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On the role of the primary trade union organization - as an important link in the teaching staff. Trade union committee and director: friends or enemies? Who can join a trade union

A trade union is a voluntary organization that exists in every enterprise and is designed to protect the rights of its employees. There are cases when trade union members do not support the position of the organization and believe that its activities are aimed only at collecting interest from. As a rule, this is facilitated by the lack of assistance to the employee from the trade union committee. How in this case, bypassing the conflict situation, you can leave the trade union and what are the root causes of the exit, we will try to understand in more detail.

Multiple surveys of former and current trade union members have shown that the main prerequisites for leaving the trade union organization are:

  • unwillingness to pay dues
  • personal hostility and distrust of the leadership of the trade union committee
  • lack of help from the trade union organization
  • lack of advantages relative to union members
  • distrust of reporting on the use of union money

In most cases, it is these reasons that provoke workers to leave the trade union. They do not see the expediency of their presence in its composition.

Consequences of leaving the union

Before deciding to leave the union, you need to think about the risks that can affect both family and work.

By submitting a statement of resignation from the union to the manager and leaving it, the employee loses the following benefits:

  1. Free consultation on labor law issues.
  2. Legal support for the trade union in the event of labor disputes.
  3. Taking out accident insurance for yourself and your family.
  4. Providing free or discounted vouchers to sanatoriums, boarding houses or children's camps for their children.
  5. Assistance in solving social issues.
  6. Providing financial assistance
  7. Providing protection on labor protection issues at work.
  8. Opportunities to participate in cultural events at the expense of the trade union committee.
  9. Opportunities for collective travel or event attendance by union members.
  10. Opportunities for free .

From the moment of leaving the ranks of the trade union organization, the employee does not have any benefits. The union will not come to his defense in the event of illegal dismissal, deprivation of bonuses or reduction in wages.

Procedure for leaving the union

Before leaving the union, the sample application requires detailed study. In this case, you will need to write two statements. The first is written to the chairman of the trade union, the second to the chief accountant of the enterprise. This is necessary to eliminate misunderstandings regarding the issue of incorrect calculation of membership fees.

Write your question in the form below

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For the first time in Yakutia! The labor collective voted
mistrust of the leader

IA SAKHALIFE.RU In the federal institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),” the crisis had been brewing for a long time, but at the end of January it was revealed publicly. At the general meeting, the labor collective expressed a vote of no confidence in its leader, S.S. TELENKOV. The team expressed its position in a letter signed by 386 people. They are unable to continue to tolerate the current state of affairs, and a personnel decision can only be made by Moscow in the person of the head of the Federal Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare G. G. ONISCHENKO. Perhaps this material will catch their eye, like an Internet SOS from distant Yakutia. It is clear that the moral and psychological climate at the enterprise is now difficult, the “uprising” is being actively suppressed, and repression is brewing. Here is the team's letter in full.

Dear editors!

The staff of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” is contacting you and asking you to assist and help us in the difficult situation that has developed in our institution.

For the first time in our republic, a precedent has been created for an open statement by the team about a vote of no confidence in its leader - S.S. TELENKOV, the result of whose inept activities was the difficult financial situation of the institution, almost bankruptcy (huge tax debts - 58 million; accounts receivable - 80 million. ; misuse of funds - inspection of the prosecutor's office in 2009 - initiation of criminal cases against the chief doctor, the chief accountant; loss of property, for example, a Niva Chevrolet), critical impoverishment of the laboratory base, on the shoulders of which the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) rests. legislation, unhealthy moral climate in the institution, etc.

We sent a collective letter to the Head of the Federal Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare G.G. ONISCHENKO (386 signatures of employees of the head office and its 20 branches), also to the head of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) IGNATIEVA M.E., the prosecutor's office, to the Republican Committee of Trade Unions, the media.

01/29/2010 a collective meeting of employees of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" (118 people) was held, with the agenda of distrust of the chief doctor, which the chief doctor S.S. TELENKOV ignored, although at that time he was at work in his office.

The meeting was attended by employees of the head office and its branches, incl. chief doctors of branches in Neryungri, Aldan, M. Kangalassy, ​​Lensk, etc. In addition, representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) were present, who recognized this meeting as legitimate and noted that such a precedent of an open vote of no confidence in a leader was happening for the first time in their experience. The workers present at the meeting voted unanimously that S.S. TELENKOV independently left the post of chief physician of the Federal State Health Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)". They are outraged that, while in the building of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)", the chief doctor did not come out to his team and did not give any explanations, on the contrary, he gave a verbal order to disperse the meeting.

S.S. TELENKOV was appointed chief physician in 2005. In 2009, S.S. TELENKOV a criminal case has been opened regarding the fact of many years of non-payment of taxes (56 million), the hearing of which will take place on February 8, 2010. The chief doctor’s interest in paying the remaining amount before this hearing of the case is obvious, and therefore the acting officer was suspended from work. chief accountant EGOROVA K.V., who refused, without a written order from the chief physician, to direct the funds allocated for employee salaries (01/30/2010) to pay off the debt. As a result, to the position of acting A specialist who is inappropriate for the position, who does not have higher education and experience, has been appointed chief accountant to carry out this assignment. Many institutions engaged in commercial services know that January-February are dead months in terms of money receipts. That is why the priority in this case should be the payment of wages to employees of branches and the head office (budgetary and extra-budgetary), and not the payment of the debt that is important for our chief physician, accumulated over several years! After all, after the payment on December 22, 2009, many people no longer have any money left, some have loans, some are raising children alone! Would a good leader put all this on the same scale with his own interest, since his duty is planned according to plan and there is no need to jump ahead of him!

Wages were previously paid on time, but trade union dues were transferred with constant long delays, and payroll taxes were not transferred in full.

The decision of the permanent meeting of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare dated October 24, 2006 “On optimizing the staffing levels of the network and structure of territorial bodies and organizations of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare” was not implemented. .

The management ignored the decision of the Collective Agreement. The rights of workers were grossly violated: untimely, often complete lack of payment for travel to and from the place of vacation, refusal to provide study leave and travel payment, days on leave for harmful working conditions were unreasonably shortened, forced transfers of workers to fixed-term employment contracts and civil law contracts and other rights, which is confirmed by the fact that the State Labor Inspectorate attracted S.S. Telenkov. to administrative liability for violation of labor rights of workers.

A unilateral decision was made to reduce compensation payments for harmful working conditions to laboratory workers, although no work to improve working conditions that meets state requirements for ensuring safe working conditions has been and is not carried out.

Illegal, unjustified deductions were made from employees' wages; bonuses for employees were decided by one manager, which is a gross violation of labor legislation.

The control authorities have established facts of misuse of budget funds by the management of the institution.

We would also like to note that on 02/01/2010, the chairman of the trade union committee of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" T.A. PETROVA was summoned. The heads of departments of the head office and structural divisions were summoned to give explanations regarding the fact of the meeting, and written explanations were required. Despite the fact that the workers came to the meeting not under duress, but of their own free will, the heads of departments of the head office and the chief doctors of the branches were accused of this. As a result, despite the fact that everyone had the same explanation, selective issuance of orders for written comments to the heads of departments of the main institution began.

During the removal from office of S.S. TELENKOV. (during the investigation under Part 2 of Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and until December 31, 2009) from July 2009 to January 17, 2010, he performed the duties of the chief physician EGOROV I.Ya., who, having arrived at the almost destroyed institution, was able to organize work in such a way that in 6 months of his management of accounts receivable, 45 million was collected, which made it possible to pay off the lion's share of existing tax debts, debt on taxes and fees and stop its dynamic growth, current taxes are paid on time and in full. For the period from July 2009 to December 2009, 70 million 595 thousand rubles were paid. taxes from extra-budgetary sources.

In the second half of 2009, work began actively to restore and bring the institution’s accounting records into compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

During the second half of 2009, 100% preparation of the institution for the winter period was carried out, repair work was carried out in buildings that were in disrepair, not only in the head institution, but also in the regions of the republic. During the same period, consumables and equipment were purchased in a timely manner, which made it possible to support the activities of the Rospotrebnadzor Office in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Many specialists have improved their qualifications at the central institutes for advanced training of doctors.

During the period of temporary performance of the duties of chief physician Ivan Yakovlevich EGOROV, favorable working conditions and a healthy moral climate were created in the team, for the first time in 4 years a relationship was established with the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which undoubtedly affects the results of the institution’s activities.

We ask you to help and highlight our problem in the public, since delay can lead to suppression of the will of the team “from above”, persecution and dismissal of workers will begin. We are convinced that S.S. Telenkov, a narrow-minded person who does not care about the service, should not be left with personal interests and ambitions in the position of chief physician.

If necessary, we can provide copies of signatures, letters to the authorities, minutes of the collective meeting dated January 29, 2010, its decisions, etc.

Tell us about the procedure for early release from the post of chairman of the primary party?

Question: According to the charter, the decision on early termination of the powers of the chairman of the primary trade union organization at his own request, state of health, agreement of the parties and circumstances beyond the will of the parties is made by the trade union committee. By decision of the general meeting (conference), the chairman of the primary trade union organization in this case is elected at a meeting of the trade union committee for the period until the general meeting (conference). If the decision is made by the trade union committee, then it is quite logical “for the period until” the conference. But the wording “by decision of the general meeting (conference)” creates confusion, since at the conference one can elect or assign a trade union committee for the term of office of the trade union committee. On the other hand, before the conference, it is impossible to elect a chairman even for the period before the conference, because before that there was no decision of the conference. Is there some imprecise wording here? Based on the article of the charter, is it possible to dismiss the chairman of the trade union committee at his own request, due to health reasons, at a meeting of the trade union committee (if the chairman was elected at a conference) and at the same meeting, without a decision of the conference, to elect a new one for the period until the conference is held at which to elect or approve the decision of the trade union committee? Senior leaders interpret that if a chairman is elected at a conference, then everything must be decided at the next conference, and this article does not allow any options. In my opinion, this article is a contradiction, and it undermines the principle of collegiality and delays the election time.”

Unfortunately, there is not enough information to give a comprehensive answer to this question. As for the early dismissal of the chairman from his position in connection with his (the chairman of the primary party) resignation of his own free will, in this case a decision of the conference is hardly necessary. In accordance with Art. 273 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, norms ch. 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation apply to heads of organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. That is, these norms also apply to the chairman of the primary trade union organization, who is released from work in the organization in connection with his election to an elective position in the elected body of the primary trade union organization. By virtue of Art. 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “the head of an organization has the right to terminate an employment contract early by warning the employer (the owner of the organization’s property, his representative) in writing no later than one month in advance.” Accordingly, it is necessary to dismiss the chairman in this case one month from the date of filing the application. And if the conference is not held within this month, then what - the chairman of the primary party will not be fired? Hardly. Regarding the election of the chairman at a meeting of the trade union committee. If, according to the charter, the chairman of the primary trade union organization is elected at a conference, then it is hardly possible to elect him in any other way. Under the above conditions, as a rule, it is possible to assign part of the duties of the chairman of the primary party to his deputy, or, in the absence of one, to a member of the trade union committee. However, this does not mean that this deputy chairman or member of the trade union committee automatically becomes the chairman of the primary party. And it is hardly worth talking about delaying the elections, since usually the charter of an industry trade union provides for the possibility of holding an extraordinary conference to elect a new chairman.

Today there are fewer trade unions on a voluntary basis than there were in Soviet times, but they exist in many state and large commercial organizations.

Employees' trade union– an organization designed to protect the social and labor rights of workers and based on the entry and exit of its members on a voluntary basis.

If there are any objective or subjective reasons, a union member may decide to leave the union. At the same time, not all employees know how to leave the union and where to get a sample application to leave the union.

In this article we will briefly cover this topic.

Reasons for leaving the union

Back in 2004, the results of sociological surveys showed main reasons leaving the trade union and the reluctance of employees to be members of a trade union:

  • lack of desire to pay membership fees;
  • the lack of legal advantages for trade union members in working conditions relative to other workers;
  • distrust of the leaders of the trade union organization.

What reason for leaving is the most significant for you?

But! Before we make a decision to leave the ranks of a trade union organization, we must think about the consequences of making such a decision.

Consequences of leaving the union

Even though leaving the union is a voluntary decision, you should think about the possible consequences.

By writing a letter of resignation from the trade union and leaving the ranks of its members, the employee loses:

  • free assistance on any issues related to work at the enterprise;
  • free legal assistance in labor conflicts;
  • obtaining interest-free loans from the trade union budget;
  • for yourself and your family members;
  • receiving preferential vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment at the expense of the trade union budget;
  • assistance in solving social problems;
  • rendering ;
  • protection on labor protection and safety issues.
  • and much more

Procedure for leaving the union

If you want to leave the union, the first thing you need to do is submit an application to leave the union.

This must be done correctly so that there are no misunderstandings due to errors in assessed union dues.

The organization's charter stipulates how to leave the union, who to contact and how long it will take to consider this issue. The procedure for leaving a trade union in each organization may be different and is determined by the Charter, but there are still common points.

To leave the union, write a statement to two addresses:

  • the chairman of the trade union organization;
  • employer's chief accountant.

or one application to each addressee.

Application to leave the union

Typically, the application is submitted in the prescribed form, which is determined by the Instructions on the procedure for registering and leaving the organization.

An application form for leaving the trade union can be obtained from the secretary or directly from the chairman of the organization.

If there is no established form, an application for exit can be submitted in any form. As a sample application to leave the union, you can take any standard application to eliminate the possibility of error.

Contents of applications to leave the union:

  • addressee (position, full name);
  • Full name, position of trade union member;
  • the text of the accepted form (“I ask you to expel me from the trade union ....”), indicating the name of the organization and the date of expulsion;
  • dates of filing an application to leave the union;
  • signature and its decoding.

In the text of the second application to leave the union, submitted to the accounting department, indicate: “I ask you not to withhold union dues from your salary.”

After registration of the submitted application by the responsible person, the issue of withdrawal is considered closed. At the same time, leaving a trade union often does not require approval of the application at a trade union meeting.

Along with the application, the employee submits his membership card to the trade union committee. After a year has passed after issue, the ticket and registration card are destroyed according to the act.

It is important to note!

None of the managers of the enterprise dares to force an employee to join a trade union or to restrain in any way from leaving the union.

Labor agreements between management and employees do not allow discrimination based on union membership or non-union membership.

Thus, when making this or that decision, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, since it is always important to understand that a trade union member is protected by a strong organization capable of actually defending his rights.

Each of us faces the problem of choosing - to be or not to be a member of a trade union. Everyone asks the question: “Why do I need a union?” It is important for us to find the answer to the questions: What kind of trade union does a teacher, staff, or director need today?

What is our “primary” at school today in real life?

What resources does the PPO have and what has changed with the creation of large complexes?

What should the chairman of the trade union be like and how to motivate active leaders to work in the trade union?

There are a dozen more questions, the answers to which can help in analyzing the current situation and determining the tasks of software and the technologies for their work.
Answering the most important question about the place of today’s primary trade union organization at the school level, I will refer to the answers received in various surveys (of PPO chairmen, school leaders, and young teachers). The team and the teacher need an active, competent and legally literate trade union, objective, fair and honest. At the same time, every fourth, and in the survey of young people every third, characterizes their school trade union organization as formal, submissive, sluggish and passive. 52% of the surveyed PPO chairmen noted the passivity of members of their organization as the main problem in their work and in its development. The main thing that our teachers want to see in the trade union is the protection of their rights, interaction with the head of the educational organization, support and assistance in professional development and development, and provision of social programs. At the same time, trade union members en masse believe that all this does not require from them personal activity, involvement, direct participation, or a feeling of being part of the trade union organization. And this is perhaps the main problem, without solving which we will not be able to move forward.

This state of affairs determines the main task facing us - team unity, the formation of an active position in each teacher, his awareness of his potential as a teacher, a member of the team and the trade union community. To do this, trade union “primary” organizations should not be limited to the usual framework, they must learn to be modern, be able to occupy public space, not consider that this is “not ours,” but make “ours,” trade union affairs and events that are important for the organization. The participation of PPO in raising funds for Donetsk teachers united many teams and opened up new features in our work. Thanks again to everyone who participated in this event. The second example: teachers of half of the schools in Zelenograd refused bouquets from students on September 1, offering parents the money they could spend on it to use to help a hospice for children suffering from cancer. Each school “primary” could join in this action, for example, on Teacher’s Day, understanding its social significance specifically for those who teach and educate.

In order to respond to the requests of trade union members, in order to increase the efficiency of the PPO, it is necessary to solve many problems, including those related to the reorganization of the education system and the reorganization of the PPO. Our trade union reorganization followed organizational and structural changes in the city's education system. And we had no choice how to change the structure of the PPO, because their basis is the work collective, and the space for work is the public organization. The reorganization took place in different ways. Today we can characterize the changes that have taken place as follows: most of the trade unions have been united, elections of chairmen of the trade unions and trade union committees have been held; many schools, on the initiative and with the active participation of the PPO, adopted new collective agreements; with the direct participation of PPOs, they have adopted and are implementing new remuneration systems, in which they provide material incentives to employees taking into account the results achieved. Unfortunately, we cannot say that this is typical for all software.

The reorganization process is not over: the main proof of this is the discrepancy in the number of PAs and the number of PPOs. Therefore, the primary task, requiring coordination on the part of TVET and persistent work within educational complexes, was the completion of infrastructural and organizational measures to consolidate TVET. But creating a structure does not mean breathing life into an organization.
At this stage, in all trade unions it is important to work with team members to increase union membership. We are observing the opposite trend, and, unfortunately, the leaders of public organizations often play a destructive role, putting pressure on the team. We have already spoken about this several times, but the situation has not changed. Once again I appeal to the chairmen of PPOs who are experiencing such a problem with a proposal to use their legal right to demand the punishment of such leaders. At the same time, we can say with confidence that the active work of the chairman, the support of the director, and the cohesion of the team help create a large “primary” organization. We now have schools with more than 600-700 employees and union memberships of 500 or more.

The next task on the agenda and directly related to the first is the adoption of updated collective agreements (CA), reflecting the realities of the newly created complexes. KD today is not just rewritten articles of the Labor Code, it is a real way to participate in the regulation of labor relations and participation in school management. At the moment, the statistics of concluded labor agreements allows, on the one hand, to note an increase in their number and the coverage of workers (union members), and on the other hand, the presence of organizations where the labor agreement is not concluded is alarming, the rights of the labor collective are not ensured, or where it is possible to speak about the formal existence of a design agreement that has been “in force” for more than three years, that is, it began its operation before the reorganization and lives its own life, and the team lives its own, after the end of the reorganization. It can be stated that the importance of CD in conditions of independence of schools at the disposal of financial resources increases significantly.

Today, CD is the main form of interaction between the PPO and the manager and the main criterion for the effectiveness of the PPO. At the same time, trade union monitoring shows that the qualitative characteristics of the labor agreement (for example, the adoption of provisions that really affect the lives of workers and the team) are declining. Not all is well with the work after the conclusion of the design agreement - to monitor its implementation. I would like to draw the attention of the PPO chairmen to the fact that a year ago, specialists from the MGO trade union and the Legal Support Center “Profzashchita” developed and presented during the Second Congress of Teachers a CD model for the educational complex, which we recommend using.

The collectives entrusted the chairmen of the PPO to become their public leaders. They trust you and expect support, help, advice, and representation of their interests from you. To do this, the chairmen of the PPO are obliged to implement in their daily activities the rights and guarantees provided by law, using various forms of collective participation through their representative body in the management of the educational institution. Among the main forms of employee participation in the management of the organization, laid down in Article 53 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is, first of all, ensuring that the opinions of employees are taken into account when adopting local acts, which requires consultation with the employer on the basis of complete and reliable information.

Once again about “ours” and “not ours” - discussing issues about the work of the public organization, making proposals for its improvement, discussing plans for socio-economic development - this is “ours”. Our task is to ensure that each PPO chairman becomes a member of the management team as the head of a public organization and a representative of the interests of the team, so that the team’s point of view on vital issues is formulated, heard, taken into account and implemented in practice. An objective, legal point of view. It is very important to ensure the strengthening of the influence of software on all areas of the team’s life. The first thing to start with is an analysis of the results of the ranking of educational institutions in the 2014-2015 academic year: the school’s place, development dynamics, factors influencing this dynamics, untapped reserves and growth points. The entire team should be involved in this, not just the administration. Everyone must look for their own resource for the benefit of the common cause. On this basis, a system of quality assessment in public organizations should be built, an important feature of which is publicity. Unfortunately, publicity is often lame, and the opinion of the primary trade union organization is not taken into account. We are talking about average wages, but if you ask those present at the congress what they know about its formation, about the real wages of employees and taking into account their contribution to the development of the school, about statistical observation indicators, then the answer will be disappointing. Lack of information gives rise to rumors and conflicts. We consider it necessary to ensure that the chairpersons of the PPO receive such information; we propose to reflect this position specifically in the agreement between the DogM and the MGO of the trade union, to which additions and amendments are currently being prepared. The same applies to the calculation of the decile coefficient, which managers remember only when undergoing certification, and the chairman of the PPO is simply blissfully unaware of why the difference in salaries across the institution is four, five or six times and how this relates to the objectivity of the assessment and fairness. The job of the PPO chairman is to be aware of and analyze the current situation, the manager’s duty is to share information, their common task is to prevent biased gaps in pay.

In general, the tasks facing the chairman and the manager are often identical, because both are responsible to the team and, therefore, must act together and find common solutions. Who should stand guard over the interests of the team, when the payroll is underestimated in general expenses, and wages do not reach the city level, when incentive payments are only one-time in nature, when funds for advanced training also end up in savings, when contributions to social funds are not transferred? and pension insurance? First of all, the team has the right to expect this from its chairman. The role of PPOs in the certification of teaching staff should be increased: who should be supported, protected, and who should be asked for help. Together with the administration and the teacher himself, it is necessary to build a trajectory for his professional development. The chairman of the PPO must remember that it is good to drink tea with the team, but it is more important to identify, discuss together and find solutions to the professional problems of colleagues. And there are no fewer of them every year. And violations that affect the work of workers, as our inspections show, too. How is the medical examination carried out, how are labor protection guarantees implemented, why are there no participants and winners of professional competitions and the priority national project “Education” in the team, why are there many complaints and appeals, the team is in a fever when distributing the workload, there is no confidence in the future?

A recent example is a collective letter with 34 signatures that came the other day from one of the schools in the Eastern District: the reorganization has been completed for six months, and such local acts as provisions on wages and incentive payments have not been adopted. Neither the team nor the software were involved in their development. The manager refuses to conclude a collective agreement. Incentive payments to employees are adjusted to the amount of funds allocated to each structural unit without agreement with the trade union and the Management Board. The work of the governing council is extremely formalized. The notification procedures for changes in working conditions and staff reductions are grossly violated. Is this a familiar picture? I don’t mention the school number, because after the congress an IGO commission was sent to it. I can only say that if the facts are confirmed, the MGO of the trade union will petition the department so that... O. the director never became the director of this school. A person who cannot work with a team should not be a leader. The question remains relevant: why the school is not popular with parents and high school students do not go to it, and how to create an internal corporate culture. I don’t believe that these and many other questions do not occur to the head of the PPO chairman. All that remains is to discuss them as a team and then act.

Assessing the significance of this work, we issued a joint letter from the MGO trade union and DogM, specifying the guarantees of the PPO and elected trade union bodies. I would especially like to comment on the position on additional payments to the chairmen of the PPO and other representatives of the trade union. I consider it absolutely justified and correct, the dynamics in this matter are positive, in two years the number of chairmen receiving additional pay has almost doubled, but still it is only 56%. Why? After all, the work is important, big, and requires effort. I am far from thinking that 44% of our chairmen are not fit for purpose. Maybe it is necessary to change the administrative, authoritarian thinking of those school leaders who do not want to give up the desire to be the only ones with full power, making the only correct and indisputable decisions? For such leaders, the team is silent, and they either need or don’t need any trade union. Once again we turn to DogM with a proposal to consider the level of social partnership (presence of a management committee, PPO as a representative body of workers, receipt of justified appeals from employees, presence of cases of violation of labor legislation) when certifying a manager and awarding bonuses.

Of course, the additional payment to the chairman of the trade union organization should reflect the real contribution of the chairman of the primary trade union organization to the development of the team and the regulation of labor relations in it. The team should evaluate this work, not the director. For this purpose, we have developed evaluation criteria that can be supplemented in each team. In order to increase efficiency, appropriate conditions must be created for the chairman: Release from work for trade union training and other trade union activities while maintaining the average salary.

Providing opportunities for advanced training on labor law issues. We consider it appropriate to conduct a special advanced training course for directors and chairmen of PPOs according to the general program. This will contribute to the formation of common approaches to the regulation of labor relations in the team, the rapprochement of positions and the development of social partnership. We developed the draft program and agreed with the Department of Education. We consider it advisable to use the structure of interdistrict councils to organize such training.
Trade union work, which takes a lot of time, must be paid. The additional payment is good, but we would ask that, by decision of the team, with the consent of the manager and subject to the inclusion of the corresponding position in the design documentation, the position of a relieved chairman of the PPO could be introduced, as suggested by Art. 377 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The effective work of the chairman of the PPO should be an additional reason for nominating him for various awards.

We turned to the Minister of Education of Moscow, Isaac Kalina, with a request to provide us with support in the implementation of these positions, including their inclusion in the city industry agreement.

At the same time, there are cases when the position of chairman becomes hereditary, without holding a conference, without elections, and cases when it is nominal, but does not provide either work with the team or representation of its interests. Both are unacceptable; they devalue the status of our organization and undermine people’s faith. It is no coincidence that during the last academic year, many letters were received with complaints about the inaction of the chairman of the PPO, about inattention to the needs of colleagues, about the connivance of the leader’s wrong actions. Unfortunately, very often they were confirmed. And people expect that we will not be afraid to speak out against wrong decisions and actions, against the belittlement and sometimes humiliation of our colleagues. This is also evidenced by letters received to us and other addresses, questions sent to the website of the trade union. Workers who have not found support in the PPO write further and higher. But all the same, the consideration of complaints does not take place in heaven, but on earth - at school, only sometimes it is already too late for both the applicant and the PPO - the damage has already been done.
The issues raised in the appeals are, unfortunately, not new. They are repeated from year to year and reflect the picture of the relationship “manager - team - chairman of the trade union organization”: the manager often puts pressure on the employee, whose appeal to the professional trade union turns out to be ineffective, the problem arises again in a new round. Repeatedly, starting from the last congress, and then at the “Trade Union Hour” selectors, in the “Teacher’s Newspaper-Moscow”, during consultations and at seminars, we discussed the problems of load distribution, provision of vacations and working hours for teachers, and especially paid a lot of attention to the conclusion of additional agreements to the employment contract, the mechanism of incentive payments, the definition of performance evaluation criteria, and the reduction of paperwork in the school. But no explanations will be able to solve the problem of a specific team if there is no joint work of the head and the chairman of the PPO as a whole.

I would especially like to dwell on two problems: wages and de-bureaucratization of school life. Suddenly they find themselves connected to each other. The process of self-assessment by the teacher of his activities has become very labor-intensive, ineffective and adds paperwork for the teacher. The school itself became the main level for collecting reports for “oneself.” This means that this should also be in the field of view and control of the PPO. Simplifying the system of points, pluses and ticks for and against, introducing long-term bonuses throughout the year for those who showed good results in the last academic year is a way to solve this problem.

Our teachers, our trade union members expect a lot from their “primary leaders” and chairmen. Making PPO authoritative, active and effective, necessary for its institution, is a height that we have to conquer. In conclusion, a parable: every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. She knows she must run faster than the lion to stay alive. Every morning a lion wakes up. He knows that he must catch up with the slowest doe so as not to die of hunger. Whether you are a gazelle or a lion, you must remember that as soon as the sun rises, you will have to run.

Marina IVANOVA, Chairman of the MGO All-Russian Trade Union of Education