Repair Design Furniture

Birdhouse made of narrow boards. We make a simple birdhouse out of wood with our own hands. In addition to boards you will need

To work on a birdhouse you will need the following materials: One board measuring 800x300mm, 18mm thick. These are sold in construction stores and are called “glued furniture boards.” Traditionally, for birdhouses they take coarser and simpler material, but for activities with children, especially for subsequent decoration, this option is the most optimal.

Tools for making a birdhouse:

  • A jigsaw with a T101A0 type file (or any other for fine figure sawing),
  • Electric drill with 4mm drill.
  • Crosshead screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws (3.5x41mm with large thread) – 18 pieces.
  • Ruler, pencil.
  • Medium grit sandpaper.

Construction materials should be used sparingly. Especially when it comes to wood. After all, we are of course concerned that the area of ​​forests on the planet is rapidly declining. Therefore, we will ensure that our production waste is minimal and we will mark the workpiece correctly.

We mark a board measuring 300x800mm according to the following scheme:

Since the dimensions of the boards, and therefore the finished birdhouse, may be different, it is important to take into account the following fundamental points:

  1. If you want the bottom of the birdhouse to be more or less square, then the width of parts A (these are the front and back walls) should be greater than the width of parts B and C (these are the sides and bottom) by approximately two board thicknesses. It's logical. In our case, with a board thickness of about 2 cm, this is 17 cm for the front and back, and 13 cm for the sides, respectively.
  2. Since during work (both during marking and when cutting) there are always some errors, it is better to determine the length of workpieces B locally, focusing on the corresponding edges of workpieces A, and the length of workpiece C is better determined a little later (after installation A + B) specifically in place, so during the initial cutting we leave a piece of the board left after separating parts B1 and B2 from it without changing.
  3. The roof angle of parts A should be 90 degrees, and the edges of contact with the side walls should be equal (unless, of course, the design idea involves the construction of a lopsided birdhouse, but you know, this happens). To achieve the correct result, you just need to correctly mark the workpiece, laying out identical segments in all directions from the center line (see diagram below), equal to half the width. Like this. If you don’t trust yourself, apply a square with a right angle, make sure everything is accurate.

Having finished with the markings, we saw off all the parts with a jigsaw. In principle, you can use a regular hacksaw, but I’m used to an electric tool. In addition, it is difficult for children to cope with hand sawing; the cuts are painfully uneven, and then, due to distortions, assembly is much more problematic. Working with an electric tool is faster and easier, but just be sure to check that everything is safe. Do not leave your child alone with the instrument, and immediately stop any attempts to play pranks.

After sawing, carefully sand the surfaces with medium-grain sandpaper to make the product beautiful and safe. There is no need to polish heavily, but all irregularities and sources of splinters must be eliminated.

Assembling a birdhouse.

Let's take parts K1 and K2. These will be the halves of the birdhouse roof. Immediately drill two holes in part K2 and connect them with two screws to part K1.

The roof is ready, let him wait on the sidelines for now. In the meantime, let's collect everything else.

The window through which the starling goes to his home is called the “letok”. It is usually round in shape, and for a medium-sized starling it is about 45mm in diameter. For our modification of the birdhouse, the shape of the entrance will be the same as in the picture below. We place the center of the tap hole on the central vertical axis of the workpiece A1, setting aside approximately 2/3 in height (in this case – 20 cm). Using a pencil, draw the outline of the future hole.

Drill a hole in the center of the tap hole. Such that the jigsaw blade fits through it. Usually, in order not to change the drill to a thicker one, I carefully expand the hole with rocking movements of the drill to the desired size. We begin to saw from the central hole, gradually reaching the desired trajectory along an arc.

Stepping back 15mm from the bottom border of the tap hole, we drill a hole for attaching the pole. A pole can be made from a small piece of board, giving it a cylindrical shape using a knife and sandpaper. But I usually buy wooden rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm in the store, and from them I cut pieces about 60-70 mm long. The pole is attached to part A1 with one self-tapping screw.

In order for the birds to be comfortable, the inner surface of the front wall of the birdhouse must be rough, because it is inconvenient for them to cling to a smooth surface with their claws. Using a drill, knife or other available items, we give the workpiece the desired condition.

To connect the parts of the birdhouse body, we drill 5 holes on the front and back walls (see photo). We place the holes at a distance from the edge of the board equal to half its thickness (9mm), so that during installation the self-tapping screws fall clearly into the middle of the attached part.

We connect part A1 with the sides, aligning them along the bottom edge. And then we do the same with the back wall. Now you need to adjust the bottom of the birdhouse in place. It should fit tightly so that there are no gaps. Young chicks do not need drafts.

Part C is oriented in the direction of the fibers, similar to the sides B. Since they have the same width (13 cm), there is only one size left to choose. To do this, use a ruler to measure the required parameter (see photo) and place it on the bottom of the blank. We saw off the excess, and now we get the correct part C.

If everything is done correctly, the bottom fits tightly into place. You can lightly tap it with a hammer. And then we fix it with two screws through the holes on the front and back walls. To install the roof, we drill 4 holes in it so that along the rear wall the distance of the holes from the edge of the roof is 9-10mm, and the distance between the rear and front holes on each side is 14.8mm. The roof will be aligned with the rear wall, and will slightly overhang the visor over the entrance.

This is where the carpentry work ends, and the artistic and design work begins.

For decoration we use acrylic paints. First, prime the body of the birdhouse with white paint, and the roof with black or brown. By the way, it is more convenient to paint the roof when it is removed. It is better to take matte white paint; colored paint will be better applied to it. On a white background, we draw the contours of the future drawing with a pencil, and then it’s a matter of technique. Using a thin brush (I prefer synthetic No. 2), we outline the contours with black acrylic. When the paints have completely dried, we cover the entire surface with acrylic varnish to protect it from the harmful effects of the environment. Practice shows that with this painting technology, the birdhouse retains its original appearance for at least a couple of seasons, without fear of summer heat, rain, or winter frost.

Decorative elements (fence, pipe) are cut out from pieces of board left after cutting, or from any other available materials. For small elements, plastic or thin wooden slats are more suitable. We paint the blanks with acrylic paints. We fix them together and to the birdhouse with glue such as “moment”, “moment-montage”, or super-glue. Please note that a hot glue gun is not suitable for this case, since in hot weather the birdhouse heats up in the sun and “loses” the elements glued in this way. The pipe is attached to the roof with a self-tapping screw from inside the house. To do this, a vertical hole is drilled in the roof.

There are different ways to hang a birdhouse. Usually we attach a long stick to the back wall, and using this stick we tie him to a tree or nail him to some shed. It is recommended to hang it in a vertical position, without tilting, at a height of at least 3-4 meters, preferably oriented in space so that on a hot afternoon the sun's rays do not fall on the birdhouse, and it is difficult for predatory animals to get to the entrance. After each season, the birdhouse must be removed and clean, the birds will thank you very much for this. To clean it, just unscrew the roof and shake out the old bedding from the birdhouse.

Not every person is an inquisitive naturalist, but almost everyone is crazy about the magical singing of birds. Since ancient times, people have tried to attract these wonderful musicians to themselves, and the fruit of these attempts was a product called a feeder. Many people are still thinking about making a birdhouse with their own hands, but due to ignorance of the technology for its simple and quick production, they abandon this idea.

This article provides a comprehensive guide that explains step by step how to make a birdhouse with your own hands, without any outside help...

Selection of materials

First, you will need to prepare the materials necessary to build a birdhouse, which will later make up the structure. Coniferous wood, processed and presented in the form of edged boards, would be ideal for these purposes.

To avoid unnecessary work later, it is recommended to select two boards of different widths, about one meter long each. It is better to take a board 200 mm wide for the front and back sides of the future birdhouse, and 150 mm wide for the flanks. It is best to fasten the birdhouse with self-tapping screws, but you can also use nails.

When constructing a home for birds, both mechanical and electronic devices will be useful. For obvious reasons, using the latter will make the work faster and more efficient.

You must have the following tools: a jigsaw or hacksaw, a drill with a 5 mm drill, a screwdriver or a Phillips screwdriver, a hammer, a square and a simple pencil. In one form or another, all of these devices, if desired, can be found practically in your home or borrowed from neighbors.

Now that you are “armed to the teeth,” you can safely get to work, having previously determined the desired dimensions of the birdhouse. It must be remembered that a standard birdhouse reaches a height of 300 mm and a width of 200 mm.

Step-by-step instruction

A wider board should be cut into three parts: 30 cm for the back wall and 25 cm for the pediment and top cover. The narrow board should be divided into two square-shaped parts, which will be needed to construct the floor and roof (15x15 cm), as well as into two shaped parts for the side walls.

The parts intended to create side walls should have an uneven top and sawn at a slight angle so that the roof of the birdhouse, placed on top, forms a slope for rainwater.

Creating such an angle is simple; just step back 5 cm from the top of a 30 cm long board and draw a line perpendicular to the length. In the end, all you have to do is connect the edge of this line to the opposite corner of the top of the board, and then cut off the excess.

If you did everything correctly, the front end of the flank board is 25 cm long, like the front wall, and the rear end is 30 cm, like the back wall.

To avoid confusion, all wooden parts of the future birdhouse must be signed, or better yet, a preliminary drawing must be made.

Before assembly, make sure your birdhouse has an entrance hole. If you forgot about it, then urgently correct the situation. To do this, you will need to find the middle in the upper part of the front board and measure down 50 mm from it, then draw a horizontal line perpendicular to the longitudinal section. The intersection point of the vertical and horizontal lines will become the center for the future entrance.

Having marked the place where the entrance to the birdhouse will be located, proceed to form a round hole in this place, which will be convenient to make using a drill. Dot the perimeter of the future hole with frequent holes made with a drill, and then knock out a wooden circle with a hammer or squeeze it out with your hands (use it carefully).

Depending on the location where your piece of art will be displayed, it may or may not be equipped with a special bird perch. If the birdhouse is located near the window opening of a city apartment, away from dense vegetation, the birds will simply need a perch for resting. But if the feeder is attached to a tree, then the accessory in the form of a perch will be of no use to the birds.

You should pay attention to the surface of the bird's house. It definitely should be rough. Otherwise, your craft, from a cute house, can easily turn into an insidious trap that can kill many birds.

If, suddenly, you come across sanded wood, it is recommended to “spoil” it with notches, at least on the outside of the feeder.

When all the parts are made and ready for assembly, first of all you will need to alternately combine the front wall with the right, and the back with the left. A hammer with nails or a screwdriver with self-tapping screws can handle this task best. When the “corners” are ready, all that remains is to fasten them together.

The birdhouse is almost ready. The only thing missing is the bottom and the roof. This is where 15x15 cm wooden squares come in handy. The floor of the birdhouse should be carefully inserted into the bottom hole, then securely fastened, and the ceiling should be combined with the roof.

The resulting structure will have a roof canopy extending forward about 5 cm from the gable, providing protection for birds from the weather and cats scurrying around everywhere.

Rules for installing a birdhouse

Separately, mention should be made of the rules for placing a birdhouse. It is usually installed on hills (trees and poles). For these purposes, a relatively long beam or board is attached to the back surface of the feeder, with the help of which the house is tied with wire to a surface of suitable height.

Those who want to make their own birdhouse do not have to wait for spring. By making it in advance, you will act more wisely, since in this case your product will lose bird-repellent human odors and acquire natural aromas that do not disturb birds.

As you can see, making a birdhouse is not such a difficult matter. Just look at the instruction picture (the dimensions on it differ from those indicated in the article) and it immediately becomes clear how to make a birdhouse with your own hands.

Photo of a birdhouse with your own hands

To combat insects and their larvae, it is absolutely not necessary to use powerful chemicals; it is enough to simply attract birds, which will destroy the pests much faster and more efficiently. This is easy to do by building a birdhouse with your own hands and installing it on your summer cottage. From this publication you will learn about the varieties and design features of houses for birds, get acquainted with the drawings and various technologies for creating birdhouses yourself.

Design features and materials

In the classic design, a homemade house for feathered inhabitants is a rectangular structure (box) with a single or gable removable roof, a solid bottom, a hole (entrance) and a perch in the front part of the house.

There are more original types of birdhouses:

  • hollowed out from a single log (hollow);
  • wicker;
  • assembled from bars in the form of a log house.

Old shoes or an ordinary cardboard box can be a good place for hatching and raising chicks. As practice has shown, for birds the appearance of their home is completely unimportant. The main thing for birds is convenience and safety. Based on this, the important parameters of such a dwelling are: dimensions of the structure, diameter of the entrance, length of the pole.

Natural enemies of birds and their nests in suburban conditions are cats and woodpeckers. The main protection against predators is the roof overhang, the length of which varies from 5 to 10 cm. An effective protection against woodpeckers is a metal cover on the entrance, which will prevent access to the eggs.

What to make a birdhouse from at home? To create a proper bird house, almost all available materials that any summer resident or home craftsman has on his farm are suitable.

Wood and any of its derivatives are suitable:

  • Chipboard (chipboard);
  • MDF and fiberboard (fibreboards of various densities);
  • OSB (oriented strand board);
  • plywood.

Even corrugated cardboard and foam are suitable for making seasonal nesting boxes. There are quite a lot of bird house designs made from plastic bottled water containers.

Some adhesives, plywood, chipboards and OSB contain phenol-formaldehyde resins, which have a sharp and unpleasant odor that repels birds. That is why birds are very reluctant to settle in birdhouses made of these materials.

The ideal option is a birdhouse made of untreated hardwood boards, 20 mm thick, assembled using metal fasteners (nails and self-tapping screws).

Correct size of birdhouse

Despite the variety of designs, there are four main types of birdhouses:

Each type of bird needs to create a house of certain dimensions. For clarity, we publish a table of birdhouse sizes for different types of birds.

As practice has shown, it is precisely this size of houses that stimulate birds to lay the required number of eggs to raise strong and healthy offspring.

DIY birdhouses for birds

Assembling a bird house is not difficult at all. Many men, in their youth, learned to make various structures directly at school during labor training classes.

Before making a birdhouse out of wood, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • with a set of drills;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • pencil;
  • roulette (ruler);
  • nails 40 mm long, 2 mm thick.

Depending on the material used, you may need: scissors, paste ingredients (water, starch), wire, twine.

Goggles and gloves must be provided to protect eyes and hands.

Classic birdhouse made of wood: drawing with dimensions

The simplest design is a birdhouse with a flat roof. To create it you need to prepare: raw boards 20 mm thick, nails, hammer, drill:

  1. We cut the blanks according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.
  2. We drill a tap hole in the front part element.
  3. We fasten the sidewalls to the front part with nails. To fasten each element, 3-4 nails are used.
  4. We install and fasten the bottom into the workpiece.
  5. We attach the back wall to the side ones.
  6. We fix the thrust element (square) on the roof.

The roof is inserted with a thrust element inside and does not require additional fixation with fasteners. A plywood house is made in a similar way.

Birdhouse made of plywood

We publish drawings of a birdhouse made of plywood below.

1 - front part blank; 2 - bottom of the structure; 3 — right side wall; 4 — rear wall element; 5 and 6 - roof elements; 7 — left side wall.

To create the structure you will need moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 10 - 16 mm. The bird house is assembled using self-tapping screws.

Birdhouse made of foam plastic

From the leftover material after insulating the walls, you can quickly make a budget birdhouse from polystyrene foam.

This material has many advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • lack of moisture absorption;
  • resistance to biological effects;
  • light weight.

The main disadvantage is low resistance to mechanical stress.

To make a decorative birdhouse from polystyrene foam, use the drawings of a classic plywood birdhouse:

  1. Using a knife, cut out the necessary structural elements.
  2. To fasten elements, use “liquid nails”.
  3. All that remains is to paint the structure with water-based façade paint.

Making your own birdhouse from a log

A nest box is a bird house made of logs. This design is more familiar to birds, since a solid log is much warmer and less noticeable on the tree. In order to make a birdhouse from a log you need to find a suitable one. Aspen is best suited for such purposes. A fallen tree rots from the inside, so hollowing out the necessary hole in a log will not be difficult.

The process of making a nest box:

All that remains is to nail the roof. A fragment of a slab is best suited for this. Thanks to its shape, precipitation will not linger on the structure.

Wagtail house

Many summer residents want to attract wagtails to their plot. And this is not surprising, because wagtails feed exclusively on insect pests and dragonflies, which they catch in flight. The peculiarity of the structure of the legs of this small bird does not allow it to climb the wall of the birdhouse into the entrance. That is why the correct house for a wagtail is a rectangular structure oriented horizontally. We publish drawings and dimensions of a wagtail house.

Box dimensions:

  • height - 150 mm;
  • depth - 350 - 400 mm;
  • width - 150 mm.

The design includes a rectangular entrance located near the side wall of the front part of the house. The dimensions of the tap hole are 50 x 50 mm.

Drawing of a titmouse with dimensions

The titmouse differs from the classic birdhouse only in size. There are two types of titmouse: large and small. We publish a table of optimal sizes for each design.

When making your own house for little tits, flycatchers, and redstarts, you can use the drawings of a little tit with a gable roof.

To make the elements you will need a raw board 20-25 mm thick. The elements are assembled using nails or self-tapping screws. In this design, the roof is rigidly fixed to the body of the birdhouse.

Rules for installing a birdhouse

In order for the birds to happily master their new “home”, it is necessary to install the structure in compliance with certain rules:

  1. Install the “dwelling” away from paths, places of human activity and recreation.
  2. When choosing a place to install the house, take into account the prevailing wind direction in your region. Rain should not fall into the entrance.
  3. There should be no large branches at the installation site that would prevent access.
  4. You cannot attach a bird house to a tree trunk using nails.

And lastly, at what height should I hang the birdhouse? The distance from the ground to the structure should not be less than 2 meters. Following these simple rules will significantly increase the chances that feathered residents will take up residence in your birdhouse.

Making a birdhouse with your own hands - video

So, you decided to make a birdhouse with your own hands. So this page is especially for you. You can download birdhouse drawings, learn how to choose the right size of a birdhouse and learn how to properly care for it.


Not planed dry boards, preferably hardwood (birch, aspen, alder, etc.). You cannot use compressed wood (chipboard, fibreboard, etc.) as it is toxic and short-lived. Nails 4-4.5 cm long, gray or red odorless paint.


A wood hacksaw, a hammer, a drill with a feather drill, a narrow chisel, a pencil and ruler, a brush.

Birdhouse dimensions

The boards must be at least 2 cm thick so that the walls retain heat well. Optimal internal size: square bottom 10-15 cm. Natural hollow 12x12 cm, so focus on these dimensions: diameter of the taphole (hole) 4.5-5 cm, distance from the taphole to the bottom 15-20 cm, height of the birdhouse 30-35 cm, the top canopy must protrude at least 5 cm to protect the entrance from bad weather

Where and how to hang

You can hang it on a tree, pole, or wall at a height of 3 m with a slight tilt forward so that rain does not flow into the entrance and it is easier for the birds to get out. You can hang birdhouses throughout the year, but the best time is late March, early April. The entrance should be directed to the south, east, or southeast so that the wind does not blow into the birdhouse. Do not nail birdhouses to wood; this is not good; it is best to tie them with wire.

It is better to make the entrance round rather than rectangular. The design should not injure birds - make the roof removable to care for the birdhouse. The perch is not necessary; starlings do not need it. The inner walls must be unplaned - since it is very difficult to get out on a smooth surface. If the boards are smooth, then before assembling, apply horizontal notches on the front wall with a chisel.
It is better not to paint the birdhouse, the smell and bright color scare away birds, but if you really want to, then paint it with gray or red odorless paint

In addition to starlings, woodpeckers, swifts, sparrows and many other birds can live in the house. At the end of May and beginning of June, watch the chicks emerge as they leave their nest for the first time. By the way, bird houses first appeared in Russia during the time of Peter the Great, and the idea of ​​artificial nests was discovered in Western Europe, where starlings and their eggs were used for food, and it was very convenient to have the product always at hand.

All over the world there is a tradition of hanging birdhouses on Bird Day. This fashion came to us during the time of Peter the Great, who first saw bird houses in Europe. In terms of nests, starlings are unpretentious and therefore can settle in crevices of buildings, burrows or hollows.

In fairness, it must be said that these beautiful birds are very grateful creatures that provide invaluable assistance to gardeners in pest control. Therefore, many owners of household plots specifically attract starlings by making birdhouses with their own hands. Having the appropriate drawings and studying the video instructions, anyone can make bird houses.

The most desirable and most common inhabitants of birdhouses are common starlings. These are quite large birds, so the house for them must be extended upward, have the appropriate dimensions, a removable roof, a solid bottom, a notch (hole) and a pole.

The size of the house for feathered friends depends on the type of birds for which it is intended. Standard birdhouse sizes:

  • 20−40 cm - height;
  • 13−15 cm - bottom width;
  • 3.8−5 cm is the diameter of the tap hole.

It is not recommended to make a more spacious structure. Of course, a large house will accommodate many chicks, but it will be quite difficult for parents to go out and feed them. Only two or three chicks can fit in a compact birdhouse, but they will grow up healthy and capable of long-distance flights.

Roof needed make it removable so that you can easily inspect and clean the house in the fall. Of all the birds that can settle in it, only starlings, nuthatches and tits do “spring cleaning”. The rest of the birds leave behind garbage, and no one may move into uncleaned housing next year.

Materials for making a birdhouse

It is advisable that the bird house be made with your own hands from natural materials. Most often, dry boards are used, prepared made of oak or birch. Coniferous trees are not recommended, as they emit resin.

Boards should be rough at least on the inside, so there is no need to sand them. It will be difficult for birds to get out on smooth boards, so the sanded material should be scratched with a knife. The thickness of the board should be from 20 mm, in this case the birdhouse will retain heat well.

It is not recommended to use laminated or compressed wood for construction, since it toxic and short-lived. Plywood is also not suitable for construction. It retains heat poorly and practically does not allow sounds, which are very important for birds, to pass through.

DIY birdhouse: stages of work, video

The design of the house depends on where it will be hung. If to a pole, balcony or under the roof of a house, then in order for feathered friends to have a place to walk, it is necessary to provide additional perches in the form of a triangular shelf or thin sticks.

For a birdhouse hanging on a tree, such perches need not be made, so the birds will sit on the branches and delight their owners with chirping.

To build a convenient and compact birdhouse with your own hands, the drawing of which must be prepared in advance, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Boards.
  • Wood glue.
  • Nails or screws.
  • Two blocks and steel wire for hanging the house.
  • Chisel.
  • Hammer.
  • Wood drill.
  • Drill.
  • hacksaw for wood.
  • Ruler.
  • A simple pencil.

Work on making a tower for starlings should be carried out in several stages.

Stage No. 1 - preparing wooden elements with your own hands

On the prepared boards, according to the drawing, using a simple pencil and a ruler, mark the dimensions of the walls, bottom, roof and hole. In this case, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. The roof must be made with a slope, so the front wall must be made four cm longer than the back, and the side walls on top must be cut downward.
  2. The bottom should be made in the form of a square with a side of 13 cm.
  3. The roof is made from two different elements. One of them should look like the bottom of a birdhouse, and the other should be made in the form of a large rectangle, with the help of which a canopy will be created.

Having drawn and checked all the design details with the drawing, you can start cutting them out. To ensure that paired elements have the same dimensions, they are recommended prepare sequentially.

To make the starling house look beautiful from the outside, the boards on one side can be additionally planed.

Tray preferred make it round, since then it will look like a hollow; birds live in natural conditions. To protect the chicks from encroachment by cats, the entrance to the birdhouse must be located five cm from the top edge.

Stage No. 2 - assembling a house for starlings with your own hands

First of all it is necessary fasten the front facade and side walls designs. This is done using wood glue, and as it dries, the elements are additionally fixed with screws or nails.

Next, using the same principle, the side ends of the birdhouse bottom are attached to the side and front walls. Lastly, it is glued to the structure and the back wall is nailed. During work, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps between the elements.

If the roof is removable, then its parts are attached only to each other. There is no need to glue or nail it to the birdhouse. It is installed on the structure using rubber or door hinges. In this case the birds will protected from visits from cats.

Stage No. 3 - installing a birdhouse

The finished bird house can be tied with wire or nailed to the selected surface. To make it easier for the chicks to exit and provide additional protection, the design is recommended lean forward a little. If the birdhouse will be installed on a tree, then it is better to wrap it with wire.

Basic rules for placing an “apartment” for birds:

  • the optimal height is 3−5 meters in a summer cottage or in a village and from 8 to 10 meters in the city;
  • the birdhouse should not be exposed to direct sunlight in the midday heat;
  • the entrance to the house should be turned to the side with a minimum amount of wind;
  • tilting the structure backwards is not allowed;
  • it is necessary to ensure that there are no branches near the birdhouse through which a cat can get to the birds’ home;
  • It is recommended to install houses for feathered friends in early April.

The birdhouse was made and installed with your own hands, all that remains is to wait for the residents to move in. But what to do if there are no boards, but you want to make a house for birds? In this case, materials that are always at hand will come to the rescue.

Birdhouse made from plastic bottles

To make such a birdhouse you will only need one large plastic bottle, scissors, wire, paper or paint.

You will need to make two holes in the bottle cap for the wire with which the house will be suspended. At the top it should be cut a hole for entry. To make your home comfortable and cozy, the outside of the bottle can be painted or covered with paper.

You can make a birdhouse with your own hands in much the same way. from juice boxes or milk, the capacity of which is more than one liter. When using such materials, they must first be prepared. To do this, the container is thoroughly washed and dried.

Having made a birdhouse with your own hands, you should keep in mind that birds may not move into it right away. It will take some time to settle into the new housing. There is no need to worry about this. Sooner or later, the starlings will appreciate your work, and after they move in, you will be able to enjoy the singing and bustle of the birds, and not worry about your harvest.