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Icon of St. George the Victorious - what they pray to the Holy Great Martyr for. Icon of St. George the Victorious Pendant St. George the Victorious meaning what it helps with

Many religious people know about this saint, and not very religious people have heard about him. But not every person knows what they pray to the icon of St. George the Victorious about. But it is this saint who is considered the fulfiller of requests for healing.

The meaning of the icon of St. George the Victorious

First, let's figure out what this face represents. St. George the Victorious is most often depicted with a spear and trampling a serpent underfoot. It is believed that this saint publicly declared himself such during the persecution of Christians and distributed all his property to the oppressed people. After this, he was tortured and accepted execution. But before that, he managed to destroy the idols in the temple.

Thus, it becomes clear that the icon of St. George the Victorious means that he is the protector of people from evil, including from the devil’s machinations. It is not without reason, as mentioned above, that he is depicted with a weapon in his hands and on a snow-white horse.

By the way, this also means that the icon of St. George the Victorious is the symbol that soldiers often use. For example, his face can often be found in temples built on the territory of military units or cities.

Icon of St. George the Victorious, its meaning and how it helps

We have already talked about the symbolic meaning of this. Based on the life history of this saint, it is believed that he is the patron saint of military personnel, as well as those who, for some reason, are in the combat zone. They often pray to this icon and ask for peace and protection from enemies for themselves and their loved ones. In order to ask for the help of this saint, you can place a candle next to his face and voice your desire.

In addition to what has already been listed, it is believed that St. George the Victorious is able to protect against diseases. Many people come to churches to ask his icon for help in the fight against illness. It is believed that you can even ask him for relief from infertility.

Men, women, and children come to the icon of this saint with requests, because St. George the Victorious helps everyone who believes that what they ask for will definitely come true.

If a person wants to ask for support from St. George the Victorious, then he reads the prayer with which it is customary to address this saint. Even simple but sincere words will still be heard.

Prayer to St. George the Victorious

Icon of St. George the Victorious

George the Victorious. Icon. Prayer to St. George the Victorious.

St. George the Victorious is considered a great martyr, the most revered Christian holy name is St. George. During the Great Persecution in the year three hundred and three, after eight days of severe torment, he was beheaded.

Not only believers, but even not very religious people know about Saint George the Victorious. But not everyone knows what to pray about in front of the icon of the Great Martyr George. It is the prayer to St. George the Victorious that helps those who make requests to be healed, and prayers help in protecting their home from enemies.

Icon of St. George the Victorious. What does its meaning help with?

Saint George the Victorious is most often depicted on icons with a spear on a snow-white horse, trampling a serpent with his feet. During the persecution of Christians, he distributed his property to people who were oppressed. After this, he himself was tortured and killed. Before this, Saint George destroyed the idols in the temple with prayer. Therefore, the icon of St. George the Victorious protects people from evil, as well as from the devil’s machinations. In many churches built in cities or in military units, you can see the face of St. George the Victorious, which has become a symbol of protection. Warriors often use this symbol; it is he who patronizes military personnel, as well as all people who find themselves in a combat zone.

In front of the icon of St. George the Victorious they pray for peace, for the protection of loved ones from enemies. For your prayer to be heard, you need to light a candle next to the face of the saint and voice your request.

They also ask the icon for help in the fight against illness; it also helps people protect themselves from diseases. In front of the icon they pray to the Victorious One for deliverance from infertility.

To everyone who believes in help, who came with a pure soul to the icon, be it a child, a man, a woman, St. George the Victorious will help, his requests will be heard and will certainly be fulfilled. If you don’t know prayer, then even with your simple words you can turn to the saint, the main thing is that these are sincere words from a pure heart.

Great Martyr George performed many miracles. The most famous posthumous miracle of St. George is the killing of the serpent with a spear, which devastated the land in Beirut. According to legend, the king’s daughter had to be given to the monster to be torn to pieces, but Saint George appeared on horseback and delivered the princess from death, piercing the snake in the process. And after this phenomenon, many local residents converted to Christianity. This legend has been interpreted in different ways. The princess is the church, the serpent is paganism. Those. victory of the church over paganism or over the devil.

To protect yourself and your home from visible enemies, a prayer to St. George the Victorious will help:

Currently, we are also faced with various dangers anywhere: on the road, at home, visiting, at work. To protect yourself on a difficult road from damage, before leaving the house you need to read a prayer to St. George a couple of times:

There is also a ritual with a prayer to the saint for victory in sports, success in work, help in financial matters. To do this, you need to light three candles, place a decanter of holy water and an icon of the Victorious One next to it. Now relax and imagine yourself in a place where you have no problems at work, how you solve your difficult problems. At the same time, you need to imagine the image of a boss who at this time is not strict, does not scold you, but, on the contrary, praises you. Having imagined this clear picture, whisper a prayer for success in your work. This scripture is called a petition for business help. You need to ask St. George for intercession and help in the following words.

In Orthodox churches you can often find an icon depicting the holy warrior George the Victorious. This is a young man on a snow-white horse, striking an evil dragon with a spear. What history does the icon of St. George the Victorious have, its meaning, what does it help with - these questions are of interest to almost all believers.

St. George

Great Martyr George is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. In Russia he is known under the name Yegoriy or Yuriy.

According to folk superstitions, swallows fly in on St. George’s Day, and after the winter period they drive the cattle out to pasture for the first time. The memory of Yegor the Warrior is celebrated on May 6 and December 9.

George was the son of noble Christian parents, originally from Cappadocia. The father was executed for his faith in Jesus Christ. After the death of her husband, the mother and her son moved to Palestine.

The boy was raised in piety and the Christian faith. While still a young man, he served as a military commander for the Roman Emperor Diocletian, and was distinguished by his courage and nobility. For the courage and beauty of his face shown in battles, he was appointed a committee of the emperor - a senior military leader and adviser to the august person.

Diocletian was a pagan and worshiped Apollo. The priests of the temple informed the emperor that the predictions of their god were inaccurate because of righteous people - Christians. Diocletian was inflamed with hatred towards the followers of Jesus Christ, and instead of thieves, murderers and robbers, the prisons were filled with confessors of the true God.

Christians were subjected to terrible torture and torment; the blood of these innocent people was shed throughout the Roman Empire. Diocletian decided to exterminate Christianity.

Diocletian did not know that the young military leader was a follower of Christ. St. George the Victorious was faced with a choice - who he was, a Christian or a man of little faith.

The last week of the saint’s life was filled with great torment and showed the world an example of the highest courage. The young military leader came to Diocletian, denounced his atrocities and directly professed the Christian faith.

The Emperor could not believe his ears. Diocletian's friend Magnentius asked the young man who prompted him to say such insolence. The Christian answered: “Truth.” The emperor dissuaded the saint from such words, begged him to renounce Christ and regret his youth. Saint George called Diocletian to the true faith and reminded him of the short duration of this age.

The emperor flew into a rage and ordered the young Christian to be tortured. The warrior's feet were driven into blocks, and a stone was placed on his chest.

The young man announced to the emperor that he would sooner tire of tormenting him than he himself would become exhausted. By order of Diocletian, the torture was continued: the martyr was tied to a wheel and rotated on sharp knives and swords.

An angel appeared to the sufferer and witnesses of the torment in the form of a bright young man, who healed and encouraged George.

Queen Alexandra and two city judges secretly believed in Christ at the sight of such an obvious miracle and publicly declared themselves Christians.

George was buried in a hole with lime. Three days later, the emperor ordered his bones to be removed, but it turned out that the martyr’s body remained unharmed.

On a note! The great martyr was executed in 304. In the 5th century, a church was built in Rome in his honor, where part of the martyr’s relics, his spear and banner are now kept.

The torturer ordered the young man to be put in iron boots with nails driven into them and driven through the city. When the confessor of the faith again refused to submit to the emperor, he was beaten in the face, but the beauty of the sufferer was not damaged.

Diocletian decided that the young man’s strength lay in witchcraft, and he called a sorcerer to poison the martyr. And poison turned out to be powerless against true faith.

During his torment, George resurrected a dead man and a poor farmer's ox, converted a sorcerer to Christianity, healed the sick and preached Christ.

Before the execution, through the prayer of a Christian, the temple of Apollo was destroyed. The martyr's head was cut off, and he went to the Lord.

Prayer before the icon

What do believers ask in front of the icon of St. George the Victorious, what do they pray to the saint for. The life of a warrior tells about this. They asked the martyr for help when going to military service, before participating in a battle, and today you can pray on the eve of sports competitions.

The Great Martyr will strengthen those who waver in faith and are weak in spirit, and ask the Lord for courage and bravery for them. Through prayers to St. George, peace and mutual understanding are restored in families.

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St. George the Victorious is the patron saint of the military, because he himself was a military leader, a brave Roman legionnaire.

Yegory also patronizes farmers and simple peasants. Being a kind soul, in prison the martyr forgot about his pain and helped the suffering.

To this day, the courageous confessor raises his requests to Christ for those who pray to him, heal the sick and help childless couples.

Egory defends defenseless and unfairly offended people.

Interesting! The Orthodox world knows about the patronage of St. George the Victorious to another George - Marshal Zhukov. There are eyewitness accounts of the appearance of a young noble warrior on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War.

Not only in Orthodox churches in Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria there is an icon of St. George the Victorious. They pray to the saint in distant England, Italy, Germany. Saint George the Victorious is known throughout the world.

In images he usually appears as a young man in military armor. There are various ways to depict the Great Martyr on holy icons.

Description of the icon of St. George the Victorious:

  • Saint Yuri sits astride a prancing snow-white horse, striking a dragon or serpent with a long spear.
  • The martyr is depicted from the waist up, holding a spear in his right hand and a shield or sword in his left (there are images in which the saint has a spear in his left hand).
  • There are known images of the great martyr up to the neck with his head bowed to the right.
  • There is also such an image of St. George the Victorious, where the saint sits on a horse, holding the reins in his hands. The dragon (serpent) is not depicted.
  • The Great Martyr on horseback with a youth behind him.

In the vastness of Holy Rus', icons of St. George the Victorious are widespread; his image is sacredly revered in temples, small churches and Christian homes. The most favorite icon painting is a saint on horseback killing a snake.

The meaning of the icon with the serpent

What does the icon with the image of St. George the Victorious mean, in which the saint mercilessly deals with the dragon. The image in which George defeats the evil winged serpent tells about the miracle performed by the saint in the city of Beirut after his death.

Near the city there was a large lake in which a terrible snake lived. A monster came out of the lake and kidnapped many people. In that city there lived idolaters, and their king was also a pagan.

Turning to their gods, the residents of Beirut established a priority and gave their sons and daughters to the snake to be devoured.

When it was the turn of the king’s daughter, she also went to the lake.

The Lord sent the Great Martyr George to save the girl from physical death, and the whole people from spiritual death.

The saint commanded people to trust in Jesus Christ and pierced the serpent with a spear. After the martyr's victory, 25,000 residents of Beirut, not counting women and children, were baptized.

In spiritual terms, the described icon of the Great Martyr George the Victorious means that just as a Christian warrior defeated the serpent, so the Church of Christ defeats the enemy of the human race.

There is also this interpretation: the royal daughter is the Church, and the serpent is idolatry. The killing of the serpent represents deliverance from paganism, the salvation of the Christian faith.

The photo shows an image of the icon of St. George the Victorious.

Cost of the image

If you wish, you can buy an icon in a church shop so that St. George the Victorious is visibly present in the house. Its cost varies from mere pennies to impressive amounts of 90 thousand rubles, and more. It all depends on the technique of execution, time of writing and other factors.

The cost of the image does not affect the prayerful attitude and disposition of the saint.

The main thing is love for the saint of God, a pure heart, a persistent request to him. A prayer from the bottom of my heart will certainly be heard.

It is entirely acceptable to print out a photo of the image of George and consecrate it in the church. Such an image will be a complete replacement for a written image.


Why you dream about the icon of St. George the Victorious, you can ask the priest who serves in the nearest church. In the Orthodox tradition, it is not customary to pay attention to dreams.

Dreams are a reflection of lived events, emotions, and a manifestation of daytime impressions. There are subtle dreams and visions, but they happen to spiritually experienced, holy people by God’s will, and not on their own.

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It is useless to find out what an icon seen in a dream means in various dream books, since this information is too contradictory.

One promises a treasure, another says that it is necessary to think about spiritual food, the third prophesies a quarrel in the family.

You can ask in prayer before the image for strengthening in faith and deliverance from vain hobbies in dream books.

This will give you confidence in the future and heal you from obsessive fears.

Why do they put candles in front of an icon?

It can be difficult for an unchurched person to figure out who should light candles and why. They are placed on favorite saints who will definitely help.

Candles are lit for St. George on various occasions:

  • for those they love;
  • as a sign of petition for the recovery of the sick;
  • begging for help;
  • despair and disappointment in life.

It does not matter which hand you use to place the candles and their number. You cannot light a candle for the repose of a living person, otherwise you will have to answer in this life. When lighting a candle, you cannot ask for misfortune for another person, so as not to bring it upon yourself.

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Let's sum it up

The Order of St. George is still awarded in Russia, as before in the Russian Empire. The most valuable award for soldiers of those times was the Cross of St. George, which was awarded to the bravest soldiers. And now the warrior of Christ, George, is saving our country and all its inhabitants who need help and protection from enemies.

St. George the Victorious is a symbol of justice and the patron saint of valor, courage and love for one’s Fatherland. In folk tales and legends, the image of St. George is glorified, famous for his exploits and good deeds. And the prayer to St. George the Victorious is the strongest protection for any military rank or one who is responsible for the well-being of people’s lives. George was also accepted as a patron saint by cattle breeders and plowmen.

The life of George was remembered throughout the centuries as a series of heroic deeds of a brave man who lived in the lands of Lebanon and found the Lord in his heart. One of the legends says that he was a brave warrior who could not take up arms against the first Christians and was filled with the faith of Christ. There is a story in which a brave warrior pierced a large serpent while protecting a certain princess. Theologians interpret this feat as a metaphor, where the devil hid under the guise of a serpent, and the noble maiden is the Church of Christ, whose honor was defended by the Victorious.

Like other early Christians, he faced enormous resistance from pagan nobles who rejected Christ, putting to death all His followers. George showed himself to be a man filled with the greatest inner fortitude and strength, and this is how we remember him throughout the centuries as a warrior piercing enemies with his spear, as Good defeating Evil. The image of St. George has been the patron saint of Rus' from time immemorial. In honor of his spear, the name of the coin comes from - a penny. And the image of George himself was traditionally placed on military banners and banners.

A separate feat is attributed to the Great Martyr for his terrible death, filled with suffering. Eight days of trials fell on the lot of the Holy Man George. He was tortured, wheeled, crucified and his flesh was tormented in other ways, but at the end of each day he miraculously found healing, for he called on the Heavenly Power to help him as a helper, and Christ as a healer. Only by beheading him in 303 did the tormentors manage to kill the righteous man, who had devout faith. Since then, they have been offering prayers to the Saint for salvation from troubles, receiving the desired protection for their zeal in prayer.

Saint George - protector and patron of the warrior

In fact, both hypostases of the warrior and the plowman, who are patronized by the Saint, are an interpretation of the masculine principle. In peacetime, plowmen and cattle breeders care about the satiety and happiness of their fellow tribesmen, but in conditions of impending danger they have to put aside the hoe and take up arms in order to protect their tribe from enemy attacks.

  • Male warriors pray for protection from injuries, the machinations of enemies and victory over the adversary who attacked the Motherland. Before the campaign, the entire army gathers, and during the church service a prayer is read to the Patron Saint.
  • Then the army was blessed, the rite of Communion and consecration of the warrior going to battle was performed in front of the icon. They kissed the icon, receiving the Holy Gifts from the hands of the priest, so that the Lord and the Patron Saint would not leave the soldiers without care during times of war.
  • Also, the icon of the Great Martyr George usually accompanied the army on the campaign. Before each battle, they always tried to ask the Saint in prayer to protect him from defeat and increase his military skill in order to gain victory over the enemy.

There are many miraculous icons in the Orthodox world, among which is the She icon, which is a kind of shield that protects every home. Saint George is the patron saint of the army. In addition, he is considered the patron of livestock and farming. Prayer in front of his image helps those who are serving in the military, as well as those who are already in reserve. St. George also protects their families. They also pray in front of the icon for those who are going to military service, so that the young guy will avoid great difficulties and other troubles. Residents of rural areas also pray to St. George for a good harvest, protection of livestock from diseases, and protection from natural disasters.

Life of the Holy Great Martyr George

George was born in one of the Palestinian towns called Lydda. His parents were well off. The father, who preached Christianity, was killed for his faith, and the mother, in order to save her life and the life of her unborn child, fled to Syrian Palestine. From early childhood, Georgy differed from his peers in strength. Afterwards he served in the service of Emperor Diocletian, who was considered a good ruler, except for the fact that he was an adherent of paganism. The result of this was the persecution of Christians. This fate did not escape St. George either. After seven days of torture, humiliation and violence, his head was cut off.

Icon of St. George the Victorious: description

On the icons he is depicted sitting on a white horse and killing the devil with a spear. Less commonly, you can find an icon in which St. George is depicted in a tunic and cloak, holding a cross in his hands. There is also an image of George sitting on a throne with an angel laying a martyr’s crown. The image of this saint can be seen in the Moscow region; it commemorates the patron and protector of this region.

Today the miraculous icon of St. George the Victorious has been lost. According to an ancient description from manuscripts of 1649, belonging to the Vladychny Nunnery, its size was 1 arshin 5 vershoks in height, and 15 vershoks in width. The image of George is bordered with silver, the crown is gilded. The tsata is carved and gilded. It contains three gilded stones the size of nine kopecks. The candle is mounted on a stand with an icon framed underneath. Saint George the Victorious is crowned with a rhinestone crown. He wears a belt made of amethysts, and a cross made of rhinestones on his spear. There is a belief that a candle placed in front of the icon ignited by itself before the Tatar invasion. The Vladychny Monastery now houses a modern copy, which has periodically streamed myrrh since 2000.

"The Miracle of St. George about the Serpent"

The icon of St. George the Victorious represents the Saint in various images. As mentioned above, the most common is the image of a horse with a spear, where he kills a snake. It is preceded by the following legend, according to which the action took place many years after the death of George. A terrible snake has settled in a drinking water lake near Beirut. So that residents could safely collect water, every month a young girl or guy was given a snake to be eaten. This continued until there was only one girl left in the entire village - the daughter of the ruler. When the girl stood and cried on the shore of the lake, St. George suddenly appeared in front of her, who killed this snake.

The meaning that the icon of St. George the Victorious embodies is extremely clear and symbolic: just as the Saint defeated the serpent, so the Christian Church, with the help of numerous miracles and all-consuming love for one’s neighbor, put an end to the centuries-old terror of paganism.