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Institute of Management and Economics of the Profession. Specialty "Economics and Enterprise Management": Universities, where and by whom to work. Personnel career management

The task of the Institute of Economics and Management is to provide students with the opportunity to obtain the widest possible range of economic, managerial and other specialized knowledge.
The time of narrow specialists has already passed: in the conditions of periodic economic crises, specialists are forced to frequently change areas of activity and solve various problems. The profession of an economist or manager is a combination of several disciplines in one activity. To be a highly qualified specialist, you must have knowledge: in mathematics, economics, political science, sociology, etc. This determines the need to use a broad educational foundation. We try to create such conditions for students so that graduates of our institute successfully work in private business, state-owned enterprises and organizations, therefore, already from the junior year, students - future economists - communicate with practicing teachers who are specialists in the field of business management, economics and finance, public administration.

The Institute provides vocational education at the following levels:

1. higher education - bachelor's degree
2. higher education - master's degree
3. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel

At the institute, training is carried out in the following areas of bachelor's training:



"State and municipal administration"

The bachelor's degree program "Economics" includes profiles:
1. Finance and credit.
2. Accounting, analysis and audiences.

Direction of master's degree:
1. “Economy” includes the profile “Financial markets and banks”.
2. “Management” includes the profile “Anti-crisis and innovation management”.
3. “State and municipal management” includes the profile “State and municipal management in the social sphere.”

Direction of training of highly qualified personnel (postgraduate studies):
1. “Economy” includes the profile “Finance, money circulation and credit.”
2. “Management” includes the profile “National Economy Management (Marketing)”.

Features of professional training

The main advantage of the profession of an economist is not the high demand for the profession, but its versatility, which allows you to find work in almost any field. Having the necessary knowledge and skills, you can open your own business and not be afraid that it will be unprofitable.
Nowadays, manager is the most important profession, which is well paid and in demand by both the state and business. Managers develop and make decisions on operational and strategic issues of activity and development of enterprises, and ensure their implementation.
In modern conditions of globalization, regular financial crises, and a single world economic and political space, the labor market places an increased demand on specialists in the field of state and municipal administration.
To consolidate theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills by students at the departments of the Institute of Economics and Management, business games and trainings of various types are used in the educational process. They allow students to become more confident and demonstrate their best qualities when applying for a job and passing an interview. During the classes, students are taught the skills of communicating with people and leading them.

Economist is a prestigious and always in demand profession. These are specialists responsible for the efficiency of the economic activities of an enterprise or organization. Their services are required in all structures where it is necessary to calculate, plan and control the movement of financial flows, analyze the results of financial activities, and determine the profitability of projects. The program “Economics and Finance of Organizations” provides a comprehensive education, forms the strategic thinking of an economist in future bachelors, and develops their analytical skills. The program is universal and focused on fundamental training of competent specialists in the financial and economic sphere. Based on an in-depth study of both basic and specialized disciplines. Graduates gain skills in independent economic and financial analysis, learn to generate innovations and use them to ensure sustainable development of the organization.

  • Our teachers are leading financiers and economists, heads of financial and economic services of the Moscow Government and leading companies in the metropolis;
  • we have the most modern practical teaching methods;
  • training in modern information and computer technologies;
  • organization of practice in the financial and economic structures of the Moscow Government, non-profit and commercial organizations of the metropolis.

Moscow Engineering and Economics Institute

State University of Management
International name State University of Management
Motto Ars gerendi - Ars vincendi
Year of foundation 1919
Rector A.M. Lyalin
Location Russia Moscow
Legal address 109542, Russia, Moscow, metro station Vykhino, Ryazansky prospect, 99

55.714698 , 37.814105 55°42′52.91″ n. w. /  55.714698 , 37.814105 37°48′50.77″ E. d.

(G) State University of Management (SUM)

- the leading university in Russia in the field of management education - is a state higher educational institution of federal subordination, has the status of a legal entity. The State University of Education has the right to carry out educational activities under educational programs of higher and additional professional education and issue state-standard education documents to graduates who have confirmed mastery of the relevant educational program at the final state certification.

The main vocational and educational programs of higher professional education at the University are implemented in four forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time and external studies.


State University of Management is the founder of management education in Russia.

From 1885 to 1919 it was the Alexander Commercial School of the Moscow Exchange Society, then the Nikolaev Commercial School, later the Women's Trade School of Emperor Nicholas II and, finally, the Moscow Industrial and Economic Practical College.

On April 30, 1919, by decision of the People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry of the RSFSR, the Moscow Industrial and Economic Practical Institute was created on the basis of the Moscow Industrial and Economic College. The university was designed to provide training for economists for industry and consumer cooperation, financiers, specialists in economics and labor organization.

On March 28, 1975, by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, the Moscow Engineering and Economics Institute was renamed the Moscow Institute of Management. In accordance with the requirements of the economy, the institute was the first among the country's universities to begin training specialists in organizing production management.

On February 5, 1991, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Moscow Institute of Management was transformed into the State Academy of Management. The Academy initiated the opening of new areas of management education in the country, taking into account the needs of a market economy, organizing multidisciplinary training for industrial, social, state and municipal management.

On August 8, 1998, by order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, based on the results of state certification and accreditation, the State Academy of Management received university status and was renamed the State University of Management.

University courtyard.

University structure


Rector - Alexey Mikhailovich Lyalin
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Vasily Mikhailovich Svistunov
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (Deputy Chairman of the UMO Council) - Viktor Ivanovich Zvonnikov
Vice-Rector for Research - Valentin Yakovlevich Afanasyev
Vice-Rector for Business Education and Information Technologies - Vladimir Viktorovich Godin
Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Work - Alexander Ivanovich Asyutin
Vice-Rector - Head of Economics Training - Dmitry Nikolaevich Zemlyakov


  • Institute of Management in Industry and Energy
  • Institute of Business in Construction and Project Management
  • Institute of Transport Management and Logistics
  • Institute of Public Administration and Law
  • Institute of Management Information Systems
  • Institute of National and World Economy
  • Institute of Sociology and Personnel Management
  • Institute of Financial Management
  • Institute for Migration Process Management
  • Institute of International Business
  • Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship in the Social Sphere
  • Institute of Tourism and Market Development
  • Institute of Taxes and Tax Management
  • Institute of Marketing
  • Russian-Dutch Faculty of Marketing
  • University of the Foreign languages
  • Faculty of Master's Preparation
  • Institute of Correspondence Studies
  • Institute for Training of Scientific, Pedagogical and Scientific Personnel
  • Institute for Advanced Training of Civil Service Workers and Sectors of the National Economy
  • Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers
  • Preparatory Faculty
  • University branch - Obninsk
  • University branch - Kaliningrad
  • Training center for pre-university education "AZ"


SUM trains students in 23 specialties.

Speciality Code Assigned qualification
Crisis management 080503 Economist-manager
Accounting, analysis and audit 080109 Economist
State and municipal administration 080504 Manager
Documentation and documentation support for management 032001 Document specialist
Information management 080508 Manager
Logistics 080506 Logistician
Marketing 080111 Marketer
Mathematical methods in economics 080116 Economist-mathematician
Organisation management 080507 Manager
World economy 080102 Economist
Taxes and taxation 080107 Tax Specialist
National economy 080103 Economist
Applied informatics in management 080801 Computer Science Manager
Applied Mathematics 230401 Mathematical engineer
Nature management 020802 Ecologist-nature user
Advertising 032401 Advertising Specialist
Public relations 030602 Public Relations Specialist
Sociology 040201 Sociologist
Statistics 080601 Economist
Innovation Management 220601 Engineer Manager
Personnel Management 080505 Manager
Finance and credit 080105 Economist
Jurisprudence 030501 Lawyer

Notable staff and alumni

  • Zinovy ​​Yakovlevich Beletsky (Soviet philosopher)
  • Mikhail Yurievich Zurabov (Federal Minister of the Russian Federation)
  • Vladimir Borisovich Zotov (Prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow)
  • Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Chichvarkin (ex-CEO of Euroset)
  • Valery Alekseevich Chudinov (founder and director of the Center for Ancient Slavic Literature and Culture)
  • Boris Igorevich Tarakanov (outstanding figure of the Russian Musical Internet, founder of the theory of economics and management of choral art, conductor, writer. Professor, academician of the IAFS)
  • Sergey Yurievich Glazyev (State Duma deputy, Deputy General Secretary of the EurAsEC, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Georgy Borisovich Kleiner (Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)
  • Benzion Zakharovich Milner (full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)