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Magnetotherapy in physiotherapy. Physiotherapy: magnet. Magnetotherapy and its action

Magnetotherapy is a whole group of methods of an alternative school of medicine that use the effect of a magnetic field on the human body. The physiotherapeutic effect of the magnetic field has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on a wide group of diseases. In this material, indications and contraindications for magnetic therapy will be considered, and the features of treatment and equipment for such therapy will be explained.

Some facts from the history of the formation of the method of treatment

    For the first time, magnetic iron ore was discovered in the ancient city of Magnesia, in Asia Minor. Hence the name of this mineral.

    Magnets found their first use in compasses.

    In addition, in the records of Hippocrates, just like the manuscripts of Egyptian priests, there is evidence regarding the ability of magnets to provide proper anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and laxative effects.

    Chinese healers were engaged in restoring the balance of the internal energy of Qi with the help of magnets, simply by applying them to certain points.

    Paracelsus used magnetic iron ore for the treatment of epilepsy, diarrhea and restoration of working capacity.

    The Austrian physician Mesmer also studied the effect of the magnetic field on the human body. It was believed that magnets can cure any pathology if the patient wears belts, pendants and bracelets from this mineral.

    Tibetan monks used magnets as an activator of brain functions.

    Cleopatra used magnets to preserve beauty and youth;

    On the territory of the CIS, this technique stands out as an independent category of medical techniques and is widely used.

    The popular Su-Jok healing technique also involves the use of magnets to influence the correspondence points.

    Magnetotherapy in the United States has not gained popularity due to the lack of evidence, so this technique is not used as a treatment.

Characteristic and effect of magnetic field

As you know, the magnetic field can be of two types: constant and variable (high and low frequency). All magnets have two poles - positive and negative, and each is able to influence the human body in different ways, allowing you to achieve a certain effect.

It is customary to distinguish two large groups of magnetotherapy:

    general magnetotherapy - the magnetic field affects the entire body;

    local - the action of the magnetic field is directed to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.

Effects of exposure to different poles of a magnet

South Pole

North Pole

    alkaline effect on the body and, accordingly, a decrease in the level of acidity;

    cessation of development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms;

    reduction of pain syndrome;

    calming effect on the nervous system;

    increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;

    hemostatic action;

    destructive process in relation to body fat.

    increased levels of acidity in the body;

    increase in working capacity and mental activity;

    increasing the internal potential of the body;

    acceleration of the development and growth of microorganisms, so this procedure should not be performed in the presence of an acute stage of inflammatory processes in the body.

How magnetotherapy works on the body

The action of a magnetic field on organs and tissues can lead to the following results:

    improvement of the condition of nerve fibers and blood vessels;

    acceleration of the removal of fluid from the tissues, which leads to a decrease in the degree of swelling;

    contraction of the lymphatic vessels, which contributes to the detoxification of the body and the removal of metabolic products;

    improving the ability of hemoglobin in the blood to carry oxygen to the tissues, which ultimately leads to the saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen;

    improvement of trophic reactions, correction of lipid metabolism and reduction of the entire body volume.

The therapeutic effect of magnetic therapy allows you to achieve the following results:

    acceleration of tissue regeneration after surgical interventions;

    reduction of pain of various origins - for example, the procedure is indicated to eliminate pain in the spine with osteochondrosis;

    acceleration of tissue regeneration after cuts, injuries, burns;

    acceleration of the resolution of diseases that are accompanied by the development of chronic inflammation;

    positive changes in the course of pathologies that are associated with impaired conduction of nerve impulses and peripheral circulation, namely: diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis.

Most of all, the magnetic field can affect the nervous tissue, so the most significant health improvements are observed precisely in the presence of diseases of the nervous system. Magnetotherapy is also highly effective in the treatment of large joints of the body: the knee and hip joints.

Devices for magnetic therapy procedures

For the procedure, various devices are used:

    magnetic accessories and jewelry with magnets;

    portable devices;

    stationary devices of OMT (general magnetic therapy).

Each of the devices has its own differences and has specific functions. For superficial diseases, it is much more convenient and efficient to use portable devices, which are most often mobile. More serious systemic diseases are treated with stationary equipment. Jewelry with magnets is indicated for maintaining health and preventing pathologies, as well as for the treatment of some minor diseases.

Stationary preparations for magnetotherapy

Such equipment is presented in the form of a mobile pedestal with a built-in graphic monitor. The protocol of therapeutic procedures is set through a computer, in the memory of which about 100 treatment regimens are stored, and a command from the main computer is sent to the devices and components of the device. The adjustment of the power and frequency of the magnetic field is also controlled and changed by the computer.

Additional equipment includes:

    a couch with a movable type solenoid, which is used to affect the whole body;

    magnetic belts;

    solenoids of various diameters for impact on limbs;

    local emitters for forcing the action of the magnetic field on specific parts of the body.

Solenoids are able to create a magnetic circular field.

How is the session

The procedure does not require special preparation of the patient. Before the session, it is advisable to drink a glass of mineral water, which helps to cleanse the cells in the body.

A person is laid down on a couch with a movable apparatus equipped with solenoid inductors. Special magnetic belts are attached to the areas of the body that are planned to be exposed. This manipulation allows you to increase the concentration of magnetic fields. After starting the protocol, the moving apparatus begins to act on the tissue. Penetration of magnetic waves reaches 4 cm of tissue depth.

    Approximately 40 programs from the computer are used individually, depending on the nature of the pathology.

    To achieve a positive result, a course of procedures is prescribed, which consists of 10-15 sessions with a frequency of 2-3 times a week, the duration of one course is from 15 to 60 minutes.

    The person as a whole does not feel any discomfort, in addition to a slight vibration in the area where the magnetic belt is applied.

Portable devices

These are portable devices designed to be applied to a specific area of ​​the body. Mobile devices can have a sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant effect and help improve blood microcirculation in a certain area. Among the most famous portable devices:


It is designed for home magnetic therapy, allowing patients to independently engage in diagnosis and treatment.


    hypertonic disease;

    skin diseases;

    pathology of the venous system, varicose veins;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Device advantages:

    the possibility of using for the treatment of debilitated patients and children;

    four operating modes;

    accelerating the recovery of the body;

    increasing the effectiveness of therapy in general;

    generation of alternating and pulsating magnetic fields, which makes it possible to dose the intensity at various stages of therapy.

Such drugs can have only one mode of operation, which provokes the body to become addicted to the effects of a magnetic field.

The complete set of the device implies the presence of belts for fixation with a length of 0.5 to 1.5 meters, which allows patients to independently perform treatment sessions without outside help. The procedure is quite clear and simple, and does not require special knowledge.

The therapeutic effect of one session can last up to 6 days. Course therapy allows you to save the therapeutic effect up to 45 days.


It has a pronounced therapeutic effect from the first minutes of use, since it is characterized by the formation of vibro-acoustic oscillations in a unique range together with a magnetic field (low-frequency, variable).

The use is indicated in the presence of a wide range of diseases, which include:

    dental diseases

    ENT pathology;

    neurological diseases;

    diseases of the cardiovascular system;

    pathology of the upper respiratory tract.

Device advantages:

    good effect in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis and non-purulent sinusitis;

    more pronounced analgesic and anti-edematous effect in relation to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and injuries, in comparison with other similar devices;

    simplicity of the procedure.


It has a therapeutic effect with the help of a pulsed magnetic field. It is used in all areas of medicine.


    diseases of the female genital area;

    peripheral changes in the nervous system;

    vascular disorders in the brain;

    diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, vascular pathologies);

    pathology of the joints and spine (arthrosis, osteochondrosis).

The kit contains: an instruction manual, solenoids of various types, an electrical unit.


A compact device that is capable of emitting pulsed traveling magnetic waves that penetrate deep into tissues. It is used for the treatment of over 50 pathologies and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Apply to the following areas:

    joint areas;

    lumbar region;

    collar zone;


The case of the block is equipped with two light indicators: green lights up when the device is turned on, yellow lights up during the session. Included: instructions, magnetic field indicator, elastic bandage, electronic unit, which is equipped with 4 coils.

To obtain the proper therapeutic effect, it is necessary to carry out course therapy strictly according to indications. The session time when using a portable device is 6-20 minutes, the course is 10-20 procedures.

Magnetic decorations

Magnetic jewelry has a wide range - rings, earrings, bracelets and much more. Magnetic jewelry helps to cope with pathological conditions such as arterial hyper- and hypotension, circulatory disorders, headache, arthritis discomfort, fatigue, depression, joint and back pain.


Other accessories with built-in magnets may also be on sale, such as massagers, applicators, bandages, belts, insoles, mats, combs. Each of the accessories has its own purpose and is recommended for minor health problems.

Indications for magnetic therapy and features of this procedure

Magnets are characterized by a highly effective immunomodulatory effect, as well as the activation of natural intracellular protection. Thanks to the magnetic field, tissue regeneration processes are accelerated, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects are exerted.

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of a person to the effects of magnetic waves, since in the absence of such, such therapy will be inappropriate.

The sensitivity to the influence of the magnetic field is determined in this way. The magnet is applied to the center of the palm and the reaction is expected:

    pulsation in the area of ​​the magnet after 5 minutes indicates the presence of high sensitivity to the magnetic field;

    similar sensations that occur after 20 minutes indicate an average sensitivity;

    in the absence of any sensations for half an hour, we can talk about the absence of sensitivity to the magnetic field at all.

The mechanism of action of a magnetic field on a person:

    decrease in blood viscosity;

    changes in the concentration of enzymes and hormones;

    improving the permeability of cell membranes, as well as the vascular wall;

    changes in the physicochemical characteristics of cells;

    decrease in blood cholesterol levels;

    normalization of metabolism;

    activation of T-lymphocyte cells that fight foreign and pathological cells;

    change in the acid-base environment of the body.

Magnetotherapy is used to treat the pathology of almost all systems and organs, as well as for preventive purposes for recovery after operations and long-term illnesses. The magnetic field begins to penetrate cosmetics, clothing, plaster, which greatly simplifies the procedure.

System name

List of diseases

Mechanism of action

The cardiovascular system



    Raynaud's syndrome;

  • thrombophlebitis;

    chronic arterial or venous insufficiency;

    cardiac arrhythmia;

    postinfarction cardiosclerosis;

    stable angina;


    vegetovascular dystonia;

    hypertension of the first and second degree.

    decrease in blood pressure and excitability of the nervous system as a result of inhibition of the cerebral cortex;

    reduced risk of thrombosis;

    blood thinning;

    reduction of vasospasm;

    normalization of the tone of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;

    stimulation of blood circulation.


    chronic pneumonia;

    Chronical bronchitis;

    pulmonary tuberculosis in an inactive form;

    bronchial asthma.

    increase in the period of remission of chronic pathologies of the lungs;

    immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action;

    acceleration of the process of tissue regeneration;

    improvement of tissue trophism.


  • neuralgia;

  • chronic stress;

    chronic fatigue;




    sleep disturbance.

    increased secretion of endorphins, helps in the presence of depression and neurosis;

    anesthesia due to the exchange between the magnetic field and the membrane of nerve cells.


    phantom joint pains;

    arthritis of the joints;


  • osteoarthritis;

    bone fractures;


    increased activity of calcium ions, which contributes to more rapid fusion of bones in fractures;

    anti-inflammatory effect;

    elimination of muscle spasm;

    reduction of pain syndrome.



    chronic and acute hepatitis;



    impaired motility of the biliary tract;

    stomach ulcer;

    duodenal ulcer;

    reduction of bloating and flatulence;

    normalization of enzymatic activity and the level of acidity of gastric juice.




    improving the metabolism of the lower and upper limbs;

    improvement of peripheral circulation;

    acceleration of metabolic processes;

    decrease in blood sugar levels.


In gynecology and urology:

    painful menstruation;

  • pyelonephritis;

    inflammatory processes in the appendages and uterus;

in men:

    diseases of the urethra and kidneys;

    decrease in potency;



    analgesic effect;

    elimination of puffiness and hyperemia;

    anti-inflammatory effect;

    increased activity of hormones;

    increased blood supply to tissues.

ENT organs

    chronic frontitis;

    chronic tonsillitis;

  • sinusitis;


    chronic otitis;

    chronic pharyngitis;

    chronic and acute rhinitis (atrophic, catarrhal, hypertrophic).

    improved tissue nutrition, which prevents the further spread of pathology;

    resorption of the infiltrate, elimination of edema, anesthesia.

Oral cavity


    inflammation of the gums;

    ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa;

    periodontal disease.

    activation of mucosal regeneration;

    anti-inflammatory action;

    elimination of tissue edema.


    atrophy of the optic nerve;



  • conjunctivitis.

    normalization of intraocular pressure;

    improvement of eye tissue trophism;

    anti-inflammatory action.

    fungal infections;


  • neurodermatitis;

    dermatosis of various origins;

  • poorly healing wounds;


  • trophic ulcers.

    decrease in the density of scar tissue;

    acceleration of collagen synthesis;

    increasing the elasticity of the skin;

    anti-inflammatory action, acceleration of acne resolution;

    acceleration of tissue regeneration;

    improvement of tissue trophism;

    improvement of the intensity of intracellular biochemical processes.

Rehabilitation after surgery

    reduced immunity;

    tissue swelling, postoperative sutures;

    pain syndrome.

    improvement of physical activity;

    reduction of pain syndrome;

    acceleration of healing of postoperative wounds;

    increase in the degree of resistance to infections;

    stimulation of the body's defenses.

From the above information, we can conclude that magnetotherapy can be used in the presence of most common pathologies.

Combination of magnetotherapy and other therapies

Magnetotherapy can be prescribed in parallel with drug therapy, for example, with antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory drugs, potentiating the action of these drugs and increasing the degree of receptor sensitivity to drugs, prolonging the therapeutic effect of such drugs and weakening the side effects of drugs.

Magnetotherapy can be combined with other methods of physiotherapy, namely vibrotherapy, ultrasound therapy, drug electrophoresis, electropulse therapy. Techniques have been developed that will allow simultaneous exposure of tissues to several physical factors - vacuum therapy, magneto-vibroacoustic, magneto-laser, magnetophoresis, photomagnetotherapy.


When prescribing magnetotherapy, it is necessary to take into account the patient's state of health, including age, mental state, sensitivity to the influence of magnetic waves, the presence of pathologies in the chronic and acute stages, and the dynamics of the pathology itself. Be sure to undergo an examination and pass all the necessary tests.

Contraindications to this procedure are divided into absolute and relative.



    children's age up to two years;



    intolerance to the effects of magnetic fields;


    exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory diseases;

    elevated temperature;

    hypertension of the third degree;


    diseases accompanied by purulent inflammation;

    acute liver and kidney failure;

    malignant neoplasms;

    drug and alcohol intoxication;

    severe pathologies of a mental nature (epilepsy, schizophrenia);

    violation of hematopoiesis;

    active phase of tuberculosis;


    joint endothoresis;

    the presence of pacemakers.

Side effects

This procedure belongs to safe methods of treatment that do not have any side effects. Magnetotherapy can be performed even if there are contraindications to other methods of physiotherapy.

Harm of magnetotherapy

Like any other method of physiotherapy, magnetic therapy can cause both benefit and harm, while harm is possible with improper treatment, the presence of contraindications and a deliberate increase in the number of procedures or the time they are carried out.

Increased exposure to a magnetic field can cause a violation of the permeability of cell membranes, which poses a risk for the onset of dystrophic processes. In addition, increased glycolysis and the onset of tissue hypoxia are possible.

The effectiveness of magnetotherapy

Approximately 90% of patients who are susceptible to the effects of a magnetic field notice an improvement in their condition after undergoing a course of these procedures, but this method should not be considered as the main therapy. In the presence of all the positive effects of the magnetic field, it cannot replace the etiological treatment.

Magnetic field deficiency syndrome

This syndrome was first described in the middle of the last century by Japanese doctors. Its essence lies in the fact that in the presence of a lack of magnetic energy, a person begins to develop chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, dysfunction of internal organs, and jumps in blood pressure.

Hypomagnetism leads to a slowdown in the movement of blood through the vessels, and, accordingly, the rate of oxygen delivery to organs and tissues also decreases. As a result, drowsiness and decreased performance are observed. Another negative effect is a weakening of the immune system and a decrease in resistance to infectious and inflammatory processes. To stabilize the magnetic field, it is proposed to use magnetotherapy, which is quite common in Japan and is actively used in our time.

Magnetotherapy is a method of physiotherapy, which is based on the action of a low-frequency alternating or constant magnetic field on the human body for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Magnetotherapy is a natural treatment method, very simple, cheap and safe. Millions of people use it for: restoring energy and strengthening the immune system, relieving pain and improving their general condition, overcoming stress and depression, improving blood circulation, etc. By means of magnetotherapy, many diseases are cured, therefore in our country it has long been recognized as a medical method.

With magnetic therapy, there is no direct magnetization of tissues, but water molecules that are part of the cells and which are dipoles acquire magnetic properties. In addition, the magnetic field contributes to a change in the concentration of some biologically active substances (nucleic acids, enzymes, proteins). The magnetic field also potentiates the binding of free radicals, which play an important role in the process of inflammation, aging and cell death.

Magnetotherapy is a natural method: inside each of us there is a magnetic field, which is part of our body. Its violation worsens the condition of a person, and subsequently can turn into a disease. Correction of the magnetic field becomes the recharge that gradually brings the body back to normal or significantly improves the patient's condition.

Magnetotherapy is a treatment based on the influence of a low-frequency magnetic alternating field on the human body as a whole or on a separate part of it. Such an impact does not magnetize the patient's tissues, but allows the transfer of magnetic properties to such components as blood elements and water. The penetration depth of the magnetic field is about 5 centimeters.

Of all the methods of physiotherapy, magnetotherapy is the most gentle and gentle. It is well tolerated by those to whom other procedures are contraindicated due to age or health status - the elderly, debilitated patients. It is painless, has a fairly wide range of indications, does not require special costs and the use of complex equipment. Since magnetic fields penetrate any surface and medium, they are successfully used in the presence of plaster, ointment overlays or any other medical devices.

Magnetotherapy refers to the method of alternative medicine. Throughout its history, it has known many ups and downs. In recent years, interest in it has been growing again, which can be explained by a number of reasons.

Studies have shown that the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 50% over the past 1000 years, and by another 8% over the past 150 years. As a result of this process, the magnetic field in humans also decreased. Magnetotherapy makes it possible to compensate for the deficiency of a person's magnetic field and thereby restore his health.

Types of applied magnetic fields.

Magnetic fields in the direction of field lines can be constant and variable and generated in continuous or discontinuous (pulsed) modes with different frequencies, shapes and durations of pulses. The magnetic field that occurs between the north and south poles of a magnet can be uniform or non-uniform.

Currently, magnetotherapy mainly uses low-frequency alternating magnetic fields. According to many researchers, in terms of the severity of changes caused in the body and therapeutic effectiveness, sources of a constant magnetic field are inferior to sources of variable magnetic fields.

Low-frequency magnetotherapy is when the frequency of the radiating coil-inductor does not exceed 50 mT (Tesla miles - a unit of radiating magnetic field induction). Typically, the radiating frequency reaches up to 1000 Hz, and the induction alternately reaches 10 and 30 mT.

It has been established that low-frequency alternating and constant magnetic fields cause physicochemical changes in biological tissues, manifested by the orientation of large molecules of enzyme proteins in the direction of magnetic field lines. This causes an increase in the permeability of cell membranes, an acceleration of redox reactions, an increase in enzymatic activity and a local activation of blood supply.


It should be noted that there is currently no common opinion among specialists on the nature of the impact of a magnetic field and its intensity. As most scientists suggest, when human tissues are exposed to a magnetic field, electric currents arise in them. Under their influence, the physicochemical properties of the body's water systems, the orientation of large ionized biological molecules (in particular, proteins, including enzymes) and free radicals change. This entails a transformation in the rate of biochemical and biophysical processes. Electric currents stimulate the transport of ions through membranes, improve the permeability of biological membranes. They become catalysts for certain processes at the cellular level and thus activate molecules that, when they enter the organs, cause the necessary and physiologically normal reaction.

Indications for use.

Magnetotherapy is prescribed for many diseases. Its main therapeutic effects are: vasodilating, catabolic, lymphatic draining, trophostimulating, hypocoagulating, and also hypotensive.

Magnetotherapy is used for the following diseases:
- coronary artery disease (initial degree of angina pectoris);
- hypertension stage I and II;
- atherosclerosis and other problems of the head;
- neurosis and insomnia;
- rheumatoid arthritis in mild to moderate severity;
- osteoarthritis;
- osteochondrosis;
- consequences of burns;
- psoriatic arthropathy;
- slowly healing fractures, wounds and trophic ulcers;
- women's chronic inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
- chronic venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer both during remission and during exacerbation and gastritis, inflammation and biliary dyskinesia, chronic and subacute pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis and prolonged treatment of acute hepatitis, non-ulcerative colitis, pain after gastrectomy );
- allergic and itchy skin dermatoses;
- subacute and chronic inflammation of the eyes;
- ENT diseases: vasomotor and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis and otitis media, laryngitis, tracheitis;
- chronic and subacute diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis, impotence;
- bronchopulmonary diseases: prolonged acute pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, non-hormone-dependent bronchial asthma, inactive tuberculosis;
- postoperative and traumatic pain;
- dentistry: periodontal disease, gingivitis, sores on the oral mucosa, acute arthritis of the temporomandibular joint, fracture of the lower jaw, wounds after surgery and trauma.

The effect of using magnetic therapy, depending on the characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease, can manifest itself both after a few minutes, and after several sessions, or even after a long, persistent course of treatment, therefore, treatment must be taken seriously, not perceiving the device as a magic wand.

Currently, magnetotherapy is the only type of physiotherapy that is allowed to be used in the fight against exacerbated forms of diseases, with temperature and severe pain. The procedure relieves inflammation and resolves hematomas, relieves chronic pain, so its popularity is justified.


The nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems are most affected by magnetic therapy. Low-frequency magnetic fields stimulate the work of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, genital organs and other endocrine glands, which significantly increases the body's resistance and resistance to diseases.

Magnetotherapy has the following effects on the human body:
- calms the nervous system, improves sleep, reduces irritability;
- improves overall well-being;
- reduces the tone of arterial vessels, reduces blood clotting and improves its performance;
- shrinks lymph nodes;
- activates the work of endocrine organs: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries;
- increases joint mobility;
- magnetotherapy has a well-pronounced anti-edematous effect;
- restores the functions of peripheral nerves;
- normalizes bile formation, bile excretion, improves microcirculation of the liver, pancreas, as well as the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract;
- magnetic therapy painlessly cleanses the urinary tract from stones;
- in the respiratory system reduces congestion, improves bronchial patency and the function of external respiration;
- normalizes temperature;
- accelerates and resumes the production of collagen - the main substance responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
- strengthens the immune system;
- magnetic therapy reduces the content of Na ions in tissues while increasing the concentration of K ions, which is evidence of a change in the permeability of cell membranes.

Magnetotherapy is combined with other types of treatment. It helps to get rid of edema, has an analgesic effect and a significant effect on the metabolism in the body. It should be noted the high sensitivity to magnetic therapy of the genital organs. At the same time, small therapeutic doses have a stimulating effect on the activity of the genital organs and sexual functions. Intensive (in terms of time and strength) impacts, significantly exceeding the maximum allowable levels, have a negative impact.

Determination of sensitivity to magnetotherapy.

Place the magnet in the center of your palm. Watch for when you feel warmth and pulsing in that area. If this happens after 5 minutes, then you have high sensitivity. If after 20 - the average. If you do not feel anything, then you are not sensitive to magnetic influence.

The impact of the poles

All magnets have two poles, north and south. They are located at the bar - at the ends of the bar, at the horseshoe - at the ends of the horseshoe, at the circle - on different sides. Same poles repel, different poles attract each other.

South positive pole (the one that tends to the geographic south pole): relieves pain, reduces inflammation, calms the nervous system, stops the growth of bacteria, alkalizes body fluids, thereby reducing acidity, promotes blood clotting, improves vascular elasticity, destroys fatty deposits.

North negative pole: gives energy, improves efficiency and mental activity, stimulates the growth of bacteria (therefore, it is contraindicated in various infections), increases acidity in the body.


Magnetotherapy has found wide application in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It can be used both independently and as one of the components of complex therapy. The use of magnetotherapy contributes to the rapid relief of inflammatory and pain syndrome, the reduction of edema, and the restoration of normal mobility.

Magnetotherapy has shown excellent results in the treatment of osteoporosis (some forms of arthritis, arthrosis, etc.), manifested in improvement or recovery.

In the treatment of complex bone fractures, magnetotherapy improves blood microcirculation in the damaged area, as a result of which blood supply to organs and tissues increases, the inflammatory process in them decreases, which contributes to the speedy fusion.

Magnetotherapy is actively used in the treatment of varicose veins, since a pulsed magnetic field causes contraction of blood vessels, increases their elasticity and improves microcirculation.

With the help of magnetotherapy, myopia, astigmatism and increased eye fatigue, as well as accommodation disorders and the initial stages of glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, edematous conditions and also inflammatory eye diseases are treated.

With the help of magnetotherapy, infertility is treated, since an active magnetic field increases the permeability of membranes, increases the rate of biochemical reactions and processes, stimulates the nervous system, which begins to respond more quickly to signals coming from outside.

Magnetotherapy also has a beneficial effect on patients with severe bruises and injuries. It promotes the speedy healing of hematomas, is successfully used in the removal of inflammatory processes.

Devices for magnetic therapy

Among the magnetotherapy devices presented on the Russian market, the most famous are: Almag device, Mag-30 device, Magafon-01, Mavit (ULP-01), AMnp-01, AMT-02 Magniter, MST-01 Master. These devices act on the body using a low-frequency running or pulsed magnetic field. The shape and dimensions of the devices allow them to be used on any part of the body.


In order to use magnetotherapy at home, you need to have a sufficiently strong magnet. It must hold a load of at least 300 grams.
Teeth respond well to magnet treatment at home. To do this, you need to stroke your jaw with a magnet every day.
The magnet can also successfully treat diseases of the nose by applying magnetic plates to its sinuses and wings.
In order to remove pain in the eyes, it is enough to stroke the bridge of the nose and closed eyelids with a magnet. This will also help maintain visual acuity.
Bruises can be treated with a magnet by stroking and massaging the bruised areas.
It is very useful to stroke the feet with a magnet, because there are biologically active points associated with all internal organs.

You can use magnetotherapy at home using the above devices. It is necessary to purchase devices only from trusted sources, best of all - in medical institutions and pharmacies. In this case, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and follow all his instructions.

There are many magnets that are attached to the body or worn as jewelry. This is a magnetic jewelry: rings, bracelets, necklaces. As well as Velcro plates and belts. Tips for wearing low power magnets:
1. You need to start wearing weak magnets from two o'clock, gradually increasing the exposure time and the strength of the magnet. Magnets must be removed at night.
2. You need to strengthen the magnet closer to the affected organ:
- arthritis of the fingers - rings, bracelets;
- osteochondrosis - magnetic belt on the lower back;
- problems with the thyroid gland, throat - a necklace around the neck.
3. In case of fractures, you need to apply a magnet with the north pole.
4. With increased pressure, men wear a magnetic bracelet on their right hand, and women on their left. Under reduced pressure, the opposite is true.
5. The magnet on the chest affects the immune and cardiac systems, on the wrist - on the vascular system and affects blood pressure.
6. Treatment with a magnet should be carried out in courses. If there are pains, then you need to remove the magnet and pick up a less powerful one.
7. During treatment with a magnet, the kidneys begin to work hard, so you need to drink enough water at this time. It is useless to carry out magnetotherapy with insufficient water consumption.
8. Strong magnets should not be applied to the heart, head, eyes.
9. It is useful to wear magnets during menopause, since at this time calcium is actively washed out of the body. With a sufficient magnetic field, calcium and iodine are absorbed almost completely.
10. In summer, wearing a magnet can be uncomfortable, as it has a warming effect.


Magnetic therapy is based on the impact of a magnetic field with well-defined indicators on the human body. Despite the fact that our body is extremely sensitive to magnetic fields, there are few contraindications to magnetic therapy:
- low blood pressure (hypotension);
- heart failure and rhythm disturbances;
- the presence of a pacemaker;
- bleeding;
- pregnancy;
- increased function of the thyroid gland;
- active tuberculosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- purulent diseases;
- mental illness;
- infectious diseases (acute period);
- alcohol intoxication.

Magnetic therapy contraindications apply to the treatment of children. It is especially dangerous to use this method for the treatment of very young children under the age of one and a half years. For older children, up to 18 years old, physiotherapists prescribe only local effects of magnetotherapy.

There is no agreement on whether to consider magnetotherapy as a therapeutic method in the world medical community. These methods are recognized by some countries (Russia) as medical, physiotherapeutic, while others (USA) are not. The World Health Organization considers that the information currently available on the possible long-term or delayed health effects of exposure to static magnetic fields is not sufficient to draw firm conclusions, and is working to study and assess the risks to human health that these fields pose.

Practitioners of magnetotherapy claim that exposure to a static magnetic field has a positive effect on human health, however, in Western countries, with their developed system of clinical studies, it is widely believed that the claimed positive effects are impossible, that there is no reliable confirmation of them. Magnetotherapy is often characterized as a pseudoscience.

Physiotherapeutic effects on the body have been familiar to mankind for decades. They are actively used by specialists at different stages of diseases and help to cope with diseases, improve well-being, speed up recovery and prevent certain ailments or complications. One of the methods of physiotherapy is magnetotherapy - exposure to a magnetic field with a low frequency spectrum. Let's talk about what magnetotherapy is, discuss the indications and contraindications for its implementation, and also what benefits and harms a person can receive from such a procedure.

Doctors say that during magnetic therapy, the magnetic field penetrates the human body by six to eight centimeters, helping to restore the own magnetic field of tissues and cells, which is significantly weakened by various ailments and aggressive factors. Studies show that magnetotherapy improves immunity and speeds up the healing process in many ailments. However, in many countries this method of therapy is unrecognized.

Indications for magnetic therapy

Such a method of exposure can benefit those patients who suffer from osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine and from joint ailments. Magnetotherapy is indicated for allergies and diseases associated with disorders in the activity of the nervous system: both peripheral and central. This method of physiotherapy treatment can be useful for cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins and depression. Another similar treatment helps to cope with a breakdown and diseases of the digestive tract. Sometimes magnetic therapy procedures are recommended for certain gynecological disorders.

Magnetotherapy - contraindications for use

Magnetotherapy is not carried out in patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents. Also, such treatment is contraindicated in purulent processes in the body, with any inflammation in the acute phase, as well as with hypotension and blood diseases. In addition, magnetotherapy is not carried out with individual intolerance to such an effect. It is not indicated for people with cancer and those patients who have a tendency to internal bleeding.

Magnetotherapy benefits and harms

The benefits of magnetotherapy

This procedure has a good analgesic effect, since the magnetic field has calming properties. With this effect, a significant amount of endorphins is synthesized in the body, eliminating pain. And receptors on the periphery reduce the level of sensitivity, due to which unpleasant symptoms are reduced.

Also, when exposed to a magnetic field, spasm is eliminated, when the pain goes away, the muscles relax. In addition, tissue swelling is reduced, due to the acceleration of vital processes. The blood acquires excellent fluidity, and the condition of aquatic environments also improves.

All of the above actions contribute to the achievement of an anti-inflammatory effect. Magnetotherapy improves cell immunity, which contributes to the normalization of the general condition of the patient. Carrying out such procedures helps to optimize metabolic processes in all corners of the body.

The magnetic field contributes to the expansion of the ducts of blood vessels, which helps to achieve an analgesic effect and eliminate spasm. Thus, such procedures give an excellent vasodilating effect.

This method of physiotherapy helps to reduce the amount of nonsteroidal drugs taken. Also, magnetotherapy improves blood microcirculation in the affected area, which contributes to the normalization of tissue nutrition. Destructive processes are suspended, and the affected cells are healed. The regeneration of all types of tissues in the affected area is activated.

The effect of magnetic therapy on areas of the cervical region affected by osteochondrosis allows not only to achieve all the above effects, but also to improve sleep, prevent and eliminate ischemia that occurs in the spinal cord or brain due to compression.

Magnetotherapy helps to improve blood composition and normalize its microcirculation, as well as improve the psychophysical state of a person. Such procedures and

There is evidence that magnetic therapy methods can also be used in gynecological practice. Such procedures eliminate adhesive processes, reduce unpleasant symptoms during and before menstruation, and also help to cope with some types of infertility.

Carrying out magnetic therapy for fractures contributes to the speedy fusion of bones, the elimination of pain and increased swelling. Also, with such procedures, rehabilitation is accelerated.

The main advantage of magnetic therapy is that it can be carried out both in the clinic and at home. Devices for home exposure have a working surface, which is applied to the problem area during the session. The duration of the procedures and their number is selected exclusively by the doctor.

Alternative treatment of osteochondrosis

So a good healing effect in osteochondrosis gives the reception of infusion on the basis of the usual sequence. Brew a tablespoon of chopped raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for four hours to infuse. Strain the finished medicine and take it in half a glass three to four times a day.

For rubbing into diseased areas, you can use an infusion of wormwood. Brew a tablespoon of chopped raw materials with one and a half glasses of boiling water. Insist this medicine in a thermos for two to three hours. Strain the prepared infusion and apply as needed.

Even traditional medicine experts advise patients with osteochondrosis to prepare the following medicine. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Pour two hundred grams of such raw materials with half a liter of vodka. Infuse this medicine for eight days in a rather dark place. Don't forget to shake it from time to time. Use the prepared tincture for rubbing.

Even for the treatment of osteochondrosis, you can prepare a healing bath. Combine three hundred grams of mint and the same amount of chamomile. Brew the finished collection with five liters of boiling water and leave for two hours to infuse. Pour the strained infusion into the prepared bath.

Patients with osteochondrosis are recommended to use. Brew one hundred grams of such raw materials with two and a half liters of only boiled water. Infuse the medicine well wrapped (or in a thermos) for two hours. After that, pour forty percent alcohol into the resulting infusion in the amount of one glass and a quarter. Simmer the medicine on minimum heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain it and take one hundred grams three times a day.

If you suffer from osteochondrosis, prepare an ointment of equal parts, coriander fruit, mint herb and dandelion root. Grind all the prepared ingredients to a powder state and mix them together. Brew three tablespoons of the finished collection with one hundred milliliters of hot water and boil for five minutes. Combine the resulting infusion with seventy-five grams of butter and the same amount of vegetable oil. Mix until smooth and use to rub into sore areas.

Also, with osteochondrosis, traditional medicine experts advise squeezing juice from an ordinary radish. Mix three hundred and fifty milliliters of the resulting liquid with a glass of high-quality honey, a tablespoon of fine-fine salt and half a liter of vodka. Mix well until smooth. Take the finished medicine fifty grams every day about half an hour before a meal. The duration of such therapy is two to four weeks.

Before conducting magnetotherapy, as well as before using any folk remedies, it is imperative to consult a doctor.


In the treatment of numerous diseases, the method of magnetotherapy is often used. The method of exposure to magnetic fields has been widely used for quite a long time in almost all medical institutions. Moreover, many people who have undergone such treatment do not even assume that there are certain contraindications for magnetic therapy, which must be taken into account when prescribing procedures. This method of exposure is so comfortable and effective that physiotherapists quite often prescribe it to patients without identifying possible contraindications.

In general, magnetic therapy rarely causes side effects. It is believed that this effective method of treatment is well tolerated even by weakened patients. This direction in physiotherapeutic treatment is based on the influence of an alternating magnetic field of low frequency. Moreover, the impact can be made either on the entire human body or on any part of it.

When using this method of exposure, magnetic fields affect such biologically active substances in the human body as proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, as well as free radicals. Moreover, under the influence of magnetic therapy, the tissues of the human body are not magnetized. Magnetic properties can only be obtained by the constituent elements of tissues: water, blood enzymes. It can be argued that the method of magnetotherapy has an impact on the human body at such deep levels as molecular and cellular.

With all the unconditional advantages and beneficial effects of this method for the treatment of many diseases, it should be noted that the contraindications of magnetic therapy primarily apply to people with various diseases. These include patients suffering from hypertension of the third stage. The impact of this method of exposure in a disease such as epilepsy, accompanied by frequent seizures, should be taken into account. It is not recommended to use the method of magnetotherapy in case of general depletion of the human body. Important: magnetotherapy is carried out only under the supervision of qualified physiotherapists.

This method is contraindicated in case of pronounced atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, at elevated body temperature. The danger for the patient is the method of magnetotherapy when available in the stage of decompensation. In some cases, individual intolerance to magnetic therapy is a real obstacle to this conventional treatment procedure.

Magnetic therapy contraindications apply to the treatment of children. It is especially dangerous to use this method for the treatment of very young children under the age of one and a half years. For older children, up to 18 years old, physiotherapists prescribe only local effects of magnetotherapy.

It has been repeatedly noted that different human organs perceive the effects of a magnetic field differently. Magnetic therapy has the strongest effect on nerve endings. Also, endocrine glands, eyes, ears, organs, blood vessels are subjected to a special influence of the magnetic field. The bronchi, lungs, musculoskeletal system are also significantly affected by the magnetic field.

Magnetic therapy contraindications are closely related to the effect on blood composition. Often there were cases of deterioration in blood coagulability. This process can significantly reduce the speed of blood flow. Particular attention to the use of this method should be paid to people who have any disorders, expressed in the form of thrombosis in the acute phase. It is inappropriate to use magnetotherapy for angina pectoris, arrhythmia, after myocardial infarction.

Of course, it is impossible to be treated with the help of magnetotherapy for people with increased excitability, suffering from disruption of the central nervous system, unstable psyche. Patients with cancer are also not allowed to be treated with this method. This method of exposure is prohibited for people using pacemakers.

It is important to remember: any physiotherapeutic effect on the human body is completely individual. If you do not take into account the contraindications of magnetic therapy, then the body can be both cured and completely destroyed. Therefore, when prescribing medical procedures, it is necessary to take into account absolutely all factors of the state of health, the age of the patient, his mental state and concomitant chronic diseases. Good health to you!

Magnetic products should be considered as an adjunct to all types of treatment. Research on magnetic therapy began in the 1700s and is now considered effective in all areas of disease. It is recommended by physiotherapists, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, masseurs, homeopaths, plastic surgeons and chiropractors.

Magnets can penetrate skin, fatty tissues and bones, thus, the magnetic flux maintains human health and provides energy by reducing disturbances in the body.

It stimulates the functions of the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems.

The magnetic field is the basis of life on this planet. All body systems are electromagnetic in nature.

Magnetotherapy stimulates blood circulation and increases cellular activity, which in turn increases the rate of regeneration. This method of treatment increases the rate of wound healing, relieves muscle spasms and symptoms of many diseases.

Magnetotherapy helps to recover from injury faster. It creates conditions for healing, prompting the body to self-heal. This is achieved by increasing ion separation, dilatation of blood vessels, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood, and also accelerates the restoration of the balance of sodium and potassium. Dilatation of blood vessels improves the supply of oxygen to the tissues and helps to remove toxins.

The most important motive for the use of magnetic therapy is the presence of pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It prevents further development of tissue destruction.

How magnetotherapy works:

This method of treatment increases the stamina and performance of a person.

Magnets for the treatment of joints at home

Treatment magnets can be purchased at medical equipment stores.

There are two types of this method of treatment: permanent and pulsed.

And also there are several varieties of therapeutic magnets:

In medical equipment stores, you can buy magnets of various shapes, sizes and capacities.

Types: bracelets, rugs, rings, discs, stars, beads, foil, clothes, blocks, power pads, necklace, belts.

For treatment at home, you can buy a special device. Doctors recommend using ALMAG, MAG, MAGOFON, MAGNITER.

Neodymium magnet treatment

The use of magnets in treatment is considered safe and non-invasive. Neodymium magnets are used for various purposes. They are used to treat internal organs, and reduce scars. Recently, neodymium magnets have expanded their range of uses. Due to their unique characteristics, they began to be used in microsurgery and cardiology, dentistry, and oncology.

Neodymium magnets are produced in the form of rings, bandages, earrings. To buy it, a prescription from a doctor is not required, so many are treated on their own. But still, they can cause irreparable harm, so you should consult a doctor before buying.

Treatment with this type of magnet relieves pain, promotes better absorption of incoming nutrients, accelerates tissue regeneration and restores blood circulation. Special magnetic bandages are put on the eyes and head. They also create knee pads and applicators for the neck.

Some athletes use a magnetic mattress pad to improve sleep, others use it to restore performance in the professional field. However, you can not sleep on such a mattress topper for more than 10 hours a day. In addition, if a neodymium magnet is used to solve digestive problems, one should not eat food until an hour before using it, as digestion slows down.

Indications for home treatment

People use magnetic therapy for a wide range of health problems. It is carried out both in the hospital and at home. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor. The table below shows the diseases for which magnetic therapy can be used.

NeurologySpinal cord diseases (myelopathy, spinal stroke), Alzheimer's disease, intracranial hypertension, neuralgia, neuropathy, convulsions, multiple sclerosis, encephalopathy, stroke, dizziness, ischemia, epilepsy, spondylosis, neuroses.
OrthopedicsAnkylosis, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, hemarthrosis, pseudoarthrosis, meniscus rupture, sprain, sprains and fractures, scoliosis, rheumatism.
BioenergyNormalization of human biorhythms
DermatologyDiseases of the skin appendages, pustular pathologies, dermatitis, fungal and viral diseases, lichen, neurodermatosis, alopecia, ichthyosis, eczema, etc.
UrologyAdenoma, adenocarcinoma of the kidney, vesiculitis, dropsy of the testis, erectile dysfunction, impotence, cystitis, urolithiasis, nephroptosis.
ENT diseasesBoils, otosclerosis, acute and chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis, rhinosinusitis.
CosmetologyRejuvenation, getting rid of excess weight, getting rid of cellulite.
EndocrinologyNon-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, diseases of the ovaries and adrenal glands.
GynecologyAmenorrhea, ovarian apoplexy, infertility, dysmenorrhea, climacteric syndrome.
GastroenterologyReflux disease, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis.
SurgeryWen, fractures, damage to soft tissues and tendons, dislocations, bruises.
CardiologyAngina pectoris, hypertension and ischemic disease, carditis, tachycardia, incomplete heart block, etc.
Vascular diseasesAneurysm, spasm, vegetovascular dystonia, narrowing, atherosclerosis.
NarcologyDrug addiction, substance abuse, withdrawal syndrome, alcoholism, alcoholic delirium, smoking, alcoholic hepatitis.

In addition, magnetic therapy can be used for bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.

If you suffer from one of the problems listed in the table and wish to use the magnetic treatment method, be sure to consult your doctor before using magnets.

Magnetotherapy has a very good effect on the joints and spine. The combination of analgesic and vasodilating frequencies improves blood microcirculation with oxygen and nutrients. The procedure heals the joints. In diseased joints, the goal of magnetic therapy is to suppress inflammation, reduce pain and improve joint mobility.

This method of treatment slows down further damage to the joints and has a healing effect.

The procedure of magnetotherapy is carried out 2-3 times a day at low pulse frequencies. If it has formed on the joint, then you need to grind it with a magnet.


Most often, arthritis affects large joints, including the knee joint. In addition to treatment with medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and chondroprotectors, doctors recommend magnetotherapy. However, physiotherapy and occupational therapy cannot be neglected.

As part of the rehabilitation therapy of diseases of the knee joint, low-frequency pulsed magnetic therapy is used. It has no side effects, does not cause stress, and can be used at home. Due to this, patients with chronic diseases of the knee joints are easier to be treated.

In this case, magnetotherapy acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces swelling and improves range of motion.

For knee arthritis, special knee pads made of neodymium magnets are used.

Initially use a frequency at 4–6 Hz. The procedure is carried out daily until the soreness begins to pass. Once relief is achieved, treatment should be combined with regenerative programs at 25–50 Hz.

Heel spur

Or plantar fasciitis - a common disease, the symptoms of which appear sharply and painfully. Heel spurs are treated on an outpatient basis or at home. The procedure is carried out every day. The magnetic effect on the heel spur is 20 minutes.

As prescribed by the doctor, the procedure can be carried out 2 times a day, the interval between which is 8 hours.

Method of magnetotherapy at home: in case of pain in both heels, the device is placed on the lumbar spine and on both heel areas. The first procedure should last 5-7 minutes. Each time the time increases. The course of heel spur treatment lasts 10-15 procedures.

If the victim has one heel pain, then it is necessary to act on 2 fields - the lumbar spine and the sore heel region.

Doctors talk about home magnetotherapy, watch the video:


Despite the enormous benefits for humanity, magnetic therapy has some contraindications.

Limitations in the application of this method:

  • persons equipped with pacemakers, defibrillators or other electromedical devices;
  • small children and pregnant women should not use magnetic field therapy, since the safety of using such therapy has not been proven;
  • in the presence of purulent infections;
  • if there is a tendency to bleeding;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors.

In addition, this procedure is prohibited if the victim is mentally ill.

Magnetic therapy has no negative side effects or complications when combined with other therapies.

The healing effect of magnetotherapy comes quickly enough. The main advantages are price, availability and versatility.

It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the apparatus if the disease is affected in a complex way. That is, taking medication, going to a physiotherapist and being treated with herbs.


  1. Magnetotherapy is now widely used. Traditional medicine has repeatedly used this method of treatment in various situations;
  2. Victims note the effectiveness of treatment with magnets at home;
  3. This method of therapy is combined with herbal medicine (infusions, decoctions, compresses, etc.);
  4. Magnetotherapy is still not recognized as an official method of treatment.

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