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First day in the army: advice to new recruits. What soldiers do in the army How to serve well in the army

Hazing, disgusting food, poor living conditions - this is what, according to the ideas of the current conscript, who has read the Internet, awaits him in the army. I will tell you in this post what you really need to prepare for.

- Upon arrival at the unit, the old-timers will meet me, and hazing will begin?

With all your desire, you will not be able to meet hazing, since with the transition in 2008 to twelve months of service, “grandfathers” disappeared as a class. "Grandfathers" out of habit are now called soldiers of the senior draft, who in the old hierarchy were considered "elephants". The current "grandfathers" themselves rarely call themselves that and do not have any significant indulgence with newly arrived conscripts.

- Is it possible that in the army, with the transition to a year of service, they stopped beating young soldiers and bullying them?

Yes, mass bullying is gone, but, as in any closed community, there are people who want to dominate others, including with the use of physical force.

- What to do, is it really possible to endure beatings from an aggressive colleague?

If in the 1990s and in the first half of the 2000s it was necessary to do this, silently enduring bullying or trying to fight back, then over the past two or three years, significant changes have taken place in the army. Now the young soldier has a lot of ways to protect himself:

In many military units, freshly arrived recruits are immediately given leaflets with the phone numbers of the commander of the military unit, his assistant for educational work with personnel and the prosecutor's office immediately upon arrival. Also in the barracks and dormitories on information stands you can often find the phones of the regional committee of soldiers' mothers, the garrison military court, the FSB department, and the unit's psychologist. I recommend that you immediately add them to your cell phone contacts and send them to your parents.

Now commanders of units and employees of the prosecutor's office have a strict order to stop any hazing, so your call with a message about any problems with colleagues will be considered without fail.

Are soldiers allowed to use cell phones?

Yes, in almost all parts, except for especially sensitive ones, conscripts are allowed to use cell phones. Somewhere soldiers can have them on hand all the time, somewhere they are issued only for the weekend, and the rest of the time, cell phones are stored in a safe with the unit commander.

The general rule is not to abuse the use of a mobile phone, remember that in the classroom, in the ranks, it is better for him to lie in his pocket. Often, the unit is deprived of the right to freely have phones on hand just because, for example, instead of studying the device of the R-168 radio station, an officer finds some soldiers actively corresponding in Odnoklassniki with their civilian girlfriends.

- What should I do if they threaten to beat me, try to take away money, phone?

In this case, a fairly effective way is your direct statement to the offender that you, in case of trouble on his part, do not hesitate to contact the prosecutor's office. In my company in 2009, one of the soldiers with such a statement sharply rebuked one aggressive colleague who tried to force him to do something instead of himself, threatening reprisals. The "aggressor" instantly cooled down and after that, until the end of the service, he communicated with the failed "victim" rather warily.

If the offender, despite your words, continues to threaten, then immediately contact the prosecutor's office. After the first call of the "aggressor" to the investigator, his offensive ardor towards you will completely dry up.

- What should I do if I was beaten anyway?

First, you must immediately inform your platoon / company commander about what happened. Secondly, immediately contact the prosecutor's office at your unit. Your application to any case will be taken into consideration, and a criminal case will be instituted. Before the prosecutor's office, you can go to the medical company and remove the beatings there. Remember that no one will punish you for these steps.

It can't be that simple! I heard that the commanders are striving to hush up cases of non-authority and not make them public!

Yes, there are the following problems. The commanders of platoons, companies, battalions are required to immediately report all cases of hazing, but at the same time, these officers are subjected to all kinds of penalties for such emergencies. Those. the same company commander is in the position of “both wants and pricks” - on the one hand, he needs to inform the command that you were beaten, on the other hand, he knows that he will receive a reprimand for this, lose a rather big cash bonus, promotion may slow down. This practice is vicious, but so far the high command is using it in many parts.

- What pitfalls await me in this case?

So, you come to the company commander, say that you were beaten by Private Ivanov. Further events may develop according to the scenario described above: a statement to the prosecutor's office, withdrawal of beatings, or maybe so. The commander, fearing the consequences for himself, will say something like: “I myself will deal with Ivanov, but for now you lie down in the barracks and do not shine your black eye on the constructions. Don't go to any prosecutor's office." Of course, you can understand the officer, but, nevertheless, you have only one way - the prosecutor's office. Remember that they will not be able to punish you for such a step.

- The prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office ... But this is squealing?! ..

Here, decide for yourself whether you live according to the concepts of a zone or if you want to serve normally, so that they don’t touch you. If earlier such actions caused condemnation from colleagues (which was actively encouraged by old-timers), now such self-defense is not considered something shameful. For example, during my service from 2008 to 2010. two soldiers from the company filed complaints with the prosecutor's office, and no one created an atmosphere of alienation around them because of this.

- All the same, I'm afraid to contact the prosecutor's office and the commanders ...

If you are afraid to contact in person or there is no way to do this, then use the phone. It is psychologically easier to make it, you can not even call, but just send SMS. They will come out and help you.

If, however, you absolutely cannot persuade yourself to turn to the command, then the psychologist of the unit can help you. This is a civilian specialist (usually a woman), whom you will meet in the very first days of your stay in the army. Upon arrival at the unit, all young soldiers are required to go through a psychologist who tests them. Be sure that your conversation with a psychologist about being offended in any way will definitely have positive consequences for you. This specialist is not subordinate to the command of the unit, but has direct access to it. Even if you yourself refuse to write a statement against the offender, they will resolve the issue with him in a different way, for example, by transferring him to another unit.

- Maybe I should call my parents so that they can solve some of my problems with the command?

If you have really serious problems that for some reason do not give in to you, then communication between parents and the command of the unit often allows you to solve them. But! To get started, tell your parents the phone number of the company or battalion commander so that they first talk to your immediate superiors. If these officers do not help, then contact the brigade command above. More than once I have witnessed when someone's mother calls the brigade commander or his deputy and asks if her son's cold has passed. Naturally, the colonel, who has four thousand people under his command, cannot know such trifles. That is why problems should be discussed, first of all, with junior commanders.

- I heard that in the army they feed very poorly, the same barley can be given for months ...

Yes, a few years ago there were serious problems with the quality and quantity of food in the army. Now the widespread transfer of catering to the jurisdiction of civil organizations, the so-called. outsourcing, it is planned that in 2012 all military units will switch to it. The norms of combined-arms rations have changed, and most importantly, control over the provision of the food process has tightened. In the meantime, we have some inconsistency, in some parts the food resembles homemade food, in others it is simpler and less tasty from the same products.

- My friend was recently drafted into the army, and he says that he does not get enough. Does this mean there is still little food, not enough?

No, the issue here is the following phenomenon. In civilian life, you eat unbalanced, not according to the schedule, but as you have to. In the army, food is strictly tied in time, the emphasis is not on variety, but on calorie content, plus a daily routine, regular physical activity and constant exposure to fresh air. All this causes the young soldier to have an increased appetite and a feeling of hunger. In fact, quite a few guys report that they have put on weight after a few months. After about six months, the body adjusts to a new diet and the feeling of "hunger" disappears.

- What are the living conditions in the current army?

Now the soldiers live either in barracks or in dormitories. In the barracks there is a common sleeping arrangement with single or bunk beds, a common washbasin and a bathroom. In dormitories built under the federal target program between 2005 and 2009, soldiers live in separate quarters of 3-8 people in a room with separate showers, sanitary facilities, drying rooms, and washing machines. Where the command allows you to have TVs, electric kettles, etc. in the cockpit.

- What is provided for recreation, entertainment, sports in the army?

Every department has a sports corner. Somewhere it was made by hand, somewhere it was centrally purchased, respectively, and the equipment can be different: from a pair of weights and a barbell to full-fledged simulators, punching bags and horizontal bars. Each company has a TV that you can watch in your free time. Dormitories often buy large LCD panels. Again, in hostels, tennis and billiard tables are often included in the standard equipment of the floors. Depending on the remoteness of the military unit from settlements, there are also such events as visiting museums, theaters, cinema halls, the arrival of singing and dancing groups. Someone is lucky and during the service he will see enough of the sights of Moscow, and someone, being at a military base abroad, can only count on rare visits by local amateur groups.

My older brother, who served ten years ago, says that in the army he was only engaged in doing chores, and saw a machine gun only on the oath ...

Yes, a similar problem existed in the cash-strapped 90s and early 2000s, but now a lot has changed. One thing is required of the army - combat training. Enormous funds are allocated for this, so there are no problems with shooting, lack of fuel. They shoot and drive a lot and often. Again, it must be borne in mind that a soldier of auxiliary troops (for example, communications) does not need to shoot as much as a machine gunner from a reconnaissance unit, so there will always be dissatisfied that they were not allowed to “punch”. In one of the parts, a soldier somehow complained to me that he rarely shoots, although according to him, according to the schedule, he shoots once a week, regular field trips, etc. The guy mentioned that at the training ground they shoot a lot every day, and he would like it to always happen like this. However, in addition to shooting, there are also a lot of other activities that also need to be given time.

Household work is gradually transferred to civilian organizations, for example, in many parts of the canteen there is simply no order, because. the food process has been completely outsourced. But as before, the soldiers maintain cleanliness and order on the territory and in the barracks. Here, too, there are innovations when a civil organization is engaged in cleaning, but so far such actions are carried out at the experimental level.

During my last contract and now, communicating with soldiers of various units during numerous trips, I have never encountered cases of “renting” soldiers for any work outside the military unit in favor of private traders, which bloomed wildly back in early 2000 -X. He himself was "rented" several times in 1999 during his military service, so I am very glad that this shame is over.

- What about layoffs?

Dismissals are freely allowed if relatives come to visit you. Depending on the location of the unit, the period of visit can be from several hours to a couple of days. In order for you to retire yourself, you need the following:
- The military unit should be located on the territory of the Russian Federation and in a calm region. Abroad, of course, a conscript cannot just wander around, but in the same Ingushetia it is simply life-threatening due to the difficult situation with terrorism in the republic.
- The military unit should be located in the village, since it makes no sense to let you out in an open field.
- You shouldn't have any reprimands.

- What is the salary of a conscript soldier?

At the moment, the monetary allowance (this is what the salary is called in the language of the military) of a military serviceman in the vast majority of military units is from 400 to 800 rubles, in some places with special conditions of service (North and South Ossetia, Karachay-Cherkessia) - from 2100 to 2800 rubles. There are rumors that in the future the salary of a conscript will be 5-6 thousand rubles, but so far there is no clear information.

What about providing various household items such as soap, toilet paper, shoe polish, cigarettes?

This is a real pain point and the provision can vary from part to part. If there are no problems with soap and shoe polish, then for example, there can be an ambush with toilet paper or collars, you will have to buy it yourself.

Cigarettes are a separate issue. In some parts they are still issued, in some there is a ban on smoking, and soldiers can buy smoke only outside the military unit or receive it in a parcel from home.

- What should I do if I get sick?

First of all, immediately report to your platoon leader that you have a health problem. Then, either with your sergeant, or with the unit on duty, or with the battalion paramedic, you will be sent to the medical company of the unit. They will either be hospitalized if everything is serious, or they will prescribe medication and release you from work and activities for three days, or they will find out that you are completely healthy. I strongly do not recommend getting sick in silence, as some soldiers do, because. in this case, the requirements for you do not decrease, but it is much harder to fulfill them. Be sure to insist on visiting doctors if you feel unwell.

- Are vacations provided for conscripts?

In connection with the transition to a year of service, annual leave for conscripts has been canceled. You can go on vacation only for family reasons, such as serious illness of close relatives, their death, etc.

Friend in the army. Service chronicle. Part 1

Meet: Vitya - my close friend since school.

Since December, he has been serving in the army for military service and has been keeping a kind of chronicle report in his microblog. Sometimes there are quite interesting, entertaining details, an army picture emerges ... With his permission and approval, I will publish most of his messages here in my LiveJournal.

So, let's start from the end of November, when he went to Yemva to the assembly point, and December-January, the first months of service:

November 30thWe go by bus to the prince.
At first it was normal on the bus, but now the dubak is just ..
the branch of the troops learned only right now-rbhz. Something to do with chemical protection, PPC, I didn’t dream about it ...

the 1st of DecemberTomorrow at 13:00 a train to Moscow, I will serve in the chemical troops in Noginsk

In the meantime, stupidly you have to sit for 1.5 days here, in emve ...

December 29thI took an oath! Now I'm officially a soldier! :)

5 JanuaryI am sitting in the barracks, there is nothing to do, dinner is coming soon, it pleases :)

There is nothing to do in the army on weekends, at least they hold sporting events :)

Training starts on the 9th, maybe the days will go faster...

January 6Another day off in the army, there is nothing to do again, even though the phones were issued earlier.

January 21 Sedna had to get up on alarm, but instead they cleared the snow and cleaned the barracks. This is how the next day went :)

January 22We rehearsed getting up on alarm, we got up 5 times, but they seemed to meet it :) the other day they still promise an alarm.

January 23In the car park, we look through the equipment and, of course, clean the snow.

Finally received the parcel, but for a long time it was almost 1.5 months.

January 24We cleaned all morning, now I'm standing on the bedside table - a fun outfit :)

4 more hours until the end of the outfit, you have to endure.

The 25th of JanuaryThere was a combat alert today, they ran with gas masks, duffel bags and machine guns to the car park.

We are drivers, like equipment should be taken out, but we didn’t do anything like that, we just stupid there.

Tomorrow the commander of the unit should come to the company, and therefore they were cleaning all evening.

January 26Again we worked in the park, raked things and cleared the snow - as usual in general :)

After lunch, we cleaned the machines for 3 hours, it’s good at least to the music :)

January 27We are preparing for the next construction, but as usual no one knows what time it is :)

More weekends like this when you don't have to do anything. It is a pity that in the army this is only once a week.

I finally watch TV, I'm really glad about it. Haven't watched in over a week. Here is such an army, we don’t even know what’s going on in the world ...

28 JanuaryThey sat in the barracks, taught various signs and other garbage, although according to the daily routine they had to do something completely different.

But here everything was done in such a way that supposedly we were engaged in a routine, we were already warned about this.

I wish you good health, dear readers of the Army blog: a look from the inside and those for whom this article will be the first on the site.

In the yard on September 28th. There are exactly 3 days left before the start of the next call to the army. Call II - 2015 or autumn call 2015.

That is why a few days ago the idea came to my mind to write an article-appeal to conscripts. An article that will be most useful for everyone who is going to the army.

No water and extra pictures. Bare facts and advice on what to do BEFORE and DURING the start of the service in order to spend the next 365 days at its best. So, my 10 tips for you, inductee.

1. Pass the final medical examination at the military enlistment office and bring all the documents they need as soon as possible.

This advice applies to a lesser extent to those who are called in a week, but it is still relevant even for those who will not be called until December.

Guys, don't wait for the moment when there is no place to sit in the draft office.

My practice shows that the closer the draft, the more people hang out in the military registration and enlistment office. Your task is to do everything quickly and in an organized manner.

If you approach the matter wisely, then you can visit the military registration and enlistment office only 2 times before being called up. That is, to arrange everything you need in a few days. (Not for 2, because you have to wait for the results of tests at the clinic)

2. Learn to sew.

No, I'm not saying that you have to sew a curtain or something else for the house with your own hands. But to be able to sew a button and sew up a hole, if necessary, must be able to.

If you do not learn how to do this before the army, then the army will teach you itself. Just be prepared for the fact that before that you will receive a girl's nickname, and your authority because of this will not rise above the plinth.

3. Change your attitude towards physical development.

If you are a professional athlete, then you can move on to the next paragraph.

And if not... Congratulations. You belong to 90% of those people who surround me now.
They didn’t do sports, they don’t know how to pull themselves up, they run every other time. Plus they smoke like steam locomotives.

So, what do you need to do so that after hearing the phrases and in the army you do not faint:

  • Go to sleep as early as possible 22.00-06.00

This will allow you to overcome the period of adaptation to the army as comfortably as possible. And you will wake up in the morning refreshed and ready for a morning workout.

  • Run at least 1 kilometer in the morning

A kilometer is the minimum we ran in the mornings during the first weeks. Because in the company there were zhirobasy and skinny, who by the end of our first round were somewhere in the middle of the road.

If you do not want to become one of those who constantly stop the company, start running even before the call.

  • Learn to pull up on the horizontal bar

Ideally, 15 times. After all, in order to pass the physical training exam perfectly, we need to pull ourselves up 15 times.

And without this junior sergeant's exam, you won't get it. We are so accepted.

  • Switch to three meals a day

Before the draft, I ate 5-6 times a day every day. In the army, I eat 3. And no one else will let you eat. Even your food.

During the first 3 days of service, I lost 4 kilograms. This is not only because of the food, but "thanks" to it too. I was very hungry.

We have this mode: 07.30 - breakfast. 14.30 - lunch. 18.30 - dinner.

I draw attention to the large interval of time between breakfast and lunch.

4. The day before the call, cut your hair as short as possible.

Yes, I know how hard it is. You now have a beautiful head of hair, and then they tell you that you need to cut your hair under 0.

I left myself 9 mm of hair. But this is a lot. I was forced to cut my hair in the very first days of service.

The less hair there is, the later you will get your first haircut in the army. And this will be a plus for you, because in 2 weeks (depending on how your hair grows) you will already get used to it and you can easily allocate yourself time for this.

Otherwise - vanity, nerves, stress, screams, panic. I saw guys who went through it.

IMPORTANT. For those who think: “Why spend money if the army cuts it for free?”

In the army, your friend will cut your hair. That is a person you don't know. Most likely, he will take the typewriter for the first time in his life. We had those.

When you first arrive at the unit with your hair, you will immediately attract negative attention from your superiors. With me in the team from St. Petersburg, 4 such people arrived. They were publicly laughed at for 10 minutes. Do you need it? 200 rubles sorry? Reputation will take a long time to restore.

5. On the day of conscription, take your passport, driver's license and diploma with you to the military registration and enlistment office.

You definitely have a passport. If you have the rest - take it. It may not come in handy, but if so, then it will be easier to give it to relatives (or send it by mail from there for free) than then to take a steam bath and think about where to store them in parts.

I took it out as a separate item from the bonus, because I myself blundered on this. I was clearly told at the military registration and enlistment office that a passport is not needed. The result - my mother went home for a passport. It's good that I was called from the same place where I live. And if you will be called from another locality?

The tips for preparing for the service are over. Now, tips that will help you at the beginning of the service not to “goof off”.

6. Do not open your mouth where you can remain silent.

It is very important. We have so many kosyachnikov who tried to break this law of the army.

My advice to you: if they are not addressing you, then just keep silent. Even if you think you are the smartest.

7. Listen carefully and remember everything that old-timers and commanders tell you.

Mindfulness is the key to success in the army. You will not be advised to do something that you yourself have not gone through. These will be the most valuable tips during the service. Even more valuable than mine.

Just don't skip a single one, and based on what you hear, adjust your behavior pattern.

8. Analyze everything that is happening around you.

This is what I "grew up" in the army. I'm not saying that I've become a "prison dad" here. I'm talking about the fact that thanks to this, for 3 months of service, not a single remark was made to me by the authorities.

He saw that your friend entered the sleeping quarters incorrectly - remember how he did it. He will be corrected until he does it right. Did the right thing - remember it! All jambs, and most importantly - the correct options for appeals / reports / execution of commands and everything else. All this you must memorize and assimilate.

As they say at school and university: absorb like a sponge! It's the same here.

9. If you don't know, ask someone who knows for sure.

Very important. Pay attention to the end of the sentence: "... from the one who knows." Not from his ignorant friend, but from someone who knows for sure. From your own or someone else's junior sergeant or officer.

It's better than doing the wrong order and then hearing about how stupid you are.

10. Every night before going to bed wash my feet in cold water and with statutory soap.

Unless you want to spend the entire service in the infirmary, of course. And there are enough of them!

If you are normal and want to get by with “minimal losses” in the first weeks, then follow this advice. Every day without exception.

Cold water. And only with statutory soap. It's magical, guys. There will be no corns or there will be much less than it could be. At least you can walk.

All advice. Let's move on to the bonus, which I mentioned above.


What to take with you to the army?

I want to take everything and more. Especially if you are collected by your mother and grandmother. But everything is impossible. And you don't need much either. Now I will explain why.

IMPORTANT. No glass, piercing, cutting objects. They will be taken away at the collection point, just as they took my aftershave gel, needles and something else.

IMPORTANT 2. I take out a separate item. NO DRUGS. They will also be picked up immediately.

IMPORTANT 3. Pay special attention to the number of things I wrote about. If I wrote in the singular, then you need to take exactly 1 piece. No more and no less. If he wrote 2 machines, then 2 machines, not a pack. Everything else will be taken away. And it’s not at all certain that they will return ...

All of the above tips and bonus are purely my thoughts and come from my own experience of three months of service in a battalion of junior specialists.

I know that each part has its own charter. But I assure you that I told you as close as possible to those parts where the charter is known and honored. I hope the majority are. Our whole life is strictly according to the charter. Yes, not perfect. There are differences of opinion, but I can't imagine a part where the charter is loved and honored more than here.

Therefore, all of the above can be taken as "correct". If you do not agree with me, then you will at least agree that these tips and a list of things will definitely not be superfluous.

P.S. I appeal to those who are already serving or have served literally within a year. Friends, if you have something to add to my lists, feel free to write about it in the comments.

This article, as well as the heading "Conscripts" was created solely for the benefit of all those who have yet to serve. And I don't think there are too many benefits! So let's connect, dear demobilizers and not only.

P.P.S. You can also ask your questions in the comments. I'll be happy to answer anything and everything!

We wish you easy service

The army is a good school of life, which many men who have not served are advised to take in absentia. We will not rant on whether it is worth going there or not (since every young person must make such a decision himself), but we will only give a few tips from the series “how not to behave in the army if you want to serve well.” Therefore, if you are probably going to “taste army porridge” (or maybe even serve for some time), sit comfortably at the monitor and remember everything that we will tell you now. Let's make a reservation in advance that situations are different, and our advice should not be taken as the only possible behavior, but most often they will help you avoid some problems.

Seriously. Many guys who get into the army begin to believe that since there is no opposite sex here, and no one from relatives / acquaintances can see you, you can not give a damn about your appearance and walk like a “chicken”.

Set aside! You are seen by those around you, and, as you know, they are met precisely by clothes.

In addition, such people are shunned and despised in the army, and often sent to the dirtiest and most “disrespectful” jobs (hello, cleaning the “toilet”). Conclusion? Start respecting yourself (and, accordingly, your appearance) and others will respect you!

Do not agree to dubious "requests" of old-timers

In the army, the order of the authorities is undeniable, however, in addition to the officers, you will also deal with old-timers (“grandfathers”, “demobilizations”, etc.). And if the former are unlikely to give you an order that you should refuse, then the latter from the very first day may try to bend you.

Imagine the situation - on the very first day of service, one of the soldiers comes up to you and asks you to wash his uniform, make his bed, find a cigarette for him, etc. It is strictly contraindicated to do all this, otherwise your reputation will be wetted for all further service. Say a firm "No" and even, despite the likely threats, stand your ground! Of course, the so-called "grandfathers" may subsequently try to arrange a difficult army life for you, begin to put pressure on you morally or even threaten you physically - do not bend!

Remember that having broken down once, you will no longer regain the respect of both old-timers and soldiers of your conscription.

Are they betting on money? Don't give anything. They tease, humiliate or even beat you - beat back or send them to hell. All this will not continue indefinitely and at some point they will leave you behind, realizing that you are a person of principle who does not serve anyone.

Don't be greedy

It would seem to be a common truth. However, there is such a thing as "army greed", which is associated with the fact that it is very, very difficult to get sweets, cigarettes and other joys of life in the army. For this reason, it is not uncommon for you to receive a package and eat only a couple of sweets from it, and the rest is dispersed among your colleagues. After such moments, some begin to hide in every possible way that they have something tasty (or, for example, cigarettes, which sell like hot cakes here) and try to find opportunities to eat it alone. I am ready to give at least 3-5 examples when people were caught eating under the covers after lights out or even in the toilet!

On "hammer" on duties

There is a clear hierarchy in the army, and if you have not learned the charter, then the checking officer will ask first of all from the sergeant, who will later remember this for you.

Don't get hung up on thoughts of home

Now let's talk about your state of mind. If you don’t want to “fly off the coils” and feel more or less comfortable, try not to burden yourself with unnecessary memories. Of course, you don’t need to completely forget the house, parents, friends or girlfriend.

But take it right now that the army is now your new home with its own rules and conventions. And the sooner you master them, the better.

Meet people, be interested in the device of the entrusted weapon or tank, occupy yourself with something and your service will pass quickly and interestingly.

Don't be "mumble"

Try to be clear and to the point, and don't mumble under your breath. Keep your posture, do not slouch, behave calmly and confidently, without lowering your eyes.

Remember that lowering your eyes, head or slouching is taking on the role of a “potential victim”.

Don't Be Secretive

“Dark horses” in the army are frankly disliked, so do not move away from the team, make acquaintances, moving in this direction on your own (for example, treat a colleague with something). Show off your talents. Can you play the guitar? Play! Are you into radio electronics? Repair the ensign's favorite radio!

The sooner you prove yourself, the better your relationship with the team will be.

Do not fall for provocations

Try not to succumb to various provocations. In addition, there are many different peculiar jokes in the army, which are aimed at breaking you psychologically. For this reason, try to show restraint and calmness in situations where it is possible (of course, sometimes you can and should prove your case with your fists, but the commander who managed to win without a fight is good).

Weigh all your actions and always think about how well you are behaving.

All men are told from childhood that when they grow up, they will become soldiers and real defenders of the fatherland. They will be destined to cherish and protect the Motherland, and, of course, this is honorable and courageous. But these generalities rarely hide any specifics.

Often, going to serve in the army, guys either have a very vague idea of ​​​​what they have to do there, or have no idea at all about it. As a rule, a young man's idea of ​​the service consists of the stories of his father and friends who have already served. And just as, as a rule, these stories mainly cover the period of time when the service was already coming to an end.

And the essence of these stories is approximately the following: in the army I was the coolest, did nothing, drove the young, sent officers to hell, slept with officer wives and daughters. And I had no control at all. Everyone knew and respected me, from the soldier to the marshal.

But it should be obvious to you that there is rarely truth behind these words, since each person tells only good and glorious things about himself. But is it really so? What do young people face and what do they do in the army?

What is the life of a soldier

A lot depends on what branch of the army the recruit got into, in which unit, what the terms of service are in the unit, what traditions and fathers-commanders. And yet there is still something in common in the service, regardless of where the young man serves. We're talking about conscripts.

Everything in order

The entire service for a conscript soldier consists, as it were, of two parts. This is actually: service activities and personal time, the so-called leisure.

Quarantine. Arriving at the military unit, the soldiers are quarantined. In it, their service takes place until the military oath is taken. As a rule, in quarantine, a soldier is scheduled all day from and to. The soldier is busy all the time. This is combat and physical training. This is the study of military regulations. Medical examination and vaccinations. Training in such elementary skills as hemming a collar, cleaning boots or boots. As well as preparation for the solemn acceptance of the oath.

Time flies fast in quarantine. Soldiers are under the control of officers, ensigns and sergeants at all times. As a rule, there are no mockeries, except for small skirmishes among themselves in quarantine. Young soldiers are drawn into the service. In the mode and nature of nutrition. As a rule, during this period of service, the soldier wants to eat and sleep all the time.

Letters from home. It is very interesting to watch the soldiers when they receive their first letters from home. Almost everyone reads these letters with tears in their eyes. And 18-year-old school graduates, and 20-year-old graduates of technical schools and colleges, and 25-year-old university graduates.

In letters they are dear and beloved. And in their real life today, they, each of them, are one of the crowd, where the score is by head, and the address is by surname and rank.

Life in the unit. But the recruits took the oath. They are divided into departments. It turns out that they, as it were, are going to serve again, because life in quarantine and in the unit are noticeably different.

In the unit there are soldiers of different conscriptions, different lengths of service. Those who have been in the unit for a long time and got involved in the regime. These old-timers are annoyed by clumsy recruits. But it is precisely the old-time soldiers who are role models for the young and bearers of the traditions of the unit.

Combat training. In the unit, not all soldiers are equally engaged in official activities. And this service activity itself very often has nothing to do with combat training.

Very often, paratroopers, motorized riflemen, marines, tankers and sappers can be caught clearing snow, whitewashing curbs, mowing grass, sweeping leaves and other "creative and highly intellectual" work. Although combat training is also there. In classrooms, at training sites, at training grounds and shooting ranges.

Household and work. It should be noted that the soldier's work is quite hard physically. And those soldiers who are really busy with combat training or household work get very tired during the day. Therefore, after lights out, they sleep like the dead.

But again, not everyone is so tired. There is a certain category of soldiers. In different parts they are called differently. Shtatka, household gang, bubvit, etc. These people are busy, as it were, providing the service activities of other soldiers.

These are signalmen, drivers of transport vehicles, cooks, bread cutters, tankers and representatives of other support services. This category of servicemen is necessary and important. There are decent people there. But, as a rule, control over this category of servicemen is reduced. They seem to be always in sight, but still they have all sorts of opportunities to make their lives easier.

For example: lost connection. The communications soldier took a bag with a tool and a spool of cable on his shoulder and departed "to the line." Eliminated a cable break, slept somewhere in a forest plantation along the way, went into the village to buy beer or vodka.

Another example: the regiment commander's driver brought the commander to headquarters for a meeting. The colonel conferred for three hours, and the soldier was sleeping peacefully in the car. Or lock the car and go to the store. For beer, for example.

Trouble. And in the evening, a group of servicemen who were not very tired, and even had a good night's sleep, gathered somewhere in the supply room. Drink purchased vodka or beer. They are good but boring. And here is a whole arrangement of tired and soundly sleeping recruits. And the so-called hazing activity begins. From simple underwear to real crimes, including beatings and violent acts (a rarity in our time).

I must say that the number of such gross violations of military discipline with the reduction of the term of service to one year and the appearance of contract servicemen has significantly decreased, but they still occur.

Or, if the unit is located in some locality, then these “tired ones” can go on unauthorized absences, for example, to dances or to some kind of girls' hostel. And there, if you are not lucky, they can be detained by a patrol or the police. Or get in the face from local men.

How is the military service

Gradually, young soldiers are drawn into the service. Trained in military specialty. Skills such as hemming the collar are brought to automatism. They have more free time, which they spend watching TV, on sports campuses, or writing letters home.

Gradually, they stop missing home. Or rather, they are always bored, but not as sharply and tearfully as at the beginning of the service.

Young soldiers receive fewer and fewer comments from their mentors. They begin to trust more. And after about 100 days, they become real soldiers who can be trusted with weapons and who can be relied upon. The service ceases to be a duty and becomes an ordinary male serious work.

And when the unit takes part in any serious exercises, and at the same time, the young replenishment will show itself on the good side and receive the encouragement of the command, then it becomes clear to everyone why and for what every man should serve in the army and this is not an easy soldier's school.