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How psychics see the future. How do psychics see the other world? Can dogs see the souls of the dead?

Many have heard that a person is able to see the future. We all have the beginnings of these abilities, but not everyone discovers their manifestation. This article will help you find out how developed your gift of prediction is.

There are many recommendations on how to open the third eye, from the most famous psychics. For example, the advice of the Siberian witch Elena Golunova has already helped many people get closer to their dreams. Experts note that this is much easier to understand than it seems at first glance.

What is the third eye

This is an abstract idea of ​​how the supernatural allows you to see something that other people cannot see. There are scientific theories that explain how this is possible and have been struggling with the phenomenon of human perception for many years.

One opinion says: the ability to see the future does not speak about our development. On the contrary, it proves that earlier, many hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors communicated telepathically. This explains the presence of large brains in ancient people. Telepathy, or the gift of foresight, is a residual effect, an echo of the ancient functions of our brain, which were not completely lost.

How to discover your inner telepath

We have prepared 5 signs that you have a highly developed sixth sense, and with it the power to see the future with your own eyes. This power can be expressed in different ways, and everyone can discover the potential within themselves to truly predict the future by training their consciousness.

Sign one: you see prophetic dreams. If your dreams come true or have come true at least once, we can congratulate you: you have already seen the future. Your brain is developed enough to work for purposes other than its intended purpose. Very few people have prophetic dreams, so you may consider yourself somewhat unique.

Sign two: you often experience a feeling of déjà vu. In other words, it often seems to you that you have already been in this or that situation. The more often you have this feeling, the better your vision of the future.

Sign three: if you do fortune telling and see images that come true, then you can also assume that your third eye is more developed than the others. According to statistics, fortune telling helps only 15-20 percent of people see the future.

Sign four: brown eye color. Previously we wrote about. This article describes in detail why people with brown eyes are more often psychics. Remember that the eyes are the window to the soul and a direct indicator of your predisposition to open your third eye.

Sign five: you have powerful energy. Energy flows are a very important point, since the entire Universe and the everyday world around us are permeated with strings of energy. Most people have approximately the same level of radiation, but some are not just stronger than others, but many times stronger. The most interesting thing is that they have no idea about it. Powerful energy is characteristic of those who constantly take risks and win - successful people, leaders, charismatic and self-sufficient.

Remember that all of the above only means that you have the makings of a third eye. Any gift needs to be developed, so read Fatima Khadueva’s advice on how to develop psychic abilities. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Want to learn more about clairvoyants? Here you will find answers to the most popular questions. Something interesting awaits you!

Find out now!

1. Is clairvoyance accessible to everyone?
2. Who is considered clairvoyant?
3. Does a clairvoyant always see the truth?
4. Do clairvoyants have a “third eye”?
5. Who is given the ability to open the third eye?
6. Are psychics and clairvoyants the same thing?
7. Clairvoyants are said to predict the future. This is true?

Superpowers both frighten and beckon. The more mysterious and inexplicable, the more speculation...

Which of what they say about clairvoyants, mediums and psychics is true, and which is an outright lie? Let's find out!

Is clairvoyance accessible to everyone?

Clairvoyance¹ is a superpower that literally means to see clearly. But to see what is inaccessible to ordinary vision. This is a subtle way to read information.

We can say about clairvoyants that they receive information in the form of images, symbols or pictures. Sometimes these images need to be deciphered, but more often they are clear and distinct images that indicate a specific circumstance.


You close your eyes (or simply focus on a light or dark background), tune in to what excites you, and after a few seconds you begin to see clear images before your eyes!

Clairvoyance can help you:

  • get answers to your questions,
  • foresee the future
  • find out more about the other person, about his attitude towards you,
  • understand what a given situation may lead to,
  • see other people's true intentions,
  • be in the right place at the right time,
  • predict the movement of currencies, oil, gold, stocks...
  • find out winning lottery numbers,
  • find valuables, money, treasures...

But is everyone capable of becoming clairvoyant? Yes and no!

Absolutely anyone can read information, but different people have different channels of perception.

For example, someone can see clear images before their eyes (clairvoyance), someone can see pictures somewhere inside their brain (mental clairvoyance), someone can hear subtle sounds and an inner voice (extrasensory hearing, clairaudience) , and someone has access to inner knowledge, inner conviction in a particular fact or event (claircognizance)…

Who is considered clairvoyant?

It is important to understand the following about clairvoyants: these are people who receive intuitive information visually, that is, through images.

When a practitioner is just beginning to master clairvoyance, he can see unclear lines, patterns, figures and other images on his inner screen (the dark area in front of his eyes). But with practice, these images become clearer and clearer and take on a meaningful form.

A clairvoyant, at his own request, sees very clear and bright pictures, sometimes even clearer than those seen with ordinary vision.

Does a clairvoyant always see the truth?

No. Along with our Universe, our world, there are many parallel worlds from which information also comes. Sometimes you can see 2 visions in a row - one of which will be true and the other false. It is impossible to distinguish them in any way. You just need to check the information received for truth.

Do clairvoyants have a “third eye”?

The third eye is the energy center in the area between the eyebrows (Ajna chakra)². When a person is clairvoyant, he sees intuitive images on his inner screen right before his eyes.

But clairvoyants do not always use the third eye!

As mentioned above, there is also a special form of clairvoyance - mental clairvoyance - when images are born somewhere inside a person, in his head. This clairvoyance is somewhat reminiscent of dreams.

So, some clairvoyants, having made a request, can see visual answers in front of their eyes in the form of separate pictures and symbols, while others will see inside themselves a colorful film with vivid details.

Let's look at an example...

A girl is getting married and wants to know how her wedding will go. One clairvoyant may see several separate images - a white dress, rings, a wedding procession, etc., while another will see a short “video” where she and her chosen one sign in the registration book and accept congratulations from relatives.

It all depends on the individual's ability to read information.

Are psychics and clairvoyants the same thing?

No. For many, clairvoyant and psychic are synonymous words, but this is not entirely true. Some psychics do not have the gift of clairvoyance at all. They read and analyze information in other ways. In general, the term “extrasensory perception”³ has a broader meaning than clairvoyance.

Who can open the third eye?

Absolutely anyone can open the third eye. The best tools for activating the third eye are meditation and visualization.

However, there are practices that allow you to open your third eye and develop psycho-informational abilities much faster!

Although many people get their first experiences already on the first or second day of classes!

Clairvoyants are said to predict the future. This is true?

Not always. It all depends on the request. A clairvoyant can also successfully “look” into the past and see an event there that affects the present and future. He can also reconstruct the chronicle of today's events.

Sometimes a clairvoyant can see one of the futures, but it may not happen!

If you develop the makings of your superpowers and learn to read subtle information, you can dramatically change your life!

  • you can write bestsellers,
  • make scientific discoveries,
  • create brilliant works of art,
  • predict market trends,
  • and many many others…

You yourself understand that there is nothing more valuable than knowledge in the area for which you clearly have the ability!

So someone can become a scientist, and someone an outstanding architect, someone has the ability to communicate with spirits, and someone can create accurate astrological calculations. And you?

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Clairvoyance is a type of extrasensory perception, the presumed ability of a person to receive information beyond the channels of perception known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about events of the past and future (Wikipedia).

² Learn more about the capabilities of the third eye and how it can be

³ Manifestations of extrasensory perception in parascience include telepathy, clairvoyance, proscopy, dowsing or “biointroscopy”; such manifestations also often include methods of some kind of intangible extra-physical influence on objects, organisms or physical phenomena - telekinesis or psychokinesis, extrasensory healing, etc. .(

The seventh sense is called synesthesia - the ability to “hear” color or “see” music. After the five main ones: hearing, touch, sight, smell, taste. And sixth - intuition.

People who have the ability to perceive the world with a large number of senses are considered unique. But nothing more. There is nothing supernatural in the nature of extrasensory perception. It is given to every person from birth. After all, in the brain of infants, impulses from all senses are mixed. But at the age of about six months, their separation occurs: sounds - “to the right”, visual information - “to the left”. In scientific terms, this is the process of the death of neurons that create synaptic bridges.

For psychics, the bridges remain intact, and feelings remain undivided. As if superimposed on each other. And some of these people call themselves psychics, sorcerers and healers. And some are even messiahs.

Neuropsychologists from the University of Zurich set out to dispel the myth about the origin of the supposedly divine gift. For several years they studied psychics, who believed that they were able to see the future and shine through people, like X-ray machines.

During the experiments, scientists asked “clairvoyants” to look at a monitor designed specifically to “turn on” a certain center of the visual cortex of the brain. With its help, researchers wanted to understand how various images arise in the brains of unique people. And they discovered: very often many people “hear” the picture. Some are a faint buzz, others are a whistle. Although the picture is not actually accompanied by any sound effects.

Moreover, the so-called psychics, while listening to music, sometimes felt all sorts of tastes in their mouths: bittersweet, salty, sour. We saw the colors. For some reason, the note F glowed purple for them, and the note C glowed red.

The subjects do not imagine colors or tastes. And they really feel them. This was checked by Vileyanur Ramachandran, a professor of psychology and neurophysiology at the University of California, who developed a special test. Black twos and randomly placed fives appeared on the computer screen. It is very difficult for an ordinary person to isolate one from the other. And a psychic can easily see that twos form a triangle. After all, for him they are colored. Using similar tests, Ramachandran and his colleagues found that synesthesia is much more common than previously thought. Approximately one in two hundred adults.

Nervous abnormality

“All the so-called psychics showed clear signs of synesthesia,” says the author of the Swiss study, Dr. Michaela Esslen. - This phenomenon occurs against the background of abnormalities in the development of the nervous system. In ordinary people, each external signal is received by its own sensory system: sound - hearing, smell - smell. And in psychics, neurons function chaotically. And a signal intended for one sense organ arrives at several at once.

Neurophysiologist from the American National Institute of Psychiatry Peter Grossenbacher associates synesthesia with the existence of peculiar crossroads in the brain. The paths along which neural impulses are transmitted from the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose intersect.

And ordinary people have crossroads. But they are passive. And for psychics, they distribute nerve impulses in several directions at once. For example, signals traveling along the auditory pathway reach the junction, which sends an impulse to the eyes.

Brain scans of synesthetes have shown that when people who “color” letters look at printed text, not only the area of ​​their brain responsible for understanding speech is activated, but also the areas responsible for color recognition.

Biofield illusion

Maybe, psychics actually see pockets of illnesses in the body of the person being diagnosed, painted in a certain color. And they experience unpleasant sensations in those areas of their body that are sick in the patient. Or they hear a special sound when touching a sore spot. This is a variety psychics, scientists say. As well as the observation of the biofield - auras, ghostly visions, pictures of supposedly future events. Scientifically, this is the ability for reflexive, visual, auditory or kinesthetic illusions.

Visions are usually illusions,” explained the famous psychologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ramil Garifullin in one of his speeches. - Some people can hear or see the smell, see the colors of depression. The smell of gasoline, for example, can be blue and ringing for them, and the aroma of some flower can be red with white speckles and humming.

Geniuses with mixed feelings

Many famous people have had synesthesia. For example, the French poet Arthur Rimbaud associated vowel sounds with certain colors. Composer Alexander Scriabin saw the color of musical notes. Abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky, on the contrary, heard the sound of colors. Synesthetics include Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Marina Tsvetaeva, Konstantin Balmont, Boris Pasternak, Andrei Voznesensky.

However, for the most part, psychics are not distinguished by high intelligence. Weak in mathematics. Poor orientation in space. They suffer from a manic passion for order and symmetry. And their memory is inaccurate. For example, a typical psychic might well say: “I don’t remember the name of this street, but I remember that its name is orange.” Their peculiarity is passed on by inheritance. Most are left-handed.

Can you trust healers?

According to Dr. Garifullin, if there are common points of contact between the illusory picture of a psychic and the psychological state of the patient, then the “vision” is useful for diagnosis. In this case, synesthesia provides additional information about the disease, which can only be “deciphered.” If there is no connection, then the psychic may be deceived when choosing treatment methods. Psychics often hit the mark thanks to their highly developed intuition.

The most common type of synesthesia is “color numbers”. A synesthete, unlike an ordinary person, will see inverted fives creating a triangle in a second, because they will be highlighted in red in his brain.

Another opinion

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Tula State University, Director of the Research Institute of New Medical Technologies Alexander Khadartsev:

It is not a fact that the secret of psychics is synesthesia. In my opinion, they hear more sounds or smell subtle aromas.
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Victor Rogozhkin 14.06.2016

The "third eye" has been talked about for a long time. And not only in the east. Remember the fairy tale about Tiny little girl: “Sleep the little eye, sleep the other one, sleep the third one...”

Clairvoyants have always aroused interest, awe and fear. Rulers always consulted with such people and... often sent them to the scaffold and the stake when the predictions came true.

Nowadays, even the orthodox scientists have come to terms with the effect of being able to read information from IPs: the predictions of Vasily Nemchin, Michel Nostradamus, Vanga... gradually knocked down the arrogance of the most inveterate nihilists, and serious scientific publications on this topic appeared. Let us also try to understand this difficult question at first glance: how clairvoyants actually see.

At the end of the past century, the American Center for Brain Research, having spent several billion dollars on research, came to the conclusion that the ancient scientists were right - a person does not think with the brain, but with some external field structure (mental plane); the brain and central nervous system perform only the role of a kind of switchboard.

Our physical plane, the physical body, is a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that perceives information not only with the senses known to orthodox science, but also with every cell, every molecule and elementary particle entering the body. At the same time, taking into account the properties of higher metric spaces, time and distance do not play any role.

The time factor is a property of our four-dimensional space. Only here the time flow shows the direction of yesterday - today - tomorrow. Starting from the astral plane, the time flow becomes a multidimensional Field of Events, where everything happens simultaneously. In the astral-mental plane, the concepts of past, present and future are absent. This opens up the possibility of the astral-mental plane reading information through the individual from the entire Field of Events.

Remember the situation with the soldiers on the forest path. Something similar happens with clairvoyants. The ability of free astral-mental access to Information Fields allows them to view the entire Field of Events. This ability is not something unique. All people must, even must, have sensory abilities. There are no psychics! This term itself is at least stupid, like other terms: biofield, healing, etc.

Doctors say that only 4% of human brain cells are used. The remaining 96% is a certain safety margin, it is not clear what it is intended for. For those who claim this, it may be true. In nature, nothing is created just like that. There are no rudiments! For example, the appendix on the astral plane is the master generator of the entire immune system. Removal of the appendix in this embodiment provokes the possibility of AIDS in the next incarnation cycle.

4% of our brain cells are, as it were, a block of self-preservation of the physical plane, what in esoteric philosophy is called the human ego. The ego is responsible for the possibility of realizing the natality of birth (an astrological natal chart is like a kind of technical passport, according to which our multidimensional essence can realize itself in the physical plane of four-dimensional space).

The remaining 96% of brain cells provide the connection between the ego and the astral-mental plane. For the majority of people, this relationship is blocked by the action of an external alien Implementation Program. However, almost all newborn children do not have this blockage and many children have free astral-mental vision. Almost all parents face this. For example, a child is afraid to sleep alone in a room. He complains to his mother that a scary grandmother is standing in the corner of the room and he is afraid of her. The child simply sees the astral plane of the former owner of the apartment who died and was not released into the next incarnation. Or another situation. The child seems to be playing alone in the room. At the same time, he communicates with someone, talks. And this someone is a brownie. Remember Lafanya from the cartoon. Brownies usually look like this. Naturally, the mother, “blind” in the astral-mental “range,” with fright, pulls her child to the psychiatrist, who kindly: “You have a tranquilizer on you, little doll, eat it. Sleep the little eye, sleep the other one, sleep the third one! Don’t you see now? Well done! Stomp on.” into the common “flock of slain sheep.” Anesthesia during surgical interventions is used for the same purposes - the astral plane is completely detached from the physical and reverse restoration does not occur without energy-informational correction.

The “third eye” is a normal state for any person! Christ told people: “You are sinners because you are blind. And if you think that you have sight, then you will remain sinners forever!” How stupid are all kinds of “teachers” and “gurus” who claim that the “third eye” is open only to the highly spiritual and advanced! This is what you can open. But this one lacks spirituality, let him walk blind. I wonder what kind of ruler they use to measure this very spirituality? A person either has spirituality or is completely absent. Unfortunately, for most people, the astral-mental plane is completely blocked; there is no connection between the ego and the multidimensional essence. These people actually represent biomass - the raw material of the Potential Removal program by "brothers in mind." Most of them, having undergone medical and biological experiments of rotational seizures, are biorobots and carry out on Earth a program recorded on implanted microchip implants. In the Bible they were called “not recorded in the Book of Fate” - Information Fields. However, they can also be helped to normalize, but more on that later.

In the esotericism of the East there is a conditional gradation of vision with the “third eye”. The lowest level is a video camera: I see, but I don’t know what I see, and even more so, I don’t understand. Further levels follow: I see and understand, I see and know... And then - a sharp jump: I don’t see, but I know!

In order to understand how this very vision actually works, let us remember the drawing of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality and consider Fig. 39.

The astral-mental plane of a person perceives information from the Event Field through the Information Fields. This information is projected onto all levels of information carriers of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality: the nucleons in such and such molecules have turned their spin; the molecules, in turn, slightly changed their shape, which resulted in a change in volumetric resonance, and the cell generated an electrical impulse. This impulse travels through the central nervous system to the brain - to the very 96% of cells that form the image of the perceived information. This image is perceived by our ego - 4% of cells. The perception of an image of information is multifaceted: a thought appears, a person hears a voice or sees an image. So-called clairvoyance is just a small part of the perception of information. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.

An electrical impulse from the brain is sent to the retina of the eyes. The rods and cones are excited - a virtual image is formed, which, in turn, is again perceived by the cones and rods of the retina. An electrical impulse travels along the optic nerve to the visual center of the brain, and the image of the perceived information is recognized. Beginners look with their eyes closed. As you gain experience, there is no need to close your eyes. Almost everyone can remember their childhood visions, until medicine and the zombifying education system covered your “third eye.”

So, clairvoyance is not seeing through walls or through the patient's tissues. Clairvoyance is a free relationship between the ego of the physical plane and the astral-mental plane of the multidimensional essence of a person. The "third eye" is our entire physical body.

The level of information perception directly depends on intellectual abilities. The more a person knows, the easier it is for him to understand what he sees. Let me give you one example. A female healer turned to the ENIO Center for help. She underwent appropriate training and had been practicing for many years, possessing good clairvoyance. However, somewhere in the work I made a mistake. She was constantly tormented both day and night by nightmarish visions - entities of the so-called lower astral plane. The woman asked to close her “third eye” because she was tired of all this. However, during the energy-informational correction, we took a different path: we began to look in the individual entrepreneur for the reason why this happened to her. During the correction, employees, in particular, perceived the following images. One saw a huge panel with light bulbs, some of which were not lit, and when asked in her mental plan what needed to be done, she saw that she needed to screw in the extinguished light bulbs. Another employee perceived the image of a heating device called a “goat” and illegally used by workers on construction sites - an asbestos pipe with a heating coil wound around it. The spiral in the perceived image was all twisted, as is usually the case in real life. This employee, when asked what needs to be done to normalize the patient, saw three options: turn off the heater completely, fill it with water, or normalize the resistance of the coil along its entire length. Even this figurative perception helped to form the thought form necessary for the patient’s normalization - she stopped having nightmares and began to work normally.

After the correction, the employees literally attacked me. What kind of work is this, supposedly, of the “third eye”, what is this vision of some light bulbs and “goats” instead of real information. But what did they mean by real information? Well, they could see that in the glia of the brain in such and such a molecule, such and such a specific nucleon changed its spin to the opposite one, as a result of which the interconnections of the synapses were disrupted. This led to a disruption in the healer’s normal perception. But the staff at that moment had no idea about glia, synapses, or nucleons. Therefore, their mental plane adapted the information to the level of ego intelligence. Naturally, the higher a person’s intellectual abilities, the higher the level of information perception.

Almost every day we have to deal with the fact that after energy-informational correction, patients’ astral-mental vision begins to work perfectly. For many, this vision works normally without correction all their lives, but they did not even mean it, not knowing that this is the so-called “third eye”. Most people simply don’t know how to use it! An unfortunate Indian yogi abstains from everything for twenty years and meditates to see the aura. Our pie seller at the bazaar simply diagnoses, finds what is missing and gives the names and addresses of her mistresses... And all sorts of “scammers” force narrow-minded people hungry for easy money to fork out money.

What is called the “third eye” is the whole complex of information perception: clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, intuition...

This also includes working with dowsing frames and a pendulum. Let's consider, for example, using the Pyramid of Multidimensionality to work with a pendulum. If the operator does not have visualization of mental images, his mental plane, in response to the ego’s request, “outputs” multidimensional information in binary codes to the right and left through the astral plane. The operator himself sets the sign character of these codes. If the pendulum rotates clockwise, it means “yes”; if it rotates counterclockwise, it means “no”. The two-dimensional information of the three-dimensional rotation of the pendulum is visually perceived by the operator and translated into four-dimensional images. This closes the question-answer chain.

Often, when a clairvoyant or operator is working with a pendulum or dowsing frame, you can hear: “They showed me... They told me... This is real information, and this is “misconception”...” This approach not only seems to relieve responsibility for what was seen and communicated information, but also opens up the possibility of real zombification by other mental plans and egregorial programs.

Any information from the Information Fields should be perceived and filtered only by your own mental plane and adapted to the level of perception by your ego. Therefore, it is more expedient to say: “I see... I perceived the information... I am sure that this is so...” This is how you will block the passage of misinformation.

Experience of working with groups of clairvoyants to solve a specific problem made it possible to understand that in this case it is impossible to highlight the importance and primacy of information perceived by one or another eniocorrector. Remember fig. 1 "Chamomile of knowledge".

Information is multidimensional. For our ego’s perception, the mental plane adapts information. In this case, inevitably, some information is lost due to our four-dimensional thinking.

Therefore, when considering serious complex programs, it is necessary to combine the efforts of a group of clairvoyants and superposition of the information they perceive.

To understand a foreign language, you need a dictionary of translation terms. Without this you will not understand anything. A similar situation is true in the case of astral-mental perception of multidimensional information. In order for a clairvoyant to perceive a clear image, a translation “dictionary” is necessary. This is the whole difficulty - not only to see, but also to understand what it is. Such a “dictionary” has been created for thousands of years, but there is still no adequacy in the perceived information. For example, some authors claim that the “astral double” is located above a person’s head and is located upside down. Others are upside down and underfoot.

Consider the following illustrative example. Ants, from the point of view of orthodox science, can be considered “flat creatures” - they perceive mainly two-dimensional information - forward - backward, right - left. Let's imagine that the ants have their own scientists and they are studying the stump of a cut tree. In their steps, the ants measured the height and width of the stump and counted the annual rings. In the future, as they gain experience, they will be able to identify a particular tree.

However, the way of thinking will not allow the scientist ants to understand what a living intelligent tree was, from which the stump remained, and, moreover, what a forest is. These concepts lie beyond the scope of the worldview of ants, and to perceive this information, an “expansion of consciousness” is necessary.

Something similar happens when studying multidimensional cause-and-effect relationships in the energy-information exchange of the Universe. Often our ego does not have an adequate “dictionary” for translating multidimensional information into generally accepted terms. Therefore, when faced with another new program, a clairvoyant (hereinafter referred to as an eniocorrector; the term “clairvoyant” sounds too philistine) usually first perceives information in a simplified form: light - dark, good - bad, dangerous - safe, etc. When A group of eniocorrectors may have completely different perceptions of this. Gradually, with a multi-perspective study of the program, the generalized mental plan of the group (in a way, an egregor) begins to form a certain conditional image, which leads to the adequacy of the perception of information by eniocorrectors up to a complete coincidence of what they saw.

However, it is not an end in itself for everyone to see the same thing - there is a danger of missing, even minor, projections of information. When a group works, everyone perceives one or another information plan. Combining the mental images of this information allows the formation of a generalized mental plan of the thought form necessary for carrying out the correction.

Let's summarize this chapter: the “third eye” is the entire multifaceted perception of multidimensional information by all projections of the essence. What is commonly called a person is just a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that allows this entity to cognize and change this world in one direction or another.

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