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Calendar of favorable haircuts for November. Haircut lunar calendar for November. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

I have no excuses. I was lost in anatomy, biochemistry, nutrition and training methodology. But on the other hand, I passed all the exams and I can safely call myself a certified personal trainer.

But the hat does not exclude a quality haircut, and sometimes even vice versa.

And before proceeding with the choice, I suggest you take a look at the lunar calendar.

When, according to the lunar calendar, is it better to cut your hair in November 2016.

Let me remind you that if your task is to grow the length, then cutting your hair is on the growing moon. The moon will rise from November 1 to November 13 and November 30.

And if you want to go longer with a new haircut, then you should go to the master during the waning moon. The moon will decrease from November 15 to November 28.

Having decided on the phases of the moon, let's move on to choosing a favorable day for cutting hair.

Waxing Crescent.

the 3rd of November- Today is a favorable day for cutting hair, open the way to success and prosperity.

Dye your hair in an unusual shade for you, change your image.

Hair coloring will help in love affairs so much.

November 8- A very auspicious day for a haircut, will allow positive energy to enter your life.

Hair coloring will attract good luck in business.

11th of November- On this day, feel free to change the style and shape of the haircut, so you will attract happiness.

Today you can dye your hair in any shades.

November 12- A favorable day for a haircut, on long hair you can trim the ends. This will get rid of the accumulated negativity.

Waning moon.

November 17- Try to get into the salon, any manipulation of the hair will attract good luck.

Dye your hair with natural dyes - this will give you confidence in making important decisions.

It is better to dye your hair in light colors.

20 November— A very good day for a haircut, everything will turn out much better than you expected.

You can dye your hair in any shade.

But take the choice of shade seriously, a good tone will help open many doors in your life.

November 22- Cutting your hair today will help get rid of negativity and add vitality.

Favorable day for hair coloring, calorie will come out well.

Dye your hair in its natural color - this way you will attract the right people to you, both in business and in love.

A radical change in hair color will increase your finances.

It is better to postpone hair coloring for another, more suitable day.

You just have to choose the day for hair cutting that suits your desires.

Great haircuts and beautiful hair!!!

When can you cut your hair in November 2016.

The process of changing style, a new hairstyle for men and women is a very important decision. Pleasant women's chores are usually associated with a new haircut, hair care. Before going to the hairdresser, women and men carefully think over their new image, leafing through the pages of the latest issues of fashionable glossy magazines. And of course, most of them do not bypass the advice given in the lunar haircut calendar.

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that celestial bodies influence the success of a haircut, the state of both the body as a whole and the hair in particular. A haircut on allowed days will allow you to preserve and increase the beauty and strength of your hair, improve their growth and structure.

The ritual of cutting hair has long been of particular importance in religious and magical ceremonies. With its help, you can strengthen your health, get rid of negative energy, or, conversely, bring on an illness.

According to ancient legends, before the fall of man, there was no hair on his head, only soft fluff covered his skin. Above the head was a luminous ball (nimbus), which connected a person with cosmic energy. After a person committed the first sin, he lost this gift of communication with cosmic energy, and the rays of the luminous halo were replaced by hair. Today it is generally accepted that hair is an element that connects a person and the cosmos, from which vital energy enters the body.

Many people notice that after cutting their hair, their mood changes dramatically. A person can be cheerful, feel relieved and energized. Or vice versa, his mood becomes worse, his hair gets tangled, combs poorly, falls out more often. This is direct evidence of the connection between hair and the human biofield.

Ancient wisdom says that if a person began to feel physically and mentally ill for no apparent reason, then you need to cut the ends of your hair. This procedure will help rid the biofield of the accumulated negative energy.

An important condition for a successful haircut is the choice of a hairdresser. The master must have a beneficial effect on the human biofield. It is generally accepted that if the hairdresser is lucky, is in a good mood, then the client’s business will go well after the haircut. If the master makes a hairstyle in a bad mood, then the hair after it will become lifeless, comb badly and fall out.

If a person has to make a vital decision, then it is better to choose a hairdresser younger in age (you can also be the same age). That person who is pursued by failures should try to get his hair done by an experienced master of age. After that, things should get better.

An important sign is the choice of a hairdresser of the same gender as the client. The meaning of this can be easily seen in the ancient biblical story, according to which Samson died at the hands of a woman who regularly cut his hair.

You can't cut your own hair. This action will directly affect the state of your own biofield. If there are problems in life, then such a haircut will attract even more failures.

Simple Tips, based on the lunar calendar, will help preserve and enhance the beauty of hair, as well as avoid unpleasant moments in life.

1. It is recommended to cut hair only when the moon is in its growth phase. So a person will quickly get the hair of the desired length.
2. Haircut at a time when the moon is waning is suitable for those who want to keep their hair as short as possible. This period also allows you to make the hair smoother, easy to comb, reduce hair loss, strengthen at the roots.
3. It is strongly not recommended to get a haircut on the satanic days of the month - these are the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th. The days when there is a solar or lunar eclipse are also unfavorable. If a person decides to get a haircut on any of these days, then there is a high risk of getting health problems in the future, since the body will receive a portion of negative energy from space through the hair.

The days of the week are important for haircuts. Monday is considered a good time for any action with the hair. In addition, it is generally accepted that it is on Monday that negative energy leaves the biofield along with the extra length of hair.

A haircut on Tuesday will provide a surge of new vitality, will allow you to make the right decisions on many issues.

A haircut on Wednesday will bring new friends into your life or have a good time with old ones, as well as help you dare to travel.

Friday is considered a neutral time for cutting hair. The lunar calendar compiled for the current month will help to make a decision about a new hairstyle here.

A haircut on Saturday helps to get rid of the burden of sins, cleanse the biofield, make hair stronger and shinier.

Sunday is a categorically unfavorable day for hairstyles. Together with hair, you can deprive yourself of health and good luck. And, for example, for Christians, a haircut on Sunday is a sinful crime.

Favorable days for hair cutting in November 2016 for women are presented below:

- November 1 (3rd lunar day) - haircut, hair bleaching are not desirable, otherwise financial expenses and obstacles in career advancement are inevitable;
- November 2 (4th lunar day) - any manipulations with hair are not desirable;
- November 3 (5th lunar day) - hairstyle will be successful;
- November 4 (6th lunar day) - haircut or coloring will bring health problems;
- November 5 (7th lunar day) - an undesirable period for both dyeing and cutting hair (the risk of trouble at work and health problems);
- November 6 (8th lunar day) - haircut and coloring are recommended (will improve health, drive away bad thoughts);
- November 7 (9th lunar day) - an undesirable period for both dyeing and cutting hair (the possibility of health problems);
- November 8 (10th lunar day) - a haircut is not recommended, but henna hair coloring will help strengthen your position in the workplace;
- November 9 (11th lunar day) - hair cutting and coloring in golden or copper shades are recommended (attracts profit);
- November 10 (12th lunar day) - an undesirable period for both dyeing and cutting hair;
- November 11 (13th lunar day) - a haircut will bring good luck, coloring is best avoided;
- November 12 (14th lunar day) - haircut and coloring will help increase financial income;
- November 13 (15th lunar day) - an undesirable period for both dyeing and cutting hair;
- November 14 (16th lunar day) - a haircut will bring emotional unrest, coloring is allowed only in dark shades;
- November 15 (17th lunar day) - a haircut will bring trouble at work, dyeing is allowed only in red or light shades;

- November 16 (18th lunar day) - it is worth abandoning any manipulations with hair;
- November 17 (19th lunar day) - the optimal period for both haircuts and hair color changes;
- November 18 (20th lunar day) - a high probability that the resulting hairstyle will not be successful;
- November 19 (21st lunar day) - the best day for haircuts and coloring;
- November 20 (22nd lunar day) - neutral time for hair manipulation;
- November 21 (23rd lunar day) - neutral time for hair manipulation;
- November 22 (24th lunar day) - a haircut will have a beneficial effect on health, for coloring this is the best day of the month;
- November 23 (25th lunar day) - a bad time to change the image;
- November 24 (26th lunar day) - cutting and coloring can lead to illness and problems at work;
- November 25 (27th lunar day) - the best day for cutting and coloring (you can attract good luck, joy and happiness);
- November 26 (28th lunar day) - the best day for cutting and coloring (promises health and financial income);
- November 27 (29th lunar day) - the optimal time for a haircut (attract the location of others), you should refuse coloring;
- November 28 (30th lunar day) - a new hairstyle will bring health problems and financial losses;
- November 29 (30/1st lunar day) - any actions with hair will lead to quarrels;
- November 30 (2nd lunar day) - an unlucky day for hairdo manipulations (waste of positive energy, financial difficulties).

We learned about November, and now let's find out how things are with a haircut in

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2016 indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for cutting hair. The lunar haircut calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of what the moon is at the moment. The lunar hair cutting calendar for November 2016 will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine the favorable and unfavorable days of the month for hair cutting.

Haircut lunar calendars by day for a year ahead:

In the haircut lunar calendar for November 2016, various events have a certain effect on cutting a person's hair. By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will save your positive forces and get rid of all the negative, find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

Every day of the week in November 2016 according to the lunar calendar is subject to a certain influence of the planets, and therefore, in order to make the right adjustments in your life, you need to know about this, including which day of November to cut your hair. This page contains a lunar haircut calendar for November 2016, thanks to which you can find out when it is desirable to change your hairstyle, change your haircut, and when you should not.

Cognitive information - vital energy accumulates in our hair, therefore, even the simplest hair procedures must be carried out on favorable days, precisely on those that favor haircuts and hair coloring.

Nov. 1 Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The right time for cutting and dyeing - it is advisable to use gold and orange tones.

November 2- Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Today's manipulations can lead to financial difficulties, so give up the haircut.

the 3rd of November- Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Prepare mentally for a change of image: find an image, think about whether it will fit, sign up for a hairdresser, but for another day.

November 4 Waxing Moon in Capricorn. If you have difficulties with daily styling, then today it is recommended to avoid the master's chair - the hair will become even more naughty.

November 5 Waxing Moon in Capricorn. A haircut will be good for health, charge with positive energy and bring a good mood.

November 6 Waxing Moon in Capricorn. Any manipulation of the hair can cause the collapse of your plans.

November 7- Growing Moon in Aquarius. A breakdown and a bad mood indicate that it is time to cut off the negative energy along with the tips.

November 8- Growing Moon in Aquarius. Let the master work on your hairstyle - this will improve your financial situation in the near future.

November 9 Waxing Moon in Pisces. The new image will not affect your life or health in any way. Today is a neutral day when you decide what to do.

10th of November- Growing Moon in Aries. Unfavorable date - do everything to cancel the visit to the master. Take care of the health of your hair with masks, henna dyeing is allowed.

11th of November- Growing Moon in Aries. Going to the hairdresser can get you in trouble. If you do not want to get new complexes, postpone this venture.

November 12- Growing Moon in Aries. In the season of colds, it is better to take care of yourself. Today's haircut threatens with a decline in immunity.

the 13th of November- Growing Moon in Taurus. The lunar effect on hair today is unfavorable - with your desires for change, you can cause them to fall out.

November 14 Full Moon in Taurus. Be patient a little - make an unusual hairstyle, but do not cut off a single centimeter of hair. Otherwise, their health will be at risk.

15th of November- Waning Moon in Gemini. Finally, the long-awaited successful day has come. Feel free to do any haircut and coloring - everything will be to your face.

November 16- Waning Moon in Gemini. A day for a haircut is good, but not for a short one - it can cause loss of money or demotion.

November 17- Waning Moon in Cancer. Your hair will become brittle and lifeless if you decide to cut it today. It is also possible deterioration in health.

November 18th- Waning Moon in Cancer. A haircut will provoke depression and apathy, so do not experiment.

November 19- Waning Moon in Leo. The result of hair operations will exceed expectations - they will become shiny and thick.

20 November- Waning Moon in Leo. A haircut today will solve all problems with hair: dandruff will go away, the ends will stop splitting, shine will return.

November 21- Waning Moon in Leo. An attempt to change the familiar look will lead to failure - you will not like the new look, but it will not be possible to change something soon.

November 22- Waning Moon in Virgo. A bad day for manipulating hair - you can experience a lot of negative experiences that will lead to disputes and troubles in the family.

November 23- Waning Moon in Virgo. Auspicious date in many ways - expect positive changes in your personal life.

November 24- Waning Moon in Libra. Attention from the opposite sex will provide a good haircut and coloring in light shades.

November 25- Waning Moon in Libra. A new haircut will emphasize beauty - you will be promoted at work or make good money, especially if the profession involves sales and advertising.

November 26- Waning Moon in Scorpio. The hands of a skilled craftsman will accurately emphasize all your advantages. Your mood will improve and you will begin to appreciate yourself.

November 27- Waning Moon in Scorpio. Hairstyle will give you self-confidence - today you can count on the fulfillment of desires.

November 28- Waning Moon in Scorpio. A neutral day for a haircut, and it depends only on you whether it will be successful or not. If you are sure that everything will work out, there is nothing to worry about.

29th of November New Moon in Sagittarius. The day did not work out from the very beginning - so why burden your head with unnecessary problems? With a new hairstyle and hair color, you will not feel comfortable.

November 30th- Growing Moon in Sagittarius. If a haircut is urgently needed, contact the old master. But if time suffers, leave the idea for December.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2016 – hair curling

The stars whisper from their celestial heights that the best time to curl your hair is in the second half of the month. These days, from November 16th to 29th, straight, boring hair is very easy to turn into playful spirals with vertical curls or styled with waves of twisty curls. Both small flirtatious curls and noble classic smooth bends of silky strands, made in the second half of November, will fall as you dreamed and will last for quite a long time.

If you have patience, curls can be done daily using ordinary large curlers, without fear that they will straighten out at the end of the day, when you want to look especially impressive. For stylish small spirals, it is recommended to use fixing mousses. The hair moistened with them must be wound very tightly on thin curlers. This is all that is required of you. Nature will do the rest.

This is interesting!

The smell of women's hair is the strongest pheromone for men. Nature provides that the highest concentration of pheromones in the hair occurs precisely on those days when a woman is able to conceive a child.

A perm made in the lunar growth phase will certainly damage the hair, but they are also able to recover much faster in this time period than in the waning moon phase - from November 1st to 15th. Masks with an extract of chamomile or lime blossom will help your hair recover.

The most favorable days for curling are 17, 20, 25.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2016 – hair coloring

A stable effect of staining can be obtained not only on the days of the growing moon, but also on the days of its waning: November 7, 11, 14. In November, astrologers advise dyeing hair under the sign of Aries (10, 11, 12) and the next two days - under the sign of Taurus (13 and 14) and Capricorn (November 4, 5, 6) - an incredibly lasting effect should be obtained. Gray hair is good to dye under the constellations of Virgo and Cancer (November 19 and 24).

Coloring bicolor astrologers advise doing on the last day of the month. There are more favorable days for the tricolor in November: November 1, 8, 23, 24, 28. For discreet monochrome staining, November 22 is most favorable.

November is generally favorable for experimenting with their coloring. Bright shades of dyed hair defy gray autumn days and attract the eyes of men.

Interesting beauty secrets

Women of the Satoko tribe, lost in the rainforests, never rinse their hair with running water. In order to wash their hair, they collect dew from the broad leaves of teseca, to which they tie flasks of dried pear-shaped gourds. No one has ever seen a single woman of this tribe gray-haired.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2016 - favorable days for haircuts

November is a month that the days of Leo, Virgo and Gemini should not be missed. Haircuts made these days will make you charming. The effect will be especially expressive if you cut your hair 15, 16, 22, 23, 19, 20, 21.

Interesting Facts

A South Korean named Dong Jay is said to have saved her life with her long hair. Deciding to commit suicide, she caught them on the lattice of the bridge, from where she intended to jump.

Most November days promise women to be haircut-friendly. But in some of them it is better to dedicate a trip to the solarium in order to prevent the bronze tan from your skin from disappearing ahead of time, or to do a manicure. On these days, the least favorable for a haircut, the hair will not receive the energy charge that the cosmos sends to them on days favorable to visiting a hairdresser.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2016 - unfavorable days for haircuts

Astrologers warn of the danger associated with haircuts made in November on the days of the full moon and new moon, the 30th and 15th. For all signs of the zodiac, such manipulation these days can lead to insomnia. You should not strive to get to the hairdresser also on the eve of these dates.

Interesting Facts

African women, in order to accelerate hair growth, weave a lot of very thin and tight braids. Spinning them with buns, they ensure that the hair is constantly in a state of tension, that is, as if pulled out of the hair follicle.

When to cut your hair in November 2016?

When to cut hair according to the lunar haircut calendar for November 2016
The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to cut, curl or dye hair. Naturally, the health of the hair depends on proper nutrition and care.

The use of vitamins for hair growth, strengthening masks and special care products cannot be replaced by hair cutting. But guided by the lunar haircut calendar for November 2016, you will be able to increase the effect of proper hair care and will be able to enhance the positive result of hair care procedures.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2016 and the influence of the moon phase on a haircut
The phases of the moon in November 2016 affect primarily hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days, it is necessary to refrain from going to the hairdresser in order to preserve the health of the hair: it is possible to increase the tendency to hair loss or, for example, dandruff. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm, etc.

If you are addicted to changing your hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that in November 2016 your hair grows quickly. In this case, for cutting hair, it is better to stop the choice on the date when the waxing Moon is located in the first or second quarter.

If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit the hairdresser's salon, choose an auspicious day when the moon is in its waning phase. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, but they will grow back quite slowly. On the new moon, you need to give up cutting your hair, because these days a haircut shortens a person's life.


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For a haircut to your liking, cut your hair when the Moon is in favorable signs (Earth signs, Leo and Libra) and in contact with good planets. It is undesirable to cut your hair when the Moon is in the signs of Water and in the sign of Aries, in the phase of the New Moon and the Full Moon, and in contact with malefic planets. Thus, November 3, 4, 13, 15 and 19-25 will be successful for a haircut. Refuse to visit the hairdresser on November 1, 2, 5, 6, 8-12, 14, 17, 18, 27-30 November. A haircut can be both successful and not very, depending on what time you will have your haircut, November 5, 6, 18 and 26.

Use ours, and your hair will delight you with its beauty, health and attract the views of others. Listen to the advice of the Moon: she will tell you how to care for your hair in November.

Hair cutting lunar calendar for November 2016 by day of the week

The period of the waning moon and the new moon in November 2016

November 1 0:00 - 16:43 - the growing Moon in Scorpio. The haircut will fail and harm the hair. And you will react very violently to an unsuccessful haircut, so the haircut will also have a negative impact on your mood. From the point of view of magic, a haircut can bring drastic and not necessarily good changes to life.

November 1 16:43 - November 4 5:05 - the growing Moon in Sagittarius. No matter how beautiful a haircut looks right after the salon, it will soon lose its shape, and the hair will begin to shaggy and will be difficult to style. If you are a successful person, a haircut can negatively affect your social success. But losers should cut their hair and put up with a not very attractive aesthetic appearance, because in return a haircut will bring social success. The unfavorable moment for a haircut is the evening of November 2, starting at 18:00. And the most favorable is November 3 from 3:30 to 9:30.

November 4 5:05 - November 6 15:55 - the growing Moon in Capricorn is perfect for a haircut. Haircut will be neat and comfortable. These days are good for other hairdressing procedures, as well as for strengthening hair. Good manicure. It is useful to strengthen nails. Two unfavorable moments for visiting a hairdresser are November 5 at 7:30-13:30 and November 6 at 8:00-14:00.

November 6 15:55 - November 8 23:45 - the growing Moon in Aquarius will give an unpredictable haircut result. Experimental hairdressing technologies give a good effect. You can cut your hair if you want to bring change into your life.

Waxing Moon and Full Moon November 2016

November 8 23:45 - November 11 3:44 - the growing Moon in Pisces is not suitable for cutting, hair treatment and shampooing.

November 11 3:44 - November 13 4:23 - the growing Moon in Aries is fraught with injuries, burns and, at best, a sloppy haircut due to the negligence and haste of the hairdresser. Haircut can reduce the overall immunity of the body.

November 13 4:23 - November 15 3:22 - The Moon in Taurus is great for haircuts and all other hairdressing services. Wellness procedures will give excellent results. You need to get your hair cut on November 13, as November 14 will be the Full Moon, and this is a controversial time for a haircut.

November 15 3:22 - November 17 2:56 - waning Moon in Gemini. Haircut will worsen the general condition of the hair. The effect of such hairdressing services as perming, coloring, etc. will be short-lived. The magical effect of a haircut will also be unfavorable - after a haircut, something may leave your life.

November 17 2:56 - November 19 5:14 - the waning Moon in Cancer is not suitable for almost all hair manipulations. An exception is for influencing problematic hair: gray hair coloring, cardinal lightening, etc. You will achieve your goal; however, for this you have to sacrifice the health of the hair.

November 19 5:14 - November 21 11:33 - waning Moon in Leo. You will get a good haircut. However, there is a minus - the hair after the haircut will grow back very slowly. Although this is a minus only for those who cut the ends of their hair in the hope that they will grow faster. The rest, on the contrary, will be pleased that the haircut will retain its shape for a long time. It is undesirable to get a haircut on November 21 from 6:30 to 12:30 - a haircut will take strength.

November 21 11:33 - November 23 21:41 - the waning Moon in Virgo. The haircut will come out neat, every detail will be carefully worked out. Minus - the hairdresser will lack inspiration and the haircut will turn out without imagination. If you treat your hair these days, the waning moon will take ailments with it.

November 23 21:41 - November 26 10:01 - the waning Moon in Libra will give you a beautiful, elegant and sophisticated haircut that will definitely suit you. Residents of time zones other than Moscow are especially lucky, because the best time for a haircut these days is November 25 from 1:20 to 7:20 Moscow time.

November 26 10:01 - November 28 22:45 - the waning Moon in Scorpio is not suitable for a haircut - a haircut will drain your energy and ruin your mood. These days it is undesirable even to wash your hair, so as not to worsen the condition of the hair.

November 28 22:45 - November 30 24:00 - The Moon in Sagittarius usually has its pros for a haircut. But not at this time. After all, on the 28th you are unlikely to have time to cut your hair, the 29th carries the energy of the New Moon unsuitable for cutting, and on the 30th the Moon interacts with the malefic planet Saturn.

The site reports that the most favorable time for hair removal is 1-3, 6-11, 15-17, November 26, 2016.

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Earth on all spheres of life - absolutely proven. To a greater extent, we notice the negative or, conversely, the positive effects of the phase of the moon on our own body.

The moon affects a person, especially a haircut

Often the effect is observed in the form of slow or accelerated. You can use this and determine for yourself the moments when natural phenomena are on the hair. Your attention - lunar calendar. Are fashion and horoscope compatible - the answers are below.

Lunar patterns

You don't have to be a trained astronomer and compare NASA reports with your own observations to pick a day for a haircut. It is enough to remember the following rules:

  1. Waning phase. Classic C-shaped month. Hair cut during this period grows slowly. If you are not a fan of frequent experiments, then the time is right. On such days, it is better to take care of the health of your own hair - masks, body wraps, massages.
  2. Rising phase. The arc of the month is reversed. The period is suitable for haircuts, coloring and other "madness" with your own hair. It is recommended to use products for hair growth - they, more than ever, will show their full potential.

Of particular importance, regardless of the phase of the Earth's satellite, are favorable
haircut days. In some periods of the month, no manipulations with health and hair in particular can be carried out. These are 9, 15, 23 and 29 lunar days. It is forbidden to cut your hair during an eclipse.

November 2016 - we determine the image by day

According to the knowledge gained about the features of lunar days that affect the hair, they choose their own image.

Autumn is not a very joyful time of the year, so down with discouragement - we put our hair in order and enjoy the result every day! So - when to cut hair in November 2016 - a horoscope for each day of the month:

Nov. 1

The second and third day of the influence of the Moon, which is in the growing phase. An aggressive day in terms of a combination of signs is the patronage of Mars and the sign of Scorpio. The best way to relieve tension is to exercise outdoors. With regards to hair, fashionistas who strive for the perfection of their own figure and give the maximum amount of time to sports are advised to transform in the appropriate style - short length, ponytail.

November 2

The third and fourth day of the growing moon. Planet in Sagittarius. Can I cut my hair today? The sign is far from specifics and practice. The time when autumn completely coincides with its inherent blues. Cutting hair will help to eliminate this condition - creative, lively, perhaps abstract. The lack of vitamins in the body, provoking the autumn mood, will be filled with bright colors and coloring effects - balayage, ombre. However, one should beware of radical changes - the day, like the mood, is fleeting. Haircuts "under the boy", steep asymmetry and other "frills" are not recommended.

the 3rd of November

The fourth and fifth day of the growing moon. Sagittarius sign. Pay attention to the day of the week - Thursday. The location of the stars under the auspices of Jupiter. This means that today everything succeeds like never before, the horoscope of haircuts in November says this. The day under the sign of Sagittarius is distinguished not by uncertainty and sadness, but by opposite qualities - success in personal affairs and work, relaxedness in communication, a desire to push oneself to exploits and undertakings. The motto of the haircut of the day is courage.

Cardinal changes of images are welcome - from a blonde to a brunette, from a long-haired diva to a hooligan with a hedgehog.

November 4

Fifth and sixth day of the growing moon. What is he cooking? Can you cut your hair today? No to everything conservative, strict and pretentious. The horoscope prophesies romantic moods, therefore, it is impossible to deceive the cosmos - haircuts are feminine, flying. Curls and waves are welcome in all manifestations. If there is a desire to fix a trial image, then light perms are what the doctor ordered.

Representatives with not the best hair of their own, on this day, are especially recommended to cut their hair, trim or treat split ends - the effect will be effective.

November 5

Sixth and seventh lunar day. Planet in Capricorn. Today is an educational atmosphere. It is recommended to travel, climb, swim. To do this, it is not necessary to have nearby mountains, lakes, to mess around with Schengen. It is enough to put on sneakers, take a bicycle and go to the nearest village with your family. Or - if the region is cold and winter has almost come - to the pool. Haircut on this day does not need strict styling - they are freely loose or lie without any fixation. Any shade that looks like burnt out is in place. So, the memories of the summer will be preserved.

November 6

Seventh and eighth day of the moon. Can you get a haircut today? The day is good for the transformations that were thought about, but it was not necessary to seriously experiment. It's time to change the dull gray image of an office mouse for a dazzling sexuality. Haircuts are asymmetrical, cardinal - down with tails and braids. Similar staining - colors are juicy, but without freaking.

If you do not want to change, the day is suitable for caring procedures - treatment of the scalp, split ends, the use of masks against hair loss or for growth.

November 7

Day eight and nine. As we remember, getting a haircut during this period is not recommended due to the phase of the first quarter. The moon continues to grow, however, Aquarius, whose sign prevails today, is true - instability, vulnerability. All this will affect the hair - dullness, poor growth and loss. Do not dye your hair or expose it to any active chemical or thermal procedure - blow-drying, curling. It is better to experiment with styling - a new image is created with them. Hair horoscope for November 2016 confirms this.

November 8

The influence of the ninth lunar day continues, despite the transition to the tenth. Haircuts today will be distinguished by weak obedience in styling, the shine will leave much to be desired. It is better to endure and do ... a head massage.

The waxing phase of the moon is known to affect the tides of the sea. She does the same with blood vessels - blood flow to the bulbs increases, proper nutrition is provided, the hair becomes elastic, hair becomes thick and strong.

November 9

Tenth and eleventh day of the growing planet. What does the lunar hair cutting calendar predict about this? Attention is the sign of Pisces. For hair, this means fighting dandruff, similar to scales, with various dermatins of the scalp. Be sure to get a haircut at least for medicinal purposes! But it is impossible to use “radical” beauty products - coloring, curling, smoothing. And without that, not the best skin health will be undermined. Styling is calm - take the time to select the right tool, especially for thin and weakened hair.

10th of November

The eleventh lunar day, turning into the twelfth. The planet is still in the sign of Pisces, known for its pragmatism and equanimity. Crazy haircuts are unacceptable today.

Strict classics - bob, the effect of "wet" hair, calm styling - will make your day. After a productive day, it is recommended to use a deep cleaning shampoo - it will perfectly cope with styling products.

11th of November

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aries. The day turning into the thirteenth, according to the sign, will bring many surprises for which you should be prepared. This also applies to the appearance of the hair. If a haircut is conceived, then it must be flowing - a cascade, a bob.

Hair collects energy - a fact. Therefore, the length and loose strands should be emphasized.

November 12

The thirteenth lunar day in the sign of Aries will bring a lot of energy, both positive and negative. The mood is militant, inherent in the sign. Hair is characterized by capriciousness, disobedience. Today, it is better to focus on strengthening and growing, rather than surprising the public in a new way - this will balance the energy of the cosmos and one's own temperament. To improve the appearance of split ends, a haircut with hot scissors and treatment with hair fluids is good.

the 13th of November

A pragmatic day, like the sign of the growing moon - Taurus. It is highly recommended to cut your hair on this day, despite the beginning of the fifteenth lunar day - the hair in the future will respond with growth and density.

Ladies who are distinguished by such a head of hair and without intervention can transform the look with the help of styling - on this day, the hair is more obedient than ever. Natural colors, natural dyes - to help.

November 14

The full moon and its fifteenth day come into effect. Haircuts - no, stopping hair problems - yes. This refers to a varied diet that makes the scalp and hair follicles healthier. You can not use spice-based masks - this will cause unwanted blood flow, provoke growth, which will make new hair become weak, unviable. It is worth paying attention to egg wraps, oil rubbing. Manipulations with staining and other aggressive interventions are prohibited.

15th of November

Transition from the sixteenth to the seventeenth day. The moon begins to wane, which means that haircuts for growth lose their meaning. This is the best time to maintain the chosen image for a long time. Short hairstyles, graduated strands are welcome - they will delight the owner for a long time.

Hair cut today will curl in the future. If this is not in your plans, be careful.

November 16

The phase of the moon is waning. The haircut schedule does not recommend a radical transformation. But I want changes. Therefore, it is recommended to try something new, previously conceived, but with fear to implement.

Instead of a haircut - building, replacing curls with straight elongated strands, coloring in colors that give the maximum mood - chocolate, blond, red. Away with strictness - the hair lies freely, curled or even “sticks out”. Autumn is fleeting, winter will come and there are less chances to show creativity.

November 17

Eighteenth and nineteenth day. Planet in the sign of Cancer. It is important for owners of long hair to evaluate the future haircut a hundred times - even shortening the hair, equaling the ends, is not recommended today. Growth will be difficult. Especially this problem will affect thin and damaged hair. It is worthwhile to wait a little, devote your own strength to the improvement of the hair, and tomorrow to do the transformation. The nutrition of the head will pass slowly, and, therefore, better.

November 18th

Beginning of the twentieth day. What is the moon for a haircut? Decreasing cycle. A good day for long-term experiments - haircuts for medium and long hair. Short curls will do without innovations - it makes sense to change only the styling.

If you want to achieve sustainable staining, then use natural dyes - henna and basma. The advice is suitable only for those ladies who have already practiced such actions, and the result satisfied them.

November 19

The sign of Leo in the waning moon speaks volumes. Today, haircuts that increase volume are allowed. It is also recommended to transform ladies with naughty shocks - truly lions. A planet decreasing in illumination will make the hair much more flexible, without protruding vortices that are not amenable to standard means. Juicy tones - red, chestnut, berry - no doubt, will be in the spotlight. The hairdresser will find your option.

20 November

Transition from 21st to 22nd day. The moon is still waning today, so you can’t radically cut your hair to the maximum length - it won’t grow back soon. Today is a good day to attract new acquaintances and good luck, so feel free to use light dyes - dark ones are not very conducive to communication. This is especially true for business ladies whose business is related to communication on financial topics.

November 21

The day will be neutral - a haircut will not have such an impact on the quality of hair in the future, despite the continued waning of the moon. Leo is to blame - a sign with thick hair.

However, there is no reason to neglect everyday care. This is the time for masks, wraps, massages. It is recommended to cut split ends, make balayage or ombre. On this day, it is important to touch the hair as often as possible - comb, braid, smooth. Negative energy will go away - guarantees.

November 22

The waning moon is in the sign of Virgo. This obliges - today all the fair sex should look like a million. Haircuts that are not designed for fast hair growth will be successful. Accordingly, the staining will last for a longer period. Pigments do an excellent job with gray hair - its appearance will not occur in the usual time frame. Long-term styling - chemistry, lamination - also last a long time.

November 23

We look at the unfavorable days for a haircut according to the lunar calendar and make sure that today such procedures are contraindicated - the 23rd day of the waning moon. Do not abuse styling and high hairstyles that require bouffants or intricacies - give your hair a rest.

November 24

What is more important to you - the health and appearance of hair or their rapid growth? Today there can be no dilemma - the influence of the 23rd day of the waning planet continues, therefore, a haircut on the Moon is undesirable. It is better to devote time to maximum care - nutrition, massage. Water for washing your hair is 2–3⁰ lower than usual. This will have a beneficial effect on the body of the hair - it will narrow the pores of the skin, smooth the keratin scales.

November 25

Lunar days - 25 and 26. It is still decreasing, however, the influence of the unfavorable period is over, and you can decide when it is better to cut your hair or leave it. Long growth subsequently rarely scares fashionistas if they count on a stable result. Consider chemical vertical styling as an option - on this day they will not become radically fixed.

If the scales are tilting in favor of hooliganism, then African braids or even dreadlocks are what you need.

November 26

A waning planet in the sign of Scorpio - poisonous and controversial. A haircut is possible only for hair that “does not suffer” from density and thickness. Weakened hair will become stiff - perhaps this will affect the best styling, however, the health of the hair will be at risk, especially for ladies who decide to change into a blonde on this particular day. It is recommended to decide when you can cut your hair on another day.

November 27

The influence of Scorpio continues on the 28th lunar day. The recommendations are the same. We only add that there should be much more hair care products than those that change their appearance. Masks, balms, conditioners are a priority. Less dyes, brighteners, spices that are part of the composition for hair growth - new ones will grow weak.

November 28

The moon is for cutting hair today - still waning. Another unfavorable day - 29. The planet remains in the sign of Scorpio, therefore, a lot of effort should be made for care - leave the hairstyle for today. Braided hair will be less affected.

And since there are a lot of options for braids, you will not go unnoticed.

29th of November

New Moon, Sagittarius sign. The period is favorable for haircuts - hair grows like an arrow. However, their quality is appropriate - naughty, tough, with split ends. Is this the result you were expecting? Therefore, postpone the procedure with scissors - prosperous days will still come. It is better to experiment with coloring - today all colors are allowed. Do not forget about styling products - caring components are required in their composition.

November 30th

An exceptional time for transformation, an auspicious day for a haircut - the young moon will enhance the effect on wellness procedures, strengthen the roots, smooth out the ends. There is no limit to perfection - today any form of hair is tried - voluminous, curls, smooth, short. The popularity of the classic cascade and bean is off scale. Complex, graduated and structured haircuts are suitable for ladies who have already created a similar image. Otherwise, they manage with a variety of squares. Colors range from blonde to raven. The peculiarity of the day is that unsuccessful experiments will soon come to naught. So why not take a chance?

Money haircuts

The idea of ​​attracting financial flow through appearance is not new. Hair in this case plays a huge role - they attract a variety of energy, including monetary. The month when it was decided to attract wealth to itself, maybe any. In particular, in November it is the 3rd, 12th, 19th, 20th and 21st. According to the lunar calendar, money haircuts these days will be as follows:

  • November 3 - short asymmetrical haircuts.
  • November 12 - cascade, square.
  • November 19 - bob and all its modifications.
  • 20 - priority is strict hairstyles with even or semicircular bangs.
  • 21 - for short-haired ladies, a “garcon” is suitable, the opposite head of hair is a cascade.

Haircuts by day of the week

Not only the lunar haircut calendar for November 2016 is important. The day of the week also has a value for maintaining a beautiful appearance of the hair. This is due to the satellite of the Earth or another planet - there is no reliable data.

  1. Monday - styling using a strong hold.
  2. Tuesday - hair.
  3. Wednesday - hair extensions, haircut to medium length.
  4. Friday - care procedures.
  5. Saturday - trimming the ends, bangs.
  6. Sunday - all procedures are prohibited.

Agree, the schedule is similar to a regular work week. Hair lives the same rhythm, however, is more sensitive to the environment. Therefore, the main task is to provide them with nutrition, healthy growth and shine. Haircut on the days of the week can work wonders.


As you can see, cash haircuts in November 2016, as well as stimulating hair growth and quality, are diverse. So, armed with the knowledge gained, proceed to the transformation. All advice is advisory in nature, it is not necessary to act blindly to please the horoscope. If the hair suits you in all respects, then you should not disturb the cosmos - it responds with gratitude to stable people.