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Simple you cordial you, she said, replaced. Empty you hearty you. Analysis of Pushkin's poem "You and You"

People, communicate on "you",
This is our heart,
For unearthly heights,
Your life will only get better.

The word that speaks the firmament
YOU - your union strengthens,
We are not even afraid of death
The letter T respects us.

Pushkin wrote to us about
What makes communication difficult?
What to say "you" - with difficulty,
The heart will not express an opinion.

If you speak "you".
You share the souls of two
Traces of a cherished dream
Moving away from yourself again...

"You" are darkness, "you" are light.


* Alexander Pushkin

Empty you hearty you
She, speaking, replaced
And all the happy dreams
Aroused in the soul of a lover.
Before her, I stand thoughtfully,
There is no power to take your eyes off her;
And I say to her: how sweet you are!
And I think: how I love you!


I recommend reading what the letter T means - in one version - FIRST,
in the other - TA (Aleva)
Just read and think about what people were taken away from by introducing the appeal YOU .. Photos can be found on the internet - there is no way to "photograph" the whole process.))
And Pushkin, as they say now, was "in the know", and therefore his life was shortened. It is already known that Dantes was a Freemason.

“Firmly” is the Sign of Co-Creation of the Firmament and Competent Protection, which works by nourishing the Reference-Glorious Levels and the Acquisition of the Heavenly Reference-Glorious Hearth on the Creative Link.

Bukova Ta or Aleva, or Tovo.
That is the same, the first, initial letter-symbol of AlevaVita (Alphabet, Alphabet, only then the cropped ABC appeared).

Alevas are those people who, with the help of the word, could penetrate any level of consciousness. They could travel through the World Tree. Therefore, Aleva is that bee, which makes it possible to create with the help of the collective spirit-mind to penetrate into new worlds.

Bukova Ta - very powerful. The sign of the primary Firmament on the triune support for the human Competent Ascent, YATHENIA for Knowledge, Creativity.

THIS letter is in order to have the goal of ascending to a higher Space-Time Continuum Step (PVCS).

Climbing (Into the Axis Walking) is not only ascending to a higher level, it can also be walking to lower levels. This is a journey through the Tree of Worlds, different levels both consciousness and worlds.

How to start Literate Study? Xia is seated at a table, a desk (the Firmament, and the most stable firmament is on three legs) and draw the first layout of the sheet (Cross, coordinate system). This is exactly what Tabukova depicts in a competent examination (reading) from top to bottom (we read from left to right from top to bottom). And that is why this letter-symbol stands at the very beginning of AlevaVita, as the Sign of the beginning of Competent Ascent. And the first character that a student who is still illiterate masters in writing draws a vertical and horizontal line according to the markup (draws features) - a cross. This is how plane images begin to be created. In the form of images, hidden truths are transmitted, which should be revealed through interpretation. (Augustine, De utilitate credendi; cited by McGrath 1995). For the illiterate, there was such a signature: "put a cross." This cross is from the beginning of beech A.

Reading the poem "You and You" by Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, you can trace the love lines of the life of an outstanding poet. It is completely dedicated to his unfulfilled love Olenina Anna Alekseevna - the daughter of the then president of the Academy of Arts. Pushkin wanted to connect his fate with her, but his dreams were not destined to come true - he was refused. It was then, in May 1828, that this lyrical masterpiece saw the light. The theme of the work introduces the complexities of falling in love with a man of that time. What dual feelings take possession of him under the power of social influence and personal attitudes, the text of Pushkin's poem "You and You" vividly conveys:

And I say to her: "How sweet you are!"

And I think: “How I love you!”

In the 9th grade, an acquaintance with this poem of the poet takes place. At the lesson, children can feel the strength and depth of tenderness and love that Alexander Sergeevich felt for Anna, which so clearly appear in every line. “You and You” is quite easy to learn, because the work is distinguished by melody, lightness, and also small size. If desired, it is available to download or read online in order to appreciate the beauty of the poem of the classic of Russian literature without interference.

Empty you hearty you
She, speaking, replaced
And all the happy dreams
Aroused in the soul of a lover.
Before her, I stand thoughtfully,
There is no power to take your eyes off her;
And I say to her: how sweet you are!
And I think: how I love you!

Analysis of the poem "You and You" by Pushkin

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's poem "You and You" is dedicated to one of his lovers, Anna Alekseevna Olenina. Some lines were also associated with it. The work was created in 1828 and published in the almanac "Northern Flowers".

In the era of the poet, the appeal to "you" between a man and a woman was an obligatory, inviolable rule of secular etiquette. This can be seen in most of the poems that were dedicated to various ladies. The only exception was the appeal to the wife. Turning to "you" was a sign of close relationships, which were not advertised if they did not relate to marriage. The refusal to address the "you" was always initiated by the lady.

The work "You and You" can be divided into two parts both in meaning and in composition. The first four lines are dedicated to the deed of a woman who, despite the immutable rules of etiquette, replaced the dry polite address with “hearty you”. This could only mean that the lady is not indifferent to the hero, since she took such a step. For a man in love who was previously rejected, and his hopes began to fade, it is difficult not to notice such an appeal and give hope for reciprocity. And given the eccentric nature of his beloved, it’s really hard to say whether she dropped an accidental “you”, wanting to hook young man, or indeed by such a hint indicates the possibility of developing this novel.

The second part is devoted specifically to the feelings of the lyrical hero. He does not have the right to cross boundaries, he does not know whether this appeal is accidental or intentional, whether the lady of the heart is sincere or whether it was some kind of trick, mockery. He can only experience his feelings, unable to express them directly. It remains only to say: “How sweet you are!”, Not having the etiquette right to say: “I love you!”

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter, the foot is two-syllable with the stress on the second syllable. The rhyme in the first part of the work is cross with the alternation of male and female, in the second part it is circular with the same alternation.

At the heart of the poem is literary device as opposition, antonymy, antithesis "secular etiquette - true feelings". Among other tricks, there are epithets (“a soul in love”, “happy dreams”) and hyperbole (“there is no power to take your eyes off it”).

In one short miniature, thanks to this technique, the poet was able to convey the feelings and worries of a man in love.

When you love, everything immediately becomes so significant, important. A glimpse, a smile... Once, when Pushkin was visiting the Olenins at their dacha, having made a reservation, Anna said "you"... Pushkin became infinitely happy, no longer paid attention to the clouds of mosquitoes, which were atrocious with might and main that summer, rubbed only bites and endlessly sentenced : "Sweet..." And then furtively handed Anna a tightly folded piece of paper with the poem "You and You."

Empty you hearty you
She, speaking, replaced,
And all the happy dreams
Aroused in the soul of a lover.
Before her, I stand thoughtfully,
There is no power to take your eyes off her;
And I say to her: how sweet you are!
And I think: how I love you!

Alexander Sergeevich makes an offer and ... is refused. "I'm leaving for St. Petersburg because I'm homeless." Saying goodbye, he entered verses into Annette's album, after reading which she burst into tears and was thoughtful all evening ... They began with the stanza "I loved you ...".
Pushkin first saw Anna Olenina when she was not yet nine years old. Alexander stopped, gave the most exquisite compliment, laughed heartily, and almost skipping ran into the living room. He just graduated from high school. Anna's father was glad to see a donor in his art salon. big hopes young poet...
And ten years later, in Pushkin's draft notebooks, in the margins of the poem "Eugene Onegin", the gentle profile of Anna Alekseevna suddenly began to appear more and more often - a small, half-childish leg in Cinderella's elegant shoe, and on one of the pages - the inscription "Annette Pouschkine" carefully crossed out.
Anna is almost twenty, but for everyone she is just "Annette's sweet child." No one considered the lovely, all the time laughing creature with golden curls an adult.
Clever, brilliantly educated, who knew seven languages, freely maintaining a conversation on any topic, an excellent musician and singer, who had a light but somewhat quick-tempered character - Vyazemsky called her a dragon, and Pushkin - a dragoon (both noted her mocking, sharp tongue) - his her beauty overshadowed all court beauties. Already at the age of seventeen, she became the maid of honor of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna. Lots of fans, flowers, sneaky words of love…

She is sweet, I will say between us,
Storm of the court knights,
And it is possible with the southern stars,
Compare, especially in verse,
Her Circassian eyes.
She owns them boldly
They are burning fire alive;
But admit it yourself, is it the case
My deer's eyes!
What a thoughtful genius in them,
And how much childlike simplicity
And how many languid expressions
And how much bliss and dreams!

Anna Alekseevna became thoughtful... What, however, is Pushkin's brilliant style! It is not for nothing that his father, and mother, and Ivan Andreevich, and Zhukovsky praise him so much. His poems are so well remembered ... However, what nonsense! What right did he have to write like that - “mine” ...
Anna got married after the death of the great poet Alexander Pushkin. It was a brilliant party. But in the evenings she went up to her room, opened the piano and sang... These were romances based on the words of an ardent, sometimes funny, Pushkin in love with her. It was her secret...

I loved you: love still, perhaps
In my soul it has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to sadden you with anything.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Either timidity or jealousy languish;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God forbid you loved to be different.

Melnikova Maria

"You and You" Alexander Pushkin

Empty you hearty
She, speaking, replaced,
And all the happy dreams
Aroused in the soul of a lover.
Before her I stand thoughtfully;
There is no power to take your eyes off her;
And I say to her: "How cute you are!"
And I think: “how I love you!”

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "You and You"

Pushkin began to visit the house of the Olenin family even before his southern exile. Returning to St. Petersburg after the coronation of Nicholas I, he again began to come to old friends. These visits were dear to the poet, as they made it possible to see Anna Alekseevna Olenina. The peak of Alexander Sergeevich's falling in love with her fell on 1828-29. Contemporaries called her a beautiful, intelligent girl with musical talents. At the same time, Olenina's character was far from ideal. According to the testimonies of people who knew Anna Alekseevna closely, she had a penchant for narcissism, was spoiled and overconfident. Nevertheless, Pushkin had strong feelings for her. The poet was going to marry Olenina and even made an offer. They answered him with a refusal. The exact reason is still unknown. One of the versions is that at that time Alexander Sergeevich fell out of favor with the emperor due to an investigation related to the Gavriiliada. Anna Alekseevna's father did not need such an unreliable son-in-law.

Pushkin dedicated a series to Olenina lyrical works, some lines of "Eugene Onegin" are associated with her name. It is to her that the small poem "You and You" is addressed, created in May 1828 and first published in the almanac "Northern Flowers". In the diaries of Anna Alekseevna, an episode is described that is directly related to the text in question. According to the memoirs of Olenina, once she, having mentioned something, turned to Pushkin on “you”. After some time, the poet brought the above-mentioned poem, built on the opposition of the forms of addressing people to each other. In the Pushkin era, the appeal to "you" between a man and a woman is a mandatory rule of secular etiquette. This can be seen even from the numerous letters of Alexander Sergeevich to various representatives of the fair sex. In none of them does he use the pronoun "you". The exception is messages to the spouse, which is understandable. The appeal to "you" was considered a sign of close relationships, if between a man and a woman they arose outside of marriage, they were not advertised. At the same time, only the lady initiated the rejection of “you”.

The poem can be divided into two parts. In the first quatrain we are talking about the behavior of a woman. In the second stanza, the feelings of the lyrical hero are broadcast, and in the finale, an antithesis appears - what was said is opposed to what was thought. “You and You” is an elegant miniature; in just eight lines, Pushkin managed to convey with amazing accuracy the complex psychological state of a man in love.