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Boiled potatoes. Boiled new potatoes

Since ancient times, many varied and tasty dishes have been prepared from potatoes: casseroles, stews, salads, fried, stewed, boiled, etc. And any housewife needs to know how to properly cook this vegetable, because in this way you can prepare many dishes. Like any other, potato dishes require their own subtleties and nuances, only then will they turn out incredibly tasty and healthy.

How to cook potatoes in a saucepan correctly?

If you want to make mashed potatoes or just boiled potatoes, the following recommendations may be useful.

Select tubers of the same size, which will allow all potatoes to cook at the same time. If they are of different sizes, then small potatoes will boil, and large ones will remain damp. If you can’t find identical tubers, then simply cut the large ones into several parts.

Next, you should wash the vegetables and start peeling them. So, potatoes in a pan. It must be filled with water until completely covered and add salt to taste. With the lid closed, bring the potatoes to a boil and then reduce the heat. Time it for 20-25 minutes. If the tubers are cooked longer than this time, there is a risk that they will boil and turn into a watery puree. Therefore, after 20 minutes, you need to check the readiness of the potatoes with a fork. When the fork can easily enter the largest tuber, the pan can be removed from the stove.

Once the potatoes are done, drain the water immediately. If it is mashed potatoes, then start preparing it according to the recipe, if you just want boiled potatoes, then put them on a dish, pour melted butter on them, sprinkle with herbs and you can start eating.

Selection of new potatoes

If you know how to cook new potatoes, then consider that you have a truly royal recipe. So, before you start cooking new potatoes, you need to choose them correctly.

The best option, of course, would be tubers grown in your summer cottage or garden. But not everyone has such a great opportunity, so we’ll go to the market.

It is preferable to buy young potatoes at the market, since there you can buy a real homemade product.

Choose medium-sized young tubers, since you will need to cook the potatoes whole in the pan. Be sure to inspect the potatoes for green spots. If they are present, this indicates that the growing tubers were poorly covered with soil and unsuitable for eating.

The process of preparing new potatoes

Let's describe in detail how to cook new potatoes. First of all, you need to remove the skin from the tubers. There is no need to cut it with a knife, just scrape it lightly. After all the tubers are cleaned, they need to be washed, placed in a pan and filled with water. At this stage, there are two options: pour cold water or boiling water over the potatoes. Many cooks believe that while the water in the pan heats up, the vegetable will absorb excess liquid and become tasteless.

You need to add a little salt to the water where the new potatoes will be boiled. Place the pan on the fire for about 25 minutes. To prevent the product from overcooking, you can carefully check its readiness using a toothpick. You should not do this with a knife, as this will only spoil the appearance and taste of the new potatoes.

So, the potatoes are ready. Drain the water, add green onions, parsley, dill and butter to the tubers. Mix everything carefully, close the lid and wrap the pan with a warm scarf. Leave the container for a quarter of an hour. This will allow the young potatoes to brew and also absorb the aroma of herbs and oil.

Secrets of young potatoes

You've learned how to cook new potatoes, but there are little secrets that will make this simple dish simply great.

If you serve lightly salted cucumbers or lightly salted red fish with potatoes, then consider that you have created a masterpiece.

If, after boiling, young potatoes are fried on all sides in vegetable oil, they will acquire a golden color and an amazing crust.

If you haven’t had time to cook anything else (except potatoes), then sour cream and garlic will help you out. Just prepare a sauce from them, and the taste of the dish will be unforgettable.

Potatoes in skin

Potatoes boiled in their skins, or as they say differently - in their skins, are considered very healthy, since thanks to the skin, vitamins remain in the tubers and are not digested. In addition, unpeeled boiled potatoes have a special aroma and elasticity. Let's find out how to cook potatoes in their skins correctly.

Select potatoes of the same size, wash them with a brush, put them in a saucepan and fill them with water. Potatoes must be salted. If the volume of the container in which it is cooked is 2-3 liters, then you will need 1 teaspoon of salt. Salt will not only give the potatoes a better taste, but will also prevent them from cracking. Next, bring the potatoes to a boil over maximum heat and immediately reduce the heat. Cook vegetables for 25-30 minutes. Once the tubers are ready, remove the pan from the heat and drain the water.

Cooking potatoes for salad

Many young housewives are wondering how to cook potatoes for salad so that they remain strong. If the potatoes turn out to be soft and crumbly, then they cannot be cut into even and uniform cubes, which is completely unacceptable for a properly prepared salad. Boiled tubers are only suitable for making puree.

So, to cook potatoes for salad, you need to boil them in their skins. And exclusively in its entirety! We already know how to cook potatoes in a saucepan and that the peel helps preserve the elasticity of the tubers, so we will focus on which vegetables to choose for the salad so that they are cooked at their best.

Potatoes will not crack during cooking if the selected tubers are pierced with a fork on all sides and the water in the pan is salted. Boiling time will depend on the type of potato. If you need a product specifically for salad, then buy potatoes that have a low starch content.

Immediately after cooking, pour cold water over the tubers, which will make it easy to peel them. And, of course, an important rule: you cannot leave boiled potatoes in water. As a result, it acquires an unpleasant odor, a bad taste, and will fall apart when cut.

Potatoes, boiled in pieces

If you need to cook something very quickly, then we will tell you how to boil potatoes in pieces. First, determine how you will cut the vegetables: large slices, cubes, quarters or halves. Remember that the smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook. Once the potatoes are cooked, be sure to drain the water. Meat, fish or fresh vegetables are ideal for this dish as a side dish.

Can you cook potatoes in the microwave?

Many people know how to cook potatoes in a saucepan, but not everyone knows that they can be cooked quickly and tasty in the microwave. And this can be done in different ways, which we will now consider.

1. Select medium-sized potato tubers, wash them well and place them in a deep microwave-safe bowl. Add water, but only a little, about 3 mm, cover the dish with a lid, and place in the microwave oven. Make the power maximum and set the time to 10-12 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can check the stage of readiness of the potatoes, and if the vegetables are hard, then just add a few more minutes.

2. Wash the potatoes, make small cuts in each tuber and place them on a plate. In this case, water will not be needed. Place the plate in the microwave, set the maximum power and time for 6-7 minutes. Then check the potatoes for doneness and add a few more minutes if they are not done.

3. Take a baking bag, potatoes and salt. Wash the vegetables, remove the peel and cut the potatoes into pieces. Add salt and fill the bag with them. Place it in the microwave oven, set the time to 15-20 minutes and maximum power. After the cooking signal, take out the bag and, being careful not to get burned by the steam, cut it and place the potatoes on a dish.

Bon appetit!

Years have passed and our ancestors figured out this overseas vegetable; today we have dozens of options for what can be prepared from potatoes. We know how to cook potatoes in a rustic way, how to cook potatoes in French, how to prepare potatoes in sour cream, baked and fried potatoes. Potato recipes make up half of the menu in some families. Potato recipes can be found in almost all national cuisines of the world, because potato dishes, recipes with potatoes, are very nutritious and can be combined with a wide variety of products. There are few people who don't like dishes with potatoes. Almost everyone quickly knows what to cook from potatoes: fry or boil in their skins. Usually, cooking potatoes is a no-brainer. We know very well what can be cooked from potatoes. But many people are interested in how to cook potatoes deliciously.

Many people love potatoes, but traditional potato dishes often get boring, so housewives sooner or later wonder what to cook from potatoes that is nontrivial and tasty. For example, it could be homemade crumbled potatoes, stuffed potatoes, or potato pancakes. But of course, this is not all that can be prepared from potatoes. Boiled potatoes in their jackets or simply boiled potatoes are recipes that even a child can prepare. There are other simple potato dishes: mashed potatoes and casseroles, potatoes in the oven and potatoes in a steamer. Steamer potatoes, like baked potatoes, are considered the healthiest ways to cook potatoes. There are also such simple potato dishes as fried potatoes, fries, which are very tasty, but not very healthy. There are also quite unusual potato dishes, the following recipes can be cited: potato pears, gratin, hunter's potatoes. But these are more complex potato recipes, even holiday potato dishes. Also worth mentioning are various potato salads, side dishes, appetizers and other delicious potato dishes. This means, for example, the following potato dishes, like potatoes with cheese, potatoes in bacon, potatoes with lard, puff potatoes, potatoes in cream, potatoes in sour cream. Success is guaranteed if you cook potatoes wrapped in bacon, potatoes with cheese. Another option for deliciously preparing potatoes is to boil the potatoes in milk. It produces a very delicate taste. Potatoes in milk are also cooked in the oven, baked with cheese and spices. Potatoes are delicious if you cook them with spices. For example, these are potatoes with rosemary.

Despite the fact that potatoes are difficult to spoil, if you have chosen some original potato recipe, we recommend that you cook it with our photo tips. Choose potato dishes with photos, potato recipes with photos, potato recipes with photos, potato recipes with photos, and cook potatoes for health.

Peel whole potatoes and cook, depending on their size, covered in salted water. Then drain the water and cool. When cooking, potatoes (both peeled and jacket potatoes) should be completely covered with water. Boil finely chopped potatoes in soup.
Boil jacket potatoes in a double boiler, depending on the size of the tubers.

Boiled potato recipe

1. It is best to select potatoes of the same size so that it does not turn out that one part of the potato is not boiled, the other is overcooked.

2. Wash and peel the potatoes; just scrape the young ones a little.

3. Place the potatoes in cold salted water (a teaspoon for half a kilo of potatoes covered to the top with water) to avoid overcooking.

4. There should be enough water in the pan to cover the potatoes completely - and another 1 centimeter. If there is not enough, add to the required level and place the pan on high heat.

5. After boiling, reduce the heat to low; cover the potatoes with a lid while cooking so that the water does not evaporate.
6. Keep potatoes on fire 20-25 minutes, for faster cooking (15 minutes) you can cut the peeled potatoes into 2-3 parts.
7. If you need to check how ready the potatoes are, you can pierce the potatoes with a fork. If the potatoes can easily be completely pierced with a fork, it means the potatoes are ready.

That's all - the side dish is ready, you can add more potatoes to the salad or mashed potatoes. By the way, during cooking the potatoes practically did not change in weight. :)

It is better to boil young potatoes in their skins, put them in cold water, cooking time is 15 minutes: after boiling, young tubers do not need to be peeled, as the peel is very useful.

How to boil jacket potatoes

Before cooking, it is worth selecting potatoes of the same size so that they cook at the same time. Young potatoes are most suitable for boiling “in their jackets” - their skin is very healthy.
1. Rinse the potatoes under cold water to remove any dirt and scrape them with a knife.

Jacket potatoes ready for cooking

2. Place the potatoes in a saucepan.
3. Pour cold salted water over the potatoes - a couple of centimeters above the potatoes. Salt is necessary to prevent the potato skins from cracking during cooking.
4. Place the pan, covered with a lid, over high heat.
5. After the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for 20-25 minutes.

Potatoes are boiled in their jackets

6. Check the potatoes for readiness by piercing them with a fork. If a fork easily enters the potato and pierces its middle, it means the jacket potato is ready.
7.1. If you need potatoes for a salad, immerse them in cold water and cool, then peel and use in the salad.
7.2. If jacket potatoes are used as a side dish, cool them slightly in a container with a lid.
8. Peel the potatoes from their jackets.
Serve new potatoes unpeeled (potato skins, by the way, are very good for the heart). Serve potatoes with butter, herbs and enjoyment. :)

Potatoes with butter, herbs and pleasure..!


Jacket potatoes are considered more useful because... Potato skins ("skin") prevent the beneficial substances from being digested.

PS: To prevent jacket potatoes from falling apart, you can add more salt (a tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water).

To save a couple of minutes of cooking potatoes, add 1 cube 30 grams of butter when cooking. Then the potatoes will cook at a temperature slightly higher than the usual 100 degrees, and therefore faster.
The benefits of potatoes
The benefits of potatoes are due to the content of amino acids, vitamin C (especially when fresh), potassium, tuberosine, zinc, and starch. Potatoes have a beneficial effect on the body and a healthy person, preventing diseases, and for the sick they are a real first aid kit.
Potatoes improve heart function; potato decoctions are useful in the treatment of ulcers, trophic diseases, and boils. Raw potatoes are applied to painful areas of the skin for burns, dermatitis and inflammation. Potatoes are also useful in that they prevent many diseases - tubercle bacillus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and the diuretic system. Potato starch is useful for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as an anti-inflammatory agent; potato juice is used in the treatment of arthritis. Breathe over boiled potatoes when you have a cold.

Energy value of boiled potatoes
73 calories per 100 grams of potatoes;
proteins - 2 grams, carbohydrates - 16.7 grams, fats - 0.4 grams.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, steamer
In a slow cooker, potatoes are cooked for 30 minutes on the “Cooking” mode. Cook the potatoes in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes. Cook the potatoes in a double boiler for 35 minutes.

How long to fry potatoes?
Fry the potatoes depending on the size of the wedges. Fry thin potato slices for about minutes over medium heat. Cubes about 1 cm side - - minutes.

When to salt potatoes?
The water must be salted immediately before adding potatoes to it.

What are potatoes
Potatoes are an edible vegetable, very common in our country, very nutritious and relatively inexpensive.

How to properly store potatoes

1. To prevent the potatoes from darkening during cooking, you can add a little 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water) to the water in which the potatoes will be boiled.

2. The sweetish taste of frozen potatoes disappears if you keep the raw potatoes for 3-4 days at room temperature.

3. Raw peeled potatoes cannot be kept in water for a long time - maximum 20-30 minutes, otherwise loss of vitamins cannot be avoided.

4. It is better to store potatoes in the dark to preserve vitamin C.

Cook potatoes by variety

For boiling and mashing potatoes, you should choose potato varieties with a high starch content (more than 15%), as they boil better.
1. Sineglazka.
Young potatoes of the Sineglazka variety should be peeled and cooked for 20 minutes. The fruits of young potatoes will not crumble. Ripe potato fruits cook well in puree. Cooking time is 15 minutes after boiling, then drain the water and simmer in a small amount of water for 10 minutes.
Potatoes of the Sineglazka variety are not suitable for boiling in their jackets, as the potato skin will burst.
2. Blue.
Blueberry potatoes are suitable for making mashed potatoes; the cooking time is 25 minutes after boiling. The potato flesh is white and does not darken during cooking.
3. Lorch.
Lorch has high friability. To prepare boiled potatoes of this variety, peel them entirely and cook for 10 minutes. Then, without draining the water, let the potatoes stand for 10 minutes, covering the pan with a lid, so the fruits will finish cooking at the internal temperature and will not crumble.

For soups and salads, you should choose varieties with a low starch content (less than 15%), as they do not become soggy when cooked.
1. Leader.
Boil young potatoes of the "Leader" variety in their jackets for salad for 15 minutes, mature ones - 25 minutes, in a multicooker in the "Steam" mode - 15-20 minutes. Boil chopped potatoes in soup for 15 minutes.
2. Red Scarlett.
Boil Red Scarlett in its skin for 20-25 minutes, in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes, the potato flesh is creamy-yellow and does not change color when cooked. Boil the Red Scarlett potatoes in the soup for 15 minutes.
3. Nevsky.
Nevsky potatoes are easy to peel and wash, making them ideal for salads and soups. Boil Nevsky potatoes in their jackets for salads for 20 minutes. Boil the chopped potatoes in the soup for 15-20 minutes.

Boiled potatoes student style

1 kg of potatoes, 5 sausages, 200 grams of Russian cheese. The price is about 120 rubles, the dish is enough for dinner for two very hungry students. Cooking time is 40 minutes.

Cooking potatoes the student way
Peel the potatoes and boil them. Boil the sausages and cut them finely. Three cheeses on a coarse grater. Mix everything together and mash it in a saucepan into a thick puree, add salt. Serve before it cools down. You can add greens.

How to peel potatoes

Place the potatoes in a colander and wash each potato under cold water.
Peel new potatoes by scraping with a short, thin knife over the entire surface of the potato, scraping off the skin. After peeling, place each potato in a bowl of cold water to prevent the potatoes from browning.
Peel mature and old potatoes as follows: cut off a thin layer (a couple of millimeters) of the peel from the potatoes, cut out dark spots and eyes, and also place the potatoes in a bowl of cold water.

Step 1: prepare the potatoes.

Medium-sized potatoes, approximately the same size, for simultaneous cooking, place in the sink and peel. The skin will be easy to peel since we have young potatoes. If the potatoes seem big to you, you can cut them into 2-4 pieces. But it’s better to take potatoes that don’t need to be cut.
Pour water into a deep plate and place the peeled vegetables in it so that they do not darken.

Step 2: prepare the greens.

Wash a bunch of parsley and dill under running water. Place the greens on a kitchen towel to remove excess water.
Next, on a cutting board using a knife, finely chop the greens. And we divide it into two equal parts.

Step 3: cook the potatoes.

Pour clean water into the pan. Place on the stove over high heat. Bring it to a boil; no need to add salt yet. Place peeled potatoes into boiling water one part of finely chopped greens and a bay leaf. The water should completely cover the entire ingredient. When the water boils, reduce the stove temperature to a low level and close the pan with a lid. Cook approximately 15-20 minutes, and after this time the potatoes can be salted. In order to check the readiness of the potatoes, we need a knife or fork; if the knife pierces the vegetable without much effort, then the potatoes are cooked. If not, cook for another 5-10 minutes and check again for readiness. Next, you need to drain the water, this will be conveniently done using a lid. We close the pan with a lid and move it slightly so that a hole is formed and liquid, but not potatoes, can pour out through it.
After we have drained all the water, we need to slightly dry the potatoes. To do this, put the pan back on the stove for 1 minute. Turn off the burner and add a piece of butter.

Step 4: Serve boiled potatoes.

Boiled potatoes should be served warm. Place it on plates into portions, add the remaining herbs for decoration, and, if desired, more butter or sour cream. These potatoes are delicious washed down with milk. Our boiled potatoes are ready! Bon appetit!

The potatoes for this dish must be young. Old and sprouted potatoes are not suitable due to their taste. Try to choose potatoes of the same size. And not too big. If you have hard potatoes, then add a tablespoon of vegetable oil or margarine to the water during cooking. And if the potatoes are crumbly varieties, then it is better to add not a lot of vinegar to the water.

It is not necessary to add greens to the water, and butter can be replaced with sunflower oil. It's a matter of taste.

When we put already peeled potatoes into water so that they do not darken and lose vitamins, make sure that they do not remain in it for very long, as this causes the potato pulp to coarse and lose some amount of starch.

It happens that even experienced housewives need advice on seemingly simple questions, what can we say about novice cooks! Therefore, today we will talk about how to deliciously boil peeled potatoes for a variety of dishes - mashed, in wedges, or cooked and served whole. We will find out how long it will take us for the tubers to maintain their density, not become too crumbly, but at the same time become soft.

For hundreds of years, potato dishes have been a national Slavic treasure. There are so many options that can be invented from it, but today, as it turns out, not everyone can cook it correctly!

There are two methods of cooking: in their jackets - with skins and without, so whether to peel the potatoes before cooking in water is up to us to decide. Another question is that this will change its taste, as well as its consistency.

In the first case, the potatoes will be denser and are well suited for cutting salads or cold appetizers, and in the second, we serve them as a hot side dish for meat or fish. And potatoes themselves with herbs and sour cream or vegetable oil are very good!

You can prepare a huge number of dishes from boiled peeled potatoes; from potato pancakes to mushroom zrazas and casseroles, so mastering the preparation of this simple vegetable is a must!

How and how long to cook jacket potatoes, video from our chef

How to properly cook peeled potatoes


To begin with, we wash the tubers thoroughly, you can use a sponge with a hard side for this, and then clean them with a special knife or a regular one. Be sure to put the whole potatoes in a saucepan and fill with cold water so that it completely covers the tubers, otherwise they will darken in the air.


To make the potatoes cook faster, cut them into slices. In the old days, this method was called “garlic”, when the tuber was cut first lengthwise in half, then again lengthwise into quarters. In this case, the vegetable not only looks much more appetizing and aesthetically pleasing when served, but also cooks faster due to the uniform distribution of the thickness of the pulp.

Even if we are faced with the task of boiling peeled potatoes for mashing, this cutting method is suitable.


Fill the chopped and peeled potatoes with cold water. This way the starch will gradually be washed out, and the potatoes will turn out more beautiful when served.

When we cook root vegetables on puree, it is not necessary to salt them right away, but if we are going to serve them cut up, be sure to add salt and spices. This will make the dish much more flavorful. As an addition, peppercorns are suitable - at the rate of 1 pc. for 1 liter of water, bay leaf in the same proportions.

After boiling, keep the root vegetables on low heat for 15 to 25 minutes. It all depends on the size of the slices, how we cut them, and the variety. Potatoes with a high content of starch boil more strongly and faster, unlike those that have less starch.

Life hack: If you need to boil potatoes for mashed potatoes as quickly as possible, put them in boiling water or pour boiling water from a kettle. This will significantly speed up the cooking process. In addition, the starch will not be washed out of it in boiling water, so the consistency of the finished side dish will be better.

Finish cooking and serving

We check whether the dish is ready with a wooden skewer, since the traditional method of checking with a fork will easily ruin the cooked tubers. Is the pulp easy to serve? This means we drain the broth, open the lid, letting the potatoes breathe, and then put them on portioned plates or put them on a common dish and only then sprinkle with herbs, spices and pour over vegetable oil or melted butter.

Why not do this while the potatoes are in the pan, because it will be easier to stir them there - because there is no need to stir them at all if we want to maintain the original shape of the slices, without breaking them or mashing them.

Well, for the puree, we pour the broth into a cup - we will need it later, dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with warm milk and beat the boiled potato wedges with a mixer. Add butter and salt if desired.

Serve, garnish with a sprig of parsley or a couple of olives cut in half.

How long to cook peeled whole potatoes?

But if we want to make a familiar dish unusual by serving it, we boil the potatoes without cutting them. In this case, we select the smallest root vegetables, a little larger than a chicken egg, peel them and fill them with cold water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook covered over low heat for 25-30 minutes. We also check it with a skewer, and then drain it and prepare it for serving, as described above.

Now you know how to deliciously boil peeled potatoes so that they turn out crumbly but don’t fall apart, how to give them a stunning summer flavor with the help of herbs and butter, and how long the whole process will take.