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Culinary Academy of Smart Housewives. Chicken fillet with cheese in a frying pan recipe Chicken fillet in cheese batter in a frying pan

Properly prepared batter allows you to keep the bird juicy inside and at the same time creates an appetizing crispy crust on its surface. This hot dish is ideal for a daily lunch and will be a worthy decoration for a holiday table. There are several ways to cook chicken breast in batter. We offer proven options.

Ingredients: 470 g poultry fillet, a mixture of peppers, salt, 2 tablespoons eggs, 2 large spoons of full-fat mayonnaise, 4 spoons of white flour.

  1. The fillet is washed, dried and cut into longitudinal slices. Each of them needs to be thoroughly beaten with a special hammer. You must first cover the meat with cling film. This will prevent them from tearing when beating.
  2. Mayonnaise is combined with a beaten mixture of eggs, salt and pepper. Flour is added little by little to the mixture. The result should be a fairly thick batter without lumps.
  3. The prepared pieces are dipped one by one in the resulting mixture and fried in oil until cooked.

Each slice will sit in the pan for about 6-7 minutes until golden brown.

Simple and quick recipe

Ingredients: 620 g chicken fillet, about 120 ml refined oil, 2 tablespoons eggs, a large spoon of filtered water and 5 spoons of wheat flour, salt.

  1. The washed and dried poultry is cut into long steaks along the grain.
  2. The blanks are placed in cellophane and beaten well with the blunt side of a knife or a special hammer. The fillet is salted. You can sprinkle it with your favorite seasonings.
  3. Eggs are broken into a bowl. Gradually flour is poured into them and water is added. The mixture must be stirred until it is homogeneous without the slightest lumps. The batter is salted.
  4. Pieces of poultry are immersed in the resulting mass.
  5. Next, they are immediately immersed in a frying pan with boiling oil and fried on both sides.

It is advisable to place the slices while still hot on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

How to make batter from crackers?

Ingredients: 5 tablespoons of bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons of eggs, 4 tablespoons of thick fat sour cream, 2 pinches of granulated sugar, a mixture of peppers, salt. How to make batter for chicken breast is described below.

  1. First of all, use a fork to turn the eggs into a homogeneous mixture, then add salt and beat thoroughly with a whisk or mixer.
  2. Salt and a mixture of ground colored peppers are added to the mixture to taste. Sugar is added immediately. The mass is mixed well.
  3. Sour cream and sifted wheat flour are added to the mixture. The components are stirred until even the slightest lumps disappear.

The finished dough is brushed onto the chicken pieces before frying.

Fillet in cheese batter

Ingredients: 330 g chicken fillet, 90-110 g hard cheese, large egg, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise (can be replaced with sour cream), 2 tablespoons of light flour, salt to taste, Italian herbs.

  1. The washed and dried fillet is cut across the grain into 3-4 pieces each. The preparations are salted and sprinkled with spices to taste.
  2. To make the batter, combine flour, mayonnaise/sour cream, chicken egg, and salt. If mayonnaise is used, you need to remember that it is initially salty and do not overdo it with such an additive.
  3. The last thing to add to the egg mixture is grated cheese. All batter ingredients are mixed well.
  4. The chicken is placed in the cheese mixture so that it completely covers each piece.

Fry the meat over low heat for a couple of minutes on each side. The cheese will melt quickly, so you need to make sure that the batter does not burn in the pan.

With bran and sesame

Ingredients: 600-650 g chicken fillet, 5 tablespoons of wheat bran, 2 very large eggs, 4 tablespoons of light sesame seeds, a pinch of salt, a mixture of colored peppers.

  1. First, the eggs are beaten in a deep bowl. The whites should combine with the yolks into a homogeneous mass.
  2. In a separate flat container, mix sesame and bran. The latter need to be thoroughly crushed with a mortar or crushed using a special blender attachment.
  3. The chicken pieces are thinly sliced ​​and lightly beaten. The meat should be salted and pepper to taste.
  4. Breast slices need to be dipped first in the egg mixture, and then rolled in dry sesame seeds with bran.
  5. The pieces are fried in hot oil until golden brown.

This type of batter is considered the most dietary and low-calorie. It is worth using for those who are on a diet. As an additional ingredient, in addition to sesame seeds, you can also take flax seeds.

Chop in beer in a frying pan

Ingredients: half a kilo of poultry fillet, 1.5 glasses of light beer, 6 tablespoons of wheat flour, 2 tablespoons of eggs, 90 ml of medium fat cream, table salt to taste, any aromatic herbs.

  1. Beer and cream are mixed in a deep glass container. Table eggs are driven into the mixture one at a time. All ingredients are mixed well. They are seasoned to taste and sprinkled with aromatic herbs.
  2. At the end, flour is poured into the dough in small portions. The ingredients must be mixed very well so that not the slightest lump remains. Otherwise, lumps of flour can greatly spoil the taste of the finished dish.
  3. The batter should sit for a while. Next, you can dip small pieces of pre-beaten chicken into it and fry them in hot oil.

Chicken breast chops are delicious served with a yogurt-based garlic sauce.

With dry yeast

Ingredients: 2 chicken fillets, a glass of high-grade sifted flour, 2 tablespoons of eggs, ½ teaspoon of quick yeast, half a glass of filtered water, a pinch of salt.

  1. The water is heated and yeast is bred in it.
  2. Separately combine flour, lightly beaten eggs, and salt. You can use any dried herbs.
  3. The still warm dough is poured into the flour mixture in a stream. The components are quickly mixed. Let the batter sit for 10-12 minutes.
  4. The fillet is cut into pieces and beaten.

All that remains is to dip the poultry slices in the batter and fry in hot oil.

Chicken in cheese batter is a tasty and satisfying dish that will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. The meat has an appetizing golden brown crust on top, but the inside remains tender, soft and juicy. Cheese batter simply perfectly complements chicken meat, because in addition to its excellent taste, it is soaked in the process with meat juice and becomes even tastier and more aromatic. I have been using the recipe for making this particular cheese batter for a very long time! It goes well not only with meat, but with other dishes. It’s simply great, for example, it produces tender fillets of any white fish. Try this simple, economical, but at the same time wonderful dish! In addition to the legs, you can take any part of the chicken or use only the fillet; I recommend trying it and diversifying your diet. Chicken legs in cheese batter can be served as a separate dish or with any side dish of your choice!


  • chicken drumstick – 6 pcs.
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves.
  • lemon juice – 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • adjika – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • mayonnaise - to taste.
  • salt - to taste.
  • spices - to taste.

For the batter:

  • egg – 2 pcs.
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • cheese – 120 grams.
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • salt - to taste.
  • spices - to taste.


  • vegetable oil for frying.
  • Number of servings: 6.

Rinse the drumstick and dry with a paper towel.

Marinate the meat in any convenient way. I use a little mayonnaise, adjika, lemon juice, garlic, salt and spices for the marinade. Leave the drumstick to marinate for at least a couple of hours. If possible, you can leave it even overnight; the meat will be even more tender and flavorful.

To prepare the batter, beat the eggs into a deep bowl or plate, add a little salt and your favorite spices.

Add sour cream.

Add finely grated cheese. Any cheese that melts well will do.

Mix everything and start adding flour in parts. As a rule, 2-3 spoons are quite enough; the cheese batter for chicken should be thick.

One by one, lower the legs into the batter and dip them on all sides.

Heat a sufficient amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and lay out the drumstick. You can pour the remaining batter on top of the legs directly in the frying pan.

Fry the drumstick over low heat, I cook the first side under the lid, then turn the legs over and remove the lid. You need to fry the meat on all sides, I even fry it on the sides.

You can check readiness by piercing the meat with a knife or fork; if the liquid released is clear, without signs of blood, then the drumstick is cooked well enough and is ready to eat.

Serve the dish hot with fresh vegetables, any salad or other favorite side dish.

Bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Oksana Chaban.

I suggest you cook chicken fillet in cheese batter. It turns out very tasty, juicy and interesting. This dish can be served for breakfast or as a snack with your favorite sauce and fresh vegetables. You will definitely like chicken fillet in cheese batter, try it!


To prepare chicken fillet in cheese batter you will need:

chicken fillet - 250 g;

large chicken egg - 1 pc.;

hard cheese - 40 g;

sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;

homemade mayonnaise - 2 tsp;

flour - 1-2 tbsp. l. (in batter) + for breading;

salt, freshly ground black pepper, chicken seasoning - to taste;

vegetable oil - 50 g (for frying).

Cooking steps

Cut the chicken fillet into slices about 0.5 cm thick. Salt and sprinkle with seasoning.

Add flour, mix. The resulting cheese batter should look like thick sour cream.

Then place the pieces of chicken fillet in the cheese batter.

Place pieces of meat in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil.

Bring the dish until cooked in the microwave at 750 Watts for 2 minutes or in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes. The delicious chicken fillet in cheese batter is ready and ready to serve!

Enjoy your meal!

Chicken breast is good in all dishes. It makes excellent goulash, tender cutlets, meat with mushrooms, rolls, casseroles and sausages. But the unsurpassed dish was and remains chicken fillet in cheese batter. It is in this form that the meat is the most juicy and melts in your mouth. It is eaten with pleasure by children who have recently learned to chew, and by men who have come home at the end of an exhausting working day, and by ladies who are watching their figure (though the latter allow themselves this luxury on holidays).

What makes chicken fillet in a cheese shell so attractive is that you can vary it, getting something new and tempting each time. And most importantly, it is certainly delicious. Let's look at the most interesting options.

Batter No. 1: traditional

The classic batter is made from milk, flour and eggs. Sometimes it is diluted with water. To make chicken fillet in cheese batter, you just need to add cheese. It is taken from hard varieties and grated. What size is up to the owner. A fine grater gives a more even distribution of batter over the chicken, a coarse grater gives a crispier option. First, beat an egg with a quarter glass of milk. Once smoothness is achieved, add and beat out two tablespoons of flour. Cheese is added last. The mixer is set aside and the mass is kneaded with a spoon.

Batter No. 2: fragrant

Chicken fillet in cheese batter turns out very tender and beautiful if you follow another recipe. There are no “foreign” liquids in it: three eggs are beaten well, four chopped sprigs of dill and a grated piece of cheese (80-100 grams) are mixed with them. Only after this, sour cream is added to the desired thickness. Since you will have to work with a fork, you need to try very hard so that no lumps form in the batter.

Connoisseurs of Georgian notes in dishes can use dill and cilantro.

Batter No. 3: spicy

This composition gives an unusual but pleasant taste. For the batter, combine eggs, fresh lemon juice, cheese and mayonnaise. The ratio depends on the amount of chicken. Approximately for three eggs, take the juice of half a lemon and three tablespoons of mayonnaise. But there is no flour in this batter recipe.

Meat secrets

In principle, thanks to the “fur coat,” the chicken fillet in cheese batter will turn out soft and tender. But you can achieve an even better result by giving the meat a brighter taste. After cutting the breast, it needs to be marinated. This method is considered optimal: each piece is smeared with a mixture of two spoons of soy sauce and a spoon of hot mustard. The peppered (but not salted!) fillet is stacked and hidden in the refrigerator for an hour.

Regular lemon juice will give no less wonderful results. It is squeezed onto pieces of chicken, it is peppered and this time salted, after which it is again put into the cold. This time half an hour will be enough.

Chicken fillet in cheese batter: recipe with photos step by step

The preparation of the dish itself is not particularly difficult. Even a novice cook can handle it. Step by step it looks like this:

You can go further in two ways. In one scenario, you fry the fillet until cooked, turning on the burner to medium heat. Secondly, quickly brown it heavily on both sides, place the meat on a baking sheet or in a mold and finish cooking for about a quarter of an hour in the oven.

Sesame seeds will make the dish even more delicious. They should be sprinkled on top of each chop sent to the pan. The crust will become firmer, and the meat will acquire a subtle, elegant flavor.

Some housewives replace flour with breadcrumbs to form a “shell”. In this case, you need to choose the finest breading as possible. Or additionally run it through a coffee grinder.

Anything will go as a side dish for chicken chops: from vegetables (fresh, salted, stewed) to porridge and spaghetti.

Try cooking chicken fillet in cheese batter for dinner at home: the recipe with photos clearly demonstrates its appetizing and seductiveness. In principle, the dish is so good and tasty that it is quite suitable for a formal menu.

When compiling the menu for a festive feast, every housewife tries to diversify it as much as possible, including a wide variety of dishes. After all, the composition of the expected guests often differs in their gastronomic preferences. And there is also the possibility of unexpected guests coming. Therefore, everything should be planned in advance. So I, thinking through the New Year's menu for 2014 and planning the New Year's menu for 2015, decided to include in it light and chicken meat, which both my household (including myself) and most of my acquaintances and friends love. And its name: chicken in cheese batter. There are no particular difficulties in preparing it. The only problem is that this dish tends to run out too quickly.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

So you will have to prepare it in considerable quantities so that everyone can try it.

To cook chicken in cheese batter we need the following set of products:

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

200 g mayonnaise
150 g hard cheese
ground pepper
chicken breast
3 tablespoons flour
2 eggs
one and a half glasses of vegetable oil.

So, if all the products are available, let’s start creating chicken in cheese batter for the 2015 New Year’s menu according to the photo steps of the recipe:

Preparing the meat. Cut the thoroughly washed chicken fillet into 5 mm slices. thick and beat with a kitchen hammer, after covering the meat with a bag (so as not to collect small pieces throughout the kitchen).

Chicken in cheese batter to the website
Chicken in cheese batter to the website

We prepare the marinade from half the agreed amount of mayonnaise, pepper, salt and about a dessert spoon of vegetable oil.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

We put the beaten chicken meat into the marinade, having first cut it into smaller pieces (although it is more convenient for others). Leave to marinate for an hour (more is possible).

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

Prepare the batter. While our chicken is soaked in the marinade, prepare the batter by mixing eggs, the remaining mayonnaise and grated cheese (on a fine grater).

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

Then, depending on the consistency, add flour to the mixture.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

You may need a little more of it than planned. The consistency of the batter should resemble a viscous mass.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

Cooking chicken in batter. Carefully dump the pieces of chicken fillet in the cheese batter (to avoid getting your hands dirty, it’s convenient to use 2 forks) and throw them into a frying pan or ladle with boiling vegetable oil.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website
Chicken in cheese batter to the website

There should be a lot of oil so that the pieces are completely dipped in it and thoroughly fried.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

The oil in the frying pan should not boil very hot, otherwise the batter will quickly fry and the meat in it will remain raw. After 8-10 minutes of frying, the chicken in batter will acquire a beautiful brown tint, which indicates the dish is ready. Using a slotted spoon (a large spoon with holes), remove the fried pieces and first place them on a plate lined with a napkin.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

When the napkin has absorbed the oil flowing from them, you can transfer it to a beautiful one and serve the finished dish to the table.

Chicken in cheese batter to the website

I think that the symbol of the coming year - the Goat - Sheep, will be happy with such a tasty treat.