Repair Design Furniture

Devices for removal of superficial waters. Storm sewer Surface water drainage system

Water drainage from the house is a problem for almost every owner of a country house, which must be solved immediately, without debugging “for later”. During rains and downpours, water can break the stability of the house, destroying the foundation. Of course, this will not happen from one downpour, but if such incidents occur constantly, then the house can simply go underground, that is, “grow” into it. The foundation of the building will be washed away by sewage, the ground under the foundation will be soft and under the weight of the house the foundation will sink down.

And, for example, if the house has a basement? This problem in this case should be solved immediately, it cannot be postponed even for a short time. After all, if the basement is constantly flooded, then in a few years it will come into an unsatisfactory state and it will no longer be possible to use it for its intended purpose. Why? Because due to the constant dampness in the basement, molds may soon appear, which in turn are extremely harmful to the health of people and animals.

Also, groundwater can pose a danger to the site. If your house is located near a river, lake or even a swamp, then you can be sure that there are those on the site. The danger of groundwater lies in the fact that they lie in the depths of the earth. If water from the house during showers and rains will flow there, then there is a high probability of imbalance and stability of the house, which can subsequently lead to its collapse. It is because of this reason that it is so important to correctly drain rainwater from a residential building.

Water drainage from the roof: features

Drainage from the roof must be mandatory. For example, in winter, a huge amount of snow falls on the roof, which accumulates on it and can simply break through it. There is also another significant danger: during the daytime snow melting, icicles may form in the evening. They, in turn, can fall on someone's head. If you make drainage from the house of thawed snow and rainwater, then you can forever forget about the formation of icicles and the danger of them falling on someone's head.

How to make a diversion system yourself, that is the question. You can immediately answer that this is not a difficult process, you can handle it yourself. To do this, you need to buy gutters and downpipes in a building hypermarket or on the market, which will allow you to drain water from the roof. Roof gutters are the least expensive and easiest option. He is also the most popular. Installing gutters to drain water from the house is quite simple and do-it-yourself.

There are three types of gutters:

  • semicircular,
  • rectangular or square
  • trapezoidal.

How do you decide which one is best for your building? You can rely only on your taste, and you should also take into account the design of the building. In terms of functionality, these gutters practically do not differ, we can say that they are the same in their properties and characteristics. Therefore, the choice falls entirely on your shoulders.

You can only help with the choice of color: you should not buy light gutters, as in winter the snow on them will melt more slowly than if they were darker. This is due to the fact that dark colors "attract" more solar energy to themselves. Light colors, on the contrary, reflect the energy of the sun, so the snow on them will melt more slowly. Also, many experts recommend installing storm gutters, which are larger, and therefore can withstand the loads during heavy rainfall.

There is nothing complicated in installing the gutters, you just need to follow the instructions from the attached instructions.

The drainage system for rain and melt water using gutters is as follows:

Water drains from the roof into an attached gutter, which travels down the gutter to a downpipe where it flows down to the ground. But the problem remains unresolved, water continues to flow directly under the foundation of the house. To bring the water drainage system from the house to mind, it is necessary to make an additional drainage system.

Drainage systems

What is a drainage system? What is it used for? What types does it have? In what cases should it be used?

In fact, the drainage system is the system for draining water from the house, only it drains water almost completely, which will have a good effect on the building and extend its life.

Types of drainage systems:

  • Ground drainage (surface)
  • Water disposal lines
  • Drainage in certain places (point)
  • Open drainage system
  • closed drainage system
  • Trench backfilled
  • Deep drainage

When there is an urgent need to install a complex drainage system:

  • If there are natural water bodies near the house.
  • The house is on the bottom.
  • On clay soils, as the water on such soils leaves rather slowly, especially after heavy rains.
  • Your area receives a large amount of rainfall throughout the calendar year.
  • Groundwater is close to the surface of the earth's crust.
  • The presence of concrete or tiled paths on the site, as they do not allow water to pass through.
  • The low foundation of the house, because the possibility of flooding increases many times.

The installation of a system that will ensure the drainage of rainwater with your own hands will help save money on further repairs to the building due to possible flooding.

Types of water drainage systems

Surface drainage

Surface drainage will allow the removal of storm water, it is also called a drain from showers. It is very simple to equip this type of drain that drains storm water. Such a system will help to cope exclusively with the removal of rain and melt water, and such a system will not be able to cope with groundwater. By itself, surface drainage is subdivided into two more types: linear and point.

Linear water drainage works as follows: special trenches are pulled out throughout the site, which merge into one common drainage well. Usually trenches are covered with gratings.

Point water drainage allows you to drain the input from different places of the site into a common well, while such a system is usually used simultaneously with a linear one. Spot drainage is usually installed in places where there is no need for a constant mandatory drainage of water. For example, in outbuildings or baths.

There is also a combined drainage, that is, both linear and point. It is most often used in summer cottages and in country houses just this type of drainage system.

Drainage systems in private areas will not affect the water supply, as they usually take water from deeper wells or boreholes.

Drainage systems: open and closed type

Open systems are a collection of trenches, channels and gutters that allow water to be diverted away from the house to a designated area, usually a well.

Closed drainage systems also represent a combination of various drains and channels, but they have a more aesthetic appearance, as they are covered with decorative gratings. The discharge channel in the form of a pipe is often buried underground and is not visible from above.

All experts in construction agree on one general plan when organizing drainage systems on a private site: “It is not so difficult to arrange a drainage system on your site in modern conditions. Before construction, it is advisable to take a site plan and mark all the channels and trenches on it, as well as determine the best place for the well, into which water will be discharged. The next important step should be the calculation of the necessary materials. You need to do this so that later you do not waste your time on unnecessary shopping trips. It is necessary to start work from the roof, and only then carry out surface discharge channels on the ground.

Surface runoff is formed by rain and melt water, and so on. water from washing roads that drain into low places.

The tasks of organizing surface runoff are: collection, protection and removal of water from the territory of the city.

Organizational drainage systems:




The most appropriate is a closed drainage system or storm sewer.

According to the nature of the drainage system, they are divided into:





The most developed separate system, when water is drained from the surface by an independent network.

The closed drainage network consists of the following elements:

    Trays along side stone PCh.

    Water wells.

    Drainage branches.

    The pipeline forming the drainage network (with  more than 1.2 m - collectors)

    Viewing wells.

    Structures on the network (transition wells, rotary wells and chambers)

    Wastewater treatment plant

Design of a closed drainage network

The drainage network is designed by a gravity system. On the streets in the vicinity of the watersheds, free run of water is provided along the trays of the streets to the nearest water intake well.

Watercourses are placed along the streets and in cases in the territories of microdistricts. The longitudinal slope of the drains is designed to be the same as the slope of the street. Drainage collectors are located below the freezing zone of the soil.

22. Factors affecting traffic safety, their consideration in the design of roads.

The method of coefficients is based on the generalization of the statistics of traffic accidents. It is especially convenient for the analysis of sections of roads that are in operation and subject to reconstruction.

A variation of this method is the sometimes used method of “relative traffic safety coefficients”, which are the reciprocal of the accident rate coefficients.

The characteristic of the degree of traffic safety assurance in fractional values ​​makes this method is less obvious.

The degree of danger of road sections is characterized by final accident rate, which is the product of partial coefficients that take into account the influence of individual elements of the plan and profile:

Partial coefficients representing the number of incidents for a particular element and profile value compared to a reference horizontal straight road section with a carriageway 7–7.5 m wide and reinforced wide shoulders.

Traffic intensity - roadway width, - shoulder width, - forward slope

Radii of curves in the plan, - visibility, - width of bridges, - length of straight sections,

Cross profile type, - intensity at the intersection, - visibility at the intersection,

The number of traffic lanes, - building, - the length of the settlement, - approaches to the settlement. to the point - the characteristics of the coating, - the dividing strip, - the distance to the ravine.

From Fedotov's reference book. up to 15 - normal, from 15 to 30 - repair, more than 30 - a complete redo of the road.

23. Modern methods of design and research A.D. Automation system. Design.

Computer-aided road design systems (CAD-AD), using a variety of automation and computer technology, process the initial information and offer ready-made complete solutions for the design of roads.

The design engineer, in the course of a dialogue with the computer, analyzes the design solutions and chooses the best option. Composes computer programs, which are a sequence of commands written in the codes of a given computer. To obtain design solutions and solutions to problems, there are application software packages.

For information support of CAD-AD, digital information is recorded on magnetic tapes or disks about typical design solutions for the subgrade, pavement, superstructures of bridges and supports, pipes and road conditions.

All this information is stored in the machine's memory. When designing at the CAD-AD level, the connection between the design of individual elements and the entire object as a whole must be provided at all stages of calculation

Of particular difficulty is the design of route options in the plan. In order to correctly evaluate the option of the route, it is necessary to design all the elements of the road, including artificial structures, a longitudinal profile. If for some indicators the resulting version does not suit the designer, the route plan is corrected and the computer recalculates all the elements of the road.

The cathode ray tube screen - display - is used for input, output of information and image formation. The completed design solution is issued in the form of text, alphanumeric information or a graphic image (for example, a route plan, a longitudinal profile).

Graph plotters are used to display images from a computer. If necessary, the resulting image can be corrected by the designer in order to obtain a new, graphic image. Graph plotters are designed to display graphic and text information with high accuracy on paper, tracing paper, film.

Roll graph plotters EU-7052 and EU-7053 are used to obtain drawings of the route plan, longitudinal profile, various graphs, diagrams; tablet graph plotters EU-7051 and EU-7054 - to obtain drawings of elements of a highway and artificial structures. One plotter can replace the labor of 20-25 skilled draftsmen.

The initial information is entered into the computer memory through magnetic tape drives after deciphering the aerial photograph and determining the coordinates of the track points according to the stereo model.

During ground surveys, electronic total stations and light range finders are used, which record information on magnetic tapes, which are immediately entered into a computer for further processing.

The technological line for designing a route plan has 35 application programs. At the same time, the computer performs the processing of aerial survey materials, the results of ground surveys; draws up topographic plans; generates a digital terrain model; performs sketch tracing of road options according to topographic plans or stereo model; designs the route plan according to the method of control points with the calculation of the coordinates of the main and intermediate points; draws a plan, longitudinal and transverse profiles of the route on a graph plotter.

Let's be honest: most of us would not like to have a plot of land with a lot of land. This is understandable - the unknown is scary. Let's put everything on the shelves together, and only then draw conclusions.

Possibilities and disadvantages of a plot with a slope

First of all, let's consider the possible troubles:

  • the choice of the location of both the house itself and the buildings is noticeably limited;
  • there are problems with watering, as the water in the soil will linger for a short time;
  • movement around the territory is complicated, especially in ice;
  • it is difficult to organize a sufficient area for games and entertainment;
  • the need to combat landslides and soil erosion;
  • a steep slope is a source of increased danger for children;
  • unsuccessful orientation of the slope of the site relative to the sun can lead either to excessive or insufficient illumination of the earth's surface;
  • the movement of air masses along the slope can lead to drying up of the soil at the top and frosts in the lower part of the slope;
  • landscaping a site with a large slope requires increased costs;
  • possible difficulties with access roads;
  • providing water can be difficult.
Free land for building a house

Now about the positive aspects of placing a house on a slope:

  • you will get a building plot at a lower price, and the increased costs of its arrangement can be partially compensated by your own creative work;
  • problems of water disposal are easily solved: the territory of the yard will be dry, it will be possible to equip the basement in the house or the cellar;
  • groundwater problems on such lands are rare;
  • the hillside always protects the house from the wind from one direction;
  • the cost of building the basement floor of the building is noticeably reduced, since all the excess land is easily used for partial leveling of the relief;
  • from the windows of a house located high, a wide view opens;
  • when placing the site on the south side of the slope, it is possible to increase the insolation of the courtyard, on the contrary, if the site is located on the north side, solar activity will be weakened;
  • a site located on the eastern or western slope will have an average illumination;
  • apparently the most important thing: the use of a huge list of landscape design techniques (retaining walls, terraces on the slope of the site, alpine slides, winding paths, a reservoir, a dry stream, special ornamental plants, etc.) will allow you to get a natural, organic and unique design of the allotment of land.

As you can see, the pros and cons gradually flow into tastes and preferences. The following video examines some of the features of the layout of the site with a slope.

Thus, by spending more effort and money on the development of a site with a slope, you get a more interesting and unusual result.

Of course, the degree of significance of the above circumstances is directly related to the magnitude of the ground level difference. To calculate it, it is necessary to divide the difference in heights of the extreme points of the site by the distance between them and convert the result into a percentage. For example, if the maximum height difference is 3.6m, and the distance between the points of the difference is 20m, then the slope will be 3.6: 20 = 0.19, i.e. 19%.
It is believed that a slope of up to 3% is flat terrain, but a site on a steep slope of more than 20% is not suitable for construction.

Features of the placement of buildings on a slope

Site plan on a slope

Firstly, it should be noted that the underground and basement parts of the house on the site with a slope will inevitably have characteristic features. This also applies to other buildings. Usually the house is located on the highest and driest place. Thus, the issue of water disposal from the most important object is solved. Toilet, compost pit, shower should be located below the house and no closer than 15-20m. Recreation area - gazebo, barbecue, etc. it is better to do it on the same level with the house. Buildings, between which the most frequent movement is expected, are best placed on different sides of the site. In this case, the length of the tracks increases, but the slope to be overcome decreases. In the idealistic version, the buildings are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The garage is conveniently identified at the bottom of the allotment. In this case, the garage building can be used as a means of compensating for the steepness of the slope.

Strengthening terraces on a site with a slope

There are two fundamentally different methods for planning an uneven allotment: without changing the landscape or with maximum leveling of the earth's surface. In my opinion, a compromise should be used for all possible methods of leveling the territory, as well as masking ground level differences.

In this case, there is no point in achieving complete alignment of the site.

When planning an inclined surface, several tasks are set: prevention of soil slippage; convenience of using the surface of the earth for recreation and cultivation of fruit crops; ease of movement around the courtyard. First of all, the maximum possible leveling of the relief is carried out by moving the soil. It is quite possible that it will be beneficial to remove part of the land from the allotment or, on the contrary, to bring the missing soil. A reasonable technique is the use of land mined when digging a pit for a basement or cellar.

Creating terraces with stones

The second, most common method is terracing, that is, the creation of flat areas located at different heights. The more terraces, the lower their height, which means that the arrangement of the slope is easier. With a terrace height of up to 70 cm, it is possible to create retaining walls. The best material is natural stone. For such a design, it is necessary to make a substrate of crushed stone 10-20 cm high. With a low terrace height, the stone can be laid without a binder. However, in such a situation, there is a danger of washing out the soil with water during rain or irrigation. It is more reliable to lay the retaining wall on cement mortar. The use of brick to create terraces is considered inappropriate, since repeated exposure to moisture and low temperatures leads to its rather rapid destruction.

With a terrace height of up to 2 meters, reinforced concrete structures are suitable: foundation blocks, slabs and monolithic concrete. Often it makes sense to create concrete retaining walls with some slope, with the expectation of the extrusion effect of the soil. In difficult situations, you can not do without a reliable and complete foundation. It makes no sense to additionally finish the retaining walls with decorative tiles or stone on an adhesive or cement basis. Frost and water will quickly ruin your work.

concrete retaining wall

Structurally, "ventilated facades" are suitable here. However, in a decorative sense, such a technique is hardly appropriate. It is much easier and more efficient to lay a corrugated surface with a special pattern in the concrete formwork. Subsequently, you can decorate the concrete with durable water-based paints.

It is very effective to use a French invention - gabions - to strengthen the terraces. Gabions are rectangular mesh structures filled with natural stone. Ready-made modules from special durable wire can be purchased or made by yourself. Gabions are not afraid of soil erosion, as they do not have absolute rigidity. They are also resistant to water, as they do not retain it in themselves. When filling gabions with stone and rubble, you can add a certain amount of earth, in this case, greenery will soon sprout, which will disguise the wire and give the retaining wall a natural look.
The simplest method of strengthening a slope is a sloping embankment. It is better to strengthen the embankment from shedding with a plastic mesh and a geogrid. Being planted with a lawn, special grass and shrubs, such an embankment surface will be quite reliable and aesthetic.

Gabion retaining wall

Wastewater - two sides of the coin

It’s good that in a territory with a slope, water will quickly run away both in rain and in flood: it will be dry underfoot. However, rapidly leaving water can take a noticeable part of the soil with it and destroy something. The conclusion is unequivocal: we need to think about how to properly drain on a sloped area.
The scheme seems to be optimal when water is collected from different areas by separate conduits that go beyond the yard. Moreover, each terrace should ideally be equipped with a drainage system.

The simplest solution is laying open concrete trays. The trays are laid on a pre-prepared base: a layer of crushed stone is about 10 cm, a cement-sand mixture (in a ratio of 1 to 10) is about 5 cm. The trays are easily cut and fitted to each other with the help of an angle grinder. Relatively cheap trays have disadvantages: they interfere with footpaths and their cross section is not enough when placed on common drains in the lower part of the site. The last obstacle can be overcome by making the drainage channels yourself from concrete. For the formation of channels, you can use pipe segments of a suitable diameter. There are also options for closed-type storm drains that are manufactured by industry. The upper part of such drains is closed with special grates for receiving water. Such designs look aesthetically pleasing, do not create obstacles for the movement of people. However, they are noticeably more expensive and more difficult to install. In addition, the problem of insufficient section in the lower part of the steep section remains relevant.

Drainage with trays

Another option for drainage is drainage channels. The system is closed and saves space. To organize drainage, trenches with a depth of 0.3-1m are torn off. The bottom of the trench is filled with sand, a layer of 10 cm is enough, it must be rammed. The sand is covered with geofabric, on top of which crushed stone of medium size is poured. The thickness of the crushed stone layer is up to 20 cm. If a small flow of water is expected in this area, then it is enough to cover the crushed stone with geotextile again, and then successively fill it with sand and soil. With a large flow of water in the channel, a perforated plastic pipe is additionally laid. The rules for laying pipes are the same as for the arrangement of sewers: a slope of at least 3%; fewer turns and sudden level changes to prevent debris from accumulating in problem areas; secure pipe connection.

Paths and stairs - decoration of the site

It goes without saying that navigating uneven terrain can be difficult and even dangerous. Hence the requirements - to approach the arrangement of all ways of movement of people with special care. Please note that even a relatively flat track with a slope of about 5% can become an insurmountable obstacle during ice. This means that the coating of all paths and stairs should be as rough and ribbed as possible. The steps of the stairs should correspond as much as possible to the optimal dimensions: the width of the tread is 29 cm, the height of the riser is 17 cm. The slope of the stairs cannot exceed 45%. It is better to avoid spans of more than 18 steps and provide rest areas.

stone staircase

It is very convenient if the height of the steps of all stairs is the same. It's quite real. For example, when building our own house with our own hands, we managed to ensure the same parameters of steps on both floors of the house, including the basement, as well as on the porch and in the garage. The arrangement of handrails on steep slopes is absolutely necessary, and even on quite gentle sections, handrails will be quite justified.
Materials for arranging paths and stairs can be very different: crushed stone, stone, concrete, wood, artificial turf and plastic gratings. Stairs, separate steps, winding paths - all these attributes should be considered as elements of decoration and individualization of the courtyard area. At the same time, I consider it necessary to recall the general requirements: the paths of movement should not become slippery and dangerous in inclement weather. It may be necessary to provide special handrails for children.

Wonderful landscaping and landscaping opportunities

Alpine landscaping on a site with a slope can be called a pleasant necessity. It is based on natural stones, flowers and other plants. All this in combination and various applications serves to counteract the erosion of the earth on the slope and at the same time is an ornament. Since water does not retain well on a slope, plants may need frequent watering. Thus, for garden beds and fruit trees, it is necessary to allocate the best areas: well-lit, protected from the wind. Sloping garden beds located at the base of a slope may be exposed to cumulative cold air.

Strengthening the slope with plants

Ideally, the entire area should be planted with various plants. On the slopes, unpretentious creeping plants are used that do not require much moisture and have an extensive root system. Different climatic regions may have their own preferences. As for central Russia, the use of shrubs is appropriate here: ivy, barberry, lilac, Japanese quince, elderberry, derain, etc. Coniferous plants will wonderfully decorate the site: juniper, spruce, cedar, pine. Deciduous trees are well suited: birch, hazel, willow (in wet places). For arranging rockeries, tenacious, stonecrop, cinquefoil, bells, alpine carnation, sedum, etc. are well suited. The arrangement of lawn areas is quite appropriate.

In order to visually level the terrain, tall plants are planted at the bottom of the slope. Sometimes it becomes necessary to close buildings located at the top of the slope from view, and then the strategy for placing tall and short varieties changes.
A low fence along the retaining wall will cover ugly surfaces and beautify the landscape. It is extremely appropriate to create on a site with a rockery slope. To do this, stones of different sizes and in random order are laid out on the slope. It is interesting to use stones of different composition and texture. Free areas are filled with crushed stone, marble chips, etc. The gaps between the stones are planted with the plants described above. Thus, with your own hands you can create the most unusual and amazing creative compositions. Of course, plants will grow only on soil that is quite suitable for this.
You can decorate a mountain garden with figurines made by yourself, or purchased in a store for summer residents.

Stream bed made of stones

The landscape composition "dry stream" was invented in Japan almost specifically for sloping surfaces. The idea is to simulate water with small stones and/or plants. At the site of the future channel, it is necessary to dig a shallow trench of the intended form of the stream. The bottom of the groove is covered with geotextile to protect against weeds. Then drainage is laid in the form of fine gravel, and the channel is covered with soil from above. "Creek" is planted with blue and blue flowers or covered with any rubble, preferably blue. Then along the "shores" you can plant flowers. A "dry stream" can exist on its own, or originate from an earthenware jug partially buried in the ground. It is interesting if the path passing nearby will “throw” a small bridge over the “stream”.

On a site with a slope, it is very interesting to use the following technique: a channel for draining water is made in the form of a “dry stream” made of stones. When it rains, the stream will fill with water, which will fall into a small pond at the bottom of the slope. Quite functional and beautiful!
Arches on a site with a slope will be very functional in combination with a bridge and stairs. Of course, the arch should be decorated with climbing plants.
After reviewing the above material, you probably already understood: there are a lot of opportunities for decorating a site on a slope! In one of the articles we will talk about a specific example. We wish you creative success in the implementation of your plans. Perhaps the following video will help you.

2.187. It is necessary to include permanent and temporary (for the period of construction) devices for the removal of surface water in subgrade projects.

Surface drainage can be omitted when designing a subgrade in areas of sand distribution in areas with an arid climate.

The diversion of surface waters to low relief places and to culverts should be provided for: from embankments and semi-embankments - ditches (upland, longitudinal and transverse drainage ditches) or reserves; from slopes of cuts and half-cuts - by ditches (upland and beyond the banquet); from the main platform of the subgrade in recesses and semi-cavities - using cuvettes or trays.

2.188. The system of facilities for collecting and draining surface water from the subgrade at the sites of industrial enterprises should be developed in conjunction with the project for the vertical layout of the site, taking into account sanitary conditions, the requirements for protecting water bodies from pollution by sewage and landscaping of the enterprise, as well as taking into account technical and economic indicators.

To collect and drain surface water, open (cuvettes, trays, drainage ditches), closed (storm sewers with a network of shallow and deep drainage) or a mixed drainage system are used.

2.189. The scope of work on the design of drainage devices includes: determination of the volume of flow to the drainage devices of the drainage basin; selection of the type, size and location of the drainage device, allowing the use of earth-moving machines for its construction, as well as for cleaning during operation; the appointment of a longitudinal slope and water flow rate, excluding the possibility of silting or erosion of the channel with the accepted type of slope and bottom strengthening.

2.190. The minimum dimensions and other parameters of drainage devices should be assigned on the basis of hydraulic calculations, but not less than the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table. 20.

Cuvettes should be designed, as a rule, with a trapezoidal transverse profile, and with appropriate justification - semicircular; the depth of ditches in special cases is allowed to be set to 0.4 m.

The greatest longitudinal slope of the bottom of drainage devices should be assigned taking into account the type of soil, the type of strengthening of slopes and the bottom of the ditch, as well as the allowable water flow rates in accordance with Appendix. 9 and 10 of this Manual.

If the maximum allowable longitudinal slope of the drainage device for the given design parameters is less than the natural slope of the terrain or the longitudinal slope of the subgrade at water flow rates of more than 1 m 3 / s, it is necessary to provide for the device of fast currents and differences designed individually.

Table 20

Slope steepness with soils


Drainage device

Bottom width after strengthening, m

Depth, m

clayey, sandy, coarse

dusty, clayey and sandy

peat and peated

Longitudinal slope, % o

edges above the calculated water level, m

Upland and drainage ditches

Banquet ditches

Ditches in swamps:

* According to the conditions of the terrain, the slope can be reduced to 3% o .

** In exceptional cases, the slope can be reduced to 1% 0 .

*** In areas with a harsh climate and excessive soil moisture, the slope is assumed to be at least 3% 0.

2.191. The cross section of the drainage devices should be checked for the passage of the estimated water flow using automated hydraulic calculations in accordance with appendix. 9 of this Guide. In this case, the probability of exceeding the estimated costs should be taken,%:

for pressure ditches and spillways .................................................................. .5

longitudinal and transverse drainage ditches and trays ........ 10

Upland and spillway ditches for railways on the territories of industrial enterprises should be designed for costs with a probability of exceeding 10%.

2.192. On the watershed of two adjacent basins, it is necessary to provide for the construction of a dividing dam with an upper base of at least 2 m with a slope not steeper than 1: 2, with an excess of its height of at least 0.25 m above the calculated water level.

2.193. An open drainage system on on-site tracks is only allowed if the customer so specifies. When diverting water with cuvettes in subsidence, swelling, and heaving soils, it is necessary in the project to provide for measures against water infiltration from cuvettes into the subgrade by appropriately strengthening them.

If it is necessary to pass water through the path, including for bypassing water from a cuvette, intersleeper trays are used, while checking the sufficiency of their depth to pass water with the existing marks of the bottom of the cuvette.

2.194. It is not allowed to design the release of atmospheric water from ditches and ditches into:

watercourses flowing within the settlement and having a flow rate of less than 5 cm / s and a flow rate of less than 1 m / day;

stagnant ponds;

reservoirs in places specially designated for beaches;

fish ponds (without special permission);

closed hollows and lowlands prone to swamping;

eroded ravines without special strengthening of their channels and banks;

swampy floodplains.

2.195. In case of contamination of rain and melt water with industrial waste from chemical enterprises, treatment facilities should be provided.

Drainage devices should be placed in the right of way. The distance from the outer edge of the slope of the drainage device to the boundary of the right of way must be at least 1 m.

In places where watercourses exit onto the slopes of ravines and lowlands, drainage devices must be laid away from the subgrade and provided for their strengthening.

2.196. In areas with the presence of groundwater, upland ditches, as well as drainage devices within the excavations, should be developed in conjunction with groundwater drainage measures. When the groundwater horizon lies at a depth of up to 2 m from the surface, the upland ditch, with its appropriate strengthening, can serve to drain water from the subgrade, and if the groundwater occurs deeper, the deepening of the upland ditch below the aquifer is prohibited. In this case, other measures are envisaged to protect the subgrade from the impact of groundwater.

2.197. With a closed system, water is removed from the site of the enterprise using storm sewers. In this case, from the drainage trays, ditches and drainage pipes of the longitudinal drainage system, water is discharged into storm water wells with gratings. Wells in this case should have sedimentation tanks, and gratings should have gaps of no more than 50 mm.

2.198. A mixed drainage system in a built-up area is used in cases where the requirements for landscaping and the construction of storm sewers apply only to part of the site, and in the rest of it open drainage is acceptable when wastewater treatment is required.

With a mixed drainage system, the requirements for the installation of open and closed drainage systems should be observed.

2.199. The distance from the rain sewer pipelines to the axis of the outer track of the railway with 1520 mm gauge should be less than 4 m.

The distance between storm water wells is allowed to be taken according to Table. 21.

Withdrawal of surface and ground waters.

Works in this cycle include:

■ arrangement of upland and drainage ditches, embankment;

■ open and closed drainage;

■ layout of the surface of storage and assembly sites.

Surface and ground waters are formed from precipitation (storm and melt water). Distinguish between surface waters "foreign", coming from elevated neighboring areas, and "ours", formed directly at the construction site. Depending on the specific hydrogeological conditions, surface water diversion and soil drainage can be carried out in the following ways: open drainage, open and closed drainage, and deep water drawdown.

Upland and drainage ditches or embankments are arranged along the boundaries of the construction site on the upland side to protect against surface water. The territory of the site must be protected from the inflow of “foreign” surface waters, for which they are intercepted and diverted outside the site. To intercept water, upland and drainage ditches are arranged in its elevated part (Fig. 3.5). Drainage ditches must ensure the passage of storm and melt water to low points of the terrain outside the construction site.

Rice. 3.5. Protection of the construction site from the ingress of surface water: 1 - water runoff zone, 2 - upland ditch; 3 - construction site

Depending on the planned water flow rate, drainage ditches are arranged with a depth of at least 0.5 m, a width of 0.5 ... 0.6 m, with an edge height above the calculated water level of at least 0.1 ... 0.2 m. To protect the ditch tray from erosion, the speed of water movement should not exceed 0.5 ... 0.6 m / s for sand, -1.2 ... 1.4 m / s for loam. The ditch is arranged at a distance of at least 5 m from a permanent excavation and 3 m from a temporary one. To protect against possible silting, the longitudinal profile of the drainage ditch is made at least 0.002. The walls and bottom of the ditch are protected with turf, stones, and fascines.

“Own” surface waters are diverted by giving an appropriate slope during the vertical layout of the site and the installation of an open or closed drain network, as well as by forced discharge through drainage pipelines using electric pumps.

Drainage systems of open and closed types are used when the site is heavily flooded with groundwater with a high level of the horizon. Drainage systems are designed to improve general sanitary and building conditions and provide for lowering the groundwater level.

Open drainage is used in soils with a low filtration coefficient, if it is necessary to lower the groundwater level to a shallow depth - about 0.3 ... 0.4 m. Drainage is arranged in the form of ditches 0.5 ... 0.7 m deep, to the bottom which lay a layer of coarse sand, gravel or crushed stone with a thickness of 10 ... 15 cm.

Closed drainage is usually deep trenches (Fig. 3.6) with wells for system revision and with a slope towards water discharge, filled with drained material (crushed stone, gravel, coarse sand). On top, the drainage ditch is covered with local soil.

Rice. 3.6. Closed, wall and girdle drainage: a - general drainage solution; b - wall drainage; c - ring enclosing drainage; 1 - local soil; 2 - fine-grained sand; 3 - coarse sand; 4 - gravel; 5 - drainage perforated pipe; 6 - compacted layer of local soil; 7 - the bottom of the pit; 8 - drainage slot; 9 - tubular drainage; 10 - building; 11 - retaining wall; 12 - concrete base

When arranging more efficient drainage, pipes perforated in the side surfaces are laid at the bottom of such a trench - ceramic, concrete, asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 125 ... 300 mm, sometimes just trays. The gaps of the pipes are not closed, the pipes are covered from above with well-draining material. The depth of the drainage ditch is -1.5 ... 2.0 m, the width at the top is 0.8 ... 1.0 m. A crushed stone base up to 0.3 m thick is often laid below the pipe. Recommended distribution of soil layers: 1) drainage pipe laid in a layer of gravel; 2) a layer of coarse sand; 3) a layer of medium or fine-grained sand, all layers are at least 40 cm; 4) local soil up to 30 cm thick.

Such drains collect water from adjacent soil layers and drain water better, since the speed of water movement in pipes is higher than in the drainage material. Closed drains are arranged below the level of soil freezing, they must have a longitudinal slope of at least 0.5%. The drainage device must be carried out before the construction of buildings and structures.

For tubular drainage in recent years, pipe filters made of porous concrete and expanded clay glass have been widely used. The use of pipe filters significantly reduces labor costs and the cost of work. They are pipes with a diameter of 100 and 150 mm with a large number of through holes (pores) in the wall, through which water seeps into the pipeline and is discharged. The design of pipes allows their laying on a previously leveled base by pipelayers.

Engineering preparation of the construction site.

General provisions

Any construction (object or complex) is preceded by site preparation aimed at providing the necessary conditions for the high-quality and timely erection of buildings and structures, including engineering preparation and engineering support.

During engineering preparation, a complex of processes (works) is carried out, in the general case, the most characteristic of which in the technology of construction production are the creation of a geodesic staking base, clearing and planning the territory, and diversion of surface and ground waters.

In each case, the composition of these processes and the methods for their implementation are regulated by natural and climatic conditions, the characteristics of the construction site, the specifics of the buildings and structures being erected, the characteristics of the object - new construction, expansion or reconstruction, etc.

The engineering support of the construction site provides for the construction of temporary buildings, roads and networks of water, electricity, etc. The construction site is equipped with changing rooms, change houses, a canteen, an office for the foreman, showers, bathrooms, warehouses for storing building materials, tools, temporary workshops, sheds, etc. .d. For these structures, it is advisable to use part of the demolished buildings, if they do not fall within the dimensions of the structure being erected and will not interfere with the normal implementation of construction work, as well as inventory buildings of a wagon or block type.

For the transportation of goods, the existing road network should be used as much as possible and only if necessary provide for the construction of temporary roads.

During the preparatory period, temporary water supply lines are being laid, including fire-fighting water supply, and power supply with energy supply to all change houses and installation sites of electrical mechanisms. The foreman's office should be provided with telephone and dispatch communications. At the construction site, a place for repair and parking of earthmoving and other machines and vehicles will be equipped. The site must be fenced or marked with appropriate signs and inscriptions.

Creating a geodetic stakeout

At the stage of preparing the site for construction, a geodetic staking base should be created, which serves for planned and high-altitude justification when the project of buildings and structures to be erected is brought to the site, and also (subsequently) for geodetic support at all stages of construction and after its completion.

The geodetic marking basis for determining the position of construction objects in the plan is created mainly in the form of: a construction grid, longitudinal and transverse axes that determine the position on the ground of the main buildings and structures and their dimensions, for the construction of enterprises and groups of buildings and structures; red lines (or other building regulation lines), longitudinal and transverse axes that determine the position on the ground and the dimensions of the building, for the construction of individual buildings in cities and towns.

The building grid is made in the form of squares and rectangles, which are divided into main and additional (Fig. 1, a). The length of the sides of the main figures of the grid is 100 ... 200 m, and the additional ones - 20 ... 40 m.

Rice. 1 - Construction grid: a - location of grid points; b - removal of the construction grid to the area; 1 - tops of the main figures of the grid; 2 - the main axes of the building; 3 - vertices of additional mesh figures

When designing a building grid, the following should be provided: for the execution of marking work, maximum convenience is provided; the main

buildings and structures are located inside the grid shapes; grid lines are located parallel to the main axes of the buildings under construction and as close as possible to them; direct linear measurements.

Rice. 2 - Permanent geodetic signs: a - from concreted pipe cuts; b - from a steel pin with a concreted head; in - from scraps of rails; 1 - planned point; 2 - steel pipe with a cruciform anchor, 3 - concrete head; 4 - steel pipe; 5 - freezing border

The breakdown of the construction grid on the ground begins with the removal of the original direction to nature, for which they use the geodetic network available on the site (or near it) (Fig. 1, b). According to the coordinates of geodetic points and grid points, the polar coordinates S1, S2, S3 and the angles are determined, along which the initial grid directions (AB and AC) are brought to the terrain. Then, from the initial directions on the entire site, the construction grid is broken and fixed at the intersections with permanent signs (Fig. 2) with the planned point. Signs are made from concreted cuts of pipes, rails, etc. The base of the sign (bottom of the sign, sign support) must be at least 1 m below the freezing line.

The red line is transferred and fixed in the same way.

When transferring the main axes of objects under construction to the terrain, if there is a construction grid as a planned layout, the method of rectangular coordinates is used. In this case, the adjacent sides of the building grid are taken as coordinate lines, and their intersection is taken as the reference zero. The position of the point O of the main axes ho - yo will be determined as follows: if it is given that ho \u003d 50 and; yo \u003d 40 m, then this means that it is located at a distance of 50 m from the line x in the direction of ho and at a distance of 40 m from the y line towards the y line.

If there is a red line as a planned layout, the construction general plan must contain any data that determines the position of the future building, the angle between the main axis of the building and the red line, and the distance from point A to point O of the intersection of the main axes.

The main axes of the building are fixed behind its contours with the signs of the above design.

Altitude substantiation at the construction site is provided by high-altitude strongholds - construction benchmarks. Usually, strong points of the construction grid and the red line are used as construction benchmarks. The height mark of each construction benchmark must be obtained from at least two benchmarks of state or local significance of the geodetic network.

During the construction process, it is necessary to monitor the safety and stability of the signs of the geodetic center base, which is carried out by the construction organization.

Clearing the territory

When clearing the territory, green spaces are transplanted, if they are used in the future, they are protected from damage, stumps are uprooted, the site is cleared of shrubs, the fertile soil layer is removed, unnecessary buildings are demolished or dismantled, underground utilities are shifted and, finally, the construction site is planned.

Green spaces that are not subject to cutting or replanting are surrounded by a fence, and the trunks of separate trees are protected from possible damage by protecting them with lumber waste. Trees and shrubs suitable for further landscaping are dug up and transplanted to a protected zone or to a new place.

Trees are felled using mechanical or electric saws. Tractors with skidding and uprooting winches or bulldozers with high blades cut down trees with roots and uproot stumps. Separate stumps that are not amenable to uprooting are split by an explosion. Brush cutters clear the area from shrubs. For the same operation, bulldozers with ripper teeth on the blade, and harvesters are used. The brush cutter is a replacement equipment for a caterpillar tractor.

The fertile soil layer to be removed from the built-up areas is cut and moved to specially designated places, where it is stored for later use. Sometimes it is taken to other sites for landscaping. When working with the fertile layer, it should be protected from mixing with the underlying layer, pollution, erosion and weathering.

Demolition of buildings and structures is carried out by dividing them into parts (for subsequent dismantling) or collapse. Wooden structures are dismantled, rejecting elements for their subsequent use. During disassembly, each detachable prefabricated element must first be unfastened and occupy a stable position.

Monolithic reinforced concrete and metal structures are dismantled according to a specially designed demolition scheme that ensures the stability of the structure as a whole. The division into disassembly blocks begins with the opening of the reinforcement. Then the block is fixed, after which the reinforcement is cut and the block is broken off. Metal elements are cut off after unfastening. The largest mass of a reinforced concrete block for dismantling or a metal element should not exceed half the lifting capacity of the cranes with the largest hook reach.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete buildings are dismantled according to the demolition scheme, the reverse of the installation scheme. Before starting the disassembly, the element is freed from bonds. Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that are not amenable to element-by-element separation are dismembered as monolithic.

The demolition of buildings and structures by collapse is carried out with hydraulic hammers, jackhammers, and in some cases - excavators with various attachments - ball-women, wedge-hammers, etc. The vertical parts of the structure should be brought down inward to prevent debris from scattering over the area. The collapse is also carried out in an explosive way.

After clearing produce a general layout of the construction site.