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The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus. Temperature on the planets of the solar system The hottest planet in our solar system

This planet is about 2.3 times larger than Earth, which does not mean that it is very large. In terms of size, it can be called a “mini-Neptune”. However, the planet is 17 times Earth's mass, much larger than expected.

The density of a planet shows that it is made of rocks and other solids, and this is important. Typically, a planet this size would be a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn because its gravity would hold a mass of hydrogen and helium.

Wettest planet

GJ 1214b

This planet is also much larger than Earth. However, the mass of this planet depends not on rocks, but on water. Scientists estimate that most of GJ 1214b, discovered in 2009, consists entirely of water, although the surface temperature of this world is much higher than ours.

Scientists analyzed the planet's atmosphere by observing its passage against the background of a star. They found that the planet's atmosphere consists mostly of water, and therefore the surface is most likely watery. However, this is no ordinary water. Due to the high temperature and pressure, this water could be called "hot ice" and "super liquid" water.

This planet was apparently created far from its sun, in places where ice and water predominate. Over time, it gradually moved closer to the star. Scientists plan to begin an in-depth study of the planet in 2018.

Youngest planet

BD+20 1790b

Keep in mind that hardly any planet can be called “young.” Here, for example, is a planet 35 million years old. Compared to Earth, it is practically a child - Earth is about 100 times older. The planet in question slightly beat the record of the previous “youngest” planet - it was only 100 million years old.

Scientists hope this discovery will allow us to better understand how planets develop, especially since finding a young planet is incredibly difficult. Young planets are still more active than older ones, causing intense magnetic fields that generate sunspots and flares. All these phenomena throw off the indicators, so it is difficult to determine whether we see one planet or, for example, two. Until now, scientists do not know for sure whether the BD+20 1790b has a twin or not.

Oldest planet

Kapteyn B

The oldest known planet that could theoretically support life formed just two billion years after the Big Bang. This world is close enough to its star Kapteyn to support the existence of liquid water on the surface, unlike its twin, which is too distant and completely frozen.

The Kapteyn system itself is quite interesting. First, it is close to our own system. The system and its planets once belonged to a completely different mini-galaxy. Scientists suggest that our own galaxy absorbed this galaxy and destroyed it, scattering its systems along the outskirts. The remains of this devoured galaxy are found in Omega Centauri, a galaxy 16,000 light years away whose planets are not much younger than Kapteyn B.

Fastest planet


This world weighs almost eight times more than Earth, but is half the size. In addition, this planet has one of the fastest orbits that scientists have observed.

While our planet completes its orbit around the Sun in almost 8,766 hours, this nimble planet orbits its star in 20 hours. Although it is not the hottest planet of all (we will talk about that later), it is among them. Scientists believe that the lava covering the surface of the planet is heated to 1000 - 1500 degrees Celsius.

This planet is also unique in how it was found. It is the first planet discovered using the transit method, which scientists typically use to measure planetary masses and radii.

Coldest planet

OGLE-2005-BLG-390L B

The coldest planet ever found is so far from its star that it takes 10 years to complete its orbit, and the star itself is tiny compared to ours. The average temperature of this barren world is about -200 degrees Celsius.

It also breaks the record for the farthest exoplanet from our world. It is more than 28,000 light years from Earth.

Hottest planet

Kepler 70-B breaks not just one, but several records. Not only is it the hottest exoplanet, with a surface temperature of over 7,000 degrees Celsius, but it is also the closest orbit to its star. The distance between Mercury and the Sun, by comparison, is 65 times greater than the distance from Kepler 70-B to its star. The planet also moves at incredible speeds and is one of the smallest exoplanets.

The star on this planet is also very interesting. Typically, when a star becomes a red giant, it explodes. However, this star stabilized and returned to average size. In the process, planets - gas giants - were formed from its atmosphere.

Lightest planet


This planet sets the record for the lightest exoplanet (size relative to mass). Although it has the same mass as Earth, its huge, plump atmosphere of hydrogen and helium makes it 60% larger than our world. In fact, it may once have had an even larger atmosphere, but the red dwarf burned away most of it.

To analyze the planet, scientists compared KOI-314c with its neighbor. The two worlds tug at each other by their own gravity, resulting in slight changes in transit time through the star. The second planet, KOI-314b, is much denser and weighs more than four times as much as Earth.

Darkest planet

TrES-2b, despite its relative proximity to its star, is the darkest exoplanet yet discovered. In our own system, Mercury is also considered a very dark planet, reflecting only 10% of sunlight. This "darkness" prevents scientists from discovering the world - only by chance. TrES-2b reflects less than 1% of its star's light, making it almost as dark as charcoal or black acrylic paint.

Scientists are unsure as to why the planet's atmosphere is so dark. Some believe this may be due to the huge amount of sodium or titanium oxide in gas form.

The planet with the strangest orbit

Fomalhaut B, Zombie Planet

This planet got its creepy nickname when it seemed to rise from the dead. In 2008, the planet looked like a simple cloud of dust, but then returned to normal. And in the literal sense - this planet also moves like a zombie.

This planet has one of the strangest orbits among the planets, zigzag, and it is not clear why. At the closest point of its orbit it comes within 7.5 billion kilometers of the star, but sometimes the orbit lies 45 billion kilometers from the star.

Perhaps the planet was pulled out of its original position by a large planet. Adding to this suspicion is a large gap in the cloud of dust and ice surrounding the star, so perhaps this other planet is there.

Based on materials from


Venus has a similar mass to Earth and is only 108.2 million km away, but its average temperature is 470°C, while on Earth it is only 7.2°C. The fact is that Venus has a greenhouse effect.

Unlike Earth, this planet has a very dense atmosphere, almost entirely composed of carbon dioxide, which causes its temperature to rise by about 500°C. Scientists suggest that several million years ago the atmosphere of Venus was not so dense, and there were vast oceans on the planet.

The greenhouse effect on Venus gradually dried up its oceans, turning the water into steam, resulting in the greenhouse effect. As the temperature increased, carbon dioxide escaped from the rocks on the surface of the planet, so overheating began. It is believed that this process could continue for about two million years.

On Venus, dense clouds of sulfur dioxide, sometimes consisting of sulfuric acid, move across the sky. It is believed to be formed from sulfur dioxide, which comes from the volcanoes of Venus. The planet's sky is a bright yellow-green color. The surface rocks of Venus are close in composition to those on Earth.

The surface of the planet resembles a desert with many craters and volcanoes. There are several very large volcanic objects here, measuring more than 100 km. The total number of volcanoes is 1600; the outpouring of lava on Venus occurs much longer than on Earth.

The surface layer of the planet is very thin and weakened by high temperature, it provides many opportunities for molten lava to burst out, so constant tectonic activity does not stop on Venus.

Venus has no moons and its orbit is almost completely circular. In this case, the planet rotates in the direction opposite to its orbital motion. This leads to the fact that a Venusian day lasts 116.8 Earth days, and day and night are 58.4 times longer than on our planet.

Seeing Venus in the sky is easier than any other planet; its dense atmosphere perfectly reflects the sun's rays and makes it bright. Venus is the third brightest object in our sky. Its distinguishing feature is smooth white light. Every 7 months, it becomes the brightest object in the western sky for several weeks, and after another three and a half months after that, Venus begins to rise before the Sun and looks like a bright, sparkling star.


  • The hottest planet in the solar system
  • Planets of the Solar System. Venus

At present, the “possibilities” of space have not yet been fully explored, so it is difficult to say which of the planets in the Universe is the coldest. However, scientists already know for certain that the lowest temperatures in the solar system are present on Uranus. But what is it like?


Uranus is the seventh most distant planet from the Sun, which was discovered on March 13, 1781 by astronomer William Herschel. It became the first celestial body found using a telescope in the so-called modern era, and at the end of the 18th century it was also an important step in expanding the understanding of the boundaries of the solar system in the eyes of mankind. Previously, astronomers mistook Uranus, visible with the naked eye at certain times of the year, for a dim star. The basis of this planet is a combination of hydrogen and helium. The large amount of ice on the surface and in the interior of Uranus also led to its classification as the so-called “ice giants”.

The distance separating Uranus from the Sun is 2,870.4 million kilometers, and the lowest temperature that was recorded on the surface of the planet is minus 224 degrees Celsius. In this case, the average is 208-212 degrees Celsius.

It is logical that the temperature of Uranus is determined by its distance from the Sun, which is why Uranus receives much less solar energy than Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. But beyond the seventh planet there is even more distant Neptune. So why isn't it colder? The thing is that the rest of the bodies of the solar system have more or less hot cores, and the temperature of the center of Uranus is only 4,737 degrees Celsius, which, for example, is five times less than that of Jupiter. The situation with Neptune is largely similar: it is also quite cold, but with a maximum of minus 218 degrees Celsius with a core temperature of 7,000 degrees.

quoted1 > > Why is Venus so hot?

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system: reasons, surface and atmospheric temperature, distance to the Sun, description of the orbit, greenhouse effect.

You may have already heard that among all the planets in our system, the maximum heating is present on Venus. But why Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system?

Why is Venus so hot?

Answer: greenhouse effect. In many ways, Venus literally mirrors our planet Earth. But it differs sharply in the presence of a dense atmosphere. If you were on the surface, you would not be able to withstand pressure 93 times greater than on Earth.

In addition, the atmosphere itself is composed of carbon dioxide, leading to the greenhouse effect. This is a mechanism where heat does not return to space, but accumulates on the surface.

The average temperature of Venus is 461°C. Moreover, it does not change between day, night and seasons. Tectonic activity of the second planet from the Sun stopped billions of years ago. Without this, carbon would not be able to stay in the rock and would be released into the atmosphere. All the oceans boiled and the water evaporated (literally rushed out by the solar wind). Now you know what the temperature is on Venus and why the planet became the hottest in the system.

Planets differ in temperature because they have different structures and distances from the Sun. As the distance from the Sun increases, the temperature on the surface of planets tends to decrease. Internal and external factors are responsible for temperature fluctuations within planets. The nature and composition of the atmosphere determines the amount of heat emitted and how much heat the planet is able to retain.

The hottest planets in the solar system:


Venus is the second and hottest among. Its temperature can reach 464º C. The high temperature is due to a dense atmosphere with thick cloud cover. Carbon dioxide makes up the bulk of Venus' atmospheric gases, acting like a blanket that prevents the planet from losing heat. Temperatures remain relatively regular with minor fluctuations throughout the year. Unlike other planets, Venus's slight elliptical tilt does not affect temperatures, allowing them to remain stable.


Mercury is the first and smallest planet in the solar system. Despite its proximity to the Sun, Mercury is the second hottest planet. Unlike Venus, it does not have an atmosphere, so it experiences varying temperatures throughout the day. Temperatures can drop to -93ºC or rise to 427ºC, with an average of around 167ºC. Temperatures on Mercury are directly influenced by the Sun. Therefore, the side facing the star often becomes hot, while the shadowed side freezes. Astronomers believe that Mercury's polar regions are never heated by the Sun and therefore may be colder than Jupiter's cloud tops.

The coldest planets in the solar system:


Pluto is a dwarf planet made of ice and rock. Originally considered the ninth planet, Pluto is the furthest from the sun and has the coldest temperatures, averaging around -225º C. Temperatures on Pluto depend on its proximity to the sun: as the planet approaches the star, the temperature of the atmosphere becomes significantly warmer. The surface temperature is cooler than the atmosphere due to the influence of methane, which creates a temperature inversion. Pressure waves in the atmosphere reduce temperatures, making them colder than expected.


Since Pluto's disqualification as a planet, Neptune has been considered the coldest planet in the solar system with an average temperature of about -200º C. Neptune is the eighth planet in our system, composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. The planet experiences fluctuations in pressure and temperature depending on its altitude. Because of its great distance from the Sun, Neptune's temperature is more dependent on radiation from within the planet itself than from the star. Its elliptical slope of 23.4º heats the rising side, raising the temperature by about 10º C, thereby avoiding the release of methane. The interior of the planet also exhibits temperature fluctuations that occur as it moves around the Sun or as a result of internal factors such as winds and pressure changes. do not have a specific surface temperature compared to.

Average temperature of all planets in the solar system

Planet name average temperature
1 Venus 464ºС
2 Mercury 167º C
3 Earth 15º C
4 Mars -65º C
5 Jupiter -110º C
6 Saturn -140º C
7 Uranus -195º C
8 Neptune -200º C
9 Pluto (lost 9th planet status in 2006) -225º C

The hottest planet in the solar system

Surely many people have known since school that eight planets revolve around the heavenly body, one of which is the hottest planet in the solar system. And this is not Mercury, located close to the Sun. The hottest planet is Venus, which is located second from our celestial body.

What is the temperature on Venus?

Venus is considered the hottest planet in the solar system due to its surface temperature, which can range from 460 to 480 degrees. On average, it turns out that the temperature on this planet is 475 degrees (enough to easily melt lead or tin). Moreover, on Mercury, which is closer to the celestial body, the average temperature is only 426 degrees. Since there is no atmosphere on the surface of this planet, the temperature regime there can deviate by hundreds of degrees.

Carbon dioxide allows maintaining a more or less average temperature on the surface of Venus. The planet's dense atmosphere allows the surface temperature to be five hundred degrees higher than if such an atmosphere were absent.

How was Venus discovered?

In ancient times, people thought that this planet was two stars that appeared in the morning and evening. However, then it became clear that it is one planet revolving around our celestial body. When the Sun was not yet so bright, Venus was not too hot either. There were even oceans of liquid on it. However, the life-giving moisture evaporated, contributing to the greenhouse effect. This is now facilitated by solar radiation and carbon dioxide. Currently, Venus is very overheated due to this effect, and the heating process continues. Today everyone knows that there is no life on the planet, because in the absence of oxygen it is impossible to live.

What does the name of the planet mean?

This planet was named after the ancient Roman goddess of love. That fact is quite interesting. that this is the only planet that was named by a female name. Perhaps Venus was named so because it shone much brighter than all the planets known to astronomers at that time. Translated from Latin, the name “Venus” means “Evening Star” or “Lucifer” (Satan in Christianity).

What are the features of the planet?

The second planet closest to the Sun, Venus, is quite a bit smaller than our planet Earth. Due to their almost identical size, density, mass and composition, these planets are even called twins. However, these parameters are where their similarities end.

The hottest planet in the solar system is located one hundred and eight million kilometers from the Sun. There are no satellites around it. A day here lasts approximately 243 Earth days. In 225 of the same days, the planet makes a revolution around the celestial body. The surface of Venus is hard, with a large number of craters and volcanic landscapes. It rotates in the opposite direction, which means that the sun rises in the west and sunset in the east.

The atmosphere of Venus is very heavy and even “hellish”. The pressure on it exceeds ninety times the pressure present on Earth. The surface of Venus does not have any liquid, and everything is explained by the high temperature, which causes the process of boiling and evaporation. The planet also has mountain ranges and valleys, which, according to scientists, were formed when hot materials rose to the surface, which led to the deformation of the surface.

Planet exploration

Since Venus is a hot planet, one might think that it is almost impossible to explore. However, scientists managed to obtain information about the planet - over forty spacecraft explored Venus. The Soviet spacecraft, which had the same name as the planet, managed to “obtain” interesting images. The Venera 13 apparatus was able to stay on the planet for 127 minutes (this was in 1981). With its help, color images of the surface of Venus were made.

All devices that were sent to study Venus could remain on the surface for no more than two hours. After this time, the probes were destroyed by high temperatures. The idea of ​​98 percent of the surface of Venus was obtained in the nineties. But even today the planet creates considerable interest for scientists who continue to explore large objects of the solar system.