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Presentation on the topic Singapore. Fragments from the presentation

State symbols and government structure

official languages: English, Chinese (Mandarin), Malay, Tamil

Population: 5,312,400 people

GDP: $161.947 billion

GDP per capita: $51,649

Main currency: Singapore dollar

Geographical position

The Republic of Singapore is a city state located on islands in Southeast Asia, separated from the southern tip of the Malacca Peninsula by the narrow Strait of Johor.

Natural resources

Graphite deposits

Forest resources

Water resources


Ethnic composition: Chinese, Malays, Indians

Age: At the turn of the 21st century, it is estimated that 7% of Singapore's population was aged 65 years or older, and by 2030 this age group will rise to 19% of the population. The average age of the working-age population in Singapore was 36.5 years

Singapore is located almost on the equator, so the average January temperature is 1 °C lower than the average June temperature. The climate is equatorial. There is a lot of precipitation, from 170 to 250 mm per month. The lowest temperature in the city was +19.4 °C, the highest - +36.0 °C.


Singapore is considered one of the “East Asian Tigers” for its rapid economic growth to the level of developed countries. The country has developed electronics production, shipbuilding, and the financial services sector.

Symbol of Singapore-mythical character Merlion

("half fish, half lion")

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The presentation was prepared by a student of grade 11 “B” of school No. 1939 Anna Pankiv. Head: Chernukhina Tatyana Grigorievna

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General information about the country Economic and geographical location Natural conditions and resources Population and labor resources Economy and specialization Territorial structure International relations Ecology

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SINGAPORE: country information

The Republic of Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia and part of the Commonwealth. The head of state is the president, the legislative body is the unicameral parliament. The country's territory includes the small island of Singapore (42 km long and 23 km wide), as well as several connected islands located at the southern tip of the Malacca Peninsula. Total area - 648 sq. km From the north, Singapore is separated from Malaysia by the Strait of Johor, and from the south from Indonesia by the Singapore Strait.

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Economic-geographical location

The economic and geographical position of Singapore has had a strong influence on the economic development of the city, the basis of which has long been a variety of foreign trade operations, mostly re-exports. Singapore has become a major market for natural rubber, coconut products, timber, spices, fruits, coffee, tin, and petroleum.

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After the 1960s Among foreign trade goods, along with traditional ones, products of new industries appeared. In terms of cargo turnover, the port of Singapore is one of the largest in the world, a center for bunkering ships. Singapore has become a financial center

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Natural conditions

Relatively constant temperatures throughout the year: 26 – 28 º C. An equatorial monsoon climate prevails. High humidity and constant rain: about 2400 mm of precipitation per year. The rainy season occurs in November – February; in “winter” cloudiness reduces the air temperature

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Population of Singapore

Total number: 4 million 183 thousand people. Population density 4884 people per 1 sq. km. Thanks to the government's family planning program, the high birth rate has been reduced. Almost the entire population lives in the country's capital, Singapore. The indigenous inhabitants of the island are Malays.

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National composition: 77.3% - Chinese 14.1% - Malays 7.3% - Indians 1.3% - Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and others.

Religiously, 32% are Buddhists, 22% are adherents of Taoism, 15% are Muslims, 13% are Christians, 3% are Hindus.

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Only about 20% of the territory is cultivated; 8% of the island’s territory is under forests. Small plantations of rubber, coconut palms, spices, tobacco, garden and fruit (pineapples) crops.

Pig and poultry farming. Fishing mainly in coastal waters

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Non-production sphere

The Singapore Stock Exchange is home to much of the personal wealth accumulated in Southeast Asia. Singapore is a major center of foreign tourism. Financial center and source of technical and commercial information for neighboring countries. Almost all investments and business initiatives come from abroad.

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Territorial structure

The city is located in the south of the island on the shores of the Singapore Strait. Together with the suburbs, the city occupies ¼ of the entire territory. The remaining settlements are typical industrial parks.

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International relationships

Singapore is a member of the British Commonwealth, the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It declares its commitment to the ideas of non-alignment, but is bound by military agreements with the USA, Malaysia and the UK. It has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation (established with the USSR in 1968).

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Thanks to an active environmental policy, the construction of treatment facilities, and very strict measures to maintain cleanliness, Singapore has become the most environmentally friendly state in foreign Asia. This is one of the few places in the equatorial and tropical zones where you can drink raw water directly from the tap.

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Information sources

Multimedia textbook "Geography 10th grade". CD "Tourist Atlas of the World of Cyril and Methodius." V.P. Maksakovsky “Economic and social geography of the world, grade 10”, “Enlightenment” 2000. Anthem -

Head: Chernukhina Tatyana Grigorievna

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  • General information about the country
  • Natural conditions and resources
  • Population and labor resources
  • Economy and specialization
  • Territorial structure
  • International relationships
  • Ecology
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    SINGAPORE: country information

    • The Republic of Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia and part of the Commonwealth.
    • The head of state is the president, the legislative body is the unicameral parliament.
    • The country's territory includes the small island of Singapore (42 km long and 23 km wide), as well as several connected islets located off the southern tip of the Malacca Peninsula.
    • Total area - 648 sq. km
    • Singapore is separated from Malaysia to the north by the Strait of Johor, and from Indonesia to the south by the Singapore Strait.
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    Economic-geographical location

    • The economic and geographical position of Singapore has had a strong influence on the economic development of the city, the basis of which has long been a variety of foreign trade operations, mostly re-exports.
    • Singapore has become a major market for natural rubber, coconut products, timber, spices, fruits, coffee, tin, and petroleum.
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    • After the 1960s Among foreign trade goods, along with traditional ones, products of new industries appeared
    • In terms of cargo turnover, the port of Singapore is one of the largest in the world, a center for bunkering ships.
    • Singapore has become a financial center
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    Natural conditions

    • Relatively constant temperatures throughout the year: 26 – 28º C.
    • An equatorial monsoon climate prevails.
    • High humidity and constant rain: about 2400 mm of precipitation per year. The rainy season occurs in November – February; in “winter” cloudiness reduces the air temperature
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    Population of Singapore

    • Total number: 4 million 183 thousand people.
    • Population density 4884 people per 1 sq. km. Thanks to the government's family planning program, the high birth rate has been reduced. Almost the entire population lives in the country's capital, Singapore.
    • The indigenous inhabitants of the island are Malays.
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    National composition:

    • 77.3% - Chinese
    • 14.1% - Malays
    • 7.3% - Indians
    • 1.3% - Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and others.
    • Religiously
    • 32% are Buddhists
    • 22% are adherents of Taoism
    • 15% are Muslims
    • 13% are Christians
    • 3% are Hindus.
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    • Only about 20% of the territory is cultivated; 8% of the island’s territory is under forests.
    • Small plantations of rubber, coconut palms, spices, tobacco, garden and fruit (pineapples) crops.
    • Pig and poultry farming.
    • Fishing mainly in coastal waters
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    Non-production sphere

    • The Singapore Stock Exchange is home to much of the personal wealth accumulated in Southeast Asia.
    • Singapore is a major center of foreign tourism.
    • Financial center and source of technical and commercial information for neighboring countries.
    • Almost all investments and business initiatives come from abroad.
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    Territorial structure

    • The city is located in the south of the island on the shores of the Singapore Strait.
    • Together with the suburbs, the city occupies ¼ of the entire territory.
    • The remaining settlements are typical industrial parks.
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    International relationships

    • Singapore is a member of the British Commonwealth, the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
    • Declares its commitment to the ideas of non-alignment, but is bound by military agreements with the United States, Malaysia and Great Britain.
    • It has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation (established with the USSR in 1968).
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    • Thanks to an active environmental policy, the construction of treatment facilities, and very strict measures to maintain cleanliness, Singapore has become the most environmentally friendly state in foreign Asia.
    • This is one of the few places in the equatorial and tropical zones where you can drink raw water directly from the tap.
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    Information sources

    V.P. Maksakovsky “Economic and social geography of the world, grade 10”, “Enlightenment” 2000.

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    Singapore Singapore. Work on geography Mizina K. 11th grade GBOU school No. 104 of St. Petersburg Teacher Shizhenskaya Nina Nikolaevna

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    The crescent symbolizes the rise of a young nation. Flag The color red symbolizes equality and wealth. White – purity

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    A shield with a white crescent and five stars forming an even circle. Each star symbolizes one of the country's five ideals: justice, democracy, peace, equality and progress. Coat of arms

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    Capital: Singapore Official language: English, Tamil, Chinese, Malay. Parliamentary Republic President: Tony Tan, 7th. Organizations: Commonwealth of Nations, UN, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and (WTO), Non-Aligned Movement.

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    S=704.3 km² Singapore is a city, an island state located on 54 islands in Southeast Asia. Large islands: Tekong, Ubin, Sentosa. Water border with Malaysia and Indonesia Highest point: Bukit Timah hill = 177m Washed by: Straits of Malacca and Singapore Large port city - Singapore (4 million hours) Time: Moscow +4

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    Malaysia (18%) From Japan (17%) EU countries (6%) Taiwan (6%) Hong Kong (8%) USA (17%) From Malaysia (17%) From the USA (15%) From China (5%) Import (import) – machinery and equipment Fuel Chemical products Food Export (export) – products of the electronic and electrical industry. consumer goods Natural rubber products Petroleum products

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    Transport All types of transport are well developed! The best way to get around the city is by public transport: a dense network of buses, metro and taxis envelops the metropolis and allows you to get to the right place not only quickly, but also cheaply. Exotic lovers can be advised to visit Chinatown and ride a rickshaw.

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    Population 2nd in density. 4884 people per 1 sq. km. After serious national conflicts in the 1960s, the government began to carefully monitor national relations and proclaimed the principle of harmony, which was followed by systems of education, housing, the army and other social spheres. Since the 1970s, conflicts have virtually ceased. Islamic headscarves are currently prohibited in schools. In October 2005, an Internet user was sentenced to a month in prison for making racist comments.

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    The population as of July 2003 was 4609 thousand people. Population growth – 3.42%. High birth rate Low mortality Average age of the working population in Singapore is 36.5 years Life expectancy: 77-78 years for men 83-85 years for women

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    Monetary unit Singapore dollar One dollar≈24 rubles Ten dollars≈249 rubles Ten dollars≈1242

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    A brief historical excursion: In the 3rd century, the island on which Singapore is located was called Temasek and was one of the most important trading centers of the Srivijaya Empire. In the middle of the 19th century (1867) the island became a colony of the British Empire. During World War II, Singapore fell into the hands of Japan, but already in 1959 it gained independence and began to develop as a self-governing state within the British Empire. Since August 1965 Singapore is completely independent.

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    Any holiday in Singapore means colorful carnival processions, national dances and music. In total, there are about 15 official public holidays in the country, among which national celebrations stand out: Chinese New Year (23.01), Hari Raya Puasa (25.03.), Festival in honor of Buddha Vesak (6.05.), Diwapali (Festival of Lights 13.11. ) and Hari Raya Haji (Muslim Holy Day). Public holidays:

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    Tropical monsoon climate with constant air temperatures around 30°C. From November to February there is a time of heavy short-term downpours, but even at this time the minimum temperature reaches +19 °C, so you can fly to Singapore on vacation at any time of the year. Climate

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    The crime rate is very low: you can leave things, documents and even money anywhere - they will not be stolen. The water is so pure that you can drink it from the tap. It is prohibited in the country: to gamble, to use chewing gum, to throw garbage on the street. Fine: 500 SGD≈13 thousand. and repeated violations may result in imprisonment. Smoking in closed public places fine - 1000 SGD≈25 thousand. Fine for jaywalking - 500 SGD≈13 thousand for driving in a car without a seat belt fastened≈13 thousand Tourist safety in Singapore

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    Singapore, thanks to strict legislation and a competent police service, is the safest city in the world. Any weapons are prohibited here and there are no cases of armed attacks or robberies at all. Even large kitchen knives sold in stores are rounded so that it is impossible to stab. The death penalty is allowed Singapore officials work very clearly and each is extremely competent in their field. Singapore ranked third in the world (among the least corrupt countries), behind New Zealand and Denmark. Officials receive very high salaries, bribes are not accepted, and corrupt officials face the gallows. Singapore: strict laws and sweet life

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    Singapore is recognized as the best city to live in Asia, and in the world rankings it took 26th place in this category. Although, it should be noted that in terms of cost of living, Singapore is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world. Currently, Singapore is in the top ten most expensive cities in the world. The high cost is compensated by high salaries, depending on education and experience, and nationality. A laborer at a construction site receives ≈ 600 Singapore dollars per month ≈ 15 thousand. Salesperson in a store - 1200-1500 SD (15,000-20,000 RR), Office plankton - 1500-2500 SD (20,000-62,000 RUR), Competent IT specialist – 4000-8000 SD (100,000-200,000 RUR), University professor from 15,000 SD (380,000 RUR). A university graduate can count on a salary of 2000 SD per month (50,000 rubles), a good graduate of a good specialty 3500-4000 SD (87,000-100,000 rubles). Salary greatly depends on the country where the higher education diploma was obtained. Enviable salaries

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    The merlion/merlion is a mythical animal related to griffins and dragons and is found in several artistic traditions. An image of a creature with the head of a lion and the tail of a fish, which supposedly guarded ancient Singapore, incinerating its enemies with a red fiery gaze. According to legend, a long time ago, a monster with the head of a lion and the body of a fish lived here, which stood up to protect the local residents. When he saw an enemy, his eyes lit up red and incinerated his enemies. If there was a strong storm, then he would come out of the water and save people from death. And in memory of the savior, a fountain was built in the form of a half-fish, half-lion. Its height is 8.6 m, weight 70 tons Author-sculptor Lim Nang Seng. Built in 1972. Legends of Singapore