Repair Design Furniture

How to make a bird feeder out of a juice box. Bird feeders - options for how to make them yourself from ordinary materials (55 photos) How to make a feeder from milk

How to make a bird feeder from a milk carton. The craft was made for the annual “Feed the Birds” event. Unnecessary food packaging is usually thrown into the trash. The author suggests extending the life of already useless things and making a cool big-eyed bird feeder out of a milk carton. The feeder will be strong and will last for more than one season. The issue price is 2-3 rubles. The feeder is light in weight and can be hung both on tree branches and on windows. The author provides complete instructions for making a bird feeder with your own hands with an assembly diagram, photo video illustrations. Make your own bird feeder!

How to make a bird feeder with your own hands

To make a bird feeder with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • an empty carton of milk, juice or other drink (the bag must be washed and dried;
  • colored tape, the author used the most affordable packaging tape;
  • plastic covers of various colors;
  • two eyes with movable pupils (bought here ).

Required tool:

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • hot glue gun.

The scheme for making a feeder is as follows.

  1. To hide the design and protect it from external influences, the package is wrapped with at least three layers of tape. The winding starts from bottom to top with overlapping layers. Try to leave as few air bubbles as possible.

    For even winding, the bag can be filled with water. But then you will have to dry the bag inside again.

  2. Cover the top of the bag with tape in several overlapping layers.

    Do this carefully so that moisture does not penetrate under the film.

  3. The protruding tape from the bottom of the bag is glued to the bottom.

    Bird feeders. Gluing tape to the bottom of the feeder

    It is not necessary to completely seal the bottom with tape.

  4. In the lower part of the feeder, in the corners, you need to make two to four holes with scissors to remove accumulated moisture from the feed.

    The main source of moisture is rain and snow.

  5. A piece of tape is used to form a loop for hanging the feeder.

    The free part of the tape is glued together by compression into a “rope”.

  6. Using a ballpoint pen, draw the contours of the wings and mouth - the entrance of the feeder. Watch the video.
  7. The marked lines are cut with a stationery knife

    Extend the knife blade no more than 5 mm!.

  8. After cutting, you need to smooth out the tape at the cut points and shape the “wings” of the feeder. It is permissible to cover the edges of the cutting lines with tape to additionally protect the cardboard of the feeder package from moisture.
  9. Eyes are formed from plastic covers.

    The entire process of “trying on” and gluing is shown in detail in the video.

  10. To make it easier for birds to land on the feeder, a “bracket” platform made of a piece of wire was installed and fixed with hot glue.

    Bird feeders. Bracket area for bird landing

    Another design of the landing site for landing is also acceptable.

At first glance, the feeder may look intimidating. Movable pupils play a decisive role here. We pour food into the feeder (see details on what to feed the birds). After hanging the feeder, the first landing for food took place within 15 minutes. At the same time, a flock of 20 tits was vigorously discussing the unprecedented guest. After just three hours, the birds took food from the feeder without much fear. The sight of the feeder did not frighten the robbers - magpies and jays.

Do good deeds - feed the birds!

Videos and photos of birds were shot with a Xiaomi YI 4K camera, link to purchase the action camera .

On the website The Secret of the Master of various designs. Watch, study, do! Join the #feedthebirds campaign!

No matter how warm the winter is, it always becomes a test for birds. There is less and less food every day, and the frosts are getting stronger. In order to support birds, city residents make feeders and hang them in their yards. To make such a craft, you do not need to buy expensive materials or know how to use a screwdriver. Let's throw complex drawings aside and look at how to make a cardboard feeder from a box.

Making a feeder out of cardboard with your own hands

Cityscapes without birds seem impossible. We are accustomed to the cheerful trills and chirping of birds. They became full neighbors for all humanity. By creating a feeder, you will not only give our smaller brothers a chance to survive, but you will also be able to observe their life on your own or with your children.

Basic design rules:

Shoebox Bird Dining Room

In order to make a bird canteen, various cardboard products are suitable. One of the available options is a shoebox. It has thick cardboard and a laminated coating, which will allow the product to last longer. Laminate copes well with natural precipitation.

This version of the feeder is easy to make even for children, since most of the components are already there: roof, walls, bottom. All that remains is to cut the holes on the sides and thread the nylon cord.

To make a structure from a shoe box you will need:

  • scotch;
  • stationery knife;
  • thick thread or rope.

Cut holes on the side, insert the cord and secure it. Place sand or small pebbles on the bottom of the box. This will allow it to become more wind resistant. Place food on top. The product can be considered finished.

There is another option How to make a feeder from such a box. Glue the lid perpendicularly so that it becomes a stern stand. The second part will serve as a roof or side. Wrap the resulting structure with tape. Using wire, build 2 hooks by bending a piece of wire in half, and pierce the ceiling at the feeder with the ends. Twist the wire and bend it from the inside. Now for these fastenings you can hang the structure on tree branches.

Bird canteen made of tetra pack

Juice, milk, and wine boxes are also suitable for making a feeder. Tetrapacks are quite durable material. It can be found in every home. To make such a feeder you will need a few things:

  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • fabric-based electrical tape (you can use adhesive plaster);
  • marker.

Rinse the box thoroughly. Outline the contours where you need to make holes, any shape you like. They should be of such a size that the bird can fly into them freely. Be sure to leave a few centimeters of cardboard underneath. This way the food will not spill out onto the ground.

After all the holes have been cut, cover the edges with adhesive tape. Punch holes for the wire a little below the entrances. Now you can thread a cord through them and then hang the resulting feeder on a tree.

Candy box feeder

Try making a feeder with children. This is an easy and fun process. You can use a candy box as a basis. With its help, build a bird canteen similar to a hut. To work you will need a box, scissors, tape or a stapler.

Take the lid from the box. Make slits in the middle on the sides. Now bend the lid at a right angle. The fold should be located on the axis line. When the sides lie on top of each other, secure this position with a stapler. If you strengthen the structure with tape, it may lose its shape.

So, we got the roof of the feeder. Now it's time to make the bottom. It needs to be cut out of the box itself and adjusted to the size of the roof. Fasten the top and bottom together and thread the rope through the pre-cut holes.

Select one of the options for how to do it cardboard feeder, and get to work. Involve the whole family in this activity. This way you will not only help the birds survive the winter, but also have a fun time with your loved ones. Let children paint or decorate the structure to their liking. To do this, it is better to use materials that do not get wet, such as small buttons or plastic flowers.

Protecting nature is one of the very important and main tasks of humanity, because we are a direct part of it and are simply obliged to do everything to preserve what it created for many millennia even before people appeared. In this article, of course, we will not consider problems on a global scale, but we will touch on the preservation of some chain of life of our little feathered friends, namely, we will examine the methods of providing food, or rather the location of this food - the feeder.


Feeders can be made from anything that comes to hand, there are the simplest ways - for example, a feeder from a bottle or a box of some water or food, also if you have “golden” hands in your arsenal and talent for sculpting - then you can make a beautiful carved wooden house for birds.

Plywood feeder

If you take up this option, then you should take into account that you cannot do it with simple means; you need the following tools: a screwdriver (you can, of course, use a hammer and nails, but fastening the parts with screws will be much more durable), a tape measure, a corner (for measuring and accurate calculation) and a jigsaw.

Next, we work on sketches and drawings, imagine what kind of birdhouse you want to see, think about what specific birds it is made for - a small window for small birds (tits, sparrows) and a larger one for large ones (crows, pigeons). Sketch your thoughts on paper, then you need to clearly measure and calculate everything in order to transfer the plan from paper to material.

Plywood feeder

Plywood, by the way, is a more inexpensive option for wood, as it is its derivative. Be sure to take into account the fact that plywood absorbs moisture very well and can be deformed, so you need to treat it with moisture-resistant substances.

Juice box feeder

The least traumatic method is if you make the feeder with children, or if the child took the initiative to make it himself. Unfortunately, a feeder made from such material may not last long, given different weather conditions, but it is better to try to make it than to regret later about the unfulfilled good for the birds. You can also use juice boxes simply as a base and combine them however you want. Do not forget to put the box in proper condition before use - thoroughly wash and dry the box.

What will be useful for the construction of this structure: a juice box (preferably 2 liters, it is more convenient to work with and the birds will have space), scissors or a paper knife, a stick or a piece of plastic (to make a “threshold” of the house on which they will sit birds, this is optional, you can also use a cut-out part of the box), you can also use beautiful wrapping paper to decorate the box, glue for fastening, optionally choose various decorations: beads, stones, ribbons, etc.

Bottle feeder

As is the case with a juice box feeder, the bottle needs to be washed and dried for further manipulation. It is also a convenient and fairly simple method for introducing such a product. Often, plastic bottles from water and other drinks are thrown away, but they still come in handy in many ways.

You will need the following tools: scissors or a paper knife and, directly, the bottle itself (any volume is available), matches or a lighter (to singe the cutting edges of the plastic (it is better to do this work yourself, do not give it to children). For the simplest This set of feeders is quite enough.

Bottle feeder

If you have ideas for a more complex and beautiful feeder, also take glue, some elements can be attached to buttons, just be careful, and you need to bend the inner sharp edges, also prepare various decorations.

Shoe box feeder

When buying a new pair of shoes in a store and bringing them home, many people ask the question, “Where should I put the next box? A lot of them have accumulated." and instead of just throwing it away, you can do a good deed and build a feeding trough. We also remember that the protection of cardboard from weather conditions is not the best, so you can either treat it with special moisture-repellent agents or simply cover it all with tape.

What you will need for this: a shoe box (size is not important), glue or staples, a paper cutter or scissors, tape, decorations or wrapping paper, by the way, you can use foil for decoration ideas - it will be a beautiful glossy silver material.

Shoe box feeder

Develop a work plan, decide on an idea of ​​what the feeder will look like: like a birdhouse, perhaps an animal (for example, a crocodile, an elongated box is perfect for this), some interesting shapes and objects. And you can start working.

What can we say in conclusion - never be afraid to fantasize and bring your ideas to life, especially those aimed in a useful direction that helps someone survive. Almost any material is suitable for making a feeder, the main thing is perseverance, work, not being lazy and doing quality work, interest in this project. The idea of ​​​​creating birdhouses can be presented in craft lessons at school; children will have fun making things together, and more birds will be saved from starvation.

With the onset of cold weather, it becomes increasingly difficult for birds to obtain food. And our task is to help birds survive the winter, especially since this is not at all difficult to do. If earlier, in order to make a bird feeder with your own hands, it was necessary to have carpentry skills, appropriate materials and tools, today a feeder can be made from plastic bottles or juice boxes within ten minutes.

The design of this feeder was found on the Internet and made at the beginning of last winter (December 2012). It was highly appreciated by tits and sparrows and, after successful winter use, was written off in the spring as unnecessary. Here is a photo of last year’s feeder; we will have the same feeder-house today.

To make it, we will need two liter tetra pack juice boxes, a stationery knife, wire or strong twine, and a furniture stapler will come in handy.

The advantages of such a feeder are a simple and cheap design, bright packaging attracts the attention of birds and decorates the gray winter landscape, food does not spill out in strong winds, the roof protects the container with food from rain and snow.

Disadvantages: the presence of food in the container is not visible, the feeder is accessible to all types of birds and therefore it often happens that sparrows arriving in large numbers do not allow the tits to feast on the food. In the latter case, the solution is a special feeder for tits.

So, we drink the juice for the health of the birds, and rinse the boxes with water.

One of the boxes will be a container for food, the second a roof. Preparing the container box. To do this, use a knife to cut out a rectangular hole, as shown in the figure below.

Important! On the long side of the box we leave a strip 5...8mm wide so that it is convenient for the birds to cling to the edge with their paws.

We cut off the neck of the box with a knife as it is unnecessary.

The hole from the neck on the container box will not interfere with us, but the box that will serve as the roof must be placed with this hole down.

We are preparing the roof. To do this, on three sides of the box - two long and one short, draw a line exactly in the middle, along which we cut the box into two parts with a knife.

This is the kind of design we should get. We do not cut one side of the box (top)!

Let's try it on and check it out. The feeder is almost ready.

We fasten the roof and container using a stapler. If you don't have a stapler, you can fasten it with wire or thread.

To prevent water from accumulating in the feeder, you need to make several holes in the bottom of the container to drain it. Holes should be made from the inside. You can use a nail or scissors.

In the upper part of the roof, we make holes in the same way and thread wire or twine through them to hang the feeder.

Birds living in the wild need protection and care. It is especially difficult for them during winter: when it is frosty outside, it is so difficult to find shelter and food.

That is why caring people try to feed our younger “brothers” as much as possible. One of the ways that will not only help birds, but also decorate your garden is a feeder made from scrap materials.

In this article we have collected several of the most affordable options - based on descriptions and photographs, using already unnecessary items (plastic bottles or old dishes), you can easily arrange a place where flocks of birds will gather.

Material selection

After assessing the resources you have to create a feeder, you can choose an idea you like. However, it is worth remembering that not only its appearance, but also practical characteristics such as stability depend on the configuration.

That is why a good feeder must meet the following requirements:

Wear resistance and durability. Preference should be given to wood or plastic, which can withstand weather conditions without getting wet from rain and snow, or collapsing under gusts of wind.

In addition, the birds themselves often cause damage to the feeder - in search of crumbs, their beaks and claws scratch and tear fragile materials.

Proper size. Remember that if you cut out a small feeder, for example, from tetrapack, then large birds will not be able to eat from it, and small ones will start fights for space and shake out the food on the ground.

No sharp edges, protruding nails, etc. Birds are very delicate creatures, their feather protection and the skin on their legs cannot prevent cuts from sharp objects, so make sure that your feeder is not dangerous for them, especially if it is made of glass, plastic or planks!

Location and installation

Choosing the right location is extremely important!

Having chosen the most suitable position from the point of view of landscape design, evaluate:

Accessibility for birds. Perhaps the feeder will be closed from them by thick branches, or, conversely, it will be too open, and then, in a strong wind, the birds simply will not be able to get close to it.

Difficulty for cats. These animals are excellent hunters, especially those who live in villages and holiday villages. They are stronger, faster and more dexterous than their domestic counterparts, and therefore, sneaking up to the feeder, they can cause great damage to the bird community.

Ideas for making your own feeder

There are a huge number of different types of feeders - it all depends on your imagination and available materials.

We will try to consider both the simplest and the most original ideas.

House made of wood or plywood

Despite the apparent complexity, such a structure can be assembled with unnecessary boards, pieces of wood, glazing beads, plywood and, of course, special glue or nails.


The base should be a heavy, flat board. To make the walls and roof, you may need a drawing, however, you can get by with an eye.

A wooden bird feeder, depending on how much attention you pay to it, can become not only a place for birds to feed, but also an elegant decoration for your garden.

Feeder made from plastic bottles

This type of feeder is very easy to make and is perfect if you decide to involve children in the creation process. You need to cut one or two holes in the bottle so that you can not only pour in the food, but also access it without difficulty.

Of course, you should try to ensure that the cut edges come out neat and not too sharp (in addition, it is advisable to cover them with tape).

If you are using a small bottle (1.5-2 liters), then you can do it in two ways: cut a square or rectangular hole in the bottle, or prefer a U-shape so that you can bend a piece of plastic and make a visor.

If you decide to use a large bottle (5-6 liters, in which drinking water is usually sold), you can make a large side cutout. This will not only provide more food, but also give the birds room to maneuver.


To prevent the wind from ruffling a light bottle, it is worth placing a stone or a piece of brick at the bottom. This also applies to the next type of feeder.

Bird feeder made of tetra pack

You can also use juice or wine boxes to make a bird feeder.

To do this, you should follow the same technology as in the previous case: mark the location of the cut, cut it in shape, glue tape (or adhesive tape) along the bottom side of the opening, then make holes for a strong rope in the upper part of the tetra pack. All that remains is to hang the feeder in the place you choose.

Shoe box feeder

The cardboard from which the shoebox is made cannot be considered a durable material, but it is quite resistant to moisture, and if it is frosty outside, such a feeder can hang until spring.

The technology for making the feeder, as in previous cases, is also very simple: make four to six holes for the rope, slits on the sides and put a weight on the bottom for stability.


Other options

The above options are extremely popular - such feeders can be found at any dacha. If you want to make a unique feeder with your own hands, you should take unusual materials, for example, old tableware: a cup and saucer.

In the autumn, you can cut out a product from a pumpkin or zucchini; in the winter, halves of an orange, peeled from the pulp, are suitable for this. These feeders will surprise your neighbors and will undoubtedly decorate your garden!

Photo of a DIY bird feeder