Repair Design Furniture

Safety requirements for the carriage of goods. Safety requirements for the transportation of goods Working with dangerous goods

When loading the vehicle body bulk cargo it should be positioned evenly over the entire area of ​​the body and should not rise above the sides.

Box, rolled-barreled and other piece cargo must be tightly packed, reinforced or tied so that they cannot move during movement (sudden braking, starting off and sharp turns). Spacers and spacers are also used.

When moving box loads, protruding nails and the ends of the metal upholstery of the boxes must be hammered in or removed to avoid injury to the hands.

Barrels with liquid cargo installed with the plug up. Barrel cargo may be loaded (unloaded) manually by rolling. These operations are carried out manually by two loaders on the slopes with the mass of one place not exceeding 60 kg, otherwise strong ropes and mechanisms must be used.

Glass containers with liquids accepted for carriage only in special packaging. It must be installed vertically with the plug facing up.

Dusty cargo allowed to be transported in open bodies equipped with canopies and seals.

Drivers and loaders engaged in operations with dusty goods must be provided with personal protective equipment - dust-proof glasses and respirators or gas masks (when handling poisonous substances). The respirator filter should be changed regularly (at least once per shift).

Long loads(exceeding the dimensions of the substation in length by 2 and more meters) are transported on a vehicle with dismantling trailers, to which the cargo must be securely attached. Operations with long piece loads (rails, pipes, logs, etc.) must be mechanized; unloading by hand requires the use of durable slugs. At least 2 movers must work. Long loads of various lengths are stacked so that shorter ones are located on top. To prevent the load from moving when braking and driving downhill, the load must be secured.

Loading and unloading panel semi-trailers are made by smooth lowering (raising) of the panels without jerks and jerks. Semi-trailers should be loaded from the front (to avoid overturning) and unloaded from the rear.

Dangerous goods and empty containers from under them accepted for transportation and transported in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and legal acts. Dangerous goods are accepted for transportation in a special sealed container. The same requirement for empty, non-neutralized containers. All packages with hazardous substances must have labels indicating: the type of hazard of the cargo, the top of the package, the presence of fragile vessels in the package.

Transportation of bottles with acids should be carried out in specially equipped devices that protect the load from falling and impacts. Bottles should be in baskets and wooden crates (crates) with sturdy handles and bottoms.

During transportation compressed gas cylinders the following safety precautions must be observed:

· It is possible to move cylinders to the place of loading only on special trolleys that protect cylinders from shaking and impacts, in the lying position and with valves closed by metal caps;

· ATS should be equipped with racks upholstered with felt with recesses for the size of cylinders;

· It is possible to transport cylinders in an upright position only in special containers.

With automatic filling system flammable liquids the driver must be at the emergency stop panel for filling, and when pouring ammonia water into the tanks, the driver must be on the windward side.

Loading and unloading hazardous cargo on a vehicle is carried out only when the cab is tightly closed and the engine is turned off, with the exception of the loading of oil products and other cargo into a tank truck, which is carried out using a pump installed on the vehicle and powered by the engine.

After completion of work with dangerous goods, the places of work, lifting and transport equipment, load handling devices and personal protective equipment must be sanitized depending on the properties of the cargo.

Not allowed:

· To carry out the RRP with dangerous goods in case of faulty packaging, as well as in the absence of marking and warning inscriptions on it;

· Joint transportation of hazardous substances and food or feed cargo;

· Joint transportation of acetylene and oxygen cylinders, except for their delivery on a special trolley to the workplace;

· Carry cylinders without a stretcher, throw them, roll them, carry them on their shoulders, holding them by the safety cap;

Almost any organization involved in the transportation of goods requires drivers to comply with all the rules and regulations established in this area. This is a prerequisite for the safe transport of goods. To this end, the ATP services prepare instructions on labor protection and safety. They explain in detail what actions drivers are allowed to do when transporting goods, and what they are not. Following these recommendations, employees of transport companies who regularly drive trucks can maximally protect themselves and the goods they move over long distances from road accidents.

Driver's actions before leaving

It is the responsibility of the driver to check that all proper documentation is available before entering the line. In particular, he must have on his hands:

  • Driver's license;
  • Driver's license;
  • Certificate of the right to transport goods;
  • Waybill;
  • All documents related to the transported goods;
  • Instructions on safety and labor protection (which he is obliged to thoroughly study, and even better - to know by heart).

But this is not the whole list of mandatory actions. The driver also undergoes a medical examination and puts on overalls and shoes that correspond to the specifics of the work he is doing. His "outfit" should be such that he would not be afraid of either the cold, or the pouring rain, or the mud on the roads. Naturally, clothing and footwear should be appropriate for the season.

Car preparation

Not only all the necessary documentation and the driver should be ready for departure, but also the vehicle with the involvement of which the cargo is transported. In particular, the following devices are placed in the machine:

  1. First aid kit with the necessary medicines;
  2. Fire extinguisher;
  3. Car repair tools.

Before leaving, the car should be brought into perfect technical condition. Diagnosing the vehicle is also the responsibility of the driver. In cases where a trailer is used for transportation, it is necessary to check whether the hitch assemblies are sufficiently lubricated, whether the safety cables and chains are firmly fixed, and whether the light signaling is functioning properly.

What other preparatory measures are being taken in relation to the truck? It must be filled with fuel. If transportation is carried out in winter, antifreeze should be used. Excess filling products poured into the car are removed from the surface of the body with a clean rag. If the floor gets dirty with them, then sprinkle sawdust or sand on it. Then sweep everything with a broom.
When all the work on the preparation of the truck has been done and its condition is brought to full serviceability, it is entrusted to the employee responsible for releasing the car from the garage. This information should be displayed in writing in the waybill.

If there are malfunctions in the machine, then it is forbidden to involve it in the execution of the order. Also, vehicles should not be allowed to move cargo if its parameters (carrying capacity, length, etc.) are not suitable for the transportation of this type of goods. In the absence of additional equipment in the form of a first aid kit or fire extinguishers, the car should not be released from the garage onto the line.

The driver can fix any defects found in the car with his own hands or contact the mechanic of the company.

Security measures in the process of transportation of goods

After the vehicle arrives at the place of shipment, the employees of the carrier company receive detailed instructions from the responsible person of the consignor company on how to proceed.

Then you need to carefully inspect the loading and unloading site and entrances. There should be no puddles, moisture, debris, ice or snow on the surface of the road platforms. You also need optimal illumination of the working area.

When delivering a truck, the driver is obliged to use only those maneuvers that do not pose a danger to other people. Before exiting the cab, the driver removes the key from the ignition and locks the door. When entering the road, he should look at cars that are traveling in the opposite direction or in the same direction.

Safety measures when driving with a trailer

If the truck is additionally equipped with a trailer during transportation, then when connected to it, the vehicle is fed at a low speed. Moving the load in such cases is a little slower, since the large mass (car + trailer + goods) affects the braking dynamics and driving speed. Braking when moving the machine with a trailer is smooth. This rule applies to both empty trailers and those filled with the transported goods. Any sudden movement can cause skidding or folding of the road train. Usually, drivers will slow down in advance when they only notice a turn on the road from a distance.

Since the dimensions of such a car equipped with a trailer are quite impressive, any actions related to its movement are complicated. This applies not only to driving on roads and turns, but even parking. It can be very difficult to rebuild such a truck in the traffic flow.

When transporting goods by car with a trailer, the driver must comply with the driving speed that is fixed in the technical documents. Exceeding the specified rate can lead to strong swinging of the trailer. This, in turn, can negatively affect the condition of the cargo.

In no case should the trailer be used for any purpose other than for the transportation of goods. For example, people or animals cannot be transported on it.

Safety measures when transporting goods on gas-cylinder vehicles

If a gas-powered vehicle is used to move goods, there should be no people in it when refueling. Turn off the car engine when refueling. When the tank is full of fuel, leave the hood open for a few minutes. This is done in order to weather the accumulations of gas.

In accordance with occupational safety regulations, it is advisable to prevent the ingress of gas fuel on body parts. It can cause frostbite on the skin.

Warming up the engine

Water is poured into the car engine with special buckets equipped with spouts for precise direction of the jet. When using steam, the hose is firmly fixed to the radiator neck. When the heater is warmed up, the truck cab is ventilated. This removes combustion products from it.

Truck repair

Truck breakdowns are not uncommon in the practice of shipping companies. Any malfunction of the car is a big risk for the safety of the transported goods. As a result, it is necessary to eliminate the breakdown as soon as possible after it was discovered.

When the need for repair work arises, the first step is to turn off the truck engine. Then the first gear is engaged. In cases where the car has stopped at the point of lifting, you need to put at least two wheel chocks under the wheels.

Before lifting the vehicle with a jack, all people in it must leave the vehicle. After that, the car is stopped with the parking brake. Wheel chocks are placed under the wheels. You should also level the platform for the jack and place a wood gasket under it.

The tragus is fixed on the removed car tires, and wheel chocks are installed under the unreleased tires. When inflating the wheels, devices are used to prevent damage to the lock ring (otherwise it may pop out).

If a failure has occurred in the power supply system, then it is "treated" only after the motor has completely cooled down. The blockages of the jets and fuel lines are removed using a pump.

When a dump truck is being repaired, the body of which is characterized by a raised position, safety stops are used.

Safety measures when loading and unloading goods

During loading and unloading, the driver is responsible for monitoring the actions of loaders and other personnel involved in these processes. He must ensure that the load securing devices are securely and properly secured. If violations are detected in the work of the personnel or the equipment involved, the driver is obliged to demand their elimination.

The goods are first loaded into the front of the truck and shipped, on the contrary, from the rear. This procedure prevents the vehicle from overturning.

A particular danger is posed by carrying out these works when trucks are near a cliff or slope. The situation can be complicated by the lack of a wheel deflector bar. The safety rules state that in such cases there must be a distance of at least 1 meter between the truck and the abyss.

In cases where it is necessary to load and unload not one, but several vehicles, it is important to maintain the distance between them. So, for example, if the cars are in a column, located one after another, then the distance between them should not be less than 100 cm. If they are in a row, then between them it is necessary to leave gaps of one and a half meters.

There are also limitations regarding the proximity of trucks to residential and non-residential buildings. Trucks must not approach buildings closer than 150 cm.

If bulk cargo is transported, then their height must necessarily be on a par with the upper border of the side of the car body. The load must be distributed evenly.

Sometimes it happens that piece goods are above the boards. They are tied with strong ropes. In this case, the goods should be close to each other, there should be no gaps or gaps between them. Thus, it is possible to exclude their displacement during transportation. If it is not possible to arrange the goods close to each other due to the peculiarities of their shapes, then the gaps and gaps between them must be completely filled with spacers or wood gaskets. When transporting liquid cargo, drums are usually used, which are placed in the body in a position with the plug up.

Unfavorable climatic conditions

According to safety rules in case of bad weather in the form of fog, rain and snow, you should reduce the speed to the possible minimum and do not overtake other cars on the roads. Sharp turns of the steering wheel are also undesirable. It is strongly not recommended to open the throttle valve quickly.

If the road is covered with ice, then the car must be driven from a place in the lowest gears possible, only slightly opening the throttle valve. When going downhill, use the engine and the service brake to brake.

Unacceptable actions during the carriage of goods

When transporting goods, it is strictly prohibited to perform the following actions:

  • Transportation of people in the back of a truck that is not intended for these purposes;
  • Moving cargo on a truck that is larger in dimensions than the body, and some of their parts protrude beyond its sides;
  • The location of the transported goods at the level above the racks;
  • It is forbidden to participate in the carriage of goods to the driver after taking psychotropic drugs and medicines that negatively affect thinking and slow it down;
  • Use of any handy items and devices instead of tragus.

Here are the main provisions regarding security measures for cargo transportation at each of its stages (preparation for loading, loading, moving, unloading). All of them are aimed at the most successful outcome of such an important matter as the transportation of goods. When transporting dangerous and bulky (non-standard) goods, additional safety measures must be taken. Here, in our article, we have considered only the main points concerning this aspect in the field of cargo transportation. All of them are required.

Video: Rent of special equipment and transportation services without intermediaries!

2.1. Cargoes transported by vehicles are divided into three categories by weight, and by the degree of danger during loading, unloading and transportation - into four groups.
Weight categories of cargo:
Category 1 - weighing (one piece) less than 30 kg, as well as loose, small pieces, transported in bulk, etc .;
Category 2 - weighing from 30 to 500 kg;
Category 3 - weighing more than 500 kg.
Cargo groups:
1 - low-hazard (building materials, food, etc.);
2 - dangerous in size (oversized);
3 - dusty or hot (cement, mineral fertilizers, asphalt, bitumen, etc.);
4 - dangerous goods according to DSTU 4500-3: 2008 “Dangerous goods. Classification".
2.2. When placing vehicles for loading and unloading operations, measures are taken to prevent their spontaneous movement.
2.3. The movement of goods of the 1st category from the warehouse to the place of loading or from the place of unloading to the warehouse can be organized manually if the horizontal distance does not exceed 25 m.
At a greater distance, such loads must be transported by mechanisms and devices.
In exceptional cases, at places of non-permanent loading and unloading, it is allowed to load and unload goods weighing up to 55 kg (one piece) manually by two loaders.
2.4. Transportation, loading and unloading of goods of the 2nd and 3rd categories at all permanent and temporary loading and unloading sites (points) must be mechanized.
2.5. When loading a car body with bulk cargo, it should not rise above the sides of the body (standard or extended) and should be placed evenly over the entire area of ​​the body.
2.6. Piece loads, towering over the sides of the body, must be tied with strong serviceable rigging (ropes, ropes). It is forbidden to use metal ropes and wires.
2.7. Box, roll-barrel and other piece cargo must be stacked so that when driving (starting off and sharp turns, sharp braking) it cannot move along the floor of the body. If there are gaps between individual pieces of cargo, it is necessary to insert strong wooden spacers and spacers between them.
Barrels with liquid cargo are installed with the plug facing up.
2.8. Glass containers with liquids are accepted for carriage only in special packaging. It must be installed vertically (with the plug facing up).
It is forbidden to place loads in glass containers on top of each other (in two rows) without appropriate spacers (boards) protecting the bottom layer from breaking during movement.
2.9. Dusty goods are allowed to be transported on vehicles (open bodies) equipped with canopies and seals, and measures must be taken to prevent their spraying while driving.
2.10. Drivers and workers involved in the transport, loading and unloading of dusty goods or toxic substances must be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment.
2.11. When installing loads of irregular shape and complex configuration on vehicles, except for loads that are not allowed to turn over, they should be positioned so that the center of gravity is as low as possible.
2.12. Cargoes exceeding the dimensions of the vehicle in length by 2 m or more (long cargoes) are transported on vehicles with dismantled trailers, to which the cargo must be securely fastened.
When transporting long loads of different lengths at the same time, shorter loads should be placed on top.
2.13. It is prohibited:
- to carry loads that protrude beyond the side dimensions of the vehicle;
- obstruct the driver's cab door with a load;
- load long loads above the trailer struts.
2.14. When loading long loads (pipes, rails, wood, etc.) on a car with a dismantling trailer, it is necessary to leave a gap between the shield installed behind the cab of the car and the ends of the cargo so that the load does not cling to the shield during turns and turns. To prevent the load from moving when braking and when driving downhill, the load must be securely secured.
2.15. Loading and unloading of semi-trailers-panel transporters should be carried out by smoothly lowering (lifting) the panels without jerks and jerks.
2.16. Semi-trailers must be loaded from the front (to avoid tipping over) and unloaded from the rear.
2.17. Loading and unloading operations in the security zones of overhead power lines are allowed to be performed only after targeted briefing and issuance of an admission order issued by the organization responsible for the work.
2.18. When carrying out mechanized unloading of grain, beets, etc. at collection points (or in other places) with tippers, bead-spreaders, the driver is obliged to install the car (road train) on the dumper, bead-spreader, brake it, put in a lower gear, get out of the cab and stay in a safe area within the operator's line of sight.
It is forbidden for the driver to clean the body from the remnants of beets, grain.
2.19. When loading vehicles with excavators, the following requirements must be met:
- vehicles awaiting loading must be outside the range of the excavator bucket and stand for loading only after the permission signal of the excavator driver;
- vehicles under loading must be braked;
- loading into the body of vehicles should be carried out only from the side or rear;
- it is prohibited to carry the excavator bucket over the cab of the car;
- the loaded vehicle must go to the unloading point only after the permission signal of the excavator driver;
- the vehicle under loading must be within the driver's line of sight.
2.20. Unloading vehicles near slopes, silos, ravines, etc. allowed if there is a wheel bar.
In the absence of a wheel restraint, it is forbidden to approach the edge of the unloading platform closer than 3 m.
2.21. Dangerous goods and empty containers from under them are accepted for transportation and transported in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated July 26, 2004 No. 822, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 20, 2004 under No. 1040 / 9639.
2.22. All packages containing hazardous substances must have labels indicating: the type of dangerous goods, the top of the package, the presence of fragile vessels in the package.
2.23. It is not allowed to carry out loading and unloading operations with dangerous goods if the container is found to be inconsistent with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation, the container is defective, as well as in the absence of marking and warning inscriptions on it.
2.24. Loading and unloading dangerous goods onto a vehicle and unloading it from a vehicle must be carried out with the engine off, except for the cases of loading and unloading oil products into a tank truck, which is done using a pump installed on the vehicle and driven by the engine of the vehicle. In this case, the driver is at the pump control panel.
2.25. It is prohibited:
- joint transportation of hazardous substances and food or feed;
- smoke and use open flames when loading, unloading and transporting explosive goods.
2.26. The body of the car must be cleaned of foreign objects, as well as snow, ice, debris, etc. before being delivered to the place of loading containers. The roof of the containers must also be cleaned by the consignor (consignee) of snow, debris and other items.
2.27. Employees involved in loading and unloading operations are prohibited from being on and inside the container during lifting, lowering and moving, as well as on adjacent containers.
2.28. The driver is obliged to inspect the loaded containers in order to determine the correct loading, serviceability, as well as the reliability of fastening containers on specialized semi-trailers or multi-purpose vehicles (road trains).
2.29. The passage of people in the body of the car, where the containers are installed, and in the containers themselves is prohibited.
2.30. When transporting containers, the driver is obliged to observe the following safety measures:
- do not brake sharply;
- slow down before turning, rounding and uneven road;
- pay special attention to the height of gates, bridges, contact networks, trees, etc.
2.31. On road trains-flour carriers and cement carriers it is not allowed:
- be on the upper platform of the semitrailer if the tank is under pressure;
- connect and disconnect live plug disconnects;
- work with faulty safety valves and manometers, increase the pressure above the norm established in the operating documentation;
- open the cover of the loading door or tighten the nut of the cover hinge bolt when there is pressure in the tank. Use any levers to tighten the eyebolt nut;
- hitting tanks under pressure;
- turn on the compressor unit with the V-belt drive guard removed.
For troubleshooting, it is necessary to disconnect the road train from the power source, and reduce the pressure in the tanks to zero.
When performing work on the upper platform of the flour transport semitrailer, it is imperative to set the folding guardrail in a vertical position.
2.32. The loading of vehicles on railway platforms and their unloading should be carried out by the relevant railway services.
As an exception, it is allowed for drivers to participate in loading or unloading in those cases when they are carried out without the use of lifting mechanisms.
2.33. Before loading vehicles onto railway platforms using lifting mechanisms, the driver must:
- disconnect the terminal from the storage battery;
- when loading vehicles using the herringbone seal method, bring the fuel level in the fuel tank to half or less than half of its capacity;
- check the serviceability of the fuel tank cap and the reliability of its closure.
2.34. After loading the vehicle onto the railway platform, it is necessary to make sure that it is securely fastened, that there are no oily cleaning materials and additional containers with fuel and lubricants on it and on the platform.
2.35. All employees of auto enterprises going on a business trip should be transported only in passenger cars. It is prohibited to find people on platforms (gondola cars) and in car cabins while the train is in motion.
2.36. Checking the state of fastening of vehicles transported on platforms during the journey should be carried out only at stops by persons previously appointed by the head of the convoy (summary column).
2.37. At stops, it is forbidden to open the doors to enter the cab and perform other actions that may lead to touching the high-voltage line wires of the contact network, even if there is currently no contact network above the carriage.

3. Safety requirements for loading and unloading areas

3.1. Loading and unloading platforms and access roads to them must have a hard surface and be kept in good condition, in winter access roads, places of work of lifting mechanisms, slingers, riggers and loaders, ladders (platforms), platforms, passageways must be cleared of ice (snow) and, if necessary, sprinkle with sand or slag.
For the passage (lifting) of workers to the workplace, sidewalks, stairs, bridges, ladders that meet safety requirements must be provided.

The intersections of access roads with ditches, trenches and railways are equipped with decks or bridges for crossing.
Loading and unloading platforms should be sized to provide the necessary scope of work for a specified number of vehicles and workers.
Unloading platforms at slopes, ravines, silos, etc. must have a reliable wheel bar with a height of at least 0.7 m to restrict the movement of vehicles in reverse.
3.2. On sites for stowage of goods, the boundaries of stacks, aisles and driveways between them must be marked. The arrangement of goods in aisles and driveways is not allowed.
The width of the passages must ensure the safety of the movement of vehicles and hoisting-and-transport mechanisms.
3.3. The owners of the enterprises in whose jurisdiction they are are are responsible for the condition of the access roads and loading and unloading areas.
3.4. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading platforms standing one behind the other (in depth), the distance between them must be at least 1 m, and between those standing side by side (along the front) - at least 1.5 m.
If vehicles are installed for loading or unloading near a building, then a wheel baffle must be provided to ensure that the distance between the building and the rear of the vehicle is at least 0.8 m.
The distance between the vehicle and the load pile must be at least 1 m.
When loading (unloading) cargo from an overpass, platform, ramp, the height of which is equal to the height of the body floor, the car can drive up close to them.
With different heights of the floor of the car body and platform, ramp, overpass, it is necessary to use ladders, slides, etc.
3.5. Overpasses, platforms, ramps for carrying out loading and unloading operations with cars entering them must be equipped with a fence, indicators of permissible carrying capacity and wheel deflectors. In their absence, entry to overpasses, platforms, ramps is prohibited.
3.6. The movement of vehicles and hoisting machines on loading and unloading platforms and access roads should be regulated by generally accepted road signs and signs. The movement must be in-line. If it is not possible to stream traffic through the production conditions, the cars must be fed in reverse for loading and unloading, but so that they can leave the site area freely, without maneuvering.
3.7. For the passage of workers on bulk cargo, which has a high fluidity and suction ability, it is necessary to install ladders or decks with handrails along the entire route.

4. Safety requirements when performing lifting and transport operations

4.1. The technical condition and organization of the operation of hoisting machines used for carrying out hoisting and transport operations must comply with the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes, approved by order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Mining Supervision No. 132 dated June 18, 2007, registered in Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 09, 2007 under No. 784/14051, instructions of manufacturers and these Rules.
4.2. Hoisting machines are allowed to lift a load, the mass of which, together with the container, does not exceed their permissible carrying capacity.
4.3. The lifting of small piece and bulk cargo should be carried out in a production container, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 19822-88 “Production containers. Technical conditions "and a load tested for strength, 25% higher than its rated carrying capacity, for 10 minutes.
The cargo in a container without lids must be 0.1 m below the level of its sides.
4.4. When moving a load with hoisting machines, it is not allowed to stay on them (except for the driver), on the load and in the area of ​​its possible fall.
After the end and during the break between work, the load, lifting devices, mechanisms (bucket, grab, electromagnet, etc.) should not remain in the raised position.
Moving cargo over the premises and vehicles where people are located is not allowed.
4.5. Only persons who have completed training under the crane operator's program and have certificates for the right to perform this work are allowed to operate the crane.
4.6. When carrying out work on lifting and moving loads by crane, the person carrying out the work must comply with the following requirements:
- before starting work, check the condition of the crane and the operation of all its mechanisms;
- know the nature of the work ahead;
- before starting to lift the load, be sure to lower and fix all the supports that ensure the stable position of the crane;
- give a signal before starting the movement of goods;
- do not start cargo operations without making sure of the safety of the people around;
- during the preparation of the load for lifting, observe the fastening and prevent the lifting of a poorly slung load;
- raise the load to a height of 0.2 - 0.3 m and make sure that the brakes are holding, the load is well suspended, the crane is in a stable position, and then continue lifting;
- to receive signals for work from only one slinger-signalman; alarm signal "Stop!" accepted from any person submitting it; consider an incomprehensible signal as a “Stop!” signal;
- when lifting a load, the mass of which approaches the limit value for a given boom reach, it is necessary to first raise this load by 0.1 m, check the stability of the crane and only then continue lifting;
- place the cargo on racks and on vehicles evenly, without overloading one of the sides;
- lower the load smoothly;
- after finishing work, lower and secure the boom in the transport position.
4.7. During crane operation it is not allowed:
- to lift a load, the mass of which exceeds the lifting capacity of the crane;
- to lift a load of unknown mass, covered with earth or heaped up with any objects frozen to the ground or other object;
- allow swinging of the lifted load;
- pull pillars, piles, piles, etc from the ground;
- operate a faulty crane (all detected faults must be immediately eliminated);
- load (unload) with faulty crane lighting or insufficient lighting of the working platform at night;
- work without installed supports;
- move the load by pulling or lift it with an oblique pull of the load cable;
- brake sharply when lifting, lowering the load or turning the crane installation;
- move the crane with the raised load;
- move loads over people;
- to work with a rope that has dents, breaks of at least one strand or broken wires are more than allowed by the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes, approved by order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Mining Supervision of June 18, 2007 No. 132 registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 09, 2007 under No. 784/14051;
- to work under power lines and in other hazardous areas without a work permit.
4.8. The lifting and movement of cargo by two or more cranes is carried out according to the project or technological map and only under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe production of work on the movement of goods by cranes.
4.9. Do not work on an electrically driven crane:
- with faulty or removed enclosures of current-carrying parts;
- with damaged insulation of electrical wiring and cable;
- in case of damage to the zeroing wiring;
- with an open door of electrical equipment cabinets;
- without a rubber mat in the cab.
4.10. Maintenance of electrical equipment of cranes is allowed to be performed only by specially trained personnel.
4.11. When loading or unloading a vehicle equipped with a tail lift, it is prohibited:
- work in the absence or malfunction of the stop strips of the clamps on the platform;
- work with a lifting board with a faulty and unregulated hydraulic system;
- loading and unloading with a tail lift on uneven sites with a slope of more than 3%;
- lifting and lowering people on the board platform;
- carrying out repair and installation work under the side platform without attaching it with a safety cable to the car body.

5. Safety requirements when performing slinging and rigging works

5.1. To perform slinging and rigging works, persons who have a certificate for the right to carry out these works are allowed.
For hanging cargo on a crane hook without preliminary strapping (cargo with loops, eyebolts, trunnions, as well as those in buckets, containers or other containers), workers of the main professions, additionally trained according to the reduced slinger program, may be allowed. These workers are subject to the same requirements as for slingers.
When several slingers perform work together, one of them must be appointed as the senior.
5.2. It is allowed to sling only the load for which the slinging scheme and weight are known. The mass of the load to be lifted must not exceed the maximum loads indicated on the tag of the slings and the loads of the cranes.
5.3. Ropes, chains are applied to the load evenly, without knots and twisting, and on the sharp edges of the load, gaskets should be placed under the slings to prevent damage to them.
With double hooks, the load to be lifted must be suspended evenly on both horns.
The load must be suspended taking into account the center of gravity so that during lifting it is simultaneously lifted off the ground or support by the entire supporting area.
5.4. Slinging of bulky goods (metal, reinforced concrete structures, etc.) must be done using special devices, slinging nodes or certain places.
5.5. Slinging points, the position of the center of gravity and the mass of the cargo must be indicated by the manufacturer of the product or the shipper.
5.6. It is necessary to lower the load so that the slings are not pinched by it and can be easily removed from it. It is allowed to remove the slings only after placing the load on the support.
5.7. When stacking round-shaped loads on the surface, it is necessary to prevent the possibility of their rolling off by placing spacers, stops, etc.
5.8. When lifting, turning and lowering bulky and long loads, it is allowed to guide them only with the help of a guy (extension) made of steel or other rope material of the required length or light durable hooks.
Do not guide the load with your hands.
5.9. It is forbidden to crawl under a barely lifted load to bring up the slings. Lanyards should be fed in with thick wire hooks or hooks.
5.10. Before lifting a load with a crane (mechanism), all unauthorized persons must move to a safe distance. The slinger, being on the side of the load, sends signals to the crane operator (operator of the lifting mechanism) about the movement of the load. After lifting the load by 0.2 - 0.3 m, the slinger must give a "Stop!"
5.11. In the event of a strapping malfunction, the load must be immediately lowered to its original position, and further lifting is allowed only after troubleshooting.
5.12. The strength of the bundle tie (coils, coils, etc.) should not allow it to break when lifting.
5.13. Before lowering the load, it is necessary to check the place for its installation and make sure that the lowering load does not fall, topple over or slide to the side.
5.14. It is prohibited:
- place the load on temporary covers, pipes and steam lines, cables, etc., as well as stand on the moving load or be under it;
- use faulty or worn out prying devices, as well as devices with an expired test period;
- correct (move) with blows of a sledgehammer, crowbar, etc. the position of the branch of the slings with which the cargo is tied;
- hold the slings with your hands or pincers that slide off when lifting the load (in such cases, you must first lower the load onto the support, and then fix the garter);
- balance the load with its own body weight or support parts of the load during its movement.

Approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards of April 29, 1980 N 1973.

This standard establishes general safety requirements and processes for the movement of goods at enterprises * of all sectors of the national economy (loading, unloading, transportation, intermediate storage, arrangement and maintenance of transport routes) by floor wheeled trackless transport.
* Enterprises, institutions, organizations, industrial associations, etc. are hereinafter referred to as "enterprises".


1.1. The movement of goods at enterprises must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.002-75 and this standard.
1.2. For the movement of goods at enterprises, transport and technological schemes must be developed.

1.3. For the movement of vehicles on the territory of enterprises, traffic patterns must be developed and installed in prominent places.


2.1. Arrangement of transport routes - according to SNiP I-D.5-72 "Highways. Design standards", and their lighting - according to SNiP II-4-79 "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".
2.2. On the transport routes of enterprises, road signs in accordance with GOST 10807-78 and markings in accordance with GOST 13508-74 must be installed. The use of technical means of traffic control - in accordance with GOST 23457-79. The boundaries of the carriageway of transport routes in the workshops should be established taking into account the dimensions of vehicles with transported goods. The distance from the boundaries of the carriageway to the structural elements of buildings and equipment must be at least 0.5 m, and when people are moving - at least 0.8 m.
2.3. Places for repair work on transport routes, including trenches and pits, must be fenced and marked with road signs in accordance with GOST 10807-78, and at night - by light alarms. Fences must be painted in a signal color in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76.
2.4. Transport routes at dead ends should have detours or areas that provide the ability to turn vehicles.
2.5. Transport routes must be kept in good condition, cleaned of snow, ice, debris. In winter, transport routes should be covered with sand, slag or other substitute materials. The enterprise must establish the terms, the procedure for checking and the duties of persons to monitor the state of transport routes.
2.6. At the intersection of railways, at the same level with transport routes, there should be crossings according to SNiP N-39-76 "Railways of 1520 mm gauge. Design standards"; barriers, warning sound and light alarms - according to SNiP I-46-75 "Industrial transport. Design standards".
2.7. Transport routes must be free of objects that impede the free passage or spoil the surface of transport routes.
2.8. When landscaping the territory of the enterprise in the zone of transport routes, visibility must be ensured according to SNiP N-D.5-72.


3.1. Safety requirements should be entered into technological documents: MK, KTP, KTPTP in accordance with GOST 3.1102-74.
Registration of documents for the processes of moving goods at enterprises - GOST 3.1602-74.
3.2. When moving goods, the state of the air environment of the working area of ​​production movements must be ensured in accordance with GOST 12.1.005-76.
3.3. Requirements for loading and unloading operations:
3.3.1. Safety requirements for loading and unloading goods in accordance with GOST 12.3.009-76 and the Rules for the construction and safe operation of cranes approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.
3.3.2. The movement of loads weighing more than 20 kg in the technological process should be carried out using lifting and transport devices or mechanization. The weight of the load moved manually by women must comply with the maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving weights manually, approved in the prescribed manner.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.3.3. The movement of goods in the technological process at a distance of more than 25 m must be mechanized.
3.3.4. Before starting work, the presence and serviceability of loading and unloading devices, load handling devices and tools should be checked.
3.3.5. The dimensions of the loading and unloading platforms must ensure the distance between the dimensions of vehicles with a load of at least 1 m.When loading and unloading near a building, the distance between the building and a vehicle with a load must be at least 0.8 m, while a sidewalk must be provided, bumpers, etc.
3.3.6. For the correct placement of vehicles at the places of loading bulk cargo from the hatches of the tanks, signs should be installed and demarcation stripes applied.
3.3.7. When loading and unloading goods with sharp and cutting edges and corners, gaskets should be used to prevent the failure of their load handling devices.
3.3.8. Stacking of goods in places of intermediate storage should be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.009-76.
3.3.9. Cargo de-stacking should only be done from top to bottom.
3.3.10. During intermediate storage on dumps or in compartments, bulk material should be stacked and taken taking into account the natural slope angle for this type of cargo. The selection of bulk materials by digging is not allowed. During loading and unloading operations with bulk materials, it is not allowed to find workers in filled containers.
3.3.11. For loading and unloading piece cargo, special areas (platforms, overpasses, ramps) must be provided at the height of the vehicle body floor. The ramps on the side of the vehicle entrance must be at least 1.5 m wide with a slope of no more than 5 degrees.
The width of the overpass, intended for moving vehicles along it, must be at least 3 m. Overpasses, ramps of warehouses of access roads must be equipped with wheel protection devices that prevent vehicles from going off and overturning.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.3.12. Loading and unloading operations with lifting mechanisms should be carried out only when there are no people in the vehicle cab.
3.3.13. Loading and unloading operations with heavy and long loads, as well as with the help of a grab, an electromagnet and other mechanical load gripping devices, should be carried out only in the absence of people both in the cab and in the body of the vehicle.
3.3.14. When placing vehicles for loading and unloading operations, measures must be taken to prevent their spontaneous movement.
3.3.15. The area for lifting and moving loads with electromagnets and grabs must be fenced or have an alarm indicating the danger of people being in this area.
Fences must be painted in a signal color in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76.
3.3.16. Loading and unloading sites must have designated boundaries.
3.4. Requirements for the transportation of goods and vehicles
3.4.1. Transportation of goods must be carried out by vehicles that meet the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-74.
3.4.2. Enterprise vehicles must have state registration plates or company registration numbers.
3.4.3. The maximum speed of movement of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise and in production facilities should be set depending on the state of transport routes, the intensity of freight and human flows, the specifics of vehicles and goods and ensure traffic safety.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.4.4. Transportation should be carried out by vehicles with devices that exclude the possibility of their operation by unauthorized persons. It is possible to leave vehicles on condition that measures are taken to prevent their spontaneous movement, and on the forklifts, in addition, the raised load must be lowered.
3.4.5. The cargo must be placed and, if necessary, secured to the vehicle so that it:
- did not endanger the driver and others,
- did not limit the driver's visibility,
- did not violate the stability of the vehicle;
- did not cover light and signal devices, as well as license plates and registration numbers.
3.4.6. Transportation of goods must be carried out in containers or equipment, which is indicated in the technological documentation for the transportation of this cargo.
3.4.7. Transportation of dangerous goods in accordance with GOST 19433-81 in containers that do not comply with GOST 19822-81, as well as in the absence of marking in accordance with GOST 14192-77 and a hazard sign in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76 is not allowed.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.4.8. When installing weights of irregular shape and complex configuration on a vehicle, except for weights that are not allowed to turn over, they should be positioned so that the center of gravity is at the lowest position.
3.4.9. In workshops with a high level of noise, it should be possible to detect a moving vehicle by sound or light.
3.4.10. Transportation of people in vehicles is allowed only with additional seats made in accordance with the documentation of the vehicle manufacturer.
3.4.11. Entry into hazardous areas is allowed only for vehicles in an explosion-proof design.
3.4.12. When transporting piece goods, stacked above the sides of the body or on a platform without sides, they must be strengthened.
3.4.13. Barrels with liquids during transportation should be installed with plugs facing up. When placing in multiple rows, each row should be laid on gaskets from boards with podkpinivaniya all outer rows.
3.4.14. During transportation, glass containers with liquids should be installed in the body while standing (with the neck up). When installing it on top of each other, it is necessary to put spacers from the boards between the containers.
3.4.15. Flammable liquids should be transported on specialized vehicles with appropriate inscriptions and grounding with metal chains with a sharp point at the end. When transporting flammable goods in separate containers installed on vehicles, these containers must also be grounded.
3.4.16. Transportation of dusty goods on board vehicles should be carried out in sealed bodies, while measures should be taken to prevent their spraying while driving.
3.4.17. Transportation of goods with temperatures above 70 degrees. C must be carried out on vehicles equipped with metal bodies.
3.4.18. Vehicles designed to move cylinders with gases, oil products and other flammable liquids must be equipped with spark arresters in the exhaust pipes and fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the rules and ensuring the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road, approved by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.4.19. Liquefied gas cylinders should be transported on sprung vehicles, while the cylinders should be placed with safety caps in one direction across the body and secured.
3.4.20. Gas cylinders should be transported in an upright position only in special containers.
3.4.21. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).
3.4.22. Flammable liquids and toxic substances may be transported using electric vehicles only as a tractor, and it must be equipped with fire extinguishing means.
3.4.23. Trucks and electric forklifts should be used on hard and level surfaces.
3.4.24. When moving goods with forklifts, it is necessary to use working devices (forks, hooks, buckets, etc.) in accordance with the technological documents (MK, KTP, KTPP PO GOST 3.1102-74 and GOST 24366-80).
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.4.25. Forklifts when transporting small or unstable loads must be equipped with a safety frame or carriage to stop the load when moving.
3.4.26. Fork extensions should be equipped with appropriate latches or devices that securely lock them onto the forks. 3.4.27. During breaks in work and at the end of it, the load must be lowered.
3.4.28. The loader should carry out the movement of bulky goods that limit the driver's visibility, accompanied by a specially dedicated and instructed signalman.
3.4.29. Stacking of cargo without a cab or protective grill is not allowed over the workplace of the driver of the loader and the protective guard of the carriage of the lifting device.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.5. Requirements for intermediate storage of goods
3.5.1. Overpasses and loading platforms for intermediate storage of goods - in accordance with the design and construction standards of industrial enterprises approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.5.2. Areas for intermediate storage of goods must be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from railways and highways.
3.5.3. Intermediate warehousing of goods should be carried out depending on the transported goods, containers, packaging and technical means by which the warehousing is carried out.
3.5.4. Cargo areas intended for intermediate storage of goods without the movement of vehicles on them must be calculated with the distribution of cargo with a uniformity of at least 250 kg per 1 sq. M.
3.5.5. Bulk goods should be stacked with a slope corresponding to the angle of repose of the stored material. Protective grilles should be installed if necessary.
3.5.6. During intermediate storage of goods, measures and means must be provided to ensure the stability and reliability of the stacked goods.
3.5.7. Loads in containers and bales should be stacked in stable piles, the height of which should be determined in accordance with GOST 12.3.010-76.
Oversized and heavy loads should be stacked in one row on pads.


4.1. The order and types of training, organization of briefing of workers - in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-79.
4.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed training under a special program and have a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle and perform the corresponding type of work are allowed to drive vehicles for loading and unloading operations. Drivers with the first safety qualification group are allowed to operate electrified vehicles.
4.3. The driver of a vehicle who works with lifting mechanisms must be trained according to the slinger program, certified by the qualification commission and have a certificate for the right to perform these works.
4.4. Persons admitted to servicing vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods must undergo training in safe techniques and methods of work according to a special program with subsequent certification and have a certificate.
4.5. Training programs for workers involved in the movement of goods at enterprises should be drawn up taking into account the requirements of labor safety standards, traffic rules and rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road, approved by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, "Rules for the construction and safe operation of cranes" approved by Gosgortechnadzor USSR, "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers", "Safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of the consumer", approved by the State Energy Supervision and other regulatory and technical documents. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).


5.1. When moving goods at enterprises, protective equipment for workers from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.4.011-75.
5.2. Employees must be provided with personal protective equipment, taking into account the hazardous and harmful production factors affecting them in accordance with industry standards.
5.3. All personal protective equipment used by workers during work related to the intra-plant movement of goods must undergo periodic control examinations and tests in the manner and within the time limits established by the normative and technical documentation for these means.
5.4. Workers participating in loading and unloading operations with lifting mechanisms must wear protective helmets in accordance with GOST 12.4.091-80 and GOST 12.4.128-83.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).
5.5. Storage, disinfection, degassing, decontamination, washing and repair of overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment of workers must be carried out in the manner prescribed by the sanitary supervision authorities.

Information about the author

Konstantin Sokolov

General Director of the Engineering and Technical Center "TECHNOVIK", an expert in the field of security of warehouse logistics and equipment.
Member of the Association of Manufacturers of Shelving and Warehouse Equipment (Russia), FEM (European Association of Handling Equipment and ERF (European Federation of Shelving Equipment).
Co-author of the unique patented technology of fragmentary repair of racks "Robusto".

Safety requirements for the transport of dangerous goods by road

Recently, in connection with a gradual increase in the shortage of natural materials in the economy, synthetic substances are increasingly used, and, consequently, their transportation is expanding. Almost all such substances are classified as dangerous, during the transportation of which special rules must be observed.

Dangerous goods (DG) include substances and objects that, during transportation, handling and storage, can cause an explosion, fire and damage to vehicles, warehouses, devices, buildings and structures, as well as death, injury, poisoning , burns, radiation or diseases of people and animals.

Exhaust gas transportation is regulated by special regulations and international agreements. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, such transportation is constantly expanding due to the increase in the production and use of artificial materials, on the other hand, road users and the environment should not be exposed to an increased risk associated with the possibility of accidents and any other incidents with transported hazardous substances.

The main document that must be followed in the preparation and organization of the transportation of exhaust gases is the "Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by road", approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 08.08.95, No. 73 (as amended by the orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 11.06.99, No. 37 and dated 14.10.99, No. 77). The rules contain a list of exhaust gases by class, instructions on choosing the route for transportation of exhaust gases, recommendations on the order of movement of vehicles with exhaust gases, additional requirements for the technical condition of vehicles, additional requirements for the driver's staff, actions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the event of a forced stop or a road traffic accident (accident ), basic information about the hazard information system.

The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (DOLOG) applies to international transport of DG, that is, transport carried out through the territory of at least two countries that have signed the agreement. Relevant national agreements are generally in line with the DECL, but there may be additional conditions related to local transport (when the transport starts and ends in national territory). DOLOG was developed by the UNECE and signed in Geneva on September 30, 1957. The latest version of DOLOG is the 2005 version (DOLOG-2005).

The main purpose of the DOG is to improve the safety of road transport without restrictions on the range of transported goods, except for those that are too dangerous for transportation. The latter is achieved by simplifying formal procedures through a single classification and requirements. To achieve this goal, the DOLOG determines the requirements not only for the carrier, but also for the cargo owner, manufacturers of containers and vehicles, as well as road traffic authorities.

On the basis of ADR 2005, all DGs are divided into classes, some classes have subclasses for a more accurate classification of substances.

Dangerous goods are also classified according to the criteria of transport hazard, which increases the area of ​​probable negative impact of these goods when they move in space. This is the main difference between the transport hazard and the hazard that arises at industrial enterprises producing and consuming hazardous substances, where the probability of the negative impact of such substances on people, equipment and the environment is stationary, i.e. limited in space.

When transporting dangerous goods on a vehicle, the dipped headlights must be turned on even during daylight hours - a warning signal to other road users about the need to be especially careful. In addition, on a vehicle transporting dangerous goods (explosive, radioactive, highly toxic, flammable substances) or non-neutralized containers from under it, identification marks in the form of a rectangle 690 x 300 mm, the right side of which is 400 mm bright orange, and the left one is white with a black border 15 mm wide. On the left side, the symbols provide information about the nature of the cargo.

Requirements for tank trucks for the transportation of liquefied gases, flammable and flammable liquids.

The transport of flammable liquids, even in small quantities, is only permitted in tanks or metal containers. At the same time, petrol tankers must be equipped with grounding circuits that discharge static charges.

Completion of vehicles carrying dangerous goods

Vehicles that are systematically used for the transport of explosive and flammable substances must be equipped with a muffler exhaust pipe with an extension to the side in front of the radiator with an inclination. If the location of the engine does not allow such a conversion, then it is permissible to bring the exhaust pipe to the right side outside the area of ​​the body or tank and the area of ​​the fuel communication. The fuel tank must be removed from the battery or separated from it by an impenetrable partition, as well as away from the engine, electrical wires and the exhaust pipe and located so that in the event of fuel leaking from it, it spills directly onto the ground, without falling on the cargo being transported. The tank, in addition, must have protection (casing) from the bottom and sides. Fuel must not be fed into the engine by gravity.

In the case of a one-time use of the vehicle for the transportation of dangerous goods of classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, it is allowed to install a spark extinguishing mesh on the outlet of the exhaust pipe of the muffler.

Electrical equipment of vehicles carrying dangerous goods of classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 must meet the following requirements: rated voltage of electrical equipment must not exceed 24 V; the wiring must consist of wires protected by a seamless, non-corrosive sheath and must be sized to completely prevent it from heating up; the power grid must be protected from increased loads using fuses (factory-made) or circuit breakers; the wiring must have reliable insulation, be firmly attached and located in such a way that it cannot suffer from impacts and friction against the structural parts of the car and be protected from the heat generated by the cooling system and exhaust gases; if the batteries are not located under the engine hood, they must be in a ventilated compartment made of metal or other material of equivalent strength with insulating inner walls; The vehicle must have a means of disconnecting the battery from the electrical circuit using a two-pole switch (or other means), which must be located as close to the battery as possible. The switch control drive - direct or remote action - must be located both in the driver's cab and outside the vehicle. It should be easily accessible and identified with a distinctive sign. The switch must be such that its contacts can open when the engine is running, without causing dangerous overloads of the electrical circuit; it is forbidden to use lamps with threaded caps. There must be no external electrical wiring inside the vehicle bodies, and the light bulbs inside the body must have a strong protective mesh or grill.

In a van-type vehicle, the body must be completely closed, strong, have no cracks and be equipped with an appropriate ventilation system, depending on the properties of the dangerous goods transported. Non-sparking materials are used for interior upholstery, wood materials must be flame retardant. Doors or doors must be equipped with locks. The design of the door or doors must not compromise the rigidity of the body. In cases where tarpaulin is used as a covering for open bodies, it must be made of a flame-resistant and waterproof fabric and cover the sides 200 mm below their level and must be attached with metal rails or chains with a locking device.

The vehicle shall have a bumper at the rear across the full width of the tank that is sufficiently protective against impacts. The distance between the rear wall of the tank and the rear of the bumper must be at least 100 mm (this distance is measured from the rearmost point of the tank wall or from the protruding reinforcement in contact with the substance carried).

The piping and auxiliary equipment of the tanks installed in the upper part of the tank must be protected from damage in the event of overturning. Such a protective structure can be made in the form of reinforcing rings, protective caps, transverse or longitudinal elements, the shape of which should provide effective protection.

Cars intended for the transport of dangerous goods must have the following serviceable tools and equipment:

  1. a set of hand tools for emergency repair of a vehicle - fire extinguishers, a shovel and the necessary supply of sand for extinguishing a fire;
  2. at least one wheel chock for each vehicle, the dimensions of the chock must correspond to the type of vehicle and the diameter of its wheels;
  3. two self-powered lanterns with flashing (or constant) orange lights, designed in such a way that their use could not cause ignition of the transported goods;
  4. in case of parking at night or in poor visibility, if the vehicle's lights are out of order, orange-colored lights should be installed on the road: one in front of the vehicle at a distance of about 10 m, the other behind the vehicle at a distance of about 10 m;
  5. first aid kit and means of neutralization of transported hazardous substances. In the cases provided for in the conditions of safe transportation and in the emergency card, the vehicle is equipped with means for neutralizing the transported hazardous substance and personal protective equipment for the driver and accompanying personnel.

Requirements for drivers and accompanying persons involved in the transport of dangerous goods

When transporting dangerous goods, the driver of a vehicle must comply with the Traffic Rules, these Rules and instructions for the carriage of certain types of dangerous goods that are not included in the nomenclature given in the Rules. A driver assigned to transport dangerous goods is required to undergo special training or instruction. Special training for drivers of vehicles constantly involved in the transport of dangerous goods includes: studying the hazard information system (designation of vehicles and packages); study of the properties of transported dangerous goods; training in first aid techniques for victims of incidents; training in actions in the event of an incident (order of action, fire extinguishing, primary degassing, decontamination and disinfection); preparation and transmission of reports (reports) to the relevant officials about the incident. A driver temporarily employed in the transport of dangerous goods must be instructed on the specifics of the transportation of a particular type of cargo.

Drivers who are constantly involved in the transportation of dangerous goods are required to undergo a medical examination upon admission to work and subsequent medical examinations in accordance with the established schedule, but at least once every 3 years (order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated 09.29.89, No. 555), and also pre-trip medical control before each flight for the carriage of dangerous goods.

Drivers temporarily employed in the transport of dangerous goods are required to undergo a medical examination when they are assigned to this type of transportation and pre-trip medical control before each trip for the carriage of dangerous goods.