sanatorium in the medical building to solve problems, we talked about everything as before with my husband, then I accompanied him to the stream and said hello to my husband, this man was not allowed to say anything further through the stream.
    3. In a dream, my husband said that he was alive, and it was very clear that I woke up and when they offered me to go live in another city (friends), my husband said in a dream just don’t leave Moscow.
    4. I dreamed of a husband all in white somewhere in the north and there were three of us with a child, and we felt so good that there were three of us again..
    5. On the third day after my husband’s death, I was thinking about how to go after him and apparently dozed off, woke up with a cold white blanket enveloping my legs, and as soon as my thoughts returned to some kind of normality, the cold went away.
    6. Today I dreamed of my husband’s grave, I looked at how far the fence needed to be moved and wondered what the monument would look like.
    7. When my friend died (she was hit by a car and we didn’t know) two weeks before we found out that she was no more, my husband and I had only dreams, nightmares in the form of some kind of end of the world... as soon as we found out that Alenka was gone , then the dreams stopped and relief came...
    8. I dreamed about my husband. he smiled and said, imagine that I don’t smoke (and he was a smoker, he died of pneumonia caused by a nosocomial infection after peritonitis) and was without a beard. When he was buried, the beard was removed in the morgue, although I asked him to leave it, because he always had a beard and most importantly he smiled and said that beards don’t grow here...
    And lastly, my son and I often feel the presence of our dear little man at home, we even sometimes see him standing in the corridor like an image and looking into the room and being sad - this is what my son sees, then I see him on the sofa reading a book, also like an image, then he hugs us it feels like a warm, kind cloud... up to 40 days there was a call at night to my husband’s number, while I ran up and picked up the phone, it said Moscow region, while I was trying to answer the call from sleep, the call stopped, there was no call in the call printout or in missed calls there was no recording at that time, but I know for sure that it was my husband who called... and I dream about him much more often if I light a candle for him or write notes for him.. can you tell me why this is?
    The psychiatrist said that we had a strong emotional connection, we were thinking about the same thing even at a distance... I felt when he was ill in intensive care and when he died there was emptiness and fatigue in my soul, as if I had been fighting for life for two hours... Yes, and my little son said where dad was now until he was 9 days old, he saw his image both at home and flying to his grandmother...
    Can I ask you to try to decipher your dreams?
    And when we said goodbye to our relatives, he was not in the morgue...there was a body and that’s it...but he himself was at home, my son and I felt it together...
    Please help me deal with all this in my dreams.

    • 1. A dream may indicate that there is no need to worry or worry about him. Live your life with your son.
      2. Again, a calming sleep. Perhaps you knew this person. Most likely, he has already died.
      3. Listen to the advice of the deceased person.
      4. You gradually get used to living without him. White color is a symbol of purification.
      5. Most likely, you had a very strong connection with your deceased husband, so these dreams can accompany you throughout your life until you mentally ask him not to dream about him. We need to insist.
      6. You need to visit the cemetery. Also, apparently, we need to think about installing a monument.
      7. Sleep in hand, as they say. It's hard to find out about such a disaster...
      8. May indicate the presence of financial problems. Hair is often a symbol of wealth; shaving it means losing a lot of money.
      Most likely, the more often you think about him (including candles and notes), the more often you will dream about him.

      • Thank you very much for your answers. something became clear. In general, he really is my life...

        • It turns out that when people die they go somewhere into a parallel world? after all, such dreams cannot be the fruit of an inflamed consciousness. especially if relatives sometimes come to work, it’s like a warm and white cloud hugs you and your soul becomes calm and good...
          After all, often deceased loved ones, for example in my dreams, come and smile and wear white clothes all the time. They say it’s good there, but they don’t invite you to come with you.
          Now I remember that in the spring of 14 I dreamed of a friend who was no longer there, she invited someone to visit her, only she said that she couldn’t drink or smoke... it turns out that after 5 months her husband left her.

          • Let's hope that there is something else THERE that we cannot comprehend with our heads. It would be a great pity if our life turned out to be the end. I believe that there is some other form of our existence. Yes, such dreams, unfortunately, are very common...I often encounter and hear similar things from readers.

    Hello! Dad died on March 8th. On the night of the 9th day, mom had a dream that dad was washing her hair, then she went into the bathroom and he bathed her. What could this mean?

    • Perhaps the dream is due to the fact that you need to rest. Water in a dream is a symbol of a surge of emotions; washing your hair, and also a dead person, is an emotional storm. Which is not surprising after the loss of such a loved one. Be strong...

    It is necessary to write with a capital letter and with punctuation marks.

    Hello! Sorry. Again today I dreamed of my husband. It’s like we’re sitting at a table and he comes up to me. And he started beating me, but he never even touched a finger in his life, he always said it would be easier to cut off his hand. And I went into another room and sat down at the table. His friend came up. He sat down with me, and my husband came in. Only when he was a child, about ten years old, this very handsome boy talks to me. I understand that he is my husband, and I go out of the house into the yard. And I see a beautiful flower bed of beautiful pink and red roses and approach them. And one such long beautiful rose looks out. I go up to her and wake up. Thank you in advance.

    • Rimma, I meant – all sentences are capitalized.
      Your dream indicates that happiness awaits you in the future. You will get married again. It may very well be that even now you know about the existence of your future husband. The image of your deceased husband tells you not to grieve too much, but to think more about yourself and your happiness.

    Hello, today I dreamed of my husband who died 10 days ago. He was silent, washed in the bathhouse and looked at me intently. At the same time, in the dream I understood that he had died. He had a black dot on his shoulder, similar to a wound. Thanks in advance!

    • Leysan, I really sympathize with you. In general, very little time has passed since his death. But in general, the very moment of washing and interacting with water says that by giving free rein to your emotions, you are gradually cleansing yourself of negativity. A black dot may indicate that there is one point, something incomprehensible that is bothering you. Possibly related to the death of your spouse.

      • Thank you very much!

    Hello! My husband died in an accident 5 months ago. back. We lived together for 6 years, we have a 4-year-old daughter together. I often dream of him; in my dreams he is sad more often than cheerful. Today I had a dream, as if I saw my friend, he said that Zhenya (my friend) is waiting for me (go there. I go and see a wooden gazebo in which my drunk late husband is sitting, but in the dream I forgot about his death, I suddenly felt embarrassed because I was going to someone else. Then I took him by the hand and we left the gazebo. Even in the dream, he was smoking and there were cigarette butts next to him, although during his life he managed to give up all his bad habits and went in for sports. Today I realized. , the same gazebo, only a square one, stands near my husband’s grave, and the suit in which I dreamed about him is the one in which he was buried. Help me figure out why I’m dreaming about all this?

    • Anna, some time in the future you will find a new relationship that will bring you happiness. Your deceased husband wished you only happiness and now wants you to be happy, and his daughter to be a father. So let him go gradually.

    Hello. I dream almost every day about my husband who died 2 weeks ago. In my dreams I see him alive and there is not even a hint that he died. We worked together at school and I usually see him at work: teaching councils, events, etc. . Some people say it’s bad, and some people say it’s not. I don’t know if this is for better or for worse.

    • Leysan, I am very sorry for you. The fact is that these dreams promise you nothing. Your spouse recently passed away, the emotions from this are still strong. These dreams are also called calming dreams. It is as if through communication with the image of the deceased they reconcile to the harsh reality.

    Hello! My husband died on December 25, 2013. He was ill for a long time, had several heart attacks, then heart bypass surgery. I cried all year, almost every day. I rarely dream. But dreams are remembered. The first dream is very real - I dreamed that we were walking side by side through the forest - we were both happy and in such a happy state we were jumping, first me, then my husband, into the ground, like into water. The second dream, I had a dream recently, I see my husband in uniform, he was an officer . He holds the child (I think it’s a boy) by the hand. I feel calm and leave to bring food. I wake up with this. I still can’t come to terms with his passing, we lived for 31 years. Thank you,

    • Hope, the dream speaks of the appearance of a man in your family. There may be a double interpretation here. For example, you may have a grandchild in the near future or you may meet someone. Now this may seem strange and unlikely to be feasible, but it is indeed possible. And so dreams are largely calming, that is, they help you somehow let him go through such meetings in dreams with his image.

    Hello! At the end of January, near Debaltsevo, the common-law husband A. of my colleague Z. died.
    About a week ago, her friend, who is in some way a seer, had a dream. In a dream, she was at their house, heard that they were arguing about something, then Z. She came out upset, and her friend asked A. what was the matter, he answered her “I’m telling her, but she doesn’t hear me, that’s where she’s going.” are you planning to go? (By the way, Z. is going to fly to Moscow one of these days), her legs hurt (Z. Indeed, the joints of her legs have been hurting lately), she needs to take care of her daughter.” Z. has two children from his first marriage, his daughter is 15 years old, but A. during his lifetime was always more worried about her youngest son, and here he asks to take care of his daughter.
    I dreamed about Z.A. herself twice, but he was sad and silent.

    I'm worried, what could this mean? Don’t go to Moscow now, or he was terribly jealous during his life and is jealous now. Or is her daughter really in danger?

    • Tatyana, using letters instead of names made reading the comment much more difficult. It is unlikely that anyone needs this information about these people at all. Well, okay, let's move on to the interpretation of the dream.
      If your friend is a seer, then she should say by her own feelings what she learned from her dream. Purely if you look at the symbols, sore legs indicate that now is not the best time to travel. Dreams are dreams, but if there is a need, then it is useless to argue here: fate will still take its toll, no matter how much you want to avoid certain events.

      • Thanks for the answer. The seer consulted with someone to understand how she could help, why she dreamed about it, she was advised to speak and give some objects to those about whom the dream was.
        Well, many people talk differently about fate: some that fate is inevitable, and others that everything is in the hands of man. Personally, I adhere to the second option and it seems to me that if the dead come to warn/warn, then this is necessary for some reason.

        • I also believe that when the dead come in a dream, a lot can be changed.

    Hello. In January, my mother-in-law died, and a month later they killed my husband, although everything was done so that everyone would think that he hanged himself... He is buried in Belarus, I was not at the funeral, and I did not see him dead, and then his grandmother dreams of him mother-in-law, she sits on a chair and says “But I didn’t find Stanislav...” What does it mean that mom didn’t find him?? I often dream about him, and he says that he is alive, I feel good with him, we do everything as it was in real life... And in my last dream I dreamed that he was very offended by me, I apologize to him, and he seemed to forgive, but then he disappears, and a dirty river appears and someone tells me that I should clean it and walk along it, I did everything but my Stas did not appear, and I was left waiting for him near that river... What it means?? Please tell me.

    • I think it's really not that simple here. You dreamed about a dirty river for a reason. Usually it means that there were many problems in your husband’s life. On the other hand, it is not clear why you went to his funeral. After such a dream, remember him and, if possible, visit his burial place...

    Hello. And if I dream that my deceased husband and I are swimming in clean water, like in a pool, and my husband and I are swimming together and our nine-year-old son is swimming a little further away. And we are in a good mood, we laugh, we are so happy... why could this be?

    • Most likely, the dream speaks of some kind of excitement, an emotional outburst. Often water promises another cold, if there was a feeling of coolness or chills.

      • Thank you. The fact of the matter is that there were no chills and the mood was good and the feeling from swimming was great, we always loved swimming like that on vacation.

        And the emotional outburst... I don’t know what it means... since August last year, when my husband died, there has been constant pain inside and the desire to leave behind me, I don’t notice everything else.

        • Alexa, get rid of such thoughts. You have a child, find the meaning of your life in him. Over time, this pain will surely subside.
          Perhaps the dream does not mean a surge of emotions, but, on the contrary, their normalization. After all, you associate such pleasant moments with water. But the water was in the pool and did not disturb.

    I had a dream. It was like reality. It was raining heavily, I was almost completely wet. And suddenly I saw my husband’s dead friend in the rain, he was wearing a raincoat and called me to hide from the rain, he opened his raincoat. I ran up to him. In the dream he didn't talk to me. What does it mean?

    • Perhaps the dream indicates that you will find help in solving a problem where you did not expect it at all.

    Hello! Today I dreamed of my late husband, in a dream he called me, said that it was him and fell silent, I sat for a long time and listened to the silence, then he arrived with a man and a girl, I didn’t know them! (The fact is that I didn’t see him dead!) And in the dream it turned out that he deliberately, for the sake of some good work, did it so that everyone would think that he was dead! Then we all sit in our room with him and he is so cold towards me, he didn’t care at all about my tears, kisses and hugs, then he says that he has another woman, and he loves her very much! I cried a lot, and he sat and calmly watched! I woke up in tears, how can I understand this dream?

    • Perhaps this vision indicates that the time is coming for changes for which you may not be ready. It is also likely that you will receive surprising, to some extent shocking news about matters that are important to you personally.

    Hello! I dreamed about my late husband. He died 4 months ago. It's like I'm at my husband's funeral. And all the people standing nearby say that we will already bury it. And I still ask you to wait a little. Maybe he will come to life. And then, indeed, he came to life and rose from the grave. And all the people say to the husband: “We almost buried you, tell your wife thank you and kiss her feet.” And he takes me to the room, very glad to see me. He kisses you and says how much I miss you. I love you so much. Then he told me: “They allowed me to resurrect for a while.” So that I come and make love with you. I don't have much time, and we made love to him. Thanks in advance. I'm sorry, I'm of a different nationality. So excuse me for the Russian grammar, I don’t know it well.

    • Rimma, thanks for your efforts, I corrected it. Russian, however, is a very difficult language.
      Perhaps this dream indicates a solution to the housing issue. In general terms, the dream indicates that there is a problem that you have been looking for a solution for a long time; most likely, it will be solved in the future, but obstacles along the way are not excluded.

    Hello. What could such a dream mean? I dream of a dead husband. Not yet 40 days have passed, I’m sleeping, and he comes up, takes me by the hand and leads me to the microwave, shows the time 01:00, I turn to ask him what this means, but he’s already gone , I look at the time again, and there it is 00:00! At the same time he was silent

    • I'm sorry for your loss!
      Julia, it’s possible that the dream is based on emotions. You can’t let him go, you can’t get used to his loss.

    Hello, I also want to ask, if possible, about sleep. I dreamed of my husband who died 3 years ago, together with the man I am dating now, but now he is away, I can’t contact him and I’m worried that suddenly something happened to him, the second time, I know, I can’t stand this. And in the dream, we all live together, and my husband is jealous of my friend, constantly sorting things out with him. Then my friend leaves, I worry, and my husband says that he saw him, he just works a lot and can’t come now. Then again I see myself with a friend, we, I apologize, kiss, he says that his attitude towards me has not changed, he loves me as before. Then he disappears again, I’m alone with my husband, trying to make peace with him, but he pushes me away and shouts that I cheated on him and sends me to my friend. What could this dream mean, maybe my friend, God forbid, too... Please tell me, thanks in advance.

    • Lena, it’s likely that you have the weight of the tragedy and concern for your lover. You are worried, you are afraid - in a dream, subconscious fears appeared to you, a reproach from your conscience, perhaps.

    I dreamed about my ex-husband, who died a year ago. They divorced 11 years ago, but were spiritually close and remained friends. I have an adult daughter, 23 years old, in the dream he said that she had died. He was confused and said that with such an illness she would live for a long time. In the dream, my daughter was 10 years old. When I realized that she had died, I cried a lot. In reality, she does not have a fatal disease, only a weak immune system.

    • Victoria, in life there may be some kind of worry about your daughter, about important changes in her life.
      According to the dream book, in general, the death of a person is interpreted back to a long life.

    I had a dream from June 10 to June 11 (from Sunday to Monday) Hello! Today I dreamed that my husband (we have been living for five years, but are not registered) was dead. The dream is like this... I dream that I am asking some woman what I should say at the coffin... it seems like so that he doesn’t take me with him... in short, something like that. And she tells me that there will be some kind of thing hanging there (shows it to me) .. so that I would touch it and say some words (I don’t remember them) .. I still didn’t understand her and asked her again 12 times... or 19 once. And then I tell her “that’s all.” She says... no and goes with me, as I understand it, to the coffin. We go out into such a bright corridor and go down to the floor below... such a dark corridor... we approach the doors to the room and my daughter comes out with someone and we go in. And while we were walking, I kept thinking... how am I going to say goodbye to him near the coffin... and when we came in, I saw that he was lying on some boards... face down... covered with some dirty rags... that you could only see his eyes and nose. I also thought...that it was as if a drunk was sleeping. There was also someone there... but I don’t remember... I know that there was some kind of cop... And this woman also asked if it was possible to move him higher up onto some pipes... there were also boards there. She was told... no, and I woke up.

    • Love, this dream is clearly about something bad. It is possible that there are some difficulties and problems in life. If we consider that a dead person often dreams of ill health, then it is possible that he has some symptoms that he shrugs off and tries not to notice. In general, it is worth paying attention to all areas of life, especially, of course, health and everything that is associated with risk and danger.

    Hello! Maybe you can help me with the interpretation of my recent four dreams. I had four dreams on different nights, over the course of 7-8 days, the 4th dream occurred on Sunday 06/17/18 - at 3 am.

    1. I dreamed of my son, who died young 20 years ago. I dreamed
    that I cook on the stove, something is fried in a frying pan and it smells delicious.
    My little son pressed against me on my right side,
    silently hunkered down and watched what I was doing... I turned to him,
    I kiss him on the forehead and say that I’ll quickly prepare everything and let him eat a little
    wait, it will be ready in a few minutes. I feel the warmth of a child and
    I feel so warm and calm in my soul. And then I wake up. I haven’t dreamed of my son for 10 years.

    2. I dream of a deserted place, at a distance of 30 meters there is mine (6 years since the deceased)
    husband, the face is not his. but for some reason I think it’s my late husband. I can’t hear his voice, but I think I know what he’s saying. That it would be good for me to sell the apartment and go with him to America, and if I don’t want to go... then to sell half of the house and give him money for the trip. I don’t answer, but I definitely don’t want to go, but I’m thinking about selling half, maybe I should give it away in good conscience, I’m still thinking.

    3. I dreamed about my deceased grandmother. She silently walked into my kitchen, stood, looked, and left the kitchen. In the corridor I share with my neighbors, I hear the murmur of a cheerful conversation - men and women. I think maybe grandma went out and was talking to a neighbor, she loved talking to people, she’s glad that she’s in a good mood.
    I take a food for grandma and take it to the bedroom, but there is no one in the bedroom.
    I’m in two minds... I’m glad I saw my grandmother and it’s a pity that she left so quickly. I should add that my grandmother raised me from the age of 2.5.

    4. My now deceased husband and I are in some warehouse, he gives me a roll of some hard and shiny material and says - bring it. I took it, carried it and thought... why do I need all this, some kind of warehouse, incomprehensible material, I took it out of the gate and put it, hid it slightly under some deposits of something. My husband comes out through the gate and says to me - why did you put it here? I don’t remember if I took the roll again, it seems to me not... then my husband went somewhere and I went with him, and then I told him - you need to go there, you go, but I don’t want to and won’t go, I stopped and didn’t go further, and my husband looked at me puzzled, but did not insist. That's when I woke up.

    Thank you for listening)

    • Victoria, okay.
      1. Could dream of ill health or a warning about a dangerous event in life.
      2. In the near future there may be forced actions on your part - travel, decision-making.
      3. The interpretation of the dream overlaps in meaning with the first dream.
      4. Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means more problems and hardships in life.

    Hello, I had a dream that I was in a cemetery, naked, bathing in the shower, people were walking around and I was bathing, what is this, my husband died a year ago, we lived for 20 years.

    • Julia, a dream can promise a manifestation of emotions, worries due to troubles. If there was a feeling of cold, it meant a cold.

    Last night I had a dream about my late husband. It was as if I had come home from some trip. My husband is at home. But I met him very coldly, he barely talks to me... I’m crying, I ask you to explain what happened and what I did wrong... I’m hysterical. But he is also cold, aloof.. I woke up with very unpleasant feelings..

    • It is possible that in reality there is a possibility of mistakes in business and unpleasant moments. It is also possible that there will be problems in your health.

    Hello. My husband died 8 years ago. I constantly have the same dream, that he is alive and is somewhere next to me. In a dream, having learned that he is alive, I begin to look for him, call him on the phone, ask his relatives about him. The feeling that he is alive is so real that after sleep, for some time the boundaries between sleep and reality are not felt. In my dream, I still can’t find him or contact him. Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Hello! My husband died two years ago. And today I dreamed about it. In all the time after his death, I dreamed of him only a couple of times, and today it was so clear and distinct. There was a day when he and his parents were getting ready to go somewhere far away. They are waiting for a minibus and I either see them off, or just stand and watch. Sergei invited me with him, saying that we would go together. I agreed, started to think and realized that I didn’t take all the things. For some reason I’m wearing pajama pants, and it’s 5 minutes before departure. I give my bag to my aunt and say that I need to go home and get some jeans. The road from the hotel to my house, if I run, then 5 minutes should be enough, but for some reason at this time they lay asphalt on the road, all the passages are blocked and I run along a large detour, I understand that I will not have time. Our son Vladik (he is 2 years old) catches up with me and we hold hands and run home. I wonder what Vladik will be like at home alone. Neither I nor Vladik have the strength to run. My husband calls me and says that everyone has already boarded the minibus and is only waiting for me. I ask the driver to pick me up because I don’t have time, but I know that the driver is unlikely to agree. I wake up. I don’t know what to think. I'm worried. What could such a dream mean? Thanks for the answer.

    • If a dead person calls you somewhere, then such a dream most often means illness or ill health. It is possible that the basis of the malaise is stress.

    Hello, last night I dreamed of my deceased husband (it was recently the year of his death). He said that he was alive, that he had staged his death in order to test my loyalty... He scolded me for soon meeting another person, and constantly said that he was alive. But after this conversation, we made up and began to communicate normally, and there was even a kiss from me. What could this mean? Answer please.

    • Victoria, a deceased person in a dream can warn of adversity in reality. The moment with swearing - here he could have screwed himself up, that he probably didn’t like the fact that you found someone and are trying to build happiness. But life goes on anyway.

    My husband died 4.5 years ago. I stand next to him, he is a cloud, but I know that it is him. In the distance, people are walking in a hunched line. I ask him, what are they carrying so heavy on their shoulders that they are hunched over? He replies that everyone carries their own cross. I ask, why don’t I have a cross? And he says that I carried my cross to the end. What could this mean?

    • Olga, it is possible that some problem in your life will go away and be resolved.

    My husband died 8 months ago. I often have very strange dreams with his participation. I dreamed that my husband was a werewolf, I ask him to tie himself up and not harm anyone, but he refuses and asks to stay with him. I understand that I need to leave and I can’t. As a result, he injected something into my hand and I fell asleep. What could this mean?

    • Anastasia, most likely, it’s difficult for you to let him go; you’re surrounded by some of his things, a constant reminder of him. You need to try to let him go, let yourself live despite the bereavement.
      A prick may indicate stress. The werewolf is a symbol of duplicity, but it is difficult to say what it refers to. Didn’t you manage to find out something about your husband, about his actions?

    It is believed that the dead foretell a change in weather. But visions involving the dead are not always interpreted so unambiguously. Widows, for example, need to carefully analyze what their husband is up to. It is likely that the soul of a loved one is trying to warn about something or protect from future troubles. Let's ask the dream book: what is the purpose of a deceased husband?

    Direct prediction

    We live in a rather complex world. The deceased husband often dreams because his soul is looking after the once beloved woman and children. She knows everything that has been and will be. Probably, the soul sees the error of the widow’s behavior or thoughts and tries to warn about impending troubles.

    It also happens the other way around, says the Ancient Russian Dream Book. The deceased husband pushes the woman towards new happiness, tries to persuade her to forget grief and open up to joy. Everything the deceased says should be remembered or written down. These words are worth their weight in gold. They contain information that is very important for the dreamer. And it should be taken literally. The departed spouse draws attention to some things or circumstances that will soon prove important.

    Just reflect on what you heard. And try to record the meaning of the vision, write it down on paper or in some other way, so as not to forget in the bustle of the world. In the subtle worlds where the souls of the dead live, there is no concept of time. It is likely that the spouse is communicating information not about tomorrow, but about events that will happen in a year or two. Interpreters recommend that women analyze visions about their late husband, and sometimes compare real events with what he said. The work, of course, is not easy, but you will discover a lot of new things.

    The deceased husband is alive in a dream

    There is one more subtlety in interpretation, which the widow will have to cope with on her own. A living spouse who has gone to another world can speak of a longing for male affection and attention. If you lack communication with the opposite sex, then you should not consider the dream prophetic. It is given out by the subconscious as a stimulus for a more active search for a new personal life. This is especially true for young widows; there is no point in denying it. the husband is alive and cheerful, affectionate and playful - which means it’s time to think about other men. As people say: “He let you go.”

    A sad spouse in the country of Morpheus is a harbinger of trouble. For a woman, if you look into the depths of the subconscious, a husband is protection and support. Maybe now our views have changed, we have become more partners, but the brain that forms dreams does not suspect this. It relies on more ancient and natural principles of existence. The husband comes, like a caring father, to warn about the upcoming unrest. And he is sad in his dream because he understands: his wife is making a mistake that leads to worries. If your husband scolds, it means there will be some kind of joy.

    Kissing your departed spouse

    Another rather ambiguous story. Interpreters advise to treat it philosophically. As the Ukrainian says, the relatives you kiss portend reconciliation with someone currently living. As a rule, we are talking about old family conflicts. They will be resolved, and the harmony of relations will be restored.

    In a dream, kissing your late husband with passion means the appearance of a suitor who can become a faithful spouse. Gently caressing a departed lover means boredom and melancholy. If a kiss causes discomfort, there will be trouble in your personal life. Scandals and attacks of jealousy are likely in the near future. If, on the contrary, your spouse kisses you, talk to his family. Some of these people need help or support. To see a deceased spouse kissing another woman is to learn about the death of a friend in reality. Often the deceased shows exactly the person whose earthly journey will soon end.

    Emotional component

    Sometimes the meaning lies not in the events, but in the feelings that the dream evokes. The late husband brought joy in the astral world - get ready for pleasant changes in reality. If you experience an attack of melancholy, you will receive bad news. If you quarreled with your deceased spouse until you cried, something very pleasant is coming. Often such a vision warns of new love. on a deceased husband - make a mistake. If you felt guilty, you will receive forgiveness for past sins.

    Disappointment that suddenly visited you in a dream speaks of an incorrect worldview. You consider something valuable that is not. Try to rethink your life guidelines so as not to cry later.

    Feeling happy in the company of your deceased spouse means recovery for the sick. For widows who do not suffer from illnesses, such a vision promises a good day filled with pleasant events. Pay attention to the fact that a meeting with your late spouse left you indifferent - to a loss of interest in life. In the old days they said that it is necessary to remember your husband.

    Reliving the funeral

    Sometimes in night visions pictures of past suffering come to life. As the English Dream Book suggests, dead relatives whom you are burying again simply foreshadow a change in the weather.

    Don't get upset and cry. You probably haven't fully gotten over the loss yet. Go to the temple and order a funeral service, pray yourself - everything will calm down over time. If you again experienced the funeral of a spouse who had passed on to another world, it means that the wound in your soul is still alive. By the way, it may not appear for decades; it seems that everything has already been forgotten, but in a dream the pain of loss comes to life again. Try to cope with your emotions and prevent suffering from corroding your soul and body. This vision also says that a woman has no real incentive to live, no specific goal. It needs to be formed.

    Take or give things

    In the old days, it was believed that a dead person brings gifts only to trouble. It’s even worse if he calls for you. Such a dream was interpreted as a harbinger of death. For a widow to take some objects from the hands of her deceased husband is a sign of resolving a troubling situation. Giving him things yourself is a sign of rash actions that will lead to major troubles. An old Russian dream book believes that the plot foreshadows frivolous behavior leading to illness. Try to be more reasonable after such a vision. The spouse calls for him - to illness. To refuse an invitation is to avoid an unknown danger. The trouble will pass by, you won’t even have time to realize it.

    Someone else's deceased spouse

    Sometimes people try to understand why the deceased husband of a relative or friend dreams. Such a vision should be deciphered like everything associated with the dead. If he was alive and cheerful, the weather would be good. I spoke to you - take the words as a warning about certain circumstances in life. Scolded - make an unforgivable mistake, tried to beat - to a promising acquaintance. The funeral that you had to endure in reality returns in night visions to draw your attention to the need to show compassion for your neighbor. Perhaps the widow needs help. Meet and talk to this woman, find some kindness in yourself.

    In general, the deceased should be remembered since he appeared in a dream. This is an old folk tradition, remember it when thinking about why your late husband dreams.

    A deceased person who comes in a dream often warns of what is to come. It is worth paying close attention to your sleep and your feelings during the dream. Such visions do not always foreshadow trouble; perhaps there will be a hint in solving a problem or difficult situation.

    It is important to correctly interpret the meaning of the dream and understand what the deceased husband saw in the dream.

    Why do you dream about a dead husband?

    If the husband dreamed that he was alive, and at the same time did not convey any information in the dream, he was just a vision, then this often foreshadows a change in the weather, for example, a sudden cold snap during a hot summer or a downpour in the winter, or climatic disasters. In any case, these are events that the sleeper cannot influence, but which, on the contrary, can have an impact in the form of a sudden danger.

    It’s bad if the husband tried to feed him, give him something to drink, or sat at the table with the living - such a dream foreshadows an illness that will arise suddenly and will have a protracted treatment. If you asked for food, then this is a reminder that you need to, as they say, “remember” the departed.

    Transferred any items - there will be acquisitions, unexpected grace or income may come.

    If you had to give away your things, expect betrayal, frustrated plans, perhaps someone will interfere in your life, expenses and losses cannot be avoided.

    It is very important to remember the information that the dreamed relative is trying to convey.

    If this is a calm conversation between you, then you shouldn’t expect any shocks. Most likely, the deceased is simply reminding of himself. Such a dream may occur on the eve of important good events taking place in the family.

    Often a deceased husband dreams of a widow's wedding, this is a harbinger of an imminent meeting with her new chosen one. If your spouse stood aside - a good relationship awaits you, if he tried to push you away - the person is not yours and can bring misfortune.

    It’s good if in a dream you are on opposite sides of roads, river banks or in separate rooms, and do not touch or collide with each other. Then there is nothing bad in such a dream, troubles and misfortunes will not affect the sleeper, most likely, the dream will contain calm information that will help in real life.

    Why do you dream about a dead husband calling for him?

    It is a bad sign if the deceased was taken with him or behind him. Bad changes are coming, this is a serious warning. It’s worth thinking about what needs to change in life.

    If you pushed away from yourself, it means that a new life awaits you, perhaps let go of the current situation, life will get better. In a dream, you should not mentally attract your husband to you or seek a meeting; you should not forcibly attract phenomena from the other world.

    If the deceased appears in a dream and protects you from ill-wishers, thus blocking their path, all the negative things will be left behind, and good changes await.

    Why do you have such dreams?

    Why do you often dream about your dead husband - this may be a reflection of your own thoughts, if you often think about him, then this is a projection of your brain: in a dream you see something that haunts you in reality.

    Perhaps the husband is trying to convey the necessary information that can help in life. It happens that in such dreams the deceased tries to say something important or give a sign of what needs to be paid attention to. Try to correctly interpret such a dream, do not perceive it as something bad, but understand how these phenomena can help in real life.

    If you dream about your husband constantly for a long time, perhaps his soul cannot find peace, or you are not letting it go with your worries.

    In any case, if you dreamed about your deceased husband, it is important to remember your feelings. What you experienced: calm, pain, anxiety, fear, these feelings are projected onto real life and will help you correctly evaluate the information received. Remember that this is a person close to you who cannot do anything bad, only in a dream he warns or warns against unforeseen events.

    Video on the topic of the article

    When interpreting what your deceased husband dreams about, you need to take into account not only the nuances of the vision and your emotions, but also your relationships at the time when your spouse was alive.

    Miller's version

    Having received an oral message from her deceased husband, Miller’s dream book recommends that the dreamer believe in what was said. By following these tips, you can avoid mistakes and troubles.

    If your loved one sings for you or walks next to you, it means that he is protecting the family, driving away all sorts of troubles and failures.

    Does your spouse call for you in your sleep? Don't rush to go to him. Usually this means imminent death. But are you ready to part with this world?

    The psychologist claims that the fresh grave of your husband appearing in a dream foreshadows: if in reality you commit a dishonest act, you will suffer and repent.

    Why dream if in reality 40 days have not passed since the death, but the burial place was dreamed of as well-groomed, with a good monument? Miller predicts a meeting with a new lover and the end of troubles.


    If you feel joy when you see your spouse, it means that this is your loved one. Usually he comes in a dream to warn or protect from trouble. It’s good if you remember the entire conversation, there are valuable instructions there.

    Why do you dream when a man shows you a house? This is probably his refuge in another world.

    Under supervision

    Why do you dream of a deceased husband silently standing in front of you? Expect the weather to change soon.

    If in a dream your spouse appears periodically, but does not show activity, leaving a hint of his presence, then the interpretation has a double meaning: you yearn for him, want to return to the old days, or maybe the spouse is simply looking after you.

    Move on with your life

    Why do you dream about a recently deceased husband? If the dream is repeated often, it means that his wife will not let him go.

    As a rule, such visions are restless. A woman can start looking, calling, trying to return. The dream book categorically does not recommend behaving this way. In this way, you can attract unwanted attention from entities and become their victim. Accept the loss and try to find new meaning in life.

    Let go of the past

    If the husband often appears in a dream, it means that the woman is worried about the irretrievably gone past. Get rid of the stone on your neck, and your husband will stop bothering you.

    Hiding from a dead person or driving him away is a harbinger of a long and happy life. But if you call, then the dream book shows the desire to contact him at any cost. And crying over a deceased spouse foreshadows fun in reality.

    Good omens

    Why do you dream that your deceased husband is resurrected? This is a very favorable sign. A living dead man returning to his family will bring good luck and happiness.

    In addition, the unexpected rebirth of a spouse, according to the dream book, predicts news from afar. The image symbolizes a long-forgotten business, which has now become relevant and began to bring profit, or sudden changes for the better.

    Adjust your behavior

    The dream book deciphers a drunk husband as inappropriate actions of his wife. This interpretation is especially relevant if the faithful did not drink alcohol during his lifetime.

    In addition, a drunk deceased person in a dream emphasizes your helplessness.

    Was the deceased drunk and attacked you? This means that many problems and difficulties are expected. And his swearing predicts: you are making a mistake.

    Limit your spending

    The dream book interprets a vision in which a dead husband was sent to jail as the need to reconsider priorities.

    If your spouse changed his religion and appeared to you as a Muslim, in reality you will be disappointed.

    Why do you dream when a deceased person is choking on bones? You are excessively unrestrained in spending. Quarrels and disagreements are possible on this basis. The dream book also speaks of an increased likelihood of a dispute over inheritance.

    Fortune telling

    If a woman’s late husband appears to her on the eve of a new wedding, his mood can predict how successful the marriage will be. If he smiles and his clothes are light, the wife will find happiness. Sad, sad and in black - the dream book foretells discord in family life.

    If a funeral appears in a dream, you will have a fun time. To remember the deceased - a new business is doomed to failure. A coffin with a dead husband predicts a drunken scandal.

    A deceased person washes in a bathhouse - the dream book predicts improved health. But if you wash it, then, on the contrary, you will get sick.

    The end of troubles

    Watching your husband leave is interpreted as follows: the troubles have come to an end. Seeing him with someone else in a dream means it’s time for you to “take off your mourning.” Probably a quick acquaintance with an interesting man. Be happy with him.

    But if next to the deceased is a woman who is alive in reality, the dream book indicates: she is the source of gossip and rumors that are circulating about you.

    Other predictions

    When trying to find out why the deceased husband came, the dream book recommends taking into account his appearance.

    Graying - portends sadness, but there is a chance of improving your financial situation.

    If in a dream his body is covered with scars, in reality you will make a big mistake.

    Naked - his soul found peace in the afterlife.

    With a smile on your face, the dream book foretells that your life will change for the better.

    Crying - trouble awaits in reality.

    If your deceased spouse is sick, pay attention to yourself and your appearance. The beloved is worried that you do not value yourself.

    Fulfillment of a cherished desire

    Did your deceased loved one give you something as a gift? The dream book predicts a big profit in reality. But the things given to him foreshadow losses.

    If the husband hands over money, in reality there is a lack of love and care. This plot has another interpretation: you will have the opportunity to make your wildest dreams come true.

    Closeness with the departed

    In this case, everything is not so clear. On the one hand, sex in a dream with a deceased husband shows dissatisfaction after the loss of your beloved. On the other hand, it is a harbinger of trouble.

    There is also a very unusual interpretation of this dream scenario: in a dream, your soul actually spent time with your spouse, having found him in another reality.

    Falling asleep next to you means a hopeless cause will bring success.

    Mutually hugging and kissing your deceased loved one - your life will be long. It could also mean missing him.

    The dream book deciphers an unrequited kiss as a symbol of loss. If you had to use force, there is hopelessness. But to receive a kiss on the forehead from your spouse means a blessing from the universe.

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