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New Year's script for the year of the rooster for adults. Scenario we meet the old new year of the rooster in the yacht club. The funniest ditties from Dmitry Lobov

Autumn is already an occasion to think about what your New Year's corporate party 2017 will be like. The coming year will be marked by a rooster, so there are a lot of ideas for reflection and creativity. We have collected many of them in one place and we have a new script for the New Year corporate party 2017 - the year of the rooster. A cool script, interesting ideas and a lot of laughter at your holiday. You will never forget such a new year. So watch and use the material.

Friends! This is how 2016 ends. a rooster is already standing on the threshold and waiting for 2017 to rule. Are you ready to meet him?
How many good things happened in the past year. Let's remember everything that was good?
(guests remember and answer)
Yes, so many good things. But I am sure that the best of everyone is yet to come. Perhaps already in the new year, perhaps after some time.
I want to start our holiday today with the following rhyme:

I suggest not putting the matter in a box. And start having fun right away. And for starters, here is such a fun dance game.

Dance game.

The players leave. Everyone gets their role: chicken, cat, dog, sheep, goat, cow, tractor and others (watch the video).
When all the roles are distributed, then show everyone your movement. They repeat it and remember it. Then play a song or video and have the members dance their moves as the songs are sung over them.
See an example of the game in the video:

Fine! We warmed up. And we can keep playing. We danced, and now can we sing?

Competition - let's sing ?!
Participants required for the competition: 5 people. They will sing a New Year's song - a Christmas tree was born in the forest.
But you just need to sing it in a special way. The first sings in rock style. The second one is rap. The third is in the style of chanson, the fourth is in the style of opera, and the fifth is in the style of a Russian folk song. After the other guests choose the winner.

2017 is already on the doorstep. We found out that this will be the year of the rooster. I invite 18 people to the stage, and they need to make two teams of 9 people each.

Rebuild game.
And so, two teams of 9 people. Each team has 9 nameplates. From these letters you can make a phrase: YEAR OF THE COCK.
The facilitator asks a question, and the teams must guess the answer. And make a word. Who will cope with the task, he receives one point.
Sample questions for the game:

The outgoing 2016 was the year of Russian cinema. Do you love cinema? Do you often go to cinemas? So you can easily cope with the next task.

Game - guess the movie.
In this video contest, guests guess films and series. A still frame from a movie or series appears on the screen, and the guests give their answers. But not everything is so simple: the faces of the actors are hidden behind masks! When everyone has given their options, the next frame appears, where there are no more masks. And everyone sees the name of the movie. Who can answer the most correctly. He receives a prize - a collection of films about the new year.

Now let's scream a little! And our chant will help us in this. I read the first three lines, and you all together the last: we will celebrate the year of the rooster!


And now I ask everyone who was born under the year of the rooster to come up to my stage.

Comic game block - who was born under the year of the rooster?
Those are on the stage. Who was born under the year of the rooster. The host invites them to remember which of the famous people were also born under this sign. Then the leader says:
- and the following people were also born under the year of the rooster: Alexander Suvorov, Socrates and Elton John! And if so, then let's play these great people.
First, the participants must play Suvorov. They are blindfolded, a picture of a rooster without a tail is attached to the wall. Participants are given a tail in their hands, which must be attached to the rooster.
Next we play Socrates. This is a great orator, his speeches were listened to for hours on end. Therefore, each participant must say a toast that will be listened to and listened to, listened to and listened to ... in general, you just need to say a beautiful toast in honor of the new year.
And finally, we play Elton John! Stop, don't be upset, we play differently. each participant must perform any New Year's song in the style of Elton John.

After all the tests, we give the participants memorable gifts in honor of their year.

Answer me a question - have you already drunk a lot? Then you can go to the intellectual game!

Intellectual game - what came first?
Everyone knows that there is still a debate about which came first: the egg or the chicken. We call the participants to the stage, and they take turns offering their arguments in favor of one version or another. The funnier the version, the more chances to win. Whoever is the funniest wins.

And now I propose to raise glasses and meet the new year under the chiming clock! Happy New Year!

This cool, cheerful New Year's scenario for the meeting of the Old New Year of the Rooster in the company of yachtsmen, which was written by the modern author Galina Guseva, really liked the site. We hope you enjoy it too. Thanks to the author!

Scenario we meet the Old New Year of the Rooster in the yacht club

Presenter: Well, friends, we are together again,

The Old New Year brought us together.

And though again in a new place,

But still, the yacht club is holding a ball!

I, as always, fussed

Sending Moroz SMS,

Thursday itself, not too lazy,

She drove into the forest for the trees.

Well, it seems, everything was foreseen,

Time to start our evening.

I think now with a report

We need to call the monkey.

Detailed will let us report

At the junction with the year of the Rooster,

How did you spend the past year?

And let's get things done soon.

Under sad music, a monkey enters the hall and sings.

1. "Song of the monkey":

What grief for the monkey!

I couldn't keep track

Mouse scratches on my heart,

Report not done on time!

Ah, the report! What a pain!

Ah, the report! Damn things like that!

no science in mind

I sat down at the table in advance

And I prepared a notebook

Suddenly, in the left ear rang

And I began to sneeze with might and main!

Ah, the report! What a pain!

Ah, the report! Damn things like that!

no science in mind

I didn’t fit in a year, I didn’t enter!

I got the cold.

I've been chilled for a week

I haven't eaten for seven days

Ears and forehead burned with fire!

Ah, the report! What a pain!

Ah, the report! Damn things like that!

no science in mind

I didn’t fit in a year, I didn’t enter!

Monkey: All week I lay in bed,

Influenza tortured me.

Don't believe me? I suffered so much!

I didn't eat, I didn't drink.

I've lost some weight in a week.

Look how haggard, trouble!

Sorry, I didn't write a report.

And it is unlikely that I will write it when.

Host: Okay. Let's do without a report.

But the Rooster will come to take over?

We should call him.

Monkey: Rooster? Of course you have to call!

chicken exit

2. "Song of the Hen":

Ko-ko-ko, I came to you,

New Year's Eve

Instead of Petit-Petushka,

Glad for this meeting.

Peter told me to say

All yachtsmen together

Happy New Year to everyone

Happiness on the perch!

Chicken: Petrusha himself could not come:

Can't sing, no strength.

Came out naked after a shower -

And he caught a cold.

I was sent to you, you see how,

To take things from you.

But it seems that the monkey

There is nothing to accept.

I, my friends, have no doubts

What is she going to tell you here.

After all, she jumped and grimaced,

Instead of business, a whole year!

Monkey: Oh, how are you? Well, fool!

I was sick, here are those cross!

I would go to the chicken coop to my chickens

Cackle out loud, perch!

Chicken: Am I stupid? Dudki!

I can, to the bird yard,

Only one, ask the duck

Have a small talk!

Monkey: You can't say two words,

Only heard: "where-where!"

If you express your thoughts -

I don't fucking understand!

Chicken: Yes, how can you understand

With your little mind?

Your destiny is to jump all your life,

After all, it’s not for nothing that you are a monkey!

Monkey: Yes, I have few brains:

Nature didn't have enough.

But it seems that when partitioning

Completely cheated on you!

Presenter: Enough, stop swearing!

After all, today is the New Year!

Someone is knocking on our door...

Who is coming here for us?

Aunt Cold enters the hall.

Cold: Hello! They didn't call me

But this is not a problem.

After all, I'm invited

I show up sometimes.

Usually visiting people

Cold is not called.

She herself comes.

Look, I'm already here!

3. "Aria of the cold"

Apchi! Apchi!

Apchi! Apchi! Apchi!

You won't get away from me, from the Cold!

You can't escape from me anywhere

You will immediately find a cough and a runny nose.

Barefoot if you walk through the puddles.

Let's have a little

Let's make a draft here

We will open the window

And let's do this:

Let's open our mouths wide

And take a deep breath

Then, surely,

We will all get sick!

Apchi! Apchi!

Apchi! Apchi! Apchi!

You listen to my wise advice:

Do not wear scarves for a walk,

If you don't have warm socks,

Get out and walk barefoot!

Let's have a little

Let's make a draft here

We will open the window

And let's do this:

Let's open our mouths wide

And take a deep breath

Then, surely,

We will all get sick!

Monkey: So that's who spoils the evening!

Who blew us all away!

Chicken: We have a meeting of yachtsmen.

Who let you in here?

Cold: Come on, calm down!

Not even the hour, neurosis

It will pass, and be afraid of it.

Santa Claus is coming to you.

He asked me to tell you

What a little late

I was instructed to entertain you.

When he comes, he doesn't know.

Presenter: Did Santa Claus himself ask you?

Well, so be it.

How will you entertain?

Cold: I want to ask

call assistant here

Hoarseness. Slightly cold.

Presenter: Okay, what a nonsense,

Of course, call.

Cold: Hey, Runny nose, come here!

Your name is, come in!

Runny nose appears, and sings a song, holding out his hands to the Cold.

4. "Song of the Common Cold":

My eyes are closed, I can't see anything.

From tears dizzy, it hurts and everything below.

My nose is stuffed up every day

I sneeze every hour

But still, from your love

I dream fondly.

Ah, the cold, my desire,

You are the whole world, my universe!

When a loved one walks, passes somewhere nearby,

I immediately recognize with my nose - the streams are pouring hail,

My eyes are immediately clouded, the roof slides down easily,

And I look again at point-blank range, and I see nothing!

Oh, cold, a pearl by the sea,

Ah, the cold, my desire,

Oh, cold, my dream and grief,

You are the whole world, my universe!

Chicken: Well, helper! Well, business!

He will infect us all!

Who did she bring us?

After all, it reeks of him!

Monkey: It strikes, strikes for three miles!

I smell alcohol!

Runny nose: Of course, but you know

How does it relieve pain!?

Presenter: Listen, I do not believe

What Santa Claus forgot

Cold, Runny nose for yourself

Invited to visit us!

I'll ask until things are cleared up

Leave you our room.

Cold: We do not need such a lot!

Runny nose: I saw you in the coffin! (shows muzzle)

Chicken: Oh my God! What a scandal!

Don't fight again!

Monkey: I think to help us

It's time to call Frost.

Presenter: But it looks like it's him,

On a sled, he hurries to us.

Chicken: I hear the bells ringing

Monkey: He flies on a troika!

5. Song "This is our Russian Winter!"

Fluffy snow falls from the sky,

Shines silvery hoarfrost,

Soft snow falls from under the horse's hooves,

The troika will run fast

Making the snow swirl

This is our Russian Winter!

hello gentle,

hello snowy,

Hello Zimushka-winter,

Hello, ugly

And frosty

Our Russian Winter!

Horses run, horses run

Eyes tearing in the wind

Bells are ringing,

Louder than jokes, louder than songs

We fly with you together

New Year's Eve begins!

hello gentle,

hello snowy,

Hello Zimushka-winter,

Hello, ugly

And frosty

Our Russian Winter!

With the end of the song “This is our Russian Winter”, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all friends!

I congratulate all yachtsmen, and, of course, their guests!

Presenter: Snow Maiden, did you come alone? And where is Santa Claus?

Snegurka: Friends, I didn’t find him, and that’s the whole point.

We have gathered for a banquet,

Champagne even stocked up

And he, think, impudent, yesterday he left, and disappeared,

They told me a secret: they saw him in the chicken coop

Host: It can't be!

Snow Maiden: Believe me, he is trampling chickens now!

Presenter: What an absurdity, what a scandal!

No one has seen this!

Snow Maiden: Oh, you don't believe me? Well then,

Rather take a look here...

Cock music sounds, the Rooster appears.

Rooster: Ko-ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku, quickly pour the Rooster!

Trouble in the chicken coop! Guys, I'm a little deaf!

They kicked me out of the chicken coop

I am very glad, I am in your hall!

I was running so fast, I was in such a hurry

Got gifts for you!

Here are those wonderful testicles

Demolished my cutie birds!

Presenter: Yes, surprisingly good!

Rooster: They have holiday greetings!

After distributing the balls, he throws Father Frost's robe over the village

Host: What is this?

Rooster: Well, I’m from the cold,

The costume was taken from Santa Claus.

Happy New Year everyone,

I wish you smiles, joy

Glasses higher and fuller

Let the holiday be more fun

After the next toast, the contest "The best congratulations in verse on behalf of Santa Claus, in the guise of his regalia."

See more original New Year's scripts for adults:

The New Year 2017 is getting closer and closer. And if so, then it's time to start preparing with him. And it's better to start with ideas that will help you have fun with your friends. A new funny script for the new year 2017 of the rooster for a fun company will help you with this. The script contains interesting ideas, contests and games. Watch, choose and play.

Before starting the holiday, it is necessary to say an introductory word. For example, like this:

Game - spend the year of the monkey.
The year of the monkey is coming to an end, and it must be celebrated. We spend it with memories of all the good things that happened in 2016.
In turn, all the guests remember what happened in the world or theirs this year 2016. Who could not remember, he is out of the game. And the last one left wins. We give him a calendar for 2016 in a beautiful frame. Let this calendar remind him of the happiest year of his life.

The game is fortune telling for the new year with the help of salads.
Everything is simple here - each guest names his favorite salad, which is on the New Year's table. After everyone has called, the presenter reads out his predictions for the new year for each salad. If someone named an exotic salad and there is no prediction for it, then you can simply say: sorry, but the year will be unpredictable for you!
And here is a list of predictions for the new year for salads:

The game is one on one!
This game is played by two people. They sit down opposite each other. Their task is to look each other in the face and at the same time pronounce a tongue twister:
- I see a hill with sacks in the field - I’ll go out onto the hill, I’ll fix the sack
Here the task is not just to pronounce this tongue twister and look into the opponent's eyes, but also not to laugh! Whoever laughs is out. Although, everyone will laugh, because it is simply not possible to say such a thing, especially drunk and looking into the eyes of another !!!

Perestroika for the new year 2017.
You need a lot of guests here. If they are few, then so many. How much. Ideally, each team should have 9 people. Each team receives plates with letters, and from them you can collect the phrase: YEAR OF THE COCK.
The facilitator asks a question, and the teams must answer it, and show the answer with their letter plates, that is. Compose words.

Video contest.
In this competition we show video. There will be one song in the video - somewhere in the world ... and the frames will be from different films. The task of the guests is to name after watching all the films that were in the video. Whoever names more wins.
And here is the video itself:

Musical pause.
In this game, guests have to guess the names of the songs. And whoever guesses, he performs it. But not just performs, but crows! That is, after karaoke turns on, and the guest or guests crow instead of words to the beat of the music. It turns out fun and funny.

And now you can celebrate the new year!

In 2017, according to the Chinese calendar, the Monkey will be replaced by the Fire Rooster - an energetic, colorful bird. He will not tolerate a dull celebration. We celebrate the New Year on a grand scale, meet the Rooster with incendiary contests and games.

1. "New Year's toast"

Number of participants: 5.

The host invites the guests to make a collective toast and dedicate it to the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

The host distributes to the participants sheets of paper with letters (P, E, T, U, X) and informs the conditions: they must come up with a New Year's wish, and it will begin with the letter that they got. For example, the letter "P": "The weather is good today, and we have gathered in this hall to wish everyone happiness in the New Year." The next participant continues the thought of the previous one to make a meaningful toast.

2. "Surprise bag"

Number of participants: 2.

The host prepares the props in advance. On thick sheets, he prints two pictures with the image of a rooster and cuts each into 5-7 elements, mixes them and puts them in a bag.

Santa Claus presents a bag with a surprise to the contestants.

At the command of the leader, the participants scatter the contents of the bag and try to collect their rooster.

The one who did it faster wins.

3. "Dress up the cockerel"

Number of participants: 4.

Two men and two women are invited to the stage, they are divided into pairs.

Female "hens" should dress up their male "cockerel" with everything that fantasy tells them: tinsel, sweets, Christmas decorations. The time to complete the task is 1 minute.

Guests with applause determine the "rooster" - the winner.

4. "Whose rooster is more beautiful"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host calls everyone to the stage, distributes A4 sheets and felt-tip pens, and offers to draw a Fire Rooster ... without hands.

Participants are given exactly 1 minute.

Usually felt-tip pens end up in the teeth of "artists".

5. "Attention, news!"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host distributes pre-prepared cards with several words that are not related in meaning. For example: rooster, milk, space, billiards (one of the words should be the word "rooster").

Each participant has half a minute to come up with an informational message, using all the words, and pronounce it with the intonation of the announcer.

The awkward "news" makes the guests laugh heartily.

6. "Cockfight"

Number of participants: 2.

Two "roosters" are invited to the "ring", the host gives them boxing gloves.

The host heats up the situation, and just before the start of the fight ... distributes candy in wrappers to the participants and announces the rules: unwrap the largest number of candies in 1 minute with boxing gloves.

7. "Talisman"

Number of participants: 4.

Two couples are invited to the stage: a man and a woman. The host gives each pair of scissors, a piece of paper with the image of a rooster and offers to cut out their talisman.

The couples hold hands and with their free hands try to cut the rooster.

The one who does it faster and better, he won.

8. "The brightest cockerel"

Number of participants: not limited.

Clothes are folded into the bag in advance: hats, underwear, swimwear, stockings, socks, skirts. The funnier the clothes, the better.

Music sounds, the participants form a circle and pass the bag from hand to hand.

When the music is interrupted, the participant, in whose hands the bag is, randomly takes out a thing from it and puts it on.

9. "Follow the rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

Chairs are arranged in a chaotic manner in the hall, participants - “chickens” sit on them. The guests of the evening choose a "cock".

To the music, he walks between the chairs and clap his hands and collects the "chickens" behind him. Forming a "train", the participants with the leader at the head pass between the chairs.

When the “cockerel” clap his hands twice, the “chickens” should sit on the chairs. The difficulty is that the "rooster" must also sit on a free chair, and one participant will remain standing. He will become the new "cockerel".

10. "Chicken race"

Number of participants: 2.

A computer mouse (“chicken”) is tied to the belt of the participants so that it does not reach 10-15 cm from the floor.

On command, the participants lead their "chicken" through the obstacles prepared by the host. The difficulty is that the participants must constantly crouch and look back.

The first one to reach the finish line, bypassing the obstacles, is considered the winner.

11. The game "Guess the beast"

Number of participants: the entire audience.

The presenter takes one person out of the hall and asks him to portray a rooster so that the audience in the hall guesses it.

While the participant is preparing, the facilitator incites the audience to deliberately name the wrong options.

It's funny to watch how an angry "rooster" tries to give himself away with all his behavior!

12. "Whose scallop is better"

Number of participants: 4.

For the competition, men and women are invited, who are divided into pairs.

The host gives women hair accessories (hairpins, elastic bands, combs). On command, for a given time, they begin to build a “comb” on the heads of their partners.

Download competitions for corporate parties for the holiday New 2017 Year of the Rooster

What is New Year's holiday? This is laughter. It's fun. This is joy. And these are friends who are always there for you. And this is a party with colleagues in the work shop. And since there is a party, then we need a script for the New Year's corporate party 2017 - for the year of the rooster. A cool scenario with a lot of ideas is what will help you to hold a bright party for your colleagues on your own. See ideas, choose the best and have a holiday.

Seeing off the old year.
First you need to spend the old year. And let's do it with games. Participants of the game 3-5 people are called to the stage. Their task is to remember in turn what good things happened in the outgoing 2016. Whoever fails to remember in turn receives a penalty point. When no one else can remember anything, then the game ends. Whoever gets the least penalty is the winner. He is handed a calendar for the outgoing 2016 in a beautiful frame. So that he always remembers the happiest year.

And now we welcome the new year 2017!

And so, 2017 will be held under the sign of the rooster. But we won't pick the rooster of the year, we'd rather pick the chick of the year! After all, it would be a chick. And there are roosters on it! And so, let's get started.

Round 1
In the first round, the selection of contenders for the title of chick of the year takes place. The host asks the girls what proverbs. Sayings, anecdotes and so on they know about roosters, chickens and birds. The first 5 girls who answered go on stage.

Round 2
Let's meet our contenders. To do this, each contestant in turn calls her name. But not real, but fictional. And it must necessarily end or begin with the word CHICK.

Round 3
Here, the contenders, accompanied by cheerful or any other music, come out and walk around the stage, as if on a catwalk. The main thing is to interest men.

Round 4
Well, how are men interested? Then each chick must bring one of her most ardent admirers onto the stage.
Now the couples face each other. Energetic music is turned on and the girls are dancing. Men at this time support their ladies with applause. As soon as the girls have finished dancing, the same music is turned on and the guys should already be dancing. But not just dance, but try to repeat all the movements that their girls performed.

Winner selection.
The rest of the audience chooses the winner. This can be done by applause, or you can vote.

And so we chose the chick of the year. You can continue the holiday.

Music competition - crow!
The host asks the audience to name New Year's songs. Who called. He enters the stage. Enough 4-6 participants.
When the participants are determined, the competition can begin. Participants must perform the songs they have named. But not just to perform, but to crow! They do it a cappella, without music.
When everyone has performed their number, they sing their favorite New Year's song in chorus - a Christmas tree was born in the forest.
After that, everyone receives a prize - a cockerel on sticks.

Game - New Year's wishes.
In this game, everyone wishes their neighbor on the right at the table something good and unusual for the new year. but not everything is so simple - the wish should begin with the first letter of the name of the person you wish to.
For example, for Andrew:
- adventures and adventures!
For Egor:
- wake up every day with a great mood!
For Svetlana:
Saturdays are the same as Fridays!

Lottery for the year of the rooster.
It's time to give gifts to all the guests. And a fun lottery for the year of the rooster will help us with this. It is simple to conduct it: make beautiful cards on which you write a poem and a gift. We put all the cards in a bag, and each guest takes out one card and reads a verse and receives his gift.
Examples for verses:

New Year's fantasies.
The next game is forfeits. Here you also need to make New Year's cards on which tasks will be written. The tasks are the simplest and not difficult, which are related to the year of the rooster.
For example:
- put on a mask of a rooster and go up to the lady, and tell her - madam, and now I will peck you!
- to crow a New Year's song.
- say a toast on behalf of the cockerel.
- say a toast in which the main character will be a cockerel.
- dance the dance of little ducklings.
- show how the cockerel cares for the hen.
- to show how the cockerel came to the supermarket and saw grilled chickens on a spit.
- tell a joke about a cockerel and chickens.
- in three minutes, suck the sweet cockerel on sticks.

And now you can move on to dancing and prepare for the chimes.