Repair Design Furniture

What is more profitable to putty a wall or drywall. The better to level the walls with drywall or plaster. Hides what is not to be seen

When performing finishing work both in new buildings and in rooms with a history, it is often necessary to resolve the issue of leveling the surface of the walls for subsequent pasting with rolled products or cladding with other materials. Traditionally, plaster mortars and sheet products such as drywall are used to solve these problems. Below we will consider in which cases it is necessary to use drywall instead of plaster, the pros and cons of these materials, as well as options for using each type of finish based on the characteristics of the room.

This material has been actively conquering the domestic construction market for more than ten years. At some point, the use of drywall began to be associated with "euro repair", since the use of this sheet product was mainly in Europe and the USA, where drywall is the leader in sales.

The sheets consist of an even, dense layer of gypsum, 9 to 12 mm thick, with cardboard glued on both sides. The perfectly flat surface of the sheet allows you to build various structures and level the walls for subsequent puttying and finishing. The cardboard fixed to the glue keeps the fairly fragile gypsum from chipping and creases, which makes it possible to mount it on a metal profile frame.

In construction, they began to replace plaster with drywall, based on the following positive qualities of this material:

  • drywall sheets make it possible to realize any ideas of an interior designer from standard use for leveling, to designing curly elements;
  • drywall is installed if the vertical differences exceed 40 mm, which is impossible using standard methods for eliminating errors;
  • these sheet products protect the room from extraneous sounds and help to retain heat;
  • with the help of sheets of plasterboard and metal profiles, they mask plumbing and electrical communications;
  • installation of GKL does not take much time;
  • this material is very easy to process and install, as a result of which even a person who is not experienced in construction work will be able to independently build any structure;
  • gypsum is not an allergen and therefore GKL sheets are classified as environmentally friendly materials;
  • on the installed drywall base, you can immediately glue wallpaper or tiles;
  • when working with gypsum boards, there is practically no construction waste - they cut the material with a knife, and it is attached to the guides with self-tapping screws;
  • it masks the remnants of adhesive solutions that occur when laying walls made of lightweight concrete materials - with minimal differences in such surfaces, it is enough to fix drywall on glue instead of plaster;
  • gypsum is a natural regulator of humidity in the room - it absorbs excess moisture, and when less humid conditions are created, it evaporates;
  • GKL is used to eliminate vertical drops that occur in the lower part of the wall due to the foundation blocks going beyond the floor level.

In addition to the positive qualities, this material has a number of disadvantages that limit its use in some cases:

  • The use of GKL implies a significant reduction in the internal volume in the room, which is unacceptable in confined spaces.
  • GKL walls cannot withstand even medium loads - it will not work to hang a shelf on such a base, but experienced finishers find a way out in this situation: if the fixing point of the fastener elements is known exactly, a hole is cut out in the GKL and the material is replaced with a more durable one (plywood, OSB ).
  • GKL sheets do not withstand strong temperature changes, therefore, the use of drywall in summer cottages that are not heated during the cold months is prohibited, as the product will quickly become unusable and collapse.
  • Before sticking the wallpaper on the GVL base, it is necessary to treat the wall surface with a putty mixture, otherwise, when the wallpaper is removed, the protective layer is also removed, which will lead to the need for a thorough reconstruction.
  • The cavities formed during the construction of walls from the material become a haven for rodents and insects.
  • Despite the production of special water-resistant varieties of this material, constant exposure to rooms with high humidity reduces the life of the gypsum board to 5-7 years.


This method of leveling the bases for further application of finishing materials has been used for many centuries, but even now plaster is actively used in construction work. This material can be based on various substances - cement, gypsum, lime and clay -, respectively, the use of plaster mortars also differs in the type of surface and operating conditions.

The positive properties of plaster include the following points:

  • this material, with proper preparation of the solution and application, can be used for at least 30 years;
  • any elements can be hung on plastered surfaces without problems;
  • the bases on which the plaster is applied do not react to changes in temperature and humidity, which allows it to be used in any conditions;
  • if necessary, any damaged plastered area can be repaired;
  • the plaster layer does not exceed 20 mm, which allows you to save the volume of the interior space of the room;
  • any types of plaster do not pose a danger to human health;
  • plastered surfaces are used for further installation of any finishing materials.

The disadvantages of plaster solutions include:

  • When performing work with plaster solutions, a large amount of construction debris appears.
  • An unprepared person will not be able to perform this work qualitatively.
  • With the help of plaster solutions, it is possible to eliminate irregularities with a thickness of not more than 25 mm.
  • In almost all cases, for the installation of the finish, puttying will be required.
  • To hide electrical wires or water pipes, you will have to prepare strobes using a puncher.
  • It will take quite a lot of time to perform high-quality work on plastering the base. The final set of strength of plaster mixtures based on cement occurs within 28 days and only then is it allowed to carry out the following work.

When is it better to use

Having found out the advantages and disadvantages of the materials under consideration, you can decide which is better, plaster or drywall on the walls in each case. To make a decision, you need to analyze the input data: the degree of deviation of the wall vertical, the base material, whether it is necessary to manufacture complex structures to give the interior the intended look, the operating conditions of the room, the need to mask any structures and communications, what material is planned to be applied as a finishing cladding on the walls and master's experience.

An important issue is the cost of materials. Plaster mortars are cheap, but require a higher qualification of the finisher, drywall is more expensive, in addition, guides and fasteners will be needed for the installation of sheets, although a novice master can handle wall cladding with this material.


To resolve the doubt whether it is possible to sheathe the walls with drywall instead of plaster, the following list of circumstances will help, under which the installation of drywall is preferable:

  • if the base is a wooden surface, for example, in a country house or in a country house, when they are a permanent place of residence;
  • if necessary, mask internal communications without the use of tedious chasing and if there is free space in the room;
  • if there is a need for additional insulation of the room or the organization of sound insulation;
  • with significant differences along the vertical wall (more than 20 mm);
  • if it is necessary to complete the finishing work in the shortest possible time;
  • when doing do-it-yourself work, when it is not possible to hire a professional for plastering walls;
  • if necessary, eliminate the flaws in the masonry of aerated concrete, gas silicate blocks, bricks and foam blocks;
  • in cases where it is required to eliminate the protruding parts of the foundation base made of FBS.

Under ambiguous conditions, when it is possible to use both materials, it is necessary to calculate the cheaper it is to level the walls - with drywall or plaster, and then make a decision.


If you need to decide how best to level the walls - with drywall or putty, the main criterion for making a decision is the magnitude of the difference along the vertical base and the purpose of the room.

With small vertical deviations, both plasterboards and plastering the surface can be used, but if heavy shelves or other objects are to be hung on such walls, then you only have to plaster the base.

Leveling plaster is used in the following cases:

  • when preparing the bases for subsequent finishing with heavy materials (slabs of decorative stone);
  • for leveling the surface in rooms with high levels of humidity (in the bathroom);
  • if necessary, fastening massive objects to the walls;
  • in rooms of a small area, when it is required to save space;
  • at a deviation from a vertical of the processed surface within 20 mm;
  • in rooms where sudden changes in temperature and humidity are possible.

Building a new home or just renovating an old one leads the owner to think about choosing a finish. For many years, the walls were leveled with plaster, but now the situation has changed radically. The construction industry does not stand still, so manufacturers decided to make it easier by releasing drywall for sale. This is a worthy competitor to plaster, but both types of finishes have both significant advantages and disadvantages. It is for this reason that many people sometimes think for a long time about the question: drywall or plaster - which is better? We cannot give you a definitive answer, as both options are good in their own way. To choose one or another finishing method, you should get to know them separately, which we will do today.

Definition of drywall

Which is better - drywall or plaster walls? Let's start the review with drywall, which was invented at the end of the 19th century in the USA. In those days, the material was not widely used, and only after its appearance in the USSR, it was appreciated.

GKL is a building material consisting of cardboard sheets and an inner layer of hardened gypsum composition. It is widely used as a ceiling finish, for exterior and interior wall decoration, and for room dividers. It can not be used for facade work and in rooms with high humidity.

Important! Manufacturers produce GKL sheets in three standard sizes, 1200 mm wide and 2 to 3 meters long. The thickness of the canvases can be 9.5 mm or 12.5 mm.

The main types of drywall sheets:

  • Standard drywall sheet, labeled GKL.
  • Waterproof GKL with GKLV marking. Its difference is the presence of special antifungal substances in the gypsum layer.
  • Fire-resistant GKL with GKLO marking. In fire-resistant boards, the sheet is reinforced not only with clay, but also with reinforcing fiberglass. It is thanks to this structure that the canvases are able to withstand a strong fire for an hour without flaring up and spreading smoke around the room.

Important! The type of drywall can be determined by external staining. So, if the sheet has a gray color, then this is an ordinary GKL, the green designation indicates a waterproof material, but the pink one indicates a fire-resistant one.

Drywall instead of plaster - the pros and cons

So, we came to the consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of this finishing material. Let's figure it out together.


  • Minimum dirt and debris. During the duration of the work, you will not find dirty and wet marks on the floor, since this material has a dry structure and does not require moisture at all.
  • Ease of operation and installation. Anyone can level the walls of the GKL without any special building and carpentry skills. It will be easy to independently install drywall on the ceiling surface.
  • Possibility of waterproofing. Sheathing with such material allows you to sheathe the walls in order to create a waterproofing system that will save the room from noise from the street.
  • The use of fire-resistant material will provide fire protection to the walls.
  • The ability to absorb moisture. Thanks to this property, your walls will be able to “breathe”, so fungus will not form under the finish.
  • The possibility of masking communications. Between the GKL sheets and the wall there will be an empty space in which cables and other types of communications can be hidden, and it can also be filled with insulation.
  • Good flexibility. Plasterboard canvases bend well, which allows you to design various design designs on walls and ceilings.


  • Reducing usable area. GKL needs to be mounted on a special metal crate, which will take up most of the space of the room.
  • Performing several finishing works. Wall cladding is just one stage of work, after which it is necessary to putty the joints and apply a fixing finishing material.
  • The inability of sheets to withstand heavy loads. A drywall wall cannot hold a large and heavy shelf, bulky interior items, so additional elements are placed under the sheets.

Definition of plaster

Plaster began to be used a long time ago, and this is no accident. Thanks to this mixture, it is possible to produce interior and exterior walls, including the ceiling. As a result of the work carried out, you will receive a hardened surface surface.


  • Normal. Used to level walls and protect them from negative external influences. Unlike drywall, plaster can be applied to both internal and external walls from the front side of the room. Ordinary plaster can be of three compositions: gypsum, lime and cement-sand mixture.
  • Special. This name refers to the addition of certain components to the mixture, which make the coating heat-saving, soundproof, X-ray protective and waterproofing.
  • Decorative. It has an exclusively decorative function. It is applied at the final stage of surface finishing to give the walls or ceiling an attractive appearance. Such plaster is produced in different variations: colored, silk, Venetian, stone and other types.

Material difference:

  • Lime mortar is a mass consisting of lime and sand, diluted to a ratio of 1:4. Cement can be added for durability. This mixture is environmentally friendly and is used for outdoor work.
  • The cement-sand mass, prepared in a ratio of 1: 4, can be applied to both external and internal walls. It is with this solution that large surface defects are removed, the plaster layer will serve without destruction for several decades.
  • Gypsum mixture is used for interior work. The resulting coating will have an even and white color, which can be processed in any way: glue wallpaper, paint or lay tiles.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster

This long-used finishing method is a drywall competitor, which has a number of significant advantages. But still, the strengths of using plaster are hard to miss. Let's take a closer look at everything.


  • Durability. It is considered the most important advantage of plaster. With proper work, in compliance with the instructions for diluting the mortar and technology, it allows you to forget about the problem of an uneven wall for at least 20 years.
  • The ceiling and walls, aligned with the plaster method, will be strong, as reliable as possible, and withstand impacts.
  • Ability to support heavy objects. The surface covered with plaster can easily withstand large furniture, appliances and other items.
  • When applying the plaster mixture on walls or ceilings, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will remain the same.
  • Possibility of installing single insulation wires on plastered walls.


  • Lots of dirt. In any case, the plaster mixture must be diluted with water, so after completion of the work you will have to spend several hours cleaning the premises.
  • Long period of time for plastering. After applying the material, you will need to wait for it to completely dry and harden, and after that you can proceed to the finish. All these processes can take from a week to a month of your free time.
  • When performing plastering work by a specialist, the customer will not immediately be able to notice flaws on the surface, so the work will have to be redone. For such meticulous work, you always need to choose only responsible and experienced craftsmen.

As you can see, it is impossible to level the walls without plaster and drywall. In any case, you need to choose one option that suits you best.

Which is better - plaster or drywall on the walls?

Before starting repairs, you need to familiarize yourself with several important factors that help you choose one of two finishing materials:

  • If you want to quickly get the job done, then you need to give preference to drywall sheets.
  • It is better to cover the walls in the kitchen or in the bathroom with cement or cement-lime mortar, which will be an excellent base for tiles and installation of wall structures - mirrors, shelves and a water heater.
  • It is more expedient to level a surface with large irregularities and height differences with drywall than with plaster. So, when using drywall, the curvature of the walls will not be important, but to seal irregularities with a plaster mixture, you need to buy a large amount of source material.
  • Walls can only be insulated by installing plasterboard.
  • If you want to cover the walls or ceiling with paint, then you should prefer the option of using GKL, due to the fact that the coating will not crack.
  • It is better to plaster the walls of a small room so as not to take away a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room without it.


After reading everything, you need to make a final decision about what is cheaper - plaster or drywall. Each of these materials has its undeniable advantages, confirmed by many consumers. Start first of all from your financial capabilities and, of course, from the type of surface to be treated.

GKL or plaster?

A very difficult and even, one might say, philosophical question in the field of construction and finishing works: what to choose for interior wall decoration - drywall or plaster? Drywall today is very popular both in the West and in Russia, and there are many more specialists in working with drywall than good plasterers. However, plaster is still very much in demand. What is the reason for this: just with the conservative tastes of some specialists and their clients, or is it still with the advantages of plaster? Let's try to figure it out and answer the main question: which is better - drywall or plaster?


Plastering is a type of finishing work aimed at creating a flat surface for its subsequent finishing.

Mixtures and mortars for plaster are made from lime (for example, the Tanilit plaster-lime mixture from StroyBrig), gypsum (for example, Volma Stroy gypsum plaster from Volma) or cement (such, for example, dry mix m 150 from Baustrol) with the addition of special substances that give the plaster additional properties.

There are several types of plaster: first of all, these are ordinary plasters used for interior and exterior finishing work. Such plasters are divided into simple and improved, and depending on the presence of special additives - into sound-absorbing and waterproofing.

Plaster is also decorative - These are colored plasters, in which, among other things, pigments or "colors" are added.

Plasters are also distinguished by the basis - it can be aqueous or non-aqueous. The latter include polyurethanes (for all types of work) and epoxy resins (mainly only for internal work) as binding elements. Plaster mixes on a non-aqueous basis are more often used for applying the so-called textured plaster.

Plaster: advantages

1. Plastered walls, subject to quality work, do not require repair (with the exception of finishing) for many years (up to 30 years or more).

2. Plaster is not as expensive as you might think. Comparing plaster and drywall , or rather, their cost, we came to the conclusion that materials for plaster are almost 2 times cheaper. The work itself is also in most cases cheaper (on average 10-30 percent cheaper than drywall installation).

However, the work of a good plasterer is valued higher. But even in this scenario, plaster will cost less, or the cost will be the same.

4. Well-plastered walls are strong, durable and impact resistant.

5. If the walls are plastered, there is no problem if you need to hang something on them. Drywall, on the other hand, may not withstand high loads, so for hanging heavy objects or you have to strengthen it.

Plaster: disadvantages

1. Plaster involves carrying out "wet" work, while GKL installation (plasterboard sheets) is a "dry" job. If one has to choose between dry and wet work, the former is more often preferred for obvious reasons.

2. Plastering can take a long time- it depends, first of all, on the initial quality of the walls and the experience of the plasterer. Installation of drywall usually proceeds without difficulty, regardless of the quality of the walls, and requires significantly less time.

3. If the walls are uneven, plastering can be quite expensive. But the cost of installing GKL practically does not correlate with the quality of the walls.

4. It is difficult for a non-specialist to control the quality of the plasterer's work and to identify technology violations in time.

Drywall for walls

Drywall is called dry gypsum plaster and, accordingly, its main counterpart. It is he who is preferred by most Europeans and Americans.

The result of using drywall for wall decoration– a perfectly flat surface suitable for any finish.

Drywall is a sheet with an inner layer of gypsum and several outer layers of cardboard. GKL is intended for interior decoration of walls and ceilings, as well as for creating wall and in dry rooms and in rooms with normal humidity.

However, there is also moisture resistant drywall . Moisture-resistant GKL can be used in more humid rooms, but it is still not recommended to use it for. In the bathroom, even moisture-resistant plasterboard after 5-10 years needs to be replaced.

Drywall: advantages

1. Finishing the walls with drywall involves dry work only as opposed to plaster.

2. Drywall has good soundproofing properties What can not be said about the plaster.

3. Drywall capable absorb excess moisture and release it again, so plasterboard walls are called breathable.

4. Using drywall, you can easily create interesting, intricate curves and designs on walls and ceilings. Drywall can be bent, so even curved lines are available.

All this is easily implemented thanks to drywall.

5. Finish the walls with drywall faster and easier than plaster.

6. Between the drywall and the base wall, you can lay insulation- this is especially in demand when decorating walls in cold rooms (balconies, loggias, verandas, etc.).

Drywall: disadvantages

1. The first and most important drawback - reduction in space, since drywall is attached, as a rule, not to the wall itself, but to the crate.

2. Drywall on the walls is not clean finish. Subsequent puttying of the seams is required, as well as finishing.

3. It is impossible to hang very heavy pieces of furniture or equipment on drywall, so plasterboard walls have to be strengthened or additional elements of the crate must be laid in advance in those places where the object will hang. If you want to rearrange and outweigh, for example, you will have to solve the issue of strengthening.

When is drywall best?

1. If needed finish faster, it is worth giving preference to drywall. It's not just that plastering is more difficult. The plaster must dry before it can be finished.

2. If needed hide utilities, wiring etc., drywall sheathing will help to do this. In this case, there is no need to resort to wall chasing.

3. If the differences in the walls are large, plastering work will be complex and expensive. And it is not a fact that in this situation the results of the work will fully satisfy you. Thus, the worse the initial state of the walls, the greater the benefits of drywall.

4. If needed insulate the walls, it is worth giving preference to drywall - its installation on the crate allows you to lay insulation. However, due to the characteristics of drywall, associated with the absorption of moisture both from the inside of the room and from the outside, it is necessary to use a vapor barrier film for insulation.

Insulated walls

5. When decorating walls with drywall, it is much easier control the quality of work. Sometimes it matters.

6. If you prefer staining as a finishing wall, give preference to drywall, since, unlike plaster, microcracks do not occur on it.

Drywall or plaster for wall decoration.

When is plaster best?

1. If you choose decoration for a summer residence, which is heated from time to time in winter, it is better to give preference to plaster. Since for drywall this may not have the best consequences.

2. If room is very small, choose plaster, as this finish practically does not eat up valuable centimeters, unlike drywall on the crate.

3. In some, plaster is relevant as a wall finish (for example, in the style of Provence, Antique, etc.). If you have chosen one of these styles, consider applying decorative textured plaster: this is both wall alignment and finishing.

Decorative plaster on the walls

4. In those rooms where they will hanging very heavy objects(for example, a large water heater in the bathroom), it is better to plaster the walls. AT very damp areas it is also better to use plaster - this finish will last much longer.

Choosing between stucco and drywall involves understanding the differences between the two. The cost of the material and the experience of the installer required for installation are important factors to consider when making a decision.

Plaster or drywall - which is better?

Many people in the construction or renovation are faced with a choice: what materials to use - traditional or new?

Which is better - plaster or drywall? The latter method of wall decoration is becoming more and more popular because it has a lot of advantages. However, plaster does not give up its position.

What is better for walls: drywall or plaster?

It is difficult to unambiguously answer this question. It all depends on the budget, the time it takes to finish the walls, and the skills available. As a budget solution, it is recommended to use GK slabs. They can be installed even by less experienced people.

In rooms with high humidity, drywall with special impregnation is used. However, you should be aware that by installing panels on racks, we reduce the cubic volume of the room. GK boards can also be mounted on highly rounded surfaces.

Plaster is more resistant to mechanical damage and isolate heat better. It can be used in any room. Cement mixtures are recommended in places with increased loads. Bags of plaster are more expensive, and its application requires more skills. The drying time of the walls is up to three weeks.

When is it better to sheathe the walls with drywall

While some argue that a traditional stucco wall cannot be compared in terms of texture and aesthetics to other wall finishes, it is important to note that drywall has tremendous flexibility. GK profiles reduce the need for expensive load-bearing structures and are pre-cut on site to allow faster on-site installation.

  1. It is ideal for more modern environments in terms of creating custom designs and unusual wall shapes.
  2. Perforated drywall solutions have impressive sound absorption.
  3. With it, you can improve indoor comfort much faster and cleaner than with older technologies.

Installation takes place without the messy application process that traditional plastering cannot do without. For most modern apartments, a simple GC solution is reasonable and economical.

When is the best time to plaster?

Stucco has long been a popular construction technique, most commonly found on historic buildings. Among the advantages of the material:

  • A more complex bond provides a durable wall surface.
  • The life of drywall is several decades or less if it gets wet. Plaster will not lose its properties even after a hundred years.
  • Fire resistance is higher than that of GC.
  • A small layer can withstand almost half an hour of open fire.

Plastered walls have the ability to absorb and release accumulated moisture in the room, so the material is great for finishing bathrooms, kitchens and basements.

What is better in new buildings: leveling walls with drywall or plaster

In modern new buildings, it is better to use drywall, as it is cheaper and much faster to install. Another advantage is that walls made of it do not need to dry for four weeks before painting, like plaster. It is cut to length, placed on the wall in the right direction, nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws. Professionals prefer screws as they hold better and stay in place even after the wall has settled.

Ordinary GK boards should not be installed in rooms where the air humidity exceeds 70%, especially when there is no possibility of ventilation. Therefore, plates with special impregnation should be mounted in the kitchen. It should also be remembered that gypsum material in contact with steel is corrosive, which means that nails, frames and corners must be galvanized.

The better to align the walls in an old house

For interior walls in old houses, both plaster and drywall boards can be used. GK is cheaper and easier to install, but it is less resistant to damage and is not suitable for damp rooms.

Correct application of plaster mortars requires the right skills, and the long drying process will lead to a significant extension of the construction work. A good alternative is machine-made plasters, which provide a much faster and more effective wall covering.

For garages, technical rooms and walls that will be subject to mechanical damage, it is better to choose durable cement-lime mortars. Gypsum and clay mixtures are suitable for living rooms and premises.

Performance characteristics of plaster and drywall

Plastering is an older building technique found in historic buildings. The material is used for unusual shapes, such as curved walls, on which drywall sheets cannot be mounted.

Stucco has a textured look that some people consider a more upscale and sophisticated finish. This makes the room look seamless and smooth. Building material can be purchased pre-mixed or in the form of a dry compound, which is prepared using water.

Drywall is a panel with plaster placed between two sheets of thick paper. The material first appeared in Australia in 1940 and its benefits include:

  • simple cutting;
  • little weight;
  • easy transportation.

Another plus is the smooth surface, which is suitable as a substrate for paints or wallpaper. The disadvantage of using drywall, especially on the frame, is the reduction in space in the rooms.

When choosing between plaster and drywall, you should proceed from the budget, the characteristics of the room and the desired wall design. Among the advantages of GC: simplicity and speed of assembly. Its laying is a relatively clean and pleasant job that will be appreciated by both inexperienced amateurs and professional builders.

GK slabs are an ecological material, and they are also much cheaper than traditional solutions. The plaster is characterized by a high coefficient of thermal insulation, thanks to which it will be warm in winter and cool in summer. The indoor climate will also be better. They are more fire resistant than gypsum boards.

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Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 5 minutes

Which building material is more preferable when leveling walls - plaster or drywall? This is one of the most pressing repair issues that must be resolved in advance so as not to encounter many problems that are inevitable with the wrong approach. Both materials show excellent results when leveling walls and ceilings and look great after finishing work is completed, but both of them have disadvantages, and working with each of them has its own nuances.

To answer the question of which is better - drywall or plaster, it is worth comparing their characteristics, considering the pros and cons.

Types of drywall

On the modern construction market, there are many types of drywall from Western and Russian manufacturers, designed for different purposes, differing in size, sheet thickness and performance characteristics:

  • Standard GKL gray with blue markings for walls and ceilings in rooms with low and normal levels of air humidity.
  • Waterproof drywall GKLV with silicone granules, which includes antifungal components, designed for rooms with high levels of humidity and unstable air temperature. GKLV color is green, marking is blue.
  • Fire-resistant GKLO drywall of pink or gray color with red marking is used to protect the premises from fires. In an apartment, such material is sometimes chosen for a nursery.
  • Water-resistant and fire-resistant GKLVO green material with red marking for industrial premises with a high level of humidity and increased fire safety requirements.

According to the thickness, drywall is divided into wall (from 12.5 mm), ceiling (8–9.5 mm) and arched (6 mm).

Advantages of drywall over plaster

Drywall has the following advantages:

  • High noise-absorbing properties. Plaster also has soundproofing characteristics, but not to that extent.
  • Convenience of arrangement of heat and sound insulation. Materials are laid between the frame and the wall or ceiling.
  • Sheathing a surface with drywall is easier and faster than leveling with plaster, especially in the case of a ceiling, which is especially difficult to plaster.
  • Drywall is indispensable for creating complex structures - arches, figures, interior and zonal partitions, multi-level ceilings.
  • Suitable for walls of any curvature.
  • Drywall sheathing is a relatively clean way of leveling surfaces, leaving only dry debris behind.

Disadvantages of drywall

Among the disadvantages of GKL:

  • the fragility of the erected structure;
  • reduction in floor space;
  • the need for a complete replacement of drywall in cases of flooding from the upper floors;
  • difficulties with placing heavy objects on the walls, special fasteners are required, and in order to, you will have to think about ways to strengthen it.
  • Cement-lime plaster is characterized by antibacterial properties, protecting the room from the appearance of mold and microorganisms.
  • Gypsum - a dry mixture consisting of gypsum powder with plasticizers. Gypsum plaster is plastic, vapor-permeable, environmentally friendly, has a low weight compared to cement, is compatible with concrete and brick surfaces, does not require puttying before painting or wallpapering.
  • - can be silicone, mineral, silicate, used for finishing, allows you to create unusual and unique surfaces. It makes no sense to compare such exclusive types of this material as travertino, Venetian, Moroccan plaster with drywall, since their cost significantly exceeds the most expensive types of gypsum plasterboard, along with finishing.

Advantages of plaster over drywall

Plaster is one of the oldest building materials, the composition and properties of which have changed over the centuries. Modern mixtures with a variety of additives are successfully used for both interior and facade work, while maintaining an excellent appearance of the cladding for decades. Among its main advantages:

  • High strength and reliability.
  • Long operation.
  • Space saving.
  • Low material cost
  • No problems with the placement of wall cabinets and any other items.

Disadvantages of plaster

Plastering also has significant disadvantages:

  • Plastering is a laborious and messy process.
  • The need to use beacons to create a uniform layer.
  • Risk of cracking when applying a thick layer.
  • Prolonged drying. When plastering in several layers, repairs can take several weeks.
  • Plastering walls for a beginner without special skills will be difficult.

What material to choose

Before proceeding with the repair, there are several important factors to consider in order to decide which of these materials is suitable in a particular case.

  • If the speed of work is important and the repair must be completed quickly, drywall should be preferred.
  • Walls in rooms with a high level of humidity are best leveled with cement or cement-lime plaster, which is an excellent basis for any type of tile and heavy wall structures - shelves, mirrors, water heaters. Plastered surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet will last for decades.
  • Surfaces with large differences are much more profitable to level with drywall than with plaster. When using GKL, the curvature of the walls does not matter; when using a plaster mixture, a lot of material will have to be consumed.

What is cheaper - plaster or drywall? The cost of the plaster mixture is lower than the cost of plasterboard, plastering will also require lower costs, but if a really good experienced craftsman is plastering, his work will be paid higher. In this case, the price of work with these materials will be approximately the same.

  • If the ceiling or walls need to be insulated, it is better to choose drywall.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: How to plaster a brick wall