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All the girls smoke. Why do women smoke? How smoking is harmful for women

I have long noticed that near shopping centers, markets and other places where people gather, you can constantly see women and girls smoking on the sidelines, and in numbers much larger than the male smoking community, why does this happen? It seems that now the number of women smoking is rapidly approaching the number of men smoking, and the male part of the population is now, on the contrary, trying to quit, and those who do not smoke are not going to start.

Unfortunately, throughout the history of the tobacco industry, women have always been the main target of tobacco manufacturers, this is especially noticeable in advertising; by entering “cigarette advertising” in Yandex, you can see for yourself, 90 percent of advertising posters use the image of a beautiful girl smoking. Some may say that this is to attract men, but then why depict a girl smoking?

Nowadays, the tobacco industry mainly uses psychoanalysis to attract new clients, but at the beginning of the century psychoanalysis was used for these purposes in order to get women hooked on cigarettes.

The owners of the tobacco industry, which experienced rapid growth in the first two decades of the 20th century, were well aware that women made up half of their potential customers. It was clear that cigarettes had to stop being just a man's product. At the same time, cigarette manufacturers feared that their attempts to force smoking on women could cause public protest. Advertisers and marketers understood that for smoking to become a truly mainstream habit, it was necessary to change the culture. Beginning with the 1928 American Tobacco advertising campaign, “Choose Lucky over Sweet.”

(Lucky - from the name of the cigarette brand Lucky Strike), cigarette advertising for women was associated with style and beauty. Cigarettes not only became an accessory for a beautiful woman, but became a symbol of style as such. Moreover, in the 1920s and 1930s, this style was associated with the struggle of women for equal social and political rights with men. A big role was played by the fact that women’s smoking became an attribute of the “good life” - the fruit of American consumer culture. Advertising images suggested that cigarettes are a symbol of chic, beauty, independence and equality.

President of American TobaccoGeorge Washington Hillbelieved that mass advertising is only one of the marketing tools. For marketing to be effective, it is necessary to use additional technologies. Hill invitedEdward Bernays nephew of Sigmunt Freud. Bernays' work at American Tobacco illustrates the new approach to promotion. In 1929, he wrote a public relations program for American Tobacco. The “educational work,” Bernays believed, was supposed to help deal with the criticism that Hill’s advertising campaigns were constantly attacked, as well as convince consumers that smoking was not dangerous to health.

Bernays also shared ideas with Hill on how to "improve customer perception of Lucky Strike and increase sales." For example, he suggested publishing news articles in the press that would talk about cigarettes, women, beauty and smoking accessories, as well as photographs on these topics: “These will be feature articles for fashion magazines, which will talk about what every An elegant woman should have a cigarette case and cigarette holder in addition to her toilet. Photos will be attached to the articles. Propaganda will be woven into the article...” This doesn’t remind you of anything...

Bernays noted that in the 1920s, slimness became fashionable, so advertising claimed that Lucky Strike cigarettes would help you stay in good shape. Enlisting the help of fashionable Parisian fashion designers and photographers, Bernays sent hundreds of photographs of thin models in couture clothes to the press.

To enhance the effect, he recruited doctors who wrote articles about the harmful effects of sugar on the body. Bernays, without mentioning his ties to American Tobacco, organized a conference on the evolution of the ideal of beauty. The artists who came to the conference argued that “the American ideal of beauty is a slender woman.” Bernays also conducted a poll - a quick and flawed poll of public opinion. In his hands, the survey was not a means of researching public opinion, but an instrument for its formation. This time Bernays won the favor of department store managers: a survey showed that having a slim figure is more profitable than having a fat one. “According to this Lucky Strike survey,” claimed Bernays’ press release, “a slim, fashionably dressed saleswoman earns more money for herself and her employer than her plump friends.”

March of smokers

Hill began looking for new, more aggressive methods to change public opinion about women's smoking and create mass demand for cigarettes among women. Bernays recalled: “Hill called me: ‘How can we get women to smoke in the street? They smoke at home. But damn, they spend most of their time outside, we're losing half the market, we should force them to smoke outside. Do something. Take action!”

Feminist invites her to take part in New York's Easter Sunday parade Ruth Hale: "Women! Light another torch of freedom! Break another sexual taboo!

Young women marched down Fifth Avenue, a spectacular symbol of emancipated girls and fierce suffragettes. Their feat was reported in many newspapers, resulting in a wave of national debate. Women's clubs condemned the disappearance of unspoken bans on women smoking in public, and feminists welcomed changes in social norms. Reports of women smoking outside came from all over the country. Bernays wrote: “I realized that long-standing customs could be destroyed through a bright, dramatic appeal disseminated by the media.”

Green light

Bernays quickly realized the impact cigarettes in a film could have on the viewer. Bernays knew that films could shape cultural stereotypes and consumer desires long before “product placement” became a major means of marketing and promotion.

He wrote (anonymously, of course) an article addressed to directors and producers, in which he examined a number of dramatic episodes that could be performed using a cigarette: “The cigarette becomes the main actor in a silent scene or in a conversation. With its help you can express so much meaning that cannot be expressed in words.”

Bernays compiled a list of situations in films when a cigarette could be used. He argued that by using a cigarette, different types of personalities and different emotions could be portrayed. With the help of a cigarette you can create numerous psychological images. The shy hero lights a cigarette to pull himself together before his first meeting with his future father-in-law. The criminal smokes voraciously to calm his nerves or conscience. But perhaps the most dramatic scenes are those in which the cigarette is not lit. How much meaning can be expressed in a scene when a smoker is too excited to light a cigarette! A player who has lost his last thousand dollars in a casino takes out a cigarette with trembling hands, which falls to the floor - we understand that he is in despair. A deceived husband, abandoned by a heartless wife, reaches for a cigarette, but drops the pack, which indicates that he is lost. The enraged swindler, deceived by his partner, angrily breaks the cigarette, as if it were the body and soul of his former friend, on whom he had thus taken revenge. A cigarette placed in the hands or mouth of a good actor can become an exponent of meaning in any genre, from a cheerful comedy to a heartfelt tragedy.

I myself do not smoke and cannot tolerate tobacco smoke, so the question “ what should I do if my girlfriend smokes?“I consider it especially relevant.

In general, a smoking girl, no matter how beautiful she is, automatically loses a significant part of her attractiveness in my eyes. Maybe that's why I've never been with a girl who smokes. But I still had some experience :)

It is important to understand why a person smokes. Because there are many reasons for this. For example, you can smoke because you have nothing to do. When you have a lot of free time and nothing to do. Or you can start smoking for company. Or someone may think that it is fashionable. Especially in adolescence, at school, in other educational institutions. And some people smoke because it calms their nerves. There can be many reasons. And it will be a big plus if you find out the reason for smoking from your girlfriend.

In any case, never make a scandal about this. Yes and in any other way. This is very unproductive and will only turn the girl against you.

So, let's try to figure out a solution to this issue, How can you get a girl to quit smoking? There are several options. Let's call them the soft option, the hard option, or you can simply break up with the girl, which is also not the worst option in certain situations.

What to do if a girl smokes

Soft option

You tell the girl that you don't accept smoking. You explain to her that this is harmful. Especially for a girl, since it will have the most negative impact on the offspring, not to mention her own health. You add that all these smells are unpleasant to you on a bodily level, that you get less pleasure from kissing and, accordingly, from being with her. You suggest giving up smoking.

If the first option should not have affected her, then the next one can be applied.

Hard option

You explain to her once again your position, which is given above, but much harsher. No scandal. Then, when she starts smoking, you show your negative mood. So that she understands that this is precisely because of smoking. And, on the contrary, at a time when she does not smoke and takes longer breaks, you behave in a big plus.

Over time, she will become uncomfortable reaching for a cigarette, as this immediately provokes your coldness towards her.

Compromise option

You agree on a temporary switch to an electronic cigarette. This is a much better situation, since e-cigarettes are many times more harmless and will not have the same smell as a regular cigarette. And, perhaps, by switching to electronic devices, over time your girlfriend will completely give up smoking.

Remember that in such matters, your attitude influences the girl to a large extent. If your lifelong friend listens to your opinion and consults with you, then convincing her to quit smoking will not be difficult.

And, conversely, if you are under her thumb, you are unlikely to do anything :)

My experience

As I already said, I myself do not smoke and I have not had serious relationships with girls who smoke. However, with those friends with whom I talked, I asked them not to smoke in front of me. And they did everything to ensure that I did not feel discomfort due to this. The girls, by the way, understood and came to meet me.

Sometimes there are girls who smoke relatively infrequently. Good cigarettes. And they make sure there is no smell from them.

If you fail to convince or get your girlfriend to quit smoking, and this really annoys you, maybe you should break up with her altogether? This is also an option to solve the problem. Think about it, a person doesn’t listen to you, sees that this is important to you, and your communication suffers from this, and still continues to smoke. You can also find yourself a cool non-smoking girl.

If you decide that you are ready to break up with your girl, then this may be another motivation for her.

Tell your friend that you should go your separate ways. Calmly explain the reason and tell in detail why you decided this way. If she loves you and values ​​you, she will not allow your couple to break up because of her smoking. And he will try to quit. Otherwise, the conclusion is even more obvious: she smokes, doesn’t listen to you, and is ready to break up.

In any case, the choice is yours. And there are many personal nuances that are also worth considering. Good luck!

In this article, I will tell you how men (in particular high-ranking ones) relate to women who smoke.

In many ways, young girls (12-20 years old) believe that smoking is fashionable, cool, modern, beautiful, sexy, this is how the girl feels like an adult, and besides, many of her friends do the same, and encourage (incite) her to start, besides, many young padawans (boys) do this, and the girl thinks that they will like her this way, “will be in the know with them, communicate, walk, have fun,” well, in general, etc. and so on. Only these young girls don’t understand what stupidity they are doing.

Yes, if the opposite sex likes it = absolutely normal. This is a natural process inherent in the genes of absolutely every person. But, smoking is not normal.

Now I’ll tell you how things really are (for men) with girls who smoke.

Remember: smoking woman = easily accessible low-ranking whore.

If you, a man, fuck or, even worse, date (build a relationship) with such a creature, then you are the same low-ranking spineless sucker. You mean nothing and she means nothing...

Here, as I like to say, there is a pair for each creature, and they receive what they are.

High-ranking men, really worthy guys, wealthy, with money, smart, developing, with ambitions, with goals, with comprehensive success in life = they don’t even pay attention to this smoking husk. Pay attention only low-mid rank and for the most part, to stick it to a girl. Fuck her, because they simply cannot get a worthy high-ranking woman)).

That's why they have to pick up scraps by eating low-ranking smoking carrion. And honey, even in this case, all these low-mid rankers treat you like a whore for one or more times. Do you understand, no? You're just being used. You will just walk from hand to hand.

Not a single normal man would consider a smoking girl (woman) for a long-term relationship, not one, because smoking has a lot of consequences. The meaning (goal) of the relationship (as such) = the birth of a child, the birth of children, prolongation of the family line (offspring). Understand?

So, you, dear (if you smoke) = you will not be able to give birth to a healthy child. A bunch of various serious pathologies, e-mae, mentally retarded, stillborn, disabled, etc. and so on. and all of them are related to your smoking. Listen, I'm not even talking about how you harm yourself with your smoking:

  • Infertility
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Gangrene
  • Visual impairment (tobacco amblyopia)
  • Chronic bronchitis, emphysema.
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Lung damage and dysfunction
  • Development of infectious respiratory tract (respiratory organs)

Although, probably, this doesn’t mean anything to you and doesn’t bother you at all, because on the packs they directly write “SMOKING KILLS” and you don’t give a damn. It's just that)) I'm not even talking about the fact that your mouth stinks, your teeth become yellow, rotten, etc. I’m just keeping quiet about it... although for me, even this is a quiet horror)).

Men (even mid-ranking ones) will not consider you for the long term. For a couple of times. For some time. Yes. But, considered as a mother and wife = no. You are not profitable. Dot. There may be a low-ranking spineless drug addict next to you. But, something more worthy = no.

When a girl (woman) smokes, she thereby shows that she is easily accessible. Who is easily accessible? This is bullshit, to put it simply. This is low ranking. This is a bright SIGNAL for men. Who is easier to photograph, a smoking whore or a truly beautiful woman, well-groomed, bright, beautiful, smart, etc. ?

The answer is obvious. As a result, low- and mid-ranking males flock to this signal like flies to shit.

But not a high-ranking man. He cannot (ever in his life) fall for this. On the contrary, it repels him. Instant rejection occurs. He can’t even just fuck (let alone build some kind of relationship: D) a LOW-RANKING (on the topic, a smoker), because she will lower his self-esteem, and, as a result, self-confidence. In general, lower his status.

A high-ranking man would never do such a thing, because his internal state would not allow him to do this. The vast majority of men will not understand this. What an internal state. Why won't he allow it? Because the absolute majority are LOW-RANK and MIDDLE-RANKED! When (if) you upgrade yourself to a high rank level, you will understand what I said...

It is not even pleasant for a high-ranking person to be next to a smoking woman. Disgusting. High-ranking people love, value and respect themselves very much. And they surround themselves with the same people. Let's not scum.

Besides, it makes no sense for a high-ranking man to fuck low-ranking and mid-ranking men. For what?

Next to a high-ranking man = high-ranking women (worthy, bright, beautiful, smart, well-groomed, classy young ladies). Why fuck mediocre people or even carrion when there are worthy ones? 🙂

Remember: for a high-ranking man, a girl (woman) who smokes = not a girl (not a woman) at all. A high-ranking man does not perceive such people at all (he won’t even look, even at fucking). To him, she is an easily accessible low-ranking whore. That's it. Goodbye.

Therefore, only low-ranking and mid-ranking males look at and stare at smokers. They are the ones who pick up all these scraps. Trash. Damn. Smokers. Because they don’t care about fucking anyone, they just want to stick you in. Fuck you. Do you understand? And then, remember: this is for a while, for a long time urgently - no.

Therefore, draw your own conclusions. I told you how it is. Hard? Yes, tough. But it's true. If you want a high-ranking male, become a high-ranking female yourself. And vice versa. And so, as I said earlier, each creature has a pair and they get what they are...

Concluding, for girls (women):

  • 1) If you smoke = you are a low-ranking whore. Trash. Ugh.
  • 2) There will never be a worthy high-ranking man next to you, there won’t even be a middle-ranking one next to you, only the very rabble, low-ranking suckers.
  • 3) It’s unlikely that anyone will build a serious relationship with you; you’ll go from hand to hand.
  • 4) In the end, if they ask you to marry, it will be those same low-ranking suckers.
  • 5) By smoking, you are killing your health. Your femininity. Beauty. Your strength in this world.
  • 5) Quit smoking - develop yourself comprehensively and upgrade to a high-ranking level! And your life will change.

In conclusion, for men:

  • 1) Fucking a smoking whore = you are the same low-ranking, spineless damage.
  • 2) If you yourself smoke = you are low-ranking, and accordingly, you will never see a high-ranking woman in your life. So you will spend all the time mediocre or even carrion.
  • 3) Develop comprehensively and upgrade to a high-ranking level! And your life will change.

P.s. I specifically wrote the article in such a tough style, without political correctness, etc., because very often, for good reason, it doesn’t reach the absolute majority. Change people. Work on yourself. Develop yourself. Get better. Etc. and so on. At least follow my section:

PPs. Homo sapiens is a reasonable person (although, I would say, not completely reasonable), because we have an emotional instinctive component (which can overcome reason). I’m telling this so that the comments (explosion of farts) under this article = will show us all who is who :)

Best regards, administrator.

Click the lighter, take a deep drag, and painful problems fly away in rings of smoke. A stylish pack of cigarettes, a glamorous lighter, and a souvenir ashtray have become attributes of a woman’s image and lifestyle. Women smoke on the street, in the park, in cafes, on the playground, in the office, in the cinema and on billboards.

At the same time, doctors and public organizations urge women to give up this habit, citing statistical data on female mortality and oncology. We know that smoking is dangerous, but the number of women smoking continues to rise.

Smoking, which was considered a purely male activity, with the flourishing of women's emancipation became widespread in Europe, America, Russia and, gradually, throughout the world. Tobacco manufacturers, who receive billions of dollars in profits from the sale of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, and accessories for their use, have developed and introduced into all layers of society a special subculture that creates the image of a successful, strong, sexy hero.

Once exclusively male, smoking has become female

Well informed but stubborn

In recent years, cigarette advertising campaigns have increasingly targeted women. Today, 30% of women in Russia smoke, many of them started smoking at the age of 12. Public organizations, frightened by statistics, are actively promoting a healthy lifestyle. Almost every woman who smokes is informed about the dangerous changes in the body that smoking tobacco causes. Doctors have proven that tobacco smoking is the cause of many diseases, such as cancer, asthma, disorders of the cardiovascular system, and a host of hereditary diseases. In 96.99% of cases of lung cancer, the cause of the disease is smoking, which is not surprising since tobacco smoke contains more than 40 substances that cause cancer. Every year, more than 500 thousand women die from the consequences of smoking in developed countries.

Only 35% of women quit smoking.

Unconscious motives and imposed stereotypes

Smoking changes a woman very quickly. The skin turns yellow and ages because its cells do not receive sufficient nutrients. Teeth, nails and hair deteriorate, and an unpleasant odor appears. Immunity sharply decreases - acute respiratory infections, and influenza epidemics are no longer avoided. General health worsens - increased fatigue, shortness of breath, vegetative-vascular dystonia interfere with leading an active and fulfilling lifestyle. But according to the same statistics, only 35% of women quit smoking, and the remaining 65% continue to destroy themselves every day.

  • Firstly, this is a woman’s unconscious desire to compete with a man, realized in the development of “masculine” attributes and habits.
  • Secondly, this is the implementation of styles and images introduced by tobacco company advertising - a successful and sexy woman “from the cover”.
  • Thirdly, this is compensation for a complex of self-doubt, and the desire to control one’s life - through violating “prohibitions”.
  • Fourthly, it is a way of responding to stress formed in childhood (during early weaning from breastfeeding, or abuse of the pacifier).

The decision to quit smoking is a step towards improving the quality of life

How to quit smoking? Take the first step

The decision to quit smoking is one of the most important in a woman’s life; by making it, we make a choice about the quality of life. The decision lies in the same plane as choosing a permanent life partner, having a child, or buying a house. In order to rise to a new level of quality of life, you need to go through several steps on the ladder of change.

1 First stage– study and acceptance of oneself. Here it is necessary to understand what exactly smoking tobacco does to the body and quality of life. It is important to realize how much internal ideas about yourself - appearance, state of health, attitude of others correspond to the actual state of affairs. To start? - just take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. On the one hand, describe your idea of ​​yourself, for example: “I am completely healthy,” “My skin looks amazing,” “My teeth are yellow, of course, but they can be whitened,” and so on. Then, on the second side, you need to describe as honestly as possible how you look at yourself through someone else’s eyes. “My husband doesn’t like the fact that I smell bad”; “I often go on sick leave - my boss is dissatisfied with me”; “I can’t explain to my son why I cough in the morning”; “I smoke 40 cigarettes a day”; “My lungs are clogged with tar,” “I can’t get rid of excess weight,” and so on. Without an objective look at yourself, you cannot go further. You can use a mirror, run behind the bus, call honest girlfriends, friends and parents for a frank conversation. When the information has been collected, unfold the sheet and begin self-analysis. The first stage makes it possible to understand yourself – your capabilities and limitations. Here we look at the facts, causes and consequences of smoking and the impact of cigarettes on life.

2 Second stage makes a choice - how to live further? At the second stage, an important decision is made - a healthy, fulfilling life, or a lifelong sacrifice of oneself to the spirit of the tobacco leaf. If you have done a good job at the first stage, and the difference between what you want and what is actually there is obvious, the choice is obvious: “I’m quitting smoking!”

3 Third stage cleanses the body and thoughts. First of all, cigarettes, a lighter, an ashtray are solemnly thrown into the trash can, in front of the whole family. Once the decision has been made, it makes no sense to quit smoking by gradually reducing the number of cigarettes. Cleansing herbal preparations, a bath, and vitamins will help you get rid of physical dependence. As a last resort, treatment prescribed by a toxicologist, a nicotine patch or chewing gum. Psychotherapy sessions, hypnosis, meditation, and new healthy habits will help you get rid of psychological addiction. At this stage, it is important to immediately take up an active sport - running, cycling, skiing, tennis. Exercising will very quickly get your body in shape, cleanse your lungs and train your heart. Regular activity is best combined with a contrast shower - it will restore the immune system, improve skin condition and vascular tone.

4 Fourth stage- improving the quality of life. Quitting smoking has already brought a lot of opportunities - free money and time. The body feels much better - lightness has appeared, attacks of weakness and dizziness have passed, shortness of breath and morning cough are no longer bothersome. Taste and smell became more acute, and men began to compliment her. This stage offers new opportunities – hobbies that you couldn’t afford before. For example, diving, skydiving, cycling, mountaineering. The desire to smoke will still arise - in moments of stress, sadness, or when there is nothing to do with yourself. Yoga and Qi Gong will help you cope with stress and bring your body and soul into a harmonious state. Instead of a cigarette - breathing exercises, herbal tea, walking the dog, and tennis with friends.

5 Fifth stage– a review of the past and an open look into the future. The ladder of change led to the goal - life has already become different. At the last stage - even if you try to take a drag out of curiosity - the cigarette becomes a source of unpleasant sensations. Acrid smoke, an unpleasant persistent odor from the fingers, aftertaste and nausea - this is what a cigarette actually does to a healthy body. The fifth stage gives you the opportunity to highly appreciate yourself and your capabilities. An opportunity to feel strong and free. He is the one who controls himself and his life.

Text: Sofia Kremleva

That's right, today's article will talk about girls, cigarettes and smoking. I think you could have repeatedly seen a girl with a cigarette in her mouth on the street or in a club. Some people are against this, because girls are expectant mothers, but there are also those who approve of girls smoking. In modern society, an opinion has developed that a girl who smokes achieves everything more easily by attracting attention to herself.

Today, young girls want to look liberated and independent. Many of them believe that smoking cigarettes is a fashionable addition to their modern image. Not everyone has enough common sense and basic medical knowledge to understand the harm they cause to their health by picking up a cigarette.

They have no idea that in a few years only memories will remain of their beauty.

Just five cigarettes a day are enough, and the smoker’s skin, due to constant oxygen deprivation, will become gray and dull, and circles under the eyes will appear much faster than those of non-smoking girlfriends. Hair will become dull, teeth will turn yellow, and nails will begin to break off and peel. All of the above concerns only female beauty, needless to say about the risks of being left without children.

Smoking and pregnancy

According to statistics, women who smoke about ten cigarettes a day are twice as likely to remain infertile as non-smokers. The egg accumulates all the harmful substances that tobacco smoke introduces into the body, and the ability to fertilize is lost.

There is nothing worse than a woman trying to kill her child. But this is exactly what all pregnant women who smoke do. Fortunately, most pregnant ladies try to give up this bad habit while carrying a child. But almost always the child manages to receive a dose of poison, because not everyone succeeds in quitting smoking, even temporarily.

Why do girls smoke

First of all, it must be said that the reasons for the development of smoking addiction in absolutely everyone who smokes, whether boys or girls, are hidden in the upbringing and environment of such a person in childhood. Environmental influences and lack of education are the main factors in a teenager's decision to start smoking.

If the mother smokes, the daughter will also start smoking, because children tend to imitate adults. Girls follow fashion in everything, and the media today impose on society the idea that young people, especially girls, look more attractive with a cigarette in their mouth. The same glossies and various fashion magazines print photos of celebrities with cigarettes, and the child, seeing this and not realizing that it is harmful, tries to imitate his idols.

To assert yourself through a good education and high intelligence, you need to study for a long time and read a lot. It’s not a fact that you will be noticed in society even after this. It’s much easier to pick up a cigarette, slowly bring it to the lighter, showing off your impeccable manicure at the same time, and blow a ring of smoke from your brightly painted lips.

All these gestures attract the attention of men, and it is beneficial for girls to consider smoking as a norm of behavior. Alas, the thought that this is the beginning of a chain, the first link of which is a cigarette, and the last link is lung cancer and the collapse of all hopes, does not flash in their minds.

It's no secret that smoking has become a part of our everyday life. Scientists express the opinion that this bad habit has become one of the types of social behavior of people.

How to try to stop a girl from smoking

I can’t say that at least one of these tips will help your loved one leave this bad habit, and yet, if you care about your girlfriend, I’m sure you will try to do everything possible and impossible for this.

If the habit of smoking has become a necessity for a girl, it will not be possible to forcibly wean her off it. Any pressure leads to confrontation. First of all, you need to show patience and care. It is advisable to develop an action plan. Let your girlfriend, daughter or granddaughter know that her smoking habit is making you suffer.

If a girl really loves you, sooner or later she will think about how to solve this problem. In order for her to quickly understand how detrimental smoking affects her health, try to discreetly give her specialized literature to read, and unobtrusively give examples of the negative impact of an addiction.

If a girl who smokes cannot realize that with her habit she creates discomfort for the people who surround her and who love her, she will have to resort to another method, a more radical one.

I warn you right away that after using it, negative consequences are possible. And the method itself is to give an ultimatum - either smoking, or something that the girl incredibly values: love for you, favorite food, business, person, restriction of freedom, etc. And the negative consequences lie in the fact that there is a possibility that something from the list given earlier will prevail. Therefore, you need to be very careful with this method.

A girl can quit smoking only when she realizes that she needs it. No matter how many books by Alan Carr she read, no matter how much advice she listened to, everything will be useless until she herself wants it.

When a girl agrees to give up her smoking habit, help her with your advice. It is important! You must always be on hand and, in case of “danger,” stop the hand reaching for a cigarette.

You should not quit smoking immediately, but gradually, during this period you should drink more water, and also do breathing exercises every day.

Be that as it may, remember: when a girl smokes, she gradually kills not only herself, but also all those children she could give birth to. Smoking is a harmful habit, and you should get rid of it if only in order to raise healthy and happy children.