Repair Design Furniture

Pergolas for summer cottages, closed glass. Glazed gazebos. Wooden covered gazebos

There are several options for glazing arbors. Each differs in its properties, price and installation complexity. Glazing is used to protect the interior of the room and people sitting inside from external weather conditions: rain, wind, dust, snow.

Depending on your desires and the climatic conditions of the area at your dacha or in the village, you can choose the appropriate option and implement it on your site.

First of all, you need to decide what you want to achieve in your gazebo? There are only two options in this case.

Warm - implies full protection of the gazebo from external weather conditions, including winter ones, by installing triple glass units.

This method will allow you to achieve a comfortable temperature even at negative temperatures outside the window, provided the floor, walls and roof are insulated. It is used if you also want to use the gazebo in the winter.

If you need warm glazing (plastic or warm aluminum), we recommend the Moscow company PVC Window Plant. The price is approximately from 3 600 - 7 000 rubles per m2.

Cold - in this case, you can protect the gazebo only from rain, wind and dust.

It will not work to increase the temperature inside much, although it can be used for the spring and autumn seasons. A cold look is aesthetic and dramatic, but unreliable against a warm backdrop.

  • Warm - a major and reliable way of glazing.
  • Cold - beautiful and stylish, but short-lived.

Reliable warm glazing with triple glazing (euro window)

An option for those who value reliability, durability and simplicity. The installation of triple-glazed windows will maximize the protection of the gazebo from external conditions. The most popular option is to install hinged windows that can be opened for ventilation and closed for protection.

The profile can be used in PVC (white plastic, as in new buildings) or wood. The second option is more aesthetically pleasing and cleaner, from the point of view of ecology, but more expensive and short-lived.

Most often, it is advisable to put a standard double-glazed window with PVC and forget for many years. The photo below shows options with both PVC and wood.

Traditional glazing with wooden windows

Of course, the windows themselves are made of glass, but the frames are wooden. Similar windows can be seen in old houses, in the USSR they were everywhere.

It is enough to install the window, put the glass and fix it with wooden glazing beads. The option is cheaper and easier to find. If you drive through the villages, you can buy cheap wooden frames from someone, from which you can glaze the gazebo.

The option is quite working. And if you don't want to spend money and a lot of time - perfect.

All gazebos with wooden windows look almost the same. If you choose the right color, you can achieve good aesthetics of your room, both outside and inside.

Glazing of arbors with an aluminum profile

The cost of aluminum glazing is from 2,700 to 6,000 thousand per m2. We took the prices from the website of the Moscow company "PVC Window Plant", from the page: This manufacturer is engaged in the manufacture and installation of all types of glazing (except for polycarbonate): aluminum, plastic, frameless, sliding, wooden windows. It is quite difficult to focus only on the price per m2, therefore, to find out the cost of your project, it is easier to call or leave a request.

This glazing method involves the installation of one double-glazed unit in an aluminum profile, which makes it possible to achieve panoramic windows. Gazebos with similar glazing look very nice, and the frames are painted in the color you want if you wish.

There is an option with sliding windows - this is very practical and aesthetically pleasing, although the installation process is more expensive and complicated. If the gazebo will not be used in winter, but you need reliable glazing, aluminum will do just fine. It is not as expensive as a Euro window.

Aluminum glazing will cost you about half the price of installing plastic European windows with triple glazing.

It is important to understand that aluminum is cold glazing, so it will not become much warmer in the room from such a shelter.

If you want to create a comfortable temperature inside the gazebo, then you can put a potbelly stove, and you will need to additionally make a chimney - if the gazebo is high, then the chimney will cost more than the stove itself.

Frameless glazing of arbors (frameless, Finnish)

Speaking of the frameless glazing method, we mean the use of glass fixed in the sashes from above and below.

Depending on the design, the sash can open, close, lock, move and even fold (the photo below shows a folding design). The regulation of these glasses is carried out using a control that is located just below the glasses inside the gazebo.

This option looks very attractive, but it has a number of obvious disadvantages.

  • Low sealing. Sooner or later, snow, rain and even dust will start falling inside the building. The operation of such glasses wears out the entire structure.
  • Lack of mosquito nets. In summer, it will be problematic to defend against mosquitoes, except perhaps with plates or electric repellents.
  • Low noise insulation. Everything is audible, everything is visible - not for everyone.

Soft glass (PVC film)

Link to a more complete article on this topic -.

The film can cover not only temporary holes or holes in the gazebo, but also fully glaze the windows. There are several options for introducing PVC films.

  1. Fastening through eyelets or clasps. In this case, a special film is bought, designed to fit the size of your window openings, with fasteners around the perimeter. This is a more expensive and flexible option that can be removed as needed.
  2. Fastening with staples and wooden blocks. It is very similar to the preservation of a building for the winter, only everything is done much more aesthetically. The film is stretched along the perimeter of the opening and is first fixed with staples, and then nailed or screwed onto self-tapping screws through wooden blocks.

This method is perfectly implemented in the gazebo presented in the video below. The man was not too lazy to put even a potbelly stove, so in winter you can feel comfortable inside.

In modern construction, polycarbonate has become a very popular material that is used everywhere. Polycarbonate can not only cover the gazebo from the sun's rays or make a roof, but also fully glaze window openings.

The transparent material is used to get the sun's rays inside, and the matte material is used to block one or another view.

Cellular or monolithic polycarbonate to use for glazing is a question for reasoning in another publication. In this case, it is important to understand that this method is possible. The photo above shows the cellular version.

There can be really a lot of options. In the selection of photos below, solutions were selected for gazebos of different types. All of these photos are potential glazing ideas for your space.

Rest is the best opportunity to fully recover after a week of work. Glazed gazebos allow you to invite a company of friends and acquaintances. Drinking tea while having a pleasant conversation is a wonderful pastime when you don't need to rush anywhere. The barbecue facility will help to feed your guests with delicious barbecue and other dishes. A practical owner always thinks about placing a building structure on the ground that would be convenient to use.

A finished project of a glazed gazebo

Whatever the design of the gazebo, the use of transparent glass does not make it bulky.

Modern indoor projects have many advantages:

  1. Closed doors prevent mosquitoes from entering.
  2. Friendly gatherings can be arranged in any weather. Strong winds or heavy rain will not interfere with meeting friends and like-minded people.
  3. Barbecue or grill are essential devices on which you can cook delicious food that cannot be cooked at home.

The cost of the structure is considered acceptable: glass, brick, timber, stone, iron are used as building materials. The owner of the dacha can buy them at an affordable price. The choice of building material is influenced by many factors:

Option of a glazed gazebo made of timber
  • (in the case when the gazebo is not an independent building);
  • Financial opportunities;
  • Projects.

The style of the country house determines the design of the surrounding buildings. If the cottage is made of modern materials, then an antique wooden structure will not look properly. It is best to locate next to wooden buildings, under which you do not need to build an expensive one.

If you cannot imagine a gazebo without a barbecue, then it is better to build a structure of stone, metal or brick.

The structure can be combined, for example, of stone and wood. A glazed gazebo with a metal barbecue can be built of brick, because it is not afraid of fire. It is not necessary to invite professional builders.

Knowing the features of building materials, if desired, the owner of the suburban area will be able to.

What are glazed gazebos

Summer cottages made of glass are diverse. To decide on a plan for future construction, you need to get acquainted with all the important parameters of each of them.

Glazed gazebos: types of glazing

You need to decide what kind of design you need. In terms of glazing, there are three options:

  • cold;
  • warm;
  • triplex.

It should be borne in mind that any of them have both pros and cons. Cold glazing is the easiest way to protect the interior space from precipitation, dust or noise. Compared to the air outside in the gazebo, it will be 10 degrees higher when no additional heating devices are used.

Warm glazing assumes high-quality thermal insulation. Brick or timber walls are good protection from the cold. Barbecue is a wonderful addition for true gourmets. Triplex refers to frameless structural glazing.

All-glass structures require the most careful attention to installation. In order for the doors to open, it is required not to allow distortions when installing. Otherwise, you will get a structure that will be inconvenient and even dangerous to use. If you doubt your abilities, then entrust the installation of the gazebo to real professionals from the construction company. They will quickly and correctly install the structure, and you will use it for many years.

The use of profiles in the construction of glazed gazebos

Ready-made premises equipped with everything you need are expensive. Not every dacha owner can afford to buy them. The owner will be able to build a practical structure on his own quickly enough. Modern materials simplify construction work.

Security in glazed gazebos with stained-glass windows and triplexes

In order not to cut themselves, summer residents prefer to choose modern glass. This is a safe glazing option. The so-called stalinite is subjected to heat treatment, which is compared to the hardening of steel. It takes two steps:

  1. The glass heats up at temperatures above 500 degrees.
  2. The sheets are cooled at a reduced temperature.

Tempered glass is highly durable and reliable. After the completion of the processing process, the sheets freeze quickly on the outside, and tension is created inside. Glass can withstand increased bending loads.
After tempering, the glass cannot be drilled or cut, so measurements must be taken accurately.
Stalinite, or tempered glass, serves as the basis for the manufacture of triplex. In it, three hardened sheets are glued together.

The coating can withstand high mechanical stress. If the triplex can be broken, the fragments are trapped inside. They will not crumble and the person will not get hurt. Arbors from a bar - a budget construction option.

This modern material is firmly connected to each other. Long-lasting structures are obtained from the bars. Brick arbors look no less respectable. The buildings, complemented by tempered glass, fit perfectly into the landscape design, if the owner took into account everything to the smallest detail when creating the project.

They have always been much more popular than closed ones. And it is not surprising, because the very idea of ​​such a structure presupposes close "communication" with nature. But what to do if it suddenly rains on the street or a strong wind blows.

In this case, being in an open gazebo may become uncomfortable. Meanwhile, the way out of this situation is very simple - the installation of glazing. Its modern varieties are made of light, aesthetic and practical materials.

The main purpose of glazing

So, how to close the gazebo from bad weather in summer or winter? When choosing the type of glazing, you need to take into account that such structures should:

  • reliably protect the interior of the building from adverse weather factors;
  • be mobile (easy to open and close);
  • be strong and durable enough;
  • have an aesthetic appearance

See how beautiful and practical can be glazed windows of different types of street "houses":

Using Euro windows

Modern Euro packages are used most often for glazing gazebos. And no wonder. They are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased by almost everyone.

Glazed gazebos. Photo of a structure fenced with windows on a PVC profile

Warm glazing device

In this case, three-chamber windows are usually used on a PVC profile, from metal-plastic or wooden. The first option is cheaper. But wooden profiles look more aesthetically pleasing. By design, windows of both these types are hinged, folding or sliding. If you wish, you can install them with your own hands.

Project of a street building with glazed windows on a wooden profile

Advice: For a gazebo, it is better to choose hinged - outward-opening - windows or sliding ones.

When fencing with multi-chamber double-glazed windows, you should also take care of the insulation of the main structural elements of the structure - the floor, blank walls and the ceiling. Only under this condition, the building can be used in winter.

Thus, plastic and wooden windows are an excellent answer to the question of how to close the gazebo for the winter. Usually, when they are used, a fireplace is installed inside the structure.

Spacious gazebo with PVC wood-like windows and a fireplace

Cold glazing

Very often, gazebos are glazed with an aluminum profile with a tubeless glass unit. The advantage of such structures is their ease and the ability to self-dismantle / install, if necessary.

Street buildings, glazed with windows on an aluminum profile, look very neat

On a note: Gazebos are also covered with aluminum structures with a single-chamber package. Such glazing is also considered cold. However, when using it, the air temperature inside the gazebo will be 10-15 grams higher than outside, which is very convenient in spring or autumn.

The undoubted advantage of aluminum structures with any number of glasses is durability. Such windows can be used for glazing, including gazebos with very large openings.

Frameless structures

This is one of the most interesting and beautiful types of cold glazing. In this case, the glass is attached only to the upper and lower profiles. The vertical support elements either have very little thickness, or are simply absent. Garden gazebos for summer cottages, glazed with frameless windows, look very stylish and modern.

Beautiful building with panoramic windows

There are frameless designs in which the glasses are moved to one side and folded in the form of a book. The buildings protected by them can be ventilated by opening the doors to a width of 10 cm. Glazed gazebos for summer cottages look quite impressive when using this option.

Folded frameless glazing

Sometimes frameless sashes slide parallel to each other. Some disadvantage of this design is that when using it, the gazebo can only be ventilated in a slotted way.

Frameless glazing with parallel sliding sashes

How can you close the gazebo openings yet

There are also alternative methods of glazing country street houses. In addition to euro-windows for this purpose, you can use polycarbonate double-glazed windows or roller shutters, as well as PVC film and stained-glass windows.

Using soft glass

The glazing method using PVC films is now becoming more and more popular.

PVC curtains are a great way to protect the gazebo from rain and wind.

Such soft windows for gazebos are much cheaper than glass ones. They perform their main functions very well. Buildings, "glazed" in this way, look just fine as well. The film is attached to the posts of the gazebo through special plastic oval eyelets on pivoting brackets.

Gazebo with barbecue. Photo of a structure protected by soft polycarbonate windows

Important: Buy soft PVC curtains made of a film with a density of at least 630g / m2. Flexible "glasses" made of less durable material are unlikely to last long.

The only drawback of using flexible windows for a gazebo is the need for careful handling. PVC film is not very puncture and cut resistant.

PVC film - the material is not too resistant to mechanical damage

Polycarbonate double-glazed windows

This material is more expensive than soft glass. For gazebos, however, it suits very well, since the main drawback of the latter - instability to mechanical damage - is deprived. The windows from it will last, of course, longer.

Street building with barbecue, glazed with polycarbonate

On a note: Today on sale you can find inexpensive and very easy-to-install transparent ready-made polycarbonate glass units. It is certainly worth thinking about using them to protect the internal space of a summer cottage.

Roller shutters

Transparent roller shutters are quite an interesting type of polycarbonate "glazing". For a gazebo, they are also very good. Such roller blinds consist of separate translucent lamellas.

Polycarbonate roller shutters are a great option for a gazebo

Stained glass

A simply luxurious gazebo can be made using stained-glass windows with an aluminum profile. They are installed and operated in the same way as ordinary double-glazed windows. But stained glass windows are, of course, more expensive.

Gazebos with stained-glass windows can actually look very impressive.

There are many types of glazing for gazebos, as you can see. Choose any, and you will make your pastime in this street "house" as pleasant as possible, not only on sunny days, but also in bad weather.

While the roof of the garden gazebo allows you to protect the inhabitants from the hot sun or rain, the glazed gazebos for the summer cottages are usually created in order to protect the interior of the premises from the effects of wind. Of course, any gazebo, regardless of its type, can be made glazed. However, the best option is still to build a structure from scratch according to the appropriate type of plans and drawings.

Thanks to the correct and responsible approach to the construction process, you can achieve an amazing appearance and reliability of the structure. It should be borne in mind that glass, in itself, is a fragile material and requires extremely careful handling. In addition, during installation, it is necessary to use protective equipment in the event of any unforeseen situations.

The glazed gazebo allows you to protect the interior space not only from the wind, but also from other weather phenomena. Thanks to this, you can bring them to the appropriate list:

  • rainfall at an unusual angle (oblique);
  • wind (of varying strength);
  • early cold weather.

It is important to note that the strength of the glass should be fully proportional to the strength of the possible weather conditions. In the event that an insufficiently strong material is used, there is a high chance of its destruction. Thus, a glazed gazebo will do harm rather than benefit.

Variety of possibilities

Of course, in the modern world you will not surprise anyone with the wide functionality of the simplest things. Glazed gazebos can also support many different possibilities.

Opening mechanics

In a glazed gazebo, various mechanisms for opening and closing windows and doors can be provided. Thanks to each opening method, the convenience of the construction is progressively increased. In addition, the process of operating the garden room is greatly simplified.

Opening and closing systems can be as follows:

  • lifting;
  • accordion;
  • sliding;
  • pendulum.

The possibility of installing one or another opening mechanism is determined by the type of gazebo and the type of materials used. In addition, it is important to consider that thanks to the unusual way of opening and closing, you can significantly save free space.


The appearance of the glazed gazebo is practically unlimited. You can glaze absolutely any structure, regardless of its shape and purpose. However, it should be borne in mind that the more complex the design (bends, etc.), the more funds will be required for its design.

Difficulties in design can be associated, as a rule, with an unusual form of construction. This is especially noticeable when creating a gazebo with your own hands. Thus, without proper knowledge and appropriate instructions, many different problems will arise during the construction of a building.

Many types of glazed gazebos provide opportunities for abundant ventilation. For example, this applies to large opening glass panels. The dimensions of such planes can reach 3-4 meters in length and width.

Also, thanks to such opportunities, the amount of sunlight and heat is significantly increased. This is due to the absence of barriers to solar exposure.

Other advantages

Glazed gazebos allow you to spend your time more colorfully. For example, due to the transparent roof, you can easily observe the night sky without worrying about privacy.

During the daytime, the structure lets in a lot of natural light. Thus, you can do, for example, reading books without any harm to comfort.

Open windows can be fitted with mosquito nets. Thus, debris, raindrops, mosquitoes and other irritants will not disturb the inhabitants of the gazebo.

It is also worth noting that combined glazed buildings (terraces) provide no less advantages. For example, a summer kitchen with wide windows allows you to save energy on lighting, regardless of the season.


In total, there are two types of glazed arbors. Structures are divided into types according to glazing methods:

  • warm;
  • cold.

Differences in glazing options are determined by the season during which it is best to operate the building.

Warm glazing

This type of gazebo glazing is designed to provide the least heat loss. This is especially important in the winter and autumn seasons, so that there is no need to spend a lot on heating the room.

For warm glazing, it is best to use aluminum profiles with thermal break. Thanks to the air chambers, it is possible to significantly reduce the thermal conductivity.

Among other things, it is worth highlighting a number of the most important advantages of warm glazing:

  • high functionality - in a conversation, you can install a fireplace or any other heating device, thereby equipping a real greenhouse (winter garden);
  • stable indoor environment throughout the year.

It is important to note that the location and type of windows and doors in a gazebo with warm glazing should be thought out to the smallest detail. Only with the right location is it possible to achieve high performance indicators of the gazebo throughout the year, both in summer and in winter.

Glazed gazebo for summer cottages with cold glazing is intended for summer pastime (in summer and early autumn). The design is capable of both protecting the inhabitants of the premises from bad weather and warming them if necessary. At the same time, there is no need to spend a lot of money on the installation of dense double-glazed windows and heating appliances.

The main advantages of this type of glazing include:

  • extremely low cost of work and materials due to the use of aluminum profiles;
  • the ability to make frameless glazing of gazebos without any drawbacks.

It should be borne in mind that glazed arbors themselves are relatively fragile structures. Based on this, you do not need to rely on the reliability of the building if you want to save a lot on building materials.


In general, the process of glazing gazebos requires a responsible approach during construction. If there is any uncertainty, it is worth entrusting all the installation work to professionals.

Subject to all construction regulations, the glass gazebo will delight any person, regardless of the season.

A glazed gazebo does not require large investments if there is no need to operate the building in winter. For summer pastime, simpler and less expensive materials can be used.

The shape of the gazebo depends solely on the preferences of the owners.

During the operation of the glazed gazebo, it should be remembered that the glasses need especially careful care.

Gazebos are designed for a cozy family vacation and are a wonderful decoration of suburban areas. The open version will not be able to perform the function of protection, in such a building you can comfortably spend time only in summer in good weather, without fear of rain and strong winds. Glazed gazebos create coziness, solve many problems and do not allow bad weather to darken the rest. In this option, on a suburban area at any time of the year, you can relax and enjoy the surrounding nature with pleasure. If you provide a stove with a barbecue and a barbecue, then you can feast on delicious dishes prepared by your own hands.


There are several glazing options that have both advantages and disadvantages.

  • Wooden frames. Their advantage lies in their low cost and ease of installation. If desired, the owner can independently install the windows without the involvement of specialists. The disadvantage of wooden frames is that they are not airtight and do not protect well from cold and extraneous sounds.
  • Double-glazed windows. The advantage of glazing with PVC profile double-glazed windows is that the gazebo can be used regardless of the weather. Such frames retain heat well, they are sealed. Depending on the need, they can be ordered with any functionality, for example, so that they swing open, fold back or move apart. The disadvantage is that double-glazed windows are more expensive than wooden frames. An alternative decision can be made: if the owner does not plan to come to the site in winter, then it is more rational to install single-chamber double-glazed windows.

  • Aluminum profile. The advantage of this type of glazing is that it allows you to retain heat inside the premises. The air temperature of the gazebo in winter will always be higher than outside. Such glazing is made in rooms that have non-standard large openings.
  • Frameless glazing. I like this option due to its attractive appearance. Being inside the gazebo, a person retains a sense of communication with the surrounding nature. Spectacular frameless designs allow the panes to slide to one side for the effect of a closed book.
  • Facade method decoration is the most expensive, but very beautiful. It provides for a glass roof and full tightness.


From the whole variety of offered gazebos, it is necessary to choose the one that will be built in accordance with the landscape and will fit into the composition of the buildings available on the site. The gazebos can be divided into three design options.

  1. Open. They are not isolated from the street, have a lightweight design, and consist of a frame and posts at the corners. Such gazebos are built mainly in the form of sheds, a large number of climbing plants are planted next to them.
  2. Semi-open. They may have walls, but some of them are missing. Traditionally, such structures are built from wood. Forged structures look very original and solemn. Semi-open gazebos are attached to the house for convenience. When choosing such a gazebo, it is worth considering the design of the main building.
  3. Closed. Such buildings have maximum protection from external environmental influences and are wooden or brick houses. Inside the gazebo, a separate kitchen area and a recreation area are usually provided; for convenience, it is necessary to lay communications (water supply, drainage).

Open, semi-open and closed gazebos have very diverse shapes, they can look like simple buildings or have a very non-standard look.

  • Rectangular- this is the most traditional and simplest option. Such gazebos can be attributed to the most comfortable resting places. They are the most spacious, so inside you can perfectly put furniture for relaxation and an oven for cooking. In such a gazebo, many guests will perfectly fit.
  • Square- are considered less functional, since it is difficult to arrange the necessary furniture inside.
  • Round- are distinguished by the grace of forms. They look very impressive in areas where there are already arches and vaults.
  • Polygonal- have become very popular, since a rather large indoor area is constructively created.
  • Corner- installed where there is free corner space on the site.

Materials (edit)

You need to choose those materials that are easy to install. Their decorative properties are of no small importance. The quality of materials, first of all, depends on the price. If you need to build a foundation, then you need concrete, brick, stone. The floor is planked or tiled with natural or artificial stone.

The main structure of glazed gazebos with barbecue, barbecue and stove is made from the following materials.

  • Wood- this is the material from which construction is traditionally carried out in Russia, and country houses are no exception. Manufacturers represent a very large selection of wooden arbors. They are made from timber, logs, boards. Gazebos made of decorative laths are very popular.
  • Pergolas built of bricks, are also popular. They are fireproof and do not require repair. Brick is a durable material.

  • Recently, gazebos have appeared from expanded polystyrene. They are durable, sturdy and can be used at any time of the year.
  • Look very good combined gazebos. During construction, several types of building materials are combined at the discretion of the manufacturer and the future owner.
  • Glazed gazebos look great with large panoramic windows. Gazebos with sliding glass sections are in demand.

The choice of material must be taken very seriously. The main criteria should be taken into account: durability, protective coatings, resistance to moisture and temperature extremes.

Stove selection

The design of the stove installed in the gazebo depends on the planned way of using it. Furnaces are of the following types:

  • brick the options are reliable and heat-intensive, the technology of laying a brick oven located in a gazebo differs from the laying of a home oven; this technology must provide resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • cast iron ovens are able to retain heat for a very long time;
  • steel- very compact, lightweight and affordable.

Any of the presented ovens can be used as a barbecue, barbecue and grill. It is also practiced to install the stove next to the gazebo under a canopy if there is very little free space in the gazebo.

For information on how to build a summer gazebo with a barbecue, see the next video.