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What kind of fence can be installed on a summer cottage? Is it possible to install a blind fence between adjacent summer cottages? Construction standards in private houses

A blank fence between neighbors is a familiar and common means of making your site inaccessible to unfriendly or simply curious eyes. A continuous fence between areas is often a consequence of not very good relations with the people living next door. Despite the prohibiting law, it is often established between neighbors by mutual consent.

Corrugated fencing

This is done if the plots of land are small and you cannot be on the site without constant visual contact with people living or vacationing nearby. A blind fence can only be installed in accordance with SNiP standards or by written agreement with neighbors.

Legal norms and rules

In 2018, some changes were made to the existing legislation, although the basic rules for installing fences in urban and rural environments are still regulated by GOST from the Soviet period.

Law No. 217, adopted in mid-2017, made adjustments to the intended purpose of the land used. To resolve controversial issues between neighbors, the new edition of SNiP 30-02-97 with amendments in 2018 is used, and the fencing between neighbors in a SNT (gardening, or horticultural non-profit partnership) is regulated by the norms prescribed in its charter.

The photo shows a solid brick fence on a summer cottage.

Brick fence

It is now possible to install a blind fence between neighboring plots in individual housing construction (IHC) in accordance with the rules of land use and development that regulate such norms at the place of territorial location.

Therefore, you need to thoroughly understand what the fenced area belongs to and find out the requirements of local legislative authorities. In fact, installing a fence between neighbors is a variable thing and can be decided in favor of both parties by mutual agreement.

If a blind fence of great height was built by one party without the consent of the other, this can be appealed in court under any plausible pretext: a shadow falls on a vegetable garden in a neighbor’s yard or blocks his windows from sunlight. As judicial practice shows, it is better not to erect such fences and barriers between plots without the consent of neighbors.

You need to know that for fencing in a personal plot of land, in the private sector of a populated area, no law at the federal level regulates the height of the fence.

But the local municipality or city authorities may have relevant regulations, and they must be taken into account.

Even if the authorities of the locality have not bothered with the adoption of the corresponding resolution, the question of whether it is possible to erect a blind fence, as well as its height, will have to be agreed upon with the neighbors.

Read also Fence color: combinations of gray, brown and green in the photo

The photo shows a beautiful solid fence in the private sector.

Stone fence in SNT

The reason for going to court may be a simple allegation that a newly built fence shades the plantings or interferes with the air circulation necessary for growing plants.

Blind fences in a dacha between neighboring plots can only be installed at a certain height (one and a half meters, and this was indicated in the previous edition of SNiP 30-02-97). To do this, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the owner of the neighboring plot.

At the same time, in some points there was a direct indication of the need to delimit areas only with mesh or lattice fencing. But on the street side it was possible to install a fence without gaps by agreement with the administration of the dacha cooperative.

By law, installing this type of fence requires taking into account certain nuances. A land owner planning to fence his property must take into account that much in this process depends on the nature of his land ownership, its location and the restrictive provisions existing in a particular region.

The photo below shows a continuous fence on a dacha plot of individual housing construction.


Is it possible to install a solid fence between neighbors?

Without agreement with neighbors and the administration, the owner has the right only to delimit his property from the neighbors. He can carry out demarcation with the involvement of specialists and protect it from outside attacks.

This is especially true if the site is not in a village, but in a city, and one of its sides goes directly onto a street or road. All other points are already controversial and must be taken into account when planning the construction, because sometimes even the material matters.

The photo shows a metal fence in a private house.

Metal fence

You just always need to keep a few important points in mind:

  1. The location of the land plot and its territorial affiliation (sometimes non-profit associations regulate standard fences that are the same for everyone or even the same). The right to choose the type of fence or build an original one in this case is hopelessly lost. You can only come to an agreement with the other members of non-profit associations and put a certain type on a separate street, if the administration does not object.
  2. The right to choose the height is limited even if part of the fence lies on a remote ravine or road. In any case, it should not exceed 2 m and cannot be covered with objects that pose a potential danger to humans. That is, putting up a blind barrier, even of the permitted height, and sticking it with broken glass or nails means giving reason to consider the installation of the structure illegal. If there is a potential danger from the rear, and the owner wants to install a blind fence at a higher height, a special permit is required for this.
  3. The subject for complaints and even demolition by court may be insufficient distance from residential or outbuildings (not only your own, but also neighbors), from the gate to the roadway, green spaces, etc.
  4. A solid fence in a dacha can be erected no higher than a meter without the neighbor’s knowledge. But there is an excellent way out of this situation - to install a visually impenetrable, but ventilated one (for example, blinds, wicker or a picket fence with a minimum gap). Then, without any problems, it can be raised up to one and a half meters. In addition, you should be aware that the existing law does not contain any indication of the type of material. A fence with gaps can be installed on the border with neighbors made of brick, wood, stone, metal and any other raw material. Moreover, it can be built in such a way that it will be possible to see something for neighbors only by approaching it closely.
  5. You can install a solid fence no higher than 2 m anywhere if there is an apiary on the site (even if it’s just one beehive, but a working one). This is allowed to be done according to the decree on apiaries adopted at the legislative level. But if upon inspection it is discovered that there are no bees in the hive, the court may grant permission for demolition.

Read also Beautiful wrought iron fences and gates with a wicket: photos and sketches of options

Disputes with neighbors when purchasing a plot together with individual housing construction, if the height or density of their fence seems unacceptable, can begin if no more than three years have passed since the construction of their fence.

But you can file a lawsuit for insufficient lighting of the land with plants, although for this you will have to wait for a special commission.

And it remains to be seen which side the law will take in this case.

The photo shows a plastic fence on a summer cottage.

Plastic fencing

According to the new edition of SNiP 30-02-97 as amended in 2018 and the Federal Law, it is possible to build a blind demarcation only with the consent of the local administration, and between neighboring plots also with the permission of the owners - neighbors. This is also consistent with the norms of the set of rules (SP 53.13330.2011).

How to get out of the current situation

If the installation of the desired barrier has encountered certain obstacles, the natural question arises of what to do.

Standard distances

Between dacha plots it can be easily resolved by building a one and a half meter cheap (for example, plank or mesh) and permeable, and then making it invisible:

  • In this case, you can add climbing plants to the mesh fences, thread plastic slats like a checkerboard, or even make a mosaic from scrap materials;
  • a fence between neighbors in a private house can be made of brick or stone, but it should be built with holes (it will both block the view and meet the requirements);
  • the metal fence between neighbors should be selected according to the type of blinds. This material is not prohibited, which means that the main thing is the holes, and it can additionally be reinforced with plants or shrubs;
  • a fence made of corrugated sheets is simply built with an overlap or two rows. It ventilates perfectly with this option. Even in gardening cooperatives they will not be able to find objections and consider it deaf, which means that the required height will be obtained;
  • It's easiest to make wooden fences between neighbors. They can be so beautiful that no neighbor will object to the owner putting one up, even if the height exceeds 1.5 m;
  • even plank, ventilated fences between plots in SNT can be aesthetically pleasing and impenetrable to prying eyes.

Standard distances within the site

Any problem with a fence between neighbors can be solved. Even the price may turn out to be feasible and affordable if it is a well-thought-out individual solution that takes into account the requirements, no matter of partnerships or neighbors.

The fence parameters depend not only on your plans and capabilities, but also on some regulatory requirements. Knowledge of these requirements is especially important when considering fences between areas. After all, if a neighbor has a conflict, he can challenge the legality of your fence in court.

The main document regulating the parameters of fences in gardens and summer cottages is SNiP 30-02-97. This is where it says, is it possible to install a blind fence between plots? And the answer to this question is - no, a blind fence can be on the side of a road, street or natural object, such as a ravine.

However, in this case, we are considering a fence built without the consent of anyone. If you come to an agreement with your neighbors, then it is quite possible to install a blank fence in the country between your plots. Keep in mind that it is better to formalize the consent in writing, since with an oral agreement you are not immune from various misunderstandings, such as “I changed my mind.”

What else does it say about fences?

  • There must be a fence around the site, that is, each site of a dacha or gardening association must be demarcated.
  • The fence between adjacent areas should allow light and air to pass through well, which once again hints to us about the need to agree on closed types of fences.
  • If you were able to agree on the construction of a blind fence with your neighbors, this does not mean that you can build a fence with arbitrary parameters. The height of the closed fence in this case cannot be higher than 1 meter. When the fence between adjacent areas is of an open type (chain-link mesh, picket fence), its height can be up to 1.5 meters.
  • By the way, there are no regulatory restrictions on specific materials for the construction of fences.
  • But there is such a limitation - logs and other protruding parts must face the inside of your site (if you are building).
  • Of course, the fence between any sections should be erected strictly along the line of their demarcation.

In addition, there are a number of restrictions on the distances between the fence and other objects, but this is a separate topic.

Why is this attitude towards blind fences?

We found out whether it is possible to install a blind fence between the plots, and noticed that the regulatory document has a slightly negative attitude towards them. The reason for this is this:

  • A blind fence interferes with air circulation. Moreover, if there is such a fence around the entire perimeter of your site, then this is more of a problem for you.
  • Such a fence impairs the lighting of the area, which can be a problem for a neighbor who is growing something right where the shadow from your fence will fall.
  • A completely closed fence can also impede the flow of water during rainfall or melting snow.


It is possible to build a closed fence between neighboring areas, but with significant height restrictions. Regardless of the type of fence you choose, it is recommended to coordinate its installation with your neighbors in order to avoid scandals and other problems.

Often, disputes and conflicts arise between neighbors of adjacent plots regarding the demarcation fences between their plots. Many, in their desire for privacy and limitation of personal space, strive to erect a solid fence from their neighbors. But not everyone knows that there are special norms regulating the height and permeability of the fence between two neighboring areas - both in the village and in the country.

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Basic standards for installing fences

It must be remembered that a fence is a fence, which is primarily designed to clearly mark the boundaries of areas, and only then to protect the owners from uninvited guests and eyes. And if when constructing front and rear fences you can be guided solely by your preferences, then when arranging demarcation fences you will have to take into account the interests of your neighbors, not deviate from norms and standards, and sometimes obtain written permission from the local administration.

Let's first consider the standards regulating the height and permeability of the fence between two neighboring plots in a country house or in a village (SNiP 30-02-97).

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Sanitary standards for fence installation distances

Currently, the following requirements for installation distances for fences apply:

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Fence options

The whole variety of fences can be divided into two large groups:

  • blind fences;
  • open fences.

Solid fences are made from:

  • corrugated sheets;
  • wooden picket fence;
  • brick, decorative stone, etc.

Most often, to delimit areas, the cheaper of the above options for blind fencing is installed - a fence made of corrugated sheets. Its installation requires the mandatory consent of neighbors, and sometimes permission from the local administration or dacha management.

Open fences are made from:

  • chain-link mesh;
  • forged elements;
  • welded mesh;
  • structures made from profile pipes.

This type of fencing is limited only by height, and its transparency can be easily reduced by creating a green hedge. Sometimes climbing plants are planted along mesh fences, which tightly braid the fences, reducing their transparency.

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Possible disagreements and ways to resolve them

Claim disputes between neighbors regarding the delimitation of their plots arise quite often. Sometimes this may be due to disagreement between neighboring parties regarding the marking line: one of the neighbors believes that his land is being encroached upon. Sometimes this may be due to the reluctance of one of the neighbors to install a solid fence. After all, such a fence limits the penetration of sunlight into its territory, and therefore reduces the usable area of ​​the site.

In any case, you will have to negotiate with your neighbors peacefully or apply to the administration, and sometimes to the court, for a solution to this problem. But in order to take serious legal steps regarding the installation of a fence, you need to be completely confident that you are right.

An example of a wooden fence between neighboring areas

To avoid bringing the matter to court, use these brief recommendations for installing a fence that will help you avoid conflict with your neighbors and save your hard-earned money.

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The fence between two neighboring plots in a country house or in a village performs primarily a delimiting role, and only then a protective one. The type of fencing must not only comply with sanitary standards and regulations, but also be agreed upon with the owners of neighboring areas.

Chain-link fencing option

By mutual agreement, demarcation fences can be made solid and high, or mesh and low. The main requirement when constructing boundary fences is mutual satisfaction of the parties with the type, height and location of the fence.

When erecting a fence at a dacha or near a private house in the village, most often the choice falls on a solid fence. Few people want neighbors and passers-by to monitor their personal life on their own land. In addition, today the building materials market offers a lot of options for constructing such fences to suit every taste and budget.

An example of a solid concrete fence

A little about the rules of good manners between neighbors

Combined fence between neighbors made of corrugated sheets and mesh

  • The fence between plots should not interfere with the penetration of sunlight onto someone else's land, therefore the installation of fences with a transparent structure is allowed. The height of the structure is up to one and a half meters;
  • At the dacha, you can erect a blind fence from the side of the roadway, having the permission of the general meeting. The height of the fence on this side should not exceed 2 m 20 cm;
  • If the fence is located close to the roadway or pedestrian sidewalk, opening the wicket and gates is only allowed inside the site. At a distance of more than 1.5 meters from the road, it is allowed to open the entrance to the outside;
  • If the height of the fence does not exceed 0.7 m, then it can be a solid fence without any agreement between neighbors or permission from governing bodies;
  • The height of a blind fence between neighbors should be no more than 1.6 m (SNiP 30-02-97).

Rules for installing a fence between neighboring areas

Otherwise, endless litigation may begin on their part.

One of the legal methods of constructing a solid fence on the border with neighbors is the breeding of bees.

If you have at least one hive in your dacha, you will be required to erect a solid fence at least two meters high. However, the fence must be two meters from the boundary, and this is a significant loss of area of ​​your own site.

Types of material

A blind fence can be built from various materials. Among them there are both budget options and very respectable and expensive ones. Each material has its pros and cons, so you should think carefully before settling on a certain type of fencing in your country house or around a house in the village.

Corrugated sheet

Corrugated sheeting is one of the most popular and frequently used materials for constructing fences between areas.
This material has a number of advantages that explain such a wide distribution of corrugated sheets:

  • Affordability allows private owners with any income level to use a fence made of corrugated sheets;
  • Thanks to the wide palette of colors and methods of painting corrugated board, you can choose exactly the color that suits the owner of a house in the village;
  • Simplicity of installation without the use of complex equipment makes erecting a fence with your own hands easy and affordable;
  • Installation of such a fence can be done in the shortest possible time;
  • The service life of a fence made from corrugated sheets is tens of years without special care.

The disadvantages include the low aesthetic appearance of corrugated board fencing and its too high prevalence. Sometimes the difference between two neighboring areas is only the color of the fence.


Wood is also a very popular material for constructing fences in the country. Wooden fencing has the following advantages:

  • The environmental friendliness of wood as the most natural material allows you to install a wooden fence anywhere;
  • Wood is a relatively inexpensive material for a solid fence. If desired, you can make a wooden fence very beautiful and even unique;
  • Installing wooden boards does not require any special knowledge or skills, so the installation of the fence can be done by hand.

The main disadvantage of wooden fencing is the increased fire hazard. The surface of the wood also needs to be treated periodically: the fence will need painting and frequent repairs.

Combined wood and brick fence between neighbors

Nevertheless, in any village you can easily find wooden fences that look quite neat.

Brick and stone

A brick fence is a rather bulky structure that requires a substantial investment of money. Of the unconditional advantages of brickwork, the following should be highlighted:

  • High artistic value of the structure. In construction, you can use different types of bricks of different shades and textures, thanks to which it is possible to create interesting patterns on the surface of the fence;
  • Durability of the structure. A brick fence will serve its owner for several decades without requiring special care;
  • High resistance to temperature changes. The brickwork of pillars and sections can withstand about 50 cycles of freezing and defrosting without loss of quality characteristics.

A fence made of natural stone has almost the same advantages, however, it will cost much more.

Option for a blind stone fence


A concrete fence is a monolithic wall around a private area. The work of constructing the wall is quite labor-intensive, so you will most likely have to hire workers to install fencing between areas. To prevent the wall from being gray and boring, its surface is lined with, for example, artificial stone. This fence looks very impressive and pretentious.
The service life of a concrete fence is shorter than a fence made of stone or brick, however, it will cost less.


Sectional plastic fences look modern and elegant. Today, plastic can imitate various types of materials quite successfully. Its service life is more than 50 years. However, low-quality plastic tends to fade, so you should not skimp on material for such an important structure as a fence. The installation of sections is carried out quickly, but it is better to entrust this process to professionals, since any mistake is fraught with the need to redo everything from the very beginning.

This is what a plastic picket fence looks like

All work on the installation of a blind fence can be divided into main stages:

Approximately in this order, work is carried out to install a fence around a dacha or private house. In this case, a variety of tools and skills can be useful, but in any case, the taste of the owner of the site and the compatibility of the fence with the overall ensemble of the exterior are important. It is difficult to imagine a luxurious villa several floors high behind a simple wooden fence made of edged boards. Everything needs moderation, so try to find a middle ground, and then people will only respond positively to your fence.

A fence is an integral part of any personal plot and the rules for its installation are regulated by many regulations in force in a given territory. The rules stipulate the maximum height of the fence, material, ventilation of the fence and the permissible distance to buildings located on your own and neighboring plots. All these norms are mandatory, otherwise a conflict with neighbors may arise, followed by legal proceedings, which will end with the payment of a fine and dismantling of the structure. To avoid unpleasant consequences, installing a fence on a site must begin with studying the current legislation.

What to consider when installing a fence on your property

The main law regulating the procedure for planning and development of land plots is the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. But it does not contain precise instructions for placing blind fences between neighboring areas. Therefore, the installation of fences is carried out on the basis of SNiP, supplemented by decisions of local authorities, specifying the basic requirements. Moreover, in different regions, the rules for installing fences on a site may differ, since they depend on the following factors:

  • climate features of the area;
  • the prevailing terrain of the land;
  • the presence of cultural heritage buildings nearby.

In addition, the rules may provide for the need for permission to erect a fence from local governments, which is issued by urban planning and architectural departments. They will ensure that the fenced area does not contain communications necessary for the life support of the area, which include gas, water, electrical networks and other engineering systems. In case of unauthorized installation of a fence at a dacha, the law provides for its demolition at the expense of the owner.

Determining the boundaries of the site

Before installing the fence, it is necessary to study the available documents for the land and accurately determine the location of the demarcation line between neighboring areas. After this, coordinate it with the neighbors and, if there are no complaints, draw up a corresponding document in which the agreements reached will be recorded and signed by all interested parties. In the event of a change of owners of neighboring plots, this document will serve as protection against claims of new neighbors.

If you have problems determining the exact location of the boundaries of the site, then in this case you can seek help from a geodetic company that has the appropriate license. Specialists will check the documents for the land, examine the area, draw up a plan indicating the location of boundary signs and issue an act confirming the restoration of the boundaries of the land plot. In addition, surveyors will show boundary signs on site and explain how to restore them according to plan if they disappear.

The presence of such documents may be useful in the future not only to the customer, but also to his neighbors in the dacha area. After talking with them, you can agree on joint payment for the service, as a result of which the neighbors will receive an additional package of documents.

Requirements for fencing materials

Building codes and regulations do not impose strict requirements on the materials used to build fences. And the dissatisfaction of neighbors is caused in most cases not by the material, but by the height of the fence. Moreover, it is completely justified, since a high fence shades the neighbor’s property and interferes with its normal ventilation. For this reason, it is prohibited to install a blind fence higher than 0.7 m near vegetable gardens and orchards. The rules provide for the construction of fences with mesh or lattice openings with a maximum height of 1.5 m. If the established standards are ignored, neighbors have the right to file a complaint with local authorities. You can only install a solid fence on the side of a street or natural object, such as a ravine.

But this does not mean that it is impossible to install a solid fence between neighbors - they may turn out to be friendly people and give their consent. In this case, it is advisable to obtain written confirmation of the agreement - this will help to avoid problems if the relationship with them changes dramatically.

When constructing a fence on the side of neighbors, you must follow the rules establishing permissible distances from neighboring areas.

Rules for installing fences

When erecting a fence on a site, you should be guided by the rule that the support pillars and all parts of the installed structure, without exception, must be located on the border of the land plots or on the territory whose owner started installing the fence. You shouldn’t try to be cunning and steal a piece of land from your neighbors. Not all people agree to put up with such a situation, so you should not count on your neighbors turning a blind eye to the seizure of land that legally belongs to them. At best, extra centimeters of land can result in long-term damaged relations with neighbors, and at worst, material costs for paying fines and moving the structure.

The height of the fence between land plots intended for individual development cannot be more than 2 m. If the owner of the land plans to erect a fencing structure higher than the established norm, then in this case it is necessary to obtain permission from a local architect.

The same applies to summer cottages located directly next to the highway. The height of the fence separating the highway and the land plot cannot be more than 1 m. If a higher structure is erected without authorization, the architect will draw up an order for its demolition at the expense of the owner. Coordination with the architect is also necessary if the fence is installed on the corner plot of a gardening association.

When developing a site, the owners try to make the most profitable use of every square meter of their property, forgetting that the rules provide for the minimum permissible distances between the neighbors’ fence and residential and commercial buildings. Therefore, in order not to violate the rights of people living nearby, before developing the site, you should familiarize yourself with the norms established by law:

  • residential premises can be built no closer than 3 m from the border of the site;
  • at least 4 m is left from the fence to outbuildings for keeping livestock and poultry;
  • the garage and other technical buildings are located at a distance of 1 m from the fence.

The restrictions apply not only to buildings, but also to vegetation. Tall trees are planted no closer than 4 m from the fence, and medium trees - 2 m.

The distance to the demarcation line is measured from the wall or base of the building. If it has elements protruding more than 0.5 m, then the measurement is made from them to the fence. In case of non-compliance with the established standards, you should first of all try to find a compromise solution with your neighbors, reflect this on paper and assure it to the gardening partnership. The drawn up agreement will serve as the basis for protecting your interests in the event of a conflict situation with neighbors.

Fire regulations

When developing a site, special attention should be paid to fire safety standards, since the safety of people living in this territory depends on this and their violation entails administrative liability. Building materials have different flammability classes, so it is necessary to adhere to SNiP standards, which prescribe the minimum permissible distances between objects located on the site:

  • the distance between buildings made of non-combustible materials (concrete or brick) can be made at least 6 m;
  • The distance between buildings made of concrete and brick, but with elements made of wood, should be at least 8 m;
  • safe distance between wooden objects is 15 m.

The specified distances will help save property in the event of a fire on the neighbors’ property, preventing the fire from spreading to nearby buildings. In addition, it will be easier for fire equipment to reach the source of the fire if there is enough free space between objects.

It is prohibited to increase the area of ​​the site by placing the fence closer to the road. This violates the red line of the street, which aligns all the buildings located on it. Violation of this rule entails the demolition of the fence. It all depends on the integrity of local governments, which can simply ignore the violation or get away with collecting a fine. Do not forget that ignorance of the law is an unjustifiable reason for non-compliance. In this case, you will not be able to justify yourself by saying that you have only just learned about the existing rules for erecting fences.

Ways to resolve disputes between neighbors

The main cause of disagreements between neighbors is fences installed on the site in violation of the rules. Moreover, in most cases, the owners of such fences do this deliberately, hoping that the injured party will not want to deal with legal red tape. But neighbors do not always pretend that nothing happened or limit themselves to a verbal altercation. More and more people are trying to resolve these issues legally, because they are confident that they are right. Therefore, unauthorized seizure of a piece of neighbor's land by erecting a new fence will not go unpunished and it is worth thinking carefully before doing this.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • The easiest way is to establish good neighborly relations and try to find a solution that suits both parties;
  • The second method is longer and more financially expensive, since it is associated with litigation and can drag on for years. In this case, it is unknown which side the court will take and there is a risk of paying compensation for legal costs and moral damage to the hated neighbor.

Remember that a bad peace is preferable to a good war. Therefore, it is better not to immediately create a scandal, but to try to solve the problem diplomatically. Good neighborly relations are more important than some kind of fence, which can cause hostility towards people for the rest of your life. It is possible that your neighbors will meet you halfway and offer to move the fence slightly. After all, every landowner wants a good fence to stand on the border of his property, which means that the neighbors’ goals coincide and there is something to negotiate, taking into account mutual interests and legal norms. The decisions reached during the negotiations must be documented so that they have legal force and have something to rely on in case of claims.

Often, disputes and conflicts arise between neighbors of adjacent plots regarding the demarcation fences between their plots. Many, in their desire for privacy and limitation of personal space, strive to erect a solid fence from their neighbors. But not everyone knows that there are special standards regulating height and permeability - both in the village and in the country.

It must be remembered that a fence is a fence, which is primarily designed to clearly mark the boundaries of areas, and only then to protect the owners from uninvited guests and eyes. And if when constructing front and rear fences you can be guided solely by your preferences, then when arranging demarcation fences you will have to take into account the interests of your neighbors, not deviate from norms and standards, and sometimes obtain written permission from the local administration.

Let's first consider the standards regulating the height and permeability of the fence between two neighboring plots in a country house or in a village (SNiP 30-02-97).

Sanitary standards for fence installation distances

Currently, the following requirements for installation distances for fences apply:

Fence options

The whole variety of fences can be divided into two large groups:

  • blind fences;
  • open fences.

Solid fences are made from:

  • corrugated sheets;
  • wooden picket fence;
  • brick, decorative stone, etc.

Most often, to delimit areas, the cheaper of the above options for a blind fence is installed -. Its installation requires the mandatory consent of neighbors, and sometimes permission from the local administration or dacha management.

Open fences are made from:

  • structures made from profile pipes.

This type of fencing is limited only by height, and its transparency can be easily reduced by creating a green hedge. Sometimes climbing plants are planted along the fence, which tightly weave the fences, reducing their transparency.

Possible disagreements and ways to resolve them

Claim disputes between neighbors regarding the delimitation of their plots arise quite often. Sometimes this may be due to disagreement between neighboring parties regarding the marking line: one of the neighbors believes that his land is being encroached upon. Sometimes this may be due to the reluctance of one of the neighbors to install a solid fence. After all, such a fence limits the penetration of sunlight into its territory, and therefore reduces the usable area of ​​the site.

In any case, you will have to negotiate with your neighbors peacefully or apply to the administration, and sometimes to the court, for a solution to this problem. But in order to take serious legal steps regarding the installation of a fence, you need to be completely confident that you are right.

An example of a wooden fence between neighboring areas

To avoid bringing the matter to court, use these brief recommendations for installing a fence that will help you avoid conflict with your neighbors and save your hard-earned money.

Some people like that because of the low fence they can see what is happening in the neighboring area. Someone, on the contrary, wants to protect their personal life as much as possible and for this purpose build a solid fence with a height of 4 meters. There is another point that should be taken into account when building a fence between areas - shadow. The shade makes it difficult to grow some varieties of vegetables and flowers, so not all neighbors will like it if you decide to put up a high, opaque fence. Is it possible to install such a fence? What to do if people living nearby are against it? What are the standards for installing a blind fence? We will look at all this below.

Solid wooden fence

Legislative framework for the construction of barriers

There are no specific guidelines in any regulation or law regulating relationships regarding personal real estate. Neither the height of the fence is specified nor who has the right to decide exactly how and from what materials the fence should be erected. However, there are a number of rules and recommendations for gardening associations, which are sometimes called country associations. They are not uniform for all cities in the country, but local recommendations are usually based on them. Each administrative unit has the opportunity to adjust these regulations, so before building a fencing structure it is better to familiarize yourself with them with the local executive authorities. Especially if you live in the private sector.

Fence materials

The rules for constructing fences for summer cottages are quite strict regarding fences that directly separate neighbors. This applies to materials and height of structures. If you put up a barrier that will face the street, then there are no restrictions. Here you can safely install a blind fence with any height. But if we are talking about a fence between plots in the private sector, then you should be concerned about the comfort of everyone around you. You can't put a solid fence here.

You can install a fence between areas made of any materials, as long as it is not higher than 0.75 meters. Any “I want” is acceptable. Your hedge is your right. But everything higher must be made of transparent materials. Thus, for a high transparent fence you can choose the following materials:

  • Rabitz;
  • polycarbonate;
  • high strength glass;
  • forged fences.

Fire safety standards taken into account during the construction of a fencing structure

When you build a fence, you must clearly understand that it must be placed so that it does not interfere with anyone. Including maintenance of your home. This concept includes emergency calls from the fire service. For your safety, you simply must ensure that firefighters have easy access to the house! A firefighter has the right to destroy any obstacle on the way to the fire, but this will result in valuable time being lost. The lower the height of the fence along the path to your home, the more likely it is that your fence will not interfere with firefighters. So what kind of restrictions does all this impose on you when erecting a fence?

The material for fencing between areas should not itself become a cause of fire. Choose non-flammable ones. To do this, you can install a fence made of metal, brick, or concrete. If you want to use wood, then be sure to impregnate it with a fire-retardant mixture. You can use a special product that comprehensively protects the tree: from fire, beetles, and excess moisture. Don't forget to renew the impregnation. On average, this is done once every 4-7 years, depending on the composition of the specific manufacturing company.

  1. Buildings should be 6 m apart from each other if they are made of non-combustible materials (concrete, brick, stone);
  2. minimum 8 m if wood was used in the construction;
  3. from 15 m, if the pillar structures are wooden.

It is interesting that the rules do not specifically indicate the distance directly between fences of different sites and buildings on the same site. This remains entirely at your discretion, your “I want”. But do not place them too close to each other, so as not to impede the possible work of firefighters in the event of a fire. Continuous outbuildings on a site with small distances between them are a common cause of fires.

Sanitary rules governing the location of houses and barriers between neighbors

Not all the rules regarding the location of buildings and barriers are outlined above. There are several sanitary recommendations, failure to comply with which may lead to the imposition of an administrative fine:

  • a new house can only be built three meters from the neighbor’s property;
  • from the buildings on the site to the neighbor’s fence, the minimum distance is 1 m, the slope of the roofs is only towards your property;
  • shrubs should grow at least 1 m from the neighbor's fence, trees - 2 m, and if the height of the tree is over 3 meters, then 4 m;
  • cesspools, buildings for birds and animals, and a toilet should be at a distance of 12 meters or more.

All these standards are very logical and suitable as fire safety standards, so it is in your best interests to comply with them between areas.

Solid fences between neighbors - how to build

Don't let the recommendations for gardening associations scare you, you still have a chance to protect your privacy with a high, solid fence. How to do it? Tell your neighbor about your cherished “I want”. It is enough to come to an amicable agreement on this matter and nothing will stop you from erecting a solid fence. Having secured consent and discussed the materials for construction, you can begin this difficult task. However, to avoid disputes and dissatisfaction in the future, record everything on paper. Every little detail should be written down: from the timing and materials of the barrier to obligations for scheduled repairs. This will help save a lot of nerves in the future and will show your thoroughness and reliability if you haven’t known your neighbors for long enough. If you are going to install a fence entirely at your own expense, then asking for written consent is your right.

Resolving disputes and coordinating actions regarding fencing

Not all plots are purchased or acquired with fencing around the perimeter that suits the owners. For example, you could buy a house and immediately not pay attention to the fact that there is a blank fence of one of your neighbors next to you, or you might want to increase the height of your own fence. There is another option: two houses on the same territory with different owners, one of which wants to isolate itself from the other and, for this purpose, build a fence between the plots of different owners.

All issues with people living nearby are best resolved amicably. Just come up in a good mood, state all the facts, give reasons for your opinion and try to find out without conflict whether you can install a blind fence between the plots. There are no rules regarding the construction and improvement of these structures, so all controversial issues will have to be resolved jointly: At whose expense will the barrier be built? Who will repair it? What is it made of?

If mutual understanding has been reached on all issues, then try to record this on paper in the presence of witnesses. Of course, you can use the services of a notary, but only if none of the participants is against it.

If, after some time, a conflict arises over a fence built without approval and it cannot be resolved amicably, then you will have to go to the administrative court, providing all kinds of documents and materials on the case. Or you can come to terms with where and how your neighbors installed the fence.

Hello Ksenia!

In fact, there are building codes on this issue RF (SNiP 30-02-97 as amended on March 12, 2001).

In this document, the height of the fence between neighbors is regulated by certain numbers.

The plots should be fenced with transparent fences (mesh,
lattice). This is done for one purpose - to prevent shading
neighboring area.

The height of the fence is allowed up to 1.5 m. Solid fences can be built on the side of the roadway.

If the neighbors verbally agreed that
the height of the fence between areas will be different, and transparency standards will be
violated, it is better to secure such agreements in a contract. This agreement
has legal force and is decisive in court.

Fire regulations

What does SNiP say about fire safety? Do these rules need to be followed? The answer will only be positive.

Fire regulations, like traffic regulations, are written in blood. As they say, fire is not to be trifled with.


According to fire safety, the minimum distance between neighboring houses (or buildings) is:

- If the structure of the buildings is stone, concrete, etc. (let’s denote this type of structure with the letter “a”) – 6 m.
- If the structure is the same, but the floors are wooden (“b”) - 8 m.
- If the structure is wooden (“in”) – 15 m.
- If the combination of house structures on neighboring plots is “a” and “b” – then 8 m.
- If “a” and “b” are -10 m.
- If “b” and “c” are -10 meters.

The distances between different buildings within your (or any other) site are not standardized.

Sanitary standards

In this regard, SNiP tells us the following:

  1. The distance between the house and the fence of the neighboring plot should not be
    less than 3 meters. This distance is measured from the base to the boundary. If
    elements of the house (canopy, roof, porch) protrude more than 0.5 m, then
    the distance is measured from them.
  2. The distance from the buildings to the fence is 1 m. In this case, the roof slope of technical buildings is made towards its site.
  3. The distance from the boundary to buildings for walking and keeping poultry and livestock is at least 4 meters.
  4. The distance from the neighbor’s fence to the bushes is 1 m, to tall trees is 4 m, and to trees of average height is 2 m;
  5. The distance between your neighbor's house and your restroom (if there is one)
    available) and a building for walking and keeping poultry - must
    be at least 12 m. Between the sauna, bathhouse, shower - at least 8 m. These
    Sanitary standards must also be observed in your area.
  6. There must be at least 1 m from the garage to the border of the neighboring plot.