Repair Design Furniture

White clover for the lawn how to plant. Clover lawn: pros and cons. What is this plant

One of the main tasks of landscape design is landscaping and gardening. Clover lawn is the most popular and modern solution in this design. G A solid green carpet will not only decorate the garden plot, but also eliminate many problems. Clover is also a magnificent honey plant, and during flowering the lawn has a wonderful aroma.

What kind of clover is suitable for the lawn?

Clover is an easy-to-care plant of the legume family. This is a perennial with miniature dark green leaves and small spherical flowers. To date, there are over eighty varieties of clover. The most popular of them are varieties with red and white flowers.

Most often, white Dutch clover is used for landscaping gardens. This is a low-growing plant that does not need to be trimmed. A white clover lawn is not only decorative, but also easy to care for. Unlike other varieties, after mowing, it does not lose its decorative effect and looks neat.

White Shamrock grows best in sandy or loamy soil with low acidity. The first flowering occurs in the second year after sowing seeds. The first wave of flowering falls on May-August, the second - from the end of August to the end of October.

Features of a clover lawn

Clover grows quite quickly, thanks to numerous creeping shoots that take root very easily. This plant is able to cover all bald spots and inconspicuous places on the site in a short time. Clover displaces weeds and other unwanted vegetation in the area. A big advantage in creating such a lawn is the low cost of planting material.

Using clover, you can create a decorative green carpet in any problem area that doesn't have good drainage or lighting. It is a drought-resistant plant that improves soil structure and nutrition. It is also important that this culture is an excellent raw material for feeding bees. Therefore, many gardeners try to cut the clover lawn as late as possible. Some don't cut it at all.

In addition to the high decorative effect, a clover lawn has other advantages:

In addition to the advantages, the clover lawn also has some disadvantages. Such a lawn is not resistant to fungal diseases and frost. The root system of plants is an excellent delicacy for many pests. A massive invasion of harmful insects negatively affects all vegetation in the garden. Clover is one of the rapidly growing plants that fill the neighboring territories. Getting rid of this overgrowth is quite difficult.

Such landscaping is not very suitable for outdoor activities. In wet and rainy weather, the clover lawn becomes slippery and dries out for a long time after wetting.

Given that this plant attracts bees, walking barefoot on such grass is not recommended. A clover lawn is not suitable for arranging a children's lawn.

Despite the fact that clover belongs to perennial ornamental flowering plants, its life span is only two to three years. Regular mowing interferes with the natural process of self-seeding, which is why after this time the site will have to be re-seeded.

How to get a beautiful and even lawn?

A lawn from white clover, just like from red clover, is created according to a certain technology:

  • Purchase of seed material.
  • Site preparation.
  • Planting seeds.
  • Aftercare for a young lawn.

The life expectancy of the future lawn, as well as its decorative effect, will depend on how high-quality planting material is used during planting. To create a green carpet, you can use not only white, but also red clover, which blooms with pink or dark red flowers, however, it will have to be mowed more often. This plant is tall.

Preparation of the site for sowing clover is carried out in early spring. As soon as the last frosts pass, and the soil warms up well, the site is leveled. Clover planting can be practiced at any time of the year, except for winter. This plant easily tolerates drought, heat, but not frost. Therefore, it is best to plant a shamrock one and a half months before the onset of the first frost. During this period, the plants will have time to take root and prepare for wintering.

Clover grows in almost any soil. Its seeds are mixed with garden soil and sown evenly throughout the site.

After this, the plantings are sprinkled with a centimeter layer of earth and the soil is leveled so that the covering earthen layer is no more than one centimeter. Under a thick layer of earth, clover seeds may not break through.

The sown area is shed with water using a spray nozzle. Such moistening of seedlings is carried out for a week. The soil must not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the crops will sprout unevenly. If everything is done correctly, then in two weeks mass shoots will appear in the form of two-leaved sprouts.

Lawn Care Rules

To get a thick and beautiful lawn, you need to properly care for it:

  • Regular watering, especially at the initial stage of lawn formation. This lawn needs to be watered at least once a week.
  • To facilitate the care of such a composition, experienced gardeners recommend using specially bred low-growing varieties to create lawns. They do not bloom so profusely and easily take root on existing lawns.
  • Before planting, the seed material is immersed in water for one hour. This procedure increases the germination of seeds.
  • Clover tubers are enriched with nitrogen, so this plant does not need to be fed.

For neatness and decorativeness, the clover lawn needs regular mowing - once every fifteen days. In this case, the mowing should be no more than four centimeters.

By adhering to all of the above rules, you will be guaranteed success in creating a clover lawn.

The lawn in the country is like a symbol of the well-being of the family, it immediately resembles a beautiful well-groomed lawn in front of palaces and castles. Every woman would like to have this miracle. And when the neighbors have such clearings, then even more so you begin to think about landscaping your site.

An empty space is allocated under the lawn, especially when weeds flaunt there, with which you are constantly trying to fight. The simplest option would be a white or red clover lawn, or you can arrange it. It refers to where you need to make the smallest effort. Pairs well with.

The advantage of clover is a “convenient” plant, not demanding on soil and conditions. It can be planted on loamy, slightly acidic or sandy soil. It tolerates short droughts and small frosts without problems. And most importantly, it grows rapidly and beautiful patterns and lawns are obtained from it.

Of the low-growing varieties, they distinguish: Rivendell (especially popular), Matvey, Enchanter.

Of the tall ones: Raya, Titus, Maro, Vichai.

White (creeping) clover for the lawn is more suitable than others, it has a lot of advantages:

- you can sow seeds in spring and until the end of summer, at any time, before the onset of cold weather;

- tolerates a haircut, which should be done extremely rarely because of the ability to grow on the ground, and not compete who will grow taller;

- blooms twice per season;

- white clover emphasizes flowers in a flower bed or lawn and creates a bright shade;

- there is a strong root system that is able to squeeze out weeds;

- does not require watering and fertilizing;

- is not afraid of trampling, even if you want to specially trample the path - it will not work, in a couple of days it will overgrow;

- enriches the soil with nitrogen and strengthens the soil;

- blooming clover attracts pollinating insects (bees, bumblebees).

However, not everyone in our clover lawn is so happy. Clover is able to clog not only weeds, but also other plants. Having planted it on a flower bed, after 2-3 years it will grow, it will begin to dominate and in the end it will simply crush everyone.

After rain, you can’t walk on a clover lawn, as the moisture stagnates, and it becomes slippery, you can fall. White clover is stunted and almost never needs to be cut, so faded blooms make the lawn look unkempt. And in autumn, snails appear inside the clover.

If the shortcomings of clover did not bother you, then we move forward and begin to sow the lawn. By the way, if you plan to have evidence for breeding bees in your country house, then a clover lawn is a must!

Sowing clover on the lawn

We clean the selected area in a sunny meadow from household and vegetable debris, stones. We level, if possible, we import black soil and leave it to rest for 1 month, lightly tamp, after which we proceed to sowing. If there is no such possibility or desire, then we plant in ordinary garden soil. First, the earth is lightly tamped, then after rain or heavy watering, the seeds are sown randomly and sweepingly, taking a handful of seeds and simply scattering them over the selected area. Sprinkle with a light layer of earth (up to 1 cm), seeds may not break through a deep layer of earth.

Before the period of active growth, clover should not dry out, you need to make sure that the soil is constantly moist, it is better and more convenient to water from the sprayer. Mature plants will no longer need such watering. When the clover begins to grow, bald spots will be visible that will need to be sown.

At a height of 10 cm, clover is cut with a lawn mower (it is inconvenient and more difficult to do this with a trimmer or a regular scythe), if this is not done, then cutting taller grass will be complicated by dampness inside the plants.

In the first year of planting, clover may not bloom, but in the second year it will pamper you twice, ending the season at the end of September.

The small-leaf clover, known as the Microclover, is a professional breeder's revolutionary discovery.

This is a dwarf variety of creeping clover, which has small leaves and a low plant height.

Indeed, the same variety sold under the Microclover brand. One of the smallest - up to 5 cm in height. Compared with other varieties of creeping clover, it is much smaller in size than similar representatives of this species.

Differs from the traditional lawn in slow growth, wear resistance, drought resistance, attractive appearance.


Compared to regular turf, microclover is able to stay green all year round, and its incredible drought tolerance keeps the lawn fresh and lush even in hot and dry conditions.

Saturates the soil with nitrogen, tolerates low mowing well (minimum height - 3-4 cm, maximum - 10-12 cm). The dense growth of microclover provides protection from weeds.

This miniature clover can be combined with any variety of lawn grasses, or sown in its pure form. Slow regrowth, juicy color and wear resistance determine the attractive appearance of the lawn. This is very important, especially for frequently trampled areas where it is difficult to maintain a high-quality coating.


Withstands frequent mowing, is resistant to trampling and other types of intense loads. No other type of clover is as resistant to low mowing as microclover. This is ensured by the dense structure of microclover rhizomes. The resulting bald spots are tightened very quickly.

Not demanding in care, constant feeding and watering. Requires a minimum level of maintenance.

Clover blooms only in the second year, twice during the warm season - from May to October.

Good honey plant. With proper care, a clover lawn can not be updated for 7-8 years.

Seeding rate 8-10 g/sq.m.

Sowing can be carried out throughout the season, but it is advisable to complete the work before the end of August. After sowing, the seeds must be embedded in the soil with a rake. Before germination, crops are regularly watered.

Information from DLF TRIFOLIUM

Microclover (MicroClover)

DLF TRIFOLIUM is the world's largest producer and distributor of grass seeds. With subsidiaries in Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, United States, China and New Zealand, and an extensive network of distributors and customers, the company is able to serve markets all over the world.


DLF-TRIFOLIUM specializes in breeding white clover for lawns. White clover in mixtures with fine grasses makes the lawn greener and healthier without the addition of nitrogen. Common fodder varieties of white clover are not suitable for this purpose. They do not tolerate repeated mowing.

A new type of clover, the Microclover, with very small leaves, is a breakthrough in creating a lawn that is friendly to the environment and tolerates low mowing.

Lawn Revolution

Just like the players, sports pitches are always under a lot of pressure. A recent breakthrough in breeding has eased this pressure. This revolution in sports turf lies in the small leaf clover, Microclover®, which is now included in turf mixes due to its many benefits. Microclover® (Trifolium repens) is a legume species. Legumes are able to fix nitrogen from the air. Nitrogen fixation occurs due to nodule bacteria of the genus Rhizobium, located on the roots.


The continuous process of dying and rotting of parts of the roots makes nitrogen available to the surrounding grasses.

Microclover® has stolons, with the help of which it spreads evenly over the area. Adding just 5% Microclover® to the turf mix dramatically improves the look of the entire field.

growth conditions

Microclover® is suitable for most climatic and soil conditions; it already grows successfully from Sweden to France and from Great Britain to Turkey. Microclover® is resistant to both wet conditions and shade, as well as drought.

However, it is unstable to prolonged flooding of territories. Shade available in parks and golf courses is not a problem for Microclover®. In addition, with the help of stolons, the plant can regenerate after damage.

To keep the proportion of Microclover® in the lawn below 50%, a small amount of nitrogen is needed in spring and early summer. Nitrogen will stimulate the growth of cereal components.

Depending on growth conditions and load level, up to 100 kg/ha N is needed, usually about 40 kg/ha N is sufficient. Summer and autumn applications are not needed.

Fertilization is especially important in the year of laying.

Since Microclover® does not fix phosphorus, potassium or magnesium from the atmosphere, the addition of these elements is necessary.

wear resistance


The appearance of a lawn containing Microclover® is much better than that of a regular lawn.

Clover constantly fertilizes the herbage, which increases its wear resistance. In addition, it intertwines the grasses with its stolons, evenly distributing and including its leaves in the herbage. Microclover® improves the health of even the hardiest varieties.

Trials conducted at Bingley in 2004/05 show how Microclover® improves quality when added to a mix.

Test results in Germany (BSA) confirm excellent wear resistance.

The data show that wear resistance is improved even in resistant grasses when Microclover® is added to the mixture (Micro-0 is cereals only, Micro-1 and Micro-2 are two different Microclover® varieties added to the same mixtures).

Improved turf durability with Microclover® is very important, especially in areas such as the goalkeeper's area where turf quality is difficult to maintain.


Consumers across Europe have confirmed these results and have increased the use of Microclover® in their fields.

In addition, the density of the microstructure of the stolons increases the resistance to mowing, allowing you to reduce the height of the cut.

Belgium - sports fields

“I was mainly interested in reducing the amount of fertilizer and water used on the sites. In the spring of 2007, we decided to sow half the field with Microclover® and half without,” says Mr. Frans Verkammen, fieldmaster at FC Genk (Belgium). “The first thing we noticed was the fast establishment in half of the field with Microclover®.

After two months we could use it. Also, this half had a lot less weeds. The field has been heavily used since July 2007. The stability of the field is amazing.

Mowing the lawn with Microclover® is easier and the result is always excellent. We soon decided to renovate all of our pitches, and especially in the goalkeeper area, not only on our junior training pitches, but also on the main playing field.”

Denmark - lawns

Landscape designers Mette and Lars Krog recently established their business on the Zeeland peninsula in Denmark. There are seven employees on the staff and all of them work mainly with private clients. But often the company takes contracts for landscaping from large customers.

It will be easier for our customers to care for as it requires less irrigation and fertilization compared to conventional lawns without Microclover®.”

Netherlands - park

Menno van de Bos works for Krinkels in the Netherlands and is responsible for all lawns in the famous Vondelpark in Amsterdam. “We started working with Microclover® in 2006. The lawns in the Vondelpark are heavily used and Microclover® really improves their durability.

Even two years after sowing Microclover®, they look fresher and greener than other lawns. At the same time, they need less fertilizer and are generally easier to care for and safer for nature. It's a good product, especially when high wear resistance is needed."

Growing in a mixture with cereal grasses, Microclover® provides them with nitrogen. Nitrogen enters the soil throughout the growing season until the first night frosts. Therefore, nitrogen is available where and when it is needed, and there is no risk to the soil or threat of plant damage.


The presence of Microclover® is equivalent to applying up to 180 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year. For turf, Microclover® is an excellent constant source of nitrogen. In addition, Microclover® is an aggressive species that quickly fills in turf damage.

It successfully competes with weeds, which reduces the need for herbicides. Herbicides should generally be avoided as they can harm Microclover®. Since nitrogen is always available throughout the season, the incidence of red thread, rust and fusarium is reduced. Microclover® fertilizes grasses and helps maintain a healthy lawn.


In addition to being durable and environmentally friendly, Microclover® is also very economical. The price of a mixture with Microclover® easily pays off already a year after sowing, as the costs of fertilizers and their application, weed control, mowing and irrigation are reduced. Better results for less money.

Better appearance

Clover stays green much longer than cereals in both drought and cold conditions.


Grass with Microclover® turns green earlier, has a rich color in summer, and is particularly resistant to drought due to its deep root system. Regular white clover is not suitable for lawn use, but Microclover® has such small leaves (a third of the size of a regular variety) and short stems that from a distance of two meters it looks like ordinary cereals.

In shaded areas, Microclover® feels good even in low light during the day. Microclover® spreads evenly over the area. It doesn't look as speckled and clogged as with regular white clover.

- increases wear resistance
- environmentally friendly
- profitable
- easier care
- improves the appearance of the lawn
- excellent results

How to make a lawn out of clover and is it worth it at all.

Articles about lawns are usually not interesting to read, they are all kind of dry accounting. "Remove 10 centimeters of turf, put 10 centimeters of turf. Pour 100 grams per 100 square decimeters" ... No, for people with creative ambitions, is all this good for nothing?

Let me start off by saying that I am by no means a professional. If I were a professional, I would write about 10 centimeters of turf. And in general, I never wanted a lawn, did not do it and did not see it. Well, there are many men who dream of a lawn as some kind of symbol of home well-being or something like that. And for sure, there are many women who dream of a lawn. And I've been indifferent to lawns all my life.

Lawn me to do had to. Since there is a certain amount of empty land around the newly built house ... After the construction, it is not clear that something began to grow there - a thorny bodyak, a quinoa, some cereals the size of a human being ... It is clear that it is impossible to leave it like that - or everything must be concreted / asphalted, which is unacceptable for me. Or lawn. The lawn is acceptable to me, although I have never done it.

Again neighbors. Then you go to one. then to another. They proudly display their lawns. I look ... well, grass and grass, shaved to look like a beaver. Business something. "No, I will be original - I will make a lawn of clover" - I decided, because I had a pack of white clover seeds lying around, for an area of ​​​​500 square meters. (For comparison, the cost of lawn mixtures for the same area would cost 10 times more.)

But before sowing clover, it was necessary to give the surrounding soil at least some semblance of a plane and pour at least a small fertile layer.

For leveling, about 50 cubic meters of sand were used and the same amount of black earth was dumped on top. It turned out a relatively fertile layer in the region of 10 centimeters. The workers hastily leveled this matter for me with a rake. Finally, before leaving, the last and most important worker gave out a professional secret (almost in a whisper, when the rest of his colleagues were already sitting in a running car, ready to leave) - it turns out that before sowing grass, this whole black soil should also tamp down . Somehow I did not attach much importance to these words - well, it will be necessary - we will tamp.

It started to rain... The chernozem somehow compacted itself in some places, but not in some places. It became clear that the option "to scatter the seeds now and wait" will not give a very good result.

I had to go online and read about trampling and tamping lawns. There were no fun ways. And pour water into a barrel and roll it. And take a sheet of plywood, lay it on the ground and jump on this plywood, preferably with a family of at least three people. Special rolls (rollers) for lawns were also considered.

I liked the ice rink idea. I went to garden shops. In one of them there was a skating rink, three hundred kilograms in weight and the size of half a car. In another, they said that it was not the season yet, but they would be delivered soon ... And it was already May. There was no point in waiting for them to start the season.

Well, then I would have applied the method with an impromptu skating rink - half a pole from high-voltage lines was lying on the site. What that pillar was doing there, I don't know. But I was adapted just as a skating rink. Drive - foot. That is, you go and push this log with your foot, and it rolls for some distance. They rolled the log slowly for a week in turn, as much as they wanted. Somehow rammed, not perfect of course. But I also didn’t have the task of doing it perfectly.

As for the "sowing" itself, everything was simple with him. He took a bag of clover seeds in his hands and walked, sprinkling in a sweeping way. Then I found a few more bags of grass seeds in the bins, also scattered them in places - the good would not disappear. I also planted alfalfa along the fence, for greater beauty. The lawn is so lawn! I walked on top with a log, rolled the seeds ...

Sowing lawn grass, even clover, must be done before the rains. To do this, we look at the weather forecast, and if precipitation is not expected, then we will have to water it, otherwise nothing good will grow.

In May it was not very damp, but still it sometimes rained. Clover and part of the grass sprouted quite quickly, and I periodically walked and sometimes rolled this business with a log. When it became clearly visible the places where bald patches had formed, he sowed more grass. And clover.

According to the numerous recommendations I read on the Internet, I knew that the grass should be mowed when it reaches a size of about 10 centimeters. But firstly, I had no time, and secondly, I was lazy. And thirdly - I did not have a lawn mower. There was a trimmer, like a "motokosa", with a fishing line. I mowed the second part of the site with it, where the lawn has not yet been planned, and is not planned, there we have something like a natural meadow.

So, due to the lack of a mower and laziness, until August I did not mow the clover at all. Well, I didn't mow the grass either.

Cons and disadvantages of a clover lawn.

By August, the clover had grown so much that it was obvious that the need to mow this business all the same surfaced. I must say that I hoped that the white creeping clover would form a beautiful even rug, no more than 10 centimeters in height. The peaceful buzzing of bees, the emerald green of clover leaves and the blue sky, ah-ah ... Something like that should have worked out according to my calculations.

But the clover in our area liked it. I liked it very much. The white creeping clover was a success, it was 30 centimeters tall, it bloomed profusely and looked sideways with a trimmer with a fishing line, because it was always damp in the depths.

In addition, if it was not damp, but dry and hot, then the clover became lethargic and lay down with all its 30 centimeters, so it was again not easy to mow it.

Another disadvantage of such mowing with a fishing line was a rather obscene appearance of an impromptu lawn - brown dry foliage, petiole sticks and other remains of clover look untidy for several days after mowing. This is probably the main disadvantage of a clover lawn. Although, after three days, the clearing was covered with fresh bright leaves.

  • The second minus is that if you have slopes on your site, then keep in mind that mowed clover becomes very slippery.
  • The third minus is rather relative, it can be a plus for someone. Keep in mind it's a clover creeping. He quickly tightens all sorts of bald spots, but at the same time he strives to crawl out wherever he was not called - to the beds, flower beds, etc.
  • The fourth minus is that by autumn there were a lot of snails and slugs in the clover. And mowing in wet weather is bad.

Now consider the advantages of clover as a lawn grass.

  1. Clover forms a very dense, well-knitted turf.
  2. If mowed infrequently and allowed to bloom, then clover provides food and attracts bees, bumblebees and other pollinators to the site.
  3. The clover lawn is, in principle, beautiful. But for an amateur.
  4. Clover is unpretentious, quickly rises and grows rapidly.
  5. Clover is resistant to trampling. I couldn't make the path, no matter how hard I tried.
  6. Clover enriches the soil with nitrogen. And from a beveled clover it turns out wonderful.

By planting clover very positively referring our sea pig Gavryusha. All summer long he ate huge amounts of clover with great pleasure, looked askance at all other vegetables and ate them reluctantly.

Conclusions. It is too early to call what I did a lawn. But if you compare it with what it was before, then it's not bad at all.
Next year, I will try to remake part of the lawn with clover into an ordinary grassy one. With grass, there are fewer snails. But I'm not going to completely give up clover.

By the way, in September, I still bought a normal gasoline lawn mower, and tested it on a clover. It turned out much faster and better than a trimmer.

Next summer I'm planning to turn my existing lawn into something much more deserving of the name "Lawn".

Addendum from 2013.

Update June 6, 2015.

This year, almost the whole of June was absent, the lawn, respectively, was not mowed. I thought that upon arrival I would see an eerie picture of total desolation and bewilderment. But nothing happened, the lawn was quite decent, and the clover finally bloomed this year (the summer was dry and cool, so it bloomed so late). So for those who do not like to mow often - clover is just what you need!

Enlarge the photos, they look good

p.s. Thank you for your feedback on the material, let your clover lawns bring you joy!