Repair Design Furniture

Insulation of frame walls with ichthyol. Insulation of a frame house: where to start and what material to choose? Insulation of the basement of the pile foundation

Insulating the walls of a frame house is an important construction stage that should not be neglected.

It is worth approaching this process seriously and responsibly, because frame houses are in no way inferior to concrete or brick ones in reliability and durability, and in most cases they even win.

If you want living in a dwelling to be a real holiday for you: in winter - warm and comfortable, in summer - fresh and cozy, then everything is in your hands.

Let's figure out how to properly insulate the walls of a frame house with our own hands.

Information about the most popular heaters

Today, a considerable number of heaters are known that are used in the construction of frame houses. Each has characteristic properties, pros and cons.

When choosing a heater, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • a small level of thermal conductivity;
  • fire resistance;
  • health safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • lack of tendency to deformation;
  • long service life;
  • value for money.

Today, in the process of building a dwelling, foam plastic and mineral and basalt wool are the most popular materials for wall insulation.

The article is devoted to the features of these types of heaters, their advantages, disadvantages and nuances of the installation process.

Mineral wool is a popular quality insulation material. For insulation, mats or rolls are used.

They are easy to install, lightweight, durable, have excellent sound insulation and low thermal conductivity.

The disadvantages of the insulating material include environmental friendliness (the content of a small dose of substances harmful to health) and the inability to resist the action of moisture (leads to a loss of thermal insulation properties).

Basically, mineral wool is used during external insulation. One of the types of mineral wool is basalt wool.

The material has a number of positive properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • health safety;
  • resistance to various environmental influences;
  • fire resistance;
  • strength;
  • long service life.

The disadvantage of basalt wool insulation is the cost of the material. But a large number of advantages of insulation overlaps this minus.

Polyfoam has recently been rapidly becoming the leader among frame house heaters.

First of all, due to its low price. In addition, the material is convenient in use, lightweight, and harmless to health.

But at the same time, foam plastic has significant disadvantages:

  • flammable, and during a fire emits toxic substances;
  • very fragile, can be easily damaged during work;
  • the material can significantly spoil the rodents.

Although many experts argue that rats and mice do not eat polystyrene, but settle their homes there.

They say that modern foam is made with the addition of flame retardants.

It's time to get acquainted with the technology of wall insulation using each of the materials mentioned.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house with cotton wool

Insulating the walls of a frame house with mineral wool is a laborious, but effective process.

The main thing is that the walls are observed correctly. Initially, we will consider the insulation of the outer walls of a frame house with our own hands.

At the initial stage of work, the wall frame is sheathed from the outside with slabs (chipboard) so that there are gaps between them, which can be foamed at the end of the work.

Then, between the racks of the frame, insulation is laid in layers.

To prevent the formation of bridges of voids and a bridge of cold, you should take mineral wool with a good density and lay each layer slightly with an offset.

The amount of insulation varies depending on the climatic zone of the location of the dwelling.

At the next stage, you need to fill all the voids with polyurethane foam. After that, it is necessary to cover the insulation with a vapor barrier film, and fill the crate on it.

Now let's talk about do-it-yourself insulation of internal walls.

Often this procedure is carried out to soundproof the walls. It is advisable to use a special sound-absorbing material, but mineral wool is also suitable.

It should be noted that no protective membranes are required for this process. The rest of the stages of external and internal wall insulation are the same.

Anyone who has at least the slightest building skills can insulate the walls of a frame house with basalt wool. But at the same time, the process requires serious responsibility and concentration.

Before insulating the outer walls in a frame house, cracks should be repaired. For this, foam for installation, tow, etc. will come in handy.

It is necessary to lay a vapor barrier (foil, polyethylene film, parchment paper) with ventilation. The film will protect the insulation from moisture, ventilation will help to allow air to pass through.

The insulation process consists of the following stages:

  1. Mounting and fastening of a metal cornice in order to facilitate the process of laying the insulation material and as protection from mice and rats;
  2. Gluing basalt slabs on the wall. To begin with, fill large wall sections with heat-insulating plates, then smaller sections;
  3. Leveling the wall surface.

As for the insulation of the inner walls, here the material also performs a sound-protective function. The technology is identical to the external wall insulation scheme.

So, the processes of wall insulation with mineral and basalt wool with your own hands are similar.

They require certain building knowledge and skills, diligence and belief in their potential. It is necessary to take into account all the subtleties of insulation technology.

Working with Styrofoam

You are already familiar with the positive and negative sides of foam as insulation.

Now let's look at how to insulate the outer walls of a frame house with foam. In the process of insulating walls with your own hands, a temperature above zero must be observed.

At the initial stage, the frame should be prepared (get rid of unnecessary items; treat the surface with antiseptic agents in order to protect the home from fire, level it (no air should get into the cracks), fill the gaps with frost-resistant foam if possible (for installation); treat the surface soil composition, allow to dry).

The next step is the application of a waterproofing layer (foil, polyethylene film, parchment paper), which acts as a protection of the walls from wind and moisture, is applied from the outside.

It is believed that the foam does not absorb moisture at all, and a waterproofing layer is not needed.

But at low temperatures, humidity can destroy the insulation. So laying this layer is a necessary stage of insulation. The protective film is glued with tape or special tape.

For high-quality insulation of a frame house, experts recommend putting three layers of insulation on top of each other, not forgetting to process the joints with frost-resistant foam.

It is imperative to correctly position the slabs so that they do not deform under the influence of temperatures, negatively affecting the cladding.

The walls are wrapped from the inside with a vapor barrier film so that condensation does not form on the insulation.

Penofol, various vapor barrier membranes are used as protection.

The outer sheathing can be made over the waterproofing layer. Ventilation can be dispensed with here.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house with foam inside a building is similar to the insulation of external walls.

So what kind of insulation to choose for your frame dwelling? Let's summarize.

Frame houses are deservedly considered healthy housing, since the main material of such houses is wood, which does not lose its relevance from year to year. Frame construction is popular and is developing in many construction companies, as well as in the private sector.

A frame house is an ideal option for inexpensive and attractive housing, and more than 20% of construction is currently underway. The cost of materials and work for the construction of a frame house starts from 300-500 thousand rubles, which is much less than the cost of a small but full-fledged apartment. Even in such an inexpensive frame house, you can create comfortable living conditions, not only by finishing, but also by creating the correct insulation of the frame house.

Insulation of a frame house

After building the main structure, creating thermal insulation is the first thing to do. It is very important to choose the right type of insulation for a frame house.


Polyfoam is the most common and cheapest option to perform step-by-step insulation of a frame house. This material is easy to transport but fragile and liable to break. The disadvantages of polystyrene include its fire hazard and the release of harmful substances during combustion and even simply when the temperature rises.

The frame is sheathed with polystyrene.

Insulation of a frame house with foam is most often done due to low thermal conductivity, and this characteristic is the most important for insulation. Also, when insulating the walls of a frame house with foam, you can save a lot on thermal insulation work and do it yourself. When installing the foam, you do not need to make a vapor barrier.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is an excellent sound insulator and heat insulator, the most fireproof material for insulating a frame house with your own hands. However, it can absorb moisture well enough, deteriorate under its influence, crack and collapse.

Insulation of a frame house is used with the mandatory installation of a vapor barrier, which is made from a special waterproof film. The joints of the film are overlapped and glued with reinforced tape or special adhesive tape.

Basalt wool Isover.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a heater:

  • Thermal conductivity.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Noise isolation.
  • Lifetime.
  • Ease of installation when insulating a frame house with your own hands.

On a note

It is better to insulate a frame house with mineral wool in the form of slabs, and not rolls, because breaks and damage will be excluded.

Other types of insulation

  1. Ecowool is a high-tech material, in which there is no possibility for rodents and insects to live. The material is ideal for insulating a frame house from the inside according to its characteristics, its only drawback is the rather large cost of both the material and the procedure for its installation.
  2. - expanded clay, slags, sawdust. Quite good insulation, which is currently used more on flat surfaces. You can insulate the roof and the floor of a frame house with the obligatory use of waterproofing, as it often gets wet, settles and requires replacement.
  3. Glassine - thick paper processed with bitumen. Excellent moisture insulator, excellent wind protection.
  4. Polyurethane foam is a good material with a number of significant disadvantages - it is afraid of direct sunlight, high-cost insulation of a frame house from the outside.
  5. Penoplex - it includes extruded polystyrene foam. Penoplex is produced by rectangular plates of various thicknesses from 20 to 100 mm. Insulation of a frame house with penoplex is justified by the fact that the material does not emit harmful substances. Like polystyrene, it does not conduct heat well, but it is much stronger and easier to process.

Mineral wool.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house is performed after the construction of the power frame and placing it under the roof. This procedure is due to the preservation of materials from getting wet. Especially if wadded heaters are used, which lose their heat-saving properties when exposed to water.

The video of the insulation of a frame house shows that mineral wool can also be installed with the internal insulation of a frame house. In the future, the insulation plates are closed with OSB or clapboard. Additional insulation of a frame house made from the inside takes up part of the usable area.

Before taking measures to strengthen the walls of the frame house, it is necessary to carry out a "general cleaning", to clean all the beams and niches inside the frame of the house. Seal joints and cracks with polyurethane foam.

Cross insulation

In modern house construction, cross-insulation of a frame house from the outside is popular. This method of insulation helps to get rid of cold bridges that arise at the points of contact between the insulation and the wooden frame. Also, wood itself is a cold bridge.

Vertical cross paneling.

The usual thickness of the insulation of a frame house is 150 mm, which is placed between the frame posts. Insulation is used in the form of slabs, while its width should be one cm larger than the distance between the posts, which will allow the insulation to adhere more tightly to the tree.

Additionally, horizontal bars of 50x50 mm are nailed from the outside of the frame, with a distance of 590 mm between them for tight fixation of the insulation, the size of which is 600 mm. Further, a moisture-proof membrane is attached to the crate with a stapler and overlap, and blocks the ingress of moisture into the inside of the frame.

A counter crate is nailed onto the moisture-proof membrane and then the facade material, thereby creating a space for ventilation and removal of excess moisture. A ventilated facade is created, which is simply necessary in the technology of insulating a frame house.

On a note

There is no need to do steam and waterproofing from the outside - this will spoil the wood of the frame more. It is important to leave a small distance between the outer cladding and the façade to ensure better ventilation.

We insulate the ceiling.

Insulation of the ceiling of a frame house

Before carrying out work on the insulation of the ceiling in a frame house, it is necessary to install a ventilation system and think over the openings for the exit of all pipes.

From the side of the attic or, if the frame house is multi-storey, a layer of foil-clad foam is attached, also with a construction stapler, and layers of mineral wool are laid between the beams. Additional insulation will be strips of glassine laid on top of the cotton wool and an unedged board.

Insulation of the floor and ceiling.

Floor insulation

It is better to carry out insulation after installing the power frame of the house and bringing the building under the roof in order to avoid getting the insulation material wet. is done between the logs on the rough floor, another layer of insulation is placed on top, and then covered with sheets of chipboard or OSB.

Foam or mineral wool can be used as insulation for the floor. It is not advisable to combine these two materials in insulation because of their different characteristics. The thickness of the insulation of a frame house can be quite large, but then this should be taken into account already at the design stage and leave the necessary gaps.

Pitched roof.

Roof insulation

If you plan to equip, then the roof is insulated in the rafter system. And if the attic will not be heated, then the insulation is carried out on the overlap of the upper floor.

Insulation of the roof of a frame house can be carried out using inexpensive materials such as straw, shavings, sawdust. They are not expensive, but quite fire hazardous and susceptible to the development of microorganisms and fungal infections. Of course, this is already the last century.

We put mineral wool in the frame of the house.

There is a new scheme for insulating a frame house, which is based on the use of modern thermal insulation materials. Now they prefer mineral wool, polystyrene, penoplex. Also for a flat roof, you can lay bulk insulation.

Useful Tips
  • The thickness of the insulation of a house built using frame technology depends on where the insulation is intended. Typically, the thickness of the insulation is from 150 to 200 mm.
  • House installation technology indicates the presence of chipping and nails in the beams. In order not to damage the insulation, it is recommended to clean and grind damaged structures.
  • Before starting work on the internal insulation of the frame, seal the cracks and joints with polyurethane foam and pieces of mineral wool.

If you decide to carry out the insulation of a frame house with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions on our website will help you delve into the process and do everything at minimal cost. The price of insulating a frame house will depend on many factors, therefore, first of all, choose heaters and materials that do not require special skills and equipment during installation.

Additional is a topical issue for owners of houses and country houses located outside the city. If in summer this problem is not acute, then, coming to the country house in winter, early spring or late autumn, you want to have a warm home. How additionally, so that you can live in it not only in the summer?

Will additional home insulation be economically justified?

House insulation is required when large funds are spent on heating it in the cold season. If the numbers are too high for the home owner, then it is worth considering how to make your home warmer and more energy efficient.
The walls of the house can be insulated in two ways:

  • from the outside;
  • from inside the room.

Thermal insulation of a house from the outside is the best option, both in terms of efficiency and saving of internal living space, in comparison with internal insulation. But at the same time, one must take into account the difficulties and costs that arise as a result of the need to remove the existing facade finish and its entire substructure. Next, you need to install a new substructure, carry out work on thermal insulation, and then re-do it. At the same time, old facade materials are no longer suitable for re-installation. Therefore, when deciding on additional insulation of the house, you need to calculate everything and find out whether it will be expedient from a financial point of view, in your case.

Vinyl siding is one of the most popular materials for finishing the facade of a country house.

Most often, additional insulation is resorted to for a small layer of insulation with walls. It should be noted here that frame houses located in the middle of our country must have a thermal insulation layer of at least 15 cm.

They come in second place. As a rule, houses built from profiled or, which were not properly insulated during construction, are subject to additional insulation.

Concrete siding allows you to give a wooden house a brick or stone look.

A frame house or from a bar, sheathed with a blockhouse, looks like a house made of rounded logs.

Design features of a frame house

Consider the technology of insulation from the outside. To fully understand the process, you need to know the features of the construction of a frame house. This is due to the fact that additional thermal insulation is a build-up of an existing thermal insulation layer. The photos below show the main stages of building a frame house:, creating a frame, laying a roof, filling the frame with thermal insulation, installing a windscreen, finishing a facade.

The construction of frame houses begins with the installation of a supporting frame (of course, there is already a foundation) made of wooden beams. Thermal insulation boards made of glass or stone fiber are placed between the beams. It is important to know that fiber insulation is afraid of moisture. Getting wet reduces its thermal insulation properties. As a result, more heat is used to heat the house. Also, if the insulation gets wet, then the duration of its operation decreases.

Fibrous insulation is placed between the uprights. From the side of the room, it is protected with a vapor barrier.
OSB boards can be installed on top of the timber frame as a base for finishing. However, they should not be mounted close to the insulation, otherwise they will prevent steam from escaping from it.

High humidity is also harmful to the timber frame. Wood becomes moldy and rotten under the influence of moisture. Exposure to water vapor, which tends to escape from the warm air inside the house, is very dangerous for wood. In the cold, it turns into condensation and moisturizes the frame of the building. To protect wood from exposure to steam, special measures are taken. These include:

  • ventilation gap;
  • vapor barrier film.

A ventilation gap is left between the exterior trim and the thermal insulation, as a result of which the penetrated steam is eliminated. Fiber materials are characterized by high vapor permeability, so steam passes through them easily. The ventilation gap is made using counter-lattice bars, which are nailed to the frame posts. The gap is made from 20 to 50 mm.

Most often made of polypropylene, it is applied to the insulation from the inside of the building. It is necessary to prevent the passage of water vapor in the structure of the walls. The film is attached with a stapler. At the same time, a gap is left between the finishing of the room and the film in order to prevent damage to the vapor barrier film during finishing. All communications also fit into this gap.

Outside, the insulation is covered with a windscreen, then a counter-lattice is nailed to the posts, which provides a ventilation gap and becomes the basis for finishing. It is necessary to leave an air gap between the insulation and the exterior finish to remove water vapor from the wall structure in order to avoid condensation and, as a result, moisten the insulation and the wooden frame.

Another equally important element of the wall structure is wind protection. It is mounted to the insulation close to the outside. Its purpose is to protect against blowing through the ventilation gap. When installing the windscreen, polymer films are used. In this case, it is necessary to use only diffusion films or vapor-permeable ones so that they do not interfere with the elimination of water vapor from the insulation. The windscreen is also stapled to the frame uprights with staples. Additionally, it is reinforced with counter-lattice bars.

ROCKWOOL Video Guide to Insulating Siding Walls:

Often, work on additional insulation of a frame house involves laying heat-insulating plates only between vertical posts fixed to the existing frame. This is not the best solution, because wooden posts are heat-conducting elements in the wall structure, which can be detected with a thermal imager. It is advisable to prevent heat loss through them by covering them with another layer of insulation. This can be done, for example, as follows: fill wooden blocks (usually 50 mm thick) across the racks with a certain pitch, and place stone fiber slabs between them.

Another option is to install 25 mm fibreboards in two layers with overlapping joints. The advantage of such plates is that they play the role of not only insulation, but also wind protection. A layer of insulation across the racks will also eliminate freezing of the wall caused by a human factor: loose connections of the thermal insulation to the frame.

Wall of insulated frame house with ISOTEX, ISOPLAAT boards (fibreboards 25 mm thick)

The last stage in the construction of a frame house is exterior decoration. It is attached to a counter-lattice or to a base made of OSB boards. You need to know that OSB slabs do not allow steam to pass through well, so they cannot be fastened tightly to the insulation.

Is a windproof membrane necessary in the "pie" of the wall of a frame building?

On the one hand, the membrane prevents the penetration of cold air into the insulation, increasing the heat-shielding properties of the wall. On the other hand, the air flow in the ventilation gap is negligible and, as a rule, does not lead to noticeable heat loss. Meanwhile, according to studies, even a vapor-permeable membrane to a certain extent prevents steam from escaping from the frame wall structure. And in the presence of a membrane, the probability of condensate accumulation in the insulation is greater than in its absence. Therefore, we can definitely recommend only the installation of wind protection in the corners of the building, where it is most likely to blow the insulation through the leaks in the facade decoration. However, there is also an argument in favor of its arrangement along the entire facade: this layer will protect the thermal insulation from external moisture if it gets under the finish through cracks or damage.

Technology of additional insulation of a frame house

For additional insulation of frame walls, it is first of all necessary to remove the elements of the external finish, the base, the counter-lattice and the material for the wind protection. Further, one more racks are attached to the vertical frame racks. Their thickness should be equal to the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. In order to save money, you can replace the bars with wide boards, which are attached to the racks with metal corners. If boards are used, then when selecting the correct width, a frame for thermal insulation and a ventilation gap are created in parallel. In this case, the counter grill is not required. The frame can be made of metal corners or racks, between them plates or insulation mats are also installed.

Design option for a double insulated frame wall:
1. OSB board (OSB), the base for exterior decoration; 2. Counter-lattice forming a ventilation gap; 3. Ventilation gap; 4. Wind protection in the form of a vapor-permeable membrane; 5. Fiber insulation (basalt insulation); 6. Independent double frame racks; 7. Vapor barrier; 8. Internal OSB board (OSB); 9. GKL, base for interior decoration; 10. A layer of interior decoration.

According to experts, when conducting inspections of such buildings by using a special device - a thermal imager, freezing of the structure through the racks is revealed. By doing additional double insulation, the cold bridges overlap. It is possible to eliminate freezing, which occurs as a result of loose laying of fibrous insulation plates in the frame base. In this case, thermal insulation is made of two layers. Vertical racks are attached to the frame and plates of fibrous insulation are placed. Next, the lathing bars are nailed perpendicularly. A second layer of heat-insulating material is placed between them. And then they make windscreens.

Other options involve the laying of fiberboards in two layers, further installation of the ventilation gap and installation of external finishing. During the installation of external finishing, it is necessary to ensure the flow of air under the facade from the bottom side and its exit at the top. How it's done? Perforated siding can be used for air intake. The air outlet from above is created by combining the ventilation gap on the façade with the gap in the eaves. must be equipped with air vents.

It is worth considering one nuance with additional insulation at home. If the insulation has a thickness of about 10 cm, then the entire thickness of the structure with a facade and a ventilation gap will be about 15 cm. Therefore, if additional insulation of the walls of the house is necessary, it is necessary to provide for what the eaves overhang of the roof will be. If initially it is small, then after insulation, the appearance of the cornice may deteriorate. Also, the eaves overhang of insufficient length will no longer save the facade of the house from the effects of precipitation. In such a situation, it is better to use facade materials that are highly resistant to moisture. It is also necessary to install a blind area to drain water from the foundation. Situations arise when a small eaves overhang of the roof does not allow the installation of additional thermal insulation. The fact is that building the roof and reworking the overhang in a new way is troublesome.

With additional insulation of the house, there will be no problems with arranging the openings of windows and doors. In this case, other slopes are installed that are wider than the old ones.

Thermal insulation of a wooden house using fiber boards

Using corners, metal profiles are vertically fixed around the perimeter of the house.

Metal hangers are attached to the wall of the house, using self-tapping screws, with a pitch of 60 cm.

Then the fibrous insulation plates are installed and fixed.
When installing, the insulation slabs are first laid in the profile framing the wall, and then cut through with the bent whiskers of the suspensions. In order for the insulation not to shrink, the plates are additionally fixed in the center with disc dowels.

Then the insulation is covered with a windproof film and fixed. After that, each slab is fixed to the wall with four more dowels through the foil.
The windows are framed around the perimeter with a frame made of profiles.

They carry out similar actions according to the described scheme and mount the insulation along all the walls of the house.
After the installation of the windproof film is completed, the posts-profiles are fixed for installing the siding.
Siding began to be installed from the corners of the house. First, the corner profile was fixed, then at a distance of about 30 cm from it - the H-shaped one, after which a starting bar was attached to the lower strapping profile. The space between the corner and H-profiles was filled with cut-to-size light siding panels. After the corner decoration was ready, we proceeded to the wall cladding. Here they used panels of red-brown siding, and in the 3rd and 14th rows in height - light. When decorating the windows, platbands with a wide shelf were used.

Thermal insulation of a wooden house using ecowool

A frame made of 100 x 50 mm bars is fixed on the log house, on which a windproof film and an external finish will be fixed in the future. In addition, the frame will not allow soft ecowool to squeeze out. The pitch of the bars can be determined locally, without paying attention to its accuracy, the main thing is to carefully monitor that their outer edges lie in a vertical plane.
A windproof film is attached to the lathing of bars, with staples using a construction stapler.
A counter-lattice of 50 x 50 mm bars is stuffed on top of the film for the installation of facade cladding.
Ecowool consists of cellulose fibers with additives of fire retardant and antiseptic. It is delivered to the construction site in bags.
Ecowool fluffed up in a special mobile installation with an air flow is fed to the desired place through a flexible hose. The material penetrates into all cracks, covering the structure with a continuous uniform layer. In this case, the walls were insulated in sections between the frame bars. The hose was inserted into incisions made in a windproof film. When the cotton wool within a radius of 0.8-1 m around the hole reached the specified density, the feeding was automatically stopped. Next, a new incision was made, and the process was repeated again until the entire frame was filled with insulation.
A facade cladding was attached to the counter-lattice - boards imitating a bar.
The windows were finished after the wall cladding. The slopes were made of planed boards, and the ebbs were made of painted steel.

Errors with additional insulation at home

A common mistake made with additional insulation of an already built house is the use of an unsuitable film material for a wind protection device. There are a large number of protective films on the market, which sellers call waterproofing, hydro-windproof, etc.

Please note: it is permissible to use only films with high vapor permeability (diffusion membranes). They are laid close to the layer of thermal insulation, and they should not prevent water vapor from escaping from it, otherwise the steam will condense and moisten the insulation, as a result of which its thermal characteristics will significantly deteriorate.

In addition, moisture will have a detrimental effect on the wooden frame.

Another mistake is attaching a soft fiber insulation to a timber wall with disc dowels. In this case, the insulation can sag or be sagged by fasteners, which will also reduce the thermal protection of the building.

When insulating a building from the inside, you need to carefully mount the vapor barrier, gluing the joints of the rolls and the places where the film adjoins the structures with special adhesives or tapes. And to remove water vapor from the premises of the house, it is imperative to provide a ventilation system.

The technology of additional insulation of a house from a bar

If a house made of profiled or glued beams was not insulated during its construction, then the insulation technology is similar to the one described above:

  • frame attached to wooden walls;
  • filling with a heat-insulating layer;
  • ventilation gap;
  • wind protection;
  • outdoor decoration.

The question of the need for a vapor barrier layer when insulating walls from a bar is controversial. In order to find out whether a vapor barrier is needed, the vapor permeability of this particular structure is calculated. Specialists can also help in this situation. But some argue that the installation of a vapor barrier is not necessary, since the wall of the building from the timber itself retains the steam. And the steam entering the insulation will be eliminated as a result of ventilation. In this case, neither the wood nor the insulation material will be harmed. If a small amount of moisture remains in this structure in the winter, it will evaporate in the summer.

Insulation of the walls of a log house: a - roll insulation, b - interframe insulation in one layer, c - interframe insulation in two layers, d - frameless insulation in two layers. 1 - crate, 2 - roll insulation, 3, 6, 7 - elements of vertical and horizontal frame, 4 - slab insulation, 5 - disc dowel for fastening the insulation and self-tapping screw for fastening the frame.

The opinion of other experts is the mandatory installation of a vapor barrier when insulating a house built from a bar. At the same time, the vapor barrier film is attached from the side of the room to the timber wall. The same controversial issue remains the use of roll insulation for external insulation of walls from a bar and a log.

Construction of additional insulation for a log house:
1. Wall from a bar; 2. Wooden frame; 3. Fiber insulation; 4. Wind protection in the form of a vapor-permeable membrane; 5. Counter-lattice forming a ventilation gap; 6. Exterior decoration.

Other options for additional insulation at home

There are other ways of additional insulation of the house from the outside. For example, laying ecowool in the frame - an insulating material that is made on the basis of cellulose.

In some cases, it is possible to insulate the walls of the house and from the inside. But this option has many disadvantages. In this case, the living area of ​​the room will become smaller. It is necessary to install a vapor barrier in all rooms of the house. At the same time, it is important to make high-quality seams of the film canvases, as well as the places of its attachment to the building structure. For this, glue or special adhesive tapes are used. Sometimes two layers of film are required to increase the reliability of its vapor barrier. This process leads to certain ventilation problems. Vapor tight walls need to be installed in the home. Although, on the other hand, when erecting a frame building, many experts recommend installing such ventilation always, regardless of how the frame house is insulated.

They are assembled in a fairly short time, using minimal labor resources. However, with all its advantages, it still has one small drawback. If you do not produce high-quality insulation of walls and roofs, it will be possible to use it only in the summer, since it will not be suitable for year-round operation in our climate.

Insulation of a frame house - types of materials

The modern market offers a huge selection of building materials for insulating frame houses. Based on the foregoing, it is very important that the insulation retains its functionality for more than a dozen years, for this it is necessary to use only high-quality material.

Currently, thermal insulation materials are conventionally divided into two categories - organic and synthetic.

  1. The first includes natural materials of natural origin (sawdust and shavings, compressed straw, etc.).
  2. The second category includes types of insulation obtained by a high-tech production method, using various chemical components and compositions for this, namely: mineral wool, foam, basalt, and others.

The excellent thermal insulation properties of synthetic materials make them the undisputed winners in this group. They boast such qualities as:

  • good moisture resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity and flammability level;
  • no shrinkage and long service life;
  • easy to use;
  • safety for humans.

Home insulation is the most popular and well-proven method. The material has excellent sound absorption, retains heat well, and also has a high environmental friendliness class.

Insulation of walls from the inside and outside

There is no particular difference where to start work on the insulation of a frame house, from the inside or outside, there is no. Here as it is more convenient to whom. For example, it is a little easier to install insulation from the street, but there is a risk that it may rain and then the work will have to be curtailed for a while.

Standard mineral wool insulation is 600 mm wide. Therefore, when erecting the frame, this moment must be taken into account. In order for the material to fit snugly against the uprights, the ideal spacing between them is 580-590 mm. This distance will not allow the insulation to slide down over time, as it will be tightly clamped.

According to the established norms, the thickness of insulation for a structure in the central region of Russia is 150 mm. Therefore, it will be advisable to use slabs with a thickness of 100 and 50 mm.

Thus, instead of three plates, two will be enough for the structure, thereby significantly reducing labor costs. Also the material is 100 mm. less prone to deflections and therefore more securely attached to the structure.

Fastening of vapor barrier and OSB boards

  • In order to prevent moisture from entering the insulation, it must be well protected from it. To do this, from the inside, the wooden walls of the frame must be covered with a vapor barrier film. Using a regular stapler, roll out the roll in horizontal strips and fasten it with an overlap along 5 cm... to the uprights. Make sure that the film is tightly adhered to the surface everywhere;
  • Next, we need to close the vapor barrier film with OSB plates, which will be the basis for the interior decoration. Using ordinary wood screws and a screwdriver, we fasten the panels one by one, cutting them off with an electric jigsaw if necessary.

Insulation installation

Consider, as an example, the insulation of the frame with slabs based on mineral (stone) wool. The material is quite resilient, so no additional method of fastening is required to fix it, it is enough just to insert it between the posts. The plates must be held tightly there due to the difference in size.

Installation of insulation is carried out in two layers using a checkerboard pattern. The second should overlap the butt joints of the first, exactly in the middle. This method avoids the appearance of so-called "cold bridges", which contributes to the appearance of condensation and dampness on the inner surface of the finish, as a result of which mold and mildew may appear.

After all the plates are installed, they will need to be protected from rain and strong winds. For this, by analogy with the internal walls, the external walls are sheathed in the same way.

A hydro-windproof membrane is used as a material, it will reliably protect the walls from getting inside drafts and rain drops. For a secure connection of the membrane, fix it to the uprights with a counter crate.

Wall cladding outside

Depending on the material you choose for the finishing, it is necessary to properly prepare the base for it. For ordinary siding or a block of house, moisture-resistant OSB boards are attached to the counter-lathing, to which guide bars are nailed.

It is very popular among the population, which accurately imitates the structure of real wood.

Insulation scheme in section

If the walls will be sheathed with any other finishing material (facade tiles, artificial or natural stone, etc.), it is unnecessary to nail guide bars to OSB plates, the walls for finishing are left in this form.

Roof insulation

  • Not many people know that roof insulation plays a very important role in creating a favorable microclimate in the house. High-quality insulation of this element reduces heat loss at home by 25-30 % , therefore, it is very important to approach this issue with full responsibility.

One of the most common ways to insulate the roof is to lay the insulation between, and in order for the insulation to last a long time, the roofing cake must have a ventilation gap.

The essence of the process of a frame house with mineral wool is quite simple and looks like this:

  1. From the outside of the roof, a diffusion membrane is nailed to the upper base of the rafters, which is fixed with a counter-batten;
  2. Further, from the inside, in two layers (each 100 mm.), using the same checkerboard pattern, insulation plates are laid. Pay special attention to the places of the gables and the ridge part of the roof;
  3. The insulation must be closed with a vapor barrier film, which is fastened with horizontal stripes overlapping from bottom to top 5 cm.;
  4. The final stage is the filing of the ceiling with a finishing finishing material (clapboard, plywood, block house, drywall, etc.)

Floor insulation

Another place where the leak comes from 15-20% so precious in our time warmth. You can, of course, fork out and install a system in the house, especially since nowadays there is enough for this.

However, why not try to warm it up first. After all, the floor is the place where a lot of interesting things happen.

Do not even count how many kilometers your baby crawls along it, and then on it he will take his first steps in life. Spending time on yoga and reading interesting books will be fun in addition to benefits.

The sequence of floor insulation in a frame house:

  • A layer of waterproofing film is rolled onto the rough floor. All joints are glued with reinforcing tape;
  • Between the lag for the floor, insulation is laid (thickness not less 200 mm.). To exclude the formation of a gap, the width of the insulation should exceed the distance between the lags by 1-2 cm;

  • Overlapped insulation on top 5-10 cm... covered with a vapor barrier carpet;
  • Further, depending on the floor covering, the floor is covered with sheets of plywood, or a finishing board is placed.


Today there are many different modern materials that are suitable for insulating houses built using frame technology. However, numerous positive reviews from the owners show that there is no point in overpaying for expensive materials in this case. With the protection of the house from the cold, mineral wool, which is quite affordable, does an excellent job.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that mineral wool is a reliable, inexpensive and quite effective material for insulating a frame house. Due to its environmental friendliness and fire safety, insulation can be used both inside and outside the house, and nothing else is needed.

Frame houses are more suitable for summer living. If such a house is operated year-round, it will need to be insulated. For sound insulation, comfort and durability of the building, insulation must be carried out in compliance with GOSTs.

In this article I will tell you how to insulate a frame house for winter living.

Ways of insulating frame houses

First you need to decide on the type of insulation. It can be internal, external, as well as insulation of the floor, ceiling, etc.

What you need to know about outdoor insulation

This type of insulation has the following advantages:

  • Additional protection of walls from deformation.
  • The insulation takes on abrupt changes in temperature, thereby extending the service life of the building.
  • Makes walls smoother, making it possible to use different materials for facade decoration.

External insulation is:

  • ventilated;
  • Wet insulation.

The first method is the most common and economical; this work can be done without the help of specialists. A gap is made between the insulation and the cladding, which performs the function of ventilation. Thus, the condensate accumulated in the insulation is blown out by the air stream. This technology extends the life of the building.

The second way - we glue the insulation to the wall, and then we attach it to the dowels. We apply several coatings on top: reinforcing, intermediate and decorative. However, it is impossible to perform wet insulation without work experience.

Important about insulating the house from the inside

Internal insulation of a house has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to perform work in any weather and season;
  • you can lay thermal insulation yourself;
  • provides good sound insulation.

Among the disadvantages:

  • condensation may appear on the wall, under the insulation;
  • the wall does not warm up well, which leads to dampness;
  • reducing the area of ​​the room;
  • the materials used are harmful to health;
  • at the joints of the insulation, there are gaps through which the cold will appear.

When insulating walls inside a building, you should consider:

  • Indoor air humidity.
  • Weather conditions of the area where the house is built.
  • Insulation properties.
  • Thermal parameters of the wall.

How to insulate a frame house for winter living?

In order to be able to live comfortably in the frame and in winter, the material used for insulation must have the following qualities:

  • Environmental friendliness - the insulation should not contain substances that can be harmful to health.
  • Fire resistance - the material should not ignite, and in the event of a fire - emit a large amount of smoke.
  • A small coefficient of thermal conductivity is optimal if the insulation for winter in a frame house is in the range of 100-150 mm.
  • Strength and tightness - the insulation should tightly fill the gaps of the frame.
  • Ease of installation of thermal insulation.

To insulate a frame house, it is customary to choose between polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, basalt wool and polyurethane foam.

I will note right away!

I am a supporter of the use of basalt (stone) wool in the insulation of frame houses. The advantages of this material are undeniable!

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.


The material is considered the warmest, but less than the rest is suitable for insulating frame houses. Features of use:

  • Styrofoam is rigid slabs, they are laid on a flat wall. For a frame house, this insulation option is suitable only with a perfectly flat surface, otherwise cold air will appear through the gaps.
  • The material should not be placed near sources of ignition.
  • Does not allow moisture to pass through, requires the installation of reliable waterproofing and vapor barrier.

  • light weight, which makes the installation process simple;
  • does not lose its properties with temperature drops.

It is better to install the insulation outside the building.

It is a high quality material with good thermal insulation properties. It is made of granular polystyrene and a foaming agent.

  • Low water absorption. This indicator remains unchanged even at high humidity.
  • Installation of additional waterproofing is not required.
  • Strength.
  • Low flammability.
  • It can be used at temperatures from -50 to +75 degrees.
  • Environmental friendliness and harmlessness to health.
  • You can install it yourself.
  • Low vapor barrier. To improve the indicator, ventilation is required.
  • High price.
  • Installation of an additional frame on which the material will be attached.
  • Application of a special composition to polystyrene foam to protect it from UV rays.

Due to its quality characteristics, the material is often used for insulating floors, facades and foundations.

Mineral wool

The basis of the mineral wool is made up of fibers from minerals of volcanic origin.

Among the pluses stand out:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Non-flammability. This material is not only non-flammable, but also prevents fire from spreading.
  • Light weight, making it easier and faster to install.
  • Provides the durability of the building.
  • Over time, the cotton wool cakes, as a result, the integrity of the thermal insulation is violated.
  • Reliable waterproofing is required, as mineral wool absorbs moisture.

Basalt wool

I must say right away that this is the most suitable material for insulating a frame building!

Basalt wool is made from rock melts (basalt). It is used for sound and heat insulation of buildings, insulation of facades, roofs, ceilings and other structures.

Advantages of basalt wool:

  • good sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • strength;
  • vapor permeability (allows the walls to "breathe");
  • does not have toxic substances in its composition;
  • prevents the formation of mold and mildew on the walls;
  • does not change its properties with temperature drops;
  • durability.

This material does not contain limestone and dolomite. That is why it is not attacked by rodents. Insulation fibers are arranged vertically and horizontally, which is characterized by a high degree of rigidity. It does not accumulate moisture in itself, it has a water-repellent property.

Hots and this material have their drawbacks. Well, where can we go without them! Cons of using basalt wool for insulating a frame house:

  • High price.
  • Environmentally unsafe. In the process of making cotton wool, a phenolic-based binder is used.

Polyurethane foam

It is a synthetic insulation made of polymer foam. Among the positive characteristics of polyurethane foam are:

  • Excellent adhesion to most surfaces (concrete, brick, metal, etc.).
  • No mounting tools are required for installation.
  • Protects pipes from corrosion.
  • Does not lose quality properties under the influence of acids, alkalis, etc.

Liquid expanded polystyrene allows you to fill cracks, seams and other empty spaces where it is not possible to lay another insulation.

  • The material must be isolated from direct sunlight, under their influence, destruction occurs. For this, a special coating is used.
  • The foam is used only on a warm and dry surface.
  • The material is not flammable, but smolders under the influence of fire. Therefore, it cannot be used for boiler rooms and saunas.

Eternal questions of choice! .. What to pay special attention to when choosing a heater?

Correctly insulating a frame house for winter living makes it durable, strong and reliable. For a frame house, materials are suitable that have:

  • Low thermal conductivity is the amount of heat passing through the material. The lower this indicator, the longer the heat is retained inside the room.
  • Fire safety - resistance to high temperatures. For frame houses, it is better to use a heater with a flammability grade - NG.
  • Low water absorption - the amount of moisture passed through. The lower this indicator, the better the quality. With high liquid absorption, thermal conductivity increases, the material freezes and loses its properties.
  • Do not shrink over time - the insulation must maintain its density. During shrinkage, cracks are formed through which cold air passes.
  • Environmental friendliness - should not harm health and emit harmful substances.

So what kind of insulation better for a frame house?

A frame house is a wooden building that, without insulation, is only suitable for seasonal (summer) living, otherwise, high-quality thermal insulation will be required. The vapor permeability of the material used should be higher than that of the wood from which the frame is made.

Most often, conifers are chosen for frame buildings.

The best insulation option for frame houses would be: basalt wool. As an extreme option - ecowool. And the least suitable - polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam.

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How the house is insulated

Thermal insulation of a frame house is an important and difficult stage of construction. You need to fill every millimeter of free space so that cold air does not enter through it.

Wall insulation outside

There are two ways to install a frame house insulation. In the first case, thermal insulation is installed during the construction process, in the second - on the constructed building.

In the first case, we lay the thermal insulation in a checkerboard pattern between the frame components. This method helps to prevent cold bridges in the thermal insulation layer, and also saves free space both inside and outside the building.

If insulation was required after the house was put into operation, then we put a layer of thermal insulation on the surface of the facade. For this, material in slabs is suitable, the thickness of which is about 5 cm.

How do I install insulation:

  • First, I do the preparatory work. I check the condition of the walls (if the house has already been in operation), remove everything unnecessary from the facade of the building (nails, screws, etc.). All cracks, irregularities are sealed with polyurethane foam. If there are damp areas on the facade, I dry them with a construction hair dryer, and also eliminate the cause of these consequences.
  • When insulating a house during construction, I trim the walls inside with chipboards. Then I put a vapor barrier film.

  • Next, I lay the insulation. Each subsequent layer should overlap the joint of the previous one. The total number of layers depends on the region and the climate in it.

  • After finishing the work with the insulation, I put a windproof membrane on top, and fix it with a stapler.

  • I make the crate. It serves as a ventilation opening between the membrane and the cladding.
  • I fasten chipboards to the crate.
  • Facing the facade.

Internal insulation process:

  • I treat the walls with an antiseptic. This will prevent the growth of mold and mildew. I clean from dirt and dust, and also remove screws, screws, nails, etc.
  • Then I put a layer of insulation.
  • I fasten the vapor barrier, which prevents steam from entering the inside of the insulation. Smooth side to thermal insulation, rough side outward.
  • I upholstery walls with plasterboard or other material.
  • I carry out finishing work.

There are no serious requirements for the insulation of internal walls, a layer of waterproofing and vapor barrier is optional if it is mounted outside.

Insulation of the foundation

If warming of a frame house is carried out, obligatory sheathing of the foundation is required. This will prevent cold air from entering from below.

Warming process in strip foundation

For insulation of the foundation, it is better to choose extruded polystyrene foam. It does not absorb moisture and has a waterproofing function.

Work process:

  • I prepare the surface: I clean it from dirt, and I process it with a primer.
  • I attach the insulation plates to the glue solution.
  • I apply another layer of adhesive solution, lay the reinforcing mesh, press it into the solution and level the surface.

  • I carry out decorative finishing of the basement.

Insulation on a pile foundation

To begin with, I build a wall that will close the space above the house. This design comes in two versions:

  • A self-supporting wall made of bricks, blocks or stone that stands on its own foundation.
  • Construction of a frame made of wood or a profile along the perimeter of the foundation.

Either extruded polystyrene foam or sprayed polyurethane foam is suitable for work.

The insulation process is as follows:

  • I install waterproofing - it protects the insulation from moisture.
  • I build a grid of wood or metal for the basement floor. For its construction, I build a crate with cells, which should be less than a piece of insulation. This will provide a better seal.
  • I put insulation on the frame - I press the insulation plates tightly to the frame. If joints have formed, I seal them up with polyurethane foam. If the material is non-moisture resistant, then I put an additional layer of waterproofing.

  • I carry out external finishing on insulation - for this I use siding, decorative PVC panels, stone, etc.

Thermal insulation of the basement does not exclude the insulation of the floor.

Ceiling insulation

I insulate the ceiling even before installing the roof. Suitable materials for work: foam, mineral wool.

Stages of work:

  • I stretch a vapor barrier film with zero permeability over the rough ceiling boards. The joints are overlapped by 10 cm, gluing with self-adhesive tape or tape.
  • I lay the insulation. This is done in a checkerboard pattern, with an overlap at the joints. The last layer of insulation should cover the beams.

  • Waterproofing.

When laying the insulation, I make a ledge on the walls.

  • If the attic is not insulated, then there is no need to stretch the membrane film. In this case, I nail boards or plywood onto the floor of the attic.
  • To insulate the ceiling inside the room, you will need to tie it up so that the structure holds. After installing the insulation, I sew on the waterproofing, and then the board or plywood.

How to insulate a cold attic

I carry out the work on the wooden floor. For this:

  • I attach a vapor barrier to the surface of the false ceiling. It will protect not only the insulation itself from decay, but also the floor beams.
  • On the false ceiling, between the beams, I lay insulation.
  • I cover everything from above with waterproofing.
  • If there is no ventilated gap above the insulation, I fill in the counter-lattice spacer slats from above, and then I fix the attic floor boards.

Attic insulation

There are two ways to insulate the attic - laying thermal insulation on the roof or along the contour of the walls of the room. First, I put in a waterproofing membrane. We fix it on the rafters, in front of the crate.

We provide a ventilated gap for the roofing roof. It will prevent the accumulation of condensation, and moisture will be removed by air currents. Installation of insulation in the attic does not differ from the thermal insulation of a roof or walls.

How to insulate the roof

If the attic is used as a living space, it will need to be insulated. The process of work is similar to the thermal insulation of the ceiling. The only difference is in the order of the layers.

On top of the insulation on the roof, I put waterproofing, which protects against adverse environmental influences.

How to insulate the floor

The insulation of the floor depends on the material of the foundation. Most often I use a screw pile.

Installation of thermal insulation:

  • I install a frame under the floor logs, which will be the basis for insulation.

  • If the house is located high above the ground, I pull a waterproofing membrane under the joists and attach it with a furniture stapler. I puff the membrane onto the walls so that it is as tight as possible, and cold air does not enter.
  • I install a board on top of the waterproofing, its size is no more than 40-50 cm. This is enough so that the insulation does not fall through. It is better to fill the board tightly so that there are no gaps.
  • If it is impossible to crawl under the floor of the house, I install a board under the logs, and then I fix the waterproofing membrane.
  • When the base is ready, I lay the insulation. This is done between the lags and as tightly as possible.

  • The thickness of the insulation depends on the region where the house is being built, its average value is 15 cm.
  • On top of the insulation, on the logs, I fix the vapor barrier membrane. It protects against moisture and also prevents the penetration of cold air. I fasten the joints with double-sided tape.

  • I attach plywood or boards to the vapor barrier membrane, which will be the basis for the finishing of the floor.

Each layer of insulation should overlap the joints of the previous one.

Features and nuances of insulation

For correct and reliable thermal insulation, it is necessary to consider:

  • In a frame house, you need to insulate the foundation, basement, walls, interfloor floors, roof, floor.
  • For insulation of the foundation and basement, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam is suitable.
  • Insulation of walls, ceilings, roofs - mats made of basalt fiber or ecowool.
  • There are ready-made options for the floor - SIP panels. Otherwise, any other material will do.
  • The thickness of the insulation of a frame house for winter living should be 150 mm - for walls, 200 mm - for floors, interior partitions - 100 mm, inter-floor partitions - 200 mm, roof - 300 mm. These are not final dimensions, the layer can always be increased or decreased.
  • For wall insulation, it is necessary to choose a material that has less vapor permeability than the load-bearing wall. This will enable the steam not to accumulate in the heat-insulating material, but to go outside.
  • With internal wall insulation, you should take care of the air exchange in the room. For this, ventilation valves are installed in plastic windows.
  • Before work, the walls must be treated with an antiseptic soil composition. This will prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • To make the lathing for decorative trim durable, I often install the frame racks. After fixing the waterproof membrane to the frame, I tap it with distance rails (thickness 25-30 cm). They will provide space for the ingress of water to drain.

    The outer wall of a frame house is represented by layers: inner cladding, vapor barrier, insulation, frame, superdiffusion membrane, counter-lattice, facade decoration.

    Internal wall: internal cladding, vapor barrier, frame, insulation, membrane, counter grill, external cladding, rough plaster, plaster mesh, plaster.

    Frame houses are very popular. They are built not only for summer cottages and summer vacations, but also for permanent residence. Therefore, you need to know how to properly and reliably insulate a frame house for winter living. The insulation must be reliably protected from the negative effects of the environment, because moisture, freezing and melting can spoil the material, respectively, the service life of the building will significantly decrease.