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Psalm 37 synodal translation. If things go badly and there is no money: Orthodox prayers. Psalm of David, in remembrance of the Sabbath

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky:

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by His mercy. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, may he grant us, the death of the belly is shameful and peaceful and eternal bliss in the future, may we unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Other prayers for financial situation

And after the prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, it is recommended to read

Psalm 37

Lord, do not rebuke me with Your wrath, but punish me with Your anger. Like Your arrows unzosha in me, and Thou hast established Your hand on me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of Your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sins. As if my iniquity exceeded my head, as if a heavy burden was burdened on me. Resurrect and bend my wounds from the face of my madness. Suffered and slushy to the end, all day complaining about walking. As if my body was filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. I was embittered and resigned to the ground, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, before You all my desire and my sighing is not hidden from You. My heart is troubled, leave me my strength, and the light of my eyes, and that one is not with me. My friends and my sincere ones are directly approaching me and stasha, and my neighbors are far away, stashing me and needy looking for my soul, and looking for an evil verb to me, vain and flattering all day long. But I am as if deaf not hearing, and as if he did not open his mouth. And like a man, do not hear and do not have reproof in your mouth. As if in You, Lord, I hope, You will hear, Lord my God. Yako rekh: yes, not when my enemies will please me: and always move my feet, yelling at me. For I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me. As if my iniquity, I will proclaim and take care of my sin. But my enemies live and become stronger than me, and multiply those who hate me without the truth. Those who repay me the evil, the good slander me, for the persecution of goodness. Do not leave me, Lord my God, do not depart from me. Come to my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Explanation of Psalm 37:

Psalm to David, in remembrance of the Sabbath

Psalm of David, in remembrance of the Sabbath.

1 Lord, do not rebuke me with your wrath, but punish me with your anger.

1 Lord, do not rebuke me for your wrath, and do not punish me with your wrath.

2 Thy arrows have been pierced in me, and Thou hast established Thy hand upon me.

2 For Thy arrows have pierced me, and Thou hast set Thy hand upon me.

3 There is no healing in my flesh from the face of your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sins.

3 There is no healing for my flesh because of your wrath; there is no peace for my bones because of my sins,

4 As my iniquities have exceeded my head, as a heavy burden you have weighed down on me.

4 For my iniquities have gone over my head, like a heavy burden they have weighed down on me.

5 I am dead and my wounds are crushed at the sight of my madness.

5 My wounds stink and fester because of my folly:

6 I suffered and sank to the end, mourning my walks all day long.

6 I suffered and was bowed to the end; all day long I went mourning.

7 As my body is filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh.

7 For my loins are filled with mockery, and there is no healing for my flesh.

8 I was embittered and humbled to the ground, roaring from the sighing of my heart.

8 I was crushed and humiliated beyond measure, I cried out with the groaning of my heart.

9 Lord, before you all my desire and my groaning is not hidden from you.

9 Lord, all my desire is before You, and my groaning is not hidden from You.

10 My heart is troubled, leave me my strength, and the light of my eyes, and that one should not be with me.

10 My heart is troubled, my strength has left me, and the light of my eyes, even that is not with me.

11 My friends and my sincere ones draw near to me directly and flock,

11 My friends and my neighbors drew near and stood opposite me,

12 And my neighbors are far away from me and are in need, who seek my life, and who seek evil words for me, vain words and flattering things I will learn all day long.

12 And my neighbors stood afar off, and those who seek my life crowded in, and those who seek evil spoke empty things to me and devised scheming all day long.

13 But I am as deaf as I do not hear, and as though I were dumb, I do not open my mouth.

13 But as a deaf man I did not hear, and as a dumb man who does not open his mouth;

14 And as if a man did not hear, and not having reproof in his mouth.

14 And he became like a man who does not hear, and does not have reproof in his mouth.

15 For I have hoped in You, O Lord; You will hear, O Lord my God.

15 For I have trusted in You, O Lord: You will hear, O Lord my God.

16 Like a rech: but not when my enemies will make me happy: and always move my feet, you shouted at me.

16 For I said, "Let not my enemies rejoice over me!" for when my feet staggered, they magnified themselves over me.

17 For I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me taken out.

17 For I am ready for blows, and my suffering is always before me.

18 For I will declare my iniquity, and take care of my sin.

18 For I will declare my iniquity, and take care of my sin.

19 But my enemies live and become stronger than me, and multiply those who hate me without righteousness.

19 But my enemies live, and have become stronger than I, and those who hate me unrighteously have multiplied.

20 Those who repay me evil, slandering me, chasing goodness.

20 Those who repay me evil for good slandered me, because I pursued good.

21 Do not leave me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me.

21 Do not leave me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me,

22 Come to my help, O Lord of my salvation.

22 Help me, O Lord of my salvation!

Remember that the Lord grants those desires that satisfy your real needs. Money cannot be an object of desire, since money is the material embodiment of opportunities, energy, and potential. You desire to have money for something. Everyone has their own goals: for someone it is the satisfaction of real needs for comfortable life your family, helping your neighbors, implementing projects that will improve the world. Someone needs money to gain a sense of security, the ability to control the world and satisfy passions: pride, gluttony, lust, etc. When you desire money and pray for it, think about what you really want to achieve with it. And then it will be easy to understand whether your prayers will be heard or not. Sometimes it is useful to figure out what is more important to you: "a lot of money" or getting rid of mental anxiety.

Part 37 -

Psalm, Psalm 37 Psalm of David. In memory of Saturday.

God! do not rebuke me in your wrath, and do not punish me in your wrath, for your arrows have pierced me, and your hand is heavy on me. There is no whole place in my flesh from Your wrath; there is no peace in my bones because of my sins, for my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden weighed down on me, my wounds stink, fester from my folly. I am bent and completely drooping, I walk around mourning all day, for my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I am exhausted and crushed beyond measure; I cry out from the anguish of my heart. God! All my desires are before You, and my groaning is not hidden from You. My heart is trembling; My strength has left me, and the light of my eyes, and I don't even have that. My friends and sincere ones have departed from my plague, and my neighbors stand afar off. Those who seek my soul set up nets, and those who wish me harm speak of my destruction and plot wiles every day; but I, like a deaf man, do not hear, and like a dumb man who does not open his mouth; and I became like a man who does not hear and has no answer in his mouth, for in Thee, O Lord, I trust; You will hear, Lord, my God. And I said, Let not my enemies triumph over me; when my foot staggers, they magnify themselves over me. I am close to falling, and my sorrow is always before me. I acknowledge my iniquity, I repent of my sin. But my enemies live and become strong, and those who hate me without cause multiply; and those who repay me evil for good are at enmity against me because I follow good. Don't leave me, Lord, my God! Don't move away from me; Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

PSALM, Psalm 37.

Lord, do not rebuke me with your anger, punish me with your anger; as your arrows are unzosha in me, and you have established your hand on me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sins. As if my iniquity exceeded my head, as if a heavy burden was burdened on me. Resurrect and bend my wounds, from the face of my madness. I suffered and sank to the end, complaining about my walks all day; as my body is filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. I was embittered and resigned to the ground, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, all my desire is before you, and my sighing is not hidden from you. My heart is troubled, leave me my strength, and the light of my eyes, and that one is not with me. My friends and my sincere ones approach me directly and stare. And my neighbors are far off less, and those who seek my life are in need; and those who seek evil words are vain to me, and I will learn from flatterers all day long. But as if I were deaf, I did not hear, and as if I did not open my mouth; and as if a man did not hear and is not in the mouth of his reproofs. As for thee, Lord, I hope, you will hear, Lord my God. Yako reh; but not when my enemies rejoice; and always move my feet, yelling at me. For I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me to be taken out. As if my iniquity, I will proclaim and take care of my sin. Strike mine, and they live and become stronger than me, and multiply those who hate me without the truth; repaying me evil, good slander me, for chasing goodness. Do not leave me, Lord my God, do not depart from me; call for my help, O Lord of my salvation.

“In remembrance of the Sabbath” is understood either as an indication of the time of the liturgical performance of the psalm - on Saturday, or in a figurative sense that corresponds to the literal understanding of the word (Saturday - peace) and the content of the psalm - “in a reminder of peace”, i.e. this the psalm is a pleading prayer to God for the grant of peace, which indicates the difficult state that David is experiencing at this time. Some, proceeding from the position that the Sabbath was established at the end of the days of creation, interpret this inscription literally, i.e., that the psalm was written by David in remembrance of the end of the creation of the world. But the latter understanding cannot be accepted: the end of the creation of the world, when everything appeared “very good” (Gen. 1:31), was a solemn and majestic act, with which the sad and pleading content of the psalm does not harmonize.

The entire content of the psalm is distinguished by a repentant character: in it, David vividly depicts a picture of his suffering, both physical (from illness) and moral, from the consciousness of his crime before God. The same crime of David, as we know, was his sin with Uriah and Bathsheba. In the same psalm, David portrays himself as lonely, his former friends even begin to move away from him. Both these features give grounds to assume that the psalm was written at the beginning of Absalom's rebellion (David also pointed out the connection between his crime and the rebellion of his son), which also explains the treachery of the king's friends.

God! Descend to my suffering and sickness of body and soul (2-5). I am covered with wounds and exhausted (6-11). Friends left me, and enemies intensified (13–15). I only hope for you. The consciousness of my sin weighs me down and my enemies multiply. Do not leave me, Lord, and make haste with your help (16-23).

Ps. 37:2. God! do not rebuke me in your wrath, and do not punish me in your anger,

Ps. 37:3. for Thy arrows have pierced me, and Thy hand is heavy on me.

Ps. 37:4. There is no whole place in my flesh from Your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from my sins,

Ps. 37:5. for my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden they weighed down on me,

David prays to God that He does not punish him with all the strength of his righteous anger, although he considers the latter deserved. David's sufferings are great: "arrows pierced him," that is, those sufferings that David is now experiencing and which he describes below in great detail; according to the pain experienced, he compares suffering with the pain from arrows in war. “The hand ... weighs heavily,” that is, the hand of anger, or - the Lord severely punishes. This punishment was some kind of disease that struck David and, in his figurative expression, made not only his body, muscles, but also bones suffer, that is, it penetrated very deeply. The strength of physical suffering fully corresponds to David's consciousness of the depth of his fall and the severity of the crime he committed, which he, in his contritely repentant mood, figuratively depicts drowning him with his head and crushing him like a heavy burden.

Ps.37:6. stink, my wounds fester from my madness.

Ps. 37:7. I am bent and completely drooping, I walk around complaining all day,

Ps. 37:8. for my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh.

Provide a description of the disease. - "From my madness", due to my sin, my body was covered with wounds that emit a foul smell; my sufferings are heavy and I completely drooped, I walk all day and “mourn”, I languish, I condemn myself. My loins are full of inflammation and there is no healthy place in my body. What kind of disease it was, according to the signs indicated here, it is difficult to determine. According to Heb. According to the text, many interpreters (for example, Jerome, and among the newest - Kramer, Ewald) and rabbis considered this disease "in the form of leprosy." But such a definition cannot be made according to the signs indicated in the Bible. If David's bones were already affected, then with such a development of the disease, he could not walk, which, according to this psalm, this disease, however, did not interfere with. In addition, if it were leprosy, then historical books would hardly have been silent about it, as an important phenomenon, since when that time looked at this disease as a sign of rejection from God, it would hardly have passed for the king without a trace and not would cause political unrest among the people. This disease, as can be seen from the psalm, caused ridicule over David for the illness of the loins. The latter were recognized as carriers of the productive force, a source of childbearing, in which they saw a sign of divine favor; therefore, it was believed that the loss of this power and, consequently, the ability to give birth, was a sign of rejection from God and caused reproach. The Russian text thus gives a general indication that David's illness affected his entire body and was so debilitating that it completely exhausted his strength, but does not make it possible to accurately determine its type.

Ps. 37:9. I am exhausted and crushed beyond measure; I cry out from the anguish of my heart.

“I scream from the torment of my heart” - from internal, mental anguish, I “shout”, I utter a cry.

Ps. 37:11. My heart is trembling; my strength has left me, and the light of my eyes, and I have none of that.

With the loss of courage (“my heart flutters”) and strength for David, the “light” in his eyes also went out. This expression, taken literally, indicates the development of the disease, which was also reflected in his vision: or, in a figurative sense, happiness, good in general, is meant by light, then it will mean - I have lost all the blessings and they are not with me - neither health nor strength, no respect from people, not even friends. It can also be understood in the sense that “light” means God, who previously poured out his graces on David and shone on him in life, but now has ceased. All these interpretations can be accepted without violating the meaning of the expression, the context of the speech and the entire content of the psalm.

Ps. 37:12. My friends and sincere ones have departed from my plague, and my neighbors stand afar off.

Ps. 37:13. Those who seek my soul set up nets, and those who wish me harm speak of destruction. my and plotting scheming every day;

My illness alienated my friends from me, and my enemies became bolder. Sincere mine stood against me at some distance, like mere observers, but did not approach me. This was done by the persons closest to me, and ordinary friends - so they stood far away. But the enemies of David did not sleep. His sufferings prompted them, who wished death and harm to him, to spread false information about him and build intrigues.

Ps. 37:14. but I, like a deaf man, do not hear, and like a dumb man who does not open his mouth;

Ps. 37:15. and I became like a man who does not hear and has no answer in his mouth,

David saw what was happening around him, but did not take any measures to stop the intrigues and false words, both because his illness, as it were, confirmed the correctness of the speeches of his enemies, and because he did not consider himself entitled to act as an avenger and champion of truth, when his continued illness, in his opinion, served as a sign that he was not yet forgiven by God.

Ps. 37:16. for in Thee, O Lord, I trust; You will hear, Lord, my God.

Ps. 37:17. And I said, Let not [my enemies] triumph over me; when my foot staggers, they magnify themselves over me.

Ps. 37:18. I am close to falling, and my sorrow is always before me.

Ps. 37:19. I acknowledge my iniquity, I repent of my sin.

Ps. 37:20. But my enemies live and become strong, and those who hate me without cause multiply;

Ps. 37:21. and those who repay me evil for good are at enmity against me because I follow good.

Ps. 37:22. Don't leave me, Lord, my God! Don't move away from me;

Ps. 37:23. Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

Therefore, David first of all cries out to God for the forgiveness of his sin, as a great mercy and a pledge of His help. I hope in You, O Lord: do not let them (enemies) triumph over me. My weakness, my misfortunes are for them a source of gloating (17). But now I am in such a helpless and defenseless position that I am “close to falling”, I am ready to perish, I cannot resist attacks on myself, and sin crushes me. David repents before God of his sin and promises public repentance for it (which he fulfilled by writing this and L Ps, dedicated to his repentant mood). In this psalm, he says: "I acknowledge my iniquity, I repent of my sin." As far as David is full of consciousness of his sinfulness and humility, so, on the contrary, are his enemies who hate him undeservedly (“guiltlessly”); for the good done by him, David, they pay with evil, slander, and enmity against him for his fidelity to the good, the true in his previous life. Under the good that David did, it is understood as his humane, fair attitude towards each of his subjects, as well as all his reforms in domestic and public life, which established the rule of law and limited the arbitrariness and arbitrariness that reigned before him. The degree of David's suffering, his consciousness of sin and repentance for it, the injustice of persecution from enemies, all this causes in him an ardent prayer to God: “Do not leave me, Lord, my God! call out to my help!”

The 37th Psalm occupies the second place in the Six Psalms. With the words of this psalm, every believer repents before God for his sinfulness with the confession of complete obedience and devotion to His will (v. 16). The person here expresses a desire in the coming day to make amends for the bad deeds he has done before (v. 19).

In the Six Psalms, Psalm 37 takes second place. With his words, any person can repent of their sins or express devotion to the Lord. In addition, with the words of the psalm, he can turn to God for help, using either the text itself, or enhancing its effect with an icon and candles. The icon is best used with the image of God or Jesus, as well as Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. You can read the text of the psalm in any language that is closest to the soul of a person.

Text Psalm 37 in Russian

Psalm of David. In remembrance [of Saturday].

2 Lord! do not rebuke me in your wrath, and do not punish me in your anger,

3 For your arrows have pierced me, and your hand is heavy on me.

4 There is no whole place in my flesh because of your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from my sins,

5 For my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden they weighed down on me,

6 They stink, my wounds fester from my folly.

7 I am bent and completely drooping, all day long I go mourning,

8 For my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh.

9 I am exhausted and overwhelmed; I cry out from the anguish of my heart.

10 Lord! All my desires are before You, and my groaning is not hidden from You.

11 My heart trembles; My strength has left me, and the light of my eyes, and I don't even have that.

12 My friends and sincere ones have departed from my plague, and my neighbors stand afar off.

13 But those who seek my soul set up nets, and those who wish me harm speak of my destruction, and plot scheming every day;

14 But I, like a deaf man, do not hear, and like a dumb man who does not open his mouth;

15 And I became like a man who does not hear and has no answer in his mouth,

16 For in Thee, O Lord, I trust; You will hear, Lord, my God.

17 And I said, Let not [my enemies] triumph over me; when my foot staggers, they magnify themselves over me.

18 I am about to fall, and my sorrow is always before me.

19 I acknowledge my iniquity, I am sorry for my sin.

20 But my enemies live and become strong, and those who hate me without cause increase;

21 And those who repay me evil for good are at enmity against me because I follow good.

22 Do not leave me, O Lord my God! Don't move away from me;

23 Hurry to help me, O Lord my Savior!

  1. To make amends for your guilt or sin before God and before man.
  2. When a person suffers from mental anguish or depression.
  3. If there is a physical illness - to speed up recovery and reduce pain.
  4. If things go wrong in the professional sphere.
  5. To improve the financial situation, the psalm is used as a prayer for money. In this case, the text is recommended to be read together with an appeal to Spyridon Trimifuntsky.

The interpretation of the psalm

Psalm 37 was composed by David during one of the most difficult periods of his life. In the text, one can see not only a picture of his physical suffering, but also mental anguish associated with the author's repentance for his crime. As you know, in order to take possession of Bathsheba, David sent her husband to death, in which he repents before God.

The entire text of the psalm is a sincere emotional appeal to the Lord with a request to have mercy on David and reduce his troubles. The author is exhausted on the verge of despair and he has nothing more to hope for, except for the help of God. He realizes the gravity of the crime he committed, and brings his repentance as a token of humility. David, although he believes that he deserved the righteous wrath of God, prays the Lord not to punish him with all his strength. He paints a picture of not only his soul suffering, but also his body, apparently stricken with disease.

Based on the text of the psalm, after an illness, even his friends begin to move away from David, while his enemies, on the contrary, become closer. Even those close to the king turned into his enemies. This whole situation makes him feel very lonely. In this he sees the punishment for his sin. Therefore, he first of all prays to God to forgive his sins, and then, if possible, not to let his enemies defeat him.

Psalm 37 - text in Russian, interpretation, why they read was last modified: August 2nd, 2017 by Bogolub

Why do the peoples rage, and the tribes plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up, and the princes confer together against the Lord and against His Anointed One. Let us loose their bands, and let us cast off their fetters. He who lives in heaven will laugh, the Lord will scoff at them. Then he will say to them in his anger, and with his fury he will cause them to be confused: I have anointed my King over Zion, my holy mountain; I will proclaim the decree: The Lord said to me: You are my Son; I have now begotten you; ask me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession; You will strike them with a rod of iron; break them like a potter's vessel. So take heed, kings; learn, judges of the earth! Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Honor the Son, lest He be angry, and lest you perish in your way, for His wrath will soon be kindled. Blessed are all who trust in Him.

3 psalm

God! How my enemies have multiplied! Many rise up against me, many say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in God. But You, O Lord, are my shield, my glory, and You lift up my head. With my voice I cry out to the Lord, and He hears me from His holy mountain. I lie down, sleep and get up, for the Lord protects me. I will not be afraid of those people who have taken up arms against me from all sides. Arise, Lord! save me, my God! for You strike in the cheeks of all my enemies; you break the teeth of the wicked. Salvation is from the Lord. Your blessing is upon your people.

26 psalm

The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life: whom shall I fear? If evildoers, my adversaries and enemies, attack me to devour my flesh, then they themselves will stumble and fall. If a regiment rises up against me, my heart will not be afraid; if war arises against me, and then I will hope. I asked the Lord for one thing, that I seek only, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, contemplate the beauty of the Lord and visit His temple, for He would hide me in His tabernacle in the day of distress, would hide me in the secret place of His village would take me to the rock. Then my head would be lifted up above the enemies that surround me; and I would offer sacrifices of praise in His tabernacle, and I would sing and sing before the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I cry, have mercy on me and listen to me. My heart says from Thee: Seek My face; and I will seek Your face, Lord. Do not hide your face from me; do not reject your servant in anger. You were my helper; do not reject me and do not leave me, O God, my Savior! for my father and my mother have left me, but the Lord will receive me. Teach me, O Lord, Thy way, and guide me on the path of righteousness, for the sake of my enemies; Do not hand me over to my enemies, for false witnesses have risen up against me and breathe malice. But I believe that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Trust in the Lord, be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, trust in the Lord.

36 psalm

Do not be jealous of the villains, do not envy those who do iniquity, for they, like grass, will soon be cut down and, like green grass, wither. Trust in the Lord and do good; live on earth and keep the truth. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will fulfill the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord and put your trust in Him, and He will perfect and bring out, as a light, your righteousness and your justice as noonday. Submit yourselves to the Lord and trust in Him. Do not be jealous of the one who succeeds in his way, the deceitful person. Stop being angry and leave the rage; do not be jealous to do evil, for those who do evil will be cut off, but those who trust in the Lord will inherit the earth. A little more, and the wicked will be no more; look at its place, and it is not there. But the meek shall inherit the earth and enjoy the abundance of peace. The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him; but the Lord laughs at him, for he sees that his day is coming. The wicked draw their sword and draw their bow to bring down the poor and needy, to pierce those who walk in the straight path: their sword will enter into their own heart, and their bows will be crushed. The little of the righteous is better than the riches of many the wicked, for the arm of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord strengthens the righteous. The Lord knows the days of the blameless, and their inheritance will endure forever: they will not be ashamed in a time of cruelty, and in days of famine they will be full; but the wicked will perish, and the enemies of the Lord will vanish like the fat of lambs, they will vanish in smoke. The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous has mercy and gives, for those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth, but those cursed by Him shall be destroyed. The feet of such a person are established by the Lord, and He favors his path: when he falls, he will not fall, for the Lord supports him by the hand. I was young and old, and I did not see the righteous man left behind and his descendants asking for bread: every day he has mercy and gives loans, and his offspring will be a blessing. Turn away from evil, and do good, and you will live forever: for the Lord loves righteousness and does not forsake His saints; they will remain forever; and the offspring of the wicked will be destroyed. The righteous will inherit the earth and will live on it forever. The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue speaks truth. The law of his God is in his heart; his steps shall not be shaken. The wicked spy on the righteous and seeks to kill him; but the Lord will not give him into his hands, nor suffer him to be accused when he is judged. Trust in the Lord and keep His way: and He will lift you up to inherit the earth; and when the wicked are cut off, you will see. I saw a formidable wicked one, expanding like a rooted, many-branched tree; but he passed away, and now he is not; I look for it and can't find it. Look to the blameless and look to the righteous, for the future of such a man is peace; but the wicked will all be cut off; the future of the wicked will perish. Salvation is from the Lord to the righteous, He is their protection in time of trouble; and the Lord will help them and deliver them; deliver them from the wicked and save them, for they trust in him.

37 psalm

God! do not rebuke me in your wrath, and do not punish me in your wrath, for your arrows have pierced me, and your hand is heavy on me. There is no whole place in my flesh from Your wrath; there is no peace in my bones because of my sins, for my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden weighed down on me, my wounds stink, fester from my folly. I am bent and completely drooping, I walk around mourning all day, for my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I am exhausted and crushed beyond measure; I cry out from the anguish of my heart. God! All my desires are before You, and my groaning is not hidden from You. My heart is trembling; My strength has left me, and the light of my eyes, and I don't even have that. My friends and sincere ones have departed from my plague, and my neighbors stand afar off. Those who seek my soul set up nets, and those who wish me harm speak of my destruction, plotting intrigues every day; but I, like a deaf man, do not hear, and like a dumb man who does not open his mouth; and I became like a man who does not hear and has no answer in his mouth, for in Thee, O Lord, I trust; You will hear, Lord, my God. And I said, Let not my enemies triumph over me; when my foot staggers, they magnify themselves over me. I am close to falling, and my sorrow is always before me. I acknowledge my iniquity, I repent of my sin. But my enemies live and become strong, and those who hate me without cause multiply; and those who repay me evil for good are at enmity against me because I follow good. Don't leave me, Lord, my God! Don't move away from me; Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!