Repair Design Furniture

External water supply networks. Water supply network. External water supply networks

Reading time: 4 minutes.

Without water supply and sewerage, it is impossible to create comfortable conditions in your home. Therefore, many owners of private houses who do not have access to centralized communications are forced to equip autonomous systems. External water supply and sewerage networks are designed in accordance with regulatory documents SP 31.13330.2012 and SP 32.13330.2012, respectively.

Design of sewer networks

General provisions

When designing, the water supply system is developed simultaneously with drainage. In this case, the decisions made must be based on building codes and regulations (SNiP). And the construction itself can begin only after receiving permits from regulatory authorities.

Sanitary requirements for the installation of sewerage networks and drains

According to regulations, external water supply and sewerage in a residential building must be laid at a depth of at least 1.5 m. This will keep the system operational at any time of the year and prevent it from freezing.

In addition, to prevent contamination of the water supply with wastewater, the sewer pipe should be laid lower. In this case, when a sewer pipe breaks, the leakage of waste into drinking water is prevented. For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to place both pipes in the same trench.

Proposed sources of water supply

Surface or groundwater can be used as a source of water supply. The first include rivers, lakes and other fresh water bodies. Underground sources are wells, Abyssinian or artesian wells. The choice depends solely on the availability of water sources, their accessibility and the required volumes.

Estimated water flows and free heads

A properly designed water supply network should provide sufficient water to all consumers. This indicator depends on the number of residents and the degree of improvement of housing. To calculate water consumption, formulas prescribed in regulatory documents should be used.

To determine the free head, a standard is used: for a one-story building, at least 10 m of head is required, and for each subsequent floor another 4 m should be added.

Structures for groundwater intake

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, for the intake of groundwater, a water well is required, the diameter of which for a pump with a submersible electric motor is taken equal to the nominal diameter of the pump. And when installing the electric motor on the surface of the ground, it is 50 mm larger than the nominal diameter of the pump.

Depending on the conditions and installed equipment, the wellhead is located in a surface pavilion or an underground chamber. Electrical equipment and instrumentation are also located here.

Water purification system

To obtain drinking water, purification devices should be provided - filtration, clarification and disinfection. There are autonomous water treatment stations on the market that are used for a separate house or cottage.

It is first necessary to analyze the water from the water supply source in order to determine its quality indicators and the required degree of purification.

Engineering equipment for water supply systems

Shut-off valves, fittings, pressure and water flow regulators are installed on external water supply networks. A necessary condition is that all fittings must open and close smoothly and have a certificate of conformity. In addition, if necessary, the project may include the installation of fire hydrants.

For the normal operation of the entire water supply system, the following equipment is required: water intake, pumps, mixers, filters, disinfection installation. This list depends on the quality of the source water and the adopted scheme for its purification.

Elements of the sewer network

The main elements of the sewerage network include external and internal pipelines, a pumping station, wastewater treatment facilities and discharge into a reservoir.

All elements perform their own special function and must fit together. Wastewater is treated to an acceptable level that allows it to be discharged into a reservoir. The larger the reservoir, the less stringent the standards for wastewater treatment, since the wastewater in it will be further purified naturally.

Stages of installation of external sewerage and water supply networks

The pipes are installed in pre-dug trenches on a bed of sand and gravel. After installation, the pressure pipeline is checked for strength and tightness using a hydraulic method. The first stage is carried out after filling half the diameter of the pipe with soil with the butt joints open for inspection. The second stage is carried out after the pipeline is completely backfilled.

Sewage pipelines are laid with a slope to ensure gravity flow of wastewater. On average per 1 linear m, this value should be 2-3 cm. Insufficient slope can lead to blockages and the need to clean the pipe. For the same reason, any network branches must be connected at an obtuse angle.

To service external water supply and sewerage networks, inspection wells are provided above bends, valves or fire hydrants.

If designing a water supply and sewerage system is difficult, then it is better to entrust it to specialists. As a result, the project will comply with all norms and regulations, which will reduce the likelihood of problems during construction and operation.

Rice. 1 . Water supply network diagrams:
A - dead end;
B - ring;
B - combined

Main lines designed for transporting transit water within a water supply facility.
Distribution lines laid at the necessary points when transporting water from mains to consumers. If the water supply network supplies one house, then the functions of the main and distribution lines are combined in one thread.

Schemes of water supply networks are dead-end, ring and combined (Fig. 1).

Dead-end circuit The grid consists of a main line and branches that branch off in the form of dead-end sections. In a dead-end network, water moves in one direction - to the end of the branch. The dead-end circuit is the shortest in length, but less reliable regarding uninterrupted water supply.

During an accident on one section of the highway, all sections located behind it will not be provided with water supply.

Ring circuit has no dead-end sections and all its branches are interconnected and closed.

Combined scheme consists of looped and dead-end lines.

Ring and combined schemes of water supply networks are more reliable in operation. In a looped network, water does not stagnate, but constantly circulates. Emergency areas are turned off without stopping the water supply to other consumers.

The route of water supply networks is linked to the vertical and horizontal layout of the area and taking into account other underground utility networks. Water supply networks on driveways, as a rule, are laid straight and parallel to the building line, strictly along the route.

Pipeline intersections must be performed at right angles to each other and to the axis of the passages. The placement of water supply lines in relation to other underground communications should ensure the possibility of installing networks and prevent undermining of foundations in the event of damage to the water supply system.

The distance in plan from water supply networks to parallel buildings and structures must be determined depending on the design of the building foundations, their depth, the diameter and characteristics of the networks, the water pressure in them, etc.

The external water supply network is one of the main parts of every water supply system. The cost of the water supply network in populated areas is about 50-70% of the cost of the entire water supply system, so great attention should be paid to its routing, design and construction.

Soviet scientists A. A. Surin, N. N. Geniev, L. F. Moshnin, V. P. Sirotkin, M. M. Andriyashev, V. G. Lobachev, N. N. Abramov, M. V. Kirsanov, F.A. Shevelev and others did a lot of work to develop the theory of calculation, create methods and techniques for calculating water supply networks, improve their performance and reduce costs.

Thanks to the high development of calculation theory, conditions have been created for the effective use of the opportunities provided by modern computer technology. Currently, electronic digital computers (EDCs) are used to calculate multi-ring networks.

Water supply networks are divided into main lines and distribution lines.

Main lines serve to transport transit masses of water; distribution lines - for transporting water from mains to individual buildings in which consumers receive water directly from external distribution lines.

Main and distribution lines must have sufficient capacity and provide the necessary water pressure at points of consumption.

The required throughput and pressures are ensured by the correct selection of pipe diameters during design.

The reliability of water supply networks is ensured by the good quality of the material of pipes and fittings, as well as laying and installation.

The lowest cost of water supply networks is obtained when they are laid along the shortest routes from water sources to places of consumption.

According to their plan outline, water supply networks can be dead-end or circular.

A stub network, the diagram of which is shown in rice. 33,a, in short, circular ( rice. 33, b), but cannot guarantee uninterrupted

Rice. 33. Water supply network:

a - branched; b - ring; NS - pumping station; “The WB is a water supply tower, because at the time of liquidation of an accident in one section of the main line, all subsequent sections along with its branches will not be supplied with water.

Rice. 34. Location of pipelines on a large-width city highway

Ring networks are more reliable in operation, since in the event of an accident on one of the lines when it is turned off, consumers will be supplied with water through the other line.

Water supply networks that are fire protection must be ring-shaped. As an exception, dead-end lines of no more than 200 m in length are allowed when measures have been taken to prevent these lines from freezing.

The distance of water supply networks to buildings, structures, roads, and other networks should be determined depending on the designs of building foundations, type of roads, depth, diameter and nature of networks, pressure in them and the size of wells.

The approximate location of water pipes and other pipes on the street of a large city is shown in Fig. 34.

A water pipeline is a complex of engineering structures and equipment designed to collect water from natural sources and supply it to places of consumption, as well as, if necessary, purify and store it.

Typically, water pipelines consist of the following structures:

1) water intakes for collecting water from natural sources;

2) pumping stations for lifting water;

3) water treatment facilities;

4) water pipelines and water supply networks for supplying water to consumers;

5) water towers and pressure tanks to maintain pressures and regulate water flow;

6) water storage tanks.

The relative location of individual water supply structures when it is necessary to lift, store and purify water is shown in Fig. 1. Here is a general diagram of the city’s water supply from a surface source (river) with the construction of treatment facilities.

Using a water intake 1, water is taken from the river and through gravity pipes 2 enters the coastal well 3, and from it, with first lift pumps 4, it is supplied to settling tanks 5 and then to filters 6 for cleaning and disinfection.

From the treatment plant, purified water enters reserve clean water reservoirs 7, from which it is supplied by second lift pumps 8 through water conduits 9 to the pressure control structure 10 (above-ground or underground reservoir located on a natural elevation - a water tower or pneumatic installation), and also into the main pipes 11 of the city’s water supply network, through which water is transported to various areas of the city and through a network of distribution pipes 12 and house inlets 13 to individual consumers 14.

According to their purpose, water pipelines are divided into the following:

household and drinking - to meet the drinking and household needs of the population;

industrial - to supply industrial enterprises with water;

fire protection - supplying water to extinguish a fire;

combined - designed to simultaneously satisfy various needs, while in some cases, utility and drinking water supply systems can be combined with fire safety or industrial ones. These include economic fire safety, industrial fire safety and other systems.

Based on the method of water supply, pressure and gravity water pipelines are distinguished.

Pressure water pipelines are those in which water is supplied from the source to the consumer by pumps; gravity - in which water from a high-lying source flows to the consumer by gravity. Such water pipelines are sometimes installed in mountainous regions of the country.

Depending on the quality of the water at the source and the requirements for water by consumers, water pipelines are built with or without facilities for water purification and treatment. The first include household and drinking water pipelines that receive water from surface sources - rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Water supply systems without treatment facilities include drinking water supply systems fed with water from artesian wells. For the technological needs of industrial enterprises, water from surface sources is often suitable without purification.

Depending on the method of water use by industrial enterprises, industrial water supply systems are arranged as direct-flow, circulating, or with sequential use of water.

In the case of direct-flow water supply, water used in production is discharged into the reservoir without treatment, if it is not contaminated, or after treatment if it is contaminated (from gas cleaning, rolling mills, iron casting, etc.).

With recycling water supply, water heated in production is not discharged into a reservoir, but is supplied again to production after cooling it in ponds, cooling towers or spray pools. To replenish water losses (in cooling structures, leaks, etc.), fresh water from the source is added to the recycling cycle.

A diagram with rotary use of water is shown in Fig. 2.6. By pumps 1, water after cooling in structure 2 is supplied through pipes 3 to production units 4. Heated water enters pipelines 5 (it is shown as a dotted line in the drawing) and is discharged to cooling structures 2 (cooling towers, spray pools, cooling ponds). The addition of fresh water from the source through the water intake 6 is carried out by pumps 7 through water lines 8.

Recycling (re-) water supply is usually arranged when the flow rate of a natural source is limited; however, even with a sufficient flow rate, it can be more economical than direct-flow water supply.

Water pipelines with sequential use of water are used if it is possible to use it after one consumer by others. It is recommended to use such water pipes as widely as possible.

Water pipelines are divided into external and internal. External water supply includes all structures for collecting, purifying water and distributing it through the water supply network. Internal water pipelines take water from the external network and supply it to consumers in buildings.

Rice. 1 Scheme of the city water supply; a - plan; b - section

If there is a source of water that meets the quality requirements of consumers, there is no need to build treatment facilities. Sometimes a second lift pumping station is also not required. In these cases, water from the source is supplied by submersible pumps directly through water pipelines and main networks, and through them to consumers. An example of such water supply is water intake from artesian wells ( rice. 2,A).

Rice. 2 a. General diagram of an artesian water supply: 1 - well; 2 - water supply network; 3 - tanks; 4 - pumping station P lift; ZSO - sanitary protection zone

Rice. 2 b. Plumbing scheme with water reuse

Pressure control structures are designed to accumulate excess water supplied by pumps, which is formed when the water supply by pumps exceeds its withdrawal from the network, as well as to store a supply of water for fire extinguishing and to supply water to the water supply network in cases where water withdrawal consumers exceeds its supply by pumps. In addition to rice. 2 and there are two nodes of structures. In water pipelines with relatively uniform water consumption, there may not be pressure control structures. In this case, water is supplied by pumps directly into the pipes of the distribution network, and to store the fire-fighting water supply, reservoirs are installed, from which water is drawn by pumps to extinguish the fire.

§ 4. Determination of the estimated water flow- (All images)

The estimated water flow rate is its maximum flow rate, obtained by multiplying the average flow rate by the unevenness coefficient.

The estimated water consumption for populated areas is determined using the following formulas:

Here q is the rate of water consumption in l per person per day (see Table 1); N - estimated population; Ksut - coefficient of daily uneven water consumption; Ksut is the general coefficient of uneven water consumption, equal to

The estimated consumption of domestic and drinking water in industrial and auxiliary buildings is determined using the following formulas.

Daily water consumption

where q"n is the rate of water consumption per person per shift (see Table 2); Ni is the number of workers per day (separately in cold and hot shops). Water consumption per shift is

where N2 is the number of workers per shift.

Maximum second water consumption in liters for a given shift

where Khour is the coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption (see Table 2); T is the duration of the shift in hours. The estimated consumption for using a shower in the domestic premises of industrial enterprises is determined using formulas (7), (8) and (9).

Daily water consumption for showering is

where 9d is the rate of water consumption per procedure (separately by production); N3 - number of shower users per day (separately by

productions). Shower water consumption per shift is equal to

where Nt is the number of shower users per shift.

Secondary water consumption (per capita sec in a given shift

since the duration of showers after shifts should be no more than 45 minutes.

The estimated water consumption for irrigation of an area with an irrigated area F ha is determined by the formula

where q floor is the watering rate l/day per 1 m2. The second water consumption for irrigation is equal to

The annual average daily amount of water for irrigation can be approximately determined by the formula


where Tpol is the number of days per year in which irrigation is carried out, determined taking into account climatic and other local conditions. Water consumption in canteens of industrial enterprises is taken into account especially. The daily water consumption in canteens is


where dst - the rate of water consumption in the dining room per diner is taken from 18 to 25 liters with a coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption of 1.5.

The maximum second water consumption in canteens is

where T„ is the number of opening hours of canteens.

Water consumption for production needs, both daily and per second, is taken according to data from technologists for each production unit or group of units.

Water consumption for humidification, dust removal and air conditioning is taken according to the ventilation projects of industrial buildings.

The water consumption regime depends on the size of the settlement, climatic and other conditions. Fluctuations in hourly water consumption are usually depicted in the form of tables or graphs, which are compiled based on monitoring the water consumption regime on existing water pipelines.

Rice. 3. Schedule of daily water consumption in the city

In Fig. Figure 3 shows, as an example, a graph of fluctuations in water consumption in the city during the day. Here, the hours of the day are plotted on the abscissa axis, and the hourly water consumption, expressed as a percentage of its daily consumption, is plotted on the ordinate axis.

Fluctuations in water consumption for production needs in each individual case are set by technologists based on a study of the technological process of a given production.

The supply of water by a pump operating 24 hours a day, i.e., supplying 4.17% of the daily flow rate every hour, is indicated on the graph by a dotted line.

It follows that excess water supplied by pumps during hours of lower flow from the network accumulates in the tank of the water tower. This accumulation can also occur in an underground tank or in a pneumatic installation tank.

The regulating water supply is intended to cover the difference between the withdrawal of water from the network and its supply by the pump during hours of maximum flow. The volume of the control reserve during single-stage operation of pumps in populated areas with a population of up to 200 thousand is 10-15% of the daily flow; during two-stage operation of pumps it can be reduced to 1.5-3%.

The reservoirs of water supply systems must contain an emergency supply of water for fire-fighting needs.

Fluctuations in water consumption for household and drinking needs and during the day with maximum water consumption are shown in Table. 5.

Maximum hourly water consumption for household and drinking needs in table. 5 corresponds to the specified hourly unevenness coefficient Khour = 1.25.

The schedule of water consumption for irrigation is drawn up taking into account the morning, general cleaning of the streets; In addition, it is required that irrigation does not coincide with the highest water consumption for household and drinking needs.

We assume that emergency reserves for extinguishing a fire of 500 m3 should be stored in reserve tanks. After a fire, it must be replenished within 24 n. Therefore, water consumption when replenishing the fire water supply increases to 3910 + 500 = 4410 m3/day.

The water supply system must be designed to supply this amount of water.

§ 5. Pressures in the water supply network

The so-called free pressure must be created at all points of the water supply network. Under this pressure, water is supplied to buildings to consumers.

The pressure in the water supply network is created by pumps, a water tower, a pneumatic installation or a pressure tank. The design pressure is the pressure at the point in the network that is farthest from the pumps and the highest located.

Free pressures in the drinking water supply network of a populated area, depending on the number of storeys of buildings, must be taken to be no less than the following values: for one-story buildings - 10 liters above the ground; with a two-story building - 12 m; with a three-story building - 16 m.

In industrial water supply systems, minimum free pressures are created according to the requirements of the technological design.

The required pressure in the fire-fighting water supply depends on the extinguishing method adopted. If a fire is extinguished with jets of water created directly by the pressure in the water supply system, i.e., obtained from fire hydrants, then such a water supply system is called a high-pressure extinguishing system.

The pressure for extinguishing a fire in high-pressure water pipes is created only for the duration of the fire by special pumps installed at the pumping station and put into operation upon receipt of a fire signal no later than 5 minutes after its receipt.

Table 5 Example of water consumption in the city for drinking and irrigation purposes

Water consumption
household and drinking watering general
Hours of the day in % of max.
per day m"/h m3/h m"/h
0-1 3,35 _
1-2 3,25 -
2-3 3,30
3-4 3,20 BY
4-5 3,25
5-6 3,40
6-7 3,85
7-8 4,45
8-9 5,20 -
9-10 5,05 -
10-11 4,85 -
11-12 4,60
12-13 4,60
13-14 4,55
14-15 4,75 -
15-16 4,70 -
16-17 4,65 -
17-18 4,35
18-19 4,40
19-20 4,30
20-21 4,30
21-22 4,20 -
22-23 3,75 -
23-24 3,70 -
Total... 100,00

Fire-fighting high-pressure water supply systems are installed only at those industrial enterprises where this is justified by technical and economic calculations.

If a fire is extinguished with jets that are created by fire pumps (motor pumps), brought to the place of the fire and receiving (sucking) water from the water supply through hydrants, then such a water supply is called a low-pressure fire-fighting water supply.

In high-pressure fire-fighting water supply systems, the free pressure must ensure that a compact (unfragmented) jet of at least 10 m is obtained at full fire water flow and when the nozzle is located at the level of the highest point of the tallest building.

where Npozh is the free pressure in the water supply (at the hydrant);

Neck - the height of the building to the highest point (usually to the ridge of the roof), counting from the surface of the earth; h is the sum of pressure losses in the hydrant, in fire hoses and in the trunk.

consists of:

Text part. Explanatory note on external water supply networks, Moscow

Project passport

I.Common data

1.Name of the project: Water supply for construction site No. 26a. On-site networks. ……

2. Customer: OJSC “….”

3. Design stage: Detailed documentation

4. Construction area: Northern Administrative Okrug

5.Type of construction: Water pipeline D=100mm.

  1. Project organization: ….

II.Technical and economic indicators

  1. Temporary water supply D=100mm. 114.3 m
  2. Estimated cost thousand rubles
  3. Construction period.

III. Construction solutions

No. Name Material Size (D),


Lalong the highway




In a steel case Closed gasket


L(m) Duh,


TEMPORARY WATER PIPELINE D=100mm (on-site network)
1 Steel pipe D=100mm steel 108x5.0 108,3 114,3 300 102,0
2 Steel case D=600mm steel 630x8.0 6,0


1. General part

This project was developed by order of OJSC “….” in accordance with the technical specifications of MGUP "Mosvodokanal" No. .... from... g.

1.1 The starting materials for design are:

— geodetic plans M 1:2000;

— geodetic plans M 1:500 “Mosgorgeotrest”;

— the route was inspected by designers in situ.

— SNiP 2.04.02-84 “Water supply, external networks and structures.”

— Albums of the institute “Mosinzhproekt”, “Kanalstroyproekt”

— Engineering and geological surveys were carried out by JSC Mosinzhproekt, workshop No. 8.


The installation of a temporary water supply for the construction site is carried out in connection with the preparation of priority measures for the development of construction sites.....

Construction address: Site No. 26a is located in the Western Administrative District of Moscow.....

On the site there are temporary household buildings (canteen, shower facility), temporary industrial buildings, as well as areas for storing building materials and other structures.

Designed temporary water supply, sewerage, drainage and electricity networks are located on the construction site.


According to the report on engineering and geological surveys carried out by JSC "..." (well No. 9 dated November 10, 1972), the following soils will be developed in the construction trench:

Bulk soil: red-brown loam, with incl. up to 10% crushed brick, with layers of sand, plastic, 1.4 m thick;

Medium-fine sand, brown, with incl. up to 10% gravel, wet, medium density, thickness 1.4 m;

Medium-fine sand, brown, with incl. up to 10% gravel, crushed stone, wet, medium density, thickness 1.2 m;

Medium-fine sand, brown, with incl. up to 10% gravel, wet, medium density, thickness 1.8 m.

The basis of the designed water supply system is: medium-fine brown sand, with incl. up to 10% gravel, crushed stone, wet, medium density with a design resistance of at least Ra=200 kPa.

The groundwater level is located below the utility lines. During construction, groundwater will not be tapped.

The results of engineering-geological surveys comply with the requirements of SNIP 2.02.01-83*, SP 11-105-97.

4.Design solutions

To develop the documentation, the construction plan prepared by OJSC Metrogiprotrans was used as initial data.

Temporary water supply to the construction site for the period of construction ...., construction site No. 26a, is carried out by installing an on-site water supply network D = 100mm. The on-site designed water supply network is connected to the designed off-site water supply system of JSC Mosinzhproekt D=100mm. The connection of the projected off-site water supply network according to the project of JSC Mosinzhproekt was made to the existing ring city water supply D=300mm.

The maximum pressure in the city water supply network is 50 m water column, the minimum is -45 m water column.

All temporary structures are carried out only during the preparation of priority measures for the development of construction sites.....

Water supply to the construction site is carried out by temporary on-site and off-site networks with structures on them.

Off-site water supply designed to connect the on-site water supply networks of construction site No. 26a to the existing city water supply. The network was completed by OJSC “….” D=100mm. The off-site water supply system is designed from the existing water mains D=300mm to the water metering unit and is located at the outer boundary of the territory of construction site No. 26a.

On-site water supply designed to provide drinking water and production needs of construction site No. 26a. The designed water supply system is located inside the site.

For water metering, a water metering unit with a water flow meter SKB-40 is provided in a heated building measuring 6.0 x 3.0 m on the construction site. The water metering unit is equipped with air control devices in accordance with the technical requirements approved by the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the Moscow Government. The water metering unit is mounted using cast iron shaped parts of ChShG with an internal cement-sand coating and a galvanized outer surface.

Temporary on-site water supply networks are provided from electric welded steel pipes D=108x5mm in accordance with GOST 10704-91 with a total length of 114.3 m. The construction method is open.

When the designed network B1 D=100mm passes under the road, the network is laid in a steel case D=325x8mm in accordance with GOST 10704-91, 102.0m long. The space between the pipe and the casing is backfilled with M100 cement mortar.

At the exit from the water metering unit building, the network is lowered into the ground by a vertical riser D=100mm, 2.0m high. At the entrance to the building of the shower facility and the canteen, the water supply network rises into the building with a vertical riser D = 100 mm, the height of each riser is 2.0 m. The vertical sections of the designed network V1 D=100mm, located above the freezing depth, are enclosed in a steel case D=630x8mm, with a total length of 2.00m. The gap between the case and the pipe is filled with expanded clay. A reinforced concrete reinforcement ring is placed at the base of the vertical riser.

At the entrances to the buildings (pos. 9, 10) there are well-less flanged cast iron valves from the company "Hawle" /

In places where the route turns, provide a concrete stop SK2110-88.

Well VK1, VK2 are equipped with a cast iron flanged valve D=100 for the technological needs of the site.

Air is discharged at the highest points of the water supply network (through water fittings in temporary buildings).

The network is drained through the VK2 well.

All flange connections are bolted. Bolted connections are provided with a corrosion-resistant thermal diffusion zinc coating (TDZ).

A flange seal made of a 3mm thick rubber gasket is provided.

UOP-6 support plates are installed under the hatches of the water supply chambers. Shut-off valves are installed in the chambers; all connecting and fitting parts must be made of cast high-strength cast iron for pressure pipelines TU 1468-001-39535214-2008.

The outer surface of the necks is coated with two layers of bitumen.

After completion of construction and installation work, before putting this section of the water pipeline into operation, it is necessary to perform the following types of work:

  1. Telemetric diagnostics of the internal state of the central control point of the laid pipeline;
  2. Perform a hydraulic test of the pipeline with a pressure exceeding the working pressure by 1.25 (Fig. = 1.25xRwork).
  3. Disinfect the pipeline with water using imported sodium hypochlorite in accordance with GOST 11086-76 grade A.
  4. Flushing of the pipeline is considered completed after 12 times of water exchange in the area being flushed. Flushing water is taken from the city water supply and discharged into the drainage network. The total volume of discharge is Vsbr = 12x0.9 = 10.8 m³. At the end of washing, take water samples to study the amount of residual chlorine.
  5. Bacteriological analysis.
  6. Insertion into the existing city water supply network.

The pipeline should be tested in accordance with SNiP 3.05.04-85*. The pipeline is tested for strength and tightness using a hydraulic method. Strength test pressure is 0.8 MPa. The test pressure for tightness is 1.0 MPa.

To measure the volume of water pumped into the pipeline and released from it during testing, measuring tanks or cold water meters (water meters) in accordance with GOST 6019-83, certified in the prescribed manner, should be used.

Filling the pipeline under test with water should be carried out at a rate of no more than 4 – 5 m 3 /h.

When filling the pipeline with water, air must be removed through open taps and valves.

Acceptance hydraulic testing of the pressure pipeline may begin after filling it with soil in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87 and filling it with water for the purpose of water saturation. For steel pipelines, soaking for the purpose of water saturation is not carried out.

The pipeline passed the preliminary test if there were no ruptures of fittings and pipes, no violations of the embossing of butt joints, and no water leaks were detected. During the preliminary testing of the water supply system, no pressure drop is allowed for steel pipes.

The pressure pipeline is recognized as having passed the preliminary and acceptance hydraulic tests for tightness if the flow rate of pumped water does not exceed no more than 0.28 l/min per 1 km of steel pipe D = 100 mm.

Drain the rinsing water into the rain drain.

The volume of water as a result of emptying the designed network is 0.9 m 3 .

Installation and hydraulic testing of pipelines should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.04-85.

The PPR should be coordinated with 5 REVS MGUP MVK.

After completion of construction, the water supply system must be eliminated: pipes are filled with cement-sand mortar M100, shaped parts, well slabs, necks, thrust slabs, ladders, and hatches are dismantled. The wells are filled with sand.

Working documentation was developed in accordance with the rules and regulations, instructions, state standards, design assignments and technical conditions of operating organizations. The composition and content of the project comply with the requirements of SNiP 11-01-95.

Table of scope of main works (on-site network)

No. Name of type of work Unit change Qty/

total weight

Temporary water supply D=100mm
1 Art. case d=630×8mm pm/kg 6,0 736,0 case (riser)

open gasket

2 Pipe st. D=108x5.0mm

GOST 10704-91 Nar. protective coating made of extruded polyethylene according to GOST 9.602-89

pm/kg 114,3 1452,0 Open gasket
3 Art. case d=325×8mm pm/kg 102,0 6379,0 Open gasket


pcs/kg 2 52,0 Apply ZRA in accordance with the technical requirements approved by the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the Moscow Government
5 Cast iron flange tee, D=100mm pcs/kg 2 38,0

4450E2 "Hawle"

pcs/kg 1 71,0
7 pcs/kg 2 18,8
8 Handlebar for valve

7800 "Hawle"

pcs/kg 2 4,4

4550 "Hawle"

pcs/kg 1/54,5
10 Steel welded elbow 90°


pcs/kg 4 16,0 GOST 17375-2001


11 Steel welded elbow 45°


pcs/kg 1 2,8
12 pcs/kg 4 4,7 GOST 12820-01
13 Set:

bolt (1 pc.), nut (1 pc.)

M16x80, GOST 7798-70

set 32 For pipe D=100mm

TDC coated

14 Expanded clay insulation m 3 1,6
15 Metal for clamps pcs/kg 27 95,0 SK 2410-94-12

for steel pipe D=100mm

16 Cement mortar M-100 m3 6,4 For pipe D=100mm
17 Stop D100 PC. 2 SK2110-88-0.001

For pipe D=100mm, rotation angle 15°

18 Stop plate (bet B7.5) pcs/m3 2 0,04
19 pcs/m3 2 0,02
20 Waterproofing gasket pcs/m² 2 0,12
21 Preparation from crushed stone pcs/m3 2 0,02
22 Stop D150 PC. 1 SK2110-88-0.005

For pipe D=100mm, rotation angle 90°

23 Stop plate (bet B15) pcs/m3 1 0,06
24 Concrete preparation (concrete B7.5) pcs/m3 1 0,02
25 Waterproofing gasket pcs/m² 1 0,18
26 Preparation from crushed stone pcs/m3 1 0,011
Reinforcement node, L =0.8m
27 Monolithic concrete B7.5 for preparation L=0.85 pcs/m 3 3 0,06 TK-01-04-03 for pipe D=100mm
28 Monolithic reinforced concrete B15 per frame pcs/m 3 3 0,27
29 Road mesh Ф5.6mm per frame pcs/m 2 3 3,3
30 Bitumen coating in two times pcs/m 2 3 2,9
Reinforcement unit for socket connection (installation and dismantling)
31 Fittings Ø10 A-I, L=490mm pcs/kg 4 1,25
32 Nut M10 pcs/kg 8 0,25
33 Steel sheet 10mm thick pcs/kg 4 15,5
34 Rubber gasket thickness 3mm pcs/kg 2 0,5
35 pcs/t 2 5,64 SK 2201-88
36 Floor slab PK-15 pcs/t 2 1,36
37 Ladder L1, L total =4.2m kg 103,0
38 Thrust plate UOP-6 pcs/t 2 1,8 Ochakovsky reinforced concrete plant
39 Cast iron hatch type “T” pcs/kg 2 240,0 GOST 3634-99
40 Foundation for valves 150x150x250(N): PC 2
40.1 — concrete B15 m 3 0,01
40.2 — hot-rolled equal-flange steel angle St. 3, size 35x35x5mm pm/kg 4,4 11,3 GOST 8509-86
Dismantling along the route
41 Cement solution M100 for backfilling pipes d=100mm m/m 3 114,3 0,9 backfilling
42 Working chamber of a water well VG-15 pcs/t 2 5,64
43 Floor slab PK-15 pcs/t 2 1,36
44 Ladder L1, L total =4.2m kg 103,0
45 Thrust plate UOP-6 pcs/t 2 1,8
46 Cast iron hatch type “T” pcs/kg 2 240,0
47 Cast iron flanged valve P=1.6MPa, D=100mm,


pcs/kg 2 52,0
48 Cast iron flange tee D=100mm pcs/kg 2 38,0
49 Flanged cast iron tee with two wedge valves P = 1.6 MPa

4450E2 "Hawle"

pcs/kg 1 71,0
50 Telescopic rod depth of pipeline 2.0-2.5 m pcs/kg 2 18,8
51 Handlebar for valve

7800 "Hawle"

pcs/kg 2 4,4
52 Cast iron carpet for two valves

4550 "Hawle"

pcs/kg 1/54,5
53 Flanged cast iron tee with two wedge valves P = 1.6 MPa

4450E2 "Hawle"

pcs/kg 1 71,0
54 Steel welded elbow 90°


pcs/kg 3 12,0
55 Steel flat welded flange D=100mm, P=1.6MPa pcs/kg 4 4,7
56 Backfilling a well with sand pcs/m 3 2 7,1
Flushing of water supply (installation and dismantling)
57 Fire hose D=75mm m 150,00
58 Cast iron flanged valve MZV75, D=75mm pcs/kg 2 90,00
59 Ball valve through passage 11B27p1, D=50mm PC 2
Water metering unit (installation and dismantling)
61 Cast iron flanged valve D=100mm, PN=1.6MPa, 30h39r PC. 2 52,0 Apply ZRA in accordance with the technical requirements approved by the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the Moscow Government
63 Cast iron flange elbow D=100mm PC. 2 7,9
64 Check valve d=100mm PC. 1 TU 1460-035-50254094-2000
65 Steel transition 100x50mm PC. 2 1,2 GOST 17378-83
66 Welded steel flange D=100mm PC. 1 1,1 GOST 12820-01
67 Cast iron flange pipe VChShG D=100mm, L=200mm PC. 1 23,0 To order plant "Svobodny Sokol"
68 Cast iron flange pipe VChShG D=100mm, L=150mm PC. 2 15,6
69 Support brand KNS-VIII PC 2 Sec. 16-11
70 Rubber gasket, S=3mm, D=172mm pcs/kg 10 9 GOST 7339-90
71 Rubber gasket, S=3mm, D=57mm pcs/kg 2 0,8 GOST 7339-90
72 Galvanized bolts M16x80 with nut PC. 80 GOST 7798-70,

GOST 5915-70

Water supply network

a set of water supply lines (pipelines) for supplying water to places of consumption; one of the main elements of the water supply system (See Water supply). To the lines of V. s. (usually laid along streets and driveways) so-called house branches (pipes) are connected, through which water is supplied to individual buildings. Internal (intra-house) water supply systems are installed inside buildings, supplying water to water taps. In contrast to them, the main V. s. (laid outside buildings) is called external (street, courtyard). For the device V. s. water pipes are used. The choice of pipe type depends on the required pressure in the water supply, the nature of the soil, the installation method, and also on economic factors. For underground installations, the most common are cast iron, asbestos-cement and steel pipes; reinforced concrete and plastic are also used. The depth of the pipes depends on the level of soil freezing, the temperature of the water supplied through the pipes, and the operating mode of the water supply system. (for the central zone of the USSR, the depth is about 2.5 m). The minimum installation depth is determined by the need to protect pipes from destruction by dynamic (transport) loads.

V. s. are equipped with shut-off valves - gate valves and valves (See Valve) (for turning off individual sections of the network) and water dispensing devices - fire hydrants (See Fire Hydrant), sometimes - street water dispensers (in areas not yet fully provided with house inlets). Hydrants and valves are usually installed in special wells (prefabricated reinforced concrete or brick), covered with metal removable hatches.

According to technical conditions, water pressure in V. s. populated areas should not exceed 6 at. To supply water to individual multi-storey buildings, local pumping stations are installed. V. s. must ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supply of water to consumers. This condition is met by the design of ring-shaped systems consisting of adjacent closed circuits-rings ( rice. 1 ), the location of which depends on the layout of the city. In the event of an accident, the damaged section of the water pipeline can be turned off (with valves A And b) without stopping the water supply to all other water supply lines. In branched (dead-end) V. s. ( rice. 2 ) in case of an accident in any area (for example, at a point x) water supply is stopped to all sections of the network lying behind the damaged one; therefore, branched networks can only be installed in cases where interruptions in the water supply are acceptable. All water supply systems that provide for the supply of water for extinguishing fires are, as a rule, arranged in a ring. In V. s. a distinction is made between main lines that transport water in transit to remote areas of the supplied territory, and a distribution network that supplies water to individual house branches.

Calculation of V. s. (especially ring ones and those receiving water from several pumping stations) is a very complex and time-consuming job. To carry it out, it is advisable to use computers.

Lit.: Moshnin L.F., Methods of technical and economic calculation of water supply networks, M., 1950; Abramov N.N., Pospelova M.M., Calculation of water supply networks, 2nd ed., M., 1962; Andriyashev M. M., Hydraulic calculations of water pipelines and water supply networks, M., 1964; Abramov N. N., Water supply, M., 1967.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “water supply network” is in other dictionaries:

    Water supply network- System of pipelines and structures on them intended for water supply The same Source: POT R M 025 2002: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of water supply and sewerage facilities ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    The totality of all railway pipelines. dor. water supply, in Crimea, water is taken from the water supply source (gravity and suction lines), pumped into water reservoirs (pressure pipeline) and distributed throughout the station to... ... Technical railway dictionary

    A set of water supply lines (pipelines) for supplying water to places of consumption; one of the main elements of the water supply system... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    water supply network- A system of pipelines with structures on them for supplying water to places of its consumption. [GOST 25151 82] Topics water supply and sewerage in general... Technical Translator's Guide

    Water supply network- 5) water supply network is a complex of technologically interconnected engineering structures designed for transporting water, with the exception of engineering structures also used for heat supply purposes;...

Water supply, in other words, water supply networks are a closed system consisting of many elements and structures designed to provide premises with water. Moreover, the water supply system itself consists of both external and internal networks. What is included in the external water supply networks, as well as the characteristics and operating features of the components will be disclosed in this article.

Consumables for external networks largely coincide with those for internal networks, although they are required in larger volumes. Pipelines are a key component of external networks. The material of modern pipelines is represented by a diverse range, from classic steel to modern polypropylene and polyethylene structures. To increase pressure in external networks, pumping stations are used, since pumping in pipes is carried out under the required pressure from the source to consumers.

Shut-off valves and inspection wells are also placed on the pipeline line. Most modern systems use water treatment stations in external networks. Such stations carry out additional purification of water, increasing its quality and making it suitable for drinking. External networks may include water intake and water intake structures. The former are required for collecting water from a source, the latter for storing water.

The purpose of external networks is different. The most common purpose is the transmission of drinking water, that is, household water. There is also an external one, intended exclusively for extinguishing water. Industrial and technological external networks are designed for pumping non-potable water for technological needs. Irrigation and watering systems are needed for agricultural needs and care for ornamental plants. There are also combined systems that combine several of the above purposes.

What will be required before starting work?

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account many standards in accordance with the water supply standards - GOST and SNiP standards related to water supply. There is a standard for separate distances between parts of external water supply networks and landscape elements. For example, the distance from the sewerage system to the water supply system must be at least a meter, and the distance from the water supply/sewerage pipes to the border of the roadway must be at least two meters.

In addition to the permit and the project, it will be necessary to obtain certificates from technical supervision for compliance with the requirements for excavation and hidden work.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the quality of consumables meets existing standards. Only the use of high-quality materials can ensure uninterrupted operation of external water supply networks.

The initial stage of installing external water supply networks

After the task for designing a water supply system has been drawn up and all preliminary operations have been carried out, the construction of water supply networks in the planned area begins. The first step is excavation work, which consists of digging trenches for the pipeline. Next, the bottom of the trenches is filled with quartz sand, which will ensure a safe location of the pipeline pipes. At the third stage, pipeline pipes are installed.

The trench is dug from the water source 50 centimeters below the freezing depth. And when digging the trenches themselves, the slope of the external water supply must be taken into account, which should be no more than three centimeters for every meter of the site.

There are several ways in which water supply and sewerage can be laid - above ground and underground. Aboveground is carried out on overpasses and supports, and underground can be trench or trenchless. The trench underground laying system may involve the use of special equipment or be done manually. Trenchless underground installation is installed only using HDD (horizontal directional drilling) units. In cases where it is not possible to install a pipeline using a trench method, in some areas external networks are installed using gas pumping units and the formation puncture method.

Therefore, recently, in addition to the trench method, a trenchless method has also been used, which includes laying cases. The following advantages can be identified in trenchless installation: economically less expensive, more automated, low cost, and more environmentally friendly. This type of installation is carried out by installing cases under the pipeline. In this case, the diameter of the case for the water supply must exceed the diameter of the pipes themselves.

The final stage of installation of external water supply networks

Returning to the stages of installation of external networks, it should be noted that wells, shut-off and control valves, distribution columns, and fire hydrants are then installed. It is important to note that quartz sand is used not only to create a base for placing pipes in trenches, but also to compact pipes in the future. For this purpose, its layer-by-layer backfill is used. Thus, it is established that the external fire water supply system is the same as all other external networks.

After the main external networks and water supply structures have been installed, restoration work takes place at the installation site, which may be accompanied by the introduction of landscaping elements into the landscape area. Next, acts of hidden work are signed. And after connecting the external water supply networks to the plumbing systems of the premises, all documentation of an executive and technical nature is finalized.

Testing of external water supply networks

After installation of external networks, the water supply system is always tested for strength and tightness to ensure the quality of the work performed and the suitability of the water supply system for use. In this case, a preliminary test is carried out before installing shut-off valves and backfilling the dug trenches. However, the final test is carried out only after all work has been completed. So, the strength calculation of a water pipeline is carried out by testing it with internal pressure. The test is considered successfully completed when there is no rupture of the pipes, no damage or leakage at the joints.

Additional Information

Additionally, several points need to be highlighted. There is a frequently asked question “what should be the distance between the water supply and sewerage inputs,” in other words, between the input and output. As a rule, the water supply inlet is located either to the left or to the right of the sewer outlet. The distance between them should be more than one and a half meters with an input diameter of up to 200 mm, and more than three meters with a diameter of more than 200 mm.

Many representatives of the private housing sector regularly faced written notices about unauthorized connections to the water supply.

You should be aware that the fine for an unauthorized connection to the water supply is over 25 thousand rubles, and the violator is disconnected from the network.

To avoid this, it is recommended to use only legal connection methods. To officially connect to the water supply, it is necessary to agree on a project plan for external networks and obtain permission from the relevant authorities, as described above.

Questions also arise regarding existing water supply schemes. There are several types of wiring. The main ones are the roundabout and the dead-end. The ring is distinguished by an uninterrupted water supply. With such wiring, much more consumables are required than when installing dead-end wiring. The latter supplies small enterprises and is also activated in case of accidents on the roundabout.

In general, this is all you need to know about external water supply networks. In this article, you can familiarize yourself in detail not only with the existing features of installing external networks, but also obtain additional information on current issues. In the field of laying external water supply networks, the most interesting are new methods of trenchless installation. With their speedy introduction and mass use, it will be possible to install and repair water pipelines without blocking roads and increasing surface clutter.