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Library events for Victory Day. Report on events held in city libraries on the occasion of the Great Victory Day Description of an event about the war in the library

The Great Patriotic War and Victory in it are the glory and pride of Russia. This Victory is the greatest event of the twentieth century, therefore we celebrate Victory Day as the main holiday of the country. The feat of those who defended our Motherland in battle will never be forgotten!

Volnovskaya rural library

On May 9, 2015, in the village of Volnoye on the Alley of Heroes, near the Stele of the fallen pilots, a festive meeting was held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. At 12.00, residents of the village, veterans, children, and event participants gathered to congratulate the veterans and honor the blessed memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, who, together with all the people, ensured peace and happiness on Earth. The presenter opened the rally with words of gratitude for the feat accomplished in the name of the lives of future generations.

The eternal flame is as a symbol of memory, a symbol of life, as a reminder of the price that the people paid for the Victory. Invited to the celebration, concentration camp prisoner Senyuk Ivan Onufrievich was given the right to light the fire of memory.

All participants were greeted by: Chairman of the Volnovsky Village Council Vashatko Larisa Georgievna, Director of the Military Patriotic Education of Youth Club Trotsenko Vladimir Vasilyevich, teacher Sviridkina Tatyana Evtikhievna, Chairman of the Council of Veterans Kotolevskaya Olga Ivanovna.

At the rally, participants of the literary circle “Book Lover” (head of the librarian of the Volnovskaya library, Yulia Anatolyevna Karpekina): Alexey Romashenko, Vitaly Amelin, Elvina Murtazaeva, Kamila Mirvoda, Faride Maksutova, Mavile Mustafaeva, Nestor Nikita, Elvina Yunusova, read poems on military topics.

All those present honored the blessed memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

The people will never forget the soldiers and officers who gave their lives for their Motherland. In memory, grateful descendants laid flowers, wreaths and a garland at the monument to the fallen soldiers.

The children (Anastasia Byrdina, Vasilisa Andreeva, Daria Rogova, Kristina Zakharova, Violetta Makarchuk) expressed their congratulations on the great Victory Day in drawings that were presented at the “We Need Peace” exhibition. Not only teachers and parents, but also dear veterans came to evaluate the works of young artists. Those present looked at the exhibition of drawings with interest.

From materials collected from residents about relatives who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, librarian Yulia Anatolyevna Karpekina and artistic director Vera Andreevna Litvinenko created a memory board “Our Heroes”, which presents photographs and a brief description of the biography. Those present had the opportunity to remember their fellow countrymen who fought on the fronts of the Patriotic War and worked in the rear, providing the front with everything necessary.

At the end of the rally, the song “Victory Day” was sung, and children released doves into the sky - a symbol of peace.

To continue the celebration, a festive concert took place.

Komsomolsk Rural Library

We will not forget you... People who made history, accomplished feats in the name of Peace, who sacrificed their lives and health on the fields of war and in the rear - all of them are our veterans. They need our attention, and on the eve of May 9, 2015, the congratulatory program “A Veteran Lives Nearby” was held in the village of Komsomolskoye under the leadership of librarian Elzara Aiderovna Mallalieva. Pupils of grades 1-5 congratulated the war participants on the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The children congratulated with flowers, greeting cards, and also read poems and sang a war song. The veterans really liked the children’s organization and the fact that they were remembered and not forgotten.

Martynovskaya rural library

On May 8, 2015, the librarian of the Martynovskaya library, Alimova Guzel, conducted a lesson in courage “Lines scorched by war” with the students of the Martynovskaya school. The event began with a review of the book exhibition “Victory is one for all.” Then the librarian continued the event with a story about how new poets were born in the fire of the great test: Boris Slutsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Yulia Drunina and others. “We came out of the war,” K. Vashenkin would later say about his poetic generation. The voices of poets sounded like alarm bells from the very first days of the fascist invasion, mobilizing the people to fight and win. Also at the event, everyone could read their favorite poem about the Great Patriotic War. The event ended with a friendly performance of the song “Victory Day”.

Novostepnovskaya rural library

An event dedicated to the glorious date of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory was held at the Novostepnovskaya rural library. St. George's ribbons in a golden frame were originally designed and beautifully decorated by students of grades 8-11 of the Novostepnovskaya comprehensive school: Zayats V., Shekhovtsova A., Tarasova A., Lavrenko U. Librarian Vysochina G.V. told the guests of the holiday about the origin of the St. George's Ribbon. After the event, 4th grade students Y. Ryaboshchuk, D. Grushin, led by G. V. Vysochina, congratulated Great Patriotic War veterans N. Kudusov, M. G. Isina. The children delighted the veterans with songs and poems and gave spring flowers and sweet gifts to the former soldiers.

Such an educational event teaches children to be grateful to those who forged Victory 70 years ago. Our memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War will be passed on from generation to generation. It will never be interrupted as long as our people - the Victorious People - live.

Perepelkino rural library

Victory Day is the greatest holiday of our country. In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, on May 7, in the library of the village of Perepelkino, librarian L.A. Dovgopol conducted an oral journal “Pages of the Great Epic in Memory of the Fallen” for children in grades 1-7. The magazine consisted of five pages: Brest, Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Berlin. Children learned about the resilience and courage of our people during the Great Patriotic War. Along with poems for each page, songs were performed by Seytasanov Sevilya and Sofia, Ablyalimova Evelina, Rubanova Alena. And at the end, the children's choir performed the song “About That Spring.”

Pobednenskaya rural library

Celebrating Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is a tradition integral to the history of our state. A state whose contribution to the Great Victory over the fascist plague cannot be overestimated. On May 9, millions of people throughout Russia honor veterans with a minute of silence and laying flowers at monuments and steles, expressing immense respect and gratitude to the soldiers who sacrificed their own lives for the sake of a peaceful sky above our heads. Residents of the Pobednensky rural settlement did not stand aside either. . On May 8, a bicycle ride was held in Pobednoye to a mass grave on the site of a concentration camp. 40 cyclists and 16 cars took part in this action. 5 thousand Red Army soldiers, commanders, Jews, gypsies rest in a mass grave. Only 47 names are known. All of them were named by the head of the Pobednenskaya rural library T.B. Kareeva, so that every known name would echo a hundred unknown names of those who lie in this land. And on May 9,” in the center of the village of Pobednoye, at the monument to the fallen fellow villagers, a rally “We are faithful to this memory” took place. The “Soldiers of Victory” stand “Our fellow villagers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War” aroused great interest. 62 photographs, collected bits and pieces of biographical facts - this gift was prepared by T.B. Kareeva. Of course, without the help of fellow villagers, such work would have been impossible. Thank you very much for your financial assistance: Tikhovod Natalya, Sorokina Irina, Bondar Natalya.

Roshchinskaya rural library

70 years ago, a huge country stretching from the Baltic to the Chukchi, from the White to the Black Seas, its people exhaled in a single impulse: “We survived, we survived, we prevailed!” We won! The victory came at an incredible price. They, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, hardly realized how incredible it was then - the wounds of villages and cities, the wounds of every family, were still bleeding too much.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, on May 7, in the village of Roshchino, in the assembly hall, an event was held for school students: Theatrical performance “From Brest to Berlin”.

Guests invited to the event were: Chairman of the Roshchinsky Village Council Semenova V.N., Chairman of the Dzhankoy District Council Chernikova E.V., retired colonel, poet and writer, resident of the village. Roshchino Nazarenko N.I., veteran of pedagogical work Startseva G.T.

The event was hosted by members of the Rodnichek circle of the Roshchina Rural Library Anna Reznichenko and Pavel Zakharchuk. Students in grades 2-3 prepared a wonderful dramatization of “Katyusha,” and Elena Manenko read a poem by Andrey Sukhin, our fellow villager, which he wrote at the front and sent in a letter to his family.

The event also featured military songs performed by students in grades 5-11.

Nikolai Ivanovich Nazarenko spoke about his service in the ranks of the Soviet army, and also read his poems about the war.

The guys listened very carefully and received loud applause.

The event was held at a high patriotic level. A stand was set up “No one, nothing is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, based on materials collected by students of the Roshchinskaya school about their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

On May 9 at 10-00 o'clock in the village of Roshchino a meeting-requiem “We remember - we are proud!” was held, dedicated to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War who returned and did not return from the fields of the Great Patriotic War. The meeting was opened by the head of the Roshchinsky rural library, Shulga I.S.

Speakers at the rally were: chairman of the village council V.N. Semenova, school director N.I. Voevodkina, retired colonel, poet and writer, resident of the village. Roshchino Nazarenko N.I., participant of the Great Patriotic War Sukhina Valentina Dmitrievna, Chairman of the Council of Veterans Melnichuk V.E.

Sukhina Valentina Dmitrievna told how during the war, as a teenager, she was a liaison with a partisan detachment and delivered information to the partisan detachment through the swamps of Belarus. At the rally, pupils of the educational institution “Solnyshko”, members of the “Rodnichek” circle, and winners of a staged song competition, students of grades 2-3 with a performance of “Katyusha”, spoke with congratulations. Head of the library of the village of Roshchino Shulga I.S. summed up the results of the action “A book you read about the war is your gift for Victory Day.” All those present at the rally visited the local history museum of the Roshchinskaya school. After the rally, we visited at home with congratulations the disabled Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a participant in the hostilities, Chechenev Pavel Ivanovich.

Solenozernenskaya rural library

On May 9, a holiday dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory was held in the village of Salt Lake. The hosts of the holiday were the librarian of the rural library of Kosovo G.S. and director of the rural club Gafarova N.N. Participants of the Second World War, children of the war, as well as all residents and guests of the village of Salt Lake were invited to the holiday. The concert participants recited poems about the war, danced and sang war songs. The guests in the hall sang along with the guys

Saturday Rural Library

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, an hour of history was held in the Subbotninskaya library on the topic: “I brought glory for the Fatherland, and orders for memory.” Guests were invited to him: children of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and students of the Maslovskaya school.

The memory of veterans was personified by a jacket with orders and medals of veteran Sergei Sergeevich Emirasanov. The librarian, Ibrish Tamila Rakhmanalievna, using photographs and documents of veterans of the village of Subbotnik, spoke about their participation in the Great Patriotic War. The heroism of many people at the front and rear brought victory in the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the event, students of the Maslovskaya school: Pshenichnaya A., Ilyasova L., Nekrasova A., Petruk K., read poems by the Crimean writer V. Subbotenok dedicated to Victory Day. The librarian expressed gratitude to all the guests.

Tabachny Rural Library

On May 9, the village of Tabachny held a holiday dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The event was prepared and conducted by librarians from the Tabachny and Novoseltsevskaya rural libraries: Mizyuk I.E., Tishchenko N.I. Teachers of the Tabachny school Bukhlitskaya L.P. and Tkachenko L.V., artistic director of D/K. Osipenko V.A..

The holiday was opened with an oral newspaper: poems and excerpts from poems on military subjects were read. At 9 o'clock a solemn meeting began: the head of the Tabachnensky rural settlement A.M. Yakimovich congratulated the veterans and fellow villagers on the great Victory, congratulations were made by: the school trade union, the council of veterans T.P. Voloshin. Pupils of the kindergarten "Solnyshko", students of the school warmly and We cordially congratulated everyone on the holiday and read poems. High school students laid a garland of memory at the foot of the monument to fellow villagers who fell in the Second World War. The soldiers who had not returned from the war were honored with a minute of silence, and at the end of the rally, the youngest participants released doves into the sky - a symbol of peace and friendship.

At 10 o'clock the festive concert began: the village residents saw a “dark-skinned woman” picking grapes, and glorious combat pilots and cheerful gypsies. The songs of V. Vysotsky, Dunaevsky, everyone’s favorite “Blue Handkerchief” and “Dark Night” were performed.

Many wiped away tears when 9th grade student Alina Matyukevich performed the songs “Ballad of Colors” and “Mama.” At the end of the holiday, all participants, together with the village residents, sang “Victory Day” - after all, it was and remains a sacred day for all the people of our country. Every year we remember again and again about those events of the war years and about those people who won peace on earth for us.

Chaykinsky rural library

On May 9, a solemn meeting dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory took place in the village of Chaikino, Dzhankoy district. May 9 is a special holiday in which the heartache of irreparable losses and the great joy of the Great Victory merged together. Residents and guests of the village of Chaikino gathered near the monument to aviators. Congratulatory words were delivered by: the chairman of the Chaikinsky village council, the head of the administration of the rural settlement, Boyko Vitaly Nikolaevich, the chairman of the veterans of the Chaikinsky rural settlement, Kastina Zinaida Grigorievna, and the village librarian Pereverzeva Natalya Igorevna. The workers of the House of Culture prepared a festive concert. Students of the municipal educational institution "Chaikinsky Secondary School" and pupils of the educational institution "Romashka" danced, sang songs and recited poems about the war. A garland of flowers was laid at the monument. All those present observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims. In the name of the highest justice, in the name of the proud future of Russia, we cannot allow the Great Patriotic War to become an “unknown war” for posterity.

Yarkovsky rural library

On May 9, 2015, a rally was held in the Yarkovsky rural settlement dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Every year, a rally for Victory Day is held at the memorial sign for fellow villagers who died during the Great Patriotic War, established in 1985 for the 40th anniversary of the Victory. A majestic monument, in the center of which is a multi-meter stele, and on the sides are two cannons from the war. On the marble tablet, the words burn in gold: “TO THE FELLOW VILLAGERS WHO FALLED DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR FOR FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE OF THE HOMELAND.”

With words of appreciation and gratitude, the meeting dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory Day was solemnly opened by the Chairman of the Yarkovsky Village Council - Head of the Administration of the Yarkovsky Rural Settlement I.V. Shcherbanyuk.

The right to light the eternal flame at the foot of the memorial sign was granted to two veterans, representatives of that glorious generation who bore all the hardships of the war on their shoulders, Ivan Vasilyevich Zalishchuk, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a disabled war veteran of the first group, and Ivan Kuzmich Demidov, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War

On the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, front-line soldiers, war veterans and home front workers were congratulated and wished health and long life by the director of the Yarkovsky school N.I. Latysheva, the representative of the local Christian church, Rector Vyacheslav, the chairman of the Veterans Council E.I. Sidorenko, annually Yarkovsky Veterans and families of those killed during the war are congratulated by the honorary citizen of the Yarkovsky rural settlement, deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea V.V. Shapovalenko, veterans received numerous congratulations from friends, relatives and schoolchildren.

With a minute of silence, with deep memory in their hearts of all those who did not return from the fields of the Great Patriotic War, the Yarkovites honored the memory of the dead. Schoolchildren solemnly laid a garland at the foot of the Memorial Sign and released many balloons in the color of the Russian flag into the sky.

Librarian of the rural library Shcherbanyuk T.G. Presentations of the book exhibition “Happy Victory Day” and the photo stand “Immortal Regiment” were held, which presented photographs of Yarkovites who fought on the war fronts.

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1 REPORT on the festive events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, held in the libraries of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow “Central Library of the Eastern Administrative District” We must not forget those who defended the freedom and independence of our people. It is rightly said: “Forgot the past, lost the future.” We must not only remember, but also be worthy of a great feat. The libraries of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Central Library of the Eastern Administrative District" were actively involved in preparations for the anniversary of the Victory. * Library 100 (adult literature sector) hosted a themed evening “We Remember” from the series “Great Dates of the Great Victory!”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory with the participation of the winners of the festival of amateur creativity of older people. The team "Countrymen" and the winners of the children's festival "Russia Begins with You" performed the composition "Hey, you are my dear Rus'." * Continuing the theme, the evening “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face” was held in Library 100 from the series “Great Dates of the Great Victory!” The presentation of "Women in War" - the history of the creation of women's battalions, excerpts from works about the hard everyday life of war, poetry readings, military-themed musical and dance performances, and honoring of veterans were included in the evening's program.

2 * The older generation and veterans share their memories not only with young people, but also with our youngest readers. For the pupils of kindergarten 761 (Veshnyakovskaya St. 25-4, building 1), an interactive conversation “Heroic streets of the Veshnyaki district” was held in library 90 named after A.S.Neverov. A story about the streets of Sniperskaya and Moldagulova and the heroine A. Moldagulova. * Pride in the military achievements of our grandfathers united and rallied people of different generations. Library 93 named after. A. Bloka showed the literary and musical composition “Let's remember in this bright hour!” with the participation of the “Ivushka” choir of the Council of Veteran Teachers of the school 14 of the Ivanovskoye district, under the leadership of the chairman Ilyina V. D., with an invitation to the event for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers and the youth of the Ivanovskoye district. * In the Library 92 of the K.I. Chukovsky Cultural Center for youth and with the participation of youth, a reading competition “There was a war, there was a victory” was held.

3 * On holidays, a concert “They reached the Reichstag in victory” was held in library 100 for military personnel of the division named after. F. Dzerzhinsky. The head of the “Silver Strings” poetry club, Galina Ivanovna Andreeva, recited poetic lines, which were accompanied by guitar parts performed by Vladimir Gromov. * May 6, 2015 in library 79 named after B.A. Lavrenev hosted a festive literary and musical program “Celebration of Victory Glory!” The program was attended by members of the Moscow city regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Children of War”; head of the municipal formation of the East Izmailovo district Afanasyev V.S.; Gershanovich G.G., war veteran, geologist, candidate of technical sciences; students of the Moscow Secondary Special School of the 1st Olympic Reserve"; students of the Economics and Technology College 22. Representatives of the Administration and municipality of the East Izmailovo district, the head of the library 79 Ruzdskaya Z.N., and representatives of educational institutions congratulated everyone on the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Honored Artist of Chuvashia Elena Solovyova congratulated the dear veterans, who warmly and sincerely performed songs of the war years and modern songs about war and peace. In conclusion, a festive buffet was organized for veterans with the support of the District Administration. Guests could admire the wonderful exhibition compositions of the creative works of the Children of War organization. At the end, the “Play Harmony” dances were organized for the most persistent ones.

4 * On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, a meeting of the Patriot club dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day was held in library 80 (Chelyabinskaya street, 24, building 3a). Kindergarten and schoolchildren came to congratulate the veterans. The children tried very hard to please their listeners with poems, songs and dances. Then the veterans' choir "Countrymen" performed in front of the children and parents. Songs accompanied by an accordion sounded in the library for a long time, our dear guests drank tea and shared their memories. As part of the work of the children's creativity club “Very Skillful Hands,” a large poster with congratulations was prepared for veterans. * As part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, in library 77 (11th Park Street, 21) a meeting was held between 8th grade students of gymnasium 1508 with a WWII veteran, Major Ostapts Grigory Petrovich, born in 1919. Grigory Petrovich spoke about himself and shared his memories of the war and answered questions from schoolchildren. Ostapets G.P. was awarded: the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad,” the medal “For the Capture of Koenigsberg,” the medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War.” and the medal "For Victory over Japan." On May 7, an exhibition of paintings by ZNUI artists “Salute to Victory!” opened at the Lermontov Library in Moscow. The ceremony was attended by artists of the Youth Theater named after. M.Yu. Lermontov with the composition “Dreams of Olga Bergolts” and university students who performed popular songs of the war years. The exhibition will run until June 30. * Concert of vocalists of the Academy named after. Gnesins “Let us bow to those great years” on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory took place in Library 95. Laureates of international competitions and participants of the vocal studio of the Moscow Museum of Education performed. Songs of the war years, tango and arias from operettas were performed. And on the eve of the holiday, the literary and musical composition “Whatever songs we sing, we sing songs” was shown

5 of that war", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, as part of the literary and musical lounge. The host of the program is Honored Artist of the Russian Federation N. Kushner, with the participation of Philharmonic artists. * Young readers of Library 101, participants in the master class “Postcards in the Scrapbooking Style” , for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War" from the proposed materials, independently and with the help of parents, they designed postcards and signed them for war participants and home front workers living in the Kozhukhovo microdistrict. Those present were presented with 2 stands "Family History in the History of the Country", dedicated to the family of the chief bibliographer of the library, T. R. Pestova. All libraries of the State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Central Library of the Eastern Administrative District" were open on holidays for readers, prepared 34 holiday programs and were visited by 840 people. We remember the feat of our ancestors in this war, we appreciate their heroic will and desire for freedom, we honor the memory of those who gave freedom to their descendants!

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APPROVED by Director of MBOU Secondary School 75/62 of Penza V.V. Rosseev “18” November 2014 Plan of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the war, in MBOU secondary school 75/62 Penza n\p Name of event 1 building 1. Organization

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Report on the conduct of the month of defense-mass and military-patriotic work in MBDOU MO Krasnodar "Center - kindergarten 122" (01/23/2015 02/23/2015) Based on the resolution of the head of the municipal

The Department of Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the Istra Municipal District Administration reports that for the period from June 9, 2016 to June 15, 2016, the following were carried out in the district

Children's library branch 33 BUK Sheksninsky municipal district "Centralized library system" 1. Statistical report: Number Organizers Explanations, Event p/n participants (responsible)

Report on events in preparation for and celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 1945 September 2009 May 2010 Contents 1. Participation in memorial events

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September Dates 1 Plan of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 GBOU school 596 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Name of the school event.

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PLAN of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 APPROVED by: Director of the State Budgetary Institution "KCSON "Malachite" Ordzhonikidze district of Yekaterinburg" N.A. Tolstobrova

Report on social and leisure activities for March 2017 On 03/03/2017 and 03/07/2017, on the eve of International Women’s Day on March 8, concerts were held in charity departments with the invitation of a loved one

Municipal preschool educational institution, kindergarten 5, general developmental type, Istrinsky municipal district Educational project for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War “Let us bow


Report on the conduct of social, leisure and recreational activities in the State Budgetary Institution SO KK "Goryacheklyuchevskaya DIPI" On May 2, for the celebration of Victory Day, a literary and musical program "Victory Waltz" was held,

The Department of Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Work of the Istra Municipal District Administration reports that for the period from February 4, 2015 to February 10, 2016, the following were carried out in the area

CULTURAL POSTER from April 20 to 26, 2015 April 20, Mon, dedicated to Earth Day “The Earth is our common home” Square of the Sovremennik Palace of Culture, 13.00 (together with UPR) Talk show “Echo of War” Central House of Culture and Culture, 14.00 Ensemble concert

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Development for students in grades 5-11.

Purpose of the event: create conditions for the formation of a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, preserving the memory of the feat of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.


  • To develop students’ interest in the historical past of our country, the military history of the Fatherland.
  • Propaganda of wartime songs and poems on military themes.
  • Counteract attempts to falsify the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

Decor: St. George ribbons, flowers, posters, presentation for poems with pictures of battles and battles, video presentation about the Great Patriotic War.

What is better: life, where the bonds of captivity,
Or death, where the Russian banners are,
To be heroes or slaves?

F. Glinka, from “War Song”

A soundtrack is playing in the hall. The growing rumble of planes can be heard.

Progress of the event

D: This year we are celebrating a significant date - the 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the peoples of our multinational Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, a victory that the country achieved at the cost of great feats and incredible losses.

M: This was a long-awaited and joyful event not only for the army that defeated the enemy, but also for all the people, the rear workers, who worked hard day and night to provide the soldiers with everything they needed.

D: Today we bow our heads to the memory of the millions of fallen defenders of the Fatherland, whose feat led to victory over the enemy.
Eternal glory to them! Everlasting memory!

M: Let's get in touch with the inner world of a man, a soldier-warrior. After all, first of all, this is someone’s father, son, brother, from whom the war took away the opportunity to live peacefully, study, work and be close to their loved ones.

D: The memory of generations is inextinguishable

And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Let's honor the memory with a minute of silence.

D: The hot June night was ending, the dawn of a new day was already rising - Sunday, June 22, 1941. And at this time, thousands of Nazi soldiers, many hundreds of planes and tanks crossed the border of our Motherland.


Sad willows leaned towards the pond,
The moon floats over the water.
There, at the border, I stood on duty
At night, a young fighter...
In the dark night he did not sleep, did not doze,
He guarded his native land, -
In the thicket of the forest he heard footsteps
And he lay down with a machine gun.
Black shadows grew in the fog,
The cloud in the sky is dark...
The first shell exploded in the distance -
Thus began the war.
The country woke up peacefully
On this June day,
Just turned around
There are lilacs in the parks.
Rejoicing in the sun and peace,
Moscow greeted the morning.
Suddenly they spread across the airwaves
Memorable words...
The voice is confidently stern
The country immediately recognized it.
In the morning on our doorstep
War broke out.

M: Destroying and destroying, mercilessly burning and killing everything in their path, the fascists moved on the territory of Russia towards its heart - Moscow.

Our people rose to defend the Fatherland, and therefore the war was called Patriotic. Fathers, brothers, sons went to the front. In mortal combat with the enemy, Soviet soldiers' love for their native land and determination to defend their homeland to the last drop of blood were tempered and strengthened.


Everything was burning: flowers and maples,
The blade of grass was not alive.
There are dusty bushes around
The charred leaves rustled.
Look to the right - darling
The wheat is dying on the vine.
To the left - there is no end and edge
Expanses given over to fire.
The earth seemed to be to the limit
It was on fire.
And everything, withered, hummed:
“War be damned!”
We will not give up the endless blue fields
Where we have won and will win
We will not give up our beautiful Fatherland
We won't give it up!

D: War. A terrible, cruel time. A time of the most difficult trials, incredible strain of all the forces of the people fighting against a merciless enemy. But war is not only difficult, bloody battles, decisive battles. War is hard, exhausting, incessant work of people on the home front. In factories for the production of shells, weapons, clothing for the army. But the men were at the front, their places at the machines were taken by their wives and children, the elderly, those who could not go to the front. The main thing for them was work. They lived from hand to mouth, malnutrition, no rest, forgetting about themselves. “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” - the main slogan of those days.

M: Let's not forget. That during the war days the soldiers nicknamed the guards multi-barreled mortar “Katyusha” - a formidable weapon that the enemies were terrified of. And there was a song about this.

The choir sings. Song “Katyusha” Music - Matvey Blanter, lyrics - Mikhail Isakovsky.


There were battles at sea and on land,
Shots were ringing all around,
Songs of "Katyusha" were heard
Near Moscow, beyond Kursk and Orel.
Raised the spirit of Soviet soldiers,
Sang a victory march, a battle march
And she buried her enemies in the grave
Under the great Kursk Bulge.
She did not lose heart at the fronts,
She sang loud songs,
Only then did Katyusha fall silent,
How the war ended with Victory!

D: Our people achieved victory at a high price. For almost 4 years - 1418 days and nights - the war raged. These were years of hardship, grief, and hard work. Cities and villages were devastated, fields were scorched, people's dreams and hopes were cut short. At the same time, these were years of courage and selfless love for the Motherland.

M: The Great Patriotic War... In the battles for the fatherland, everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands fought to the death and defended every inch of land.

Let's remember how it was... (video film)

D: The war left its mark on almost every family. Our country has lost more than 20 million of its sons and daughters. 1,710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages were in ruins. About 32 thousand industrial enterprises were blown up and destroyed.

M: How many graves of the Unknown Soldier are there in our country? A lot of. The soldiers died for our peaceful life, for the peaceful life of future generations. And our duty is to remember this, to prevent war and the grief it brings.

D: The last war was also terrible because the Nazis did not spare anyone: they killed children and women, burned entire villages, and tried to destroy the entire population of the country.

The floor is given to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (full name) (presentation of flowers)


It was in May, at dawn.
The battle began at the walls of the Reichstag.
I noticed a German girl
Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

She stood at the post, trembling,
There was fear in his blue eyes.
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and torment were sown all around.

Then he remembered how, saying goodbye in the summer
He kissed his daughter.
Maybe this girl's father
He shot his own daughter.

But then, in Berlin, under fire
A fighter crawled and shielded with his body
A girl in a short white dress
He carefully took it out of the fire.

And, stroking it with a gentle palm,
He lowered her to the ground.
They say that in the morning Marshal Konev
I reported this to Stalin.

How many children have their childhood restored?
Gave joy and spring
Privates of the Soviet Army
People who won the war!

And in Berlin, on a holiday,
Was erected to stand for centuries,
Monument to the Soviet Soldier
With a rescued girl in her arms.

He stands as a symbol of our glory,
Like a beacon shining in the darkness.
This is him, a soldier of my state,
Protects peace throughout the world.

M: May day of the forty-fifth... Acquaintances and strangers hugged each other, gave each other flowers, sang and danced right in the streets. It seemed that for the first time millions of adults and children raised their eyes to the sun, for the first time they enjoyed the colors, sounds, and smells of life.
It was a common holiday for all our people, all humanity and a holiday for every person.

Dance "A soldier walks through the city."

D: Yes, that May morning was filled with jubilation. But grief showed through. People acutely felt the loss of loved ones, acquaintances and strangers; those who died under fascist bullets and shells, torture in concentration camps, during the siege famine, in burned villages. The war killed them...

M: This is jubilation and this is sorrow. Time does not dull them. And you and I must pass on this memory of the most terrible war that affected every family from generation to generation.

D: Victory Day was, is and must remain the holiest holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now, and we must remember this. Our memory must not go blind.


The war ended in victory,
Those years are behind us.
Medals and orders are burning
On many people's chests.
Who wears the military order
For exploits in battle,
And who - for the feat of labor
In your native land.
The people won
I didn’t give the country to the fascists,
Rebuilt the state
Led her to great glory.
Bow to you, soldiers,
For a blooming May,
For the dawn over the hut,
For the native land.
I bow, soldiers,
For your silence,
For the winged space -
Free country.


Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From the whole Earth, from the whole Earth!
Thank you, soldiers.

1st reader. For a life!

2nd reader. Here's to childhood!

3rd reader. Here's to spring!

4th reader. For silence!

5th reader. For a peaceful home!

6th reader. For the world we live in!

All. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Our event dedicated to Victory Day has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention!

All participants of the event congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day! (The song “Victory Day” is played, lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov)

May 8. Arts Square on 4 corners
"Soldiers of Victory"

"For the glory of the fallen, for the sake of the living"

“Next to us live veterans who walked along the roads of war...”

Anyone can join the ranks of the Immortal Regiment. On May 9, everyone can take part in the solemn procession with their own banner - an enlarged photograph of a relative who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Library information platforms
as part of citywide cultural events

“Wars are sacred pages forever in human memory”

On May 8, in the Arts Square (“Four Corners”), the libraries of the city of Pskov held an interactive library platform “Sacred pages of war forever in human memory” dedicated to Victory Day for Pskov residents and guests of the city.

The program opened with a large-scale event “A book is the best memory of the war,” the main goal of which is to preserve and increase the knowledge of Russians about the most important event in the history of our country - the victory over fascism.

On the site, every Pskov resident was able to test himself by passing a test that contained questions about the largest battles of 1941-45, war heroes, the most important personalities, the partisan movement, life in the rear, and the liberation of Europe.

For Pskov residents, there was an exhibition of new books about the war and post-war times in the Arts Square. The exhibition presented the best publications from the Central City Library collection. The books carefully selected for the exhibition, according to the library staff, will be able to help modern young people imagine the everyday reality at the front, from which Victory grew.

Participation in bookcrossing - a new-fangled worldwide movement whose goal is the organized exchange of books - on this day replenished the library of a talented reader with a book about the war. After all, the best gift for Victory Day is a read book about the war, which does not allow us to forget the history that we should be proud of.

A presentation of the unique publishing project of the Centralized Library System “Veterans who walked along the roads of war live next to us” took place at the site. Currently, there are more than 20 publications about the keepers of the memory of generations - veterans of our city. The project has been going on for more than 10 years and can be expanded with the participation of Pskov residents with a new story. The full texts of the brochures are posted on the website of the Central Bank of Pskov.

Also, library staff presented a brochure-guide “For the glory of the fallen, in the name of the living” with a description of all the monuments, Vonsky and civil burials of the Great Patriotic War in Pskov and two volumes of the large-scale publishing project “Soldiers of Victory. Pskovites – participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.”

In the park there was a children's themed area "Memory of the War Years" (local history lotto and the board game "Historian's Cube"). Little Pskovites actively took part in the Dove of Peace master class and took souvenir photos with military paraphernalia.

Participants of the open microphone - both adults and children - read poems about the war and the memory of famous Soviet, Russian and local Pskov writers. Everyone on this day was able to congratulate the residents of Pskov and guests of our city on Victory Day and honor the memory of those unknown soldiers who helped the country defeat fascism.

Library platform "Living Book"

On May 8, an interactive library platform “Living Book” was held in the park near the House of Officers, which was visited by about 60 people.

The book exhibition “War! Your bitter trace is also in the books on the shelves,” which presented the best poetic, prose and documentary publications about the war from the collections of the Library - Children's Reading Center.

Everyone was able to show their erudition in a historical quiz containing questions about the largest battles and heroes of the Great Patriotic War, collect puzzles in which the Victory monuments were encrypted, play the thematic game “Victory Route” and take part in the “Dove of Peace” master classes. and "Tree of Victory".

Everyone who came to the library site that day received a St. George ribbon, as a symbol of memory and pride for the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Action-marathon “War. Victory. Memory"!

On May 9, from 12.00 to 16.00, librarians of the city of Pskov held a marathon event “War. Victory. Memory!" The event dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was held in the Botanical Garden of the City Park of Culture and Leisure named after A.S. Pushkin at the park sculpture “Mother and Child”. Residents and guests of the city of Pskov took an active part in the four-hour program of the “War. Victory. Memory!”, which includes the parts: “Me, Mom and the War”, “Poetic Hour about the War”, “War through the Eyes of the Young Generation”, “Women and Children on Posters of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”.

During the “Poetic Hour about the War”, Pskov poets read their patriotic poems for the participants of the action: Albert Agakhanyan, Andrey Gennadyevich Beniyaninov, Valentina Aleksandrovna Alekseeva, Tatyana Viktorovna Gorelikova, Sergey Igorevich Gorshkov, Georgy Mikhailovich Grinberg, Ninel Alekseevna Eliseeva, Ivan Vasilyevich Ivanov, Vera Mikhailovna Sergeeva, Igor Olegovich Isaev, Nadezhda Anatolyevna Kamyanchuk, Natalya Anatolyevna Lavretsova, Valery Mikhailovich Mukhin, Alexander Mikhailovich Pavlov (Sebezhanin), Vladimir Borisovich Savinov, Tamara Tomashevna Solovyova. It was possible to get an autograph from poets on a literary personal leaflet.

In the next part, “The War through the Eyes of the Young Generation,” poems were read aloud by young readers of the theater group “Under the Umbrella,” residents and guests of the city of Pskov. Participants in the action read out unpublished letters from sixteen-year-old partisan Viktor Antipov, dated 1942, which are kept in the collections of the Pskov Museum-Reserve. The reading of poems and letters excited the participants in the marathon action.

The participants of the marathon were interested in the speech “Women and Children on Posters of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” The posters were shown on the screen, and some of them were placed at the poster exhibition of the same name: “The Motherland is Calling!”, Red Army Warrior - SAVE!”, “Let’s save the Soviet guys from the Germans!” and etc.

Throughout the entire program, participants in the marathon had the opportunity to speak at an open microphone and talk about their loved ones who took part in the defense of our Motherland, read poems, sing a song about the war, and congratulate them on the Great Victory. Those who wished to participate in the quiz “Glorious Pages of Victory” and in the interactive program “We learn about war from books and films.”

During the entire marathon there were book exhibitions: “War. Victory. Memory", an exhibition-installation of two volumes (T.1, T.2) "Soldiers of Victory" from the collections of city libraries, an exhibition of military paraphernalia "Echoes of a Bygone War..." from the collection of the Military History Club "Kolchuga" and a retro exhibition of greeting cards "This is Victory Day!" by May 9, addressed to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov. Participants of the marathon campaign chose books as gifts at the book crossing (bookcrossing) “Read with us” and took part in interactive master classes with making doves from paper “Dove of Peace, Dove of Victory!” and the “Front Triangle” with the coloring of the St. George ribbon and the folding of the front envelope.

The marathon event “War. Victory. Memory" with the patriotic song "Victory Day".

The organizers of the event were the Historical and Local Lore Library named after. I.I. Vasilyov, Library "Rodnik" named after. S. Zolottseva, Children's Library "LiK" of the Centralized Library System of Pskov.

On May 7, at the RaDuGa children's library, a meeting of readers was held with an old friend of the library, Veteran of the Great Patriotic War Vasily Ivanovich Khrabrykh. Students of the Regional College of Arts came to congratulate this wonderful man with a literary and musical composition based on poetry and prose by front-line writers and poets. Strong emotional excitement among the listeners was caused by reading Anatoly Pristavkin’s story “Photography”, performed by 1st year student of the theater department Irina Makarova.

Children from kindergarten No. 40, participants in the “United with Love for Russia by Good Deeds” campaign, came to congratulate the veteran; they presented wonderful gifts made with their own hands.

At the meeting, many wonderful poems were read, which were read with great feeling by students of the 5th grade of the Socio-Economic Lyceum.

This whole festive and solemn atmosphere so touched and inspired Vasily Ivanovich that in response he also read poems about the war and, as always, found very necessary and good words for children in honor of the celebration of Victory Day.

On May 7, an event dedicated to Victory Day was held at the family reading library on Alekhina Street, 20. “The feat of grandfathers through the eyes of the young” was the title of the literary and poetic concert. Fifth grade students read letters from the front and wartime poems to high school students and veterans.

The war has long died down. And once upon a time our grandparents were young. They loved, they hated, they laughed in the face of death, and they cried when they lost comrades. Their youth was a harsh time of war.

War must not happen again!

On May 6, a literary and musical evening “Love and memory is stronger than death” took place, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory and the 100th anniversary of the birth of Olga Berggolts.

The evening was attended by regular members of the “Meetings on Zavelichye” club and veterans of our neighborhood. The heroine of the meeting was Olga Berggolts. Her poems, heard on the radio throughout the war, rallied the people of besieged Leningrad into the “siege brotherhood.” This is how she very modestly said about her role as a poet:

"I've never been a hero,

She did not crave fame or reward.

Breathing in the same breath as Leningrad,

I didn’t act as a hero, I lived.”

The evening turned out to be warm and touching.

Students of the Nadezhda Children's Center, Pskov Agricultural College, and Pskov State Pedagogical University named after S.M. Kirov came to congratulate all those present.

All those present were especially touched by the performance of the song “Grandfather” by our reader Valery Oglo, soloist of the children’s vocal studio “City of Childhood”.

The evening traditionally ended with a tea party, which helped the library organize the Regional branch of the party “A Just Russia” (Bryachak M.V., Sergeev Yu.A.)

As a farewell gift, everyone received gifts from the craftsmen of the Nadezhda children's center.

“I remember... I'm proud!” 6-year-old Artyom Vorotyntsev wrote on the poster. A wedge of snow-white cranes flies in the sky, and the red carnations on the poster were helped by the boy to draw from the teachers of kindergarten No. 50, which Artyom attends. Artyom presented this poster to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Mikhail Pavlovich Aleksandrov, who came to the RaDuGa children's library to meet with schoolchildren of grade 6b of the Natural and Mathematical Lyceum and grade 3 of school No. 38.

The river of time, years and decades separate us from the past Great Patriotic War, but strangely, this war does not want to become just history for us. On the contrary, it appears before us more clearly in all its tragedy and heroism. They talk about it, shout, whisper poems and songs, stories, stories and films. And it is great happiness that eyewitnesses and participants of that distant Great Patriotic War live among us and share their memories with us.

The library compiled and published a booklet about M.P. Alexandrov, the presentation of which took place at a meeting with the veteran. When the author of the booklet, leading librarian Stolova I.V. asked him what he could wish for today’s generation, he replied: “The main thing is to be an honest person everywhere and be friendly to people, always put yourself in the place of the person who turned to you and live your life in such a way that later you will not be ashamed to remember the past "

One can say about Mikhail Pavlovich in one succinct phrase: “he fully paid his debt to his Motherland and lived his life honestly, according to his conscience and for the people.”

The publication of the booklet is a sign of gratitude to those who accomplished a great feat defending their homeland from the Nazis.

At the festive event in the library, melodies of songs from the war years were performed by the teacher of the Pskov School of Arts G.N. Manin and the students of this school.

To mark the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, on May 6, a celebration of Karbysheva Street took place in the Pskovkirpich microdistrict.

In a programme

- “A feat in the name of the street...” - congratulations to the people of Pskov on the Great Victory Day.

On behalf of the Regional Assembly deputy Aleksey Anatolyevich Sevastyanov, the residents of the microdistrict were congratulated by Valery Anatolyevich Kantserov, and on behalf of the Pskov City Duma - by Sergey Ivanovich Nikiforov.

- “Frontline” propaganda brigade for veterans” - a creative propaganda train of the best professional and amateur groups and performers of the city of Pskov.

Serving soldiers' porridge.

At the Children's Library "LiK" a meeting was held between young readers of preschool educational institution No. 15 and veteran of the Great Patriotic War SM. Pavlov

No person in history has had to endure as much as has fallen on our shoulders: and you see, they did not bend.

Great events do not fade into the depths of history. Their meaning is revealed more and more fully over time. And today, decades after the end of the Great Patriotic War, we read with unflagging interest every line that tells about the heroism and courage of the private and the general. The younger generation must know everything, remember everything.

Sergei Mikhailovich told the guys about his childhood, service and wartime...

The guys sang a song for the veteran as a congratulation on the upcoming holiday.

The exploits of the older generations are the immortal legacy of the young. And the glorious names of those who fearlessly walked towards the lead rain, liberating their fatherland, saving the people of our country from the fascist yoke, will never be erased in our memory. The names of the heroes will forever shine in the heroic chronicle of our country, showing new and new generations an example of great love for the Fatherland.

“And let the generation know...”

A meeting “How good are the days under a peaceful sky!” took place in the literary lounge of the “Dialogue” library!

The event was attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans, who were congratulated on the upcoming holiday by Deputy of the Pskov Regional Assembly Alexey Anatolyevich Sevastyanov, library staff and students of music school No. 4.

On May 5, the Central City Library hosted a presentation of a virtual exhibition and bibliographic manual “By the right of living memory,” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Tvardovsky and the 65th anniversary of the completion of the book “Vasily Terkin.”

Pupils of the 5th and 9th grades of Legal Lyceum No. 8, together with their teacher Grinevich Lyudmila Ivanovna, prepared and read fragments from the poem “Vasily Terkin”. The children's performances were accompanied by independently prepared presentations.

It began with the opening of an exhibition of creative works, “Generation of Young People About the War.” In the children’s works, we see the war through the eyes of a modern child, who understands what war is, how much grief it brought, and what a feat was accomplished by those who managed to defeat fascism.

The meeting continued with a performance by the ensemble “Pskovityanka”, after which everyone drank tea together and remembered the past...

City Duma deputy Natalya Viktorovna Sokolova came to congratulate the neighborhood veterans and library readers on Victory Day and presented them with anniversary medals.

On this day, the guests of the library were the Great Patriotic War veteran Ivan Andreevich Morozov and students of the multidisciplinary lyceum No. 4, children from the Nadezhda recreation center. Ivan Andreevich spoke about the military operations in which he took part. The veteran's awards aroused great interest among the children; every child wanted to touch them and find out why they were received. Ivan Andreevich also received an award in peacetime - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, for his teaching activities. At parting, the guys very touchingly and warmly congratulated the veteran on the upcoming holiday, presented flowers, gifts and sang his favorite songs.

On May 5, at the Library Center for Communication and Information, as part of the “I Read About War” campaign, a review and presentation of books about children of war was held. At the exhibition “Little Heroes of the Great War,” books from the “Pioneers – Heroes” series, which have become very rare, were presented.

The review participants read poems about war and victory. We ended the meeting with a minute of silence.

In the children's humanitarian library "LiK" a meeting was held between 10th grade students of school No. 9 and a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Kuzma Arsentievich Bykov.

At the meeting, an information booklet about the veteran was presented, created as part of the publishing project “Veterans who walked along the roads of war live next to us.”

“I went through the whole war with a song” - this is about Kuzma Arsentievich. He began his story with a song about his hungry childhood, about wartime... The guys got acquainted with the history of the creation of war songs.

Songs of war are the brightest page of the wealth of the Soviet people, who, in a terrible hour of mortal danger, managed not only to survive the battle with a powerful enemy, but also to reflect their thoughts, hopes, indestructible optimism and deep confidence in victory in artistic expression and music. The songs created during the Patriotic War will forever remain as a wonderful sounding monument to the courage and bravery of the Soviet people who saved the world from fascism.

At the end of the event, Kuzma Arsentievich performed several romances of his own composition...

On May 4, the I.I. Vasilyev Historical and Local Lore Library hosted an evening “In the name of the fallen and the living, front-line soldiers, put on your orders!”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The celebration was attended by war veterans, home front workers, children of war, and students of the Pskov Regional College of Arts.

Life cannot be stopped. A new generation of people has grown up. And the most important and sacred thing is memory. It is important that a father passes on to his son, a grandfather to his grandson, one generation to the next. Therefore, at this evening their children and grandchildren talked about war veterans. Thus, Sofia Berestova, a 3rd grade student at school No. 2, spoke about her great-grandfather Alexander Yakovlevich Burkov, who fought in battles from Tula to Berlin. Svetlana Lukashenkina, a student at the Pskov College of Arts, introduced her grandfather Fyodor Ivanovich Rusanov, who went to the front at the age of 16. Elena Efimovna Sereda and Lyudmila Konstantinovna Frolova shared their memories of their wartime childhood.

As part of the publishing project of the Central Library System “Veterans Live Next to Us,” the library’s bibliographer Vera Nikolaevna Noskova prepared information booklets “War Veterans – Readers of Our Library,” which were presented to them as souvenirs.

The head of the Kolchuga military-historical club, Boris Ivanovich Sokol, spoke about the awards that were established during the war.

Every year on this day we remember those who sacrificed their lives in May 1945. brought us Victory. Pskov local historian Nikolai Antonovich Gorbachev spoke about the work of the Pskov regional search association “Trace of the Panther,” and a participant in the evening, war veteran Vera Maksimovna Nikityuk, read her poem about an unknown soldier. Alexander Alexandrovich Alexandrov presented portraits of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. – Vasily Ivanovich Kulichkov, Vasily Ivanovich Khrabrykh with his friend Gennady Georgievich Vershinin, etc.

The evening was accompanied by a screening of music videos: the wartime song “Farewell of the Slav” and from the movie “Officers”.

On May 4, in the library of the public center of the Pskovkirpich microdistrict, a patriotic hour “Spring of Victory” was held, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

War veterans Boris Semenovich Sharankov and Mechislav Iosifovich Velichko spoke to the students of school No. 16 and talked about how they fought, how bravely they beat the enemy.

The military-historical club "Kolchuga" presented military paraphernalia of 1941-1945 for students - officer uniforms, soldiers' equipment, a revolver made in 1932, which aroused great interest among the children.

Boris Ivanovich Sokol told the children about the orders and medals that were awarded to soldiers and officers during the Great Patriotic War.

The children congratulated the veterans on Victory Day and presented flowers.

“We want to live in peace!” - meeting of generations

On May 4, 2010, on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, people of different generations gathered in the reading room of the Rodnik library: those who experienced the hardships of the war, whose youth or even childhood years fell on those terrible war days, those who , born after the war, whose fathers went through the flames of the war years, those who today stand guard over the Motherland and fulfill their military duty with honor, those who were born at the turn of the 21st century and who will not only increase the glory of the Motherland, but also reverently preserve in memory of those distant and so close days of the Great Patriotic War.

With bated breath, with eyes full of tears, the children listened to the memories of the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, retired Colonel Vasily Grigorievich Gritsenko, his speech was accompanied by a slide presentation (photo from the veteran’s personal archive) and a video “Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War”.

Children of the war years...What fascism is, they saw through the eyes of their souls, with all its childish purity and impressionability. It was a tough school. School of barbed wire and shouting. School of the bullet and the gallows. School of thirst for justice. Children of war became adults very early. They understood that cruelty is a weapon of fear. But this experience of cruelty did not harden or embitter their souls, but only strengthened in them that truly human that was inherent in them - the chairman of the Council of Veterans of Microdistrict No. 11, Kalenina Polina Fedorovna, spoke about the years of childhood during the hard times of war.

Of course, it is difficult for the current generation to seriously understand what war is. They will understand a lot later. But many young people today already have the desire to understand this, the desire to know this pain, to bring it upon themselves... Anastasia Golubeva, a participant in the 20th regional children’s festival “My Pushkin”, a student of the Humanitarian Lyceum No. 15 “Terrible years of war - terrible years of the blockade” presented her creative work .

On behalf of the current defenders, representatives of the 76th Guards Air Assault Division - participants in combat operations in Kosovo, Chechnya, Georgia, Major Alexey Vasilyevich Frolov and Captain Denis Sergeevich Chernyakov - spoke. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of airborne troops to the defense of the freedom and independence of our Motherland. True to the fighting traditions of older generations, the winged guard of Russia has repeatedly proven that it rightfully enjoys the people's love and respect.

In conclusion, to the sounds of the “May Waltz,” the younger generation congratulated the veterans on Victory Day and gave flowers.

The meeting “There was a war, there was a Victory...” is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The invited club members listened with interest to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Vladimir Fedorovich Artemov.

A lively conversation took place about the historical past of our Motherland, about the role of the individual in history.

During the war, Vladimir Fedorovich was the commander of an artillery platoon, went through the entire war and then continued to serve in the army. He was transferred to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

A soldier of the Pskov garrison performed musical congratulations on Victory Day.