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How to cook shrimp deliciously - the best ways. How and how much to cook frozen unpeeled shrimp How to cook peeled raw shrimp

Shrimps that have previously been cooked and then frozen (these are most often sold in stores and are light pink in color) need to be boiled -.

Previously uncooked (gray) shrimp are king prawns - boil.

How to cook shrimp

How to cook shrimp in the microwave

1. Place frozen shrimp in a deep pan or plate.
2. Pour a mixture of 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon pepper and 5 tablespoons soy sauce, mix well.
3. Place in the microwave, cook on medium power for 10 minutes.
4. Your microwaved shrimp are ready!

How to cook shrimp in a double boiler

Sprinkle the shrimp with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, and place in a steamer container. Place lemon slices on top and steam for 15 minutes.

How to cook shrimp in a slow cooker

Place shrimp in a slow cooker, sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices, stir. Set the multicooker to “Baking” mode and cook for 20 minutes. There is no need to add water to the multicooker.

How to cook shrimp in a pressure cooker

Place the shrimp in a pressure cooker pan, add salt and pepper, add a small amount of water and cook for 1 minute in the “Fry” mode.


- Shrimp are very useful: Shrimp meat contains calcium and protein, while boiled shrimp are considered a low-calorie dish. The calorie content of boiled shrimp meat is about 95 kcal/100 grams. Even after cooking, shrimp are rich in cholesterol, which is completely eliminated naturally.

In stores now, as a rule, shrimp are sold boiled-frozen, so it doesn’t make sense to cook them for a long time. Overcooked shrimp lose their juicy taste and become rubbery, so boiled-frozen shrimp need only be cooked for 3 minutes.

Big amount of water there is no need to cook shrimp - firstly, the shrimp themselves are covered with ice and contain a large amount of liquid, and secondly, the less water, the juicier the shrimp will be.

Everything about cooking shrimp

Author/editor - Lidia Ivanova

Reading time - 7 min.

If you bought shrimp and don't know how to cook them, then this post is for you. In it I will tell you how to make them tender and delicious. The most common, simple and useful method is cooking. But this simple method also has its own subtleties. The main thing here is not to overcook the shrimp, otherwise you may end up with rubbery, hard meat. In most cases, shrimp are sold in plastic packaging, which indicates the method and time for preparing the shrimp. But what if you bought them in bulk at a large supermarket, choosing the most beautiful ones for yourself? Then read this article carefully and cook with pleasure!

How to properly boil shrimp

Properly cooked shrimp should have meat that melts in your mouth. Boiled-frozen shrimp are more often found on sale (they can be distinguished from freshly frozen ones by their reddish color); there is no point in boiling them for a long time. It is best to rinse shrimp that have been frozen without undergoing heat treatment. You need to take twice as much water for cooking as the shrimp themselves. When cooking, shrimp are immersed in boiling water. The set of spices for cooking shrimp can be different. Some people prefer to cook them in salted water with lemon juice, others with peppercorns, but I like to cook shrimp like , with dried dill or fresh sprigs of dill or parsley. For spice lovers, we can advise adding 4 pieces of shrimp to boiling water before loading. cloves, bay leaf, 2-3 peas each of black and allspice, paprika if desired, lemon slices, several whole cloves of garlic.

Shrimp, whose meat is cooked, float to the surface. The smaller the shrimp, the less they cook. I'll give you an example

Boiled - Frozen shrimp take 3 to 5 minutes to cook, depending on size.

Fresh frozen shrimp take 7-10 minutes to cook. Again, I’ll make a reservation, focus on the size. Small shrimp take less time to cook. After all, in fact, shrimp meat is a protein; it is prepared approximately like the white of a chicken egg.

This time is counted down when the shrimp boil.

How to boil tiger prawns

Tiger prawns are usually sold fresh frozen, with or without heads.

I'll tell you how I boil tiger prawns. Before cooking, they need to be rinsed with running water.

Place a saucepan with water twice as large as the shrimp themselves on the stove. Question: how much salt should I add when cooking shrimp? The fact is that shrimp can be peeled both before and after cooking. If we cook shrimp in the shell, then make a 4% salt solution (40 g of salt per 1 liter of water, this is about 2 tablespoons). Cook shrimp without shell in 2% salt solution. This applies to all shrimp, not just tiger and king shrimp. Add seasonings and spices of your choice to the saline solution. When the water boils, add tiger prawns.

I also add a bunch of parsley (or dill, whatever I have on hand).

We wait for our shrimp to boil, turn down the heat and note the time.

Boiled - cook frozen tiger shrimp for 5 minutes, fresh frozen - 7 minutes. Drain the water. In order for tiger shrimps to be better cleaned and their intestines to be easily removed, they can be doused with cold water immediately after cooking.

You can cook king prawns using the same recipe. Royal shrimp differ from other shrimp in their large head size and sweetish meat.
I hope the article will be useful to you.

Best regards, Anyuta :)

The next post will be dedicated to the original shrimp salad.

Many housewives think about how to cook shrimp. After all, only properly cooked shrimp are a tasty and healthy dish.

Choosing shrimp for cooking

Take a close look at the window in the bag of shrimp. Good frozen shrimp should have uniform coloring, a shiny shell and a curled tail.

Faded spots on the shell and lumps of snow in the bag are a signal that the thermal conditions were violated during storage.

There are two main types of shrimp - cold-water (Atlantic) and warm-water (tiger and king shrimp).

Cold-water ones are much smaller in size than warm-water ones, but their meat is slightly healthier.

The more the shrimp's tail is bent, the less time it spent before it was frozen. However, this statement is true for cold-water small shrimp. Due to their structure, large shrimp are not always “hooked.”

Don’t let the green head or body of a shrimp scare you: this happens to individuals that feed on a certain type of plankton. A brown shrimp head is generally good: this is a sign of a pregnant shrimp, whose meat is very healthy.

The black color of the shrimp's head indicates that this representative of the crustacean was seriously ill. It's not worth buying. You won't get poisoned, but the shrimp won't taste the same, of course.

Calorie content of boiled shrimp- 70-90 kcal/100 grams.

Shrimp themselves are considered a low-calorie dish. But usually they are salted generously and sauces and spices are added, which greatly increases the calorie content of the dish. Shrimp also contains a lot of cholesterol.

How long to cook shrimp?

Shrimp meat is tender, so you don’t need to cook the shrimp for long. Cook Atlantic (not large) shrimp for 2 - 3 minutes.

King and tiger shrimps are cooked for 3 - 5 minutes. If you overcook the shrimp, the meat will taste a little rubbery. Properly cooked shrimp meat “melts in your mouth.”

Shrimps that have already been previously cooked and then frozen (these are most often sold in stores and are pink in color) should be cooked for no more than 1-3 minutes after boiling.

Some manufacturers of boiled and frozen shrimp advise preparing them this way: “Pour hot water over the shrimp, salt and add spices to taste. After a few minutes, drain the water and you can serve the shrimp. Do not cook, as when cooked, the shrimp meat loses its quality and taste. "

Cook previously uncooked (red) shrimp, such as king prawns, for no more than 10 minutes.

How to cook shrimp

Boiling is the easiest way to cook shrimp. In addition to the shrimp themselves, we need: 1-2 lemons and spices.

Place frozen shrimp in a colander. Then rinse with running water under the tap. Cold or warm, but not hot. During this process, the ice crust will be washed off, the dirt and shrimp will thaw.

While the shrimp are thawing, put a pan of water on the stove.

Select the size of your shrimp boiler pan depending on how many shrimp you have. You need about 2.5 times more water in volume so that the shrimp are covered with water and “swim” freely in it. The water should be lightly salted and brought to a boil.

In general, the set of spices for cooking shrimp can be different. The most common one consists of salt and lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half into water; if the lemon is small, you can squeeze out the whole thing.

So, water with spices and lemon juice boiled. Now put the shrimp in the water.

Cooking time after the water boils with shrimp is 1 - 3 minutes for already boiled shrimp and 5-7 minutes for fresh frozen ones.

When choosing the time for cooking, focus on the size of the shrimp; the smaller they are, the faster they will cook. Cooked shrimp float to the surface. If they all float to the surface, they're done - turn off the heat.

For those who especially love spices, we can offer the following composition for preparing the broth in which the shrimp will be cooked:

Cloves 4-5 pieces, bay leaf 1 medium, black peppercorns 4 pieces, allspice peas 1-2 pieces, ½ lemon cut into 4 parts, a head of unpeeled garlic - washed and cut into 4 parts, 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste or paprika, crushed into powder 1 teaspoon, lightly salt.

Place all the spices immediately before the water boils, and lower the shrimp as soon as it boils.

You can determine the readiness of the shrimp by the color of the shell; it becomes slightly transparent, and they will also float to the surface. There is no need to cook the shrimp for too long, otherwise their meat will become “rubbery”, like the meat of squid squid.

Shrimp with cooked meat float to the surface. After cooking, place the shrimp in a colander and allow the water to drain.

If, after cooking, the shrimp are immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes, it will be easier to separate the meat from the shell and remove the intestines. But in cold water they will cool down.

Then put the shrimp in a deep cup and season with the juice of half a lemon and one tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and carefully so as not to damage the shrimp and place it on a serving dish.

A little more about shrimp

1. Shrimp meat contains calcium and protein, and is considered a low-calorie dish (70 kcal). Shrimp are rich in cholesterol.

2. In stores now, shrimp are most often sold boiled and frozen, so it makes no sense to cook them for a long time. Overcooked shrimp lose their juicy flavor and become unpleasantly rubbery.

3. Shrimp can be cooked in a microwave oven with the addition of a small amount of water - then the shrimp will be cooked in their “own juice”.

More about cooking shrimp

The main method of preparing shrimp is boiling. You can peel shrimp from their shells both before and after cooking. If the shrimp are boiled in the shell, then prepare 4% salted water (40 g, or 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water), and without the shell - 2%. For one part of shrimp, use 2-3 parts of water.

Shrimp should be placed in an already boiling broth with spices and not cooked for long, then they will not give all the flavor to the water.

But, if you want the broth to be tasty, then put the shrimp in cold water, heat it up together and cook longer.

How to cook shrimp in a double boiler

Sprinkle the shrimp with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, and place in a steamer container. Place lemon slices on top and steam for 15 minutes.

How to cook shrimp in a slow cooker

Place washed shrimp in a slow cooker, sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices, stir. Set the multicooker to “Baking” mode and cook for 20 minutes. There is no need to add water to the multicooker.

How to cook shrimp in a pressure cooker

Place the washed shrimp in a pressure cooker pan, add salt and pepper, add a small amount of water and cook for 1 minute in the “Frying seafood” mode.

How to cook shrimp with bay leaf

Add 1 bay leaf and salt to boiling water. Then throw in the shrimp and cook until done.

How to cook tiger prawns with garlic and soy sauce

Tiger shrimps - 10 pcs.; soy sauce 2 teaspoons; coriander (root) 2 pcs.; oyster sauce - 1 teaspoon; chopped garlic - 1 tbsp. spoon; finely chopped green onion - 1 tbsp. spoon; pepper - 1 pinch; garlic sauce - 1 teaspoon.

After removing the shell from the shrimp bodies (the head and tail should remain), cut the bodies lengthwise and fan them out. Place the shrimp in boiling water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, then place on a plate. Mix garlic, coriander root with soy and oyster sauce. Place the resulting mass on the shrimp meat.

Before serving, garnish the dish with thin slices of tomatoes and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.

How to cook shrimp with adjika

In boiling water, add dry adjika, a whole onion, salt, red pepper and 1-2 bay leaves to taste (in any case, just a little). Curry-based sauce goes very well with cooked shrimp.

How to cook shrimp in beer

700 g shrimp, 2 bay leaves, 2 allspice peas, 4 black peppercorns, 2 tbsp. salt, 300 ml beer.

Add salt and spices to boiling water, add beer and after boiling, throw in the shrimp. After the next boil, cook for about 5 minutes. Consume immediately.

How to cook shrimp with lemon

1 kg of shrimp, 1/4 lemon, 1-2 bay leaves, 1-2 allspice peas, black pepper, dill, parsley, salt - to taste.

Place lemon, bay leaf, allspice, black pepper, dill, parsley, and salt into cold water. When the water boils, add shrimp and cook until tender.

How to cook shrimp in sour cream

1/2 kg of boiled shrimp, 250 g of sour cream, 50 g of butter, salt, pepper, parsley - to taste.

Peel the shrimp, salt and sprinkle with pepper. Separately, melt the butter in a ceramic or enamel pan, add sour cream, mix thoroughly. Heat the resulting mixture over low heat and add chopped parsley.

Throw shrimp into a very hot but not boiling sauce and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Recipe. Boiled shrimp in milk sauce with onions

500 g frozen shrimp, 1 tbsp. chopped dill.

For the sauce: 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, 3-4 tsp. butter, 1-2 tsp. flour, 3 medium onions, salt, pepper - to taste.

Allow frozen shrimp to thaw in air or water and rinse. Then place the prepared shrimp in salted boiling water (they should be completely covered with water), to which dill and salt have been added in advance. For 1 liter of water take approximately 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt.

Cook the shrimp until they float to the surface and take on a bright orange color (usually 3-5 minutes from boiling). Remove the shrimp from the heat and leave in the hot broth for 15-20 minutes to make them more juicy and tasty.

Prepare milk sauce with onions. To do this, the onion must be finely chopped and fried so that its color does not change.

Add a little water to the fried onions and simmer until tender in a saucepan with a lid. Lightly fry the flour without oil, dilute with hot milk, combine, stirring continuously, with the stewed onion. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Then add salt and pepper to taste, bring to a boil and season with oil.

When serving, place the shrimp on a plate, pour the sauce over them and garnish with herbs. Serve hot.

Based on materials from:

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))

Mar 6 2014


Shrimp meat is a delicate delicacy, so you need to cook it quickly, otherwise the product may spoil. Small Atlantic specimens are boiled for 1.5-2 minutes, large royal or tiger specimens - up to 3 minutes. You can’t overcook seafood, otherwise it will lose its tenderness and become viscous and “rubbery” in taste.

Recipe for Unpeeled Frozen Shrimp

  • Time: 3 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The easiest way to cook unpeeled frozen shrimp. They are sold in bags or briquettes half-finished, so all you have to do is boil water and pour them into a pan. The cooking time will take only 3 minutes, but the seafood will turn out delicious.


  • shrimp – 1 kg;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • lemon – ½ fruit.

Cooking method:

  1. Place seafood in a colander and rinse under running water.
  2. Salt the water, boil, squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  3. Throw the shrimp into boiling water, wait until they float to the surface and the shell becomes transparent.
  4. Drain in a colander, place in a bowl, season with oil, lemon juice, and pink pepper.

Boiled in beer

  • Time: 5 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Difficulty: easy.

It’s delicious to boil shrimp in beer. This is an original recipe for a snack for a foamy drink. In addition to beer, you can add various spices to the cooking marinade to make the meat slightly spicy and very aromatic. By choosing a light beer, you can get a light bready taste, while choosing a dark beer, you will get a rich malty taste.


  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • shrimp – half a kilo;
  • black pepper – 6 peas;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • beer - glass;
  • butter – 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour beer over seafood, place over medium heat, add spices, salt and pepper.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Melt the butter and serve with it.

Argentine with garlic

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Difficulty: medium.

To cook shrimp deliciously, you need garlic. It goes best with large-sized Argentine langoustines. Before cooking, you need to clean the seafood from the esophagus - cut along the back and wash with water: this will eliminate any possible bitterness.


  • shrimp – 1 kg;
  • lemon – ½ fruit;
  • garlic – 10 pcs.;
  • pepper – 15 peas;
  • salt – 15 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Take water, add garlic cloves, salt and pepper.
  2. Boil, add seafood, cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Before serving, sprinkle with lemon juice. Best served on lettuce leaves.

Multicooker recipe

  • Time: 5 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The recipe for boiled shrimp involves using not only a saucepan or stewpan, but also a slow cooker. For a delicious dish you will need different spices. They will highlight the taste of the meat, making it spicy, aromatic, spicy and tender. It is better to take medium-sized specimens.

Lately, shrimp have become extremely popular. They can increasingly be found on the menus of expensive restaurants and ordinary beer establishments. People not only realized the benefits of these humble mollusks, but also appreciated their delicate, unique taste. Typically, shrimp are sold raw or boiled in retail chains. As a rule, they are consumed as food. They are used for preparing salads or as a simple meal. Boiled shrimp pulp should simply melt in the mouth, so the heat treatment process is considered the most important point.

Cooking shrimp is not very difficult. It takes a little time. But the clams need to be defrosted first. And this must be done correctly so as not to spoil the taste of the final product. The main rule of defrosting is that you should never rush. Do not put frozen shrimp in the microwave or in a container of hot water. This can only lead to loss of flavor and all nutritional properties. There's no need to rush. Natural defrosting will take a little longer, but you will be completely sure that your product will retain everything you bought it for.

Once the clams are defrosted, you can start cooking them. But boiling shrimp does not mean throwing them in, as is customary to do with other products. The cooking technology here is completely different. The procedure takes place in 4 stages:

  1. Boil the required amount of water.
  2. Add salt and spices that you deem necessary. Typically, black peppercorns and bay leaves are used as such.
  3. The shrimp are dipped into the prepared solution for 3 or 4 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave them in hot water for another 15 minutes so that they can soak in the spices.
  4. The finished shrimp are removed from the water with a slotted spoon and used for their intended purpose.

The principle is quite simple, but here it is also necessary to take into account the size of the mollusks. Small ones cook faster. Larger shrimp need to be cooked a little longer, about 5-6 minutes. Otherwise the procedure remains the same. After boiling, the cooled product can be used as the main component for salads or simply eaten with beer, savoring the aromatic drink with tender and juicy meat.

Sometimes shrimp are sold live. Here you need to make sure that all the mollusks are really alive. They must move freely and not arouse suspicion among the buyer. In this case, there is no need to defrost them. Cooking is carried out as usual.

Frozen clams (depending on the species) may have a black, brown or gray shell. Under no circumstances should they be covered with a layer of snow. This confirms the fact that the product was stored incorrectly or was defrosted repeatedly for no reason. It is better not to buy such a product. The aroma of the product will be partially lost. And you are unlikely to get tender meat from such semi-finished products.

Sometimes packages contain red, pink or orange specimens. This means that they are ready to eat. There is no need to cook shrimp of this color. You just have to defrost them, and then you can safely eat them. But you will not feel tenderness and aroma in them. Therefore, even if you come across boiled shrimp, it is better to process them. Make a solution of salt and spices in boiling water and pour it over the defrosted product for 10 minutes. The spices will do their job, and the shrimp will seem much tastier to you.

There is another important factor in nature that must be taken into account. Depending on their habitat, shrimp are:

  1. Tiger or royal, which live in warm bodies of water.
  2. Atlantic, which live in the cold waters of the ocean.

Here it is important to clearly distinguish how much to cook and how much to cook from individuals living in the sea. Warm-water mollusks are larger and require longer heat treatment. They need to be cooked for 4 minutes. While smaller marine specimens need to be kept in boiling water for no more than 2 minutes. Readiness can be easily determined by the change in color of the pulp. In addition, the shell of the mollusk becomes more transparent.

Nowadays, large tiger shrimps are often found in retail outlets. They can be quickly prepared and added to the table as a tender and flavorful dish. To prevent the product from turning out like rubber, you need to clearly understand the rule on how to cook tiger shrimp. There is nothing complicated here:

  1. To begin with, we select a fresh frozen product of good quality in the store.
  2. Then we wash the frozen shellfish so that foreign debris does not accidentally get into the dish.
  3. Now boil water in a separate container and add salt to it. The amount of salt depends on the degree of purification of the product. If shrimp are cooked without shell, then a 20% saline solution is made. If tiger prawns are cooked in the shell, then the concentration of the solution should be twice as high. This is almost 2 full tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Add the necessary seasonings and spices to taste. This could be bay leaf, dill, peppercorns, parsley, garlic. Everything you want according to your taste.
  5. Place the shrimp in the boiling solution and wait until they float to the surface.
  6. From this moment, measure from 5 to 7 minutes (depending on the size of the product) and turn off the heat.
  7. We rinse the shrimp under cold water and then remove the shell and entrails.

Now the product is completely ready for use. It can be eaten whole or used to make delicious salads. You are guaranteed a lot of pleasant sensations and benefits for the body.