Repair Design Furniture

How to make a basement floor with your own hands. We build the basement with our own hands. Necessary tools for building a basement floor with your own hands

If you have planned to do the basement with your own hands, then get ready to spend several days doing difficult, exciting and rewarding work. In this job, you won’t be able to do everything on your own, so it’s best to invite 1-2 partners who can help you.

Pros and cons of the basement

So that everything immediately falls into place, we highlight the main advantages of building a private house:

  • Various technical premises can be located in the underground part of the house: a gas boiler room, a pantry, a workshop, a gym, a bathhouse, a warehouse, a cellar, etc. In other words, in order not to build additional outbuildings on the site, you can make a basement in a private house, which will house everything you need.
  • Also, the advantages of the basement floor are that this part of the house can be insulated, insulated, which will significantly improve the microclimate (especially in winter) on the ground floor. At the same time, there is no urgent need to do additional heating in the basement, because there is quite enough temperature of 15-19 degrees.

You can still highlight some of the advantages of the basement floor, but they will largely depend on the specifics of the structure and the climatic features of the area.

An example of the arrangement of a room in the basement of a house.

The main disadvantages of building a basement are reduced to additional construction costs. Therefore, building a basement with your own hands is the right decision. Of course, if you have not planned a multi-storey building with terraces and balconies. In this case, part of the work is best left to professionals.

Marking the underground floor of the house

The marking of the basement floor must be done. Work in this case involves the following steps:

  • Drawing up a plan of the basement, which will indicate the specification of all rooms on the floor. Especially important at this stage is the arrangement of the boiler room and the fulfillment of all prescribed requirements for its placement inside the house (the pros and cons of this are disclosed in the corresponding article).
  • In addition, calculations are required that will demonstrate the bearing capacity of the foundation and walls of the underground floor. It is on these structures that the main load from the ceilings and walls located above will lie. Often, experts recommend at this stage in the design an additional 30% of the required strength to lay in order to gain complete confidence in the reliability of the structure.
  • Then markings are made on the ground (in the built-up area or on the built foundation). Only professionals can do this job correctly, so do not hesitate to contact them. In the aggregate, before making the basement, it is recommended to consult with several specialists.
  • At the end, the contours of the bearing walls and partitions are taken out. After that, this stage of work can be considered completed. Correct calculations will be the key to successful construction.

Marking the site for building a house.

Discussing the pros and cons of the basement, professional builders recommend developing several project options at once, in accordance with which it can be completed. In addition, unlike construction work that can be done by one's own hands, the design must be completely carried out by specialists.

Type of foundation for the plinth

It will not always be possible to make such a foundation as you really want. This is due to different conditions on the ground, which may vary depending on the region. In some cases, the construction of foundations of a certain type in some areas is not at all possible.

  1. If your site has heaving soil with high groundwater, then it is best to prefer a pile foundation. When using this type of base, it will be possible to operate the basement without problems during the winter months, without looking back at the likely movement of the soil under the base of the house. The lower part of the foundation piles is below the freezing zone of the soil, so there will be no impact on the foundation or basement. If the pile device is done correctly, then they resist lateral heaving of the soil without any problems. If you look for some disadvantages of such a foundation, then only in the specifics of the construction of the building.
  2. If your site has marshy soil, weak soil, water-saturated sand, then it is best to prefer the construction of a basement on a slab foundation. If you choose a slab foundation, then the basement will look like a box, above which the main floor of the house will look great. A monolithic slab will not allow the basement and the entire building to gradually sink in conditions of weak soil, because the weight of the house will be successfully distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the slab.
  3. When there are no problems with the soil on the site, then the choice of a shallow foundation of a strip type seems to be the best solution. It is this tape that will act as the basis for the walls of the building and the basement of the house. The disadvantages of this solution under these conditions are not traced.

Strip foundation with ventilation holes.

Plinth foundation width

The width of the foundation for the construction of the basement floor should be exactly as much as provided by the construction technology of the walls of the building. For example, if we take a frame house as a basis, then the most suitable foundation width for the basement of the building should be:

  • In the case of a pile foundation: 30-50 cm. This allows you to make the thickness of the walls of the building 20-30 cm. The rest of the width will be reserved for interior decoration. In addition, the ventilation gap, facade and exterior finish may well be left without any foundation.
  • If the foundation is a monolithic slab, then its width under the basement should be equal to the width of the walls of the basement part of the building.
  • If your foundation is tape shallow, and the floor in the form of a concrete screed is provided on the basement floor, then the most suitable width for the base is an indicator equal to the width of the wall of the basement. The disadvantages in this case are that such a supply may not be enough for a normal exterior decoration device, but this is not vital.

We must not forget that the arrangement of ventilation holes is required in the basement, which allows the air inside the basement room not to stagnate. Therefore, before building a basement, it is necessary to provide for the presence of these holes in the plan.

Holes in the basement of the building must be made in accordance with the regulated norms of SNiP. For example, in a house of standard sizes of such ventilation products, there can be from 12 to 24.

Plinth waterproofing

Rolled waterproofing material for the plinth.

By and large, it is not worth once again specifying how much waterproofing for a basement costs. The point here is that it is necessary to isolate all surfaces of the house from moisture penetration very efficiently and effectively. Savings at this stage of construction will play against the final result, in other words, it is simply unacceptable.

Build your own or contact a construction company?

Building a basement floor with your own hands does not cause serious difficulties if you have some experience in carrying out such work. In addition, the process is greatly facilitated if you use light building materials (blocks, frame, etc.) in your work, and also do not plan to build a multi-storey building.

If the number of storeys of your house will exceed 2 floors, then it is best to invite professionals to work on the construction of the basement and other components of the building, because the risks in this case seriously increase.

If you build a high base and arrange a lower foundation, then it becomes possible to make a small room, which is called the basement. If you choose the right material for the future design, this will provide additional protection, as well as improve the appearance of the room. In this article, we will talk about how to properly build a basement.





Types of plinths

According to accepted standards, the height of the base should not be higher than 50-70 cm from the surface level. The main task of this element of the building is protection from atmospheric precipitation. However, there is another function - decorative. A plinth can create a unique look for your building.

In total there are three types of plinth, which, in fact, are not much different - recessed, protruding and on the same level with the base. How to build a basement and save money now and discuss.

Many people prefer to make a sinking base, because. it allows you to create additional protection against moisture. Water from a similar design rolls faster than from other types and therefore it is more difficult to destroy the foundation.

Thin walls must be connected to the foundation with a protruding plinth. The room that is obtained under the building can be used as a basement. This version of the plinth is the most expensive and can also spoil the appearance of the building. In addition, when making such a plinth, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer, which will increase the cost of the work. Read on to find out how to build a basement without spending extra money.

Plinth features

  • For the basement, the plinth will act as a protective wall, so it needs to be insulated inside, and a waterproofing layer should be put on the outside, which will improve the characteristics of the structure.
  • The height of the basement is from 50 cm. If a room is conceived under the building, it is recommended to increase the height to 1.5-2 m.
  • During the execution of the base, do not forget about ventilation. For ventilation, it will be enough to leave only a few holes, which are called air ducts, 30x15 cm in size.

  • Air vents should be placed at least 15 cm from the ground. If there are several of them, then you need to place them on the same level. In order to prevent them from clogging, cover them with a fine mesh, and in winter with a cloth to avoid freezing.

Construction tools

The design features of conventional building foundations and basements are almost the same. In order for the base to come out reliable and of high quality, you need to have the right tool. For work you will need: a hammer, a pencil, a plumb line, wooden pegs, a metal mesh, twine, a level, a shovel, a tape measure, a pickaxe, a trowel.


Most often, a strip base is used to perform basement floors. In this case, the most important indicator is the depth.

Please note that professionals recommend that the foundation be 15 centimeters below or above the ground, but not at the same level.

The plinth can be monolithic or prefabricated. It is laid from ready-made blocks or reinforced concrete slabs. If the soil has a weak bearing surface, then a sand cushion should be laid under the base, and reinforced concrete on top.

It is worth noting that the type of basement floor will depend on the brick used, as well as the reliability of the entire structure. You need to choose a brick of high quality, mortar for masonry too. If you make a plinth of reinforced concrete blocks, then it is simple, because. there are no secrets that complicate the process. Sometimes reinforcement is placed between the blocks, which improves the adhesion of the blocks.

A monolithic base is more difficult to perform, because. a person without experience can make mistakes.

For greater reliability, the base must be reinforced, and then poured with concrete. Reinforcement is connected to the grid. Read, how to knit armature with your own hands. Keep the distance between the rods at 15-25 cm. If the base is high, then you need several levels of reinforcement with a distance of 30-50 cm between them, which are connected vertically.

Video. How to build a basement

Here is a video on the correct construction of the basement in the presence of groundwater.

A considerable number of people still do not understand the special need for the construction of a basement floor, while others, in turn, simply cannot imagine how this reliable and functional home can do without this room. Despite the fact that the basement cannot be attributed either to or to a full-fledged first floor, it increasingly takes its place at. So why is it so popular?

It looks like a finished basement at home

By building a basement, you get the following benefits:

  • Tangible space savings on your land, which is essential when the area is not too large;
  • Possibility to equip in this room or a number of other services (sauna, billiard room, etc.);
  • Ideal for terrain with complex multi-level terrain;
  • The possibility of using the roof as a terrace;
  • Enlargement of the architecture of the whole house.

The disadvantages of the basement floor include high financial costs and the complexity of construction work.

During the construction of the base, as a rule, materials with a porous structure are used to get rid of excess moisture. Otherwise, once inside the structure, the water quickly freezes with the onset of frost, which over time will destroy the basement surface, and, accordingly, the structure in general.

Existing types of plinth

To cope with this danger, the base is covered with paints and varnishes. This not only prevents the destruction of the plinth from atmospheric influences, but also makes it attractive in appearance.
When choosing the appropriate paintwork, it is important to take into account the degree of its vapor permeability.

The paint that covers the base must serve as a reliable moisture-proof film: thanks to this, water will not get into the substrate. At the same time, it will pass water vapor, which serves to further eliminate excess moisture. Also, when buying a paintwork, it is important that it is light and weather resistant, and also meets fire safety requirements. For at least three years, the coating must remain visually attractive.

Before painting the plinth, a strengthening primer must be applied to its surface.

This will provide good adhesion and increase the strength of the surface. When painting, it is desirable to use only water-soluble alkali-resistant paints with an acrylic resin base, which fully meet all the requirements regarding the processing of plinths.

If the structure of the surface to be coated is porous, it will also be necessary to apply a special water-based acrylic impregnation.

As a result, the mineral base will effectively repel water.

The ground floor is not only a beautiful appearance of the building, but also an extension of its functionality. The basement can become a utility space, a bathhouse can also be placed here, it can be turned into. The light pits provided for the basement windows are a kind of additional premises that serve to retain heat well.

Pit installation scheme

Usually the basement of a private house does not involve the arrangement of premises for housing. However, if the ceilings are high enough, they can arrange a billiard room and a sauna here. If the level of the room in the basement is at the lowest point of the relief, it would be advisable to equip a garage here. Thanks to this, you will get maximum free space and save on work on arranging the entrance to the garage.

When rooms are designed, options for their lighting are thoroughly thought out. In addition, proper design will save energy. If non-technical rooms will be located in the basement, it should be borne in mind that windows that let in sunlight will be an excellent addition to electric lighting.

The relevant standards stipulate that the height of the ceilings in such rooms should not be less than 2.5 meters. Due to this, the building will acquire a more pleasant appearance, and thermal insulation will improve several times.

There are several ways to build a basement under the house:

How is the construction site ready for work?

Laying the foundation with the simultaneous construction of the basement requires a thorough soil analysis at the construction site, as well as determining the location of groundwater. If they are found at a depth of one and a half meters, then the base should be built no higher than one meter.

With a high-quality leveling of the site for construction, it may be necessary to apply an additional layer of ground coating. If groundwater is located near the surface of the earth, a preliminary drainage of the land will be required. Drainage systems designed for this purpose will help to easily cope with this task. Their use will allow you to lay more deeply yourself.

The scheme of the drainage system during the construction of the basement

How to prepare a pit at a construction site

All work begins with the appropriate marking of the construction site, after which, guided by the design of the house, the foundation pit is dug using an excavator. If construction work is carried out in the spring, then there is a possibility of water accumulating in the pit, which in the future will have to be disposed of with a pump. Another way is to wait until it soaks into the soil naturally.

Once the required depth has been reached, the bottom of the excavation is carefully leveled, and the alignment of the corners requires special attention. When the pit is dug, its marking is carried out on the basis. Trenches for load-bearing walls must be dug to a depth of at least 30 centimeters. When the trench is ready, crushed stone is poured to the bottom of it, then reinforcement is laid, and only then concrete is poured. It takes approximately three weeks for the concrete mortar to dry completely.

How to arrange waterproofing

The waterproofing device provides reliable protection of the foundation from moisture. It consists in pouring a concrete blind area around the perimeter of the proposed building, while the foundation itself is protected from the outside with a rolled waterproofing material. In most cases, hydroisol is used for this - a fairly effective material that has a very reasonable price.

The efficiency of this system can be improved, for which specialists offer an additional drainage system with external waterproofing. To do this, you need to step back half a meter from the base and dig a hole into which clay, crushed stone and concrete mortar are then laid. This should be done with the utmost care, because reliable waterproofing is a guarantee of durability and reliability of the whole house as a whole.

This is how the basement waterproofing is installed

How to make a basement from foam blocks

- one of the most common materials chosen for the construction of a "residential basement". It allows you to carry out high-quality engineering networks and makes it possible to leave room for windows. It is better to use special equipment to work with it: manually carrying out work will require considerable time. When using foam blocks in favor of a prefabricated foundation or a strip foundation, the choice is most often made.

If a basement floor is supposed to be in the house, then the foundation is poured with a thickness of half a meter or more. To increase the strength of the walls, masonry is made with bandaging of the seams. For bonding, a cement-sand composition is used. It is necessary to lay the blocks as evenly as possible, otherwise, over time, difficulties will arise with finishing work.

It is also worth noting the size of the windows and making them as large as possible: more street light will penetrate into the basement floor.

It is necessary to leave ventilation holes, for which holes are left between the blocks at ground level.

Holes for ventilation are left between the blocks at the same level with the ground. They should be well covered with nets, and then garbage will not get inside the room.

The foundation of the basement should be about a meter above ground level. The blocks are connected to each other by means of the so-called leveling belt. And now, finally, the floors of the first floor can be laid.

Most often, when arranging the belt, reinforced concrete is used, but brickwork can also be dispensed with. The first option, when reinforcement poured with concrete is laid on the plank formwork, is considered more reliable.

Formwork installation example

This results in a solid semi-underground structure. It also serves as a reliable basis for the subsequent construction of the floor.

How to build a monolithic basement

The basement floor, which is built from monolithic concrete, has several advantages at once: it has good moisture resistance, high strength, and short construction times. In addition, there is the possibility of arranging a room for almost any purpose, including a garage or a pool.

Properly arranged waterproofing allows you to build a basement to install a basement, even if the soil environment is wet. However, for this, the foundation walls must have the most rigid adhesion to the floor slabs of the basement.

Construction technology:

  1. First, the site is marked for the upcoming construction work, after which a foundation pit is dug for future development. The pit is dug to a depth that is about half a meter below that where the underground part of the foundation will be located.
    This will allow in the future to lay a waterproofing sand and gravel cushion. When choosing soil with an excavator, uneven foundation penetration should be minimized, for which it is recommended to manually remove the last soil layer. Areas that are too deep should not be backfilled, as this may lead to further deformation of the floor slabs.
  2. Then comes the turn of the arrangement of the drainage system. If there is a quicksand, a drainage device should be provided to avoid stagnant water. For this, a 10-centimeter backfill is made: gravel and sand. These layers must be carefully rolled. To maximize the compaction of the sand, it is also poured several times with water.
  3. Concrete grade M50-M100 is poured onto the leveled pillow. The concrete layer should be five centimeters: the base is leveled in order to lay the floor slab, while waterproofing functions are performed.
    An example of a waterproofing pad for a basement floor

    Rolled waterproofing (for example, roofing felt) is laid immediately after the concrete has hardened. Waterproofing must be laid in two layers and fastened in a flowing way or using bituminous mastic.

  4. After preparing the base, the external formwork is built. First, the floor slab is poured, it will be the support, the foundation walls will “grow” from it. For the manufacture of formwork are wooden panels or boards. To connect them together, self-tapping screws and bars are used. To increase the strength of the base, the plates are reinforced. This is done in two directions - longitudinal and transverse - the reinforcing bar must be embossed, with a diameter of 10 centimeters or more (the exact dimensions are determined during preliminary calculations). For laying reinforcement, special guides are used, they are fastened with a wire.
    In order for the walls to be rigidly and securely connected to the floor slab, reinforcing bars are used (mounted vertically).
  5. After the formwork is installed and when the reinforcement is fixed, the foundation slab is poured with M250-M300 concrete (its thickness is at least 20 centimeters). And it is recommended to do it right away. If desired, concrete can be poured in small parts, but the slab will become less durable, seams with increased tensile stress may appear. It is desirable that concrete joints in such cases be located along the wall that is longer. After pouring concrete, the surface must be leveled and left for about a month until fully cured. At this time, formwork for the basement and foundation walls is being built.
  6. Wall formwork is built in the same way. Non-removable polypropylene shields are used during its construction, and this will simultaneously solve the issue of insulation. The reinforcement is laid in a direction longitudinal with respect to the walls.
    Scheme of laying reinforcement for pouring

    Reliability is attached to the binding of horizontal rods and vertical ones that are already fixed. With a three-meter depth of the foundation, the fortress is attached with two strapping belts, which are made both in the upper and lower parts.

  7. In the process of arranging the formwork, door and window openings are laid where it was previously provided for by the project of the house. There is a laying of special metal pipes - sleeves.
  8. Concrete is poured either immediately or in separate layers. The rule is this: a new layer must be poured even before the moment when the previous layer begins to set. Otherwise, you will have to wait another three days: if the concrete does not gain the required strength, it may collapse under the pressure of the layers covering it. Then you can lay the floors.
  9. From the outside, the waterproofing of the basement floor is carried out by gluing or coating. From the inside, it is best to use penetrating waterproofing: concrete becomes noticeably stronger and vapor exchange is not disturbed.
    Scheme of penetrating waterproofing of the basement

    The insulation of the basement from the outside is carried out with polystyrene foam plates, which are fastened with glue intended for this. To fix parts that protrude above the ground (optional), dowels specially designed for foam plastic are used.

  10. To fill the underground part, the soil that was formed when the pit was dug is used. The presence of solid particles in the soil is unacceptable, because they can damage the thermal and waterproofing, and are covered with coarse sand.
  11. For finishing the basement, the materials that decorate the walls of the building are suitable.

How to properly waterproof the basement and choose the right material

Why is basement waterproofing necessary?

During the construction process, for some reason, many people assign almost the last place to waterproofing work, believing that reliable protection from moisture can be done after the house with the basement is completely built. Of course, waterproofing can be done from the inside, but still the best option is to protect the walls from the outside.

External waterproofing will allow:

Most often they resort to the use of such types of waterproofing: penetrating, pasting, roll and coating.

Penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing allows you to most thoroughly protect "underground housing" from high humidity. It is laid to a depth of about 90 centimeters in the thickness of concrete, fills small cracks, so that moisture has nowhere to seep. Once in the concrete, the insulation material that has penetrated there immediately forms a chemical reaction with its constituent elements, and as a result, solid crystals are formed. They fill the pores in the concrete, and there is nowhere for moisture to penetrate.

Benefits of penetrating waterproofing

How to make a penetrating basement waterproofing

The working surface is preliminarily cleaned of dust and debris. Then dry powder is stirred in water until homogeneous. Before laying the first layer of waterproofing, the surface of concrete structures is moistened. The next layer is poured after the first is absorbed. After such treatment, the structure should be moistened for several more days.

The insulation should only be applied to the slab after wetting, otherwise the material will not be able to penetrate to the required depth.

When it comes to waterproofing old buildings, it is required to clean and moisten the plates as carefully as possible. In this case, the penetration of waterproofing into concrete will be extremely deep. To apply a penetrating insulating layer, a brush with synthetic bristles or a mortar pump designed for this purpose are used. Moisture isolation work is carried out when it is warm outside.

Polymers, bitumen and synthetic materials - this is what roll pasting materials are made from for waterproofing the basement.

Absolutely all plinth structures must be carefully glued with roll insulation, while several layers of material are used for the outer walls. If the groundwater level is too high, up to five layers of waterproofing can be laid.

An example of installation of pasting waterproofing

The process of installing a waterproofing structure:

  1. With layers of waterproofing, the walls of the basement are pasted over from the outside, while the sheets of material must overlap.
  2. So that the waterproofing material is not damaged, this is an installed block of reinforced concrete or a half-brick wall (located about a centimeter from the surface).
  3. The resulting space is filled with bituminous mastic.
  4. The protection of the waterproofing structure is an iron mesh, it is plastered from the outside.

The disadvantages of this kind of basement waterproofing: complex installation, the need for auxiliary protection of the material from defects, the possibility of pasting at an outdoor temperature of at least +10 degrees.

Coating waterproofing

This kind of waterproofing needs not only external, but also internal walls of the basement.

It carefully seals the slightest flaws in the working surface, which significantly increases the resistance of the walls to moisture.

External protection of the wall with mastic will prevent moisture from seeping into the room. Coating waterproofing is represented by such materials:

  • Bituminous mastics;
  • Polymer-bitumen mastics;
  • Cement-polymer waterproofing.

The most cost-effective will be the use of bitumen-based mastic as insulation. True, it will last no more than five years, after which it becomes unusable, and moisture can penetrate into the basement. Therefore, periodically you will have to resort to repeated waterproofing of the room.
Cement-polymer and polymer-bitumen mastics, among other things, are significantly resistant to sudden changes in temperature. But these materials are afraid of mechanical damage: careful protection is required.

  • Date: 27-05-2014
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How to build a basement for a house?

How to build a basement of your own private house with your own hands: insulation and manufacturing technology

Today, many people want to have their own beautiful house outside the city. An important element of such a structure, which can give a country house chic, luxury and a great view, is the basement. Some people do not build a basement at home because they do not know how to do it.

The protruding basement needs to be additionally insulated from the outside, but the recessed basement will require insulation only from the inside.

First of all, you should understand what a basement is at home. This design is a continuation of the foundation above the ground. If the base is made relatively high, and the foundation is relatively low, then this room is called the basement. It can have various purposes, for example, it can be used as a personal gym or a children's playroom.

In most cases, this structure is erected 60-70 cm above ground level. The plinth is also intended to protect the house from moisture. This design is able to decorate the house, distinguish it from the rest.

Today there are 3 types of basement at home:

  1. Buried.
  2. bulging.
  3. Level with the foundation.

The most common type of this design is a recessed base. This is due to the fact that such a basement structure is less exposed to moisture and other precipitation. In addition, water from such a plinth will drain faster, which will make it possible to protect the foundation, the walls of the house and the plinth from destruction. The advantage of this structure is that it is more economical, because the structure is thinner than the wall. In this case, there will be lower costs for building materials.

Due to the fact that this structure is buried, it does not require additional insulation of the basement of the house, which will make it possible to save some money.

A protruding structure can only be made if the walls of the house are relatively thin, because in this case it is not possible to build a basement that is even thinner.

A protruding structure can also be made when it is planned to equip the first basement floor, that is, a room that is underground, but should be warm.

If, for example, the basement is planned to be used as a place to store unnecessary things, then it can also be made thin. This floor is perfect for a basement.

It is not recommended to make the third type of structure, because in fact such a structure is the beginning of the walls. At the same time, there will be no protection against mechanical influences, no protection against moisture, no beauty. Such a plinth will need to be insulated with special material, which will make the house not the most beautiful and more costly.

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Materials that are necessary for arranging a structure of this type

The basement can be equipped in the form of monolithic slabs or using prefabricated materials. If the structure is monolithic, it can only be of 2 types:

  • concrete;
  • reinforced concrete.

The difference between them is that the first design is without reinforcement, and the second one is with reinforcement.

In the manufacture of the basement of your own private house, various materials can be used.

The structure of concrete blocks is laid on a cement mortar, while the blocks are fastened together using the same cement mortar. In this case, cement should be used not lower than grade M400.

The construction of natural stones is also laid with the help of cement mortar. This type of plinth requires a lot of skill, because stones can come in various shapes and sizes.

The red brick building is the most common. In most cases, a strong, well-fired brick is used, after which it must be plastered and the rest of the finishing work done in order to give it a good appearance. In this case, decorative red brick can also be used. It is beautiful and strong, because such a building material has a rectangular strict shape and is the same in all cases. The plinth, which is made of such decorative bricks, will always look very beautiful. In this case, the walls can be laid out not from the same brick, but from logs.

Elements that will be needed for the construction of this type of structure:

  • concrete;
  • cement mortar;
  • brick;
  • plaster;
  • fundamental blocks;
  • formwork;
  • fittings;
  • welding machine;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • glue;
  • expanded polystyrene.

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Features of the construction of such a structure

You should know the main points when building a structure of this type:

  1. If the existing house has an underground, then the basement in such a structure can play the role of a protective wall, which must necessarily be protected from moisture from the outside, that is, waterproofed. In addition, you will need to insulate it from the inside.
  2. The minimum height of the basement is 50 cm. If it is planned to make a basement floor, then the height should be approximately 1.5-2 m.
  3. It is imperative to make holes for ventilation of the basement space. Such holes are often called vents. They should measure approximately 30 cm in length and 15 cm in width.
  4. Products should be made at the same level, but not lower than 15 cm from the edge of the ground. The ducts must be covered with a mesh to exclude the possibility of various debris getting into them. In winter, they will need to be hammered with a dense cloth or any other material that prevents the space under the floor from freezing.
  5. The basement does not have to be equipped in the case of a columnar foundation (between its columns). This design can be placed on top of the columns. In this case, the building can also serve as a grillage.

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Existing design features of the basement

The design of the foundation with a plinth is not much different from the design of an ordinary foundation.

In most cases, a strip prefabricated or monolithic foundation is selected. First of all, you need to calculate the foundation. Most of all, when arranging the basement in the parameters of the foundation, the depth of the foundation is important.

For example, if according to the calculations it turned out that the foundation should have a height of 2 m, then this means that the laying depth should be 2 m 15 cm or 1 m 75 cm. In no case should the depth be level with the ground. In most cases, the foundation should be located below ground level.

When the foundation gains about 80% of its strength (it will take approximately 10-12 days), the construction of the base can begin. This design can be of 2 types:

  • monolithic;
  • team.

The prefabricated structure can be laid from reinforced concrete slabs or other piece material. Red brick might work too. In most cases, the plinth is built from prefabricated blocks, the thickness of which is 40-60 cm. It will be necessary to observe a step of 10 cm. The length of such a block can range from 100 to 240 cm. In the manufacture of blocks, concrete grade M200, M150 or M100 is used.

It is worth noting that if the soil has a low bearing capacity (small resistance coefficient), then under the fundamental blocks under the plinth, you will need to lay a reinforced concrete pillow, which is laid on a 15 cm layer of sand.

You should choose a suitable brick for the construction of the basement. This is due to the fact that it is this element that will give a special look to the structure, will serve as its support and protection.

If the basement for the first floor in the house is planned to be equipped from the same reinforced concrete blocks, then there are no masonry features. The blocks must be laid and secured to each other and to the foundation. In some cases, pieces of reinforcement should be left on the sides of the blocks so that it is more convenient to fix the blocks together. Such pieces are also on top of the foundation.

If you plan to make a monolithic base, then you should know that in this case you can make some mistakes. This is due to the fact that the technological process of building a monolithic structure of this type is somewhat more complicated than the process of manufacturing a prefabricated structure.

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Technology of insulation and construction of the basement of a private house

You need to start with the arrangement of the formwork for the basement. It is worth noting that all work on the construction of this structure must begin when the foundation gains the desired level of strength.

The formwork can be made from planed boards, or you can order a finished one. This design in most cases is made independently. Boards must be hewn from the side that is adjacent to the concrete.

The next step is to pour the cement mortar into the formwork. In order for the base to be durable, it will need to be reinforced. This process can be carried out using steel fittings. To do this, you need to create a grid. When reinforcing, reinforcement 1.2 cm thick should be used. The rods are fixed to each other perpendicular to each other by welding. The size of the cells in the grid should be approximately 15-20 cm.

If the base is planned to be made high, then several grids will be needed. They should be located at several levels, in increments of approximately 30-40 cm.

When laying the grids, you can fasten them together using vertical jumpers, which are made from the same reinforcement. If this is not done, then the grids should fit in the following order:

  1. First of all, the solution is poured with a layer of approximately 15-20 cm.
  2. The reinforcing mesh is placed after the solution dries a little and thickens.
  3. A layer of cement mortar is poured onto the grid. Its thickness should be approximately 40-50 cm. Next, a mesh is placed and the solution is poured again.

After the concrete plinth has gained approximately 80% of its strength, the formwork can be removed.

A monolithic base can be equipped in another way. It can be poured simultaneously with the foundation.

You should know that the basement insulation technology is quite simple. It is best to insulate this structure with polystyrene foam from the inside so that the basement insulation layer reaches the ceiling and closes it from the outside. This will make it possible to provide good heat savings for the exterior walls and floor of the house. In order for the material that is used to insulate the basement to better bond with brick or concrete, it is necessary to coat it with glue. In order for thermal insulation to be performed, other materials can be used.

In a private house, you can add premises not only by building on, but also using free space located closer to the ground. The basement floor, built in a private house, is an additional place that will never become superfluous and will certainly find application for household or other needs.

Basement tasks

The basement floor is a semi-basement, which is partially deepened into the ground. An area of ​​this type is used for storerooms, garages and other premises and must have excellent drainage, insulation and waterproofing.

Decorate the basement of your home

Without heating, of course, it will be possible to stay in such a room only in summer, and vegetables stored for the winter may freeze. There is a high possibility of mold. Without ventilation, the air in the basement will be stale and musty, and without electricity you can’t do at all.

Therefore, the basement floor will become comfortable for life if, during its construction, the necessary generally accepted standards are followed with heating, electricity and ventilation systems.

Important! Depending on what is planned to be done in the basement, it is necessary to determine the engineering work.

When designing a gym, the issue of good ventilation must be addressed. When creating a sauna or a shower room, pressure sewage is necessary, special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the basement.


In the basement, there is not enough natural ventilation through pipes. Therefore, forced air circulation is used.

In this video, we will consider why we need a basement:


When building a basement in a private house, it is necessary to pay attention to waterproofing, which is necessary to protect against groundwater flooding. Moisture can destroy walls, foundations. To prevent destruction, vertical and horizontal waterproofing is carried out.

When vertical, a protective material is applied outside the wall. With horizontal insulation from water, moisture-proof substances are applied between the base and the foundation.


The ground floor, as you know, is an unlit space. The lack of light must be compensated for by artificial lighting in the form of lamps located on the ceiling, floor and walls. For good and comfortable lighting, various types of lamps are used: fluorescent, incandescent and others.

Descent (stairs)

A ladder is required. Depending on the height of the descent and the area, the stairs can be installed spiral or classic. The main thing is that it is safe.

Types of plinths

The basement erected in a private house can be of 3 types:

  1. Buried. It can be installed if it was not in the project at home. More convenient and preferred for construction. It is often used because it is easier to comply with the requirements for waterproofing the basement of a private house with it, since it will freely provide water flow.
  2. Speaker. The name speaks for itself. The boundaries of this type of plinth protrude beyond the house. Most often used when additional reinforcement is needed (thin walls of the house). Requires high costs compared to the previous type. Less sought after.
  3. Aligned with the wall of a private house. It is planned in the project during the construction of the house. The walls of such a basement are flush with the house.

Important! The construction of the basement is not recommended to be carried out independently. It is better to invite professionals who know how to build semi-basements. Or at least for the basement project.

Materials for the basement

Materials for the construction of a semi-basement:

  1. For walls - concrete block FBS (can be used as a foundation).
  2. Burnt red brick (used for walls and foundations).
  3. Rubble stone, which is a large stone, which is placed on the mortar like a brick.
  4. Small format wall blocks. It is used with a finished foundation.
  5. To ensure the tightness of the walls from groundwater, waterproofing is used. With a monolith - external tightness, with masonry - external and internal.
  6. For external treatment of walls, bitumen-polymer mastic is used, which can act as an adhesive for rolled waterproofing. In the case of roll material with a self-adhesive base, it is applied from above to the surface treated with hot bitumen. As a waterproofing coating, polymer compositions from the Penetron series are used.
  7. Sealing joints with PVC tape.

Waterproofing of the basement of private houses is carried out in 2 layers. The choice of material depends on the walls and the local climate. This material covers all surfaces of the foundation and areas of contact between the foundation and the ground. For waterproofing, roofing material, roofing felt can be used.

Use a variety of materials to build your home's plinth

Ground floor in a private house, step by step instructions

Instructions on how to build a basement:

  1. It is necessary to draw up a plan of the premises, indicating what they will be intended for.
  2. Calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation and walls.
  3. Carry out the markup on the foundation.
  4. Draw the contours of future walls and partitions.
  5. Determine the type of foundation.
  6. Determine the width of the base.
  7. Make waterproofing of the basement.
  8. Conduct electricity, carefully isolating the wiring from moisture.
  9. Implement heating.
  10. Ventilation - natural (pipe connection with the street), forced.
  11. To prevent mold, fungus, walls are primed several times, then plastered or paneled.
  12. If the living space is insulated with mineral wool, then plastered.

Depending on the soil, the type of foundation is determined:

  1. In areas where there is high groundwater, a pile type is used. Such a foundation consists of piles. Their lower part is below the place where the soil freezes, so you can use the plinth in the cold season without any problems.
  2. In swampy areas and with weak soil, a foundation is built from a monolithic slab, which does not allow the soil to sink. This state is carried out due to the uniform distribution of the weight of the house over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base.
  3. In the absence of problems with the soil, a strip type of foundation is used.

Benefits of the basement

Benefits of the basement:

  1. Building a basement increases the area of ​​​​the house. There is no need for additional buildings. In the basement you can place the necessary premises.
  2. Additional premises appear: a game room, a sauna, a swimming pool, a garage, a pantry, a laundry room, a gym or a workshop. Under what the basement will be built depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owners of the house.
  3. When selling a house with a basement, its value increases up to 30%, and if there is also a dwelling, it will become much more expensive than the original price.
  4. If there is a basement, it is not necessary to insulate the floor on the ground floor, since the underground floor prevents the penetration of cold air.

Disadvantages of the basement

Along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  1. High construction costs.
  2. Expensive engineering work: heating, thermal insulation and others.
  3. Lack of natural light (therefore rarely used as a living room).
  4. The complexity of construction with high groundwater.

Note! Before building a basement, it is necessary to determine its need, determine an estimate and decide whether such expenses are needed, since building a basement in a private house will not be cheap. It is not recommended to save on waterproofing, concrete and insulation.