Repair Design Furniture

Ideas from wooden stumps. How to make a stool out of wood: ideas and an example of self-assembly Stump stool

Hello. This time I suggest you work with a tree. And we will make an unusual massive stool. Its unusualness lies in the fact that the stool is made of hemp, it is completely monolithic. To give the product a more interesting look, the author made it as if it were twisted. Such furniture looks beautiful and it is almost eternal. As wood, the author used ash, this wood is very strong and has a beautiful pattern. For manufacturing, you will need a fairly small set of tools, and we have one material - a stump, not counting finishing materials (oil, epoxy, and so on). So, let's take a closer look at how to make such a stool!

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- ash stump;
- oil for wood;
- epoxy glue and dye;
- finished legs made of rubber or materials for their manufacture.

List of tools:
- chainsaw or electric;
- a grinder (petal attachments, a wood disc with three teeth and a Velcro for sanding with sandpaper);
- planing machine;
- a hammer;
- measuring tool and more.

Stool manufacturing process:

Step one. We select the source material
The author used ash as a starting material. This wood is dense, strong and has a beautiful pattern. It is important to understand that the wood must be dry, otherwise it will still crack after applying the oil, and the oil will not be absorbed. The author's wood dried for 18 months in the open air.

Step two. Let's start cutting
Next, we need to make a square out of hemp. Here the author decided to use a chainsaw, this can be done manually, but it will take a lot of time and effort. When everything is done, we go through the planes with a planer to remove rough bumps.

Step three. Cut out the "screw" part
Next we need a pencil and a ruler. We mark on the material where you need to cut off the excess to get the effect of a swirling tree. Well, then you can start cutting. The author again performed the main work with a chainsaw. The main thing here is not to rush and not cut off the excess, otherwise you can ruin everything.

Step four. We cut the grinder
Then you can proceed to finer processing, here we need a grinder. With it, we will form the main profile of the stool. For work, the author used a metal disk with three teeth for cutting wood. It is safe when compared with circular disks, which many install on angle grinders. Carefully remove excess material along the marked area. How exactly to do this, everyone decides for himself, this is a creative process. We form a profile to your taste. The result is an almost finished product, you can start grinding.

Step five. Rough grinding
You can start rough grinding to remove all the defects that remain from cutting. Here we need a petal attachment for the grinder. The graininess will need to be large, as it will be necessary to remove the bumps, smooth out the recesses, and so on.

Step six. Working with epoxy
Next, we arm ourselves with epoxy and proceed to eliminate defects. With it, you can fill cracks, holes, strengthen rotten areas, and so on. You can show your imagination and add any dye of your choice to the epoxy. Keep in mind that the resin can be quite fluid, and this will be absorbed into the wood. But if you use a quick-drying epoxy, you may not have time to expel air bubbles from it. In order for the air to escape, the epoxy can be heated with a hair dryer after pouring.
After that, we leave the epoxy to dry, we will need to sand it later.

Step Seven Finishing Sanding
When the epoxy is completely dry, proceed to sanding the entire product. Here we need a grinder with sandpaper disc nozzles. The author used 120 grit sandpaper. In general, the finer the abrasive will be at the final stage of processing, the more beautiful the product will be and the less oil will be needed for coating.

Step eight. Cover with oil or varnish
In general, ideally, the tree is covered with oil, this is the best coating. The oil well emphasizes the natural look of wood, and also protects it well from moisture. But the author decided to use a water-based varnish, as he did not have the patience to wait for the oil to dry. For the best effect, you need to apply several layers and lightly sand before each new layer.

When arranging housing and interior, I want to put my soul into it and do something with my own hands. The easiest way is, which is always needed and will remind the reader that he made it himself.

But in order to make a high-quality and reliable piece of furniture, one desire is not enough. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, without deviating from it, otherwise the stool will break at the most inopportune moment, and the desire to make a new one will disappear instantly. Consider what is useful for this, how not to make frequent mistakes, how to do everything quickly and the first time.

To begin with, let's define what the choice of a tree affects in principle:

Both cheap and expensive breeds are described here, however, all of them are suitable for the first time. Focus on the price - buy the wood for which it is not a pity to pay.

Reference: the cheapest option is linden, the most expensive is oak.

Working process

Dimensional drawing

It is recommended to adhere to the standard sizes of stools, as they are calculated on the basis of physical formulas and the laws of strength of materials. A stool of arbitrary dimensions will most likely have a displaced center of gravity and several points of stress concentration, which will reduce its service life.

You can go two ways:

  • find a drawing of a stool on the Internet;
  • measure the finished stool, after disassembling it.

Dimensions are just as important for the selection of fasteners and connectors.. All these parts also have their standardized dimensions and are designed for certain loads.

Important: even just by doubling the scale of the stool, while maintaining the proportions, you get a completely different design with different operating conditions.


Basic list:

Expendable materials:

  1. Stain.
  2. Lacquer on wood.
  3. Wood putty.

How to make original beautiful furniture?

Important: after a few days, when the paint and varnish dry, you can notice a loose surface and ripples. This happens when the temperature in the room changes dramatically. To prevent this, you need to perform all work at a static temperature and avoid drops.

This defect is eliminated by grinding the coating with a fine-caliber sandpaper and then applying an additional layer. If you have a grinder at hand, you can create a perfectly smooth reflective surface, although modern trends say that matte varnish and gloss are now in fashion.

Decorating a homemade structure

A stool made according to the above instructions will already look good in itself. Additionally, it can be decorated with such methods.:

The logical question is - why do you need putty on wood? First of all, to eliminate cracks and errors that appeared in the process of work. But it can also be used as a decorative element. She draws patterns, makes a textured texture, changes color.

Important: The best way to change the design of the stool is to combine all the above methods in the correct proportion. This will make a piece of furniture truly author's and unique.

As an option, varnish only the side surface, and leave the top intact, or apply a matte varnish. It all depends solely on the imagination of the master.

Photos and pictures

Ideas for decorating the resulting result can be seen in the following photos and pictures:

Useful video

A detailed manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


We hope that this article has helped you understand how to plan all the operations and how to make a truly durable stool. Let's quickly go over the main points of the article:

  • all tools are prepared in advance, otherwise the process will be delayed indefinitely;
  • you should not save on wood, especially on the one from which the seat is made;
  • before starting all the work, you need to imagine the finished stool in your head and think over its design.

The instruction given in the article is not the ultimate truth, but a short algorithm that will suit any beginner. You can deviate from it and change items if you are a fairly experienced user and are aware of your actions. Do not be afraid to experiment, because every failure is another great opportunity to try again.

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Got an old stump? You don't have to get rid of it right away. If you wish, if you have free time, some practical skills and, of course, suitable tools, the old “wretched” stump can be turned into a real work of art. From wooden stumps you can do a lot of useful things.

Wooden Stump Ideas for Home and Garden Decor

How it looks in the end - we look at specific examples.

Stump stools

Stump garden stools.
Wonderful garden stools made of stumps with bright soft overlays will definitely come in handy for hospitable summer residents and provide guests with comfortable places to relax in the open air.

Stump candlesticks

Bright candlesticks from saw cuts.
From cuts of small diameter, painted with a special glossy paint, you get stunning candlesticks that will become an original decoration for a coffee table, window sill or fireplace.

Flowerbed from an old stump

Flowerbed in a log.
An amazing flower bed that anyone can make from any dry log will become a real highlight of a suburban area.

Stump cabinet

Cabinet with space for books.
A small original cabinet made of stump with a hole for books in the center will perfectly fit into the interior of any home and become its stylish detail.

Mobile pedestals

Adorable mobile stump cabinets.
Beautifully carved pedestals on wheels, made from carefully sanded and lightly painted stumps, will be original and practical details of any modern home.


Chaise lounge chair made of birch logs.
A very unusual armchair, made of birch logs of small diameter, will become a unique detail of a city apartment or a comfortable deck chair for outdoor recreation.


Bench from log cabins.
A wonderful small bench, made of several wooden log cabins and decorated with decorative pillows, will become an unusual detail of the interior of a modern urban hallway.

garden path

Garden path from saw cuts.
Wooden saw cuts can be used to make original garden paths, the process of creating which will not require much physical effort and expense, and the end result will please for a long time to come.


Unique lamp made of saw cuts.
A magnificent lamp that you can make yourself from wooden saw cuts and a vertical lamp will become a real highlight of any space.


Log fence.

A large number of wooden log cabins can be used to create a beautiful and reliable fence that will protect the site from prying eyes and become its worthy decoration.

Garden set

Large table and stools made of stumps.
A huge dining table made of solid wood and a lot of stump stools will be a great solution for arranging a dining area in the backyard, where large groups often gather.

wine stand

Table stand for bottles.
A wonderful table stand for wine, which can be easily made with your own hands from a small, pre-cleaned and varnished, wooden frame.

Coffee table

Coffee table made of stump and glass.
An amazing coffee table, which can be made from a massive stump and a round glass top, will perfectly fit into the interior of a modern living room.

Mini bar

Mini bar and cabinet made of stumps.
Stunning mini-bar and kitchen sink cabinet made of stumps will become unique details of any kitchen.

Pot of stumps

Miniature pot for succulents.
Small wood cuts and succulents can be used to create unique decorative arrangements that will add charm to any space.

Bird Feeder

A small bird feeder in a wooden frame.
Small wooden log cabins can be used to create creative bird feeders that will decorate the trees and attract birds to the yard.

An interesting and rather unusual trend - the use of wood stumps in interior design, appeared just a couple of years ago. She was rapidly gaining momentum, and today stumps are no longer just a current trend, but a sign of style and taste.

Today, stumps are incredibly popular, and at the same time inexpensive and environmentally friendly material.

Stumps are often used as furniture for the home, it not only helps to update the space, but also awakens thoughts about our place in nature. As a rule, the result exceeds all expectations and turns out to be inexpensive, beautiful and unique.

Driftwood coffee table

Do-it-yourself stump table

Especially often - in interiors, stumps are used as a table, bedside and coffee tables, as well as bathroom furniture.

The stump is natural. The easiest way to use a stump in its original form as a table is to sand it a little to avoid getting a splinter.

Stump painted

Stump painted with gold paint (from a balloon)

The stump looks great in its natural form, but you can give it even more originality by painting it in any color, applying patterns with a brush or using a stencil.

for bathroom

If you treat the stump with water-repellent impregnation, then it will also be suitable for the bathroom.

A bathroom stump will become a very original decor. It can be used as a table by the bathroom by placing bath accessories on it, or candles when you want to arrange an evening of relaxation.

Table with glass

The simplest use of a stump is to make a coffee table out of it. A glass top can be fitted on top for a more elegant look. The stump can also be put on legs or wheels, resulting in a very convenient mobile table.

An ordinary stump will look great as a bedside table. You can decorate it at your discretion.

Table with glass

Table on wheels

Stumps as chairs

Stumps make excellent stools. Small pillows can be placed on top of them to make it softer to sit. Hemp can also be used as decorative chairs, which will be a great addition to the interior. Having a backrest will make the stump chair even more comfortable.

If you contact the workshop, you can make an original author's chair or bench.

How to process a stump for the interior

To create a table or cabinet, you need to find a suitable stump and process it correctly. The bark can be removed with a chisel, or left on.

Cut to desired size

We remove the bark from the stump

The sections of the stump must be sanded with a sandpaper and then the stump must be cleaned of dust. Treat with a layer of primer and open the stump with several layers of wood varnish.

Sand the stump with sandpaper

Apply water repellent

If the future table is intended for the bathroom, you need to apply water-repellent impregnation.

Other methods of using stumps in the interior

Small stumps can be used as a flower stand, so the home greenhouse will look very aesthetically pleasing.

Rotten stump for flowers


Flowerpot from birch stump

Stump vases will be a great addition to any interior. Moreover, the bark of the tree can be left for a more natural, natural appearance.

Hemp can even be used as unusual lighting fixtures. Inside the stump you need to place LED lamps that emit a warm light.

You can decorate the wall with cuts by sawing stumps into many rings. You can decorate the entire wall with cuts, or a fragment of it, as a result you get a unique panel. To do this, the saw cuts are simply attached to a clean, flat surface, on wood glue.

Great solution for the living room

Wood cut wall decor

On smooth layers of wood, you can glue a mirror processed with a cutter, and thus get an original mirror.

Everyone knows the expression: "simple as a stool." There is a fair amount of truth in it. This piece of furniture in its classic design is concise and strict.

It is difficult to do without a stool in the kitchen and in the workshop, in the garage and in the bath. It is needed wherever cramped conditions do not allow placing more dimensional furniture. For a home craftsman, making such a thing is the best way to get practical skills in carpentry.

In this article, we will introduce you to the varieties of wooden stools and tell you about the features of their self-production. We hope that after that you will be able to confidently get to work and delight your family with this useful piece of furniture.

Before you make a stool with your own hands, you should learn more about what carpentry masters have come up with in this area. To begin with, we will study the sketch of a simple product and remember the names of the main parts. This will help us to speak the same language using common terms.

So, the classic stool consists of a seat and four legs. The bars of the upper belt serve as a support for the seat and are called the tsarg. The lower stiffening belt that connects the legs also consists of four bars, called prolegs. By experience, the craftsmen established the optimal dimensions: height 50 cm, seat width 45 cm.

Stools from logs, saw cuts and branches

Having abandoned the legs, the seat can be made from an ordinary log. Having cut it into several logs and providing each with a soft lining, we will get an original set for a country holiday.

The disadvantage of this solution is obvious - a lot of weight, which creates inconvenience when carrying.

And here's what you can do by combining wooden legs with a massive seat made of rounded log trim. This unusual stool claims to be a designer find.

There are no tsargs and prolegs here. The rigidity of the structure is ensured by a massive seat, into which four legs are cut into 1/3 of its height.

Anyone who is good with a chainsaw can create an original piece of furniture from a log. To do this, in a thick block of wood, you need to make three neat side cuts that form the legs. Having made an accurate marking on the scraps of one trunk, you can cut out of them a set of two stools, nested one into one.

Continuing the "forest theme", let's see what can be built from the material lying under our feet. A beautiful product can be made from thick branches, freed from bark and polished. This design has one original detail - a drawer for household items, located under the seat. The lid is assembled from planed boards, planted on wooden spikes and glue.

This piece of furniture will fit perfectly into the rustic interior style, which is characterized by massive wooden beams, stairs and tables. But in an ordinary kitchen, he is unlikely to take root.

Saw logs - a finished seat for a stool. By cutting three legs of thick branches into it, we get a solid and pretty design.

Hemp and forks of trunks can be used as bases for the manufacture of original products. Polished and crowned with thick log cuts, they fit perfectly into the interior of a log hut.

Traditional simple stools

Not aging classic lives not only in the facades of buildings. Time-tested solutions are preserved in the designs of stools. Adding smooth lines to their appearance eliminates boring angularity.

In the photo below we see the classic version. Thanks to the rounded tsargs and prolegs, it looks quite decent. Milled grooves on the legs also improve its appearance.

There is beauty in simplicity. Designers successfully play with this quality, creating deliberately rough brutal products. Artificially aging furniture is not an easy task. Above the product, the photo of which we see below, the author had to work hard.

The category of classics of "stool design" includes designs with drawers under the seat. To do this, use wide sidewalls-tsargi and hinged covers.

Refinement and originality

Not everyone likes the hard seat and the angular shape of the stool. Fans of aesthetics and comfort masters offer elegant products with curved legs and soft upholstery.

It is difficult for a beginner to make bent curly legs. Without sacrificing beauty, they can be replaced by two pairs of crossed bars connected by a crossbar. But to abandon the soft foam upholstery should not be.

Let's ask ourselves the question: what do you need to assemble a homemade wooden stool? Four thick boards for the seat, legs and crossbar. Having decorated them with carvings, we will get an exquisite and solid product. You can use it with pleasure at home, and if necessary, make it an exhibit of an exhibition of folk crafts.

If you are going to make your first "masterpiece", do not forget about the use of firing, stain and varnish for decoration. Even the simplest piece of furniture acquires a noble gloss after finishing by contrasting toning.

In addition to natural wood, stools can be made from chipboard and thick plywood. This solution reduces their weight without loss of strength. In the photo below we see an interesting plywood construction. Slotted holes in the seat and legs give it beauty and delicacy.

Square, round and oval seats are yesterday's carpentry art. Today, original solutions are in fashion. From them you can assemble a bench of any length and configuration. Invite your friends over and show them this miracle. Among them, there will certainly be those who want to play an unusual furniture "constructor".

bar stools

The one who believes that the stool must be low and nondescript is mistaken. Designers successfully prove otherwise. A little imagination and a familiar piece of furniture becomes a “fashionable thing” in the avant-garde style.

The high stool shown in the picture is a bar option. They can decorate the interior of the cafe and the decor of your own apartment. Its lower counterpart, made in the same style, will take its rightful place at the dinner table made of euro pallets.

Nowadays, bar seats are popular not only in catering establishments, but also in home environments. The tradition of placing bar counters in apartments that came from across the ocean caused a real boom in these products.

A high stool is convenient not only for drinking cocktails at the bar. It can be successfully used as a fruit picking stand.

Folding stools

There is a huge variety of their varieties from the simplest solutions to very complex transformers.

Your attention is invited to the original folding design. It consists of two rectangular frames-legs connected in the center by a metal axis. Support frames are attached to the seat with carpentry hinges. When folding, the axle moves along two grooves cut into one of the legs. The seat turns on its hinges and stands upright.

And here is another version of the folding stool. The seat is made of two halves. When folding, the legs rotate around the axis and are placed in the same plane. The halves of the seat are pressed against them from both sides.

Fans of complex folding systems are offered an option consisting of eight pairs of lattice legs connected at the base by a common bar.

The upper ends of the legs on one side are pivotally connected to the seat, which is also made of bars. To fold the structure, it is taken by the lower bars and shifted in the opposite direction. In this case, the slatted legs and seat bars enter the gaps provided for them, and the stool becomes flat.

Another option is a folding stool with a "caterpillar" seat. Despite the simplicity of the design, it looks very original. Its two crossed legs are pivotally fastened in the center, and connected from above by a wooden segmental seat. Holding the edges, you can easily fold and unfold such a stool.

An example of self-production

Having finished the brief review, it's time to start the practical part. We offer you a step by step guide. Let's say right away that it is better for beginners to refuse joints of the "thorn-groove" type. They require good carpentry skills and the availability of a special tool - a milling machine or, at worst, a manual router.

You will need a few tools to get the job done:

  • Roulette or ruler;
  • Hand saw with a small tooth;
  • Electric jigsaw for cutting legs and seats;
  • Screwdriver for drilling holes and tightening screws;
  • Belt sander for smoothing sharp edges on parts;
  • PVA glue or wood glue.

Step one- using a hacksaw from a planed pine board 30 mm thick, we cut blanks for the legs and seat. If there was not a board wide enough to make a one-piece seat, then it can be assembled from several narrow scraps. To do this, in their side faces, you need to mark and drill holes for the dowels. After smearing the dowels with glue, they are inserted into the boards, assembled into a single shield and fixed with carpentry clamps. A day later, you can start making the seat.

step two- cut out the profile of one leg from thick cardboard and transfer it to all blanks. We do the same with the seat blank.

Step Three- we cut out the legs and the seat with an electric jigsaw, after which we process their sharp edges with a grinder.

Step Four- we assemble the legs in pairs, screwing the screws into their ends. To connect pairs of legs to each other, we also use self-tapping screws. We arrange them so that they do not meet with previously twisted ones.

Step Five- marking holes for dowels on the legs and seat. Having done this work, grease the spikes with wood glue and put the seat on the base.

Anyone who wants to simplify the work a little can refuse to fasten the seat with dowels. Instead, you can screw four screws into the legs from above directly through the cover. In order for them not to stand out on a flat surface, pre-drill shallow hidden nests for them. After twisting, putty them with carpentry putty and cover the product with varnish and stain.