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When to plant tomatoes in May. The best time to plant tomato seedlings in open ground. Early varieties of tomatoes

Growing tomato seedlings is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. But when the seedlings have already formed, the key to a high tomato yield is the correct planting of the seedlings in open ground. We will consider in detail in the article when and how to plant tomatoes in open ground.

The main thing is to follow the technology when planting seedlings, especially if the tomato seedlings are of different varieties. The timing of landing depends on many factors and weather conditions of the region where the landing will take place. Let's also consider recommendations for planting tomato seedlings according to the Lunar calendar for 2017.

Lunar calendar for planting tomatoes in open ground in 2017

The phases of the moon and constellations influence the growth and development of plants, so many gardeners use recommendations. This will help grow plants more resistant to diseases and stress.

In the Lunar calendar you will find dates, phases of the Moon and the constellations in which they are located, thanks to which you will learn what can and cannot be done in the garden on a given day.

Planting of tomato seedlings usually ends at the end of June, so below are the planting dates until the end of June.

The following dates are considered unfavorable days for planting and work in May-June 2017:

Seedlings are planted in open ground when frost should no longer return to your region. This usually occurs from mid-May (southern regions) to early June (northern regions).

Usually, after planting, seedlings are covered with film for several days to improve survival rate.

For this purpose, a small greenhouse is built from iron arcs, onto which film material is stretched and pressed to the ground on the sides with bricks.

The soil temperature at the time of planting seedlings should be at least 10 degrees (if a greenhouse is used) and 15 degrees when planting tomatoes in open ground. At temperatures below 10 degrees, seedlings will not take root and will die.

How to plant tomatoes in open ground

At the time of planting, the seedlings may already outgrow and stretch out, so before planting in the ground it is necessary to cut off the lower pair of leaves and plant them slightly deeper. At the bottom of the stem, adventitious roots are formed, which will provide additional nutrition.

Technology of planting seedlings step by step:

A week before planting seedlings, the area should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate - 1 liter of a weak solution per 1 m2 of area. Then the soil is fertilized: with organic fertilizers 4 kg of humus per 1 m2 and mineral fertilizers 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and wood ash per 1 m2. The soil on the site is being dug up.

Tomato seedlings are planted as follows:

Low-growing early varieties in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between seedlings of 30-35 cm and between rows of 60 cm;
-- tall varieties are planted according to a 30 x 70 pattern.

Planting seedlings:

Carefully remove the plant from the pot;
-- pour 1 tbsp of fertilizer for tomatoes (such as Signor-tomato) into a prepared hole. l., mix with soil at the bottom of the hole. Now place the earthen ball with roots in the hole;
- if there are overgrown plants, we deepen them into the hole by 10 cm;
- if you have decided on the planting depth, lay the seedlings in the holes on their sides and water generously with water in several passes;
- sprinkle the plants with soil, at this moment the plant remains on its side;
-- after complete filling, carefully lift the tomato stem and tie it to a peg (if the plant is tall);
-- mulch the soil around the plant with dry peat to retain moisture.

Video - when and how to plant tomatoes in open ground

Proper care of tomato seedlings after planting

The first 3-4 days after planting the seedlings do not need to be disturbed.

Watering seedlings begin after the plants have adapted, it should be abundant but not too frequent. Drying out the soil is not allowed, nor is overwatering. Irregular watering leads to blossom end rot. Also, after 5 days, loosen the soil around the bushes.

Feeding. The first feeding of seedlings is carried out 2 weeks after planting: these are complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions.

In a garter Tomatoes need 2-3 weeks after planting (depending on the size of the bush), for this you can use trellises or pegs.

Growing tomatoes carried out when they have grown to a height of 30 cm. The growing shoots between the stem and the real leaf are removed. In case of serious damage to the main stem, the lowest stepson is left, all the others are removed. This way the tomato bush will not be thick and more nutrients will be used for fruit ripening.

Video - caring for seedlings after planting in the ground

Follow the technology of planting and caring for tomato seedlings and you are guaranteed to get high yields.

Sunday evening July 28, 2019 residents St. Petersburg will be able to enjoy the festive artillery salute and fireworks dedicated to the celebration.

The fireworks will begin at 22:30 and will last 10 minutes.

30 volleys of artillery guns and more than 2,000 fireworks will be launched into the evening sky of St. Petersburg.

Where is the best place to watch the fireworks display on Navy Day, July 28, 2019:

To hold the festive salute and fireworks on July 28, 2019, 2 sites will be organized. The first will be located on the Big Beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the second - in Kronstadt.

Fireworks on Navy Day 2019 will be visible from different parts of the city. However, it is best to watch the fireworks from a safe distance as close as possible to the launch sites. To view it, it is better to take a place in advance on the Palace Embankment, the spit of Vasilyevsky Island, on one of the bridges (Dvortsovy, Liteiny, Birzhevoy, Troitsky).

The fireworks dedicated to Navy Day 2019 will be clearly visible from the Neva water area. To do this, you need to rent a place on the “water craft” in advance, which will cost one and a half to two thousand rubles per person.

Over the course of 10 minutes, 30 salvos will be fired by a battery of 12 D-44 guns, and two thousand fireworks will be launched using 12 fireworks installations based on KamAZ.


When planting tomatoes in open soil in May, many gardeners pay attention not only to weather conditions, but also to the phases of the moon. To determine favorable days for planting seedlings, you can use the lunar calendar. He will indicate the days on which you should go to the site.

Sowing seeds and picking - favorable days in 2019

If you are going to transplant tomato seedlings in May, then around the end of March or beginning of April you need to sow vegetable seeds. According to the lunar calendar, the optimal days for this will be March 21, 22, 30 and 31. If you did not have time to sow planting material on these days, then sowing can be done on April 4, 10 and 13. These are also favorable days for planting cucumbers. After a certain time after sowing tomatoes, 2-3 leaves will appear on their stems. This time will be optimal for the first picking of seedlings.

Planting tomato seeds

Favorable days for this procedure will be April 10, 13, 27, as well as May 2 and 3. During the picking process, do not forget that the seedlings need to be buried in the ground right down to the cotyledon leaves, otherwise the seedlings will not take root in the new vessel. We strongly advise against sowing seeds during the period from March 3 to March 10, as at this time the weather may still surprise us with prolonged frosts. In April, unfavorable days for sowing will be the 20th, 22nd and 26th days of April. These days, the phases of the moon are not conducive to planting not only tomatoes, but also other vegetable crops. You can plant tomatoes in open ground.

In order not to worry about whether your seedlings will germinate, you should carefully prepare for transplanting them into open soil. A few days before, stop watering, and immediately before transplanting, water the soil generously. This will make the soil homogeneous and help keep the plant roots intact. Seedlings for open ground should be planted in the garden bed 2 months after germination of the first seedlings. To plant tomatoes, you need to dig holes slightly larger than the containers in which the seedlings grew.

Planting young seedlings

Plants of normal size with a height of no more than 30 cm must be replanted in a vertical position, deepening the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves. Those plants that have slightly outgrown other seedlings are best planted at an angle of 45°. In this case, the lower leaves should be located at a height of 10–15 cm above the ground. It is recommended that after picking, the roots of the plants should be directed to the south and the stems to the north. Planting tomatoes in the ground in May will give results if done on favorable days: May 18–19 or May 24–26. Late gardeners will be able to plant only in the middle of the next month: according to the lunar calendar, June 14, 15, 21, 22 are favorable.

Once you are sure that the tomatoes have taken root, the soil around them needs to be loosened. The plant will need to be hilled after each watering. Do not water tomatoes with too much water. Mineral fertilizers can be applied only after a small germination of seedlings in the garden bed. Plants will become tall enough only if the required amount of mineral and organic fertilizers is applied.

If it is not possible to buy and regularly apply fertilizers, the soil can be fertilized with fertilizers. The first time they are introduced is when the seedlings have taken root - about 10 days after planting in the garden bed. At this time, it is worth applying exclusively nitrogen-based fertilizers. Among them, ammonium nitrate is considered especially effective at a rate of 2 g per seedling. The gardener will also need slurry, part of which must be diluted in 6 parts of water. At the end, you will need to add 40 g of superphosphates to the solution per full bucket of fertilizer.

Feeding tomato seedlings

10 days after the first feeding, you can start the second. For this we use:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium salt;
  • azophoska;
  • sodium salt.

Each of these fertilizers must be used in a certain dosage. In order not to burn the plants, you need to add 2-3 g of potassium salt or azophosphate to the soil per plant. An excellent tool for strengthening the measles system. It is used at the rate of 5 g of granules per seedling. Sodium salt is considered the most concentrated, so it should be added in an amount of no more than 2 g per plant.

According to the lunar calendar, the most favorable days for fertilizing the soil will be June 15–18, 24–26, as well as July 13–15 and 23–24.

Khrushchev larva

To protect your garden bed, dig it up. The digging depth must be large enough, otherwise you will not be able to reach the larvae. Collect detected pests manually. After digging, the ground around the bushes will need to be mulched with sawdust or straw soaked in urea. Planting cabbage or radishes in the same bed will provide a kind of protection against larvae. They will protect tomato seedlings. It is worth noting that many gardeners begin to eliminate larvae strictly according to the lunar calendar. As a result, they are left without tomatoes. Therefore, do not repeat the mistakes of others, but collect pests immediately after beetles appear in the garden!

Confidor product

Whiteflies are small butterflies with transparent wings. Basically, they live in greenhouses, but some individuals go outside. Like aphids, whiteflies like to feed on the undersides of leaves, sucking the sap of plants. As a result, tomato seedlings lose their vitality and stop developing. To protect against whiteflies, gardeners use the same means as when fighting against aphids.

Last on the list, but far from least in terms of their level of danger, are cutworms. Regardless of the species, these larvae become very dangerous in late May. They damage not only leaves or stems, but also make their way inside the fruit, devouring all the pulp. These pests feel comfortable in warm weather with little rainfall - these are precisely the conditions under which tomato seedlings quickly germinate.

If you understand the issue, when to plant tomatoes in 2017, then in the future you should not have any difficulties growing high-quality seedlings of various varieties at home for various growing conditions. Only strong sprouts, which have a developed root system, a strong stem and small green leaves, can subsequently bring you the high-quality harvest you are waiting for.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017

Deciding when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017, vegetable growers are guided not only by the lunar calendar, but also by other factors, for example, it is necessary to take into account the early maturity of the variety, the characteristics of the climatic zone, and the conditions for future cultivation of tomatoes - in greenhouses or in open ground. As a rule, growing seedlings begins in March and even in April, but some housewives are literally “itching” and want to start vegetable growing as quickly as possible. If you look at the special lunar calendar, then the first favorable days for sowing can be found already in January. It seems to you that the first month of the year is too early, but under certain conditions, already in January you need to think about the future early harvest of tomatoes.

In the first month, only three favorable dates are indicated: the 6th can be discarded immediately, since on this day preparations are underway for the Christmas meal, and there is no point in wasting time on seeds; it is better to devote this time to your family. You can dedicate January 10 and 30.

January seedlings are the most demanding, since they begin to develop in aggressive conditions for themselves, associated primarily with a lack of natural light. The sprouts must be provided with artificial additional lighting, since at the first stage of growth, daylight hours should last at least 16 hours, and then it can be reduced to 12. Young plants receive very little natural light in the winter months, and if additional lighting is not provided, the sprouts will have weak root system, too tall, these definitely won’t produce a high-quality harvest.

It is always recommended to place it on a windowsill on the sunny side, but when it comes to the winter months, the sunny days can be counted on one hand, and most of the month it will be cloudy outside. Therefore, additional lighting must be provided not only early in the morning and late in the evening, but also throughout the day, if natural sunlight does not reach the sprouts through the glass.

For additional lighting, you may need fluorescent or sodium lamps; in agricultural stores you can find special photo lights that are designed specifically for gardening needs. For every meter of planting area, one phytolamp must be installed, its power reaches 18 W.

As a rule, January seedlings are grown to obtain an early harvest in greenhouses. This method is usually used by gardeners who plant tomatoes in a greenhouse so that the early May harvest can be sold profitably. However, most gardeners refuse January chores if they are faced with a choice: when to plant tomato seeds in 2017.

When to plant tomatoes in February 2017

If you are going to plant young bushes in the greenhouse at the beginning of March, then it’s time to decide when to plant tomatoes in February 2017. You definitely need to choose early varieties or hybrids with excellent yields so that all your expenses for caring for tomatoes bring worthy results.

By the end of April or beginning of May, your sprouts should already be 60 days old, which means they can be planted in a greenhouse. As a rule, the main “tomato fever” begins in the last days of May, when gardeners throughout the country are preparing beds for the future planting of strong seedlings.

The site for an early harvest must be prepared in advance, in the fall. This area should be well fertilized, because tomatoes need a huge amount of nutrients for a high-quality harvest. Please ensure that the area is protected from drafts and that there are no shady areas throughout the day.

The most effective method of increasing yield from one plot is the annual application of organic fertilizers in the fall. For one meter of area of ​​your greenhouse you should apply 5-10 kilos of manure. With this feeding, early tomatoes will certainly produce an excellent harvest of tasty fruits.

We must not forget about mineral fertilizers, because even if you follow the favorable days of the lunar calendar, when to plant tomato seedlings in 2017, the guarantee of a quality harvest lies in proper care. In the fall, you need to apply mineral fertilizers, calculating their amount per square meter of area: 10 g of urea, 50 g of superphosphate, and about 25 g of potassium salt.

For early tomatoes, you need to prepare seedlings of the highest quality. By the time of planting in the greenhouse, the bushes should be 60 days old, the bush should have eight full leaves, and by this time the first flowering cluster should already appear. After picking, the sprouts must be grown in special 10x10 cm pots so that their root system is sufficiently strong and developed.

Please note that if you missed the ideal moment to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, for example, due to family matters or prolonged bad weather, and during this time the bushes have outgrown, then they must be planted in the ground obliquely so that the height of the bush above the ground does not exceed 25 cm .

With the arrival of warm days, when to plant tomatoes in March 2017, another problem arises that tomatoes cannot tolerate, namely, lack of moisture. Tomato bushes have their own requirements for watering - it must be moderate and regular. The first shoots cannot be watered from a watering can or in any other way when a direct stream of water hits the ground. You only need to moisten the soil regularly using a spray bottle. If you allow it to dry out, the soil will form a crust, which will cause difficulties for the fragile sprout to grow.

When you plant the bushes in the greenhouse, you need to carefully monitor watering. The most effective watering for a young plant is not sprinkling and not at the root; it is better to let water flow along the grooves, and then cover the top of the groove with dry, loose soil. During drought, loosening the soil helps, which should be done regularly. Some gardeners note that the sweetest fruits are obtained with insufficient watering.

When can you plant tomatoes in 2017?

For each region, a specific choice must be made, and this choice depends on many factors, but, of course, the desired result should come first. You can grow large, fleshy fruits or medium-sized ones with dense pulp; the bushes can be short for open ground or tall for a specially equipped greenhouse.

For example, if your choice fell on early varieties intended for open ground, then you should know when to plant tomatoes in the Moscow region in 2017, because this time falls on warm April days. The ideal time for sowing determinate early tomatoes is the second ten days of April. To do this, you can select suitable dates in the lunar calendar - 8, 12, 13, from April 26 to 28, you can also start sowing if you don’t think it’s too late.

You can grow cherry tomatoes not only in greenhouses or beds, but also in flower pots. Even if you plant the seeds at the end of April, the plant will begin to bear fruit at the end of summer, and if you do not have time to harvest the entire crop, then the pots can be taken to the balcony, where the bushes will bear fruit for several more months.

When to plant tomatoes in 2017

With the arrival of May, efforts begin to prepare the beds and greenhouses, because by this moment, the seeds planted in February have already turned into strong sprouts, which means it’s time for them to take their place in the ground. For transplantation, you should also choose dates according to the lunar calendar, because it’s not for nothing that they are called favorable.

In May, you can engage in vegetable growing on the 9th and 15th, 19th, 24th and 25th. Keep in mind that you cannot allow the sprouts to outgrow, so if the time has come to replant the grown bushes, do not hesitate, otherwise they will outgrow and completely unnecessary difficulties may arise.

When you transplant young bushes into the beds, the stem should rise above the ground by only 23-25 ​​cm, so if the plant has become too elongated due to delays in planting, then it should be planted at an angle, covering part of the stem with soil. With this planting scheme, roots will soon appear on this part of the stem, which means that the plant will receive a more developed root system, which will provide adequate nutrition with moisture and various microelements.

At all stages of vegetable crop care, special attention must be paid to preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of fungal diseases. The first prevention should be carried out at the stage of growing seedlings, and then every 10-12 days in open ground.

Many gardeners have encountered the problem of planting a new one using old experience, but in the end the harvest leaves much to be desired. And here it’s not a matter of planting skills, but of the differences between varieties and, as a rule, the variability of the weather. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground, discuss the timing of planting varieties of different early ripening varieties, and also find out whether it can affect the harvest.

Conditions for growing tomatoes, what tomatoes need for a rich harvest

Regardless of the variety, early maturity or height of the bush, tomatoes require certain conditions, which determine resistance to pests and diseases, as well as the productivity and quality of the fruit.

Let's start with temperature. In order for a tomato to grow well and quickly gain green mass, a temperature within +16-20 °C is required. For proper development of the fetus, a temperature of 15 to 35 ° C is required.

Light. Lighting plays an important role, since its lack leads to elongation and deformation of the above-ground part of the tomato. To achieve good yields, tomatoes should be planted exclusively in open areas that are best illuminated by the sun.

Air and soil humidity. The scorching sun quickly dries out the soil and reduces air humidity. So that plants do not feel “thirst”, soil moisture should be between 60-75%, and air humidity is 45-60%. Therefore, it is recommended not only at the root, but also to install a sprinkler in areas.

Feeding. All of the above factors will not help increase productivity if the soil on the site is infertile. Of course, you can shell out a tidy sum and bring black soil to the plot, but the same tomatoes will be pulled out of the fertile soil in three or four years. Therefore, the best option is.

You need to apply complex fertilizers that contain the lion's share of phosphorus, and. These elements help both at the stage of rapid growth and in the process of fetal formation. If you are growing in a plot, then after collecting the pods, use the above-ground part along with the rhizome for the tomato plot. Plants tolerate it much better than artificial ones.

Important! When using peas as a top dressing, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate nitrogen from fertilizers, since its leaves, stems and especially roots contain a large amount of nitrogen.

Do not forget to regularly remove from the site, which not only “take away” nutrients from tomatoes, but also attract a variety of.

When is the best time to plant tomato seedlings in open ground?

It is no secret that picking, depending on the variety and speed of ripening, is carried out at different times - as required by the specifics. And if you have always planted late ones, then you will have to “get used to” the mid-season and early-ripening ones for more than one year. In order to avoid mistakes, let’s find out what deadlines are required for different varieties.

Early varieties of tomatoes

First, it’s worth finding out which varieties are considered early. Early tomatoes include those varieties that begin to bear fruit earlier than 105 days after sowing. That is, you can already get full-fledged (chemical- and GMO-free) tomato fruits in early summer, which are used both for salads and for canning or further processing.

Important! There are very early varieties that ripen in less than 85 days. When purchasing seeds of these varieties, you should carefully read the recommendations on the packaging.

When are early tomatoes planted in open ground?

After sowing as seedlings, a tomato sprouts in 5-6 days, which means that this period is not added to the total number of days indicated on the package. Seedlings should be planted in open ground 45-50 days after germination..

The fact is that the average daily temperature varies depending on the region (a temperature of at least 13 ° C is suitable for seedlings), therefore, it makes no sense to indicate exact dates, since even in one region the weather can bring “surprises”.

Therefore, sow seedlings of early varieties so that a week before the intended planting in open ground there is warm, dry weather outside the window, and at night the temperature does not drop below 10 ° C.

Important! Do not follow the deep-rooted myths that say that the sooner you plant tomato seedlings in open ground, the sooner the harvest will be. If at night the temperature drops below zero for at least an hour, the seedlings will freeze completely.

It turns out that you need to plant tomatoes in open ground at a time when the return of frost is impossible. For the southern regions this period is from April 15 to May 1, for the middle regions - from May 1 to May 15. If you are not 100% sure that cold snap will not occur, then cover the seedlings with film at night.

Mid-season tomatoes

Now let's talk about when to plant seedlings of mid-season tomatoes in open ground. Mid-season tomato varieties produce a harvest 110-115 days after germination. Consequently, they need more time to develop in the garden.

In most cases, these tomato varieties are quite tall, which means they need a sufficient amount of nutrients and sun. The seedlings need to be transferred to the ground 55-60 days after germination. It is for this reason that mid-ripening tomatoes are picked later than early-ripening ones.

Mid-season tomato seedlings are planted in the ground in May, from the 1st to the 15th. However, such terms are only suitable for the southern regions. If you live in the middle zone, then you need to pick seedlings no earlier than June 1.

Important! Picking seedlings of mid-season tomatoes in more northern regions is carried out later, so there may be a need to stop the growth of seedlings (water less, lower the temperature, use growth regulators).

Late varieties

Let's talk about when to plant seedlings of late-ripening tomatoes in open ground.

Late-ripening varieties, like early-ripening ones, are divided into several subcategories: late-ripening and very late. The first produce a harvest 116-120 days after germination, the second will delight you with juicy fruits no earlier than 121 days. It is necessary to transfer seedlings to open ground 70 days after the appearance of the first shoots, since these varieties take a long time to gain green mass.

Important! Growing late-ripening and very late varieties is suitable for the southern regions, since in the northern climate the number of “warm days” is not enough for the crop to fully ripen.

Planting late-ripening tomatoes in the ground with seedlings can be done based on the statistical data described in the table below. Analyzing the table, we can conclude that if you, for example, want to grow a very late variety “Giraffe”, which begins to bear fruit 140-160 days after the first shoots, then you need to live in latitudes that correspond to points 3 and 4.

Subtracting 70 days during which the seedlings will develop, the same number remains, and it is simply impossible to guess the exact beginning of the “warmth” period and its end. It is for this reason that growing late tomatoes in northern latitudes is simply not profitable.

Thus, the time for planting late-ripening tomatoes in open ground can not be guessed, but calculated by checking statistics. It can be used for other varieties, but it is still most useful for late varieties, since we still have a small “corridor” for collecting green mass, ripening and collecting finished products.

Features of picking tomatoes

Having learned about the timing of picking different varieties, let's talk about the scheme and how to plant tomato seedlings of different ripening periods in open ground.

Planting is best done on a cloudy day; if it’s sunny outside, wait until the evening. During the night the plant will get stronger and calmly endure the scorching rays of the sun the next day.

Did you know? Tomatoes first appeared in Europe in the mid-16th century.

The planting pattern depends on the tomato variety, its height and system