Repair Design Furniture

Custard per glass. How to make custard easily and simply? Microwave Quick Custard Recipe

We were taught in labor lessons in the fifth grade. For some reason, this version of the cream seemed incredibly complicated to me; I never made it. But now time has passed and many things can no longer be looked at through the eyes of a child, but through the keen and all-understanding eyes of an adult. And now I realize that the classic custard recipe is quite clear and easy to prepare. And I can’t describe how pleasant it is.

By the way, it has varieties and even you can make a Napoleon cake not a standard one with an already known recipe, but experiment a little and try something new.

So, today I will show you 6 recipes with a detailed description of the creation of custard.

In a classic recipe, all products used are accessible, familiar, and do not raise doubts about their usefulness. But there are some features, for example, using whole eggs or only yolks. When using the latter, the cream develops a peculiar egg flavor, which is also not for everyone. I don’t separate the eggs this way and use them completely (without the shell, of course).

Stabilizers are also used: starch and flour.

So you can also take different starch. I always have potato, but you can buy and experiment with corn or rice.

Today we will replace starch with flour, but below I will give another classic recipe, but with the addition of starch.

It is also important to take into account that this cream is very perishable, it can be stored in the cold for three days, I don’t know about freezing, but I think that it will separate later when defrosted.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 320 g sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 120 flour
  • 20 g butter

1. Before starting to prepare the cream, rinse the bowl under running cold water and pour a liter of milk and sugar into it. Turn on the stove and do not forget to stir the milk until it boils.

2.While the milk mixture is heating up, grind the eggs in flour.

3. We carefully add a couple of ladlefuls of hot sweet milk mixture into this mass and mix, then pour in a couple more ladles, mix everything and pour the resulting mass back into the container with milk.

4.Now cook it all until a viscous consistency is obtained, stirring constantly.

5. Cool slightly and mix with butter until the butter is completely dissolved.

To prevent lumps from forming, first mix the bulk ingredients and then add the eggs.

For Napoleon (recipe with step-by-step photos)

When preparing Napoleon, we bake very dry cake layers, so not every cream mixture is used to soak them. Custard fits perfectly here because of its liquid and slightly watery consistency. It gave up some of the moisture from the milk when boiling and brewing the consistency, and some when filling the cakes.

But we will not look at the standard recipe, but begin to mix in additives. For example, surprise your guests with ice cream flavored cream.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 300 g sugar
  • 0.5 cups flour
  • 5 eggs
  • Vanillin
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 70 g sugar

1. Make a sugar-flour mixture before adding eggs to them, then lumps will not form.

2. Add 100 milk here.

3. Pour the finished mixture into the boiling milk. Stirring regularly until the cream begins to thicken.

4.Remove from the stove and add oil.

5.Separately, beat 70 grams of sugar and a glass of cream from the refrigerator.

6.Add the brewed cream to this mixture in small portions and continue whisking.

A full description of this recipe is given in the video.

It tastes like ice cream.

Custard for cake

This recipe will have a different amount of ingredients used for the cake. After all, there are a lot of cakes, and you need to coat the walls. We will add vanillin here as a flavoring additive; it will decorate the ordinary cream with additional pleasant and aromatic notes.


  • 600 ml milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 25 g flour
  • 250 g butter
  • 1.5 g vanillin

1. Mix eggs with sugar and flour.

2.Mix with milk.

3.Brew for several minutes (2-3).

4.When the mass has cooled, add vanillin and mix.

5. At the final stage, add the softened butter to the cream.

Preparing cream for biscuit

The unusual moist consistency of this cream, which thoroughly impregnates the biscuits, and you will get a soft cake and it will quickly melt in your mouth.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2.5 tbsp. flour
  • Vanilla sugar

1. Beat 5 eggs with flour and adding sugar until smooth.

2. Bring the prepared amount of milk until bubbles form when boiling.

3. After boiling, remove the milk from the stove and let it cool to 80 degrees, and then start pouring in the resulting mixture.

4.Heat on the burner, stirring constantly for about a couple of minutes, until thickened.

5.Remove from heat and mix with butter, stir until dissolved.

Look how well the mixture is applied to the cakes.

Custard for eclairs

It is quite possible to organize tea with eclairs at home. The given amount of cream mixture is enough for 12 pieces.


  • 400 ml cold milk
  • 1 egg
  • 160 g sugar
  • Vanillin
  • 2 tbsp. flour

1. Using a whisk, mix the egg with sugar and vanilla, cold milk, and then a couple of tablespoons of flour.

2.Mix thoroughly, preventing the appearance of lumps.

3.Put on low heat and stir continuously until brewed.

In this recipe we do without butter.

Custard with condensed milk

Adding condensed milk adds tenderness and sweetness to the cream. Of course, the color of the cream mixture will be much more interesting. By the way, we use starch in this recipe, so try it, you might like this cream consistency much more. Moreover, it will become more viscous and stretchy.


  • 0.5 l milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. starch
  • 250 g boiled condensed milk
  • Butter – 100 g.

1.The milk needs to be boiled.

2. Grind the eggs and sugar until creamy, then pour in the flour and starch.

3. As soon as the milk begins to boil, stirring, add the egg mixture into it in a thin stream and with quick movements.

4. Boil for a couple of minutes and see that the mixture begins to thicken.

5. It needs to be stirred even after turning off the stove so that it does not form a crust.

6.After this, add 250 g of boiled condensed milk.

7.And while the mass is hot, stir it well to dissolve the condensed milk in it. Help yourself with a blender.

8.The color of the whipped butter should turn white, and then add it in parts to the custard mixture.

Suitable for eclairs and honey cake.

I would also like to know your recipes and opinions on making these creams. Maybe you know some subtleties and nuances that will further improve this recipe?

There are many options and ways to make delicious custard. We offer step-by-step recipes for classic custard cream, which is widely popular among chefs.

The components of the cream are simple and there are few of them, the technology is simple, and the result is cancelled. Classic custard cream can be added to any cake; it is used to fill tubes, eclairs, and pastries. It is good even as a separate dessert, and perhaps its main advantage is its versatility. A step-by-step recipe for classic custard cream can become the basis for creating creams with new flavors.

General principles for preparing classic custard

The preparation of classic custard is divided into two stages. Initially, two mixtures are prepared, one of which is brought to a boil, after which both are combined. There are two methods of mixing: adding a cold mixture to a boiling one, followed by prolonged boiling, and another, in which the hot mixture is introduced into the cold one.

The “cold” mixture can be prepared in any container; for heating, you should take a thick-walled dish or pan with a multi-layer bottom. Such containers ensure uniform and complete heating. Enameled bowls and pans are not suitable for preparing such creams; the cream can quickly burn in them.

The technology for mixing the components is simple; the task is to achieve homogeneity of the masses. The easiest way: beat with a mixer; more labor-intensive - stir with a whisk.

The most important moment of brewing the cream is the connection of the two masses. Usually the cold mixture is introduced into the hot one. The boiling mass is constantly stirred, the cold mixture is poured into it in a thin stream and gradually. An exception is protein cream, in which whipped whites are brewed with hot sugar syrup.

In the classic version of custard there are no additional components except vanilla, which acts as a flavoring agent. But it can be prepared using different proportions of products and additional preparation of some components, for example, flour. Such simple techniques allow you to change the thickness and taste of the cream.

The article contains step-by-step recipes for classic custard cream for various desserts and describes in detail the options for its preparation. Here you can also find a step-by-step recipe for classic protein custard, usually used for filling tubes, baskets or when decorating complex cakes.

Classic custard cream: step-by-step recipe (basic)

A step-by-step recipe for a classic custard that can complement any baked goods. It can often be found in the filling of pastries, eclairs, cakes, custard tubes and nuts. This is a universal base for creating creams with different flavors.


Half a liter of milk;

160 gr. Sahara;

Two large eggs;

3 tablespoons of selected wheat flour;

2 gr. vanilla powder (standard sachet).

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the part of the cream that does not require heating. To mix the ingredients, you can take any bowl, even a glass one will do. The bowl should not only be clean, but also dry, since we will first mix the bulk ingredients in it.

2. Pour half the amount of sugar into a bowl, then, sifting through a sieve, add flour there. You should not skip this step; sifting is not used to saturate the flour with oxygen, but to separate small debris. Stirring for a long time, combine the components.

3. Pour the eggs into the prepared mixture and carefully grind with a spoon until we get a homogeneous white mass. Here it is recommended to cheat and use a mixer. Its whisks will cope with the task faster, and the mass will turn out more homogeneous, which is what we need. The more homogeneous the egg mass, the easier the further process will go. Even by beating eggs with sugar for a long time, it is difficult to achieve 100% dissolution of the crystals; you will need additional liquid - pour a glass of cool milk into the sweet mass. Mix everything well again. Again, it is better to do this with a mixer. Set the prepared mixture aside.

4. Next we need a double-bottomed saucepan or a thick-walled saucepan. Enameled dishes are not suitable; the cream will burn in it before it has time to brew. Pour the remaining milk (1 glass) into a container and pour the remaining sugar into it, add vanilla and stir well. Vanilla powder can be replaced with sugar and vanilla, but you will need twice as much.

5. Place the container with milk over medium heat and slowly bring to a boil. It is advisable to stir the milk at least for the first minute so that the sugar crystals that are not dissolved in the cool product completely disperse when warmed up.

6. Observe the process and as soon as the first signs of boiling begin to appear, take a bowl with the previously prepared egg-milk mass in one hand, and hold a whisk in the other.

7. While intensively stirring the boiling milk, continuously pour in the egg mixture in a thin stream and immediately lower the heat - set the heat to minimum. Boil for ten minutes, stirring continuously all the time.

8. The hot cream may not seem thick enough, but that's how it should be. Before using it, it needs to be cooled well, and this, in turn, will add thickness.

Classic custard cream: step-by-step recipe for “Napoleons” (with butter)

The step-by-step custard recipe for making “Napoleon” is almost no different from the previous recipe. Powdered sugar is used instead of granulated sugar, which simplifies the process. The custard is complemented with butter, which gives it a creamy taste and extra silkiness.


Milk – 400 ml;

65 gr. flour;

235 gr. quality butter;

Sugar, preferably fresh homemade, powdered – 325 gr.;

3 grams of vanillin crystals.

Cooking method:

1. After sifting the flour into any convenient bowl, pour a glass of milk into it and whisk thoroughly until all the lumps are gone. It is not necessary to introduce all the milk at once. You can add in small portions, two spoons at a time, and then stir the mixture thoroughly. In this case, it will be easier to achieve uniformity.

2. Pour the remaining milk into a thick-walled saucepan or pan and pour vanilla powder into it, stir. Place the container on moderate heat and wait for it to boil.

3. Watch the milk carefully. As soon as the first bubbles begin to rise to the surface, take a bowl with the flour mixture and a whisk. Stirring the boiling milk intensively, we begin to pour the flour mixture into it in a thin stream. Do not stop, stir the brewed base in a circular motion until it thickens. Remove from heat, cool.

4. Take the butter out of the refrigerator and cut it into pieces. Place in a spacious bowl and leave on the table, where the brewed mixture is already cooling. We check in about half an hour. Take a spoon and run it through the butter; if it spreads easily, continue preparing the cream.

5. Sift the powdered sugar, add it to the butter and beat with a mixer until smooth. We start doing this at minimum speed; if you immediately turn on high speed, the powder will simply fly apart.

6. Having whipped the oil base until fluffy, we begin to introduce the cooled brewed mass into it. Mix in gradually, without stopping whisking. You can immediately combine both bases and beat well, but if you do this gradually, the result will be smoother.

Classic custard cream: step-by-step recipe for honey cake

A step-by-step recipe for an unusual custard with a beautiful beige hue and a light nutty aroma. The cream is ideal for soaking delicate honey cakes. The unusual color and aroma are achieved by pre-frying the flour; the technology itself is no different from the basic recipe. The cream, as for Napoleon, is supplemented with butter.


Fine sugar – 210 gr.;

730 ml low-fat milk;

Wheat flour – 75 gr.;

65 gr. butter, preferably 72% butter;

Vanillin (powder) – 2 gr.

Cooking method:

1. The peculiarity of the recipe is that before mixing the flour with milk, we fry it a little.

2. Turn on the burner, set the heat to medium and place a thick-walled frying pan on it. Once thoroughly heated, pour the sifted flour into the pan in an even layer. After waiting 15 seconds, we begin to stir. Fry the flour until a subtle nutty aroma emerges and it changes color and acquires a delicate creamy hue. Pour the flour from the pan into a bowl and cool.

3. Pour half the milk into a bowl, and the rest into a saucepan. Pour the fried flour into the part of the milk that is in the bowl and beat the mixture until smooth.

4. Add vanilla and granulated sugar to the milk poured into the pan. Place the container on a small, steady fire. Stirring continuously, heat until all the sugar has dissolved, then gradually pour in the milk mixture with flour. Continuously stirring, bring to a boil. The cream base will thicken as you go.

5. Cool the brewed mass. At the same time, soften the chopped butter in a warm place.

6. We connect the prepared components. We begin to slowly beat the cooled cream base with a mixer. Gradually increasing the speed of the whisks, add soft butter in parts. Introduce no more than a spoon, add the next portion when the previous one is completely dispersed in the brewed mass.

Classic protein custard cream: step-by-step recipe

Sand baskets with jam and snow-white cream, puff pastries with the same filling that melt in your mouth - there is hardly a person who will refuse to enjoy such a dessert. We offer a step-by-step recipe for classic custard cream made with egg whites. It is good not only as a filling, its dense consistency allows you to create decorative elements for the cake: flowers, frills. Even after being kept warm for a long time, they do not lose their shape or spread.


Two large chicken eggs;

A small pinch of fine salt;

155 grams of powdered sugar;

Purified water – 53 ml;

Quarter lemon;

Vanilla, preferably powdered – 2 g.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the indicated amount of water into a low, thick-walled saucepan or saucepan, add sugar, and place on low heat. Stirring continuously, heat until all the sugar dissolves, then bring the resulting syrup to a boil. Reducing the heat to low, simmer for 10 minutes. Check readiness by dropping a little syrup into a glass of water. If the drop does not spread, but immediately forms a ball and sinks to the bottom, remove the sugar syrup from the stove.

2. Wash the eggs with warm water. Carefully break the shells with a knife and pour the whites into a bowl. Yolks are not used in the cream. Add a little salt to the whites, just a pinch, and start beating at the minimum power of the mixer. As you beat, gradually increase the speed. Having received a fluffy stable mass, and continuing to whip, gradually pour hot syrup into it in a thin stream. Whip until the cream is ready for 12 minutes.

Tricks for making classic custard

The flour included in the cream can replace starch, but it should be added 1.5 times more, otherwise the cream will not thicken.

Do not boil the custard for a long time, even if it seems rare. Keep in mind that it will become much thicker as it cools. To avoid mistakes, dip a spoon into the brewed mass; if it is thick enough, it will not flow down, but will evenly cover the entire surface.

When cooling the custard, be sure to cover the surface of the custard tightly enough so that it comes into contact with the cream, or cover the bowl with a lid. If this is not done, when it cools, the surface of the custard will become covered with a thin film.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


If you want to layer the layers of the Napoleon cake, fill eclairs and or baskets, you need to learn how to prepare classic custard, which is rightfully considered one of the foundations of confectionery art. It's not that difficult to make at home. The recipe allows for a lot of variations, and having mastered the basic techniques, you can experiment with both preparation and serving - use custard for cake, pastries, open pies with berries, or simply serve as a delicious dessert, placed in bowls.

How to make classic custard

Milk, sugar, and sometimes eggs are the ingredients without which a real cream cannot do. There are modifications - without eggs, on starch, using cream and even water instead of milk. Many housewives classify the dish as complex, although in reality it is not so much complex as it is labor-intensive; it requires caution, long and thorough stirring, and beating, which can last half an hour to forty minutes. Inexperienced cooks are better off starting with a traditional recipe.

Classic custard recipes

The cream serves as the basis for cakes, pastries,... Experienced chefs advise preparing the filling before the dough: it will need to cool for an hour or two, and it is not recommended to cool it in the refrigerator. Complete impregnation takes additional time. All creams are fatty, high-calorie foods, so they are not recommended for people on a diet.

With milk

  • Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 122 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The milk custard recipe is considered basic. You can prepare the confectionery product quickly if you follow the step-by-step recipe. The dish is not only tasty, but also serves as decoration and looks good in the photo. The product is used in cakes, eclairs,... To understand how to prepare the filling for confectionery products correctly, you need to carefully follow the recipe.


  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vanilla pod or powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into the pan. Place on fire.
  2. Mix eggs with flour, sugar, vanilla.
  3. Pour into the milk slowly, stirring the milk mass with a wooden spoon.
  4. Boil until a thick consistency is obtained. Cool.

Creamy custard

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 156 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.

If you're looking for an easy way to make custard, the cream recipe is perfect. It turns out light, fluffy, very tender. The sweets look great in photos and are always popular with children and adults. The recipe came to us from England, where it is considered traditional. Even a less experienced cook can make custard at home.


  • cream - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites and yolks separately. Place sugar into the protein mass; Mix egg yolks and vanillin with softened butter.
  3. Heat the cream over a barely smoldering fire.
  4. Pour into hot cream, gradually adding, first the yolks with butter, then the protein mixture.
  5. Stir until smooth.
  6. Cook until thickened. Leave to cool.

On the yolks

  • Number of servings: 5-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 173 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A particularly delicious custard is made with egg yolks. The recipe helps you make a wonderful delicacy that your family, guests, and acquaintances will definitely enjoy. Understanding how to prepare a dish is not at all difficult, especially if you have already mastered other methods. This method allows you to prepare the layer quickly, but it is important to carefully follow the proportions indicated in the recipe.


  • egg yolks - 6 pcs.;
  • 6% fat milk - 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 5-6 tbsp. spoon;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the whites and yolks. Add sugar to the yolks and use a mixer to beat.
  2. Put the milk on the fire.
  3. Gradually pour the yolk suspension into the milk. Beat constantly.
  4. Add starch and spices. Chocolate - requires cocoa powder.
  5. Cover with cling film. Allow to cool to neutral temperature.

Custard with flour

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 214 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

For a layer of luxurious “” cakes, which look so appetizing in the photo and taste even better, a recipe for custard with flour will come in handy. It cooks for forty minutes, but keep in mind that the confectionery product still needs to soak for two to three hours. It's not the easiest custard to make, but the rave praise for the culinary arts will make the effort worth it.


  • butter - 200 g;
  • milk - 250 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 150 ml of milk, mix with flour, sugar, spices with a mixer.
  2. Place the remaining milk on the stove.
  3. As it boils, start pouring in the flour mixture; the cream should thicken.
  4. Melt the butter, combine everything, beat thoroughly.

With starch

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 149 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.

Traditional cream does not involve the use of starch. But this ingredient gives excellent thickness, dense consistency, making the dish fluffy. Starch must be thoroughly dissolved to avoid lumps. The recipe can be modified with spices: cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg. Experienced housewives experiment with the proportions of sugar and the fat content of milk.


  • full fat milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • starch - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • seasonings - cinnamon, nutmeg.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix starch, eggs, sugar, preferably in a ceramic bowl. It is recommended to use a mixer. Add spices depending on the modification of the recipe.
  2. Pour milk into a thick-walled saucepan and set to heat.
  3. Carefully begin pouring the mixture, stirring every second until thickened.
  4. Cool.

With eggs

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 164 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: below average.

Like other recipes, egg cream will require attention, accuracy, and thoroughness from the pastry chef. It is especially important to beat the mixture well. When pouring in proteins, speed is required: they must remain dense and not fall off. Milk should have at least 3% fat content, but it is better to use 6% fat or cream. The finished dish is an excellent filling for cakes.


  • cream or full-fat milk - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • vanilla sugar.

Custard is a French recipe originally used to make the famous Napoleon cake. But today its use has expanded significantly, and the geography of production is almost the entire world.

Most often, this custard at home is used to cover homemade cakes, as a layer in them, and also to fill sweet puff pastries. And it’s not surprising: it’s easy and quick to prepare, and the results are amazing.

However, many novice cooks do not undertake to prepare custard for fear of failure. I offer a simple, quick custard recipe. Let's cook together, and the cream you prepare according to our recipe with photo will not only be tasty, but also very successful.


  • Milk – 0.5 l;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 150 g;
  • Oil – 15 g;
  • Flour – 60 g;
  • Vanilla/vanilla sugar – 2/5 g.

How to make a simple custard for a cake

Making a simple custard does not require much time, equipment or skill. The entire cooking process will take no more than 30 minutes, and you don’t need any special skills at all. Kitchen utensils you will need are a blender, a bowl, a saucepan and a stove.

First we need to dissolve the sugar in the milk. To do this, we pour milk into a saucepan, put it on the fire and add sugar there. Stirring constantly, keep the pan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Now let's turn off the fire.

Let's start with a mixture of eggs and flour, they need to be mixed in a bowl. You can use a blender, but you don’t need to beat it, just stir it well.

When the mixture is homogeneous, pour in half the hot milk and sugar and stir everything again. You need to pour it carefully, in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that the eggs do not curl and the flour does not form lumps.

Then we repeat the procedure, pouring in the remaining milk.

Now pour the contents of the bowl into the pan and put it on the fire again. We need to brew the cream.

It is advisable to turn the heat down to below medium. We need to keep the mixture on the fire until it thickens.

To ensure that the cream has a uniform consistency, stir the contents of the saucepan with a broom all the time.

You can remove it only when the entire cream has thickened. Otherwise, the cream will taste like raw flour.

If it starts to burn, reduce the heat further and stir more intensively.

When the composition has thickened, remove it. If you still have lumps, rub the cream through a thick metal sieve.

Now add the oil and mix well.

Once the mixture has become homogeneous, add vanilla and mix again.

Our custard is ready. All that remains is to cool to room temperature.

Cover the bowl with cling film and place in a cool place. I like to use this custard for honey cakes and other cakes.

Butter custard

Butter custard is often used to decorate cakes and as a layer. Its difference from the usual one is that there is more butter, which means the cream itself (and with it the whole dessert will be more high in calories). However, making the cream is also very simple, and the thick consistency will serve as the basis for the most original culinary delights. Read how you can use this cream at the end of the recipe.


  • Milk – 350 g;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Butter – 250 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Vanilla (vanilla sugar) – 10/40 g;
  • Salt – 3 g;
  • Starch (flour) – 2 tbsp. l.


Pour half the amount of sugar, salt, a third of milk into a bowl and mix everything well, but do not beat.

Break the eggs into the resulting mixture and just mix again.

Now take a cold pan and pour out the remaining sugar and milk. To prevent the milk from burning over the fire, do not stir the sugar. Turn on the stove and bring to a boil, and then quickly remove from the heat.

Pour the hot mixture very carefully, in a thin stream, into the bowl with milk and eggs. Stir constantly.

Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan and put it back on the fire. Reduce heat to low and cook the cream, stirring constantly.

This is the most difficult moment, the contents of the saucepan must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn or form lumps, and at the same time we need to bring the cream until it thickens.

If at first you don’t succeed without lumps, no problem, rub the hot mixture through a thick metal sieve.

Now add 50 g of butter, vanilla (but preferably vanilla sugar) to the pureed mass, mix everything thoroughly (without whipping) and cover with cling film (so that there is no crust on top).

Let our mixture cool to room temperature.

Transfer the cooled mass to a blender, add the remaining slightly softened butter and 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Beat until a homogeneous white mass is formed. The cream is ready.

Teaser network

If you need to get a product of several colors, then divide the composition into parts before loading it into the blender. And adding food coloring, beat the cream according to colors. For example, to make it white and red: divide the amount of the mixture in half and beat one without dye, and add, say, cranberry juice to the other. However, it is better to take ordinary synthetic food colors; they have a more saturated color, but only a small amount is required - your cream will not lose its consistency.

Load the finished product into a culinary syringe or bag and decorate the cake. If the cream is too soft, it needs to cool a little more.

Butter custard with condensed milk

This cream is the easiest to prepare and can only be called custard conditionally. However, it turns out to be unusually tasty and fluffy. It is most often used to cover homemade cakes or fill puff pastries; it is prepared very quickly.


  • Condensed milk – 1 can (450 g);
  • Butter – 300 g


To prepare this cream, you only need a blender. There is no need to cook the cream from condensed milk and butter.

First you need to soften the butter and then beat it into a thick foam in a blender.

The final touch is to add the remaining milk and whisk again.

Our delicious cream is ready. Can be spread on cake.

How to use custard buttercream
  • To decorate cakes, you can make multi-colored buttercream. Chocolate cream will frost very beautifully, for which 4–5 tbsp is added to the mixture. l. instant cocoa.
  • Carrot juice gives a rich orange color, spinach - green, beets - burgundy.
  • White buttercream is very good for filling custard tubes and eclairs.
  • Sweet baskets with butter cream and candied fruits are also original.
  • Butter cream can be used as a layer in biscuits, rolls and cakes.

Prepare the ingredients.

Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds from both halves of the pod.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add half the sugar (80-90 g), add vanilla seeds and the pod itself.
Stir and bring the milk to a boil.
Remove from heat, cover the pan tightly with cling film and leave to brew for 20-30 minutes (we tighten the film so that the milk absorbs even more vanilla aroma).
During the infusion process, the milk will absorb the aroma of vanilla and the finished cream will have a pleasant vanilla taste. The most intense aroma is the vanilla pod itself, which we add to the cream.
If you don't have a vanilla pod, you can add vanilla sugar to the milk.

Pour starch (or sifted flour) into a bowl and add the remaining sugar.
Whisk the dry mixture.

The more flour or starch, the thicker the cream will be.
The thickness of the cream and sweetness are regulated by your wishes, or the type of dessert/baking for which the cream is being prepared.

Add the yolks to the dry mixture and mix with a whisk until smooth.

Bring the infused milk to a boil again.
In a thin stream, pour a third of the hot vanilla milk into the starch-egg mixture, stirring vigorously with a whisk.
Then, with continuous stirring, pour in the remaining milk.

Pour the milk-egg mixture into a saucepan, place over low (or medium) heat and heat, stirring constantly, with a wooden spatula or whisk.
The cream will thicken as it heats up.

If the custard is prepared with starch, it must be brought to a boil and after boiling, boil for 1-2 minutes. If the cream is prepared using flour, it does not need to be brought to a boil. As soon as the cream thickens well, remove the pan from the heat.

If necessary, rub the finished cream through a sieve to remove lumps.
Add 50 g butter and stir.

Transfer the cream to a bowl (to cool faster).
Cover the bowl with the cream with cling film so that the film lies directly on the surface of the cream - then a film will not form on the surface.

Place the cream in the refrigerator for 4 hours (or leave overnight).
To enrich the cream with flavor, you can add whipped cream or butter.
When adding cream.
Whip well-chilled cream to soft peaks, add to the cream and mix.