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Little questions for the great writer Anna Ignatova. Nine modern poets whose poems you should read to your children Albert Likhanov "The Last Cold"

   Anna Ignatova is a children's writer. Graduated from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Laureate of the Competition named after. Renata Mukha (2012), finalist of the V. P. Krapivin Children's International Prize (2013). Her cheerful and kind works were published in the magazines “Fountain”, “Kukumber”, “Murzilka”, “Chizh and Hedgehog”, “Koster”, “Poznayka”, “October”, in the newspapers “Quiet Minute”, “Kindergarten from All sides", "Pionerskaya Pravda".
   Anna Ignatova’s books “About Elephants, Trolleybuses and Princes”, “Kingdom M: A Great Journey”, “Into the Forest for Rhymes”, “Plasticine Vector”, “Magnificent Alphabet”, “3D Effect” have gained great popularity. In 2013, her story “I Believe - I Don’t Believe” was included in the top ten best Russian books at the “Children Choose” Book of the Year competition. The book “Hurricane as a Gift” was awarded the “Children of the Leningrad Region Liked” sign (2015).

Anna Ignatova. Photo by Yulia Timofeeva.

    You write mainly for children. How was your childhood?

    Who influenced the formation of your character, taste, literary preferences?

   It was who gave me such a wonderful childhood, who influenced my character, tastes and all sorts of preferences. My dad and my older brother. True, I didn’t play with dolls, I don’t even remember if I had some Masha or Natasha in sundresses and with curls. But my brother and I played football, walked on stilts, shot with homemade bows, and all the boys in the yard or at the dacha knew my name and that my brother and I were always together.
We also walked a lot around our hometown. We had favorite museums and favorite theaters. Until now, my most expensive theater remains the Comedy Theater. Akimov on Nevsky Prospekt. This also greatly influences the rest of your life, right?

    Do your childhood memories somehow influence your creativity today?

   Memories, as you can see, greatly influence creativity. Just start remembering - you immediately want to record everything, use everything... Everything seems important, obligatory, nothing can be thrown away, otherwise the person would not grow. Therefore, a series of stories appeared about the girl Yulka, her brother, her family and friends. This is my second piece that can be called autobiographical. The first is the story “Vector of Plasticine”.

    Do the heroes of your books have prototypes?

   Of course there is. All my heroes are similar to someone. You look at someone’s character, someone’s habits, someone’s appearance, gait, some favorite expressions, etc. And even though the hero comes from oblivion, the more he resembles one of my relatives, friends, acquaintances, the more alive he turns out. And vice versa, the more he comes to life, the more clearly familiar features appear in him.

    Where did the passion for plasticine modeling come from and how did it become widely used in creativity?

   I answered this question in great detail in the book “Plasticine Vector”. I think I would not have had such a hobby throughout my life if I had sculpted alone. My brother and I sculpted together, it was amazingly exciting. We were not only “sculptors”, but also actors, directors, playwrights, and also inventors. You can make anything from plasticine, even smoke above a chimney or a starry sky, you just need to figure out how.
And the fact that my passion for plasticine has become in demand is a complete surprise and unexpectedness for me. A very pleasant surprise, of course. Little did I think that a children's game would one day become an adult activity. And now I’m holding Elena Yaryshevskaya’s book “Podkovkina” in my hands and reading: “Plasticine artist Anna Ignatova.” Who would have guessed! I can't even draw.

    Question about favorites. What is your favorite piece of work you have written?

   If you consider that my works are my children, then the question is perplexing. I don’t want to choose the best and most beloved among my children. You worry about everyone, you put your work into everyone and, forgive the pathos, your soul. Each is precious in its own way. My son became the prototype of the hero of one story. I named the heroine of another story the same way I would name my daughter if I had her. I don’t want to offend any of them, I don’t want to compare. But besides stories, there are also poems! There are many of them, and each has its own story, its own clue in life. In general, it seems to me that once a work is written to the end, it is already a favorite. The works I don’t like don’t reach the final stage; I part with them much earlier.

   You love to travel, pick mushrooms and spend time in nature. Does this give you strength for new literary achievements?

   First of all, it gives me material and new ideas. And a positive charge. You come back from your trip refreshed, inspired, energized and ready to move mountains. You know, it was as if I opened the windows wide in my office, let in fresh air, ventilated it. And if you don’t go anywhere for a long time, it becomes stuffy. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to go on long, distant and expensive trips. Go to the rocks for two days and swim in Yastrebinoye Lake - the windows are already wide open.

    This year you visited Samara. What impressions did you bring with you from the trip?

   The most wonderful experience! It was my first time in Samara, I really liked both the city and the people. What a nice company we had for a walk in the evening, many thanks to our volunteer guides. And what an embankment, what singing fountains... The sunset on the Volga is simply a miracle. You know, I recently had the idea of ​​collecting a book of “magnetic” poems, that is, souvenir poems brought from different places. Vivid impressions, images, even small pictures, pinpoint moments left in memory - this is a souvenir. From Samara I brought the poem “Surrendered”, it’s just a picture with the setting sun. And most likely, there will be more “magnets”. The meeting in Uzyukovo, with chants, outfits, bread and salt, can’t get out of my head.

   Many famous literary works go through several stages of the “life path”. First it is a book, then a cartoon, a film and, finally, a computer game. Would you like your works to go all the way to the end?

   Going this path to the end is very scary and terribly interesting. At each stage, a new co-author, a whole crowd of co-authors, unceremoniously joins your original brainchild. The director sees in his own way, the actors in their own way, the artist, composer, cameraman - everyone has their own view. There are two options: either the author will “let go” of his characters into an independent life (and then don’t complain that everything is wrong and everything is wrong), or he will always keep them with him, closing all paths to animation, cinema, etc. .d. It seems that the first option is the correct one. But how scary it is! And terribly interesting.

    Tell us how the new children's animation project “Kingdom of M” came about.

   I am incredibly lucky. I went to Suzdal for the animators festival. An excerpt from the fairy tale “Kingdom of M” was published in the festival almanac and caught the eye of Alexey Lebedev, a screenwriter who conducted master classes with young authors. Alexey Lebedev, fortunately for me, noticed and remembered the characters, talked with the director of the Petersburg cartoon studio Natalya Mirzoyan, and a week after my return from Suzdal our first meeting took place. Natalya suggested that I try to write scripts for cartoons myself (with her help, of course). For me it was like jumping with a parachute. I had never done this before, I was very afraid that I wouldn’t be able to cope, but I really wanted to try. Natalya supported me wonderfully, I am grateful to her from the bottom of my heart. Now 12 episodes have already been released (2 minutes each), you can watch them.

    What would you like to wish the readers?

   Interesting holidays! And in general, more adventures, incidents, meetings and events. So that you have something to remember later when you have to answer the question: “How was your childhood?”

About what I bought.

Anna Ignatova "I believe - I don't believe"

Astrid Lindgren "Britt Marie pours out her soul"

I didn’t read this story as a child, so I first read it from an e-reader and decided to buy it for Sima.
A little naive, but sweet book about a 15-year-old girl. Britt decided to be friends by correspondence and it is these letters that make up the story.
The illustrations are normal, not “fountain”, but more fun than just text.

Gene Webster "Daddy Long Legs" ISBN: 978-5-17-071993-8

And I learned about this book from the preface to “Britt Marie” (there are also letters from the heroine), and I also read it in electronic form. True, I didn’t finish reading it, because I decided to buy a paper copy and read it with Sima. Also naive, pure, wonderful story for girls and young women. And here it also comes with illustrations by the author (the heroine explains her letters with drawings). When I read it electronically, I noticed that there were not enough pictures. There is a frequent reference to them.

"Animal Doctors"

Sima has already read part of this. Me not. She told me she was interesting. Well, that's why I bought it.
I haven’t bought about nests yet.

John Yeoman "The Hermit and the Bear"

Sima really liked it, but I didn’t. The humor reminded me very much of Winnie the Pooh (play on words, hints), but the translation is not as brilliant as Zakhoder’s. I didn't like it at all. I was bored.

ISBN: 978-5-9287-2647-8

Of course I bought this for Sima. I showed it to her before buying and she just lit up.

Robert Stevenson "Treasure Island"
ISBN: 978-5-9287-2526-6

I thought we already had “Treasure Island” and we didn’t need this book. But Ksenia Moldavskaya praised her so much that I decided to take a closer look at her. I realized that I needed to buy it. Sima already liked her from the screen. So I replaced my edition with this inconvenient large book. But the child likes her. Sima decided to re-read it again.

Albert Likhanov "The Last Cold"

I bought two editions of the book. I couldn't choose.
I liked it live with the illustrations of the Island. I'll leave her. When I re-read it a year ago in electronic form, I immediately remembered that I read it as a child and then it really hooked me. I just forgot the name.

Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral"
ISBN: 978-5-17-072957-9

I read this work when I was 10-12 years old and reread it many times. I love Hugo.
I really want to reread it with Sima together. I chose this edition. Something is wrong with Lacombe.

Haven't read these yet

Nick Gorkavy "Space Detectives"

Catherine Thimmesh "Invented by girls"

There are conflicting reviews for it online, but I decided to buy it anyway.

Nikolay Gol "Life of wonderful words..."

It seems to me that this is right at Simina’s age. It’s true that we have special books. We need to read and compare.

Pavel Bazhov "Malachite Box"
ISBN: 978-5-9268-1942-4

I had a complete edition like this
That's why I bought this book. But I'm not happy. Very difficult to read. Thick and big. And the illustrations don't really impress me. The beauties there are not my type.

Vsevolod Sysoev "Golden Rigma"

This is a “pig in a poke.” I’ve never read it. So far I have only appreciated the beauty of the illustrations. Impressive.

Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird"
ISBN: 978-5-17-090282-8

I had it in electronic form and just with Lomaev’s illustrations. I bought it in paper.

This is for Sima. She likes Sherlock Holmes. I really wasn't impressed with the illustrations.
Arthur Doyle "Notes on Sherlock Holmes", "The Return of Sherlock Holmes"
Series: Large illustrated series

Kir Bulychev "Alice and the Crusaders"
ISBN: 978-5-9922-2102-2

And she compared the new edition of Alice with hers from the “Castle of Miracles” series.

State regional budgetary cultural institution Murmansk Regional Children's and Youth Library Department of information and reference and bibliographic work Murmansk 2017

State regional budgetary cultural institution Murmansk Regional Children's and Youth Library Department of information and reference and bibliographic work Murmansk 2017

BBK 91.9:83cr P 67 Poet with a backpack behind Ignatova Anna Sergeevna: memo / GOBUK MODUB, Department of information and reference bibliographic work; comp. G.V. Rabovich. – Murmansk, 2017. - 16 p. : ill. - (Our guests). Compiler, computer typing, layout, design: Rabovich Galina Vasilievna – Ch. bibliographer OISBR Responsible for the issue: Valentina Pavlovna Makhaeva – director of MOYUB Circulation: 30 copies. ©GOBUK MODUBE 2017 2

Fragments of biography and creativity Anna Sergeevna Ignatova was born in 1973 in Leningrad. In 1995 she graduated from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. After university she worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature. She entered her creative path quite recently, in 2007. She didn’t come out on her own, she was led out by the hand by good people and true friends. Galina Dyadina, a poet from the city of Arzamas, did not ignore the first poems posted on the website and introduced me to the children’s writer, poet and translator Mikhail Yasnov, who also did not pass by, but paid attention, took the time, and sent poems to the magazines “Fontan” and “Kukumber”. “Fontana” published five fairy tales from the “Elusive Tales” series, to the great surprise and great joy of the aspiring writer. This is where the creative biography of Anna Ignatova began. Since 2009, active publications began in magazines, newspapers and collections: “Murzilka”, “Koster”, “Pionerskaya Pravda”, “Kukumber”, “Fontan” (Odessa), “Poznayka” (Kiev), “Chizh” and Hedgehog" (St. Petersburg), "Ural" (Ekaterinburg). 3

Participation in summer seminars for children’s writers, organized by the S.A. Foundation, helped her improve her writing skills. Filatov in 2009 (Staraya Russa), in 2010 (Melikhovo), in 2012 (Konstantinovo), in 2013 (Peredelkino), as well as in literary forums in Lipki (2009, 2010, 2013) and fe - “DETGIZ” festivals (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014). Based on the results of her work at the forums, Anna Ignatova was awarded the publication of her first book. It was a collection of children's poems “About elephants, trolleybuses and princes” (M.: “ONYX”), which was published in early 2011. The writer’s name was included in the catalog of young writers of Russia and in the collections “New Writers” of 2010 and 2013. In December 2012, Anna Ignatova became a member of the Writers' Union of St. Petersburg. She was invited to the Petersburg cartoon studio as a screenwriter. The result was an animated film based on her fairy tale, “Kingdom of M,” released in 2013. She lives, works and creates in St. Petersburg. An important point in Anna Ignatova’s biography is family, because all of her - father, husband, son - fully and completely supports her in her work. They are the first readers and critics, the most demanding and the most patient. Son Kostya is a student, studying to become a theater sound engineer, is the leader of a rock band, plays the guitar and writes songs (the words for which his mother sometimes composes). The Ignatov family loves to travel by any available means: on bicycles, kayaks, skis... And they have their own “Song of Travelers,” written jointly by mother and son. This “Song...” was included in collection 4

“About elephants, trolleybuses and princes” and anyone can get acquainted with it. Anna Ignatova is the author of wonderful poems, stories, stories, wonderful plasticine books for children of all ages. Her creative journey has just begun. Let it be long, fruitful and exciting. What else does Anna Ignatova like besides literary creativity: “I love to sculpt from plasticine and travel. I like to navigate the forest at night and find a checkpoint. I love it when we all sit down together in the evening to drink tea and apple pie. I love picking mushrooms, especially in the forest. I love it when Sergei Makhotin and Mikhail Yasnov say at a literary seminar that I am making progress. I love skiing. I love watching cartoons. I really love our St. Petersburg Comedy Theater named after Akimov. I love and often re-read The Master and Margarita. I love guests and holidays. I love it when they laugh in unison. I like to read to my son before bed. And I really love it when my son takes a new book from the shelf on his own.” 5

Literary successes 2012 - laureate of the Renata Mukha International Poetry Competition, first place in the category “ALL SAYINGS”; 2012 - finalist of the International Children's Literature Prize V.P. Krapivin for the story “I Believe - I Don’t Believe”; 2012 - the story “I Believe - I Don’t Believe” was included in the top ten best Russian books at the “Book of the Year: Children Choose” competition. 6

Works by Anna Ignatova Into the forest behind rhymes: [poems for children] / [art. Ekaterina Posetselskaya]. - St. Petersburg. : Kids time, . - 42 s. : color ill. Plasticine vector: story: [for younger and middle ages] / plasticine illustrations. auto - St. Petersburg. : Detgiz, 2013. - 70, p. : color ill. The whole world fits on a small table. Could this be possible? Maybe! If the whole world is sculpted from plasticine! The illustrations for the book are the work of the author himself, who gives everyone practical advice on modeling. I believe - I don’t believe: [story: for readers over 10 years old]. - M.: Aquilegia-M, 2016. - 283, p. - (Valley of Miracles). The main character Alyosha finds himself in an amazing world, where people don’t know how to lie, don’t even know how to invent or fantasize.

vat. It’s not easy for him and Alyosha, and it’s not easy for Alyosha with them either. When he decided to lie just for the sake of a joke, real tragedy happened. In the second part of the book, the story unfolds exactly the opposite. It is no longer Alyosha, but his girlfriend from the truthful world, who finds herself in our reality, in the most ordinary high school... How good it is to be able to read! : second literary festival "Young writers around DETGIZ", November 11-13, 2010, St. Petersburg: [poems, stories, novellas, fairy tales for children]. Issue 2 / [comp. M.D. Yasnov, S.A. Makhotin]. - St. Petersburg. : Detgiz, 2010. - 238 p. : ill. – Ignatova A. “Oh, how tired of being silent!”: poetry. – pp. 120-123. How good it is to be able to read! : third literary festival "Young writers around DETGIZ", November 17-19, 2011 St. Petersburg: [poems, stories, stories for children. Issue 3 / comp. M.D. Yasnov, S.A. Makhotin, A.Yu. Nasonova]. - St. Petersburg. : Detgiz, 2011. - 303 p. : ill. – Ignatova A. Compare the pirate and the princess: poems. – P. 76-82. How good it is to be able to read! : fourth literary festival "Young writers around DETGIZ", November 15-17, 12012: [poems, stories, novellas, 8

fairy tales for children]. Issue 4 / [comp. M.D. Yasnov and others]. - St. Petersburg. : Detgiz, 2012. - 391 p. – Ignatova A. Plasticine vector: a story. – pp. 177-227. Kingdom of M: [great journey: story-fairy tale: for primary school age] / art. Anna Votyakova. - St. Petersburg. : Grif, 2012. - 73, p. : color ill. The pages of the book surprisingly contain an entire kingdom: with a palace, a tower, the North and South gates and with all its population in addition. With a slightly funny but very important king, a sweet and graceful queen, a little prince bravely sitting on a real tiger. And they all go on a Big Journey! We played papovoz: [poems]: [for preschool age] / [comp. R. Dankova; artist A. Gardyan and others]. - M.: Onyx, 2012. - 47 p. : color ill. - (Children's library). – Ignatova A. What do you see? – P. 23. About elephants, trolleybuses and princes: [poems]. - M.: Onyx, 2011. - 96 p. : color ill. - (The best for children) (Library of children's reading). 9

First of April: funny stories / art. V. Trubitsyn]. - M.: Aquilegia-M, 2014. - 215, p. : ill., l. color ill. - (School funny stories). – Ignatova A. [Stories]. – pp. 139-162. From the contents: According to Prishvin; Summer version; Agreement; Cherry Pie; For the soul; “You are an artist, Kolya!” About animals: a small encyclopedia [in educational stories] + poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings: [for preschool and primary school age] / [author. stories by R. Pushkin; auto zoostikhov: L. Yakhnin, T. Belozerov, A. Usachev and others; comp. R.E. Dankov]. - M.: Onyx-Lit, 2014. - 47 p. : color ill. – Ignatova A. Feed the squirrel in winter. – P. 7. Hurricane as a gift: [story]. - M.: Aquilegia-M, 2014. - 190, p. - (Modern prose). The story is that even the most bitter loser can be a role model, and the best gift is not an iPhone or tablet, but a hurricane that will change your life, character and feelings. 10

3D effect: [adventure story: for readers over 8 years old]. - M.: Aquilegia-M, 2014. - 204, p. Lida was given a unique gift from birth - the ability to read with a 3D effect: she “dives” into the text of the book and lives in the work... * * * Kaleidoscope: a story // October. - 2016. - No. 10. - P. 153-157. Bear: a story // October. - 2016. - No. 6. - P. 70-72. Cherry Pie: [story] // Bonfire. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 5-8. - (New names) [Selection of poems] // Library at school. - 2010. - No. 19. - P. 27-28. eleven

About the work of the writer Stanislavskaya E. Fascinating joyful world: poems by Anna Ignatova / E. Stanislavskaya // Preschool education. - 2017. - No. 2. - P. 38-42. Remez A. Anna Ignatova / Anna Remez // Library at school. - 2012. - No. 9. - P. 35-36. About Anna Ignatova's books "Kingdom of M" and "I Believe - I Don't Believe." Myaeots O. Poet with a backpack behind his shoulders / Olga Myaeots // Library at school. - 2010. - No. 19. - P. 26-28: photo. About the poetry of Anna Ignatova. The poetess about herself. Poems from her book “About elephants, trolleybuses and princes”. 12

Internet resources Ignatova Anna Sergeevna [Electronic resource] // Union of Writers of St. Petersburg. – (http://www.pisateli- Access date 11/20/2017. Ignatova Anna [Electronic resource] // – ( Access date 11/20/2017. 13

“Why do I write for children? No, I don't write specifically for children. I just write the way I want and what I want about. And if children like it, I’m very grateful to them for that.” Anna Ignatova Dedicated to the Cat: “I am the king of beasts, I am a shaggy lion. Now I’m going to give it to someone with my paw!” The first attempt at writing by 6-year-old Anya Ignatova. 14

Galina Dyadina writes enchanted poems - you want to take them away from the child and secretly read them yourself. And her poems also bring knowledge to readers in the most convenient form for assimilation - the poetess, in collaboration with Andrei Usachev, wrote four poetic encyclopedias: about the stars, the sea, the treasures of the Hermitage and music.

From « Star Book »

Big Dipper
Big Dipper
In the big sky
Why Big
Pretended to be Ladle.
Probably for the night
She's from the bucket
Gives him milk
Your baby.
For the cream
The Path goes to the Milky Way.
After all, Ursa Minor
We need to grow!

Buy a collection of poems:

Arthur Givargizov

Givargizov's poems are simply crazy! They seem awkward, but once you read them out loud, a rhythmic structure and non-standard rhymes will appear. And how much imagination and reckless absurdity there is in his poetry! Among adults, Givargizov’s work evokes mixed reactions: from bewilderment to delight. What about children? , roaring with laughter.

From book « Astronauts »

Don't fly far
The astronaut must go into outer space.
The astronaut is watched by his mother, television and newspapers.
Came out! Hooray! Mom's voice in the headphones:
“Seryozha, do you hear?! Only around the rocket!”

In the underground
Earth. Metro. Astronaut in a spacesuit
rides on the subway, smiles at all the girls.
Girls like men in spacesuits.
Here's an astronaut who doesn't change his clothes
after work.

Buy a collection of poems:

Anastasia Orlova

Anastasia said a new word in nursery poetry: she came up with modern nursery rhymes for the little ones. No angry gray tops that try to bite the side. However, Anastasia’s poems are not only for kids - older preschoolers and their parents also have something to gain from her poetry. The joy of children's discoveries is contagious.

From book « Daisies »

I'm this morning
I'm this morning
Got up on the wrong foot
Mamagi to me, mom!
Dad, papagi!

T-shirt turned out
There's a hole in the toe
How difficult is it?
Life goes on in the morning.

There is no end to compote,
There is no end to the porridge!
Where are you, daddy?
Where is ma-

They don't fit me
These boots!
Pama, pa-ma-gi-i-i!

Buy a collection of poems:

Yulia Simbirskaya

In a laconic poetic form, Julia talks about very touching things that accompany childhood. Her poems vary in mood - some are cheerful, energetic, and some are thoughtful, inviting you to philosophize. The book “Pea Soup” contains lyrical kitchen stories from the life of baking, hot dishes and drinks. Carefully! After reading this book, you will never be able to eat pancakes and cutlets with indifference.

From book« Pea soup»

A frying pan sizzles on a hot stove,
It contains oil for pancakes up to the chin.
Bouncing in oil - what a miracle!
Then use a spatula to reach the dish.

Sniffle and sigh tirelessly for an hour,
Having relaxed to your heart's content in the sour cream.
Flour and kefir in a triangular bag
They said: “What beautiful children!”

Buy a collection of poems:

Dmitry Sirotin

Dmitry's poems - with a secret. You start reading - it seems like a verse, but in the very middle there is a surprise! Either an unexpected plot device or an amazing hero. And often both at the same time. In Dmitry's poetry, play is in charge. After all, the poet himself played in plays on the theater stage for many years, and then composed songs for theatrical productions.

From book « Cautionary stories »

Unusual cat
It was unusual
Flying cat!
Well, how did we know?!
Lives and lives...
And he hid his wings,
Extremely shy
And he was not flying in the center,
And on the outskirts...

Buy a collection of poems:

Anna Ignatova

Anna Ignatova's poems are atmospheric - they always have a spirit of adventure. Even in the whistle of the train you can hear the roll call of elephants. Along the way, readers absorb all the beautiful things that our language is rich in. This is not surprising: Anna Ignatova is a Russian language teacher and an avid traveler.

From book « About elephants, trolleybuses and princes »

Yesterday at the store
Yesterday at the store
On Bronnaya street
Crows flew into the confectionery hall
And so that the seller does not look gloomily,
They croaked important:
“Kilo “Kar-rakuma”!”
However, then they looked into the wallet
And they croaked more quietly:
“Kilo car-rameli...”

Buy a collection of poems:

Natalia Volkova

What ingredients do you need to make a great children's rhyme? Image, plot and masterly verbal play. In the lyrical stories of Natalia Volkova there is the first, and the second, and the third! She writes about the current realities of children's lives, as mundane as a concrete mixer, and as magical as elves and gnomes in mom's kitchen. And Natalia Volkova, in collaboration with Anna Ignatova, wrote a lifesaver for kindergarten graduations and school classes - a book with short humorous poems about first-grader animals, “First-Class Poems.”

From book « I have a secret island »

Ships and pier
Three ships
Or maybe five
We thought about going to the Pier
Stick to,
But suddenly angry
They are heart-rending
- Yes, how much is possible?!
I'm tired!
I've been here all year
Didn't rest!
I want to be in silence...
Don't pester me!

Buy a collection of poems:

Elena Yaryshevskaya

Children love stories: funny, fantastic, especially if everything in them is turned upside down. Even the jacket - and that one in Elena Yaryshevskaya’s poetry goes to work on its own (without dad!), mechanically performing the usual actions of its owner. This kind of reading is also useful for adults: an effective vaccination against monotony.

From book « A jacket was walking down the street »

Insomnia remedy
The tired sun hides in the river,
Night comes, darkness deepens...
The sheep can't sleep today,
Sleep doesn't come to the poor guy!
But the sheep have a reliable remedy.
Again the sheep closes its eyes:
- One, little man,
- Two, little man,
- Three, little man...
And falls asleep...

Buy a collection of poems:

Masha Rupasova

For this poetess, writing seems to be quite simple. Because she herself has not yet fully grown. So they sign it not like an adult, “Maria,” but like a girl, “Masha.” She writes about childhood so infectiously that adults instantly remember how to be boys and girls, and are no longer so disciplined in scolding their fidgets for petty hooliganism. And during lunch breaks, they read these poems to their colleagues, some even by heart.

From book « Old ladies fell from the sky »

I- news
Mom is at home?
Mom is gone.
Mom came out
In Internet.
Mom is looking
In the Internet
How are you
In the white world.
Drinks coffee
Leads with his eyes:
What's there
What's happening in the world?
I will tell you!
In the world I
I'm happening!

Buy a collection of poems: